Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Sciences in 30 Days Part 16 Mysterious Opening Letters
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome to number 16
of this series on the sciences of the Quran. May Allah subhanaw
taala bless us through this we will start with data from the
Quran are all the biller Jimenez shaytani R rajim Bismillah Hira
Manuel Rahim LM Dawa and Allah has a Holic Murphy of the willful
Carthaginian will bury be Emery Williams equals
Dakar either out of the lobby is in law has been zilara oh four
well who will the here comes my yummy two comes from your ego in
in Santa Monica for
luckily I'm Matthew Jana second home Nancy who further Yuna zero
NACA Phil Emery where the rules are big in Florida with Mustafi
why you judge the LUCA pullin, Allah who are Alam will be dark
maroon Allah we're gonna obey Unicom Yeoman Murthy FEMA coutume
fie hit the phone.
So the color Halloween
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala, so even more
serene. He also he was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira on Ilario
Medina, Mr. Bharat, so now we start off with our final
discussion on the whole roof, the Hedgy or the roof McCotter, out of
the Quran that everybody reads and Alif Lam even they obviously quite
taken aback and curious about what they mean. So these are called
Horovod dodgy dodgy essentially means the alphabet. So that's why
you get the time to head G. And they're also called huruf Elmo
kata, which refer to the disparate letters that have been brought
together, or they seem disparate, but actually not like Alif Lam
Meem Alif Lam Meem saw that if lamb Raha Amin, cough unknown. So
let's look at them in a bit more detail today. And let's
see how much we can cover up this insha Allah. So what is the number
one? The first question that we're going to try to answer here is
that what is the purpose of Elif lamb RA and northern calf? Why are
they brought as these sets of letters, sometimes individuals,
sometimes two, sometimes three, sometimes four, and sometimes
five, according to the majority of the commentators of the Quran, and
the linguists, so majority of scholars I would say, they say
that these are the names of the sutras.
These are the names of the Soros that that follow, essentially,
they are the names of the surah. And the purpose of naming them
with these letters is interesting in the sense that
the sources, that all the messages that will follow in the source,
they're written out, and composed of these very same letters that I
found at the beginning of this, which indicates towards the edges
or inevitability of the Quran, and I keep discussing the
inevitability natures of the Quran, we will have a session,
Inshallah, next week on that subject in sha Allah. And so the
idea is that
if the Quran was not a ye and Revelation Allah is saying by
this, then they would not be they would not have been incapacitated,
and they would have been able to then produce something like it.
Now we've got a hadith which is supportive of this view. So this
view is not just a random view there's a hadith which is related
by Imam Bukhari and Muslim which supports this idea that Abu
Huraira the Allah one reports that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam used to recite in the morning prayer. On Friday, he used
to recite the following Alif Lam Meem as such,
and holida Island in San. So he's actually naming the Surah Surah to
such that as Elif Lamesa,
and hull at Adaline San well that's exactly how it begins
HealthAlliance and so the surah name is Hello, darlings, and Elif
la mujer soja likewise the Prophet sallallahu sallam said regarding
Surah Yaseen, you're seen called Al Quran that you're seeing is the
heart of the Quran, which mean the surah. Yaseen is heart of the
Quran. So from this, although you could,
you could interpret this in a different way, all of these to say
that it's the surah in which you are seen as mentioned, or it's a
surah which starts off with her meme as such, right or that has a
such that in then it has a high meme or Elif la meme at the
beginning, rather. So there
are various ways of interpreting this. But otherwise, if you look
at it, just straightforward, that's what he says. There's also
another Hadith which says, Man, Cora, Ayat al Kursi.
Right? whoever, whoever recites AYATUL kursi. Right? So the idea
is to name the ayah in that case, or
whoever you say Tamim,
right, the sort of movement Hamming, then he will be protected
on that day, from every kind of evil, as has been related by
material within this hadith and bizarre, and others. And there's
other sources as well. There's other ways that this has been
mentioned as well.
So that's one opinion. And I don't think it's, I don't think there's
any contradiction between this opinion and the second opinion,
which could be seen as separately. That
because a lot of research scholars, they say, No, it's not
necessarily the surah names, it's actually more the fact that these
are separate letters that have been produced here. Again, for the
purpose of the angels of the Quran to say, to the very people that
the Quran is challenging is that you use the same letters, we're
using the same letters, look, these are Elif lamb, or are known
cough, whatever, and you cannot produce something like we've been
able to produce. So this is actually for that purpose that it
is to incapacitate them by literally showing them that it's a
very same letters that you use in your in your alphabet, we use in
our alphabet, but you still can't do anything like that. Now as I
that's very similar those two opinions because you could say the
names of the names of the singers that have also been used for that
purpose have to challenge them to shame to show them that these are
the simple you know, these are simple letters, right? Okay. Now
the third view is that
these are actually the names of Allah subhana wa Tada. Like, some
of them are the names of Allah subhanaw taala, at least some of
them have been related, right? Meaning when they're done
together, they represent one of the names of Allah they signify a
name of Allah subhanaw taala. Both of these views.
Well, one, they actually this this view is made up of two parts. One
is that every single letter in there refers to a name of Allah.
And the other view is that no when you put them together, then they
become a name one of the names of Allah subhanaw taala. And both of
these opinions have been mentioned from Abdullayev no ibis, the alone
he says, early meme means and Allah who asked them, that I am
Allah, who is most aware of everything I am Allah the
omniscient one I know everything I am alone knows everything. So
that's one thing that's related from him. The other one is that
the other opinion from him is that if la meme or if stands for Allah,
and the lamp stands for Latif, which is Allah's other name of
compassionate or subtle, and meme stands for the name Majeed. So,
Allah lock the phone, Majeed is what Elif lamp stands for.
Now, because you don't necessarily have this kind of interpretation
for every single one of them. This is not a very, very strong view.
But as I said, it is meant it is really to like this, from Abdullah
Abdullah ambassador, the Allah one then there's another one that's
received from him, that Elif La Mara, and her meme and noon, they
refer to a ramen that refer to the Name of Allah, the most
compassionate and merciful one Rama, and if la Umbra had Amin,
and known because Elif Lanre has the raw, the her meme has the
meme, and the heart as well. So is her meme raw man, it's got the two
letters, and no one has the noon.
Now, this might sound really completely random, but actually
they've got proof of this. They substantiate this from one point
that the Arabs in their poetry would actually sometimes use these
kinds of abbreviations. This is what you could maybe call acronyms
or something like that, or abbreviations where there's a
letter that stands for something we have that today, you know, we
have we have that today where
you have British Home Stores became b&h or whatever, right? And
many other companies, they, they eventually shortened it down to,
you know, just two letters, right? C and D, or G and F or whatever
the case is, right? So these actually do that in in the Arabs
do this. They've got the poetry for example, there's a poem who
said poetry poem. There's a there's a poet who says, the call
to Allah piffy for call a cough.
I told her stop. So she said, cough walk off to cough refers to
walk off to and walk off to means I've stopped.
You need to stop doing this. So she said, I stopped by just saying
walk off to like, like in English would say she said
S or P, which means stop. Now I know that might not, we might not
be able to get our heads around that. But that's all convention
actually. So we'll leave that there. Now among all of them
actually, they're almost say that the first opinion. The second
opinion, the first step in a second event is generally what you
hear from people the first opinion. And as I said, the first
and second opinion can be combined together to understand this,
Right. Now
there's some other really interesting things that I've
mentioned here, I'm not going to go into the very radical extreme
kinds of ideas that come from this in terms of the number game and
the secrets in numbers and all of that, but there is some very
straightforward things that you can understand from in sha Allah,
this will be really really interesting for you. So for
example, the number of sores right in which which start with Hooroo
Fatah * the horror of Mahkota adware, these letters begin, right
where these letters and letters are used to begin the surah with
is exactly 29 Suris. Okay. 29 Saudis have started with letters.
And the number of letters in the Arabic language as long as you
consider Hamza and Elif to, to be separate is also 29. So the number
of the Arabic alphabet is also 29. And there's 29 Surah of the Quran
that start with the letters of the alphabet, okay. Now, the other
thing is that if you were to take all of those names, and if lamium
a different camera, and count the number of letters, they're
composed of that make up these, these 29 names, or these 29, these
29 beginnings, then they've not used 29 letters in them. They've
only used actually 14 letters out of 29 letters have been used to
make up these concerns, because remember, a lot of them are
harming him. And there's many of these Alif Lam ra Alif Lam ra Alif
Lam Meem Saad. So there's Elif la mean all of them, so you're not
going to get certain letters in any of them. So that's why only 14
letters are found across the board that have been used to make these
29. These 29 names 29 or 29 beginnings rather. And 29 is also
the number of letters in the Arabic alphabet, as long as you
consider Hamza and Elif to be two separate letters. Otherwise, it's
The other thing is what supports this idea that it could be names
and so on, is that
there's the number of letters that are used for these beginnings,
that either one like noon cough sod, or there's two letters like
Ha meme, right? Oh, yeah. Seen or Taha? Or there's three letters
like Alif Lam ra Alif Lam? Meem? Well, there's four letters like
Alif Lam. Meem sod, or Alif Lam? Meem Ra, or there's five letters
like gaff her Yeah. Ain sod. Right. So, in Arabic, generally,
most letter most words are made up, because the made up between
one to five letters as well. So that kind of shows that this could
be a name, because you have names that are of one letter to up to
five letters in all of these, after in all 29 of these, after
the sort of begin with these words, there's always a discussion
about the Quran, accepting three sources, there's always a
discussion in the Quran, there's always a discussion about the
So that all of that indicates that this seems to be a name of the
sutras. And I think that will make a bit more sense in sha Allah.
there's a lot of people who have looked into what they would
consider the secrets of these things, and other various
connections and numbers and all of that kind of stuff. That's not
something that we're going to be looking at because the Quran is
supposed to be an Arabic book, not a numbers book. So if somebody did
find something, whether that's up to them, but that's not something
that we take and get excited over, alright, because the main the main
purpose of this is that the Quran is made up of Arabic letters. So
that's why if there's something that is relevant to that, that
makes sense, otherwise everything else we just going to have to
avoid that we don't have to worry about that too much. Now, I'm
going to explain to you
each one of them, for example. There's some other really
interesting points about this. Right? That the way Allah subhanho
wa Taala has used Alif Lam raw in this particular surah and Alif
Laam even that particular surah and sod to begin sort of sod a
noon to begin Surah noon, it wouldn't have been it wouldn't
have worked otherwise in terms of the harmony that's created and
you're wondering what what are we speaking about? So for example, if
sod well Quran is the vicar was known, well Qurani the vicar it
wouldn't work, the harmony would not be there anymore. So there's a
really exclusive harmony in the way it's done. Now you'll find
this really
be really interesting. So, for example,
there's some very specific reasons why these particular letters have
stopped have been used to those to start those sorts. For example, if
if law me was put in Alif Lam Ra, or in her meme or in place of
Tahseen, then it wouldn't work because the harmonies would be
spoiled. What does that mean? What you generally find is that if the
surah begins with known, you will find lots of neurons in the Surah.
If you if it starts with Elif lamb Ra, you'll find that there's lots
of rods used in the Surah more than usual, almost, right?
Likewise, you'll find that when it's sort of saw, there's lots of
sods mentioned in the Surah. So for let's start off with a few
examples. We you know, this is not exhaustive, but this will give you
some idea of what we're talking about. So, if you take off,
right Surah to cough, right? Well, Quran Majeed. Now, the reason why
they say that calf has been used to start off that surah is because
there's numerous words with calf that have been used in that entire
surah. So for example, there is the Quran that's mentioned in
there, right? There's Hulka, which has a cough at the end, then
there's constant, the word goal, Karla goal is constantly repeated
in there, right? There's constant if you if you study that Surah
you'll actually see it that it's
especially when they're discussing the dialogue between those people
who go to Paradise and those people who who are going to go to
hellfire. There's lots of the word coal is used quite a bit. Then
there's a discussion in the of the Raqib. There's the discussion in
the of the sack, sir. A coup Shaheed, so that has coffee in
there as well. Then there's the concept of el parque fija Hana
again cough being thrown into the hellfire. Then there's the concept
of taka dome Bill wide, right? Producing the promise. Then
there's the discussion of the clean again with a cough. There's
discussion of the heart in there, right, so Kulp is there. Then
there's the karoun. That's mentioned in there. There's the 10
key mana carbon atom P V is mentioned in there. There's the
shafiqul earth, which means Yamata shokaku. Tasha Coco sorry, Tasha.
cocola is mentioned. The shock cook what the Chaka Khan. So
there's the concept of the earth splitting up, there's a cook that
are referred in there, lots of coughs are in there. Then when you
go to Surah Yunus, for example, there's a huge discussion.
Is it flam Ra. So there's lots of rods that are mentioned in the in
so many different places, because it started off with Edie flam, ra,
then after that, let's look at solid because you know, the solid
cough balloon are very interesting, because they're just
a single letter. So sort of solid. What's really interested in here
is that suicide seems to refer to a hole so Matt, who so mad, who
sue Matt, a hole Zoom is essentially a dispute or a
dialogue or a quarrel or a debate of some sort. That's what you call
a consumer. So you have numerous who sue mad or dialogues or
debates that have been related in surah. Assad, for example, you
have the dialogue or debate between the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa salam and the disbelievers. Right, you know,
where Allah subhanaw taala says, for example, you can check this in
verse five, a journal a journal earlier that ala Hawa, did they
make it or actually this is the disbelievers saying that did they
can consider all of the all of our deities or deities to be just one
deity that they make him just one Allah. Right. And then after that,
there's the discussion about the two.
The two people who bring that case and and have a debate or have a
case that is heard in front of though that is on the cusp mean
the highest man, right? That's the then after that there's the hustle
early now, there's the people of hellfire
that are having a dialogue, right, there's within themselves. I mean,
we don't have the time with the ones that bring you all of these
verses, and we read all of them. But you can check this off. So
you'll you'll notice it. Then after that there's the there's the
dialogue between Allah will Allah the higher assembly, then after
that there is the whole
debate or the dialogue between IBLEES regarding other Muslim
status, the whole dialogue, you know, you should prostrate he
didn't prostrate, why should they prostrate, all of that dialogue is
there as well. So, then there is the discussion about him being
becoming rejected and him him being thrown out. So all of that
discussion is in there. And all of those are hosel mat which comes
from sod, right? Then after that if you another really interesting
point is that those sores that start with Alif Lam Meem, which
are the first words for Bacara. Certainly Imran right these start
with cauliflower mean primarily right now. Alif Lam Meem has three
Alif Laam in essentially income
verses three, all three places have the sources and origins of
our letters. So the Arabic letters all come from three places either
from the throat, so you've got six letters that come from the throat,
okay, then you've got many, many that come from the inside of the
mouth, the majority actually intoned and pronounced from the
inside of the mouth. And then the final few are produced from the
lips like the Wow, the for the meme. So now you've got a lift la
meme. Elif represents the throat because with the hums, that comes
from, then you've got the lamb, which comes from the inside of the
mouth, the top L L, L comes from the roof of the mouth. And then
the mean, which comes from the tongue, which sorry, which comes
from the lips, right, which comes from the lips. So all three,
all three are represented here. Now, this is an indication
something and again, this is nothing from the Hadith, or
whatever. But these are just things that scholars have found
that Alif Lam Meem, especially the suitors in which I live Lama
mentioned, you're gonna have all of these really interesting points
that he represents, right from the, from the bottom, it goes all
the way to the outside. So this is an indication from the beginning
to the end from the Genesis to the end, right? The beginning refers
to the beginning of creation. So that's actually you will find
these themes that are mentioned in the series with Alif Lam, you'll
find major themes of number one, beginning of creation, how
creation started, that means story of Adam and Eve Solomon stone, so
on. Then after that, you're going to find discussions in the of the
end, right which is the mind which is the hereafter Jan Janet and
Jahannam, the day of judgment and so on, then you're going to find
also the discussion of the big of the middle, just like the mouth is
in the middle, right the inside of the mouth, the letters come from
the raw represent the lamb represents that. So that is
essentially the halal and haram and the legislations, because
that's the life of this world. We're born, then you spend the
life of this world and then there's the hereafter. So, the
life of this world refers to the way you need to live this life
which is essentially a number of legislations laws, right, the
prohibitions, the commands and so on. So, what you actually find
that every Surah that starts off with Alif Lam Meem you will find
all three of these discussions that will be mentioned in there,
right. Now let us take certain era for example, he got sorted early
Imran you've got sorted.
You've got sorted sorted a lot of it starts with Alif Lam Meem it
starts with RF Lamine but in Surah two Saad now you've got a
discussion sorry.
In sorted out of it actually adds another letter. So you've got a
lift la meme Saad. Kitab and on Zillow illegal fella confy Sadiq
herridge now
why Saad added on to Alif Lam Meem because there's an additional
point that's mentioned that if I'm inside, you've got the story of
Adam and Islam in there as well. Jana, Jana, all of that is
discussed there. But there's an additional aspect that this surah
Now is going to be made up of stories. And that's why it's
Shudehill CASAS so the sod is therefore classes of cases, which
refers to stories and accounts, the story of other Muslim is, is
mentioned in that and then the story of number of the other
prophets are mentioned in there as well. And that's why Allah
subhanaw taala also says in their further inverse to Elif, lamina,
Misaki dominants illegal fella. Yeah, couldn't be sadhika
highridge. Right, follow your confy Saudi coverage that they
should they should remain in your chest, they should not remain in
your chest, any kind of issue. Okay. And
some have said that Alif Lam. Meem sod is actually it means, you
know, remember I told you at the beginning, that all of these
also could be indications towards something so that's why some other
might have said that if la meme site actually IS LM nasura lega
sada rock, because when you carry on with that, so if lamium Salt
Kitab anon Zilla ileka This is a book that has been revealed to you
so that there remains no problem or issue or kind of turbulence in
your heart. So alumna, Shakalaka Sodre. Did we not expand your
* for you? So it's the same kind of idea I live alongside is
very, very relevant to photography, South Africa, which
then after that, if we move on to sort of run where it's actually
Elif Lam Meem Ra. So you've got Eddie Fleming, but then you've got
ra as well. Now there is a sort of rod which essentially refers to
the right Angel. That means the angel that produces the thunder,
right the lightning and the thunder discussion is in the
right. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, the concept of Rafa
Osama what is mentioned Roth Osawa, the raising of course, this
is all to do with Arabic. So if you don't understand Arabic, you
know, you'll have some trouble understanding this, but it's all
Arabic words here, the heavens that raising of the heavens is
there as well. Then after that, you've got the discussion of the
riot, the book, right so the lightning and the
The Thunder is mentioned in there as well, and all of that, you
know, you've got the rods in there. So that's why I leave la
mineral is, again, these are speculative ideas, but they're
very interesting ideas and they seem to have harmony and seem to
make some sense. But again, I don't think it's the province that
allows them who said this right. Now, if we move on,
I earlier eluded that nearly every single one of those 29 students
that start with those those letters, they always follow up the
next verse, And I clarified this in all of those tours last year in
my Jews by Jews, tafsir, right. So you can check it in there. But
I'll just quickly go through here. There's only three in which this
not mentioned, but even in there in many of them, it's actually
something related, but in all of them otherwise, there's a
discussion of the Quran so for example, let's see, I left a meme
that Ecole kita Bula or a Buffy that Surah to Bukhara that that is
a requirement. That is the book. Then after we've got sorted out
the Emraan necessarily our legal Kitab right. He is the one who
revealed the book to you. Then after that you go to a lot of
Kitab ons Alif Lam Meem salt Kitab goon Zilla indica This is a book
which has been revealed to you so the unis and Islam raw Tilka
Turkey tab, these are the verses of the book. Then after that if
you look at surah Taha is Takahama article Quran analytische CA We
have revealed this Quran to you so that you do not become wretched or
the so that you know we did not reveal the Quran to you so that
you become wretched or something like that. Then you've got sort of
sharara da seen me Tilka is to look it up. These are the verses
of the book again. Then you've got your scene. Well, Quran Al Hakim,
I mean that's self explanatory. Then you've got solid solid well
Quran is Zichen the Quran which is the one full of reminders, then
you've got Hermes, sort of the raffir ha meme turns zero Kitab
the revelation of the Book, then you've got Surah Cough, cough
Well, Quran again, right? The Quran has mentioned except three
sores, that is sorbitol and kibbutz. Surah to room that's Alif
Lam Meem worry about your room movie of the welcome back the
hoarder be himself with a bone. That's about a miracle. I think
the reason why it's not necessarily mentioned in there is
because in a few years, it was going to become very clear the
prophecy of this Quran was going to be very clear because it's a
prophecy about the Romans becoming conquered at this point are
dominated rather. And then after that, they're going to be the ones
who will dominate later on and that actually in a few years, that
is exactly what happened. And then you've got noon. Now in noon,
you've got noon, well call me Mama your stone, you've actually got to
mention of the pen. So there's something relevant there. But it
does not mention the Quran directly. But obviously, that's
related. So it's only three sources where there's no
discussion of the Quran, like directly immediately after is in
the all the other ones. There's a discussion of the Quran after it.
So that's a really another interesting point. Now, I know all
of this is getting into kind of these more deeper, interesting
aspects. Right, which I think what it does for you is that I think
what it does for me is that it just shows me the harmony, the
beauty, parts of the inimitable nature of the Quran that it's been
produced with all of these factors, right? Despite the fact
that it came over 23 years, when you put it together, it still
makes perfect sense. It still has harmony, it has harmony, in
wording in sound, and everything else. And it's interesting stuff.
That's mainly what it is.
Now, we've got that most of the discussion has been done regarded
regarding this. And I don't think we need to
go to mention a few other points, I think that are related. So I
think what I'm going to end up by saying is that all of that proves
that it looks like a diff la meme, cough sod and all of these are the
names of the tourists and I think we can be satisfied with that it's
related from the great diabetes and successor, Al Hassan Al
bacillary or the ALLAH and he said that summit to solidify your call,
I saw my you know earlier predecessor saying in the smell of
sewer, or Malfatti. Haha, that all of these words these 29 that we
have, they are the names of the servers and they are the keys to
the surah. Okay, that's what he says. And what we'll do is we'll
leave that discussion there. Now I'm going to discuss with since we
have some time left, I want to discuss something that is leftover
from yesterday we discussed yesterday,
the beginnings of the surah how they all start off with some
really skillful beautiful, impactful bold statements, which
also indicates towards the meaning, we discussed the endings
of the surah as well, right, but we discussed them separately that
endings are, you know, they end really in a concluding kind of way
with a message with an advice or whatever and we spoke about the
beginnings. Now what I want to try to explore today briefly, right is
the harmony between the beginning and end
The harmony between the beginning and end. And maybe if we get some
time, we want to discuss the harmony between the endings of the
previous surah and the beginning of the next surah. So what is the
sort of itself how the beginning and end, you know, is related,
even though there's so much discussion in between, which goes
to show that the sewers were as a whole, right? They were designed
as a whole by Allah subhanaw taala, obviously, right? So that
that means the beginning and end are in harmony. So he doesn't
start off with something and then end to do something else. But
there's actually a discussion between them. So let's look at
There's actually scholars who worked very hard on this, there's
full books on this. There's some tough seas that focus on this
directly. So for example, Imam so UT, he's got a small book on the
subject called Murase dual metallic feet and so Bill Makati
Well, metallic, right, so kind of interesting name. And, for
then you've got by other scholars like such as,
actually, I'll talk about that later. Now, let's look at some
examples of this. If you look at sort of two classes, for example,
and we're not going to go through all these are just some examples,
right? If you look at sort of two classes, it starts off with a
discussion about Musa alayhis. Salam, right, and him being
assisted. And then Musa Ali salaam says in verse 17 of that, right?
From the beginning, you know, you get you get you get to verse 17,
when the whole discussion is about Musa alayhis salam and then he
says, Falun Gong over here a little more journeyman. So what
happens with Mousavi Salam, you know, his birth and everything,
and then after that, he beats that person up and then after that, he
says, I'm never going to be an assistant to anybody who's a you
know, who's a wrongdoer. Now, after he leaves, he leaves town he
goes to Meridian and everything like that. Now, what then happens
is that the end of the surah is actually discussing
today about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you should
not be further fella you know fella takuna novel here on little
caffeine in that you should not be an assistant or a supporter of the
disbelievers. So in the beginning, you've got Musa Allison saying he
will not support wrongdoers, and at the end, it's the Prophet also
been told that you should not support the disbelievers either.
Not that he was going to do that. And also the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam is then similarly to the way that Musa is now had to
leave the town and city and then he came back. Likewise at the end,
it's a discussion about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam being
consoled for having to have left and have escaped Mocambo Rama and
then giving him a promise that he will be coming back. So there's a
complete harmony that moosari Some stories and promises some story
and the relevant points that they're right. That's why
Allah says in in verse seven as well in raw do who Leakey which
are illuminated more serene, that's another way Allah subhanaw
taala tells Musa Allison's mother that don't worry, we're going to
return your baby to you. Right we're going to return your baby to
you so you can see the harmony in that as well. These are very
subtle points thereafter that you've got an regarding called a
fella helmet. Winona Lavina Humphrey salata him Heishi own in
that Surah right Imams is a machete says about this
Imams the machete says about this that it starts off with God if
Lucha Mia known Allah Nina homefree Salah to him harsh your
own, right Surah tell mommy noon, that the believers are successful
for sure the believers are very successful. And right at the end.
The discussion is the last verse 117 is in Nichola euphony who look
for your own, that the disbelievers will never be
successful. So again, there's harmony between the beginning and
the end, both about success one is believers are successful. The
other one is that the disbelievers will not be successful thereafter
that it's mentioned that was mentioned by some actually he
brought that up Imam Kimani he mentioned in his Agia him that
in soil to sod, soil to sod. It starts off with a discussion of
IVIG or solid well Qurani the victim and he ends with in Hua
Illa. The crew will either mean that this is
a reminder for all the worlds so starts with the concept of liquor.
And it ends with the concept of liquor as well. Likewise similar
to noon, it starts with well it doesn't start with it but it's one
of the starting verses noon Welcome to my restaurant man and
debonair Matthew Rob Baker, be Majnoon This is verse two. You are
not insane, right by the bounty of your Lord and the gift of your
Lord you are and the favours of your Lord you are not insane and
how does it end it
In verse 51, in Nicola Mazoon, they say you are in luck in sorry,
in the hula machine, he is
insane, talking about somebody else, one of the enemies. So
again, the concept of machine will begin, and it ends again with
regarding the insane person.
Now, let's that was these were just some some examples just to
get you to start looking at these things for yourself insha Allah
when you start, you know, in your discovery in your reading of the
Quran, you're pondering over the Quran. And if you find some really
interesting ones, you know, you can let us know as well. Now,
let's quickly just give you an idea in the last five, six minutes
that we have about the endings of the previous surah and the
beginning of the lecture, how even that's linked, even though the
source could have come down at different times. Yes, some sources
did come down together like Cloud, Google, and cloud Robin as they
came down together with that order, okay. They were revealed as
a pair, how for to remove the magic from the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam, but many other students were not revealed
together. For example, Senator dakara, you know, sort of if Cara
was not revealed with was revealed very the next year after I was
sort of terminated, but they're not together in the Quran, they're
not put together. So
let us look at some of the interesting things because
remember, we discussed already in one of our earlier sessions, that
the orders of the surah in the Quran are from Allah subhanaw
taala, as well they from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam as instructed from him. So you've got certain feel a little
rocky for Florida rabuka The US Hi, Bill feel it says *
homecare, OSFI makhoul Allah subhanho wa Taala destroyed the
Abraha and elephant, the elephant army and so on, and basically made
them turn them into this. And then after that, the next tour is Li la
Quraysh which actually, which actually I mentioned yesterday,
starting off with a reasoning, right because of the chorus. Now,
this is referring to the Quraysh relevance is the discussion of the
correlation with that as well. There after that, let's look at a
few others.
kovash Kobashi refer in his Tafseer of certain money that he
says that when certain Nissa right, ends by
commanding that people should believe in the Oneness of Allah
subhanaw taala. And they should be justice between the servants that
then in the first verse of the next Surah, which is
Surah to an arm, which historical record as well, it's also a
cultural record. Yah, yah, Latina, Manu O for Bill record, the
previous sort of says that you need to focus on the Oneness of
Allah, and you need to make sure that there is justice between the
servants. So now the next verse starts off with old people who
believe, fulfill your covenants, fulfill your covenants.
That's why if you really focus and ponder over the endings of the
service, you will then you ponder over the next hoorah, you will
notice that there's always a harmony, but in some cases, you
can't see it. It's very subtle, you won't see it immediately. You
know, it's quite subtle, right? And in some it's actually very,
very clear. For example.
Surah Al Anam begins with Al Hampt. Right. Al Hamdulillah. He
led the hull of a summer where they will order geradezu Matthew
or Northen Molina CAFO, there'll be me I don't want that the
hollowcore coming to in the Mikado agenda, that sort of will and I'm
beginning with a praise. And it's perfect, because the previous
Suraj is sort of Magadha that ends with a discussion of
the Day of Judgment. And this is the verse it says, the last verse
is called Allah Who are the second philosophers called Allah who have
a yo yo young fellside the Athena see the CO whom Allah whom Jana
daughter Jerimiah attack the hill and her Holly Dean afinia Radi
Allahu Anhu Mara Duan, vertical Fosun, Alim Lila, HemoCue Sama,
where it will all do Murphy in our who are the coalition in comedy.
Now there's a praise of Allah subhanaw taala that ends with for
Allah subhanho wa Taala is the dominion of the heavens on earth
and everything that is in there and he has ability of everything.
And now the next verse, which is the first verse of Surah, Allah
Naomi's all praises to Allah Who created the heavens and earth
Alhamdulillah Hilary, halacha sama where it will out. So the first,
the ending of the, of Surah, to the ending of certain mighty that
for Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and earth. And now
this surah starts with Alhamdulillah he levy Hala
customer was the one who created the heavens and earth. So you can
see that as well. Just like that. You've got if you look at sort of
the Zoomer you'll see that as well. We're cool the bay
In a humble Hawk, Joaquin Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
every all a matter will be decided between them with absolute truth
and then it will be said all praises to Allah, the Lord of the
worlds and then you've got sort of Surah to Fatima. We start with Al
Hamdulillah again, right so all praises to Allah and the ending of
the previous one was Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
the most interesting one I would say which is obvious is Psalter
fatty and salty Bacara. So sorbitol Fatiha right ends with
well, it doesn't end but yeah, it ends with the Da da da Serato Mr.
Hakim Sirata Latina and I'm Daddy him.
Louisville Moldoveanu Humana Don and so take us to the straight
path keep us on the straight path guide us upon the straight path.
Then Allah subhanaw taala begins sort of Bacara le meme that eagle
kita without a Buffy who did a little more talking and if meme
that is the book, there's no doubt in it. It is a guidance for the
righteous ones. So we're asking for righteous we're asking for
guidance to the straight path. And now this is talking about that
guidance that it's all in the Quran. So then sorbitol Bacara
begins with that then after that, just some few random ones Surah co
author in Dinah Cal co author we've given you abundant right co
author can also refer to abundance it doesn't have to refer to just
the the water reservoir but you can refer to abundance. Now the
ending of the previous surah was regarding
four things
Why is our eight allele you can see will be deemed further radical
at the earlier team what I hope to allow time in miskeen for you to
learn more Selena Latina home and Salah team Sir Who and Olivia whom
your own way of narrowing and Marilyn there are four things that
were you can say condemned in the previous Surah insert Marilyn
right? Number one is brutal and miserliness number two is laziness
and abandonment of prayer. Number three was having no sincerity and
doing things for ostentatious and show right your own. And number
four it was them preventing zakat not giving. So that's why if you
look at now sort of subtle coauthor after it. It's a response
to all of those three, Allah says in Altona, Kolkata I have given
you Alcocer which means abundance. Now that is obviously a hireal
katheer abundant good that obviously goes against the concept
of miserliness. Then Allah subhanaw taala says in the in
Altona, Kolkata, fussily. So pray that goes against the whole
abandonment of the prayer discussed before. And then it
says, For so lady, Rob bigger Lee Rob bigger, pray for your Lord. So
have a glass and sincerity for your Lord not for anybody else
that goes against the concept of ostentation, and that remedies
that and the last point is one home and sacrifice and then you
know, in your sacrifice you you do sacrifice and then you give out to
others as well. That's the opposite of those who don't give
zakat. So you can see the harmony between those two sources as well.
Allah Allah there's so much of this discussion but I think we are
going to have to stop here because our time is up, but Masha Allah,
Allah have discussed this in great detail. And may Allah subhanaw
taala allow us to see this for ourselves as well when we read the
Quran and we start just being amazed by it so that we can read
it more and we can make it the book of choice for us. That when
we need to read something when we need to get away from the world,
when we need to distract ourselves from the mundane activities of
this life, that it will be the Quran and the Quran has it all and
I'm hoping that inshallah these sessions are helping the
understanding of enriching our understanding of the Quran so that
we can make it a book of our choice book of choice for us and
thus save ourselves both in this world and in the hereafter. Desert
Allah here may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you all as Salaam
Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Jazak Allah here for listening May
Allah subhanaw taala bless you and if you're finding this useful, you
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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh