Yahya Ibrahim – Yusuf or Musa – Which Story are You

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The importance of socializing and sharing experiences in Islam is emphasized, as it is essential to handle unexpected events and to be prepared. The title of the Prophet's book is Surah Alaysha, and the use of words like "imaging" and "monster" in writing in the Bible is discussed. The importance of acceptance and not letting anyone's opinion is emphasized, as it is essential to achieve success. The speakers emphasize the need for effort, work, and pressure to achieve success and to learn to use the words of Allah and not to cling to people's opinion.
AI: Transcript ©
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is it already on? Yeah.

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Yes, please. increase the gain and though

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maybe yours Yeah.

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That's a bit.

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Sara Marie cammarano de la hora capital

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in Alhamdulillah Hina Meadow who want to stay in ohana stuff whenever we learn him in Cerulean. fusina women say you're a Melina man Yeah, de la who fella mobila one minute little fella howdy Allah. Why shadow Allah, Allah Allah wa Huda shadow Mohammed Abdullah, what are pseudo sal Allahu Allahu Allah early, he was Safi he was a limiter Sleeman kathira Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayidina. When Amina Mohammed infil avelina will serene also Los Alamos ito barik, ala Sayidina, Nabina Muhammad in film Allah, Allah, Allah or hammer amin, we always begin by honoring and praising Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, we send our choices salam, and benedictions of peace upon our Nabhi

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Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we pray that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah grants us from his little map from his mercy, and makes us from those who the time that we spend together is a time of connection, of love, of fidelity of peace. And then a loss of Hannah with Allah protects us from the harms that await us around the corner. And that Allah Subhana, Allah sees us through the difficulties of life alone. I mean,

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it's been a while, since I've had the privilege of standing at the University of Western Australia, in a lecture hall such as this, and I don't know, obviously, for the students, you guys are regular coming in and going out, maybe I know, there's been a little bit of issues with the COVID. But for us to hold events of this nature, they are important, and they are the things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, increases faith. And whenever you come together, and you gather together in circles of knowledge, and I want you to kind of look at how we, you know, look at that word halaqa. Right? We ever thought about the the depth of meaning of that? Why within our

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tradition, like when I would study Islam, formerly when you study Islam, formerly, why do we sit in a circle? Why isn't it you know, as you're seated in front of me at the moment in rows in front of the teacher? Well, for us as Muslims, really, it was always about a beginning that comes to an end. And that is a student, you're never more only a teacher, and as a teacher, you're never not a student anymore, that as much as we give we take and as much as we want, we must be prepared to part with. And those are eternal lessons that you find even from the subtleties of how the profits are I sell them, teaches, oh, man is so happy to sit, he would say don't just sit in front of me like I'm

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an idealized figure in your in your way, that even when the imam leads the people in prayer, he doesn't face them he faces Who? Allah, not them. Right? So our tradition is one of humility and sacrifice and fidelity and coming together in a circle that returns us back to where we begin. And as you begin life, you end it from weakness to strength to weakness,

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from illness to longevity to illness and infirmity. And Allah Subhana Allah to Allah has promised us come and chat nachum as I brought you out to do unusual return to that very same state. And I want in ChildLine, the time that we spend together my aim in sha Allah for the discussion and this is broadcast live. For my students who are attending and Santa Monica, how are you guys? Not just them, right? So my students who attend my online Islamic summer school, it's actually geared towards students in in the US, Canada, America, I think about 1000 students Mashallah are registered for it in their summer months, as big as they begin to, to get back to school. But the concept that I want

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in sha Allah as we sit together for this hour, about 45 minutes from now in sha Allah, I'll try to bring it to an end is that we live the Quran. So Islam is the Quran, and the Quran is Islam. And whenever I speak to you about the word of a loss of Hannah, who went to Allah, I want you to find a sense of all it's not like any other text. It's not like any other book. It's not like any other story that's contained in the text of the whole

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Eliade Allahu anhu he says you know this Koran that every time you read it, you find that there's something new that you discover. It's the book that when you read it, you find that there's a new energy as you're closing it, that if you contemplate it, its meaning and gives you the energy and desire to reopen it. There's always a new line of investigation, there's always a new line of inquiry. And my discussion with you today, I want to give you a taste of that I want to give you a little bit more than what you already know about the story of use of and the story of Musa which we grew up hearing. You know, as an Islamic school teacher, one of the things that I'm gonna you know,

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when it's an important lesson, I'm going to say, Well, you know, in profit use of life and profit, Moon says life and profit Ibrahim's life, but I want you to see hold on the foreign actually has a greater depth than that. And when Allah says that the story of use of his accent and puzzles, it is a story that in its narrative is the best of the narratives of the prophets in that you're going to hear. And this same lecture, I can give it again next week, but instead of making it use of an Moosa, I can make it use of Ebrahim and instead of it being used of any Brahim next week it could be use of and that would, and the parallels the similitudes. will be striking. Let's begin our journey

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in sha Allah.

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My presumption is that you know enough about the story of you So enough about the story of Musa that I don't need to retell it, except through the discussion of points of importance.

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When you look through the story of use of Aliya Salaam, you begin to wonder, Where's his mum?

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And when you look through the story of moose, you begin to wonder Where's his dad.

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And both of them are intentional by Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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See, sometimes we kind of look into the Quran and we focus just on use of for just on his father. But there was a mother who had a story that Allah has been told not because she's not significant, and so that you don't understand that Miss, understand that a lot of them uses the exact same narrative style with an equally powerful story where he tells you the story of Moosa, but from the eyes of the mother and excludes the father, who's there.

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Have you ever wondered, where was his dad? Why me defend him? widen his dad, you know, why does that say hey, we're going to put up a resistance, we're not going to let these soldiers come in and do anything of this nature.

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Have you ever wondered, where was use of them? How come she didn't say, Hey, I don't think you should send them you know, these brothers. I you know, they were kind of talking a little bit I have a bad feeling about it. Both of them happened.

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But a lot juxtaposes these two opposites to highlight one truth.

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And the truth is

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that it's not the love of others that prevents harm.

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Users mother could love them as much as she does. She's going to have another child after him and she will lament for many years. If use of his father lost his sight from sadness for his son. Well, what about his mother?

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If Moses his mother was comforted by a law, that he showed her dreams of how to save him, What say you have the father who watched her preparing a basket with the intent of putting his son in it and casting them into a river?

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Sometimes we kind of look at things about feelings, but it's more about the circumstances. And the truth that you learn from this is that it didn't matter who loved who wanted to change it, that when a law has made a decision when a law has ordered a circumstance, it doesn't matter who's on your side and it doesn't matter who's going to give advice and what influence that they have and what resistance they put up. What can a moron machiya it is a decision that is decided with a lot

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when you look at the story of use of

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it begins with an interaction between a father and son Yeah, Betty.

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In the era, I see my dream such and such, you know, moons and the sun and the moon making sujood you know, subservient to me. When you look into the story of Musa alayhis salaam. The story begins with the interaction of a mother's care for her son

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In fact, the verse

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that describes the emotion of Moses, his mother, at the time of worry about what his future will be like, according to that law of linguistics, it is unbelievable. If you kitabi law it is the verse in the Quran that has the greatest Arabic usage of eloquence and power of word and choice. Allah Subhana, Allah says in Surah Al cosas. And the two suitors that were actually analyzing today is sort of use of the 12th chapter of the Quran and sort of tell us the narrative.

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Allah Subhana Allah says, well, hyena elomi Musa, I gave way to the mother of Moses. Now that word ye you know, what came to the prophets of Allah what he would send them in the cave of Hara

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in jevelin, are ye right? jabril came with why, but the word ye doesn't always mean it's an angel who came to deliver a divine message to a prophet of God. The word ye in the Arabic language has different narratives and different discussions of the word what he is also the way of the chiffon. We're in a shell t net lay Yoo hoo net. Illa Olia in Zulu, felco that the devil's inspire into the hearts of their associates amongst men, words to be deceptive to others that can lose or others from faithfulness to lacking from truthfulness to doubt.

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Allah speaks that he gives why to the,

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to the ends and the BS? Well, * of buka Illa Allah inspired May the natural intuition into the Be and it definitely mineralogy balluta make your inhabitants into the mountains in the in the trees and so on. In this context, well hyena illa mimoza, I sent my angels to give a clairvoyance and inspiration in the form of a dream to the mother of Moses.

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That when you feel danger for him, prepare a basket mean airtight. And in fact, you know that root amount of seeds she say she saw so many multiple dreams that at first she discounted it but then she understood that this is something that is beyond her. It's not just her wishful thinking. So in her dream, she would see making a basket and then she'd try it and it wouldn't be watertight, so she'd make another one and she do another one. Until finally while hyena only moves and out of there he feed your child really well always keep them really well fed. Because at any moment's notice, you might cast them in the water for either a hefty fee. So look at the instructions first, feed him

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first instruction number two, when you're afraid for him for LP put him down in that basket phillium in the water when at the huffy, don't be fearful when at any don't have sorrow in our rod do who la que Ajay luminol more saline, I will return him to you and you will be a manifest prophet that you will be proud to call your son. In this area in one verse, in one sentence, Allah gives two prohibitions, two instructions and two prophecies of what is to come.

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And in this, you see that the love of the Father and the love of the mother are made equal as a lesson for you. And I, you know, I used to feel a little bit

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a little bit down.

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You know, my daughter, I remember she and she was a bit young, she was about eight years old. And she said, Baba, you're not first. I said, Oh, that kind of stung. I'm not first Why?

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She goes, mom is first.

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I said, No, no, no, we're the same. She goes, No. The Prophet said. So Allah is seldom. The Prophet said, your mom, your mom, your mom. And then you had like, wow.

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So the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. See, at times, we kind of hear those kind of things in isolation. We miss understand them in a childish way as my daughter misunderstood. She assumed that your greatest favor will always come from your mom and life experience tells you that's not necessarily the case. Some of us are closer to our pair, our fathers Some of us are closer to our mothers. And it's life circumstances that kind of dictates that. And therefore a lot here balances out both prominent influential messengers of Allah, who are both sent to the very same nation who are juxtaposed with the two opposing parents to

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balance that out in my perspective and your perspective as believers

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in the story of use of Valley has said, his siblings are the reason that use of is separated from the family

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in the story of moves, that the one who brings use of back to his mother is who his sister, notice it's his sister and not necessarily his brother. And that's a very powerful narrative. Now, once again, as a man, you know, it hurts a little can tell you.

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But, you know, it's something maybe men don't share as much as they should. But in our tradition is Muslims, daughters or favor two sons, culturally amongst Muslims and non Muslims. Culturally, inexplicably, if you understand the ionic parent paradigm, you understand that to be gifted a daughter is by far a greater blessing by a law than to be gifted a son.

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I remember one of my students, they asked they said check in the Sharia it says that, you know, we do our thing.

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We we you know, we ran some our children, we offer something to feed them and you know, we, we, we feed the poor, we feed our families, you know, if you have a son, it's two sheep.

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And if it's a girl, it's one chef. So Pamela, why, why are women always put down? I said, you totally misunderstood.

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The son is going to give greater difficulty for the parents.

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Don't you think?

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I'm not being funny. It's a way of you saying Yeah, Allah helped me out of yarrabah this boy, what am I going to do? Yeah, Allah. So from the very beginning, you're asking God Rama of Allah, to protect you. Oh, Allah assist me in what is to come.

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In every narrative of the Quran, for example, in the story of muddy Amanda has salam, which I hope one day we can study as well.

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Her mother gives birth to her hang up into food. Mental Lai la hora de la hora. And she gives birth to money. I'm Anita Sonam. And she lament she says, Well, he said, Decker, can, you know, she says in me, robot to her. So a law then in the next statement, he's the one who responds. And in the context of the language, Allah saying, Doesn't she know that a male can never be like a female.

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She says, In Meanwhile, I gave birth to a female, in her culture, in our society, you know, the women and at times in our culture and society as Muslims, and it shouldn't be that, you know, it's not always as praiseworthy, she wanted that it would be a son who would be a prophet who would inherit his father, a emram, and moron who would be a form of a prophet like his father, and she misunderstood the wisdom of a law giving her a daughter, so a lot corrector in the same hire. And Allah says, well, as a vicar can infer the male doesn't she understand can never achieve what them female. So it's like me saying, whenever you speak like that, in language, you always put the

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preferred in the second instance. So you say, you know, a Toyota is nothing like a Mercedes. You understand it? That's that that's the exact kind of discussion that is being put forward in the story of sudo tilde calf.

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When Alfred is ordered by a law, to take the life of a young man, and his parents are going to mourn him. Eventually he says to move I was ordered to do to do this because this young child, he would grow into age and be a reason of these two wonderful father and mother disbelieving in a law from all of the hardship and heartache he would give them for our our darbuka you need a home after your main home. So while your Lord wanted to give them that which was better than this boy, and give them raha mattone Minh who immersi from him. Every professor says the Rama means a daughter. Right.

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And therefore, in the context of the story of Musa alayhis salaam, his sister is the one who gives victory to me his sister's, the one who saves him and in every narrative of the Quran, those who come in assistance in that sense, Maria Mali has Salaam, those who come and put forward that stance are always honored and praised by Allah, the brothers of use of

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are his flesh and blood.

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And I want you to kind of, you know, deliberate over that. See, we're always told you know, family first

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Your family will always you know, Blood is thicker than water. You know, you're, you know, we're family we are we're always together. And I want you to know, Allah gives you understandings that in certain families, it doesn't always work, even if those families are the children of a prophet of God, the grandchildren of a prophet of God, the great grandchildren of the father of the prophets of God, Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam, like, what greater lineage Can you assume you will be a righteous man than if you could say my father is a prophet, his father's a prophet, and his his father, my great grandfather is Ibrahim.

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But yet not one, or two, or five or eight,

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but 10 of them

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conspire against one of their brothers use of alley his salon

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seeking greater affection from their father.

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What was the reason? Well, in Adana, our Father favors him.

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That's an important kind of lesson for me as a father, for some of you as parents and for you will be future parents.

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Sometimes we put our children in a dark corner.

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And the acts that they commit are not entirely their own doing. And although we would like to blame society, television, violent video games, and terrible schoolchildren, who they went to school with, and so all you know, this society and

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but all of it relates to the love we provide and that we hold back.

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And it's important to note that Allah Subhana, Allah lists for every prophet and every messenger in the order on something that made them incomplete

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on the Day of Judgment, when they are asked to give shuffle, or they will say, no, go to somebody else, I'm worried about something I made as a mistake. Most of the odermatt say, one of the things that Yaqoob in his belief is that I may not have been as equitable as I should have been. In regards to my children, look at the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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We go back to the preference of daughters. And this is unique to daughters, the prophets, Allah, Allah and two young sisters and two young females who we are blessed to raise in our household. He said, Men, Allah, God attain the one who is given the fortune of being able to raise up to young girls into their adulthood.

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What senator the Bahama and gave his best her best in raising them with good ethics and morality, when you fought lil Allah in Napa and did not prefer their brother to them. You know, that's one of the things you hear a lot from the girls. So shall he, uh, you know, my brother, he can go murder somebody. And it's like, it's okay. Let me get you another, you know, spot of tea.

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But I could just like, you know, I left the cup in the sink, and it's like, jahannam froze over. Right? What's happening? And look at the words of the prophets. I said, when you fully know how to hinder and that you didn't prefer your son to your daughter could not let her hijab I mean, and now, your daughters, your sisters, your young girls become the barrier between you and hellfire. And that's at that moment that Allah describes in Abba, well, in that surah where Allah says, yo, Maya funeral Moreau mean

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men who say,

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he wah

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wah, wah, hey, Betty. Bernie. Right. What are we what we'll see. It's on the day y'all may have federal mermin uh, he was me. He was he was Oh, hey, Betty. He went that knee, the day you will run away from your brother.

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You will run away from your father and mother. You'll run away from your son Benny.

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There are the amount of Tafseer they say that's where you go looking for your sisters and your daughters because they become the barrier between you and jednym Rockman in the dunya and alpha.

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When you look into the story of use of Aliya Salaam, you see that he was deposited in a water well and you look at the story of Musa you see that he was extracted from water from the river.

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Water is one of the images that in the Koran describes spiritual life. And in fact many of the statements that you and I use in our Deen we kind of forget

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That they are all routed back to what we were primarily primarily created from what john nominal not equal in Hi. Allah says of most things I have created I created them from the essence of water. And as I stand in front of you, you know 70% give me Is this

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like me speaking talking standing before you

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h2o right?

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And this is your essence

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala uses that imagery throughout our Deen what is the word Shetty? I mean, I don't mean linguistic but in a linguistic sense the word Shetty means the road to water in the desert

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shadia it's the thing that keeps you alive, spiritually alive in our Deen and practice of Islam. But in the practicality of life, the Sharia is what keeps you alive as a human being in your search for water. What is the word suiting that mean? It means a path that is well traveled to water.

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The concept of water becomes very very important. And it becomes a recurring theme throughout the discussion of use of alia Solomon Musa Musa escaped Egypt and he finds salvation and violent ma madeon. He gets to the well imagine.

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Some people say that that same well is the well that Yusuf was putting

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that where Benny is wrong, he entered Egypt from

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that standing pit of water, where he was kidnapped by his brothers and placed in that well, that well was a landmark to everyone who traveled on their way to Egypt.

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And therefore, when we talk about halaqa, the circle comes complete.

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That Moosa returns to where his Greek, Greek, Greek Greek Greek ancestral father was, to go back to the same place that he began.

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And therefore there's an important lesson for you and I in this as you look deeper into the Koran, you are taught that we are not people who pave new headways in faith.

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We are the owner of the prophets lie Selim who enjoy tradition.

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We are the ones who look to the past for solutions into the future. We are not the ones who seek innovation in matters of faithfulness, we are not the one to seek automation and reconciliation between some of the postmodern things that we study in school and university to make ourselves feel okay about putting our head down on the ground.

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We are those who is a part of our tradition of faith is that a law commends us and as something itemized by their odermatt past present and into the future and not Kullu you cut them off from that which is revealed to us is always put before that which we can rationalize and understand.

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And it becomes important for us to see how Allah subhanho wa Taala brings us back to where we should begin when the prophets I send them describes days like we're living today.

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You're going to say, yeah, you know, the, the prophets words, were piercing. And I don't say this with any condemnation of any individual or group. But when you hear some of the precision of the utterances of the prophet Isaiah for example, and authentic hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let the homosassa the Day of Judgment shall not come had the yen Kihara radula Rajan until a man takes in matrimony, another man in all human history, that was something that was never heard of or seen, even though there was that, you know, acceptance and the fulfillment of homosexuality as a sexual act, the legitimacy of it and calling it marriage is nothing that has ever

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been recorded. human history ever occurred, except in the last 1015 years.

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And when the Prophet describes it, he doesn't say the day of judgment will not come until homosexuality is practice. No, he doesn't say you Luwak know what he says. Until then.

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There's nikka.

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So some of the times that we find ourselves in today and we're not fatalist, by the way as a Muslim. You are not a person who says, Oh, my God, that they've judgments coming. Oh my god. The chef said no

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You know, 800 years ago when the Mongols entered into Baghdad, and the rivers turned black with the ink of the library that was destroyed, and then it turned red with the hundreds of 1000s who were butchered. They said, Yeah, dude, you're my dude.

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That's it. These are the guys that came from China, we're done.

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Right? And today you kind of hear these kind of silly discussions know, Allah Subhana. Allah gives us words of prophecy from the prophets, I said to him, to keep us upon a path where in our hearts we remain for.

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The details are not as important as you and I remaining and conviction. But I want you to know that as you proceed with the light of the Quran, as you study a deeper as you become more acquainted with the student of the prophets, I send them that you go past the skin that covers the apple and you get actually to its fiber and its juice and to the seeds that will produce more trees for others. Then you become grounded in the tree of faith. Water is a theme we will return to.

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In use of story the Father who is a prophet of Allah, was never told by Allah, I will bring back your son.

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And therefore he laments, and he cries until his eyes turn white hot iblp na hoomin al Husseini, Kelly, from his sorrow. However, you moves as a mother who isn't a prophet of God, who isn't receiving an angel of inspiration. A law says Follow button what Obama either

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I tied fast her heart so that she doesn't have sorrow and sadness. And I returned to her her son without her request in petition. Now that becomes a really, really important

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point for you and I as children, even if our parents have passed away,

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a loss of Hannah to Allah divinely intervenes

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to remove pain from the heart of the mother of Moses at the core at the thought of losing her son, could you imagine you've been seeing these dreams? And you've tried out the basket? It's watertight, Mashallah, it's going well, the soldiers come in, you fed the kid, and you wrap them up really well. And you say, I'm just going to put them at the bank, and I'm just going to push them out a little bit. And inshallah, once the soldiers come, they don't find I'm going to go out into the water and I'll bring them back that you know, simple. I saved my son, I bought myself some time.

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I believe a law will protect it.

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She puts him in the river, gone.

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And not just gone. But she's watching and he lands and the foots at the yacht of Pharaoh's house.

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She's like, yeah, Allah. I thought we had a deal.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:08

I'm seeing dreams. Like what's going on? So Pamela, like,

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What's happened? Previously, when I tested I put it out there, it would come back. It didn't go any. I just put mood and gone. You know the word boosa is not the name his mother gave him. The word moonset is an ancient Arabic word that means pulled from the water.

00:33:29 --> 00:33:35

It's the name Asya gives Moosa she says, You know, I, the one I brought out of the water.

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Water is a powerful motive.

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His mother who is in a profit, she sees this occur.

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See profits, we are always taught to believe Subhana Allah, never use it. Let me make sure

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everything but you never forget. I don't want to ever to forget that most of all of the prophets of Allah, Allah records for us to do in the Quran that they made that Allah did not answer. Ibrahim makes up for his father to believe he doesn't believe. Right? Ibrahim alayhis salam

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yaku yakou is begging a law. Oh, a law my son Noah law show me a vision of him. Where is he? I know he's alive feel he's alive, but no assurances given for years.

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But a humble slave of Allah. Nonprofit

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is capable of having their doula answered by Allah subhana wa Tada. And therefore as insignificant as you may think yourself to be. So Pamela, one of the first lessons that I teach when I take people to hedge funds, a lot of return is to hedge a lot. I mean, so every year, I've been blessed to be able to lead people through their monastic and every day I you know, I do

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Lessons after all of the solo art and so on. It's a wonderful Mashallah Eman filled experience. The first lesson is about emotions. You know, what are you going to feel? And one of the feelings that you have when you go to Hajj is I don't think I'm supposed to be here. Like, there's a mistake. I'm not the person who like prays all the time. I'm Yanni I'm the llama, good Muslim, but, you know, Surely there's somebody in the world who would gain a better hedge than me, like I'm so full of seeing, like, what am I doing here? Really? Am I the one? Why am I Why am I here? I don't even know how to do this. And the first thing that I do is I speak to them and I say,

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Don't ever consider yourself before a law as insignificant.

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Your voice is heard by Allah, as well as the voice of the prophets and the messengers of Allah. were either Celica evadne Mohammed, when they asked you about me you don't answer them. Don't say to them in a law says he is near in me Karim. Allah answers you directly. The whole Koran is full of Allah saying call, say to them, all of those statements call it's an answer to the unbelievers when they ask about something God wants. But when a law wants to speak to you and I he doesn't say to the Prophet call, yeah, you're letting me know. He says, Yeah. Are you letting me know, when he speaks to the Confirm? Call? say to them, yeah, you held curfew. Let them

00:36:38 --> 00:37:04

feel that power of connection to a lot. And a lot shows us these two moments of two parents losing their son, and both of them lament towards the law. And the law gives you that example so that you don't have sorrow and feeling of inadequacy that I can't be heard. I don't pray enough, fast enough. I'm not as charitable as others. Don't ever feel that you are too far from Allah.

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It's your heart that connects you to a law.

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And a moment you turn your heart to Allah, you're with Allah Subhana home with the

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use of was brought to his new home by a male figure. The key Aziz of Egypt, who's Egypt's minister Moosa was brought into his new home by a female figure. And therefore the effect of that is significant. The effect of that is the minister tells his wife to adopt this son, they weren't able to have children on their own. Natasha, who well Ah, let's make this son one of our own, we can adopt him because use have looked so beautiful, even as a baby he was like, this is a child we proud of.

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He looks like us resembles us, we'd be happy to have a moose Ali Salaam was an Israelite, who look distinct and different to the Egyptians.

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He was excessively tall, he was excessively dark and his skin color His hair was, was a Jad was very curly lammi what lamb wool, he didn't look like Pharaoh. It wasn't something that to be claimed yet around adopted as a son.

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And I want you to kind of pay attention to that.

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That, although use of is instructed, that instruction is given, we'll take him as our son.

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He doesn't end up being used in that role.

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And figure out who you would assume would not bring into his house, a child who he's ordered their murder, the firstborn of every Israelite is to be murdered. You would not assume Pharaoh it's a except this cute one

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who mysteriously washed up on my shore.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:06

Why did that happen?

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Allah answers that in sort of Baja.

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Allah Subhana Allah says,

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to move Sally's Salaam who says Oh Allah give me you know, enter my

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ocean, you know, release my tongue. Yep. Whoa, whoa, holy, that famous drought and sort of Baja. Allah says what are called melon alikum, rotten okra, Moses. I've shown you so many favors, even when you were young you forgot.

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And the law says at the end of that sequence, he says what lie to lie can have better mean me when he does not lie me. I cloaked you in my love.

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when Allah loves you, sit down who ordered your murder your your murder will adopt you as a son

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like a law's love

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is so powerful

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even for the one who has not yet earned it. Now that's that's important. Moose has a baby. He hasn't done anything he hasn't prayed or fast data. It doesn't know anything about a law, nothing. But Allah knows what his future will be. And I want you to know as you're sitting in front of me now there's a future you don't know about yourself. There's a reason Allah loves you for a greatness you're about to reach and a cusp, you're about to cross. There is an incredible journey that is set before you that Allah loves you now for nothing you've done or in doing at the moment, but for the potential that remains. And of the greatest failures that we have, in our psychology of acceptance

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of our own mortality is that we're willing to just assume this is as good as it gets. This is life. I'm just a by standard. But a lot correct this with us in showing us that that child who was supposed to be put to murder is the adopted one. And the child who was rescued who should have been treated as a son was turned into an object and a slave in the household.

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In the story of use of

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to expect that the minister's wife will take him as a son because she never had children, but he's taken as a slave. Instead, you will expect Moosa to be a slave because he is an Israelite, but he is adopted. Use of life changed

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from a life of dignity to a life of slavery. So use the value Salaam is born into a noble home. He's the son of a prophet. He's got bredrin he's from an influential tribe of Benny Assad l in the promised land.

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Moosa is born into a life of slavery of endanger,

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but he gained out of a life of slavery, a life of dignity, and use of who was born into a life of dignity finds himself in bondage in slavery. A lot sums this up in an area in sort of the earlier imraan within a Yamuna there will have been and as such our days, we give them to men and turn them

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a day of success, and a day of failure. And they have health and a day of infirmity, a day of new birth and new beginnings, and a day of burial and death, a day of earning and a day of loss, a day of rejoicing and weddings and happiness. And for some a day of divorce and a termination of love.

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And that which you expect to maintain is always changed.

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The status quo with a law is never status.

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It never stays never holds. And the loss of Hannah Montana promised both the rich and the poor, the righteous and the immoral, the wealthy and the influential, and the not all of them have one standard as the prophets I seldom said Marilla shade in lava hula,

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no one attains icon status. No one attains the heights. No one finds success except eventually they will feel the fall. eventually there will be a moment of humbling with Allah, even Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the day of bad and the day of

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life is based upon the ups and downs. But in between is the static line of faith.

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The graph may take you up and down.

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But it's that line that maintains you were at the some of your life. You were a slave of God,

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that you never relinquished to this dunya your heart. You never gave in to the cravings of your soul to the basis of your desires. You found always within your heart, your capacity, the ability to leverage success in your faithfulness with a loss of power know what to add.

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And therefore Allah shows the life of the dignified being taken unjustly.

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And enslavement occurring to a righteous person. imprisonment falsely for an act he never committed and the life of a slave

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Noble, living, articulated, taught,

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nurtured in the house of Pharaoh

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use of

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was given an exceptional trait. All of us are given exceptional traits. Everything every single one of us has something exceptional. Welcome. Some of us know it, some of us don't know it. Some of us don't ever discover it, we just never bother to invest in it.

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Others maybe in our life, don't bother assisting us to invest in it.

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Use a valet Sam one of his exceptional traits. It wasn't the ability to prophesize and interpret dreams. It was a part of it was his physical beauty.

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Moosa had an exceptional trait. It was his physical strength and his physical prowess. Both of them become their test in life.

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And everything that you've been blessed with, know that it's a test from Allah. Really, look at how Allah speaks about my wife, my children, my income,

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in the mean, as well as

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what I do when they come from your spouse and from your children is an enemy to you. Meaning on the Day of Judgment, my wife is going to look at me and say,

00:46:18 --> 00:46:19

pay up

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at you remember this day in this day, as I said, tequila, let me find my daughter and I run away

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in a run run for my sister Michelle, I have twin sisters I you know, it was a bonus

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a lot medallion Minnesota in

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your life

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is significant.

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What have you been blessed with?

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And have you shown thankfulness.

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See, shock is not just you use it for that which is good. But it's also you restrain it from that which is haraam.

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I, well, I yesterday I had my year eight students so we were discussing a Hadith of the prophets, I send them

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the prophets I send them said every day every human being has has to make sadaqa for every one of their joints. So I pointed out you know I said my finger. So I have a joint here and here and here in this finger, the three joints forget about the skin, forget about the nerve endings, forget about you know my fingernail, forget about the bone, forget about the muscle, just that joint, you know, that joint right here that allows me to pick up a pencil to comb my hair, to feed myself to have fine motor skills to paint the painting to play video games.

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Right? That little joint that you and I never ever kind of thing gets significant until arthritis strikes until you stub it or until something goes wrong. And then you say oh,

00:48:03 --> 00:48:14

you know that that pain sensor that you always you know, ah, that hurt. Instead of saying ah Alhamdulillah that I could feel pain and I didn't keep my hand on that grill until I damaged my body.

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That ability to use your waste facility and remove toxins from your body that would make you septic had you not had the blessing of Allah to have an easy bowel movement as in our as a common law. What are you thankful to Allah for? What blessing Do you count

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and therefore the exceptional trades will always be a matter of your test. Have you been exceptionally favored? Mashallah with the you know, Subhana Allah one of the greatest tests with odema Allah says in the hora en Allahu Allahu Allah,

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Allah gave them knowledge that led them away from him, kind of La allama to dynamin. Allah save us from this era.

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Allah seat speaks about strength.

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Allah speaks about financial independence. Look at how the Prophet describes, you know, somebody wealthy, he says, I have an Hulk Illallah of the most beloved people to Allah, Allah honey, the one who is self sufficient, wealthy, at the key, who has piety you know, inwardly and huffy, who doesn't want to stand out in public spamela very rare to find those three in a believer. Very rare to find them existing in harmony and balance, because in an insanity or be like a *, we're in a hula hoop below hyena chedid that mankind is violent in their love for wealth, and it's a massive

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How many people make decisions that bring ruin to their stable home life? Because they want a job promotion that pays an extra 10,000 a year?

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How many struggles of families who find their children at odds with them because they didn't spend enough time because I was at work.

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That as it compounds when you were eight 910 12 by the time you're 20, you ring up and say, brother, yeah, can you speak to my son?

00:50:30 --> 00:50:46

But where was the investment? What was the exceptional thing you had? And did you learn to manage it? So a lot shows us how use of managed his beauty he restrains himself. And this will come in the next one Moosa.

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learn that the hard way.

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The crime that happens to use of was private law to shut the doors, no witnesses

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musala salam in the middle of the street.

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Seeking to defend the person honorably but using his exceptional trade of strength in a way that was inappropriate use of asks a law Parliament the law in Europe be asked me why I asked a law to protect me from you woman, my lord of this house has always shown me favor I will never betray him. Even though a law just said that use of will have maybe her he would have leaned towards her. She was exceptional beauty she was had created an exceptional atmosphere. He felt that he probably could get away with it. But he says our Oh the villa column is the law. That word is powerful. We will study it shortly.

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after the men slaughter after the men dies

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Carla has I mean, I'm Alicia thought this was a devilish act. This was a sinful act. I seek refuge with God from

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the word I will be glad that you say before you read the Quran, it has three very important distinctions. The first is that when you say I owe the villa, it gives you the context that you can protect yourself from everything. as rich as you are powerful as you are successful as you are there are things in your life that I can't help myself from, from health, wealth, injury, from the shape on the scene, the unseen forces.

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Number two, it shows you who is the only one to protect you are who do the law. It's only Allah subhanho wa Taala

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use of

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was innocent, yet the law detained him.

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He's innocent.

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Yet the law came against him. Moosa was guilty, but Allah gives us the example of him escaping Justice

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panela you know, you would think that Allah would show us in the Quran Listen, if you're a good person, the law is always gonna you know, just just be patient the law we see through lots of panel data does you know, man, sometimes you just gotta run if you're innocent. You just gotta be silent. You gotta gotta be careful.

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Use of assumes he said, hey, look, look at my shirt. Look, here's the evidence Exhibit A. Everybody's witness.

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was shy. He does shy he didn't mean any of the people in the home. They bear witness. There's no no, it wasn't her. It wasn't him. It was her. She tried it before she told us to lock the door. She's the one who kicked us out.

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Everything seems to be in his favor.

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In the opposite, Moosa is guilty.

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But a law sends him a man who warns him that in this court you will find no justice.

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Use of while in jail is approached by two men, who he builds a friendship with a relationship with and who he assists. Moosa is saved by Who Are you beginning to see the theme the general Mashallah the progression, who saves Moosa it's two women at the well of madeon use of Allah teaches us how a man and woman should not come together in privacy

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in direct contact in a way that is not chaperoned. And, you know, there's rules that aren't followed, moves a story shows us how you should interact

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with women in a positive way, to the human tendency is that he or she approach and she initiated the conversation, but with

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both women in both stories initiate the conversation.

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But one is praiseworthy that leads to the marriage, and one is praiseworthy that leads to injustice and sin.

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Use of

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finds that unexpected friend, one of the two men who was with him in prison that use of became friends with he said, pile of Houdini and Arabic When you leave here, you're getting out today, please tell them my case. You know, I'm innocent. He you're I've been your friend. We've been here before as a name for nearly 10 years. Give them tell them I'm innocent. His friend does nothing.

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That's a powerful lesson. Sometimes you invest so much in your friend you think yeah, that they're there. They're as solid as they can be. And the moment they turn their back and they're like, see you later. That's what happened. Use of strength only comes back to ask him about the interpretation of the dream, not for use of sake, but for his own sake, he won't tell me what the dream is so that he can go back and hey, King, you know what, I know the dream. Pay me, you know, promote me.

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Allah warns us that there are different levels to friendship.

00:56:30 --> 00:56:36

And you don't need the oral and there's more than 28 different words that in the English translation just simply says friend,

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but in Arabi, there is slaw. habe there's Willie, Willie. You mean there? You know, there's so many different categories of there's an acquaintance there is a family friend, there's somebody you know, from a distance, there's somebody you've befriended through business. You know, there's so many different categories. Moosa, unexpectedly, one of the men in Pharaoh's House says in el mal, Tammy Runa be Kelly have to look they will not even give you a trial.

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They have already decided to kill you. Fast forward in Nila kameena. Now saying, although I'm not your friend, listen to my advice run.

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Sometimes the unexpected friend is more loyal than the friend you invested in who becomes treacherous. The mafia. They have a say.

00:57:31 --> 00:57:32

I'm just saying.

00:57:33 --> 00:57:47

You know, you can Yeah, I don't know how to say it the way you know, what's his name Al Capone would say right. Yeah, you know, he'd be like, keep your friends close. Keep your enemies close. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. All right.

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The one who who betrays is not going to be the stranger. The one who's going to betray is the one who is a friend.

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And that's what shows you the beauty of the Sahaba of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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That's what makes Abu Bakr Abu Bakr

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that's what makes Omar Omar Ali of man Earth man Alia Li Allahu anhu Sahaba.

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They will give their life for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in use of story.

00:58:29 --> 00:58:32

We have an annex we have, excuse me.

00:58:34 --> 00:59:09

In use of story we learned that his friend came to help him because of his selfish interest, his own reason his own desire to interpret for the king and King gain favor in Moses story. The selfless friend from the king's friends he's a minister with the with the king gives it not out of any self learner. You know, it would have been so much easier for him to say hey, I know where Moosa is I just spoke to him. Come Come with me I'm Moosa. Look, I'll help you solve this problem. Here you go sit down, what do I get? What do I get?

00:59:11 --> 00:59:38

In use of story use of expected a favor from his cellmate but it did not become immediately in moves, the story moves. I did not expect the favor from the two women, but it came immediately. And Subhan Allah Allah gives us that at times you have put your faith in something and someone that you believe relief is imminent, and allow makes you wait, because it's better for you.

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What was better for us have to wait in in that prison for so many years, and then become an ascended to the throne, to have an influence next to the king of Egypt, or to be led out immediately from prison and become a nobody in the street. And therefore the lesson for you and I is that anything that is

01:00:00 --> 01:00:09

Worth achieving requires effort, time and pressure. It requires effort, work, time

01:00:11 --> 01:00:12

and pressure.

01:00:15 --> 01:00:20

Use of returns to the court and faces the king moves or returns to the same court

01:00:21 --> 01:00:23

and faces for the home.

01:00:24 --> 01:01:01

Eventually, there is always a claw a clash, where truth must become manifest, even if it takes years in the case of Moosa, even if it's a cake takes the years in the case of use of, eventually there comes a tipping point where the truth is manifest. Use of gets honored by the king Moosa gets humiliated by the King panela the one who found favor in the desert who comes having spoken to a law you know, Allah says Tim Moosa in the Mac, I'm with you go to fit around.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:04

Around humiliates debasis

01:01:06 --> 01:01:08

Allah, you're you're with me.

01:01:09 --> 01:01:27

Use of who's in prison and shackled. Who nobody assumes a lot with him. Allah says worker, Lee can steal my name, such as the way I reward the righteous. I place him there, even though nobody has given him that assurance.

01:01:28 --> 01:01:30

I'm rushing through the end.

01:01:31 --> 01:01:33

By the way, I can stand here with you for like,

01:01:35 --> 01:02:00

a week. Right? Because we're just going through really quickly these were actually we're lucky notes as brother Adam. We uploaded them today. What 10am like I said, their first period I was like, I got a dot. Let me let me put these together. So forgive me for spelling mistakes. Saima don't judge my English shala one of our English teachers. In use of story we learn that use of got reunited with his brother Binyamin.

01:02:01 --> 01:02:06

In Moses story we learn that moves that is reunited with his brother how to

01:02:09 --> 01:02:14

now we begin to see where the story diverged. A lot brings it back.

01:02:16 --> 01:02:32

They stood in front of the court both of them, Justice is going to be served both of them, both of them are supported by a law after many years, both of them, both of them experienced betrayal, both of them, both of them now need an assistant with them.

01:02:33 --> 01:02:34

Both of them

01:02:35 --> 01:02:37

in use of story.

01:02:38 --> 01:02:56

There was essentially a prostration use of family all of them when they finally rekindle. They make you know, a prostration to acknowledge use of place in moves a story. There's essentially two of the magicians to acknowledge the placement of a loss of Hannah Homer Tada.

01:02:58 --> 01:03:22

And in recognizing in the story of use of the importance of the prophets of Allah, those who have endured and those who become our models, is also symmetrical in US honoring what Allah has ordered for us to maintain through what is delivered to us by the prophets of Allah finally in sha Allah,

01:03:23 --> 01:03:28

the story of use of Allah His Sallam answers the question of how the Israelites came to Egypt.

01:03:29 --> 01:03:37

And the story of Musa answers for us the question of how and why the Israelites left Egypt.

01:03:38 --> 01:03:56

I conclude my discussion with you with with three points that I want you to make actionable in my life in your life. All right. Because much I love this story night is wonderful. And that's why we said it's a story night. But I can't leave you without you taking three things that you can do from now.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:51

The first and I counsel myself and family and you with is when you are tested. With your extraordinary traits and gifts. pass the test with a loss of content with Tada, maintain the course. Don't let your natural talents Don't let your intelligence your knowledge, your wealth. Don't let your physical beauty Don't let your you know status in society become something that restricts you from becoming better than what you already are. And you can see this in the story of Musa and use of Allah, his Salah, both of them are tested. It is important for you whether you preempt the trial by asking a lot for forgiveness and you see the danger before it arrives. Or equally whether you've

01:04:51 --> 01:05:00

made the mistake. Don't let it continue but returned back to Allah subhanho wa Taala second lesson that

01:05:00 --> 01:05:04

I want you to maintain and I pray that a law makes it approved for us and not against us

01:05:05 --> 01:05:07

is to study the horror and

01:05:08 --> 01:05:29

to go a little bit past, you know, just the normal kind of reading in it, to listen to more than one speaker about more about the same surah about the same discussion, to read more than one translation to enquire and ask someone you presume in them a literate understanding of the Quran.

01:05:31 --> 01:06:17

Let the Koran make your mouth fragrant. Recite its letters in Arabic, even if you don't understand its meaning, but seek to understand its clarity. And as you study it, you will gain greater knowledge as you proceed in it. And as I study sort of use of now and I studied in sha Allah next year with other teachers, with other people, with other students as well, there will be greater understanding to what we've already understood, the more you connect with the word of Allah, the more interaction you have with it, the more you become grounded in faith, whenever Allah Subhana Allah uses the word that that tomb imana increase them in faith, the verse before it or after it is

01:06:17 --> 01:06:19

re citation of the Quran.

01:06:21 --> 01:06:29

In salthill, m file in other places, that to me, man of the verses of the Quran, increase them in knowledge.

01:06:30 --> 01:06:31

Third, and finally,

01:06:34 --> 01:07:10

and May Allah subhanho wa Taala Minkus from those who are able to convey the message of the portal and to others is whatever benefit you know, don't ever think I'm too insignificant to pass on to others. And therefore here at UW a My dear brothers from Curtin University sisters from Curtin University, have the halaqa have a circle that begins with you and ends comes around that as you teach one day somebody else teaches another and you're not meant to be here and give everything that's there about sort of use of and I'm sure there's new things you heard about sort of Yusuf and Moosa today,

01:07:11 --> 01:07:53

conveyed to others who may not have studied what you might have learned today or in other sessions. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said how you document Allah and Allah, the best of you, is the one who learns from the Quran and conveys It teaches it to others. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when he would teach people about mobile, in Aruba, mobile in our home in Zambia, perhaps the one you will tell what I said, will understand it better than the one who heard me in the first instance. So perhaps you might share something, and you understood a little bit, but the one you shared it to give them greater clarity and assistance in their life. Sometimes, you know,

01:07:53 --> 01:08:27

one word, one idea for me, you know, isn't as significant as it was for somebody else. I had one of my friends who became Muslim from a verse that I was reading, I left it on my desk. He was visiting my home back in Canada when I was younger, and my Quran was there in English in Arabi. And it was a verse from sawtooth and he said, I was reading it didn't matter to me, it didn't affect me. I went out of the room came back, he's crying. I go, what's wrong? And he just touches the hold on goes, this is the truth. Okay, I know that but why? Like, I thought, well, what is it? Oh, my God. What happened?

01:08:29 --> 01:09:15

I didn't know that. He grew up in foster care. He was an orphan. And the people that were paid to look after he mistreated him, they wouldn't spend on him. They wouldn't you know, look after him in the way that they were paid to do. So the verse that I haphazardly unintentionally from the color of Allah left open where I had ended my reading sort of Nisa for white lonely Latina coluna and while Aaliyah tabula Let there be severe warning to those who eat the wealth of the orphans in oppression and wrongdoing and transgression in the mayor Karuna, feeble Tony him, nowra everything they consumed unjustly is fire in their belly. He said a shadow La ilaha illallah wa. It's never been put

01:09:15 --> 01:09:41

like that to him before. That's the word of God. You know, that didn't move me as much as it moved him. So perhaps the verse you know, isn't what you need isn't the thing that move the mountains for you. But perhaps when you sit with someone, and you give them something from the word of a law that you have come to know that it can change the prophets of Allah alayhi wa sallam said,

01:09:42 --> 01:09:59

ballyhoo area convey for me if all you know is one verse, may Allah make us conveyors of the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam whatever that when al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

01:10:00 --> 01:10:02

It was Savio selama salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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