The Perfect Day 18

Wisam Sharieff


Channel: Wisam Sharieff

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Speaker 1 discusses the process of resolving addiction and reaching out to those who have dealt with it. They explain that the main step is accepting everything that happened and expressing gratitude for it. They also mention that they have recorded a log for 40 or 10 days before beginning the process.

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And that leads us to the final main step of the perfect day. And this is where I reach out to those who have dealt with addiction who find themselves in it who are in a disconnected place. Those who are in a disconnect from the higher source. The main step is as you just did and recorded for 40 days or 10 days, a log, except right now verbally, I accept every day up until now every joint every bad sin, every guilty producing thing, I accept everything every good business decision, bad decision. I accept every day, every good thing, every bad thing, every regret and I accept every sadness, every high every pleasure, every climax, and I say Oh Allah, I accept. And with that

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acceptance of everything that happened and all of that I take it as it was a perfect day so that I could get here