Yasir Qadhi – Beliefs Compared, Weak Hadiths, Udhiya, Cryptocurrency Q&A #2

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to cryptocurrencies, including the impact of cryptocurrencies on society, the use of cryptocurrencies in various political and political events, and the potential for cryptocurrencies to be used in political events. They also mention the potential for cryptocurrencies to be used in political events and the potential for cryptocurrencies to be used in political events.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello all, VA.

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I have received over 120 questions in the last week I cannot do all of them I chose for the matcha Allah. So began the first one. Somebody emailed, I'm not going to ever mention it was was always anonymous, somebody emailed that somebody in his office said to him that your version of Mohammed sysm is like our version of Jesus. What is the difference? You have to believe in Mohammed says him to be saved. We believe in Jesus to be saved. You have to go through Mohammed sysm. To get to your God, we go through Jesus to get to God the Father. We believe in the intercession of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we to believe in Jesus interceding for us what is the difference is

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the same thing. So the brother said, How do I explain to my non Muslim colleague, and the response is that the difference between their version of Isa and our prophets of Salaam is the difference between God and man. There is no similarity whatsoever. We believe that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is separate and distinct from Allah. They believe that Jesus is God and God is Jesus. They believe their theology is that the Trinity each one of them is equally coexistent as God, each one of them is eternal. Each one of them they have all powers, they are not three separate entities. God the Father is God the Son is the Holy Spirit. So for us, the prophet system is created, not the

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creator. For them. Jesus is the Creator. And of course, they say he has a divine nature and they created nature. For us, the prophets are some is mortal, and Allah is eternal and immortal. And for them, Jesus is immortal as well. For us the prophecy of Saddam is not all powerful. It is Allah who is either Khalifa and Claudio. And for them, Jesus is, in fact, all powerful. The main point psychologically, theologically, every blessing that our Prophet sallallahu Sallam has, it is gifted to him by Allah, He did not acquire it himself, every blessing that he has, Allah gave it to him, whereas the Christian version of theology is that Jesus has that internally, inherently, no one else

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gifted it to him, he himself is all powerful and all knowledgeable. So we believe every Fidella every further, every merit that are prophecies and I'm has the English word is it is contingent means it is upon Allah to give it and then to execute it. Otherwise, the prophet sysm himself is not the Hadik he doesn't say quickfire goon and therefore, the shafa of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is conditional, not unconditional. This is a very important point. The shefa of the Prophet system is conditional means he has the right to ask, it is up to Allah to accept or to not accept. And this is very explicit. There is no Mahalo. No mas flu that has the right to demand something

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from Allah and Allah must give it to him. Otherwise, if there were such a Mahalo, that muscle becomes the ROB biller. Impossible, and that's why Allah says in the Quran, only Allah He shefa to gemmy. All shafa belongs to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, as Allah says in the Quran, wala Yash for owner in Lima Nero Tada. No one can intercede except if Allah is pleased with an AYATUL kursi what is the phrase and Atul corsi.

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Manda ladyish for India who Ellerbee isn't he see here is the point. And we will learn in the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari that the Prophet SAW Selim will say that I will prostrate in front of the throne, then Allah azza wa jal will say yeah, Muhammad SAW some Irrfan rasa Ishfaq to show for itself. So Allah will give him permission, make your shofar. Then this hadith in Bukhari, the prophets Assam said, failure hood duly had done, Allah will demarcate for me a group of people and Allah will say, make sure for our for them. So I will make sure for our for them that Allah will accept the Shiva

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who chose this group,

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So what then is the point of the prophets Assam Shiva, it is an honor. It is an honor to him. Allah azza wa jal is showing how much he loves the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but in the end of the day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even if until he is offered on mahalo cod and crumble mahalo cod and say you don't Imam and Musa

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In Sierra Leone more and more saline still, he does not have

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the unconditional right to demand Hadith in Sahih Bukhari as well. When Abu Talib died, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let us still run laka marlim guna and garlic. I will continue to ask Allah to forgive you until Allah stops me.

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So he made Cefa for his uncle, Abu todich And Allah azza wa jal revealed in the Quran, three verses about this, of them maca and the movement and whether or not getting the money now Medina

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Omar Khanna and you're still from Omar

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Omar Canada in the De Waal Latina Amanu and yourself ruling Masha kina what oh can only orba member Dima Tobago unknown was how Bucha him It is not befitting for the prophets or some of the believers to ask Allah to forgive the pagans. Even if they are they're your relatives after it has been told to you that we should here are going to jahannam

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and Allah says in the Quran in Nicoletta demon Abdullah can Allah demon Yeshua and Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, that at the Canada coffee ribose water has certain there is a good example for you in Ebrahim in hola Ibrahim. There is one thing Ibrahim did your rasool Allah you should not follow him this is in the Quran. In Kota Ibrahim may be the suffered under luck. One thing get us will Allah don't follow Ibrahim in one thing, what is it? When Ibrahim said to his father, I will ask Allah to forgive you. So Allah says Ibrahim is a role model to your Rasul Allah by the way, no one in the Quran has been made a role model to our nervous system other than his father Ibrahim, no

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one has been made a role model to him other than our father, Ibrahim, and Allah made one exception, former Ibrahim and everything except one thing. And he mentioned in the Quran, il cola Ibrahim Ali Obi Wan Ibrahim said to his father, I will ask Allah to forgive you. He also Allah don't follow him in that. So from all of this, we learned the difference between the conception that they have of Isa and our conception of the Prophet system is the difference between the harlot and the mahalo there is no similarity whatsoever, as we know. So for those who are coming for the first time, the first question will be theological. The second question methodological, the third question legal and the

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fourth question, miscellaneous everybody wants to do something different. So the second question we have today, I have like five questions email me about this. So I'm going to summarize them that what is the ruling on using weak Hadith? This is a methodological question. What is the ruling on using but if Hadith very quickly, Hadith are categorized in many categories. For our purposes, we'll say five Main Categories you should all be aware of number one, grade eight, so here, number two, Grade B, Hudson, number three grade C bar efe number four grade D, which is what you've just done, and number five grade F fabricated fail fabricated, grade F fabricated we know for a fact the process of

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did not say it fabricated we know we're in Millia clean we know this is a candidate This is a lie. For example, the infamous fabricated Hadith seek knowledge even if you have to go to China this is fabricated the process of never uttered it we know exactly who fabricated it. So this is fabricated now. sahih Han has and the only difference between them is the quality of narrators. You know you have Grade A and you have Grade B students. They're both good they're both above average they're both passing the class with good if you get to be in a class overall you've done good you know two thumbs up or a thumb and a half up no big deal. The A students mashallah Excellent. So Hassan hadith

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is great be okay, above average. Good. Good you did you did the job. Hassan hadith is essentially an authentic hadith. And for our purposes, it is so here unless it clashes with the Sahaba in which case we get precedent society over has an otherwise great, a&b good enough now, Grade C and D, there's something called the eighth and there's something called getting it done. But if is a weak Hadith and there are over 35 reasons why a hadith can be weak. The most common one, the person in the chain is unknown, or there's a missing link a very small missing link. For example, one narrator who was born in 100 Hijra narrates from Abu Hurayrah who died in 57 Hijra. So how did the guy born

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in 100 Hijra are born in 80 Hijra here from Abu Hurayrah there is a missing link right so and this is typically an early Islam when the we weren't, you know, things were not fully codified. So this is a brief Hadith we don't know what does it mean a hadith his life? It means we are not certain. Maybe the Prophet system said it maybe he didn't. We are uncertain, though.

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I didn't, we are fairly certain that he did not say it. But it's not an intentional fabrication. It's a mistake from one of the narrator some Narrator made a mistake, somebody messed up something, but it's not a fabrication of fabrication means we know somebody intentionally lied. So what he did, then for our purposes, we throw it out the window. It's clearly an error, but it's not a fabrication. Now, the controversy comes over only category C which is life. And in a nutshell, in a nutshell, the vast majority of scholars from early Islam to medieval Islam to pre modern Islam 13th centuries of scholarship, this is so much so that many aroma even said there is a Joomla or there is

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a default of the aroma. They said about eighth Hadith. Listen to this carefully, can never be used for theology, you cannot derive aqidah from a body of Hadith, or for halal and haram. You cannot base a ruling of halal and haram from above Hadith, but the vast majority of scholars said you may use it in what is called Knuffle actions or supererogatory or forgotten or encouragement. So to encourage people to do something generically good. You may use the if Hadith and this is the explicit opinion of hundreds of aroma and there's no time to go into them, but the most famous amongst the beginning with him to humble himself. He said when we narrowed a hadith about halal and

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haram he made a fist he said shut that dinner, we make it strict. And then when we narrate Hadith about other things, he opened his hand to Sahana will make it easy. Okay, about further in to Sahana he made it easy. This is Mr. Muhammad Muhammad Ali bin Abdullah and Imam unknowing in his famous commentary on a book of the sciences of Hadith Roboto had been one of the most famous commentaries of the books of Hadith Ibn Salah has called even salah he wrote a book about Hadith and the science of Hadith Imam and nobody commented on it. And in it, he says, there is consensus of dilemma. In other words, he didn't have any difference of opinion, there is consensus of the AMA, that a weak

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Hadith may be used, as long as some conditions are met. Number one, it is used in football in which is, as we said, encouraging good things or talking about generically something bad and everybody knows this bad. But a hadith comes with a specific reward or a specific, you know, punishment, we may use that number to that it is not how long and how long, it is not theology, and then some have added number three, that the one who narrates the Hadith should tell the audience that it is a weak Hadith now, and number three is some of them I didn't accept, it has to be done. In any case, this had been the famous methodology for outmost of Islam, however, many later scholars began to be very

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lacks, and they began using by Jude then maybe even fabricated a hadith, and it became something very common, especially after, you know, let's say medieval times. So let's say from around 901,000, Hijrah the science of Hadith, there really was no great great Mujaddid to come in the sciences of Hadith. So scholars became very lacks, if it's found in some book somewhere, we can quote it. And this led to a counter reaction. What was that counter reaction? And by the way, you know, Newton's law, what is Newton's law? For every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction, right. So there's also something in Islamic theology. For every extremism, there is always an equal and

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opposite counter extremism. Take this as a rule of thumb throughout Islamic history. Every time one group did one thing extreme, another group does another thing to counter it in an extreme manner, and we cannot react emotionally, we are unmet and Wasaga. But this is human nature. It is human history. And we see this by the way across the board in every issue, in any case, thinking about governments and whatnot, and you see what's going on in the extremists. Human extreme is there and anyway, so the point being that when this extreme laxity came, one of our great scholars of the previous generation, Sheikh Mohammed Nasir Deen al Bernie May Allah azza wa jal exalt his record

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forgives him since he died in 1999. And there is no question and even his critics agree that Chef cuddle bunny really revived the love of the sciences of Hadith and the love of being meticulous. Where did the Hadith come from? who narrated it? Where did you get it from? What's your source? Even his critics acknowledge that he did a lot to revive the love of the sciences of Hadith. So Shia Fidel, Bonnie was somebody whom Allah wrote a lot of love for a lot of acceptance for and in his love for Hadith. He began propagating a view that some have said, no one be

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For him ever said, and that is that if Hadith should never be used for anything, and we should treat them essentially as if they are fabricated for practical purposes, they might as well be fine. He didn't say they are fabricated. He said we treat them as if they're legit then as if their existence or non existence is the same. And he did this because he loved the Sunnah He did this because he thought he wants to purify the Sunnah from anything that might be 5050, doubtful. And Allah wrote for him a lot of love, and his students took this and they began spreading a very, very, very strict position, no doubt, if Hadith ever for anything so much. So they began saying this is the dominant

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position of early Islam. And they began saying this is the opinion of Imam Al Bukhari, Imam Muslim of Ibn Taymiyyah of so and so on. They began listing a long list of people and with my utmost respect, this is a mistake to claim those people said this about dive Hadith, and the simple reality is the greatest scholar of Hadith Imam Al Bukhari, the single greatest scholar of Hadith Imam Al Bukhari, he wrote 22 books of Hadith of them we have still existed around 12 are still existent. In every one of them. Without exception he used live Hadith except one and that is his sahih.

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And so even Imam Al Bukhari and no one can accuse him of not loving the Sunnah, and no one can accuse him of not knowing Sahaba and Hassan and life in every single book of his, along with the Imam Muslim imam Muslim wrote a number of books he wrote Kitab with tummies and he wrote his mocha Dima in his other books in my Muslim himself has had the that are slightly weak. And of course, he knows they're weak because they're not in his life. He purposely did not put them in his slide. So Imam Al Hadi wanted to give you the creme de la creme grade eight, this is my sorry, but he fully understood that it is permissible to use the if Hadith for broader things. And the same goes for

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even Taymiyah his books and I have read hundreds of volumes of Bin Salman everybody knows this, that even Taymiyah used life Hadith all the time, not for FIP not for theology, but for any blessings and whatnot this is well known. So with my utmost respect to this later school, and I know some people are very sensitive about this, but please read and do your research with mana, I graduated from the College of Hadith and I myself used to say once upon a time 25 years ago, we should only use it and use it but when you study when you learn and when you see then you realize this position is really a new one and the classical position is the one that the vast majority of us and so it should be used

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properly we use the Imam and know who is conditions and that is you do not use it for haram and halal. You do not use it for theology, you use it only to encourage generic good. Let me give you some basic examples of life Hadith that are used and why should we not use them? For example and Sunnah Tirmidhi we have a life Hadith Why is your life one of the narrator's we don't know much about him. He's just a name. We don't know much about him. The eighth hadith is that on the Day of Judgment, the half of the Quran will come and he will make Cefa out for 10 people from his family members, he will give Shiva for 10 people, another guy in fact, it's also in Timothy that on the

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Judgment Day, the half of the Quran will come and his parents will have a crown of light because of their son because of their son or daughter that they've done here to him. Now these are Hadith are life. Let me ask you.

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Is it Islamic to memorize the Quran? Yes or no?

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Yes. Okay, now we understand. So what if we quote in Suzanna told me the there is this hadith that anyone who memorizes the Quran, his parents will have a targe will have a crown that Allah would that the angels will place on them and they will be recognized that my son, my daughter, was half of the Quran. Is there any harm in encouraging parents to want to gain this? What is the negative? And that's what the vast majority of scholars have said that okay, the concept of memorizing the Quran it's not being proven from the IDF. Because if it was only the Hadith, well, then we're in trouble. Where are we getting it from? And so when those live had did that, with are proving something new

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new Fick new halal, new haram, that might be problematic, but it's generically known everybody should memorize the Quran. But if Hadith comes and gives you a certain blessing, that might not be found anywhere else. What do we lose? Because remember this point, brief Hadith? Maybe the process Lim said it and maybe he didn't. So put your trust in Allah and be brutally honest, I'm happy. I pray insha Allah Allah puts dodge on my parents on Judgment Day Wallahi I pray like this, why can't wait why can't we have that good intention of Allah what do we lose by encouraging the generic good when people follow the if Hadith with the caveat, as we said, we do

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do not derive haram and halal by unanimous consensus. So that in a nutshell is the issue of life had the third question we have for questions today. The third question a lot of people ask me because it is the season what is the ruling for old payer, what is the ruling for qurbani? Old here, old here of course is the sacrifice that is done in order to please Allah subhana wa Tada during the days of sacrifice, and it begins from the Fajr of the 10th of Dhul Hijjah or technically from praying read Salah because he has done after it Salah so from the Eid salah of the 10th of Dhul Hijjah all the way up until before Maghrib of the 13th of the ledger, according to one opinion. And according to

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the other opinion up until about the 12th of the ledger, there is a bit of a controversy what are the days that you can sacrifice in and one opinion is up until the 30th Day and the one that probably most of you are aware of is up until the 12th day of Maghrib right before Margaret and sacrificing is one of the greatest actions of worship during these days. And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran for so Lydia, Rebecca 100 and even Abbas said this idea is about old hair on the days of hedge for solid or backup one house and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sacrificed every year and one year the Sahaba said yeah rasool Allah what is the sacrifice for he

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said sunnah to Abiko Ibrahim. This is the sunnah of our father Ibrahim. So they said O Messenger of Allah, what is the blessing of the sacrifice? He said, For every hair on the animal, you shall get a good deed for every hair on the animal you shall get a good deed. And Abdullah bin Omar said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spent 10 years in Medina every year he made an old beer every year without exception. He made an old here, by the way, it is called Old here from Doha Salah to Doha, because typically the old player is done in the early morning. And that's why old here means in the early morning, so a lot to do. And Doha is early morning where Shamcey will Doha so old here

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typically is done early morning, but it is not a condition by unanimous consensus. You can do old prayer at midnight we're not going to be very smart by doing that. But still no problem. You want it done at midnight, go for it, it can be done but typically when you're done early morning, that's why it is called Old here. And

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you may use any large domesticated animal these are called behemoth in the Arabic language cows camels, sheeps goats, lambs, and each one has particular characteristics. There is no need for this open q&a to go into advanced animals. If somebody's in Peru, let them ask can we do a llama or not otherwise, for our purposes, if you have a llama, then let's take a look at it rather than eat its meat. No problem in sha Allah, but these are the standard animals that our scholars have mentioned. Now the big controversy over here. Everybody agrees it's good to do the big controversy in a nutshell. Is it wajib or is it sunnah and the Hanafi madhhab. As all of us from India Pakistan

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Bangladesh know says that okay is

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watching and that is why in our country's mashallah Tabata Kala, the streets flow with blood during this season, most of our brothers from that land or not to wear that in Arab lands, it's not as blood flowing, because in the sharper image and the humble image and the more attended of the Maliki madhhab the old here is not obligatory. So the three madhhab say, well, here is strong sunnah. And the Hanafi say old here is what wajib but for whom for the one who can financially afford by unanimous consensus, the one who is poor does not have to do with if you cannot afford it is forgiven, but the Hanafi say for the one who can afford it, then they must do it. And I'm not going

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to go into the evidences on both sides because a very big detail and inshallah whatever you follow up is fine, but I just want to mention one Hadith in Timothy actually, it's a statement from ibn Umar Radi Allahu Allah and a man came to me and Omar, and he said, Oh, even Omar is older here logic or not.

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Oh, Ibn Omar is older here. wajib are not. Ibn Omar said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performed the old Haier and so did the Muslims.

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The man said, Don't you understand my question? I'm asking you, is it wajib? I'm not asking what he did. So Ibn Omar said, and don't you understand my answer? The Prophet system did and the Muslims did.

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A Timothy commented on this, and he said, and this hadith is the action of the learner in that the org here is not worship, but it is a sunnah from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and people should do it. So if an Omar didn't want to get technical, the man thing is it wajib isn't wajib

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isn't why Jim almost said look the process and did it the process and did it the process and did it and from this emember tell me the and the majority of Gulaba as I said the three methods and more than them in fact most of the Sahaba is authentically narrated

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in the Sunnah and others authentically narrated that Abu Bakr and Omar and Ibn Omar and even Abbas and a number of Sahaba occasionally did not do the old AI to demonstrate to the people that it is not obligatory, but it is Sunnah and it is strong sunnah and it is strongly encouraged. And for the Hanafi madhhab, to be a little bit more advanced, most of the muda have divided things into five categories and that is followed or wajib and then sunnah, and then MOBA and then mcru and then haram, but the Hanafi is have seven categories. And they make a distinction between fuddled and wajib. And they put the old hire in the wardrobe not the fault. So they even they they don't put old

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here in the highest category, they make it one level below and the other mothers they say well the air is strong sooner. So the difference between the Hanafis and the other method is very close to each other because of the technical issues the bottom line, if you can afford to do it Bismillah no problem okay, as well in the Hadith in Sahih Muslim our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encourage people to eat some to give some and to give charity with some so from this some some some the majority of scholars therefore said it is Musa have to divide into three categories is not watching it is Mr have to divide into three categories give to the full Quran a good amount give to

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your family and friends a good amount and mashallah have a feast and invite me as well and have a good amount as well no problem insha Allah as well. Hadith of Jabra the Allah who reported as a Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we performed Hajj with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we sacrificed a camel on behalf of seven people and a cow on behalf of seven people Hadith in Sahih Muslim therefore from this we derive that the old hair of a camel suffices. Seven and not one, as well. Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performed the oath here she said for himself and for his family, which means for every family, there is one

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old here, you do not have to have five sheep if you have mashallah three children and you and your wife, you don't have to have five sheep, one sheep or one goat or one lamb for all or one family, one seven, Abba, which animal

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cow or camel but we're in Texas, so we have to add

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them buffalo in Texas buffalo, maybe Long Horn, the steer the beds, that's also one seven. So if all seven families come together, doesn't matter if you have zero kids, one kid 10 Kids, each family should try to do one old here, whether it's wajib almost to have already explained between the but I have the final point I will tell you is that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said once the 10 I shall begin I shall not do hedger whoever wants to perform the old here, let him not trim the nails or the hair. Now, this is not to the level of the headin, that's for the Hajaj, it is to the level of macro, macro, try to not do it. It's if you do there is no sin and there is no Cafaro you

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don't have to give in feed 10 People are going free a slave or some nothing like that. If you do you are not like the who judge the judge have a penalty if they shave or trim or whatnot. But the medulla hate the one who's giving the load here. There is no penalty, but it is not sooner it is Makrooh you should avoid it as well. The one who is required not required the one who is encouraged to do this is the one who's paying for the old area, not the family members of the mobile Hey, so the one who is paying for the old here. Why? Because our Prophet system did not tell his women and the children in the household. He did not tell them anything what to do. He said whoever is going to

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do the old prayer lead that person so the one who's paying for the old that's the ruling for 10 days, try your best why? So that you get to the spirit of the project. That's all that it is you feel like you're participating in the in the hajj. This is not for the * himself to * himself. If he's doing Tama tour between the camera and tawaf, they will trim and whatnot no problem. The * himself has a different way. But the one not doing that. Is that okay, fourth and final question. Fourth and final question miscellaneous. Today we have one of the cutting edge questions to people ask me Marshall. That's about a cola. What is the Islamic ruling on crypto currencies?

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What is the Islamic ruling on crypto currencies? So,

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crypto currencies are

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are a new form of decentralized commodities. And the point of cryptocurrencies is to be a type of currency that is not backed by a government. It's not backed by a known institution. It's not backed by the banks. And it is created by groups of people that generally speaking are not too sympathetic to banks and governments. And of course, the first and most famous cryptocurrency is created by the Japanese Satoshi or obviously not an actual name. It's his pseudonym. And he created of course, the famous Bitcoin and from the success of Bitcoin, there were some people who became multimillionaires by investing $1,000 $1,000 And they became you know, multi multimillionaires after 10 years. So when

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Bitcoin went up so the bitcoin is the most famous example of cryptocurrency, it opened the door for not hundreds 1000s of different crypto currencies. So last year, the fifth Council of North America

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dedicated a significant amount of time to talk about cryptocurrencies in our meeting and our annual meeting, and we went over this issue in a lot of detail and by unanimous consensus we issued a fatwa. To be more precise we will be issuing a fatwa within a week or two but the photo has been finalized. I have drafted the initial draft is just going to be circulated amongst other members and then released in shallow to other maybe by next month after hedge but it is unanimous we all agree crypto currencies first Firstly, our factoids about Bitcoin only not about all of the currencies because every currency has its own ruling. The general ruling is that we did not find any reason to

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prohibit cryptocurrency, and therefore it remains at the default and the default is that everything is halal, unless proven otherwise. Memorize the simple principle My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, when it comes to more omelets,

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when it comes to eating and drinking and interactions with money and walking around and whatever you want to do, everything is halal. Unless the Sharia says It is haram. So if two people are debating, is it halal to drink water from a plastic bottle or not? One person says it's halal. The other person says It's haram. Who needs to bring the evidence?

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The one who says It's haram the one who says is halal does not need to prove anything. Everything is halal. Unless the evidence is that it is haram is that clear? So we looked at every single criticism of cryptocurrency and we looked at a number of fatawa committees around the globe. Some of them said It is haram. Some of them said it is Hello. And we looked at this in detail. And from us in North America, we concluded that none of them raised objections to the level that it makes it haram. So they said for example, there is no value to cryptocurrency. And the response to this is value is relative value is relative. And you Subhanallah you asked me i Yesterday I saw in my newsfeed an

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original used Nike shoes from 1973 or something sold for you remember the price

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$250,000 Like an old, crappy used Nike shoes. You look at it and my nose would wrinkle up. Why would you want to buy this? But it's a collector's item. Because it's the original made by the guy in 1970. Whatever, right? It's a collector's item. I don't see any value in an old shoe

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at all, but some people do. And they think it's an investment to make. Okay, so many of us we might have corals in our house, we might purchase corals for $50 $100. You go to the Pacific Island, and you give them this. What is this? It's right there outside our house. Why would we take money for this? This is free for us. Value is relative, what you find valuable others find values relative they said of the objections, they said there's no government that backs it, their responses, you don't need to have a government to have some so all of these we looked at every objection after the other and we came to the conclusion there is no issue that will make cryptocurrencies haram in

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general and Bitcoin specifically we looked at and we said it is halal to mine it it is halal to invest in it and buy and trade in it, but the value of fiat currency will apply to cryptocurrency which means spot trades must occur you must trade it on the spot value right then and there. When you purchase you get your money back. You cannot just delay and have an unknown value. Just like if I exchange dollars for pounds. If I exchange rupees for liras it has to be done instantaneously yet then b. So to cryptocurrencies must be done immediately you cannot have a transaction that is delayed and we concluded the photo by saying that even though

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We say that it is halal. Still, there seems to be a gray area and especially in terms of safety in terms of wisdom, we as the fifth Council, it's not our job to give investment advice. But we do agree with those investors who said do not invest in Kryptos more money than you're willing to lose, because the Muslim is not foolish, and we should not spend our money foolishly, but the base ruling cryptocurrencies, and in particular Bitcoin that we looked at is halal. As for every cryptocurrency we have to go look at that, but generally speaking, the major ones Bitcoin Litecoin, the ones that everybody knows about these generic cryptocurrencies that are famous and are already established,

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there's nothing in the Sharia to prohibit them yet we caution that people should not be foolish because Allah wants us to preserve our wealth, and with that, inshallah Tada We conclude today's q&a Tomorrow we'll have a regular halacha between miserable Aisha the signs of Judgement Day, then I will be going for hedge so two weeks know how often that will resume inshallah Inshallah, who to either after that, Kamala Harris and I'm not going to lie

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