Wasim Kempson – The Negative Impact Of Innovations On Tawheed

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the negative impact of innovation on hate and the importance of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. They stress the need to be engaged in social media and not let anyone dominate the conversation. The importance of understanding the reality of one's actions and the use of words like "na" and Hamilton in the title of the book "The" is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the importance of following the Prophet's teachings and avoiding negative emotions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yesterday Ladies Gentlemen, we learned about the hate we learn about how hate in our life we learn about the effects so on and so forth. So today what it is all about relative visor. So brothers, sisters, just a quick announcement, there's a slight change in topics, so and also the arrangement of the speakers. So our very first speaker, okay, we'll keep the speaker a bit of a surprise later on. So talk about the topic first. Okay, so the topic is the negative impact of innovations on to hate. Yeah, yes, innovation. Yeah, innovation in our head. So sometimes people do tend to add here and there. Just because I was wrong is that he does something good. No problem. So without further

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ado, ladies, gentlemen, now let's begin our first session today. Are you ready? Ladies? Gentlemen, are you ready? So let's welcome our first speaker, Chef Wassim cancer for the mascara.

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Did you do different? What did you say something? What was the formula? What was the formula? You know, honestly, that there is no it's just, it's just from Allah.

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If Allah Subhana Allah decrees to guide a person, it will be at that time.

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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Mala Rahmani Raheem in Al Hamdulillah Muhammad who want to start you know who want to start a pharaoh who want to study when are also below him is surely on fusina woman say Dr. Molina my yeah de la who fella mobile leather woman you believe? The Yoda wa shadow Allah Illallah Hua hula Shadi Cara what a shadow Anna Mohammed in Abu rasuluh

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Yeah, you handle a Xena man on top Allah have a Ducati he will attend Mouton. Illa one Tomaselli moon

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yeah, you have leadin men of Allah wa Kulu Colin studied us la come ama hola como que la comes on Oba come overcome, warming up Allah wa Rasulullah who haka differs if I was in our team I'm not bad

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for in Astana al Hadith he Kitab Allah Will Ferrell had he had the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or Sharon moody Martha to her were called llamada Demeter I will contribute that in Bala will call Ebola to funner

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indeed will praise and thanks is due to Allah subhanaw taala and may the peace and blessings of Allah Allah Allah Allah be upon His final messenger Muhammad Salla Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam,

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my divine the sisters, I ask Allah subhanaw taala to bless each and every single one of you, and allow you to be manifest is in those who are successful for dunya will, Allah whom I mean,

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so as was mentioned, that there has been a small swap

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and exchange between Dr. Bilal and myself. Which leads me to think that I'm assuming that you all came to see Dr. Bilal. But since none of you have left, it means that you are satisfied in listening to me insha Allah to Allah,

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which is a good sign.

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Secondly, that the topic also also had a slight change. So we're having a very exciting start to the date Alhamdulillah.

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However, the topic itself is, I believe, a very important topic. The whole conference, of course, is is important. But this topic itself is one of those topics which allows us to see two sides of the coin,

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heads or tails when you flick a coin that has two sides, black and white, light and dark Tawheed the opposite of Tawheed would be a shake, and then you have sun and the opposite of that would be I'll be there.

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Now, I will mention the statement of Khalifa typically a man or the Allahu Anhu was very famous statement of this great companion. What are the Allahu Anhu he said Can a nurse that the people they used to ask the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and ill fate about the good things will come to us who an usher but I used to ask him about the evil things

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in fear Mahabharata New Delhi Cooney in the fear that it would come to me or it would appear to me, although I may fall into it

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So the Muslim must be fully aware of what the reality of a toe hate is so that you implement it and you rush towards it.

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But also, you need to know what the pitfalls are what goes against towhead. So you know what goes against them, and what may nullify that. So you are aware of what shook is

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unfollowing the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam following the Sunnah is important for us, and you and I.

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But also what goes against that.

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Now, when we talk about innovations, and the Arabic term for innovations is albida.

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Sometimes you may see some people on the side

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all we're talking about, but again, you want to bring out the stick. Metaphorically, of course, you want to bring out the stick and you want to beat the Muslims again, where the ALMA, Alma is bleeding, the OMA is suffering. The OMA is going through trial after trial, calamity of the calamity, and you want to start talking about vida?

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Do we not have bigger matters to talk about?

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Imagine that,

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all the benefit that social media,

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whether it is Facebook, tick, tock, Instagram, Snapchat, all of these platforms, that you can reach 1000s and millions of people by clicking a share or pressing a button and it gets passed on from one to the next, that these are platforms that Subhanallah can be used to spread so much higher.

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So much goodness can be used in these platforms. But as Muslims, we don't utilize them in the correct way enough.

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Yes, Muslims are engaged in such platforms. But why is it we're engaged in attacking one another?

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Why is it that we're engaged in trying to bring one another down? Why is this such a big part of what Muslims are engaged in on social media? And I'm sure you have seen it for yourselves.

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So yes, the OMA is going through a very difficult time from one perspective.

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But as Muslims, we are not victims, and we should not play the victim. Look at us and feel sorry for us. Ultimately, we turn to Allah subhanaw taala for all help.

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And we never give up. Never lose hope, never despair.

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But imagine now, with all the trauma and difficulties that are going on around the world, imagine now in a particular place.

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There's a conference, and there are hundreds, maybe 1000 2000 3000 people, they attend that conference.

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And this conference is over a couple of days. And they talking about the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala the talking about how to have the correct belief in Allah subhanaw taala

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with no harassment,

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no problems, everybody comes together, wanting to learn and wanting to benefit. This within itself is a victory. This within itself is Allah subhanaw taala facilitating enabling a portion of the Ummah to be victorious in studying such beautiful topics.

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Now I'm sure you can, the Penny has dropped in that what I've just mentioned, is what we are going through and experiencing right now.

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So on the one hand, the OMA is going through some great difficulties. And this is a student that Allah subhanaw taala

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this is the way of Allah Jalla wa Ala the things go up and they go down.

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But Al Hamdulillah we know that with Islam, when it goes up it make him come down again, but we know for sure, but isn't it later that it will come back up again.

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And in those downtimes and there's difficult times it means that we need to look internally and find out our shortcomings or mistakes individually as myself not pointing the finger at everybody else. I start with myself and my family members and my community and gradually you move out, spread out if it was if it is within your capabilities to do so or your your responsibility to do so.

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But it starts with yourself.

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So when we're talking about such issues, we're talking about to heed the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala nothing more important, no more important subject for Muslim to know than this topic and following the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam similarly, as important because you cannot separate the two

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because how will you know the reality of what tel hate is except through how the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam taught us through revelation from Allah subhanahu wa ala.

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So understanding to hate understanding sunnah and also understanding my Ubaldo Houma, that what goes against them both

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knowing analysis and understanding that your deeds

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and that is all that you will take with you in your grave. Nothing else you cannot take your money in your grave. You cannot take whatever position a lot about Allah gave to you in this dunya into your grave, you will be washed, you will be shrouded and you will be buried and prayed over.

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That is the higher the end for you and I

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you will take your deeds you are a man.

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This is what you will face Allah subhanaw taala with these are your if you want to say your bargaining chips.

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This is what you will place in front of a lot of people to Allah to say that you are you want the paradise? Is this enough? Is what I did was it enough?

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But to ensure best you can was how many questions come this actions that I did? Will Allah accept that for me? Because Allah accepted this does Allah accept that?

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Well, first and foremost, no human being is in a position to tell anybody what Allah subhanaw taala will and won't accept from themselves. We can only relate that what Allah Allah Allah tells us in MA Taco Bell, Allahu Middlemore, Turkey, first and foremost. But a lot of articles Allah will only accept from those people who have taught law

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who can raise their hand and says, I have Taqwa who can say that as a guarantee, who can say that?

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the very last verse in Surah, Alkaff, maybe a surah that we read every Juma

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where Allah subhanaw taala makes it very clear to us the criteria for what actions or what actions they will be accepted, they should go to the conditions of acceptance of our deeds. Now why I'm mentioning this, because the topic innovations until Heydo, but you're not really mentioned too much detail about that the topic itself cannot be discussed in 45 minutes and then we are done.

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It cannot be done.

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But it is a reminder to you and I that the topic needs to be studied,

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that there are various sub topics within this topic itself. For us to have knowledge of

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as a reminder, or a push that you and I we need to do a bit more and educate ourselves on these particular topics.

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So this particular verse in Surah Tolka, at the end, when Allah subhanaw taala he tells us from can from an Karna, your Julik or a B

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that whoever has this desire, whoever has this wish to meet Allah subhanaw taala

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this meeting, you wanted it to be a good meeting, a happy meeting with Europe. Then Allah subhanaw taala lays down two conditions for us. Firstly, failure I'm not I'm Alan saleha

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failure and then let them do good actions. I'm an Orsolya

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that is the first condition good actions righteous actions. Well, you should it be bad to terapi bad and not to associate any partners with Allah subhanaw taala when you get this verse and you break it down to conditions are very clear,

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righteous actions and to stay away from should

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you worship your Lord. Not associating any partners with a loss of pinata Anna.

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Many of them offer see rune to explain the Quran to us. They say that these are the two conditions for any act of a bad to be accepted. Firstly, Alice, sincerity, purity of worship that it belongs to Allah subhanaw taala alone.

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You don't worship anything on this earth. And secondly, Al mutawa

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And that is because who taught you righteous actions? Who taught you and I am an Australia did we make it up? No.

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An abuse Allah Allahu Allahu Allah wa sallam is the one who taught us I'll Hallelu while haram el hierro. We're sure what is good and what is bad.

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And this is how we want to ensure that our action is purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And secondly, that is in line with how another use Allah Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam taught us

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up until here, because we're going on a bit of a journey here, step by step slowly, slowly.

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This is a verse from the Quran. These are two conditions that Allah subhanaw taala placed down for the acceptance of deeds. No Muslim is going to disagree with this. No Muslim will say well, maybe no, is very clear. These are the conditions

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across sincerity to Allah subhanaw taala in worship, and that your action is in line with the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So, let us move on to the next step.

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At the very beginning of this reminder lecture I'm giving to you now, I mentioned what is part of how to hedge as you may regularly hear on your Maluma

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that the best speech is the or the best of Hooda is the holder of Muhammad Sallallahu I do Senator Mojito and Hardy had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and Kulu Maha satin Buddha.

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But every innovation, or every newly invented matter is an innovation. And every innovation is a form of misguidance and every misguidance is a path to the hellfire.

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So in this part, which is narrated by Elisa to salaam, he said that the best guidance is the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and that Kulu all the word Kulu means old.

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Maha fatin be there, every newly invented matter.

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Every newly invented something we've never seen it before, is an innovation. And never innovation is a form of misguidance and misguidance takes you to the fire.

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So it's very profound, that when we are talking about such a matter, we are only reiterating and reminding ourselves how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught the Sahaba and how they then taught their students until it reaches us. It's not part of the deen or the religion that we are trying to hide. Again, nobody is going to disagree with what we have said so far. Because we have coated in makalah Allah O Allah rasool Allah salatu salam, we've only stated what Allah has said, and what his Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, so we are continuing.

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And we are going nobody's going to disagree with this.

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Now is the first part where we need to understand because this topic, as I mentioned, can get very complicated and very deep.

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We are not going to make it complicated. We are not going to go deep into this topic. We cannot we don't have the time.

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We need to address the topic in a way that inshallah Allah, everybody will understand it.

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And it's very simple as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would adjust the Sahaba Rhodiola volume in a way that they understood, all understood.

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And in the narration of arbitrage, what are the other one? How the bonus Bhima if honeymoon, speak to people in the way that they understand, don't overcomplicate it, speak in a way that they understand. And this is how we want to address the topic. Not to sound overly scholarly, scholarly, mentioning names and books and terminology.

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Because maybe that sounds good, but I have not delivered a message and you haven't benefited from the topic.

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So so far, we are in agreement, all Muslims would agree with what I've said so far, because we have quoted Allah subhanaw taala from the Quran. And the Prophet alayhi salatu salam

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is a very important principle and principles in Islam are really helpful. Principles are really helpful. Now, why our principles and we mean if you say in Arabic halide, aka Ada, Hawaii, these principles allow us to understand lots of different topics at the same time.

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So for example, with food and drink with food and drink,

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you may go into unhandled you don't have that problem.

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He I guess, but maybe in certain countries go into a supermarket. And there's lots of foods and drinks which are mixed with alcohol.

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And then you say, Can I, you go to the shelves? And you say, can I eat that? Because it contains alcohol. And you say no, It's haram. Okay, so then you go to the next food, and Masha Allah does a list of there's a row of 100 different foods. And you're going to ask me 100 questions regarding these different 100 foods. And then we go to the rows of the drinks. Is this haram or Halal haram halal?

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Where if we understood the principle with regards to alcohol with inside products of foods or drinks, you understand the principle, you will be able to answer yourself all of these things at the same time.

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So if this what you're going to consume, will make you

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drunk will intoxicate you, then we say immediately It's haram.

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But the person may say, Well, I'm just adding a little bit to my food or as a spice or an addition, something like that. We say no. If why consuming this, even if you're going to lose a little bit, if, if it consumed if you couldn't make an intoxicant. It's haram, a principle. So therefore this principle helps you go along. So principles are really important for us in understanding many things in Al Islam.

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If you think about Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, the first person to write a book on a solid,

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solid Fifth Amendment mipela Haima Hola, or reseller, this book broke down lots of concepts to do with how we understand the Quran and the Sunnah, and PS analogy Agema consensus of the scholars and so on. So it broke and allowed us to understand important principles for us.

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So the principle I want to mention to you now, I can take this away with you

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is with regards to our understanding of words within al Islam.

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How do we understand the words in Islam? And what do I mean by that? I'm hoping that this is the most complicated part of what I'm going to mention to you even though it is very simple Inshallah, very simple principle.

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When understanding words in the Quran, and the Sunnah, we will move along a principle.

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So, any word within the Arabic language can be understood in one of three ways, it will be understood according to the law, according to the origin of the Arabic language

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or it will have a masala century, it will have a shorter a technical meaning,

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or it will have an ordinary meaning like a customary meaning. So according to the people, they use this word in a particular way.

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This is one of the ways that we can understand language. So number one, according to the language itself. Number two, according to the Islamic technical meaning, or number three, according to custom, it's quite simple.

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So, when we are talking about the data, for example, and innovation,

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how are we going to understand what this means because

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depending on how we interpret this word, is going to send us in a particular direction.

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What we will say is that the origin,

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the starting point in us understanding any Islamic term in the Quran and Sunnah, the first point we're going to look at is what is the Islamic technical shot a definition?

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That is the first point and if that word is not used in that shorter a sense in the Islamic sense, then we will go to the linguistic meaning, if the linguistic meaning is not applicable here, then we will go to the customary meeting, meaning exactly so the first step is what the shorter a meaning, then the Islamic technical meaning, the according to the language and the number three according to the customer.

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So when we define terms, these are the steps that we will go through, the person doesn't have the license to jump around as they like, we say no, this is the formula, this is the principle that you will move along.

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So for example, very simple, a Salah, Salah

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Now, how are we going to define or give a definition to Salah? Well, according to the language it means.

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According to the Arabic language, Salah means a dura

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Now, whenever the word you find the word salah, mentioned in the Quran, the Salah is mentioned in the Sunnah, for example, how are we going to interpret the word salah?

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Are we going to use the Arabic meaning or are we going to go to the shorter a meaning? Because when Allah subhanaw taala says, well themost father, well, it was deca, the person will translate it well, here Allah subhanaw taala is telling you to make dua.

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Just make dua and give zakah.

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But we will say no, that is not the intended meaning here. Doesn't mean just mean Dre, it means and this is where we will define the prayer that specific actions and statements that begins with techniques and it ends with decylene. That's what we're talking about.

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So when we're talking about the DA, when the Prophet Ellison's tomb of Buddha, what are we talking about here? Are we talking about the linguistic which means just to make something new?

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Something like or something not to do with the religion? Or is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam talking about a bit that which has something to do with the religion? With worship? We have the principle.

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And the principle is that any word that that was mentioned, it will have its own shot a technical definition. So when the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is referring and using the word Vidya.

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What are we talking about? Are we talking about? Am I allowed to have a microphone inside the Masjid? Am I allowed to have carpet inside the Masjid? Are these acts of a brother? Are they yes or no? No, they No.

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Having a microphone inside domestic business, that's fine, no problem having a carpet no problem.

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Even though it's a form of video, in the sense that in the time of the Prophet LS, or some of these things never existed. So it's a newly invented matter microphones and things. But the prophet is not referring to these things.

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The prophesy Sam is referring to those things which may be invented into the religion, which Allah subhanaw taala revealed to us how you are going to worship Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So, this is like the case that we are putting forth, which if you think about it,

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is a very beautiful thing.

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It is a very beautiful thing to understand this principle, and in turn, allows us to understand the intended meaning of what Allah subhanaw taala wants from us in the Quran. And likewise, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Sunnah. Nobody can come along and start playing with the words, saying no, it doesn't mean that it means this, what is the principle? We go back to the shorter meaning first, and this is how we will understand that word. If that is not the intended meaning and is clear is not intended by that, then we go to the linguistic meaning, if not the linguistic meaning, then we go to the customary meaning.

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So these principles, they aim to empower them, the empower the student of knowledge,

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the one wanting to know their religion, in a way that allows them to know this is one of the very small ways By Allah's grace, that our deen is preserved.

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Our deen is preserved, nobody can come along and start changing and chopping and changing. I'm going to add this I'm going to take that away. We need a new new new interpretation of Islam in 2024. What are you talking about? The hamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala gave us power. Right? The professor the salah Salem gave us our principles, how to understand our religion.

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So the conversation continues.

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Have the scholars defined what the word with their means? Yes, they have? Have they different? Yes, they have have the different approaches they have?

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Is it for us to discuss them now? Absolutely not. Because we don't have the time to do that.

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But I've mentioned that, that their alignment may have different over their definitions.

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It doesn't mean that when I say they differ, it means that they are at loggerheads that they are angry with one another. And they don't accept it doesn't mean that because you can have differences which are Khilafah tabat A form of differences of opinion which are against one another. You can also have Khilafah Tanoa different types of elf which complement one another. You can have differences which complement one another and both are accepted. They just come from different perspectives but arrive at the same result, the same conclusion.

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So the well known definitions of a Buddha and that sense, we can say all arrive

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If at the same understanding because ultimately, who is the one who told us about these, these terms? The simplest way of doing it is going back to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam the simplest way to do it for you and I doesn't mean that you need to go to an Islamic University, or sit in adults for a number of years to have this really deep understanding. simply referring back to how our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made warning of these particular issues.

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Because quite simply falling into these things which that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam warned us of would mean because these are pots, these are paths.

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And to further emphasize the path issue,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on an occasion What did he do, he draws a line in the sand. Physically, he draws a line in the sand, amongst the companions.

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And on the left and right of this particular line, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam draws other lines, a few to the right and a few to the left.

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And the Sahaba of the lion, of course, are intrigued, immersed in what is going on here. And here that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam tells them, this is the Sirata animal stuck in

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this one in the middle is the straight path. And these other paths are house away from the Serato monster team. And that there was a Shavon Shavon, who is calling people to take these other paths.

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So don't follow these other paths. Follow the Sybil Allah subhanaw taala, the path of Allah subhana wa Tada. So there were real examples, where the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would show visual examples, how to follow and what to do and how to understand what the straight path is.

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So as understanding these terms, we go back to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. And we don't belittle, we don't belittle such topics why, because of a person takes this path on the right, it means that they're going far away from the path of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And we ought to remain on that straight puff. As I mentioned yesterday, it had the nastier autonomous docking, you make dua for it every single day,

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for you to remain on that path.

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So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam describes to his companions, in no uncertain terms very clear.

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And so for example, we have the Hadith about the blue serie or the Allah one.

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And part of what the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he says, KatataK to come. Another way

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that I left you and another magical way a lot, a very clear path Laolu her kind of hurry her.

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That is night is like the day, in the daytime, you can see everything.

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But as long as you are on the straight path.

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It doesn't matter whether it's the day or night, you will see the straight path, Louisiana Illa Hurlock that no one deviates from that path, except that they will be led to destruction.

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So the Prophet alayhi salam made very clear as to what was sunnah, and not what would go against it. There are many examples. And I'm sure you know the story where three individuals, they questioned themselves, where are we in comparison to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And one of them said, I will not get married. And one of them said, I'm going to pray every single night. And the other one said, I'm going to fast every day. You may know the story. And so when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam found out what they wanted to do, and it was good intention.

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Praying the night prayer is a bad thing. I mean, offworld Corbett is from the best of voluntary acts that you can do is pray in the nighttime

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and fasting, Allahu Akbar. However, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam questioned them

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and said, I marry and there are days when I don't fast and there are nights when I go to sleep

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for a month, Ravi Vanstone natif Elisa Minnie, whoever turns away from my way from my sunnah is not for me.

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We understand that there may be approaches that the person wants to gain a closeness to Allah subhanaw taala what appears to be with a bow that would you say is Masha Allah Hassan had had it hasn't, that's good.

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However, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam rebuked certain Sahaba because of the way that they were doing it.

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So the prophets Allah has made very

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clear that there is a manner there is a way that you will do things.

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So the Prophet alayhi salam, as I mentioned made very clear as to how to follow the straight path and how to avoid deviance.

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Let me give you another example. I think examples allow us to understand the point I'm mentioning further.

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Somebody does an action within Islam, you go to the masjid and you see them doing something. And you question I've never seen that action before. What did you get that from? Well, they say something. In passing. You ask, where did you get what did you get that statement from? They said, Oh, I got it from my teacher. See, Jenny Montez. What about your teacher? Because I've never seen I've never heard of it before. Not to say that, you know, I know everything. Hunter, you know everything. But you want to know mashallah, is there something I can read about it? Because I don't know about it and it's a good thing to do, mashallah, maybe I can do it.

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So then you follow a chain,

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you follow? You follow the chain, you follow? Where it goes, how far it goes back. And then you can identify where it stops. Just as somebody says, halfway through Quran, I memorize the Quran is a martial law. Yes. Excellent. Then surely you have made each other you've been given license? Yes.

00:36:26 --> 00:37:10

But you've been tense. So then he pulls out not out of arrogance or proud or pride. They said hamdulillah Allah azza wa jal allowed me and blessed me with this. But the person says My teacher is cheerful and on that piece of and the certificate that he has, or that she has, and that their teacher is full. And that teacher is full on and that teachers who learn chef and chef and chef and chef, and they mentioned maybe what 2728 29 names, 30 names, going back through some of the names of the Sahaba of the line home and over, you have no cab and under Nabi SallAllahu sallam, and Jabril SLM and Rajpal al Amin have a chain back SubhanAllah. So you're able to verify that person, their

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knowledge concerning the Quran is where it came from. You have a chain of narration.

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This same principle exists with regards to our actions. Similarly, in a bar dirt, when you get it from, you can follow the chain back. Ultimately, it has to go back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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has to or at least at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and the Prophet alayhi salam approved of it.

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And there is no hemorrhage, there should be no issue or no problem. And you asking about such things, because you want to verify it to ensure that every action every statement that you do, is in line with the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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If the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did something, said something, I want to be able to implement that and follow that as best I can. Lakota can eloquent Rasulullah. He was what would Hassan that you had in the Messenger of Allah alayhi salatu salam,

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the best of examples.

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So the Sahaba of the Align home they would preserve the Sunnah, in action and in statement and their students and their students. They would verify what would be said.

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And there was a very beautiful statement

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from Imam Malik Rahim Allah Imam ODonnell Hijra. He was the Imam of El Medina.

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Rahim Allah and he has as many of the great roles. They have statements concerning the preservation of the deen. He said something very powerful concerning adhering to the way of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam

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he said that I hate my Allah money but today I feel Islam maybe they're your aha Santa for God Zama anna Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Maha navasana

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we and Allah Tala your whole Alia whom are coming to LA come Dina come from our alum Yo Yo Ma even Dina Fela yo Kunal yo Medina Subhanallah

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I translate them.

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He says Rahim Allah that whoever invents an innovation into Islam, considering it, that it is something good

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has claimed that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam betrayed the trust given to him

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because that person is doing something that the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam never taught, never agreed to never existed at that time. And the person who comes after

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He wants to do it. Just as Imam Malik Rahim Allah, he saw a man wanting to assume haram. He's gonna perform Hajj or Umrah from the grave of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Now the mere thought the place to assume it haram is Khalifa, about seven kilometres outside Medina. So he is questioned and asked, Why are you assuming you're Iran from here from the grave of the messenger la salatu salam?

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And his answer was to be close to or to be from this blessed place. And he was rebuked. Indeed I fear for you fit in.

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I fear for you a fitna in doing something that you are not required to do. There was no command to assume you're haram here. Now a person may say, Well, if you want to perform Hajj or Umrah you need to enter into haram.

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That is not the point. It is the point that where you are doing it from the idea of how you are doing it will cause a problem.

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So the very early scholars inherited this, this knowledge in the preservation of the religion

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and how beautiful it is part of our Islam is part of our submission is it not to worship Allah subhanaw taala how we were commanded. When you perform Salah Tovar, every single one of us will pray for her for our cat and we will all start our Salah with Allahu Akbar. And then after standing, we will all perform Riku and then we will all stand up and we will all go down back into sujood and we will perform to sagittis there is no Muslim on Earth who will pray the Salah any different.

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Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu Ellison said what Solu Kamara, a tamale asali? Pray as you have seen me praying.

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Not so low Allah cave, prayers you like no

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part of our obedience to Allah subhanaw taala is following the messenger SallAllahu Allahu alayhi wa salam and you cannot separate it. Following the Sunnah is part of your a bed to Allah Tabata, Katana,

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Wilma Atacama rasool Allah Who, whatever the messenger SallAllahu Sallam gave to you commanded you with you take it woman or her man who Fanta who and whatever He prohibited you from you stay away from that. So following the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is part of our a bad that is the link of what negative impacts does bit there have on one still hate. It means that you are moving away from what Allah subhanaw taala commanded you with and that you are distancing yourself away from the practice of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam when you put it in these terms, you can see that the MATA is very important. Extremely important.

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And that yes, the OMA as I mentioned at the beginning is going through many trials and difficulties. But if us as an OMA as individuals are not worshipping Allah subhanaw taala correctly, not establishing the tau hate in our lives, not establishing the following of the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Allahu Allah wa seldom correctly making things up as we go along. And then we complain where is the Nasir? Where is the victory of Allah? subhanho wa taala?

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Where is the blame?

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The question is where is the blame?

00:43:41 --> 00:43:49

Is the blame on Allah subhanaw taala? Or is the blame on the individual for not doing as they were told from the very start

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to worship Allah azza wa jal as he was commanded, come on, omit.

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And to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as you were taught, and how beautiful it is, as I mentioned to pray, as the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam prayed

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to perform hajj, the Tahoe there were nearly to who and the monastic whom you perform your rites of Hajj, just as the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam performed these Hajj not in the month of Rajab, not in the month of rubeola Well,

00:44:21 --> 00:44:28

in the month of Lord Hijjah, because that is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he taught us.

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So I think now that the message on all that I've mentioned so far is wild is clear. I don't think there's any reason to disagree with what I've said.

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That following the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as my teacher, as my guide after a lack of adequate either, is the ultimate honor for us

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is the ultimate honor and that any individual that exists in this dunya

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is given honor and that they are honored by a lot about a Katara and in as much as that they are adhering to the teachings of Allah subhanaw taala and the Prophet sallallahu ala have sent them. The individuals themselves are not the ones who raise the status of the Quran and the Sunnah. The Quran and the Sunnah is on the highest level, and it is Allah subhanaw taala who will honor the individuals through their following of the Quran and Sunnah and not the other way around.

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So yes, we are required to love and respect our Allama our scholars, because we realized that a lot of adequate Allah has given them something that I don't have an insight and a knowledge into this religion.

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Sound teachings, authentic teachings,

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that is the link and the love that I have for this individual because of their adherence and dedication and eagerness to worship. Allah subhanaw taala.

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As for an individual making things as they go up,

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has no link to Allah's deen and no link to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sunnah.

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Why am I in need of that?

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This Deen Alhamdulillah is complete.

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However, as the Prophet, I'm coming to the end here,

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that the Prophet alayhi wa sallam warned us time and time and time again. Be careful. Be careful

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that there will be people from you who will follow the ways of those who came before you.

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For my Alma

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the prophets Isola Sam is telling us from my alma, our Alma, there will be people, Muslims who follow the ways who came before us.

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Is that a good or bad thing? No, it's a bad thing because they were misguided previously, they took the wrong half. Even if those individuals they were to enter into the hole of a lizard, you will follow them as well.

00:47:13 --> 00:47:23

So the Sahaba or the Allahumma, asking, there will be from us who follow paths with guidance, upwards of who are you who the one Massara?

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Are you heard the people of the book? The prophets, Allah some says fireman? Who else? Who else do you think that you're going to follow?

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And fairland

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How many things have entered into the practices Muslims around the world.

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And I can witness to this. There was a time when before Islam, I was a Catholic.

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And it's go to the church, and they were idols. And there were people buried in the churches.

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And the going there, there were people who would bow down, kneel down in front of the idols and ask the idols to help them and these idols were reminders of people who existed in the past, they would be asking these people who are dead in the ground, please help us, aid us, give me this, give me that.

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Or people who were buried, they saw them as saints, for example, that they would say so and so St. So and so will help me.

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If they lost something, they will say, Oh, St. Christopher.

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He'll help me find it.

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And then when I came upon Islam, and then I heard that people Muslims would say, well, we have saints as well. Probably like what you have saints. Why then Catholicism? Yeah, if you're not that way, I was 100 Close to anybody who was engaged or involved in such a thing. But there were people who would do that. Yeah, you can go you can go here you go to his grave, you can go.

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I can't believe this.

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I became I left this in disbelief. I left that I can't believe that some Muslims were duped into thinking that was permitted to do that in Islam.

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So the Prophet RSM warned us about

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falling into these things.

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That whoever invents anything new man

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who anything was brought new Omen AMITA Amazon, Lisa Ali here, I'm Runa Laila Ali, a Munna that we have not commanded for what is rejected, straight out, not accepted.

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And this is how you honor yourself as a Muslim in following the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi when it was ended,

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and understanding how the Sahaba will be allowed and unknown, how they understood this and passed it on to their students and passed it on to their students, and how it was then codified and how it was written and preserved.

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until it reaches us.

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Following individuals is only important if those individuals are following Rasulullah sallallahu Alia well

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that is the yardstick for us. That is how we can decipher hedaya and Alella hedaya is following the way of Rasulullah Salaam and Bala is following people

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and avoid and of course not following the Prophet alayhi salatu salam

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so this deen is complete well Allah al hunt, no need to add no need to take anything away.

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You worship Allah subhanaw taala best you can lay you can live Allah Who and if Sun levels.

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Allah Spano not overburden any one of us fulfill your obligations. And whatever Noah fill whatever extra deeds that you can do you do that?

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Don't overburden yourself, because they will overcome you and who knows what happens to you?

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But know that in Islam that there is a middle path, because Lika JAL now come on Mata Masada that we made you a middle path, not extreme on either side.

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And that middle path is following a lot about aquatalia and never use Allah Allahu Allahu Allah.

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And we ask Allah subhanaw taala and you resume that Allah azza wa jal grants us a trophy, the success to follow the way of our beloved Muhammad Salla Allahu Allah He lives in them

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and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from following practices and ways which will take us away from Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi when it was in them

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and I'll complete my reminder with this inshallah data and your will PM, that the Prophet I they start to sell them will be held, will have like a place of water a fountain to drink from

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and that the people, Muslims will be running towards to be close to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and some of those people we pushed away,

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you will not be close to Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the questions were asked rasool Allah Muslims, pushed away from the Nabhi pushed away from the messenger are a salatu salam, what, what crime was committed for such an issue, to be honest. What did they do for them to have this that they are pushed away from their Nabi? sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet RSRS Raisa Salam said that you don't know let Teddy just feel bad that what they invented after they came off to you, they bring all these new things not from the deen of Allah to Barak data. For that reason, they will have this head man that they will be deprived of being close to Rasulullah sallallahu ala

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syndrome. So we ask Allah, Allah Allah to allow us to have that closeness to our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hereafter. BarakAllahu li Walakum wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad and while early he was Sofia Jemaine Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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