Taraweeh Khatira – Are You Abondoning The Quran

Yaser Birjas


Channel: Yaser Birjas

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The end of the month ofFinancial is highlighted as a month for the implementation of Islam. Visitors are encouraged to recite the Quran and share experiences of individuals struggling with it to motivate others. The transcript discusses various individuals who were recited in the Quran, including a professional reciter who was criticized by the military and a reciter of the holy grail. Visitors are encouraged to continue reciting the Quran and not let things happen at their own pace.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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I don't know if you guys know that,

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but tonight at sundown what happened?

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It's not the cold weather. I'm not talking

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about the weather, Jamal.

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In terms of the counts for Ramadan.

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Half time. This is it.

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Right now, we're counting down to the end

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of the month of Ramadan.

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Basically, you're not going to fast more than

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what you already fasted

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and the rest of us are gonna be

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now counting down to read, may Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala give us the ability to go

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through the entire month of Ramadan. Amen. With

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And may Allah subhanahu wa'ala make the second

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part of it better than the first year

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And give us the conclusion to be the

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best, inshallah, for all of us.

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Now, one of the things that people they

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complain about some somehow around the middle of

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the month of Ramadan is what? Fatigue,

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tired, losing focus. Now we start kinda like

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realizing you know, sleep deprivation, all that kind

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of thing that comes with that. And as

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a result, one of their biggest regrets is

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Not being able to meet their goals when

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it comes to the Quran.

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One of the goals that we set for

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each other is that, look, you're on a

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you're on a different journey.

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Everybody's on their own journey with the Quran.

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Some of us, they still barely wanna learn

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the alphabets.

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Others wanna learn how to read it properly.

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Some, they would like to excel in reading

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the Quran. Some work on their, their progress,

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their understanding.

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Everybody has their own journey with the Quran.

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But we all need to understand. We all

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need to understand that no matter how difficult,

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how hard it is,

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I want you to continue with it.

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Do not stop

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and keep going because Allah knows where the

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khayr is gonna come to you inshallah will

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come to the Quran. To the beginning of

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the month or the end of the month.

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And just to let you know, struggling as

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you try to learn the Quran and recite

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the Quran, it's nothing new. It even happened

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with the Sahaba. Remember, the Sahaba, the Quran

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came down with their language, which means supposed

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to be the easiest thing for them to

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remember and to learn. Still though, even in

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that generation, that righteous generation, there were people

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who were struggling with the Quran,

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and there were people who excel in the

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recitation of the Quran. I wanna share with

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you a few examples insha'Allah. It would come

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to those who struggled and those who excelled

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in the recitation of the Quran.

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So some of those struggles with the Quran,

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they were basically they're

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farmers, they were,

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shepherds, so they're not the people who come

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to the mezzan regularly maybe to learn. They

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don't even have time for that.

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They didn't even have time for that. One

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of those examples. Mu'ad ibn Jabal radiAllahu ta'ala

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An was one of the excellent reciters of

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the Quran. He was a young man. He

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was in his early twenties.

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And you can imagine, when you're twenties you're

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what, masha'Allah.

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You think you have control of everything. The

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world is yours, masha'Allah. You're very energetic. You

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have the the the the mind for it

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and the muscles for it and everything.

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Mu'ad was a very enthusiastic young man, and

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam loved him.

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He was one of the few people. The

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prophet told him, I love you for the

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sake of Allah

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because of his qualities.

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So he used to pray isha with the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, and then he heads

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to his to his,

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to his neighborhood,

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and he leads his community for southern Isha.

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So one of those nights,

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Ma'ad came from the masala sallallahu alaihi sallallahu

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alaihi sallam seems to be so enthusiastic

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and so inspired and charged with the emotion

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and maybe with spirituality.

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He decided to lead salat al Isha to

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recite Surat al Baqarah.

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If I did that, then that's what happens

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to Jemaah.

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So Mu'a decided to resolve. Somehow

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as he was reciting, one of the one

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of the men behind him

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realized this is taking too long for him.

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So what did he do? He goes, assalamu

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alaikum to Allah.

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He goes back

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some of those around this man came to

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Moa and he says, by the way, just

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to let you know, this guy, he did

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so and so. He goes, really?

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He says, yeah. He said, leave him. He's

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A young man, through that accusation, just quickly

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rushed in that accusation,

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radiallahu anhu.

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So he told him he said leave him

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his munafiq. Why did he see munafiq? Because

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Allah mentioned that in the Quran about the

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munafiq, and they come lazy and they drag

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their feet to the salah, and the prophet

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said there's no salah heavier on the Munafikin

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more than Fajr and Isha. So, yeah. Munafik.

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So he said he is one of them.

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So friends of this young man,

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they heard that from Ma'ad, and what did

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they do?

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They went no. They went to him.

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They went to the young man. He goes,

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by the way, Ma'a said you're not afraid.

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He goes, what?

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Mu'ase said you're Munafiq because he loved the

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Because I'm Munafiq.

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You know what? I'm gonna take it to

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your prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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So the young man go to the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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says, look. I am shepherd.

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I stay with the camels all day in

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the sun,

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and by the end of the day, I'm

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exhausted. I'm tired. I could barely open my

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eyes. I come for salatul Isha. And then

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you have your qari, Muad Radillah.

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He recites a very long recitation. I can't

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handle this.

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I don't have that energy for that.

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And the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam, he

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the Rawi, the Anasradhanahu alaihi wasallam, narrating the

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story, he goes, I've never seen the prophet

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salallahu alaihi wasallam. Never seen the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam so upset

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and so angry in giving an advice and

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admonition the way I saw him giving the

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admonition to Mu'ad in that moment.

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So he called Ma'ad.

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Ma'ad, come over here. Is that true?

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Is that true? You need you need?

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And he told

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me, What's wrong with you? Are you gonna

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cause people to turn away from Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala?

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Because if you're going to be reading salah

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for people, make sure to recite something light.

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He said, if

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you're gonna believe in people in salah, make

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it easy. Recite something easy. And he gave

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You guys recite

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easy surahs for for the people. For yourself

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If you're gonna be praying by yourself, read

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as long as you wish. And then he

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turned to the young man.

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He goes, by the way, what do you

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do with your salani? What do you recite

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in your salah?

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He goes, look at Rasoolallah. For me, when

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I when I pray, I I praise Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala, I thank him and I

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just do my, own dikr and that's it.

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I really don't understand your humming and the

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humming of Ma'aden.

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Like this is too much for me.

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The prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he smiled

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with him and he goes,

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look, my

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my humming and Ma'ad's humming,

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We're just humming around the same thing too.

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Like he's making it easy on this man

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to make him to understand.

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The idea is that this young man wasn't

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like other sahaba like Mu'ad, for example, with

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his citation.

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And the prophet, salallahu alaihi wasallam, took it

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easy on him.

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It doesn't mean you don't upgrade yourself to

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the next level.

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It doesn't mean that. And subhanallah, he was

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sincere with his, with his level. He was

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trying his best, but that's the best he

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could give.

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I want you to be better than that

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Another Sahabi,

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who was not necessarily,

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as maybe illiterate as this man in terms

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of the recitation,

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but maybe in terms of hev

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he wasn't at that level of other sahab

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radiAllahu anhu. But this man has a different

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This man was actually Khalid ibn Walid radiallahu

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You guys know Khalid. Right? Khalid radiallahu anhu.

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What did he do to the ummah?

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He conquered the world.

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He's one of those, unfortunately,

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underserved in terms of his sira, in terms

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of his genius

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mind, that the military genius of Khaled radiya

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llahu an is completely underserved

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and completely understudied.

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Wallahi says this man was unbelievable.

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The achievements he did in such a very

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short time, radiallahu ta'ala anhu warden. The prophet

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named him what?

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Sayf Allah al Maslul. The unseeds sword of

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the soul of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. But

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this man, one time he led his commanders

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in salah and he made mistakes.

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He was reading them in salah as he

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was reciting. He made mistakes with the Quran.

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When he finished, he turned to the people

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and he said,

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because unfortunately,

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fighting for the sake of Allah took too

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much of my time away from the Quran.

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Like some people have different skill different than

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other people, so maybe haf is not your

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but don't let then the qira'a

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also be wasted.

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If you can't memorize, then excel in your

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If you can't excel in reciting,

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then at least learn it. Learn to understand

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it. To To follow it in whichever capacity

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you can, inshallah, you can do that.

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But just don't say, no. It's too hard

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for me.

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But some other sahaba were excellent in the

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Who can give me some names of sahaba

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we know from the Sira? They were the

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professional reciters of the Quran? Like who?

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Abdullah ibn Mas'ud.

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The prophet says,

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Because if anyone desires to recite the Quran

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as fresh as it was recited, it was

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repeated to the prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam, recite with Ubni Ummi Abd, another name

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for Abdullah ibn Mas'ud.

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He was a professional qari,

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and he was the first Sahabi to recite

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the Quran publicly in Makkah when no one

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When they were the the the chiefs of

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the enemies of Rasulullah, sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he

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put himself in danger for that, that he

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lost his ear for it.

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Literally, he lost his ear because when he

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was residing publicly near the Kaaba, Abu Jahl

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came. He looked at him, and Abdul Ahmed's

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ood was tiny in terms of his size.

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He was petite.

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He slapped me. He severed his ear.

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This man was one of the professional salars

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of the Quran.

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Another Sahabi that was known to be professional

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Ubayi bin Kab.

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The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he said he

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came to Ubayi one day. He says,

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Allah commands me to recite

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to you.

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Can you imagine? The prophet

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is reciting Surat Al Duha

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So Ubay was shocked.

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He goes,

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what's the man, Elak?

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Did he really,

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give my name to you? He goes, yes.

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My name. I need to recite surduduha to

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you. He starts crying.

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That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, Allah azzawajal,

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he endorses the recitation of Ubayyahu radiAllahu ta'ala.

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This is why, Amr Al Khattab later on,

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what did he do?

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He actually he made him the the official

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reciter and qari for tarawih and the ummah.

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Ummah. But Allah Abdullah Mas'ud, the other one

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nothing about Abdullah Mas'ud, the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasallam, he told him, he says Quran. Read

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the Quran for

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me. So he said,

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May recite the Quran for you when it

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was revealed to you? He

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goes I love to hear it from somebody

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Another Sahabi who is known to be professor

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Qari Abu Musal Ashari.

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One day, the prophet

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during the day, he goes, you Abu Musa.

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Because if you have seen me last night

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as I was actually eavesdropping to a recitation

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in the Quran,

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He was walking, salallahu alaihi, salallahu alaihi, at

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night and he heard Abu Abu Musa Asha

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reciting the Quran beautifully.

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So he stopped listening to him. He stopped

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and he started listening to him until he

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probably maybe did did rakur in tahajjud or

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if I knew that you were listening

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me I would have made it even more

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Like Like if it wasn't enough, beautiful enough,

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I'm going to make it even more beautiful

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to you.

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Another sahabi we know that had beautiful recitations

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was Usayd ibn Hudayr.

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Usayd ibn Hudayr, he was one night reciting

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the Quran. He was reciting Surat

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Al Kahf

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and his son Yahya was near him. Baby,

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actually, Yahya was near him. So as he

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was reciting the Quran, suddenly the horse, his

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horse I mean, back then they lived almost

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in the same space.

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His horse

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became uneasy

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and started moving,

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so he stopped

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and the and the horse calmed down.

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Then he recited again

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and the horse moved one more time. He

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stopped again.

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Then he started again

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and the horse became almost like violent and

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then eventually had to stop out of fear

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for his baby, for his child. Then suddenly

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he looked up and he saw an aura

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of light

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and it started going up into the skies.

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The next day he told the prophet, salamu

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alayhi, rasoolullah, that's what happened. He goes, Iqra.

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Iqra Aba Yahya.

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Keep reading Abu Yahi. Keep reading Abu Yahi.

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He said, I swear if you continue reading,

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you would have actually you would have seen

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the angels the more the the next day

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in the morning. Because that was actually the

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angels came to listen to a beautiful recitation

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of the Quran.

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Brothers and sisters, the prophet salallahu alaihi wa

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sallam mentioned harid Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala.

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The one who recites the Quran excellently.

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You recite with beautiful recitation, excellent recitation. He

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You are with those ambassadors, the angels.

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The most noble, the most righteous, he says,

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which means you'll be in that rank on

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the day of judgement.

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When they recite, you recite with them.

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And the one who recites the Quran, while

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it's so hard to read the Quran, which

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means keep making mistakes and kind of trying

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their best, because you have double the reward.

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One reward for trying and one reward for

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every letter that you recite.

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So we have no excuse

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not to keep trying. You can be in

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the rank of Ubay,

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Abdullah ibn Mas'ud and others,

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and or at least

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Yes, you're busy doing something else, but it

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shouldn't deprive you from also connecting with the

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Quran at your own pace as much as

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you can.

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Do this, and may Allah

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Quran, in your life.

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Quran, in your life.