Yaser Birjas – Asr Khatirah – Asking For Protection From The Temptations Of The Shaytan

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The shrouds of the Shay bills include a message about the shrouds of the Shay bills, a statement about the shrouds of the Shay bills, and a message about the shrouds of the Shay bills. The meaning of "the shrouds of the Shay bills," the meaning of "the shrouds of the Shay bills," and the meaning of "the shrouds of the Shay bills," are discussed. The shrouds of the Shay bills include a message about the shrouds of the Shay bills, a statement about the shrouds of the Shay bills, and a message about the shrouds of the Shay bills. The importance of protection from shayotes and finding a safe environment is emphasized. The segment also touches on the shaytan and its use in religious practices, and the importance of finding protection from shayotes and finding a safe environment. The segment ends with a discussion
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I'm Hamilton water and I'm just leaving cathedral to my mother.

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To this day I have the Quran is inserted mcmenamins Still, and that is the art to the prophet that was given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that's the teacher, the ummah. It's all about protection from the shaytaan. From the whispers of the Shaitaan. And our life as you know, it's a test and the shaytan vowed that he's going to be standing and sitting against you on the path to ALLAH SubhanA every corner on this path, that shaitan will be waiting there for you. So therefore the DUA to seek protection from the shaitaan is very important. In the ayat Allah subhana wa Taala says, beginning from iron number nine six actually got Allahu Allah EDIFACT valetti Here accent, a

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sia nano Allah will via cellphone. So the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam, he was dealing with the non believers. And they're harassing him, they're insulting him, and then making things difficult for him as for his followers, so what was the course of action that was instructed that he was instructed with he says, Hannah with an ID fabulet? Yes, and don't respond to them. Don't respond to them equally in the way that they do to. Instead, it fabulet He asked to respond in that which is that which is best bility acid, as see. So when they treat you badly,

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you need to respond that which is best. If they're wrong, you respond to that which is best. He says, we know well what they claim. Now don't worry about them.

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Don't about them. Don't treat them based on who they are. Treat them based on who you are.

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Right after that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says Khan will call and say, Robbie Oh, to become an Amazon attache out in, say, My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the temptations of the devils the sheltering, where all the big rugby and yeah huddle rune, and I seek refuge in You, my Lord, that they even come near me. So what does it mean over here when Allah Subhana Allah, the prophets of salaam to respond to the non believers in that which is best? What could happen in a moment of argument and fight and, you know, when people are insulting you as well, what could happen there?

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You're gonna lose it.

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You're gonna just get upset and angry. I mean, how could you just keep you know, responding to that which is best to this people will keep insulting you and cursing at you and treat you badly and wrong. But you need to be persistent.

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And that's why Allah subhanaw taala him call Makarov, bear with a bigger than hamazon Shelton and say, My Lord, as a Clifford, you knew from the whispers of the shaytans what does that mean? That temptation, that moment that might make you lose your cool and use your steadfastness on the paths of righteousness and start responding to them in a bad way. We're all the big Rob, Ron and your Allah I seek refuge in You from the become present with me, in general, in my efforts, particularly in a moment like this. So the ayat can be interpreted in one general meaning and one exclusive meaning

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as for the exclusive meaning is what we're saying over here, when the Prophet saw some was instructed

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when he when people talk to him not to respond in any bad way, or would respond and that which is best, always.

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And then if you feel getting upset and angry, that means the shaytan is getting present right now. The shaytan is blowing his whispers and temptations are here to retaliate for yourself.

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Of course, I mean, it's not easy for people to let go of people keep insulting them and infringing on the rights and so on. But he Allah is telling him there's another time there's another time or was a spawn that which is best always respond that which is best. And if you feel that temptation if that anger is taken over, then say, I hold or be in Hermosa to shelter in my Lord, I seek refuge in You from the whispers of the shaytaan will also be caught up by Yato Allah as a privilege and you from having them present with me. Now, if we go back to the words were Kuraby, again, if you remember the DUA always starts with rugby, rugby. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala as the Lord his

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own gifts he provides he protects. So obviously it's good to use the name rubs apana with Allah when you ask Allah

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afford anything so all rugby I will do I will do in the Arabic language comes from allowance and allow is a to Hassan meaning fortifying yourself and finding shelter finding protection, finding shields, that's the meaning of allowance so when I say I also Belay that means I seek shelter I seek refuge I seek that protection with Allah Subhana Allah Tala that will the villa and here we'll call Rob BIA. Oh to become my Lord, I seek that shelter. I seek that refuge. I find I seek that protection with you, my Lord become with you. Men hamazon has shopped in from the Amazon a Shelton, what's hamazon l Amazon there's another i and the Quran. Allah Subhana. Allah says cooler way to

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liquidly whom has certain Lumumba woe to those who do who Messiah and Lomasa. So what's al hams? What's alums?

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There's another word for hams, also called hams. What's the difference? hams and hummus?

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The sin and design so I'll hams and hams and perhaps they both have the same meaning of whispering for temptation. What's the difference? The difference is that Al hams is stronger than Al hemps. Even the pronouncement when you say hymns, it's very quiet. Because he's to whisper

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when you whisper in that is supposed to be completely subtle, and no one should hear about anything. So when you pray and Salah you said you should be telling me so belcarra should be whispering with the resuscitation. Not hands with resuscitation. The Whisper is just like

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you can't hear me even though I'm moving my lips because I'm whispering so I'll hams has some some inciting and pushing. But how verbally in a very subtle manner. So the shaytan is a new back is in your ears. And he's doing the hummus hams. Do this. How could you let him do this to you? Are you going to be quiet about this? Are you this Are you that? Are you this or that keep doing the hams? You have Mizzou

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alums is when someone insulting you in your face

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says to you and you're blah blah blah that's called lumps. So I'll hums is very quiet and Hamza has some sort of pushing with it like inciting you to do something and then you have a lens when someone is in your face is telling you to so he when we say we're older or bigger or rugby or older becoming hamazon shouting your hola ice cream Griffey Jr, protection with you from the hamazon of the shout in the incitement of the shaytan the pushing the whispers in the ears all the time, the shaytan never stops as a man. And he says hammer that is that plural or singular Gemma where he goes in the floor? Why is that?

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Because there are endless there's a pipeline of hamazon shelta and doesn't leave you

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like you just finished one. And then by the time you walk out of the masjid, you find something else, you go into the car, you get something else, you go home, something so endless hamazon at all the time.

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And then he says God, men hamazon is sheltering. What does that mean as Mr. Shelton is a plural or singular, also plural. So what does that mean? How many Sherpa we're talking about? A lot, and what kind of sheltering

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because Allah in the Quran also said, sheltering an inci will Jinn so they're sheltering of the ends, which means mankind and sheltering Elgin as well from the gin. So the devilish Yeah, and the gin devils and the human devils as well too. Because Are there any human beings who can really do hammers in your ears? Of course.

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How many of these people that keep texting you, sending you messages speaking to call on you and keep after you just do it, you send it to this you talk to him, You tell her and trying to incite fitna

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just want you to find somebody to to insult someone Subhanallah it's always there in our ear. So we ask Allah refuge from the hummus out of all the shouting and then the last one call we're all the big rugby and yeah hello rune. And yet Allah I also seek that protection that shelter that safety I'm looking forward with you yarby I had our own from from the from then even they come near me how to say Tom comes near you anyway. And all your efforts. That's why when you enter the bathroom what you need to say that you are right now the breaking of the locker bath so

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They don't need you. They're in the bathroom. When you eat, what do you say? Bismillah. So they're on it with you. When you walk into the house, the same thing, when you even try to be intimate with your spouse, there's the arm for this, then all your efforts are shaytan wants to be present with you. So you ask Allah protection from the shaytaan and all your efforts, whether you're walking, talking, sleeping, eating, I don't want the shirt on to be near me at all. So the, the All we're saying are the will is very important. And by the way, Allah subhanho wa Taala even taught us the same principle and sort of facade which is coming up with us later. When Allah Azza does has called

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it fabulous. The accent just like in this ayah responded that which is best for the lady Vina Kobina who were kinda what you would have been, perhaps with whom you have a few that you have hostility and enmity becomes your most beloved person. While you look ca Allah Dena Subbarao all of those who have severe severe impatience who can handle this one are you lucky to have the Nadhim and all of you who do so we'll share that it will get the reward from Allah azza wa jal, the graduate from ALLAH SubhanA wa and then he says, What immense Savannah kemenah Shannon's going festa Abdullah but at the shaytaan tempts you, the secret word is Allah azza wa jal. Why is that same thing when you

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deal with people, especially your loved ones, we deal with them the shutter is clever. He wants to ruin the relationship with everybody that you have around you. So what do you need to do? You say, Oh, they will I'm gonna share technology. So you cut the out for the shaytaan from ruining any relationship you have a new life. So here in this dua, we ask Allah to protect us, give us shelter and refuge from the whispers of the shaitan and the shelter in both Jinan ins as well as ask Allah protection from the shed have they ever come near us in our life as well to whether through whisper or otherwise mellow potatoes or Brahmin? Now let's repeat the dragon shallow to Anna.

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Rugby I will the weaker

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men hamazon is Shayateen

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where all the bigger

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rugby a saloon

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a ROB B. Oh the bigger men hamazon Shayateen

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we're oh the bigger rugby I yeah hello rune. Rugby. Oh the weaker men hamazon shayateen.

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Wha Oh, the vicar, Rob de Ayala rune rugby, and Zeleny Monza la MOBA rockin

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we're Anta Hiral monzi lien

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rugby Ladhani further.

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We're Anta, Hyrule noir a thin

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la Illa in

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Subhanak in the continental volume in

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were Anta or Hamra him in

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rugby Zinnia Elma

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rugby ish rally Saturday

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wire certainly Emery

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well hello look for that mainly sunny

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you have coho Kohli.

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Rob be heavily Mila dune Coverly

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you wa jal who rob Bureau the

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Robina Tina, middle lagoon Kurama

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Well, hey, Lana, Minh and Marina Rashida

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rugby at the hill knee model Kalasa.

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Walk origini Maharaja Sardar wa John Lee Melaleuca soltana Nazira

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Allahumma their hamari de

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Gama Rob Bayani sobre

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la Miami

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