Yasir Qadhi – Ask Shaykh YQ #107 – How Do We Understand The Hadith Regarding The Prohibition of Plucking The Eyebrows

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the tension between opinion and reality, with different people having different ways of understanding the rule. They also discuss the tension between Islam and modernity, with the speaker emphasizing the importance of not practicing the goddamn act until the bottom quarter. The conversation also touches on the use of "has no bearing" in the context of "has no bearing" and the "has no bearing" phrase, as well as the "has no bearing" phrase and the "has no bearing" phrase. The speakers emphasize that it is not a problem for women to claim their own shaping or opinion, but rather a consequence of the culture of "beautification."
AI: Transcript ©
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In today's q&a, we have sister Israel from Australia, emailing and saying that how do we understand the Hadith regarding the prohibition of plucking of the eyebrows? And the fact that our last curse is on this? And is there any exception for this rule?

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Send me Kobe, Nick.

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No, he him first COO,

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So this Hadith, or this question, actually, I'm actually going to spend a good amount of time discussing it, not because of the issue itself, but we're going to use this as a case study, because it's very important that we understand some of the reasons why our scholars differ. And so today, I will actually be going into a lot of detail to demonstrate the fact that different scholars have different ways of approaching the tradition and a shallow title whichever position that you follow, there should be an understanding and an acceptance and a respect and a tolerance for other opinions out there. The Hadith in question is a hadith that is mentioned or narrated by the Allahu taala and,

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and it is reported in behati, and Muslim, and it is a much longer Hadith but the key phrase in it is that even mushroom rhodiola has been reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he cursed Lana Rasulullah sallallahu I sent him an washi much while he was still she met when he saw to Walmart and a massage that the profitsystem cursed the ladies that put on markings or tattoos, and the ones that asked for these tattoos to be put on. And the ones who enamel soft enamel sought will just translate it for now as the plucking of the eyebrows, we're going to come back to this translation, one would tend to miss a lot of those ladies that asked for their eyebrows to be to be

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plucked. Those that change the creation of Allah almost a year or two Haleakala they're changing the creation of Allah and the the liner or the the curse has been mentioned in this case, from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Lana Rasulullah. And then it has also been narrated is Latin Allahu Allah himself has cursed. So both of these narrations are found. And it isn't authentic hadith because it is mentioned in the Sahih hain. Now, as I said, Today, I'm actually going to go into quite a lot of detail because I really want to use this as a case study so that we broaden our horizons and so that we understand why and how we, our scholars have looked at these texts, and why

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there is a spectrum of opinion. In a nutshell, what we see is that really and again, I'm being a little bit simplistic for now in a nutshell, we see that there's different ways or paradigms to look at these traditions. And we can say for the purposes of our talk today, that we can categorize the scholars who looked at this tradition into two categories. The first category were those who took it at face value, who took it at its literal value, and they didn't really think about the causes, or the concerns or the reasons behind this tradition. And they simply took this and that's a valid paradigm, and they applied it without any, you know, conditions without any circumstance it is

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applied unconditionally, across the board, and this is the position that is well known. And you will find this very common on most q&a websites that answer Islam, Islamic questions and other you know, you know, scholars of that are, you know, well established in social media and and well known, it's very common to hear this position that it is completely unconditional, and there are no exceptions. And at the same time, you have another group of scholars, from the beginning of time, who looked at these traditions and they try to understand well, what is the cause or what is the reason such that we will apply this hadith one that cause exists when the reason is the same, we will apply that

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Hadith, but when the reason does not exist, then maybe the Hadith or the ruling narrated in this hadith is not going to apply. And in fact, you see this this, this tension, you see this two different paradigms. You see it even from the beginning of time. In fact, you see it in the famous incident of the Sahaba themselves. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the Sahaba to pray salata acid in the place, or the lands of the Bernal oredo. Now, this is a very interesting Hadith that really demonstrates this. I don't want to call attention because that's how it did not quite have attention amongst them. But it is a tension of understanding there wasn't an actual

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tension between them. There was a tension of understanding and it's a very, very eye opening episode in the lifetime of the prophets of the lahardee. He was sent him that demonstrates that texts

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can be understood differently. And the question of how literal Do you want to be? Or how much rationale Do you want to be that this is actually it's a very natural tension. There's nothing on Islamic, there's nothing modernistic, there's nothing that goes against our Eman in a line is messenger both of these camps equally believe in Allah and His messenger and we find them amongst the Sahaba. Now what is this story and it is a very important story. The story is that or the the incident is that

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the day that Allah subhana wa tada the same day that Allah subhana wa tada miraculously caused the Confederates to scatter Helter Skelter, the army of the Confederates, the Battle of the sub, right as you know that sandstorm came, and the morning that they woke up and they praise allotted budget and lo and behold, the entire camps have cleared 10,000 have disappeared Mashallah to botica law because Allah subhanho wa Taala has miraculously destroyed or sent the winds and caused them to disperse. So the Sahaba came back, elated, overjoyed, and they took their armor off and they went back home after one month of a siege, obviously, they need to relax, they need to recover they need

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to recuperate. Now govt and came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you have taken your armor off, realize the angels have not taken their armors off, we still have to deal with the treachery of the bundle orienta now there was a treacherous incident that they betrayed the Muslims backstab the Muslims, and they needed to be dealt with that had it not been for the miracle of Allah subhana wa Tada. The treachery of the Bernal corridor might have been fatal for the entire community. So those traders have to be dealt with. So God came and said to the Prophet sallallahu I you said them, we have not taken our armors

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off we have to deal with those people. And therefore the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wore his armor again. And he went out and he prayed a lot to keep the chronology in mind. He prayed the Lord prayer. And he announced to the gathering that basically Hurry up, go back home, change your into your your your your your military gear again, and then hasten to get to the lands of the bundle corridor, which was around an hour, two hours, let's say a walk or two hours from the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he gave that command larrieu solian hydro como la sala elaphiti benue karela. None of you should pray the answer prayer until you get to the bundle. All

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right, okay, you understand what's going on. He has prayed for her sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he's basically saying get to Bernal Cordova before selected Muslim I want you to pray you're also do not pray also with me. Do not practice it in your homes, get back home, hey sent up, arm yourself back, get on to your your camels in your horses, and you march to the new Corolla such that the goal being you arrived there before slaughter Muslim. So you will pray us sir in Bernal Corolla. And then we will deal with the traders now the announcement was made and it caused a little bit of a panic and chaos. People have to go home and tell their families and pack and you know everything has to

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happen. And by the time so the prophecies immediately left. He's ready. He's already put put his arm around him and his entourage Hello, Sam, they have left. And they're going to get to the bottom of the way before the rest. And he's waiting for the rest of them to come. Now what happens? So the the batch that leaves, right, they leave too late. They leave too late. They weren't able to get ready. They weren't prepared. It took a while. I mean, it's understandable. It took a while. And so by the time they leave, it's already past the time. It's already past awesome. And they're going towards the bundle karela. And the sun is about to set. And they're not going to catch the mother Upsala,

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sorry, they also saw that if they delay it all the way to the bundle corridor. Okay, so understand what's going on here. Let me give you a hypothetical example. Suppose the sunset was at 6pm, let's say right? And they would arrive at 7pm. It's already 530. And there is no way that they're going to be able to pray answer unless they delay it. Right. So now they have a clash. What should they do? Should they take the verbatim literal meaning of the Hadith? Do not pray answer until you reach Bernard parrilla. And so they will watch the sunset. And they will not stop for sada and they will allow their also to become other right? Because the Prophet system said do not pray until you get to

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the bottom quarter. Or do they understand the rationale? Do they understand that you know what was intended was to hurry up and to make haste and to try to get there before also, now that we were not able to do that, well then obviously we should pray outside now and then we'll pray over it when we get to the bundle Corolla. You understand this open shoulder the two scenarios right? Once again, the issue is how literal Do you want to be? Do you want to take it at face value or will you understand

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The rationale and then where the rationale does not exist, you will not apply the ruling. So, the Sahaba began to talk amongst themselves. One group said he said, we should only practice that and Bono, parada, therefore, we're not going to pre select the law. So right now, we're going to watch the sunset, and we have the opportunity to pray, but we are obeying the messenger. So the law it was set up, and we're gonna get to the Burnham corridor, and we will pray officer after market of time, right. We'll pray also, after motive time, we're going to pray awesome. And then we're going to pray for him. And the other group said, No, but that's not the intent. That's not the goal. You know,

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that's not the point of saying this. And there is a rationale. And now that that rationale is not being met, we're supposed to pray, answer, and then work our way there. Guess what happened, the Sahaba could not figure out amongst themselves one united plan, and therefore, some groups of people decided to not pray awesome. And they continued, marching on words, delaying us or until after motive. And another group they stopped and they prayed also right then and there, and they finished answer and they prayed it on time. And then they marched onwards, when both groups arrived, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rebuked neither of them, he did not make this an issue, it was

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not something that was a big deal. Oh, my God, you guys are following the sun against the sun? No, the both of them tried their best. And the both of them examine the tradition, and they reach different views. Now, this same, if you like tension, in terms of understanding the text, the same tension, it has trickled down to many of our rulings as well. Okay, the same philosophy of Okay, should we just take this and then verbatim apply it? Which is what you know, many groups do? Or should we think about the rationale. And the issue comes? Of course, you know, my position is that, that both of these groups are humbled or respected aroma, and that we should at least allow them to

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discuss and engage. The main issue comes unfortunately, which is I am opposed to this is that one of these two strands one of these two paradigms has essentially taken over or eclipsed, if you like the fatwa scene, and especially social media, especially, you know, Islam websites that are answering q&a about Islam, these types of websites, they they give positions, that they are respected in their own in their own mind. But what has happened is that a very literal sense comes that does not allow for any type of thinking through any type of rationale that in fact, even some of those scholars have that trend themselves have criticized others, one of my own teachers, chefs of entertainment a

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lot more that he would say many times he would publicly complain about the rise of literalism, divided ism is called Vahidi, the rise of literalism and the diminishing of, of understanding. And the problem comes the issue is not that one group holds this. The issue is that unlike the Sahaba, who allowed for two opinions, this group does not allow the possibility of any other view being legitimate. And this is really the problem, the problem of intolerance. The problem of if you don't agree with my literalism, you're rejecting the sooner you are against the sooner and therefore you are somebody who's going to be doomed, or Atlanta to LA or something of this nature. And another

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major problem that comes is that this group, even though they're small, and they're relatively modern, despite the fact they claim to go back to the earliest of times, the fact is that undeniably that they jump over they bypass bypass 14 centuries of scholarship, and they restrict the understanding of Islam to a small group of modern scholars have one particular land of one particular mindset that are self replicating their own views over and over again. And the problem is not in them holding the views, that's perfectly fine. The problem is them imposing that one view on the entire globe, such that anybody who contradicts their narrative is deemed to be somebody who is

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always a villa against the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this is extremism. And this is a type of narrow mindedness and dangerous mentality that, in fact, does cause a fanaticism. And it does lead to many problems of the of the oma. And then the net result, therefore, of all of this is that you do get a group of people that are very literalist, very, you know, very committed and dedicated to the interpretations of their own Ummah, and anybody who disagrees with them is deemed to be not worthy of their love or attention. And this is not good for the oma. And one of the main points in me going into this detail and talking about all of this. And in fact, my entire

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philosophy when I do these q&a, is to preach tolerance and respect of our tradition. I might have my views and I maybe will try to prove my views, you know, you know, in with passion, but if respected or the amount of other views handed the law, no problem. That's their, you know, methodology and he had

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Allah azzawajal reward them for their sincerity. Now with all of this was a prelude to this question because again, you have to understand that this group of scholars because of socio political factors, economic factors, they do dominate the waves, if you like they dominate social media they dominate, they have influenced modern discourse to the point that many Muslims don't really even know that this is a very small minority. And we have hamdulillah a very beautiful heritage and history of Islamic scholarship. So, today, I will demonstrate for you that in fact, there have been diverse opinions from the very beginning of time and the greatest Roma have actually given

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exceptions to this Hadeeth is nothing that is new, that is that is coming here. So we look first and foremost at the evidence and how it was understood in the earliest of times. Now, in this particular case, it had been Miss rhodiola one, the one who narrated the Hadith, it is very clear that he would not allow his own women to practice this, these types of things. And so he was of those basically saying the Hadith says it, let's let's just let's just practice it. Interestingly enough, our issue our mother rhodiola, why and how she is also one of the narratives of this hadith. She's also narrating this hadith as well, in one of the versions, and yet we have reported from her that she

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would allow women to pluck hair from their faces. So again, very interesting over here, it is reported in a number of earlier books, including the book of a cadet Baba will use of the student of hanifa. And also even bought all the commentary with Bahati. He mentioned this, that Buddhists have mentioned that my wife visited our Asia about the love wine half. And she asked her and my wife was a lady who loved to beautify herself. So I was how can I really this that my wife was the lady who love to beautify herself, we were newly married, she's a young lady, she wants to beautify her love herself, and she asked her to show the loved one. That is it permissible for a woman to pluck her

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eyebrows. And our issue our mother says a meal to other must authority, you may remove anything that irritates you, you don't like it as much as you want, right? You may beautify yourself as much as you want. It is also reported in the Muslim the fab the result that a woman was without a shadow of the law, why and how. And she said, a woman woman or mother of the believers, there are hairs in my face that I don't like May I plug them in order to beautify myself for my husband and our Asia once again said to her that you may get rid of anything that irritates you, and prepare for your husband, as you prepare when guests come to visit you one other ladies come and you make yourself look good.

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So then you should prepare yourself for your husband as well. In other words, you know, when you have visitors and guests coming, ladies are coming to visit you then you will look you know dignified and nice and whatnot. So I showed the love wine is saying that yes, of course you make yourself look good, and you beautify yourself for your husband. Now, here we have a very important if you like two different paradigms from the very beginning that even Massoud would not allow his own wives to do any of these things. And he is taking the basically that the literal version, which is completely allowed as we said, this is something that does exist from the time of the Sahaba and

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we have a Chateau de la Juana and she is the lady by the way and she should know better and she is the one this the the the rulings are pertaining to her and all the law that she is giving this fatwa that the lady is literally saying that I want to basically shave off or trim my eyebrows. Am I allowed to do that? And she is saying you may do that. So we find this tension, if you like, again from the there was no tension between the ocean episode or the lower? No, but I'm saying the tension in understanding this narration also from the earliest of times, a number of our scholars were wondering that the Hadith here we do need to think about this is a overall it's something that would

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not be considered let's say if the Hadith had not come about eyebrows, that generally speaking nobody would assume this to be a sin. You beautify yourself a woman is allowed to shave anybody here she wants to in fact, she's uh, she is mandated to shave, as you know certain parts of her body the man man and the woman and she may keep her hair as long or as short as she wants. She may put on any type of bangles or beautification for her husband dress up for her husband. So the question about the land of a law coming upon something like an eyebrow right and generally speaking, a last line is a very, very big deal. Unless Don is huge. Allah xojo his his eyes upon those who reject him, his

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land is upon the idol worshippers his line is upon the one who murders is in the Koran right that the one who murders that while people love Allah who Allahu Allah is on. So if we look at the sins that Allah has given the learner, these are major sins now to add eyebrows to the list. One wonders what is missing

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On, and I'm not the first one to wonder. You have, for example, the famous the great animal qaddafi, one of the great aroma of the Maliki method. He writes in his book, The hero that he mentioned this hadith. And he says that, you know, I haven't seen the scholars of the Maliki Sunday shaffir is discussing the reasons or the causes of why there is Lana in this in this situation, I don't understand why. Because he says that I understand that if this is a woman who is deceiving her other people in order to basically pretend that she is somebody that's more beautiful than she is when the suture comes when somebody proposes for then I understand, however, if it is for the wife for her

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husband, then there is no deception going on. And so he's like questioning that what is this? How can we understand the the liner, and another great scholar of our tradition, the great manifested in our shoe had been ashore, wrote one of the most original and amazing commentaries of the Quran, called the Hadith. And then we have an actual he writes that, as for this Hadith, of Allah's liner on these on these categories of women, he says, For me, mesh color wielu, it is something that is difficult to interpret or understand like, I don't understand why there's Latina on these things. And he says, the only interpretation that I find to be reasonable is that these characteristics were

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the characteristics of the ladies of ill repute, ie the prostitutes of that time, the ladies of ill repute of that time, and they would use these characteristics to advertise their profession that way. And

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the the famous scholar, when I showed he says that, even if the Shetty were to forbid these things, for whatever reasons, it should not reach the level of land in and of itself, this is a natural thing here. So he is basically saying that the reason why these things have been prohibited is that in those days, when a lady practice that evil profession, in order to advertise that she is that type of lady, she would have certain characteristics and of them is that she would remove her eyebrows, let's say or have them is that she would do the other things I mentioned in this Hadith, and therefore it now makes sense. ullas liner is on those ladies that are selling themselves to this

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matter, because obviously that is destroying society, destroying the moral fabric of society, that now we understand the line are coming because the liner is not on plucking a hair, the liner will be on the women that are doing that for the sake of this evil, you know, profession. So this is something that I thought had been assured says, and even though Josie also mentioned a similar comment, the famous humble is called Josie. He also mentioned something similar in this regard. And therefore we find these minima. They're trying to rationalize like, why is this thing that that has been prohibited? Again, like even as you said, If Allah had made it how long we understand, okay,

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he's how long it's his right to make it How long? Nobody can question. But then one wonders, something like this, to have the learner on it. What is causing the learner that must be something more than just plucking the eyebrow. And that's why these are odema say that the interpretation is that the learner was for this profession. And these characteristics were symbolic of that profession. This makes a lot of sense. Now, what did the fuqaha What did the scholars have to say about this issue of women plucking their eyebrows? Well, again, the men that have have different over this issue, and yes, there is no question that many odema took this hadith and they considered

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to be copy and paste and literal. And this is this is what it is. And there's no problem with that opinion. And as I will conclude there is there is no doubt there is no doubt that that is the safer opinion. There is no doubt that you're getting out of any controversy. But there have been alternative voices from the very beginning of time our mother should only allow one is the first one to set this entire paradigm. And are we going to accuse her of not following the sun in this regard. And again, the point being that we have this controversy from the very beginning of time, even if you don't agree with it, at least respected at least know that it exists, and understand that there

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are many other men who have held the other view. In fact, the great scholar, Mr. Mohammed, he had a very interesting view in this regard. Imam Ahmed said that what is prohibited is the plucking of the eyebrow, in his opinion. He said if a woman shaves it or later somebody scholar said that if she dies it, for example, says that it's no longer seen, you know, then it would be permissible so that Mr. Mohammed was asked about this as even as a halaal says, incredible. We'll go for whatever

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Mr. Mr. Mohammed that Mr. Hunter was asked that should a lady remove the hair of her eyebrows. And Mr. Mohammed said, I don't like that she plucks it. But I don't have a problem if see if she shaves it. This is the Imam of the school. Many of the later people who follow this Imam in our times they disagree or they don't mention this very fatwa from Mr. Muhammad, himself and other great humbly scholars even allowed more than this even allowed more than this. Of course even Kodama, the famous any of the great author of Mohini April quidam also mentioned that the prohibition in the Hadith is for plucking, not for shaving he says somebody if a woman wants to shave This is Allah by the way

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have to make the disclaimer here that we're talking about just the eyebrows as for any other facial hair, there should be no problem with that. So if there's any hair growing because it is not the natural default of woman is to grow isn't to not grow hair in the chin area or above the lips or what not that hair Of course it can be removed. The Hadith comes about the enamel salt, and the interpretation is that numbness is to remove the hair to pluck the hair of the eyebrows. That's how we met understood that the brain mission is to pluck the hair. And he goes this is a type of basically mutilation or whatnot and he allowed the shaving of it. Now this is Mr. Palmer's position.

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Some humbly roadmap actually allowed for more than this and of them is the great alum and the chef and the Zahid and the saint Abdul Qadir al Gilani, you've all heard of Abdul Qadir jilani what many people do not know was that he was a great on him and he was a humbly as well. And in his hernia. He says that as for the lady, then the method basically is that that she should not remove her eyebrows she should not shave her eyebrows. And then he says well tailor your jeweler her daddy Kelly zoji her hos and others have argued that it is allowed for the lady who is married to shape her eyebrows for her husband, if her husband wants her to do that. And also if that she feels that you know if

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she doesn't do so that her husband might you know turn away from her or find interest in other maybe another marriage or something and she's gonna have issues or problems in this case he says for your Judah lick the mfe human and masala hottie it is allowed for her to beautify herself by shaping her eyebrows because there is a clear benefit to be gained over here. Just like this is still this is still called a journey. Just like it is allowed for her to wear beautiful clothing and to wear good perfume and to wear the most expensive garments or primary or whatnot and to be playful and to be jesting and joke for joking with her husband. All of these are encouraged for her. And therefore

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this type of the Father Gilani father had landed on the base of the law while he was sending them Almudena massage. I don't know what the Aradhana botanical layer is, why'd you hint a little fool Judy be in? Well, maybe they hint. The learner in the Hadith is for the ladies that are doing it, for prostitution for other men to come to them that are not their husbands. Notice, this is the rationale we talked about right from the time of the Sahaba, right word of prayer, also looking at the reasoning and then saying, okay, the reasoning is the prostitution. And therefore when it's not done for that, because it's no longer assigned. That was something that was assigned back then these

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days. As you are aware, it is no longer assigned just for one class of ladies. And so I will Cardinal Janani says if a woman does it for her husband, the learner cannot be upon this lady. And it's not just Abdulkadir Gilani, one of the greatest humble Ulema of his era, the great Adam and the great scholar infinite Josie, he also has this same position. In fact, you shouldn't even know Josie actually has the largest book ever written in the humbly school about women overall, he has commonly said the rulings about women it's like 400 500 volumes, the edition that I have, and it's all about the rulings of women and the blessings of women and you know how to treat women that Hadith about

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women. It's a very interesting book as a whole book about basically the treatment or the common miss out and he himself he has a section obviously in this book about this idea, and even a Josie and again I ask those brothers that are in their eagerness they want to just refute by quoting some modern scholars of one land, would you would you consider Ave Josie to be somebody who rejects Hadith to be somebody who's a modernist or progressive even though Josie This is of no Josie Edna Josie writes this, listen to this. That's the apparent meaning of these ahaadeeth seems to be that the the prohibition of these things is unconditional. That's the apparent meaning. He says that it's

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very clear. And that unconditional understanding is what even Masood himself derived from this. So he admits there is an opinion out there. And that opinion is that there are no circumstances where this is allowed. And that's a win win solution.

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Have you excellent. Then he goes and it is also possible to interpret this hadith in one of three ways. Okay, there's another opinion as well. This is no Josie The first of them that this was a sign for prostitutes. This is Josie saying I think that ghannam inshallah, if I get off this was a sign for those that are seeking to seduce men, so the law is for them, not for the action, but for the deed the lifestyle what they are doing, number one, number two, he goes one can also interpret that this is for ladies now again you have to remember back then, you know the veil sometimes even the face covering would be put. And so women when they're single, they might want to portray themselves

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to be other than how they look. And so the second is that there is a type of deception that is being done. The lady should be who she is when the suture comes to see whether she wants to propose or not The both of them should know how they are. So this is the second thing that there is a type of deception he goes that is also not allowed. Number three, he said for the tattoos This is not for the number that number three is that there is a permanent change to the creation of Allah like in the tattoos, this is not has nothing to do with the finger. So it goes as for the the the eyebrow thing, so we must interpret it for your kuno Heidi to know more than I had the other word Hainan

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overlain, the Hadith of the plucking of the eyebrows, we should understand it and one of the first two categories either it was meant for women of ill repute, or it was meant for those that are trying to deceive a suitor when they are single, and they want to deceive somebody that they look different than they actually look then no, Josie says my own teacher and then multi, he would say and this is the humbling method, he would say that if a lady takes from her hair of her face for in order to beautify herself for her husband, right, the zoji her father back surgery he there is no problem for that. The problem comes when a person comes to propose and he doesn't know what the lady

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looks like and she tries to deceive him. You know what they might be covering or what not sure she tries to deceive him in that manner that would be problematic. Now again, this is yBnL Josie What are you going to do about this? This great scholar Edna Josie that is in the hanbali method. The Shafi school was much more explicit actually this is the photo of the shadow fairy school, the sharp fairy school, they understood this idea by and large to apply to single ladies that are trying to deceive or trying to portray themselves other than they are they explicitly allowed married ladies to beautify themselves for their husbands and they said this is the goals of the Sharia. Why

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wouldn't we want to lady to beautify herself for her husband, and one of the great icons of the Shafi school. What are the who died 450 hedgerow, of course he is the author of how we will be one the encyclopedias of shaffir. If he explicitly says that if the lady is that is oh Jin, follow the article is Zenith in the zoji ha, that for her desire to harm in if a lady does this to beautify herself for her husband, this is not how long why he says the end Mr. Murata. The Zenith literally is OSHA, the woman is required, she is obliged to beautify herself for her husband. This was also the position of Imam Al ghazali. Also the shofar is called the famous Silicon Valley and other

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scholars as well. Now again, you will find some of the show very messed up that they did not they did not allow this so that's fine as well. But this is the default of the of the position and in fact, in half of them unhedged himself the great shafr authority in the Patel body, he basically says that, if the husband allows this and approves this, then it is something that is allowed to do it is something that is allowed to do therefore, you now have the shuffling method as well allowing this and as for the Maliki's, again, you have a number of Maliki's allowing this as well, I'll call the reality himself mentioned the narration of our issue about this issue of allowing some people to

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pluck and the the the medicus color either way, he says if I were to call him that when you moron Alma Tillman he at Anniston, Alabama, Xena to LA Kalamata fan, one more food is owed to her. He says this prohibition, it will apply to those ladies only those ladies who are not allowed to beautify themselves, right. So women who are married to their husbands, they are obliged to beautify that navigation will not apply to them. Now, this and the same applies in the Hanafi school you will find a number of authorities again the fatawa Hinduja of the Hanafi school it allows the married lady to beautify herself, her husband in this regard, and yes, you will find some nephews who also follow

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even Mr. Woods fetch word that doesn't allow it unconditionally. Now therefore

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to to to conclude our quote you the modern encyclopedia, the most who I feel clear, which is a modern encyclopedia written by a group of lemma that volume 15, page 69. They say

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the majority of scholars have a pined that this prohibition of the Hadeeth is not universal, it's not unconditional, and even Mr. Rude and authority and others, they said it is unconditional. And they said that it is held on in all circumstances. However, the majority said that it is not allowed for a single lady to beautify herself in this regard. As for the married lady, or any lady that requires any type of you know, if some type of issue has happened, medical issue or whatnot, then there is no problem in her doing that. And they say this is Jim Horrell fukada majority of scholars have allowed this because the lady is required or obliged to beautify herself for her husband.

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Therefore, to conclude, this first question to conclude all of this we state

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the concept of beautification overall, is something that without a doubt is allowed for a lady within the confines of the shed era had to beautify herself for her husband is one of the most important, you know, characteristics of women, they want to beautify themselves, and they should beautify themselves, and the goals of the Shetty, I would indicate that a woman is beautiful for her husband, and the husband is, you know, looking good for her for his wife and taking care of her, the two of them should have, you know, that love and that care and that comfort with each other. Now, the shediac, of course, has prohibited certain types of things that are held obviously, you know,

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you cannot do things that would be permanent, such as a tattoo because that's a complete change. However, generally speaking, a woman's personal preferences have hair and makeup and jewelry and clothing and style, generally speaking, the shadow is silent on that. And so the shed er has allowed the lady to dress up especially in the privacy of her house in a manner that is pleasing to her husband, and vice versa, the husband should do the same. Now this hadith comes along. And our scholars from the very beginning of time will call Bobby Abner, Josie, you know, a little bit now Sure. They're trying to understand that. Even if sometimes we don't understand Allah's wisdom,

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that's definitely not not a problem. We don't know why we do throw off seven times we just sit here now. Well, Aparna, totally understandable. But here we have something that as our scholars say, when the reward or the punishment doesn't fit the crime, we have to think a little bit more. Why would the Latin Come on plucking some hair from the face? And that that question has been asked by many great aroma of the past. And the response seems to be very obvious to many rula. I just quoted you some of them in today's lecture. And that is that the learner or the curse of Allah was not on the action of plucking the eyebrow, it was on its association with that lifestyle that was well known,

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and everybody who did that was known to be of those who practice that lifestyle. And that's why the nine that came now, that makes complete sense. Therefore, when the cause does not exist anymore, when a lady is doing it, not for that reason, and she's doing it in a halal manner to satisfy her husband does this same ruling apply. This is where we now see so many great Roma have difference of opinion. And we have the shaft very method. And we have no Josie and we have called the reality of the Maliki's. And we have some of the enough and we have Ahmed himself. By the way, of course, he did not. To be clear, as I said, Mr. Mohammed allowed the shaving, which is again, if you want it to

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be humbly, then you may fall to that position, that don't pluck it, the shave at the point that you will get the same thing done. his point was just to any we don't know why he just Allah has, you know, curse the plucking, so then don't pluck but do anything else that you want. So, again, if you want it to fall to that position. Now, the other position, which is urban Mr. Woods position is of course dominant in one strand of modern Islam that claims to follow the self. And that's not a problem. There's no problem following that trend, that strand or that interpretation, because even Massoud was also the one who followed it. My issue or my complaint or my criticism is in the

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condemnation of the other opinion as having no merit whatsoever. And this is the problem of basically fanaticism and intolerance. I've just quoted you great dilemma from the past these were not you know, modern people who are liberal and Western or taking from the KU Fars or America, England These are great wrote them up, even though Josie as I said, from within the humbly tradition and all of these are in America and again as usual, this is a smaller lecture. And So bottom line, if you wish to follow the shaft very position and many other odema at for the married lady to beautify herself for the city.

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Have her husband, then inshallah you have great precedents and there should be no problem in that. And if you wanted to follow the more conservative opinion, and you wish to be on the safer side and err on the side of caution and follow a business rules position in this regard rather than I should not be allowed in this position, you definitely have precedents and that's something that definitely again, no problem in doing that, but they respect the other position, understand the other position is there. Now that having been said, none of the scholars allowed it for the lady that was not doing it for her husband. So please understand this point, let us stick with our tradition and not, you

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know, completely changed rapidly, no reason. None of the scholars allowed it for the lady to beautify herself for people that are not in basically her husband. So you understand this point here, that we're not going to open that door. We're talking about married women to beautify themselves for their husbands. Then in sha Allah there is concession from the time of I should have the law of wine, and other than that, definitely, we should stick with the traditions as much as possible and Allah subhana wa tada knows best

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