Wasim Kempson – Fiqh of Hajj Episode 5

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The host discusses the importance of performing Hajj, a dance act, and the need to know about it. The act is not just for those who want to do it in a certain time, but also for those who want to do it in a certain place. The process of performing hedges during Iran is discussed, including the use of garments for men and women, avoiding discomfort when wearing footwear, and the Mahabharata. The importance of entering the actual state of Iran is emphasized, as sexual relations are a fundamental part of Iran's culture and the ultimate opportunity for everyone to go out together.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah earlier sabe Allah and my bad your viewers, so don't worry Cumorah have to leave or go to and welcome back for yet another new episode on this journey of Hajj, the filth of Hajj with our esteemed chef chef Wassim welcome chef was him once again Mark Allahu Akbar. Last time chef we spoke about where we left off Milwaukee the time or period of time that we thought of the places. What are the differences amongst them why they were named what they were named?

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The next step one would come across now is that haram, what does it from me

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Smilla hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah bad. So

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another important point for us to mention

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is that whenever the scholars are filled, whenever they deal with a particular topic, whether it's to do with

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prayer, or purification, or zakah, or any of the books of faith, you will find that generally, they will go through it chronologically, meaning that they will do it in some form of time order. It's not just for example, to just think of topics and just throw them all together. But no, I mean, at the moment, we haven't spoken about the actual description of how to perform Hajj. Why because there are certain things that we need to know about. We need to know about the when you can perform Hajj, we need to know from the place that you're going to assume your haram or you assume your pilgrimage from these all in very important issues. So chronologically, the next thing for us to talk about all

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the Hajj all the pillars on the first of those pillars of the of the Hajj is the haram. So, haram comes from the word Halima, which, linguistically means minute, which means to prevent, which means to stop something. This is why you find in Makkah, it is called the Harlem meme, this very sacred place. Meaning that there are certain things that you're not allowed to do in Makkah, which maybe you're allowed to do in other places. So this word haram, it means to prevent

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or to stop. So when a person enters into the state of haram, it means that you're going to go into a state where ordinarily normally these things are allowed for you. However, if you now enter this state, it's not allowed for you. Okay, so this is the Islamic meaning Islamic definition of Haram is that the person will make an intention to enter the state or to enter or make a pilgrimage and then after that, that the person is not allowed to do certain things which inshallah Tada we can speak about, at another time to musical offer. So what exactly does a person do?

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we mentioned that there's a huge sea mashallah has a link to the things we're talking about before so we're talking about them you're part of the place and time right so it's the time and it's the place what is that place from the bucket depending on where you happen to live or where you happen to be passing by that is the place you're going to assume and enter into the state of haram because it haram on clothes clothes although more the garments that you're going to wear in the State of Iran because there's a misconception but some that they think that soon as you put the clothes on or the put the garments of haram on you are now in Iran but that's not the case. The Haram is an

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intention and a state that you enter okay and the clothes are there to determine for you to show this as now I'm in the state of Haram

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as for the place then it will be up to the demigod

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if you're not even not happen to be at the Miko itself then it from if it's from your home or from just outside the Haram so if you're from the people of Makkah from that's that's when you do it from

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the How does one performing? Okay, so let's assume the person is is in Medina

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or that any one of the other mucoid and they intend to perform Hajj.

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So, while there, they will say a verbal statement.

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Now, this verbal statement isn't the intention itself because the intention is already there. But this is a verbal statement saying what you're about to undertake. Okay. So depending on the type of hedge that you're going to make, whether it's hedge fraud, or hedge trimmer, or hedge Koran, your your intention will be different. Like when you stand for Salah to Lahore, your intention has been made. I'm not praying acid, and I'm not praying Maghrib I'm not praying Asia, I'm praying the whole there's not something verbal. It's something which is in the heart.

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So, at the place of the method, you will make a verbal statement after your intent. You say for example, a baker

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Hajer if you are only making Hutch now the word love bake is a term which means Oh Allah, I am answering your call. So you're saying Oh Allah, I'm answering your call to make Ramadan. So Allah Baker Amara, if you're performing

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Salah Baker Hajj if you're going to perform Hajj alone, which is Hajj

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if you're going to make Hajj Iran, which is both or Umrah and Hajj together, you will make the intention in your heart for that and you will say La Baker Hijjah were Amara, you have you mentioned the both the baker hodgen were Amara that's the statement that you make 100 Iran

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as for hedge temat then the plan is to perform Amara first and then hedge later. So at this time, I'm entering the State of Iran for the purpose of Aurora alone. So therefore you say let's bake Allahumma ala Baker, Amara, okay. Now once you've made the intention in your heart and you make the statement, you are now in the state of

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a question that comes to mind shift if you know for example, a relative of mine passes away and they don't have a maid Hajj, my allowed to perform hajj on their behalf and how does this tie in at the time? Very good. Okay, so

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this hadith on this hadith found in both Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam o heard a person making an intention for Hajj for a particular individual, and they said Lim Baker, hedger and true Brahma.

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The Prophet says, an awesome person who is shown Brahma,

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the person replied, It is one of my relatives. The Prophet Allison's asked that person, did you make * yourself first? And the person said, No.

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The Prophet SAW Allah as you said, Make had yourself first, make Hajj for yourself first, then make hajj on the other individual cultural Brahma.

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Now this in this individual Sugarman was somebody who passed away, they passed away. So what does Hadith tell us? This hadith tells us, it is permissible for you or any individual, male or female, so a woman can make it for a man and a man can make it for a woman. And man, for a man woman. For a woman. The generation of adultery is not a problem. It shows that you are permitted to make Hajj or Umrah on behalf of a deceased person upon the condition that you yourself have made Hajj or Umrah first. So if you've done it yourself first, you can and is permitted for you to make the Hajj or Umrah on behalf of that deceased person. And at the time, when you make your intention. You

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mentioned that person's name. So you say Lubbock, Lubbock Hajah and Shubhra or not kosher, but I'm about the name that you know, whether it's Ahmed or Fatima, whoever that person is, you mentioned their name at that particular time. If I may continue, there's another issue here. And the other issue is that that's a deceased person.

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What about, I want to make hedge for a person that's living? Am I allowed to do that.

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So maybe I have very old relative, maybe my mother or my father is very old, am I allowed to make Hajj for them, the scholars categorize making HUD for a living person into two categories. That person who is you're going to make Hajj for fall into category number one, meaning that due to their health, due to the age, they're not be they're not able to make Hajj atolls, it's too much for them. And in the foreseeable future, that's not going to change. Okay, if that person fulfills the conditions have fulfilled their fulfill the conditions like for example, financial means,

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obviously, they've the Olden age,

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would have conditioned them been fulfilled, they can give the money to somebody to perform hajj for them. Owner that is they are not they're not able physically, or due to their health. And they don't foresee in the near future that they're going to be able to exactly. However, if a person is maybe sick, let's say I know they broken their leg. For example. Now at the moment, I'm not in a position to go anywhere because my lot my my leg is in is in plaster, my leg is up in the bed, I can't do anything for the next three or four months. And it's hudge next month, for example, is allowed for me to give money to somebody to perform hajj on my behalf I would say in this situation is not

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allowed. Why? Because it assumes that you will recover and that you will be able to perform the hajj the following year. So in this second category, we say no, you can't be poor, perform hajj on behalf of a person who that in the future shall tell that they will recover and that they could perform Hajj in the future. So that's the situation concerning a living person

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is there

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Our specific form of clothing for a home I know we mentioned the two garments, but are we you know confined to those two garments? And obviously this for the men and what is the form for the women? Yeah. So we know that the Companions at po Sabbath Radi Allahu Anhu informs us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam removed his clothing. And he wore two white garments. Now, it is not a condition. It is not an absolute must or an obligation for those two garments for a man because the what a man will wear is different from a woman obviously. So we're talking about the man it is not obligation for those to the clothes of haram to be white.

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But the thing is that hamdulillah in this day and age, the availability of the clothing of Haram is widely available. So buying and finding a white garment mashallah is very easy, and it is preferred, it is a preferred

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option to wear two white sheets, nothing else just to have those two white sheets, that's for the male. As for the female, then she is permitted to wear whatever she likes. However, the Prophet sallahu wa sallam gave us two things that she should not wear. She does not wear gloves,

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nor does she wear a niqab.

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So, people who claim that the niqab is something cultural, and that is something being pushed from a pre Islamic Arab society and that it was not from Islam the Prophet Salah Elisa mentioned by name while atatiana that she does not wear any makeup so the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam made it part of our deen that while in the Haram, you don't wear the niqab, but outside, you wear it if she wishes to do so. So it's part of the deal. So these two things, the gloves and the niqab she is not permitted to wear. However if normally she was in a club and she would like to cover herself in front of non Muharram men, what does she do? We have two examples from a smart Binti Abu Bakr and

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also Aisha Radi Allahu Anna so it's not for somebody to say oh this is strictly and only for the wives of the messenger so lesson a smart been been to Rebekah was not from the wise of the messenger Elisa Salam, when they performed Hajj, they would have a piece of cloth that would be on top of their heads. If they saw men, they would pull it down. It's not in the carpet doesn't have any holes in it. They will just pull it down if it touches your face, it's okay.

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So it comes down over their faces and then otherwise that they would raise it up. So this is the closing of both the men and the woman

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is like a luxury many more questions related to a haram but unfortunately have to take a short break your viewers, we're going to be taking a small break. Returning back to talk about a haram stay tuned. cinemagraph deliver care to the viewers welcome back. As we are diving and discussing the issues of a haram chef now we last spoke about a haram but one question that came to mind as you're speaking was you mentioned that the male has to garments only What about his feet? Or can he wear his watch? So he can tell time? Or how does he okay

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with regards to the government so the manual rightly rightly saying and that is mostly have to walk around barefoot, but it is permitted for you to wear footwear, although that is also there are some guidelines concerning that. It's not you just wear like some boots or anything like that. So it is permitted for a person to wear some form of sandal. Okay, so there should have shoes that you would normally wear like boots or shoes, or trainers or sneakers or something like that, you should not wear that, while in the State of Iran, according to the most correct view, okay, even though it may be below your ankle and things like that, really, it is preferable, because there are three

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different kinds of views on the footwear of the men. But for again, for the purposes of our learning Chautala we'll take the the view which seems to be in line with what the advice that the prophet Elisha gave to us. And that is a type of footwear that allows your,

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the front part of your foot to be exposed not to be covered. But your toes are exposed, you're there. So and something is for sure below your ankles. So there's it's kind of sandals that maybe have a strap across the front of it, that's fine, you can wear something like that. Or those kinds of flip flops, the union has little thing that goes between the victo and the toe next to it. That's something that's comfortable for you to wear.

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So this kind of footwear, and there's so many different types. But as long as you don't have you avoid something which covers the whole front of your foot, okay, if it's partially open, leaving the front part of your toes open as well. This is probably the most suitable footwear crocs for example. Yeah, those kinds of things, which again would cover the

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fun part of your foot, we say it's probably best for you to avoid avoid unless you wanted to cut it. But if you had purchased him you you're not likely to continue. Yeah.

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But you're here. What is the rule of thumb?

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So, as we're talking about this is one of the pillars of pillars of the of the Hajj itself, for your Hajj or your pilgrimage, or Amara for it to be a pilgrimage you need to enter the actual state of haram itself. And as we mentioned, that the the Neo the intention is something which is of the heart and that is then after

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displayed with you making a verbal statement, whether it's for Hajj alone, or 100 Romana together or for Amara.

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So this is how you enter the actual state of of Iran. Just that intention. Just the intention. That's it. Yeah.

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And I know we mentioned that the word haram meaning coming from the word having more meaning to prevent

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what exactly the nullifies the state of a haram. Yeah. So

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if somebody is in the state of haram, essentially,

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there's one thing that breaks your arm. And that would be for you to have sexual relations with your spouse, nullify your pilgrimage, whether it be Ramallah, or hutch, that's what nullifies it. Other than that, if you were to do something, you, you fall short, and one of the big, but you'd fall short and one of the obligations where you would be required to make an explanation for that.

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But other than that, that's the one thing that that nullifies your pilgrimage.

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So for example, if I was to put a cap over my head, would that and I will find my home know that. So the things these are called Madurai Haram are the things which, when a person is in a state of Iran, that they have to avoid, because we mentioned earlier, Haram is to prevent what you've been prevented from doing one of those things for them in because there are certain things which both the males and females men and women they share. So they're both not permitted to wear perfume. And then there are certain things which are specifically it only to men. One of those is to put something on their heads. So to wear like a hat like this, or to wear a cap protecting from the sun. That's not

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something they're allowed to wear, the person does that then they have fallen short, in breaking one of the relatively haram that prevented prevented things in estate to be haram. And a person would be required to depending on why they did an explanation. If they did it accidentally, by mistake or ignorantly maybe we can talk about a little bit later, it's all about there's nothing upon them. This Oh, we didn't know or forgot no problem. Using umbrellas to cover yourself or being inside a tent or being inside a car does not consider covering your head. So those kinds of things are not a problem. What other things should know or is disliked or were forbidden to do while in the State of

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Iran, okay. So, if we go through some of the Mahabharata haram that

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as I mentioned, some are specifically for the men only and some of them are shared with with women as well. So, both male and female are not permitted to wear perfume Okay.

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A man is not allowed to wear what they call an Arabic, Mohit and that is a stitched clothing. Now, the question is then Well, I may have some stitching on my shoes, sandals. And the garments I have are they not stitched as well.

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In fact, what is intended by the word and Mohit, or that stitch to clothing is a type of stitch clothing which has been designed to look and fix around the body parts. So like wearing a jacket, this is something stitch on fits around your body. So any types of clothing would fit around your body. That's what is prohibited. So wearing shoes. Obviously the prophet Elisha told us that wearing shoes is absolutely fine sandals. And the two garments themselves. That's obviously fine because that's not something we just stitched to shape the shape of your body. It's just something that you wrap around, okay. So things like jumpers like trousers. These are stitched clothing, which is not

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allowed for the man to wear.

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Also for the man to cover his head is not permitted to to cover his head. Likewise, for both men and women to hunt, to hunt game, wild animals, it's not allowed for you to do that. Wild in the State of Iran. For both the woman as well and men is not allowed for them to trim or remove any hair while in the State of Iran. These are the main things which is the men or women are prohibited to do while in the State of Iran. Now,

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I know we mentioned that sexual * specifically will nullify your home

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But what about this form of foreplay, for example, it doesn't happen often that the husband and wife are together, but maybe for example, hombre, they're staying together in a hotel. And some, you know, foreplay happens. Okay, so these are some other metal rhotic haram, adding to the ones I mentioned before. So any form of foreplay of like, cuddling with desire, or kissing with desire,

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that's not allowed while in the state of haram.

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Also to get married,

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while in a state of Haram is not permitted, or to arrange to arrange your marriage as well, that's not permitted. And also sexual *, * that's not allowed while in the State of Iran. So you find there's like eight or nine different math on it. And Iran added to the six I mentioned earlier, as long as those three these all prohibited

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for person while in the State of Iran. Now, the question well, why? Why are these all prohibited? What is the purpose of all of this, if you look at all of those things, about the type of clothing that you wear, so you don't wear like jackets and trousers and shirts, for the men that of course,

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you don't want any perfume?

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All of these things you just wear very simple closing is, is to keep everybody on a level playing field. Because the pilgrimage is one of the ultimate occasions where everybody, especially the Hajj will go out together the same. There is no rich pilgrim and there is no poor pilgrim in terms of what they're wearing. So the rich people can have the splendor and show everything that they have in terms of their clothing, emotional and the poor people, they don't have that. Everybody, rich, poor, young and old, same, they're exactly the same when they're performing the hajj. It's all about submitting to Allah subhanaw taala and all those other things like the perfume, like the clothes,

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like all of those other things are there to the trimming of the hair, the nails, it's not allowed. All of that is what is there to beautify. When you get out of the bed in the morning. What do you make sure your hair is combed. You make sure your nails are trimmed. Although it's a new fashion for people to have very, very long nails, although this is from the sun.

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But all of these things are there too. Or people do to beautify themselves. But while in the state of the Haram that just needs to be forgotten for the time being. Don't pay attention to these dunya these worldly issues. It's time just for you to focus on the earth here. Focus on the hereafter and focus on submitting to Allah subhanaw taala.

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What is the case or the subject of a pilgrim who makes a haram before the month of hedge? What's his situation? Okay, good question. So, we said that the month of how Joshua Well, we will head and the first 10 days of the ledger, let's say well, what's before that it's Ramadan. So he's in or she is in the month of they're in Makkah

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in Ramadan and they

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are in London not in Makkah, maybe is a better example of say they're in Medina, Medina, let's say they're in Medina and they intend to make Hajj, if they make their intention for Hajj, not in the month of hajj, then that will not be a hedge for them. The intention for hedge has to be in the months of hedge. And it's just like in the given example, let's say so a lot of the horror starts at 1230 midday. If a person says you know what to do early, it's 1215. They wouldn't. I'm pretty much God early Allahu Akbar. Can that be considered Lord for them? We say no, you you started your Salah. Before it's time it's not valid. Similarly Hajj as has its specific time, therefore, you need to

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make sure you enter into the State of Iran during the months of hajj it has a specific time.

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Lock a lock on or lay. The questions are many but unfortunately we've come down to the end of the session, discipline law failure on for answering these questions and sharing with us your knowledge. Your viewers, unfortunately, we've come to an end. Until next time in sha Allah, we'll see you next time continuing this journey of Hajj, the field of Hajj, how to perfect or try to perfect this act of worship. That is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Until next time, sit down watch Yquem or rahmatullahi wa barakato

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