Wasim Kempson – Islam a Solution for Oppression

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the confusion surrounding Islam's ranking among men and women, with some believing that women are the most powerful. However, the speaker suggests that men and women are not the only people with a higher status and that acceptance of rules and behaviors from society is crucial to avoiding racism and negative behavior. The importance of accepting rules and behaviors from society is emphasized, along with the need to be aware of one's position and protect families. The Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam's teachings are also mentioned, which remind the speaker of their history and ability to achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah Hina meadow who want to start you know who want to start a pharaoh who want to study one hour will be la Himanshu rotary and phocoena woman says Dr. Molina

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Maya de la HuFa fella moody Lola warmer you will follow her the Allah wa shadow

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Illa Allah Hua hula Cherie color, wash shadow and Mohammed in Abu Rasool. You have Lavina man otaku, la haka Ducati. He wants to move to New

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to Muslim moon

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yeah you have Lavina mantle tap Allahu wa Kulu colon studied, your Saleh Allah, Allah Allah como COVID locum zuba come while May Allah wa rasool Allah who forgot the first of all was in our team

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for in Stoeckel Hadith he keytab Allah workload howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Wishard wrote Imodium to her Wakulla madrasa timbi There will be that in Bala will call up a lot of fun not

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indeed or praise and thanks due to Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Him we thank him we seek His guidance. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah subhanaw taala alone

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and that I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was Salam is his final messenger.

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Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran, is very explicit and very clear

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about how Al Bashir iya or mankind and womankind, how they ought to be judged, and how they ought to be looked at,

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and how or what is the true competition between ourselves

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and that, who ranks above another with regards to ourselves

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that our ranking is not based upon any worldly level,

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whether it is to do with fame Shahara, to do with wealth, to do with the status, or your lineage. But all of these on your own will chiama will not serve any purpose or any benefit to that individual.

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But rather from an Islamic perspective, what will serve to benefit us when you when we all stand in front of Allah subhanaw taala are your deeds, your actions

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that the one who prays in a sub follower

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who prays in the first row in the masjid

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has a greater status greater reward than the one who comes late and prays at the back.

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But the one who is quicker to give charity,

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the one or from the believers who believed before the conquering of Makkah, the status is higher

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amongst the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu that if a person who participated in the Battle of Bader was given a title of Bedri, a person who participated in that battle,

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as opposed to others who did not who embraced Islam later.

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But all of this is based upon the fact that you participated in the battle, striving and see sacrificing for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala being in the first row,

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offering your Salah at an earlier time than others and so on.

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First of all Herat, as Allah subhanaw taala tells us to be quick, and hasten to that what is good

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that your ranking or our ranking, the best of us is the one who is who has the most fear. The most conscious or the most consciousness of Allah subhanaw taala determines taqwa in a Karma Komenda lahi.

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at Qualcomm,

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the most honored in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala is the one

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who has most Taqwa

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that these worldly gifts are worldly possessions and whatever is accumulated will come and it will go. But from an Islamic perspective

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100% Most certainly, regardless of who you are, where you have come from your tribe, your nationality, your color, all of these things Islam came to erase.

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Because this is what was used before,

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to distinguish between the people

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whether it was the Arabs in the times of Elijah Helia the certain tribes that have status over others,

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or whether it was maybe from Al Kitab, NanoFab Allahu Akbar, we are chosen people for Allah. And as I meet him as they claim

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or that they would in their practice because they were never told. And they don't have solutions, that they may have their scripture in one hand, and food and another.

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That is Salam Al Hamdulillah

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never teach, it never taught us this. We have a real life example, for the solutions of mankind. So the ills and vices that exist in societies in all their forms and shapes, judging people by what they wear, or how they look. So I'm keen to remove them

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because this will bring about diseases within the heart.

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This will bring about an unhealthy competition between people

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where the strong consumed the weak.

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However our beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his teachings in hot buttons, whether in the final sermon that he gave in the Hajj

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he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave a universal message about the status of people.

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That there is no standing or ranking of an Arab over non Arab or non Arab over an Arab, over the black over the white of the red and so on.

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That the best of you

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is the one who has the most Taqwa.

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But you find societies to have these problems, racism,

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being unfair to women oppression, and so on.

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Because these societies don't have any guidance

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in these matters, they have to artificially manufacture certain, quote unquote norms, to force people to accept certain customs or beliefs.

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But because you're not internalizing this belief, let's accept for example, eradicating racism.

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You're not telling the people to fear Allah subhanaw taala

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or non Muslim society for that, for that matter. You should remember where you all came from.

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If you see two people arguing over race, for example, as a Muslim, you can quite easily tell them it tequila, fear Allah subhanaw taala with such a statement

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that the best of you is the one who has the most Taqwa.

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So we have something in Hamdulillah, which internally guides us to that what is correct.

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And other societies don't have that.

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So they bring about artificially manufacturers, I mentioned norms and social customs for people that don't be racist.

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And it comes from above, don't be racist, but why?

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And a society you don't have this guy does, why shouldn't I be? Or if a person has the sickness in their heart, the person is questioning, why shouldn't I judge people, if I have this within myself,

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because there are no solutions in these other ways or other systems.

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So we feel blessed that Allah subhanaw taala gave us the measurement

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in how the we should understand our rank amongst ourselves. And that is not by what we were, how we look. But how we prepare ourselves and how we deal with rubble Island mean.

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And it is by these understandings that a society can be corrected.

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And for this reason,

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we need to be examples for other ways of life, people that we live amongst.

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So as Muslims, we are at the forefront. We are the leaders in such matters. Where there is no such thing. At least there shouldn't be things like racism,

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judging people by the color of their skin,

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or because of the nationality or where they came from, or what's happening in their country, that they should be, for whatever reason looked down upon.

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We remind ourselves, that the best of you, all those who have the most Dakhla and we ask Allah to Baraka, Allah to increase that in taqwa, Amin Akula kolayca. There was no fear Allah de welcoming Cooley them for stock of hero in who who will go forward with him.

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Smilla will hamdu lillah

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wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah were on early he was Herbie he had your manual praise belongs to Allah Amida peace and blessings of Allah Tabata, Kota Allah be upon His final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was seldom.

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So the verse that I mentioned to you in surah Taha gerat In

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Acoma Coleman in the law here at Qualcomm, the most honored in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has the most taco.

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This is the theory this is the command that Allah subhanaw taala reminds us

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but we also have the actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa early who seldom in how he would teach the Sahaba

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choosing specifically Sahaba because of the because of the skill set that they had, regardless of where they came from.

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Abdullah Hussein Radi Allahu Anhu from Dublin Cotabato, the Allahu Anhu. They had a dream about the event.

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They came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam really relate that dream, to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam about what to say, regarding the call of prayer

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that they were discussing whether it should be a bell or horn and whatnot. And as we know that the dream the dream is a portion of Revelation,

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divinely inspired. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the one who had the dream, and maybe it comes to your mind, the one who had the dream, the one who's memorized the dream, you have the blessing and the bounty to make the event.

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But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Teach Bilal, the words that you heard in your dream,

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beloved, or the Allahu Taala and who, who was an individual,

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at his time,

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was part of in terms of society, the lowest of the low,

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who had no value who was a slave during his time.

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And heard about Islam, accepted Islam Believe it or not, without any thinking or having doubts about it, and your pure state of fitrah. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam chose billon. So the first event to be heard, was a person at the time who was a non Arab.

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A person who was originally from Habesha

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and the first event Upon returning to Makkah, and the conquest of Makkah, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returned to Makkah, freeing it from shitcan what not, the Prophet alayhi wa sallam ordered Bilal

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to make the other man, the first man to be heard in this manner, again by below a lot of the Allahu taala.

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So we have a living example of how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would teach the Sahaba

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that regardless of where you come from,

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it doesn't matter.

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It has no value. But what has value is that you have the skill set, you have the ability, that you are the right person to do that job. And that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam on how many occasion would choose various companions,

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whose origin

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was maybe non Arab, that he at least assume would not choose people from even from his own family.

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But this is how we should be as also.

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This is the living example or the lived example that we need to follow. So that we can prosper and that we can flourish as a community.

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And after and this is one portion of one part of rectifying our internal parts of our society. If we have this mentality, then you will find a lot about a quarter Allah will make things easier for us and bless us in the endeavors that we are all searching and trying to achieve.

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So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to clean and rid our hearts of anything that may cause rancor, hatred between our brothers, between our sisters, based upon something from where they have come from which Islam came to outlaw,

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to remove and that the muhabba that the love that should be between us is based upon brotherhood, loving them for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala

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and remember that you will never taste sweetness, true sweetness or faith until you love for your brother, what you love for yourself.

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So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide us all to protect our families and to guide us to the straight path Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed Kemah so later Allah Ibrahim while early Ibrahim in Naka, Homido Majeed Allahu La salam ala Muslimeen Allah whom Islam are well mousseline Allah whom McPhee learner Donal burner era but I mean, Rebecca Tina fit dunya Hasina will fill earth here at Hacienda Joaquin Bernardo como la serata Camille comma Kamala

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