Wasim Kempson – The Life And Works Of Imam Muslim

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The importance of respecting Islam is highlighted, including the need for students to learn and encourage learning about its history and implications. The need for students to be patient and considerate when discussing issues is also emphasized. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning about the history and impact of Islam on people's behavior, as well as the need for students to be patient and considerate when discussing issues. The segment provides detailed descriptions of narrations in various books and provides links to additional resources.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam O Allah. He was even more serene while early wasafi in my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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So Allah Allah Allah in our shall carry him, I asked Allah subhanaw taala the Most High

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that he blesses us on this evening in one of the houses of Allah subhanaw taala Allah hum amin and that he allows us to benefit that whatever we hear about these great LMG burn about these great mountains of knowledge

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for many of us,

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some of these names are known to us in small detail. And for some of us maybe in more detail.

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But nonetheless The more you know about such individuals about such people about the service that they provided, for the deen of Allah subhana wa tada aka dexstar whom Allah subhanaw taala lifted Medina

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and Allah subhanaw taala chose them to be at the service of this great Deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Islam.

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So the more we know about them, the more we will have ultimately love for Allah subhana wa tada

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and how alasa panel data has preserved this Deen

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and that Allah subhanaw taala preserved this Deen through individuals through the lemma through the scholars of this oma

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and as our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said concerning the roadmap that the Redeemer, the scholars are one of the top MBA, they are the inheritors of the prophets, that the prophets they do not leave anything behind from Dada him or Donna need, but rather they leave knowledge to be inherited.

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And the more you find an individual who is been chosen by Allah subhanaw taala, to be to be given knowledge, that it is a sign

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that they are close individual to Allah subhanaw taala because if Allah subhanaw taala wants good for us person manera de manera de la manera de la be higher on you felt the dean that whoever wants a good for a person in the sound hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam if Allah azza wa jal once good for a person, he will give that person understanding of the religion.

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Now it is not just merely memorizing, it is not merely just accumulating information, but rather, any information, any knowledge that comes to any one of us. The first thing that you should know is that you ought to implement it.

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A little formula means that you have knowledge. And then you are to implement that knowledge immediately. That you don't want to be from those people who accumulate knowledge or have knowledge. And then don't act upon that knowledge. Because knowledge is a Musalia, it is a responsibility.

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last week, and this week, and in the coming weeks, there'll be a series of lectures and charlotta either discussing the greatest of dilemma from the greatest scholars, the mahadi soon, those people who took it upon themselves, those people whom Allah subhanaw taala facilitated, that they would be people to preserve the sayings of our beloved Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam,

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Allah subhanaw taala preserved them

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and that there is no doubt about that.

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In nanomedicine, Nicaragua in the hula, have you done? That? Indeed, Allah subhanaw taala tell us as a source and hedger indeed we sent down this decode and it is upon us upon Allah, Allah, Allah Allah that we will preserve it and many of them have asuna romulo Tada in explaining this area, not only the Quran, but also the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to be preserved. But how the Quran is preserved in its total form, in its multiple

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chain narration, beyond any doubt anything that it reaches us concerning the Quran is beyond any doubt, we know it is at the core.

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But concerning Hadith, that there is more, if you like,

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more study that is needed more knowledge that is needed to decipher for us to authenticate statements.

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And for us to find out whether those statements really go back to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam or not. So the Mojave foun, the Hadith scholars, they went about this particular issue in preserving the statements of our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that for that reason you find now what they learned. And you can go to the book shops, you can go to the shelves of many massaged, and refined Sahih al Bukhari, and its completion. Even in a language that you speak. It's been translated into a language that you speak other than the Arabic language, maybe the English language or audio, or you find Sahih Muslim.

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on the shelves, Allah subhanaw taala has made it easy for us to refer back to the authentic statements of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam.

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Now this great Mohammed, Abu Hussain, who was born in the year, either 204 or 206. Of course, you can't be born in two different years. However, there are a lot of different as to exactly when he was born. Nonetheless, he was born in a time where Islam was very powerful and very strong, and that many of them have disowned many Hadith scholars that they were on their journeys, and preserving

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and gathering a hadith. He was born approximately 12 years after Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah tala. Now just as Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah was not an Arab, nor was in a Muslim, Abraham judge Rahim Allah, he was not an Arab either. He was born in Paris and false was Persian.

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So Allah subhanaw taala is another proof. Another beautiful proof that the deen of Allah subhanaw taala is to be preserved by everybody,

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even those who may be non Arab, from the hustle from the origin.

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So Muslims have not heard judge and Nisa Puri, he was born in the year 204, or two or six, according to the majority of the of the illuma.

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Now, Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah,

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like many of them, they were brought up in a household of knowledge that his father, although we don't know a great deal about was somebody who was involved extensively in haddish.

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So a Muslim Ohio law in growing up, was involved in attending halaqaat in attending circles of knowledge, and listening to the scholars. So he took it upon himself and found it within himself, wanting to follow in the footsteps of those people whom he had contact with

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is a very important point here. Because historically, we can go through facts and figures if you'd like consenting individuals, these great men, Rama mala, but at the same time, it's also important for us to, to try to take some benefits or some flour. And from that, in the fact that the Mr. Muslim Rahim, Allah had an environment of, of knowledge. So likewise, those who have children and you bring them to the circles of knowledge, they will get used to that, they will listen to what the teacher is talking about. And they may themselves have a liking to what is being said. And they themselves will then want to go out and search more knowledge. And this is how it was done before.

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As you've been told before, in the story of a memorable holiday rocknrolla. Now he was educated and pushed to learn his knowledge. And likewise, you will find many of the amount of data that they were in circles of knowledge, or they just popped out from nowhere, but they had

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lineage or had surroundings and environment of, of knowledge, which goes to the shows the importance of the environment that you are living in. And it shows the importance of where you are living, and what you're doing. And that can have an impact on you. So if you are living in a Muslim country, hearing that event all the time, attending the masjid regularly, that is not the same, or that is of course, a greater blessing than the person maybe who is not who's living in a place where they don't have a then that they're unable to pray in the masjid, unable to attend halaqaat. And and there's a big difference between the two. So you have to make a decision for yourself and for your family. For

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those who are responsible for your families. What is the best decision for you? What is the best environment for you? And these are very big decisions, and quite easy as for us to make decisions that I'm in a comfortable position. Of course, I'm not driving you all the way to leave the UK and live in Muslim countries. No, this is not my point. My point is that the environment that you are living in, has an impact on you. And Alhamdulillah here in Birmingham, that you have many masajid there are many Muslims here. So that can have a very positive positive impact upon your

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So there's no like London if you like, or some other cities where masajid maybe are few and far between, it's a very busy life, you can be caught up in many things here. And in London that is in Birmingham here, at least, you feel that there's many, many Muslims here. And there are, you know, the massage, they facilitate a lot of things for you. And then handler, the mustard here should be commended in setting up such classes and educating ourselves and setting up conferences on a regular basis. So May Allah reward those who are engaged in

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enabling these particular circles or conferences to happen on a weekly or monthly basis. So the importance of the living in the environment that you are, that you're in. Now, Mr. Muslim, as we mentioned, was brought up in

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a house of knowledge, an environment of knowledge, that he attended, halaqaat alien, and that he had it within himself to go out and serve, to seek knowledge. Now, he himself was no longer a Muslim, was, if you're like a businessman, he didn't just rely on or rely on handouts for people, or for example, beg, but it was the practice, from the time of the Sahaba of the Allahu Allah annum and Rasulullah, sallAllahu Salallahu alyssum as an example, to seek risk, to seek provisions to seek sustenance, and at the same time to seek knowledge, and to seek a sustenance, which is halen and babe, which is good, which is not mixed with any Haram, to ensure that whatever income that you

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have, it is pure, and that you seek the Baraka of Allah subhanaw taala, you seek Allah, which is a blessing, and any sustenance that comes your way. So this was the practice, or something that the scholars of the past that they involve themselves in, that they were great scholars, and they spent the majority of their time seeking knowledge, but to ensure that they could seek knowledge, at times, you find that they would go away and seek risk whenever they can any Muslim marmolada, but at times, give halaqaat or give, give classes where trade used to take place, which at the time necessarily was the done thing. However, this is what he did that I malata to ensure that he didn't

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miss out on any time in learning and teaching.

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This practice up until now, even our times, if you look at chef, NASA, the dean and Albanian are him hollow to either the great muhaddith that in when he was growing up, and through his times, he was what he was fixing watches, to make some risk, you know, to earn some money for himself to buy paper to buy pens or whatever stationery that he needed, so that he could continue seeking knowledge. So this is very important that when you seek knowledge, that the same time that you don't forsake the dunya but you should also remember that for the last panatela, my gift to you in this dunya so that you can ensure that you get you shall have the both the best of this world and the best, more

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importantly of the earth.

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So Mr. Muslim Rahim, Allah to either

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at the beginning of his seeking knowledge, or the beginning of his bottom, would travel extensively, and he would travel widely, widely. Now for us, maybe that is not as easy. Maybe if we are able to go to one place that is anathema. And to spend some time in one particular place where you can study with some scholars. That's a great blessing. However, that time and bear in mind that the ability for us to travel now, in principle, it is very easy that you can travel around the world at great easy with, with planes and trains and cars and so on and so forth. It's very easy for us to travel. And remember at that time in that time, there is no such thing as automobiles or planes or trains or

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anything like that. What they will travel with was horses, and more likely with with camels. That's how that they will travel. So in my Muslim Rahim, Allah Tada. He traveled extensively,

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starting in new support in blood in Persia, that he traveled to dimension to the sham. He traveled to hedges in the western side of the Arabian Peninsula to Egypt, into Iraq. So he traveled extensively, finding and searching for a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now Imam Muslim Rahim Allah, Allah, bearing in mind that the time that he lived, and looking very carefully at the books that he compiled, and especially, will be focusing on somewhat to his most famous book, which is his side, which is the compilation of Muslim. You can see clearly, like all of the other scholars

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preceded him and those who followed him, that his creed, his belief in Allah subhana wa tada was something that was very pure. It is something, if you like the belief of an opportunity, well,

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it does not involve any inherent effort, any strange beliefs, but his belief in affirming the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala as you would go through and study the the creed of their own amount to see where they were coming from. So you would understand their opinions and understandings of the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, they would have correct opinions concerning our last panel Taylor's knowledge,

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the also concerning the issues of our product. Now you may ask, it's a book of a hadith.

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These are this is compilation of a Hadith, not a book of Akita. You may claim that, however,

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that is the statement of a general person and army who doesn't understand that there were absolutely 1000s 300,000 or 400,000, a hadith that a Muslim Rahim Allah tala may have gone through, and then to come up with about 303,300 or 3000, just over 3000 I had to be placed in this software if we could have placed so many. However, just as Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah to Allah when you look carefully at their compilations of their bodies, it is in fact, a reflection of their belief. It is a reflection of their understandings of jurisprudence of Islamic fit of Islamic jurisprudence that is their position. So for example,

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if you look to the Sahaba memorable Hurry, and you want to know the opinions of Eman, Buhari Rahim Allah you only need to look at the chapter the name of the chapter that he would write. And then beneath that he would bring the Hadith supporting that statement. So you have you know, the side mojari you have his opinions, and you have his a hadith to support that. Likewise, when you look carefully at Sahih Muslim likewise, now even though Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah Allah didn't write chapters, as you find in other books of all Hadith, and if you go to Sahih Muslim is translated into it as it is an English language and you find titles of all of these chapters, you may ask where they

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came from. This is taken from probably the most famous explanation of Sahih Muslim, which is called inherited by Imam nawawi Rahim Allah tala, which we'll speak about in a short while.

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So the book aim aside the creed of Imam Muslim Rahim Allah Allah can be understood and taken from the a hadith that were chosen and placed in his soul he is a person of knowledge will be able to determine that because they will have a fine understanding as to why these actual bodies that they were that they were chosen.

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So Imam Muslim Rahim Allah tala had a sound belief in Allah subhanaw taala. And in fact, many of the Hadith there are, if you like, a clarification of what a true the true belief of any Muslim that it is.

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in my Muslim Rahim Allah

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in the time that he was born, and in the area that he was born in the support, which was away from the Philadelphia or the capital city, which which was in in Baghdad, where there was some fitna concerning the hunk of the Quran, concerning those who said that the Quran was actually created. Now for two reasons. That event Muslim Rahim Allah tala wasn't directly involved in this number one, geographically that he was quite far away from it. And secondly, that he was particularly young. While this fitna was happening was happening. And as you may or may not know, that Eman Ahmed Rahim Allah tada the great mm hmm as soon stood up for and clarified that, in fact, the Quran was not the

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created speech of Allah. Allah was, in fact, the uncreated speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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be that has made a man Muslim, but I'm a little tired. It was very firm and very strict. And in fact, it comes across when looking at his works and his life, quite clearly, that he had a very strong personality, a very strong personality, and was very, very principled, so much so that at times if

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there was an incident between him and another person that there was maybe some problem that he would leave them and stay away from them.

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To the extent that the he has two teachers, so of course, he has many, many teachers, but two famous teachers

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from them.

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And also Emmanuel Buhari. Now though he was involved in a debate, or was involved in a place where a debate was been taken, and that the person who was talking, actually rebuked, though he was the teacher of a Muslim, a Muslim kept quiet.

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And then the teacher of a Muslim, he went away and complained to the father of Mr. Muslim said that, you know, he was here, we didn't defend me and so on and so forth. For this reason that a Muslim became quite upset. And what have you learned from him, he sent all the information back to him said I don't know it from you anymore. Okay, so he was quite, if you'd like an individual who was, wouldn't have any hesitation in putting somebody to the side.

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And even

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further than that, that he had great respect and great love for one of his greatest teachers emammal Bukhari climo, lo Tada. However, he did not rate and narrate

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from Emmanuel Buhari in Sofia, which may be quite a surprise that here it is one of his great teachers, however, does not narrate from him and including that in His sight. And again, that is something that we'll touch on in a short while.

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So Imam Muslim Rahim Allah, as we mentioned, he traveled to Shem to hirschorn and Iraq and hedgers and Egypt, acquiring a haddish. Now, why would these scholars, why would they travel to these places? You go to one place? Is it not enough? If you go to agents and you meet them? Is that not enough for you? These mo had the phone, they had a number of objective objectives in traveling all to all of these places, number one, was to acquire the Hadith to go there and to hear the Hadith. There's no such thing as you know, going to the computer, and you know, taking it from a computer or computer programs doing using phones, No, you go to a place to acquire to hear the Hadith from the

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Then also, the second benefit there is to verify that Hadith, that Hadith would have a chain of narration that has reached him. So therefore, let me go to so and so land and hear it from so and so. And let him named haddish, not only named ahaadeeth. But he would have to name the region, he'd have to name the people in the chain, to see and verify that what I have heard is in line with actually what is said in that particular place.

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A third reason is to seek a highest net. What does that mean? That means that in any chain of narration, you will have a number of people, between him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, you might have four people, you might have three people, whatever. However, if you go to a particular city, there may be a chain there where you're able to miss out on narrator

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What do I mean is not to miss out on narrator there's a gap now in the chain. No, but there was a shorter way there was a shorter chain, back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this would then strengthen that narration. So you're going to different cities and meeting different people, you may come across people who have a shorter chain, so your chain is your 123 and four and then the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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However, and so on so city, you can meet somebody else, and you can go to from yourself, and then 123 and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so there's no need to go through four people here, there's only three. So that in turn would strengthen that would strengthen the authenticity of the Hadith. And this is something that they had they found themselves with a hammer malata that they would try to do, they would try to seek out the shortest possible chain between them, and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to find the most authentic hadith that they had gathered.

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A fourth reason is also to investigate the narrator's to find out information about those who had narrated Hadith as well. Bearing in mind that there were people who may have invented certain narrations, or there may be of those people who were accused of maybe having a weak memory, or they were accused of some, some defect in some way. So by going there, you will be able to meet that particular narrator. And then you could ask that narrator about the one that they had narrated from directly. Did you meet them? Did you see them? Where did they study get all this information from them. So that's a fourth benefit that they would have in

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visiting various cities and places and people as well. A fifth benefit is reviewing a hadith reviewing the chains and a hadith with other Mahajan with other great aroma of their times.

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So the fact that a Muslim Rahim Allah, Allah, he met him as a member of Buhari, Manmohan is one of his teachers, they were able to discuss and talk about

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narrations and his Essa need or change the head had reached them. So this again would offend or enforce the the learning that they had authenticate that what they had heard. So these are five benefits if you like that the scholars are why they would

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travel so extensively.

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I'll give an example because

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there were many books that were written of ahaadeeth many people they wrote books of Marionette, if you're aware of that, there were many books or small Hadith compilations of 40 Hadith, okay. There's a narration which has some weakness has it as a weak Hadith, that one who memorizes 40 Hadith, they will have some photos of virtue in the hereafter. So we had these However, many of the elements that they you find that they compiled 40 hotties

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hundreds of scholars, if you like they compiled are very not. However, for whatever reason. What is the most famous 40 How do you know? Or verena never we're the 40 Hadith compiled by him and

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the motto of Mr. Malik

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when Mr. Mallika Rahim Allah

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when he was compiling his, his book of Hadith or book of narrations,

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which is not entirely statements of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but also contains statements of the Sahaba and also statements of tabea in Islam.

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So, it is a book of many

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different types of statements and narrations. It was said to him, that there are many people, there are many, many people compiling books of Hadith, that are we any in are we in any need of you to write another?

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He said mckernon illa.

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That what is for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala then it will remain.

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There may be many people who are compiling and doing lots of things, but that what is done for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala it will remain.

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And when you see now one of the most famous books of Hadith, and even some of a small difference of opinion, the first book of Hadith compiled was what do we know? Imam Malik the motto of Eman Malik Rahim Allah.

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So those books that were written more than 1000 years ago, more than 1000 years ago, are preserved.

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The loss of Canada has protected them and allowed them to remain with us. That is why mcenany law that is what for this for the sake of Allah gender other than that will remain, they reward is with the loss of panatela. So it is no longer an item, an indication of the sincerity of these individuals, these great Imams, that their works remain with us that they have a precedence over all other books and are in the form that they are now because Allah Subhana Allah bless them in their lives. And bearing in mind that a Muslim Rahim Allah to live to hold the 55 years old, not in a relatively not that old, however you find that his Sahaba along with Allah Buhari, are the most

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authentic books

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after the book of Allah penalty

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when you're looking for authentic books, untouched, no mistakes and not been tampered with.

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After the book of Allah subhanaw taala al Bukhari Muslim, the most authentic books on earth

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that is a testament to the baboon that Allah subhanaw taala has given to them, acceptance of as well as given to them in their works.

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And these are the kind of benefits that we should take from when learning from from their lives. So when you look at Sahih Muslim itself, the Sahih because a Muslim Rahim Allah he wrote a number of books. He wrote a number of books.

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But the way that he wrote this particular book,

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it is amazing. It is an amazing work of Hadith. It is an amazing work of Hadith in the way that has been compiled, the way it has been ordered,

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the way it has been organized, and in fact,

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not my opinion, but the opinion of the vast majority of them had disowned that the order the construction of Sahih Muslim is superior to the order and construction of the site of Imam Lobo Hari Rama Allah.

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How is that you may have been told that how a memorable howdy Rahim Allah

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When he compiled his sorry that he would at times mentioned a particular issue, and then only mentioned part of the headings, he wouldn't mention all of it.

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So he mentioned the part of Hadith that was relevant to that particular issue that he's mentioning. So you might find the beginning or the ending part of the Hadith is not there. However, you may then find the Hadith is somewhere again mentioned for another time, in a different way. So you find the Hadith the narrations may be

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partially mentioned in a number of different places, and there's repetition. So for the reader,

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or the one is going through the book, it may find some difficulty. Of course, it's all relative.

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For the majority made that was difficult for me to do that there may be people who don't find it difficult. It's a relative issue. But for most that they find the order of your man Muslim Rahim Allah, in the Hadith that it is found it is found here, you won't find it again. And it is mentioned in its entirety.

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Therefore, you find that the order and going through the hadith of women Muslim and a Muslim is something which is very much easier than going through the site of Imam Al Bukhari.

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And I'll give you a practical example of a practical example. There is a book called A little while margin.

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Have you heard of the book, and Lulu? Well margin. This is a book that was compiled

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by an Ireland not so long ago. And this particular a little bit of water management or all those narrations that you can find in both Buhari and Muslim. So there was a hadith that can be found in both Bukhari and Muslim you might have caught it's called agreed upon, or more tougher con la Hadith you can find impossible Hardy and Muslim is the most authentic hadith that you can find.

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This particular mmm

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he compiled all those narrations that you can find impossible hottie and Muslim and put them in one book. It's called a look at what Mr. JOHN has been, you can find in English language as well. It's two volumes.

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Now, the author who are the compiler rather who placed this together, what am I talking about? I want to give you a practical example of the order of comparing the moment of Bukhari Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.

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This book a little while Mr. JOHN

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what you find is the title of each chapter is taken from

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Eman and know his explanation of Sahih Muslim so you find the author of the book is very ordered. However the wording of the Hadith the wording of the narrations is taken from under Buhari

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okay. So when you look at the titles and the order is taken from

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the order of Sahih Muslim, but the wording of the narrations are taken from other Buhari so you yourself you would like to teach this book alone at Walmart again. Okay, great. So then

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you have to find maybe if you'd like an explanation of the wordings of those ahaadeeth were taken from all Buhari so this hadith that you find number one, number two, number three, you got to say Buhari might not necessarily Heidi's number one so you have to go to volume number one to find the hottest here and then you go to the next Hadith which is the wording will Bukhari you may need to go to volume number five. And in Bukhari Hadith number three, you may need to go to volume number number two, for example. So the point is that when you're looking at the Hadith, and you want to go to Buhari to find where it is, you may be jumping around, just to find where that Hadees is. So if

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you wanted to explain it, you may need the Holo fadhel daddy here on the table

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with the page numbers ready, his Volume One, Hadith number one, Hadith number two, volume number five, digit number three, volume number seven. So it's that if you like are you with me so far berners

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if you're not with me, if they're gonna record it, you can look it again inshallah. And everyone.

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So the order this is a practical example of how the order of elbow height is a little more difficult. However, if you go to the

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the Sahih Muslim, you will find that the order is very systematic, it's much much easier to find because they're very similar narrations, very similar wordings. So you could go through some Muslim, and pretty much find an explanation for each of those Hadees that you would find in a little while mitogen. So for example, you could use Imam know his last shot or explanation and even heard of Muslim to teach, for example, a little while of margin. However, there will be the odd occasion where you wouldn't be even if you might know where you're from. Allah has a very short explanation concerning that. You need to go to another book, maybe an explanation of only the explanations of a

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body like fat for birdie to have them

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more extensive explanation of that particular Hadees. So that's a practical example of how the order of

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Imam Muslim Sahib is preferred by many of the scholars is preferred by many of the scholars over the study of Imam Al Bukhari.

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As for actually being authentic, which is more sound, then the Sahaba of Emmanuel Buhari is more sound is more authentic. And a very, very simple example of that is as follows. There is a great scholar, his name is Ma, Missouri,

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he met Missouri.

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Now a Missouri

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was a great muhaddith and many chains of Hadith, they will go through him in Missouri, if you go to the books of Hadith and you see the chain, you say anzali. Okay, this is a great email. Now he had,

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he had, let's say that there are five different levels of students, five different levels of students, number one level tabakoto oola, the first level being the very top students, and then you would have the second level, third level, fourth level and fifth level.

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Now emammal bahaya Rahim Allah to Allah when going, looking at a Senate, a chain of narrators, and going through slavery, and he had a student who would take from imaginable Haida Mola would ensure that he would pretty much as much as he can only take from the very top students of Eman, Missouri because the members of the would narrate to another student of his and they would only have a moment to ensure that they have to be from the very high level and sometimes he would take from a tobacco to fernea the second level of students. Okay, now Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah tada wasn't as strict as that. So he will delve into the second group of students of Eman, Missouri, more than a mammal

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Buhari. So this is a very simple example, to show the authenticity or the strength of the narrator's if you like, was stronger in an Buhari than it was of the Sahih Muslim. That's a very straightforward example right? So in my Muslim would go into the second level of students more than he would a man will have Buhari Rahim Allah Tada. So the authenticity of Emmanuel Buhari is a level higher than that of Imam Muslim Rahim Allah, Allah.

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as we mentioned that emammal Buhari Rahim Allah tala was one of the teachers, one of the teachers of Imam Muslim.

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And it is narrated that Imam Muslim Rahim Allah tala was a member of ohada came to Nisa for that he would sit with emammal Buhari just as a student or a sick person would sit in front of a doctor

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and that he would kiss the forehead. Remember Buhari Rahim Allah to Allah honoring a member of Buhari and even said that I would like to kiss your feet in honoring you. This is the respect that

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Imam Muslim Rahim Allah Allah had for his teacher emammal abou Khan.

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And from this, we can take great benefit.

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the roadmap the scholars, those whom Allah subhanaw taala has chosen to be inheritors of the prophets. They are people whom Allah subhanaw taala has given understanding of the deen this inshallah to Allah is an Adam is a sign that also cannot enter loves them. Therefore we should love them also. And we should respect them, and that we should honor them.

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And as Muslims,

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there are scholars and our teachers who took from their teachers and their scholars and so on and so forth, that eventually for many of these scholars, that they will go back to the greatest teacher, the greatest scholar

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are Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam.

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And this went down from one generation to the next. That if we do not respect and love our teachers and our scholars, then you have to ask yourself, man to him but then who will you love?

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Of course you will love your family. You will love your wife and you will love your children and your you know, your close relatives, but those whom Allah subhanaw taala has honored and blessed with knowledge that if you don't love these people, then you are my home then you are deprived person. Then Allah subhanaw taala has taken something from your heart that you are unable to honor and to love those people whom Allah so panel data has shown love to by giving them understanding of the knowledge.

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So Amendment No, we're gonna go through this real quick

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And of course each one of these points needs further explanation

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and in fact maybe deserves maybe a good amount of time to go into because of its importance. But mmm no we ran out of dimensions a number of points how a student should be sorry to diverse because we are talking about a man Muslim or a mole or two other, but I just want to, you know, move on from an issue how a man Muslim or homeowner would be with his one of his main teachers, the memorable party, Mohammed Ismail, Avraham, Allah,

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that Imam and Nomura Hamel who do a great he done a great service to Sahih Muslim in if you like, doing maybe the best explanation of Sahih Muslim Imam and no, we were Amala he said that, that the student should be humbled with his teacher, and not to go against the opinions and, and their directions, but should be a patient person in front of them. Likewise, you should look at him as your teachers, your chef, look at him with respect. And this goes back to one of the Sahaba of the Allahu Allah Allahu anhu. And he narrated that there was a time when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the most hated person to me.

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And then when he became a Muslim,

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that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam became the most beloved person to him. And then he said, to the extent I loved him so much, that I had so much shyness in front of him, that I was unable to stare at him in the face, as I would stare and look and just stare at him out of humbleness and shyness. So this has a precedent in the deen of Allah subhanaw taala. Likewise, that you should acknowledge the rights of that knowledge of that knowledgeable person, and not to forget the virtue, the father, not the loss of power of Allah is given that person, it is not for you. And indeed, we cannot look it into the hearts of the people. But the mere fact that that person has, strived and struggled in

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their life to attain the knowledge of Allah, Allah, Allah, and the son of Mohammed sallallahu wasallam said, you should respect that.

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Also, you should be patient, in any if you like you may deem as rough treatment,

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or where the teacher speaks to you in a way which you may feel belittled, maybe it is unintentional, you should not take it personally, you should not take it personal,

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you should always be grateful towards your teacher, towards your chef, and assisting him in any way that you can make and derive for him. Likewise, you should respect the times that the teacher has his own personal time and his teaching times. It is not to pester him, to be with him and to put pressure on him. This is another important point, likewise,

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that when sitting with a grater them,

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that you sit with him and you sit in a respectful way, and you address him in a particular a good way that you should address him. And as I mentioned, and speak to him in a nice way. You wouldn't say for example, in essence, where did you find that? what you're talking about? I've never heard that before. This is not respectful. And for sure that you should never speak like that in front of your teacher in front of number one in front of other people. And of course, maybe because you're at the zoo and him alone. You shouldn't speak to him like that as well. But you should address him in a nice way. And you can say that I don't understand. Could you explain further, or you may want to

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approach the issue in in a wise way.

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That likewise that the chef the teacher may be mentioning an issue to you that you have never heard before.

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It may be an issue that you have heard before.

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But it's not for you to start completing what the chef is going to say. I've heard this hadith before. I know he's going to say here, that that's not how it should be. You should allow the teacher to teach, you should allow him to speak he said why he said, this teacher said I said the same story 10 times I've heard it so many times that you should listen to it as though it the first time that you are hearing it. This is the respect that you should show to your teacher. You should not proceed your teacher or your chef in any answer or information that he's giving to you.

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And the Imam neurohumoral he mentioned some other issues, but these are important issues. The relationship you should have with your teacher. And the relationship of course is another chapter the relationship you should have with knowledge itself.

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Now in our Muslim Rahim Allah, Allah is not an individual who has gone throughout history, and no one has praised him. It's not for us to just start praising people to their faces. This is not the way However, people after his time spoken about speaking about his work, speaking about him as an Imam as a more Hadith as a as a proof

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as a great Imam of Islam, that they would

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speak about him and praise Him. So I will crush Mohammed Mohammed narrated

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that one of his teachers said that her father dunya although in order her father from the word half of

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Those who have memorized those who have protected and preserved. There are four people.

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One of them's epizoda. A

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Muslim, even a judge in Nisa, for a black man raazi in samarqand and Mohammed misma Bukhari so great. Obama said that the great performers in this world that they are for any man Muslim Muhammad, Allah tala was mentioned from them. Also Abdullah, Mohammed,

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Mohammed Morocco

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and Holman health and he said, nessa poor produced three great men, Mohammed Abu Yahya, Muslim, Judge, and Ibrahim have been beaten again in my Muslim was mentioned from the Great Hall forth from the great teachers of an Islam and a member of the hubiera Moulton and he said that he praises Imam Muslim Rahim Allah to Allah.

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So as you mentioned that Mr. Muslim had a very close relationship with a memorable party. And

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there were students and other scholars around the time would say that the I saw Imam Muslim or Muslim Muslim Hajaj before Mohammed even is married and Buhari and he was asking him questions just as the child would ask a teacher

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he find two great, two great mountains of knowledge. However, one of them recognize the father over the other the virtue over the other, and this is how that he would be with his teacher. A moment Buhari Rahim Allah tala

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Abubakar Latif, he said to him a lot of emails or a Muslim used to defend the Buhari to the extent that his relationship with maybe some of his other teachers that it broke down.

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This is to the extent that a Muslim Rahim Allah used to respect alcohol.

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Now, as I mentioned, that demand Muslim other was a great Imam, a pious mm.

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And that can be shown in the works that you find in his site.

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And as we mentioned was also that he compiled a number of other books, not just his site. So for example, you find a little bit as for the Hadith, he would find it will compile all those narrations which there were four narrators between them and the messenger sallallahu while he was sending them. Likewise, you can find through the yet of Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah, those narrations were just three narrators between Imam Ahmed Allah and Rasulullah sallallahu. And he was

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also a Muslim. He compiled books like macatawa, he would write the levels of neuritis. He also wrote a book called keytab. fraud, he would write he wrote a very famous book called keytab. I'll let the Sahaba a book about the children of the companion the very young companions of around the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said them, however, it is his which gained Shahada which gained most fame and is with us now at hand. So, these two books that Allah Subhana Allah blessed that is the size of a memorable Hurry and the size of a Muslim, I encourage you all to just as we should all do with the book of Allah subhanaw taala to become familiar with it to become familiar with these two

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books as well. Now maybe it is difficult for you to carry a Muslim on your arm. So what do you do? There are shortened versions there are more there are concise versions as there is an animal quality put into one Volume One at a time. This was an English language. You may have seen it, but McLeod is a summarized version of Buhari where all the repetition, the repetition, repetition of all the narrations there was also one of Sahih Muslim. So have that with you have books like Bloomerang become familiar with the statements of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam be aware of what your Burnaby sallallahu wasallam has informed you of not just to do with and just ask him just to do with

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rulings, but to do with issues of a man to do with football and virtues. And if you look for the book a little over multigene Okay, then this is a very good book. It's in two volumes, just you know, one here one here in carry around with you. All these are narrations which are found in Mashable, Hardy and Muslim Okay, and familiarize yourself and it's not just a hadith of rulings of halal and haram. The first book is Kitab mn the book of Eman so we have about 100 or so

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100 Hadith dealing with the topic of Eman, familiarize yourself with the statements, the most authentic statements in fact, the most authentic statements that we have of our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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So in my Muslim Rahim Allah tala, he died on in the month of Rajab, in the year 261, in knee support at the approximate age of 55. And in fact, will not allow me to said that he was it was mentioned to him and aeration that he had never heard before. Never heard this narration before, and became quite bothered. So he went back to his home into his own quarters where he had his writings, his library if you like, he said, No one is to disturb me. I need to find this narration.

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And he had when he was gifted, they gifted the head to give some dates. And this is what he was going to survive on looking for the Hadith and just living on dates. Until that he Rahim Allah to Allah, he passed away, what am I looking for that Hadith.

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So this is to the extent that Allah subhanaw taala blessed these individuals, and all of us will be raised in the last thing that we doing that we did in this earth. So I asked Allah subhanaw taala to decree for us our hospital carton and that we meet Allah subhanaw taala and that he is pleased with us, and that we are with our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hereafter. I ask Allah subhana wa Tada. He makes us from Mali seen from those who are sincere, and he makes us from those who implement and love the son of Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad while early he was a big Marine, Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The Life & Works of Imam Muslim – Sheikh Wasim Kempson

Venue: Green Lane Masjid, UK

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