Waleed Basyouni – Spending The Whole Day Sleeping Or Doing Nothing

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of not sleeping during quarantine and wasting time during quarantine, as it is best to focus on worship and socializing during quarantine. They suggest that spending most of the day sleeping and not doing anything is not healthy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh as you know, from Oman coming in the summer, a lot of people are thought students don't have schools. So, basically, unfortunately, among the common mistake that people do during this month, they spend most of their day sleeping, doing nothing. So that's not correct. We should not spend the whole day sleeping the whole night waking up and not even working or praying or can usually socializing or playing or, you know, fooling around. So that's not correct. We should not spend most of the day sleeping and doing nothing and wasting the time we should occupied our daytime because that's the time when we are doing a great act of worship

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which is fasting, which during that time, includes a lot of really bad a lot of Vicar, a lot of there are a lot of learning a lot of sada May Allah Subhana Allah accept from all of us.

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