Sulaiman Moola – Tafseer of Surah An Naml #06 The nine signs

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The Prophet's success was highlighted in a series of symbols and symbols, including a drought in Ghana, a shortage of water in Ghana, and a holy month with a focus on pride, arrogance, and a lack of knowledge. The message of Islam is not to weaken people and to avoid becoming annoying, while the series of symbols included references to the holy month and the holy season, false predictions about the future, and false predictions about evildoers. The Prophet's teachings often involve references to the holy month and the holy season, as well as false predictions about the future.
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other day in
our solar Eema knowing what all Al Hamdulillah
are also below him in a shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim
Caffee JB Katha Raja and ba i mean ye resume fi DISAPPEA disagree in Fira, I'm gonna work out who ME IN WHOM Ken Coleman FERS et Sadhak Allah who love him. So yes, the first medical was conferred upon Satana Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam. He was crowned blessed, favored with the elevated station of profit would Allahu your stuffy Minal mela Ekati ro Solon Wamena. Nurse. It is the grace the boon in the Mercy of Allah that He favors and blesses someone with the station of Prophet wood. And surely that is the highest favor that could be conferred upon any person. And remember, Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam featured amongst the cooloola asmin prophets. So just so that we have perspective, the
galaxy of prophets are superior to the entire human race. They are the best, the noblest, the cream of Allah's creation, and then within the prophets themselves, there is further ranking and this is in chapter two, the opening verses of Jews three Tilka Rasul furball. Now, the Houma Allah BackRub This is the galaxy of prophets we've given merit significance and superiority to some over others. Likewise, in Surah, Bani Israel Allah says, Well according football, Barbra nabina, Allah Bhavan or entertainer there will there's a Bora, surely we've given elevation to certain prophets over others, and we had favored Tao the Alayhis Salam with the Cebu. So Musa alayhis salatu salam was a Nebby and
he was from amongst the oluwo, Asma Gambia, Gambia, as Allah makes mentioned in surah, Al Kahf, in the 26, Jews of the Quran, first berekum, sabara kulula eyes me Mina Rosalie wala to start Angela home, okay. That being said, the second miracle that was given to Musa alayhis salam at this time was that Via de la. Now we need to know and remind ourselves, that a miracle is the proof of prophethood and not the object of, of prophethood. So and maybe he doesn't come in this world to display miracles, and maybe comes in this world, to convey the message of Allah subhanho wa taala, and to guide the people, but of course, human nature when in the be presents, people want to see
something unique, outstanding, supernatural, extraordinary. And hence, Allah subhanaw taala had blessed the different prophets Alayhi salaatu wa salaam, with different miracles to convince the people regarding His Prophet would otherwise the truth be told, the very personality and the very conduct and the very character of a newbie itself will tell you about the station of prophethood. So the second miracle that Allah subhanho wa Taala had blessed so you dinner Musa alayhi salatu salam with was yet by Allah. And that is exactly in verse 12 of chapter 27, from the 93 verses that we are exploring, what are the things and enter yet your hand fi J big into your collar. So in other words,
put your hand through inside your upper garment,
into your collar into your armpit, the hood by law, your hand will emerge, white bright, radiant, it will have this luminous light on it mean lady, so without any illness, sickness or disease. And you know, may Allah grant is an offer to anyone and everyone, sometimes it could be a skin condition, it could be a skin condition, sometimes it could be leprosy, sometimes it could be vitiligo, or other related conditions and we ask Allah for ease and Afia for every person, whoever has whatever condition sometime person has an eczema condition or other related things. So the Quran refutes that as your hand would exit, in a sense of brightness, this brilliance will be impressive, it will be
enviable. It will attract people it will not have any form of defect or any form of illness or disease. Verse number 12. At the screen, enter your data your hand free jamika In your color, the courage it will emerge by ba brilliant, mean lady so without any illness or disease, fetus, keratin, and this is amongst the nine signs Illa Phaedra I'm gonna work out with me to fit around and his people in the home can all go manifest in it
Indeed, Pharaoh and his people were a disobedient nation in the Quran Allah Allah fill out in chapter 28 Allah says in surah CASAS he was arrogant which Allah Allah Hashem era, he had divided people into different groups and rankings yesterday Fatah if at a minimum, he considered some people to be low and weak. And remember, there's a distinction here, I don't want to become too academic and philosophical, but a thought comes to my mind. So the bunny is right in we're not weak, he perceived them to be weak. Remember that? Today also in the world, sometimes you see an oppressive nation, perceiving others or classifying them as, and we live in a world where, who has the right
and the authority to decide who is the first world country and who's the Second World country? And what are these
lines of judgment? You know, how do we grade people? So there's a verse in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala speaks about the the, you know, the dialogue between the the elite and the wealthy, and the humble and the simple in the nation of Saudi Hallahan Salaam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says that the Wacol Mala will levena Stick BARROWMAN call me he levena Student lemon M and Amin al mela melamine in leaders l mela Obara to an annual count I'm telling all Kulu boomin Hey Betty him so Mala means the info influential the prominent you know those that had clout and muscle the proud the arrogant the leader said to lean Latina stupid riffle to those who are perceived to be weak
manner who another era whom yesterday refer whom were your staff to whom what are the latest fairland saw the run and whom for whom Allah your Kuno see fit them in very happy him doesn't mention in subsidy coming in hola merci speaks about this year, that the arrogant referred to the others as downtrodden, they will not downtrodden they will not weak people accuse them of being weak. So this is not a sign of any defect on their side because they will not weak. This is how they will consider it to be weak. And sometimes there are certain people in our social circles as well. They might be humble, they might be introvert, so people overlook them and that is so wrong.
That is so incorrect. So anyway, Pharaoh was proud Pharaoh was arrogant. Allah subhanaw taala says in the home Ghana government facility, he was from amongst the evil people he had divided people your army to homearama little Hamidah with doab. He treated them as animals he treated them as animals. This is this is this is how he would deal with the Bani Israel ill.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala had blessed Musa alayhis salam with two miracles now and seven other miracles which are referenced in chapter seven in chapter seven what were those other miracles because your Allah just makes the reference in verse to have to the nine miracles that used to amongst the other nine. Well after the Ohana Allah filler I will not be seen in one minute Thammarat drought and shortage of produce.
This was two signs as well due to the evil in the wrong there was divine affliction that was inflicted upon them.
For Santa Ana, he moved to fun. At one stage it was drought at another stage it was floods. And that's Allah's control. That's Allah's control. We know the famous Hadith in a Buddhahood with a companion came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on a Friday and he said oh Prophet sallallahu was in this drought and this fair mine and the shortage of water. Oh prophet of Allah make dua for us and the messenger SallAllahu wasallam made dua and it rained buckets. It rained buckets for one entire week. It was just raining and raining.
Allama will Hassan Ali nadwi When he speaks about the floods of new Alayhis Salam, he says it was Surah sama Surah de semana Anna min Hala is like the sky became a strainer. The water is just seeping through it just pouring through. And a week later the companion Radi Allahu Anhu comes to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and he says oh prophet of Allah. Please ask Allah to hold the rain. It's been now just coming in buckets and volumes and in excess, and he's still alive. He was Selim didn't read the beautiful two iron it could only be the Prophet of Allah that could teach us the sprayer. Allahumma ha ha Elena Well, Elena, Allah Houma alchemy Well Jeremy what lira we will Oh
deity woman I British shudder La Ilaha illa Allah, Allah let it rain on the on the peaks of the mountains Let it rain on the rooftops. So Allah let it rain over the plantations of Allah meaning let the rain come besides us and not upon us so that it is beneficial and not destructive. So upon been upon Pharaoh and his people came drought initially, shortage and produce that were two other miracles. Then came floods Barcelona la Hema to fun while Girard and then was the plague and the epidemic of locusts, right? They were just locusts everywhere, while Gerrard was
Welcome, well then with ticks, ticks or lies as the scholars have mentioned, and you know, ticks can, can can, if a place is infested with it, it can it can be very agonizing and frustrating welcome mal what the Father and then was frogs for fifth time the father official rabbit the father, well, Phil Mallow everywhere just frogs, you get to a place and it's you want to eat and there's just too much ends or flies or mosquitoes and you get so frustrated and the entire outing gets so you know, you trying to
intercept that fly or, or get rid of that mosquito and you're using a mosquito swatter, and it can become so frustrating, so frustrating. So Allah had incapacitated and paralyze them and weaken them and destroy them with frogs were done. And then blood, they would pick up a vessel of water, and then it would be converted into blood, it would be converted into blood. And that will be so frustrating, so frustrating. You're imagine you having a child drink a soft drink, and you're just about to drink it and then a fly falls inside what happens to that? Or hot cup of tea? You know, you prepared it, it was brewing on the stove for long and finally you got it. And then you know what,
some speck of dirt fell into it or something else. And immediately, you just don't want to drink that. So every time they would pick up water, it would just become it would become blood. So it is really it interferes with Comey. These are the nine signs to Pharaoh and his people in the home Ken Coleman phacility In indeed they were disobedient people. Verse 13, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Fela magia at home area tuna mobile Surah 10 when Our Verses came to them as I opened his mobile cell rotten, open, clear, vivid eye openers. Carlu they said had us I mean, this is obvious magic, this is clear cut magic.
So instead of taking the lesson, effecting the change, realizing that this is from the Almighty, and it is a warning from from a second who lira be him woman Yetta Barun that they didn't soften up they didn't change the attitude.
That then that's the sign of the heart has been sealed, which the Quran sometimes refers to as some Maqasid Caloocan the hearts have been sealed. Sometimes the Quran says hotma the hearts have been blocked. Sometimes the Quran says Tabara sometimes the Quran says feel cooler than him walk through this deafness in the ears. Akina there is a veil over the eyes May Allah save us from that May Allah save us from that and when the heart reaches that point, then a person can see anything and everything nothing will change. I mean Allah Allah says the opening verses of the eighth juice of the Quran right Surah tool an arm while I Nana Zelina la mala Mala Iike what caliber humanI Mounta
what hashanah Allah him collaging in Kabbalah without Anna Anna Zelina la mala Mala Iike if we were to send down the angels and the deceased had to stand up from the graves and speak to them, and we were to raise the wreck everything before them paradise and * man Canute me No, they were still not going to believe. So you have it verse 13 fella magia tuna Mobis rotten when the verses came to their mobile sir a clear cut open God who they conclude it harder say hello Mubin This is open magic. This is obvious magic. What does Allah subhanaw taala say in verse 14, and this actually then concludes the story of Musa alayhis salaam in chapter 27. As I had mentioned yesterday, there will
be few different stories and prophets. So this was quite a brief and comprehensive overlook of the tale of Sedna Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam, verse 14, were Jaha do Bihar. They denied our verses were Jaha do Bihar
arrogantly, arrogantly, and proudly Ruhlman wah, wah, right what's your hadoo Bihar was stayed connect her and flew home. Yet the inner souls and in the inner hearts they were convinced on the veracity of this year. So even they knew the truth. They knew the truth they knew it was absolute. I always like to go this year
that the enemies and the adversities of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they chose to refer to him with the most derogatory terminology. Yet they would come and leave their treasures and wealth by him. And they say, Oh, you're a liar. You're a magician. You're the soothsayer but you know what we trust you the most? What? You contradicting yourself? Fulfill worked in levy gun who you can the Buddha who were yes or Munna Anna Husa. Haroon. Oh Caleb Oh my Junoon Lamia Kuno yo J doing a theme and how old are who? man who was a you don't mean who a man
forgot to learn you're the owner ha ha who am word of whom ality Yeah, ha funa 11 The Who? So fulfill work
Let the guy know you get the Buddha who at the very moment in which they denied in belied accused and they were blessed for us. They said sorry man you know what?
We don't accept you we don't believe in you but please you look after my treasures look after my wealth. So you contradicting yourself you contradicting yourself that means in the heart of hearts. You also know this man is the Absolute Truth, truthful but you choose him to deny for other reasons. We're in the must second Maduro fill battery by lamented Aruna Illa Iya. Allah says, you choose to worship all your gods and isms and idols. But why is it in the center of the ocean when you engulfed by waves? And you see the waters become rough and become turbulent? And now you know what it's life and death. Why at that time you abandon your gods and you only call out to Allah because even you
know in the heart of hearts it's only Allah that can help your own action is the proof for the manager communal Berea rotten, but then when Allah takes you to show then you arrogant what kind of insane hookah fora and you known and prone to do this you known and prone to do this? Yeah. Right. So verse 14, which I do Bihar, they deny the science, arrogantly was stay in Canada and foster home. Yet the inner selves knew that this is the truth, loyal men who are no work out of arrogance, and out of oppression. Right so bohlmann and renew word as a two different scholars say lumen means for what a movie ha as Allah makes mentioned, in another verse of the Quran, they attacked the verses
itself. They did not, you know, take the heat and the learning and the reflection from it. And no one means they elevated themselves above No, no, we greater we are, you know, more better and more superior. So they knew the truth, but they chose to deny it funds, okay for Ghana are good, but to remove CD. So Allah says, Now you reflect, you know, when you have storybooks, they lived happily ever afterwards. And this is where it ended. And that's the end of it. How does the Quran and the Quran always ends on this year? What was the outcome? Finally, what was the outcome finally,
person, you know what won the lottery and then died is a pop on the street. person had all the fame in this world. And then in the end, he committed suicide. He was found lying in his own hotel room with a gun that he had pulled on himself. And these things happen constantly. So the Quran constantly invites you in the end what happened? In the end what happened? And you would realize and observe and see my brother and my sister, whoever does wrong, they might run. They might be loud, they might be expressive, they might be vocal, but the time comes where the Quran says, help to have some in whom men are heard in outer sama or whom Regza Can you even hear them whisper today, those
that were proud were mocking scoffing at other people, even in family circles, those who would look down on others in a condescending way, and then things change and then their children came and other children and then see how they were rocked and played and that entire family got got fragmented, and those who thought and perceived and assume they weren't up and they reign supreme. Allah changed the dynamics totally. So Allah concludes it verse 14, fondle reflect and see game for Ghana after but to remove sit in what was the final outcome of evildoers? It was a lot of in this world and heart in the letter drowning in this world and burning in Accra. May Allah protect us