Waleed Basyouni – Fear Allah What It Means and How It Can Be Achieved

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The conversation covers various topics such as the fear of loss, loss, and the fear of God. It emphasizes the importance of knowing the nature of God and the fear of the future, as well as the need for fear and love to balance behavior and achieve forgiveness. The speakers also discuss the importance of trusting God and respecting his life, as well as the need for education to handle fear and love. The conversation ends with a discussion of the difficulty of losing people to the virus and the need for protecting one's health.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah in Meadow Anna Stein who wanna study he want to stop. When will I mean surely unforeseen elements a yachtie Imani nama de la hora mo de la, la de la or shadow Allah ilaha illAllah hula hula Sheree Kara wash Madonna Mohammed Abu rasuluh Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad Ali, he was so happy he was Allahumma de Sleeman kathira amudha all praise Do you to align His praise and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family, his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. I bear witness that I was the only one worthy of worship and Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam his last and final messenger

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my brothers and sisters

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and what have not done Aziz parlodel Roger Lehman Benny Avi abdomen benimar zoom. Ahmadi Benzema zoom, Canada India who lemma tala hereafter muslimeen para nanny ahafo Allah FEMA takala

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firma Terra Miranda is became the halifa of the Muslims. The President, person in charge of this mungus humongous humongous

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dynasty the Omega dynasty at the time he with all the power that comes with a tea set to one of melotti minima zoom. What do you think?

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I'm really worried. I'm afraid of all this power that I have now on my hand. What's your advice for me?

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Kalia Amira momineen in quinteto half for in Nila ahafo Eric, we're in a half an hour and a half.

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He said yeah, I mean, as long as yours frayed and you're worried about this responsibility, I feel comfortable.

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What will worries me that when you have no worry, when you have no fear?

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That would worry me.

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Yeah. ameerul momineen

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in abdon Arosa hola hujan netta

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Well, I Holla Holla

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Kuru minha rodenhiser Shah.

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Raja hoomin hobbiton denwa head

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for K felucca todo ju habito Novick.

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He said young Romanian What do you think of a man who Allah give him paradise as a reward for him? A man will like created him with his own hand Adam and his son, and he let him enter his gender and enjoy the gender. And he took him out of it just because of one sin.

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What do you think of us with all the sins that we do? And we are acting as if we've been granted paradise?

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What this man was trying to insert in the hearts of amadablam disease, the fear of his sense, the fear of our last panel.

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And I do believe that this is something so important for us as well, especially in our days today.

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We're just the concept of talking about feeling Allah is something sounds even negative. The culture around us It does not like to talk about anything has to do with fearing God or God fearing because that will make you hit the break and will make you rethink about all these desires that you just fulfilling in one way or another. Because the main focus is the dunya and this worldly life and that's basically the ultimate knowledge the ultimate goal for so many people around us.

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It will tell you Rahim Allah said something based on Hadith in Nabi sallallahu Sallam he said, Kula McConnell Abdullah here and Bella here and Canada who have

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the servant of Allah the more he or she knows a lot paradata the more the person will feel a lot. That's why nobody saw Salam setcolor me I lahmacun Bella what I should do Camila Harsha. The process of them said, I know a lot more than any one of you on a fury more than any one of you. Carla minimus rude. Kapha rahasya Tila helma the true meaning of knowledge of God is to have that fear in your heart from him subhana wa tada in Nyasha la humming about

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the true scholars Allah said in the Quran, those who fear the loss of Hannah Tada. That's why it's only 30

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When he was asked who is Aladdin Mendel Adam Kahn, who Alinea shala the true scholar is the one who fears the last panel, which are not the ones who have so much informations of so many information

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from our awfulness actually out of a nurse Asha whom lilla one on an alpha law study whoo whoo, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, cool lemons, da da de fatten is that the higher and Whoa, whoa, for

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those who know Allah subhanaw taala the most are the ones who fear him the most love him the most respect him the most. And the more you you know of him, and the more knowledge you acquired about God, the more you will increase these three. Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah said, will have for any income, meaning. He made us one of the conditions of Eman. He said, fear me if you are a believer.

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If you are a believer and sort of Allium rock, a lot described the angels and that shows you that the angels their fear of from God is not because of sins. It's because of knowing the nature of God. Kalia ha for

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him in angels, the fear of the Lord who is above them.

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prophets and messengers who their sins are forgiven, but because of the amount of knowledge that they have of the Lord, what Allah said about them and

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Shona harden,

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or cover

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those who deliver the message of a loss of power with data, and they fear him showing

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a loss of power data when he described the believers in sort of noon, he said, in alladhina, whom in Hachette Europe bmsb own one lady in a home Biya Tara beam, New Moon, well, levina home bureau beam Lucia Kuhn, those who fear Allah subhanho wa Taala those who have their heart filled with fear from God, those who believe in the sign of God, those who do not associate other with God with a lot. Then he said one lady in a tuna aku Magiera and him Raji rune, una EQ Sadie ruin, FL hieracium la Saba * those who give and spend for his sake while their heart what fiddled with here

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a tournament the reports that I showed the alliances yada yada Sorolla is those who the one who drinks alcohol and steal and commit adultery when they give their sadhaka these still afraid they still have fear in their heart because of the other sin that they did she sees it no you

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know the daughter of a deer they are the one who fast your salon or your salon wait on the on the fast they pray they give charity and gives a cat home your half owner Allah talk about I mean whom they are afraid that it will not be accepted from them or that he can use it or whenever that will make them hastin to towards good deeds. collar hustling bustling amarula HIPAA, which to Hadopi ha ha for Antara la him in the movement Gemma, son and rahasya. Well, Mona Gemma is Amna has an Bosler. He said that the believers will combine between two things, good deeds and fear. hypocrites will combine between other two which is they don't do much and they have no care, no fear.

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And everyone if you fear him, you run away from that person. except Allah when you fear him, you run to him for Pharaoh in Allah. In Nila caminhada de Roma been run to Allah. I'm warning you from him. Fearing Allah Subhana Adana lead us to do good that's why I like follow the verse by society rule never plan on the haste into good deeds. Allah said in certain insan in time only YG la isla de dooming changes

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in Formula Bina, oh man ah boo some come pouring.

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So the given the feed and the offer food and the help the need is because they fear that lore, the fear of the Lord in a day, which is the day of judgment, a day which is abuse and a very hard day

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Hofmann Allah will make you control your lust and your desires. So you will not fulfill it and how long those who have no fear of Allah Subhana Allah, they will touch they will see, they will hear, they will say, they will do they will take, they will deal with whatever they don't care how long, how long, they miss a lot, the mystery, there is people, their hearts full of fear. When they wake up in the midst of these people, their heart is squeezing them so hard, just because I missed opportunity to you know too fast or to fulfill the obligations of our last panel data.

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Feeling a loss of power to bring safety and safety in the Day of Judgment. Call Allahu Tada, where is it in the Hadith which is

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that didn't last $5 said, What is that? Yeah, I swear by my mind, large marijuana up the whole Fine, I will never let my servant have these two fears in his heart,

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what I do not really who am named and I will not ever let him have this to sense of safety. Two things

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together, which is

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either I mean, if it dunia a half to 1pm if he doesn't care and he feels so secure on this dunya it doesn't care at all, no fear in his heart, he will fear me in the Day of Judgment.

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Well either half and if it dunia I meant to hooyo piano and if he feels almost Matala in this dunya Allah will make him feel safe on the Day of Judgment.

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That's why you will never fear a lot in the dunya then you feel that the Day of Judgment. You don't feel the Day of Judgment today and you feel like tomorrow Tomorrow you'll be feel safe.

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And you will not be safe. feeling safe completely today and feeling safe completely tomorrow. It's not gonna happen.

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That's why I said something very profound.

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Because I know some people when they hear this message to share why you make it so hard. Why makes it difficult? Yeah, have you

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asked Should I hang out with people who bring fear to my heart and make me fear the judgment fear the Hellfire fear, the day of judgment? Or should I be listening and talking to people who always freaking feel good always making fun of me God feel, you know, save and like, as if helaas there is no way you granted Jen. A million Rahim Allah said our prefer that you be around the people who make you fear until you feel safe. Rather than people making you feel safe until you meet your real fear in the Day of Judgment. This is not an invitation that we live in fear that paralyze us, or a fear that make us not to enjoy life know that that's a fear that make us not enjoy sins. That's a fear

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that make us not enjoy living the obligations. That is a fear that will not let us lower our guards towards what's how long and not. It's a fear that will motivate us to do what is correct, and to do what is right and to do what's virtual, and to aim high and not to aim low. It's a fear that will make us to stay away from the alarm, not just to do the harm, but stay away from it. It's the fear that makes us you know, before we go to sleep, we asked ourselves what I have done today. It's a fear that makes you think about the word before you say it or send it or share it online. It's a fear that make you you know, think twice before you sign that contract before you put that income

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before you feed yourself that food. A fear that makes you always think of what what pleases Allah Subhana tada or displeases him.

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Fearing Allah Subhana Allah is one of the reason for our sins to be forgiven.

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And Abbe, Satan, 100 of the Allah emphasizing heaven behind him Muslim and narrow julienne Kana publikum rasa who love him Allah.

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Allah give him a lot of wealth takadanobaba nila Mahavira you have been come to LA come What kind of father I am to you. He's asking his children right before he died kind of higher up the best father. He said to them, he's the best father.

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In our one line that is so many of us can be described that way the childlike and you know, those some tie dressing directly, but there are so many people we know they can fit right. They're

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the best father.

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But what the best father means for them. The one

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Never said no to them and give them all the dounia that they want.

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Then listen to what he said. Carlo higher up

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Karaka indeed and

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he's the best father but you know what, I never done any good in my life.

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And another car, there is no sin. I have not committed

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Murphy for Jorma pamby.

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Then he said to his children, if this is what you think that I was so good to you, at least do this to me. In animate, if I die, Henry Cooney

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burned my body,

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then bring the ashes when Tony make sure that it is smashed completely

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through misshapen cinema film in our siffin vo Rooney

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and in a windy day, bring that ashes and blows in the wind and one of the durations and make sure that half of my body will go to the land and the other half go to the sea.

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For for the did for Jama Allah, Allah Allah

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Allah brought the cider on what went to the sea and the line is a bring bring come back together and he came back and he is standing before Allah. Then he said no hamelech Why did you do that? kind of strange. Why did you ask them to do that?

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karabi Maha affetto

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Hershey Tanaka within ob?

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Europe I did this because I feel real and so scared to meet you with all these sins with no goods I have done

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what what led him to do this? Not because he doesn't think Allah will do will be able to resurrect him No, no his fear from his sense, his fear from Allah. What is the result for terra cotta Allahu

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Allah subhanaw taala dealt with that man with his mercy and forgive his sins.

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That's what fear leads to. Man Half

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woman Abdullah job Allah Allah.

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Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah tala antenna, and the visa Salam said if you fear you go fast, you know how when you have a dark alley, and you're scared, what do you do you just go fast.

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You know, just get me out of here. You know, you run quickly. That's how it is. If you feel lost in this then you just won't go fast. And if you go fast you reach your goal. And the goal of philosophy data here is an agenda.

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My brother and sisters fearing a Lost Planet, Allah hoonah cofman Carmona, cofe min Oba COVID at a state that you're in the field that we talked about, that is always in the heart, which is you're always in the back of your mind, you're afraid, afraid of whatever that means I have a fear of my heart, I feel my God. You fear him because you know that you should pick up his punishment is great, you know that he is angry at those who set committed sin and disobey Him. You fear him because you don't want to lose the love. You don't want to lose the opportunity to be near him. You don't want to lose you're afraid to not be among those who are allowed to speak to who allow or bring them near

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that's fear. The fear that you will lose the opportunity to be among the last Matata blast on the Day of Judgment. What do you mean half Mr. camara beach and Nathan, we have zero common law that the law warn you from himself. Don't Don't be deceived. Don't just last month Allah did not say that he's only a for Rahim.

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Allah for him. Yes, let my servant knows that I am the most forgiving, Most Merciful that said no. Well, I know there will be and also my punishment is the most severe punishment

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that he can hold for Allah who be here about it.

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Law and so often, Zuma, he said and he described the Hellfire and he said Allah mentioned this so you feel that you feel the hellfire. Why the anon mentioned in the Quran more than Jenna.

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moment in either the

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accidental Gen. Y because one that fear in the heart from the sin

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in Camilla cannot be Catman muglia everyone will approach the Hellfire we'll come to the whole fire. That's why many used to cry when they read this verse because a lot promise everyone will approach but not everyone will be out of it. Not everyone will pass safely.

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Only those of taqwa only those of the man may have lost Python and make us among them. That's why it's important that this fear this is related to the Hellfire related to the day of judgment or is it to the grave related to the, you know, to the punishment that Allah tala have in the dunya, and the Salah for those who disobey Him, it is something that it is good and positive. Because that fear does not paralyze you, as much as does make you doesn't make you hate God, it makes you respect God doesn't make you doubt God, it makes you run to him and seek His forgiveness. Because you know, it's so easy to get it, it's so accessible subhanho wa Taala, I asked a lot surgeon to fill our hearts

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with fear and love and hope and to balance that in our heart. So it will, it will be important for us, as we see ourselves leaning towards being lazy, leaning towards doing the hot arm, that's where the fear should come, that we should have extra shots, you know, to boost that, you know, feeling in your heart. So it will motivate you and move you towards the last panel with Todd. And some of them I said, this is so needed for the young people, so needed for those who are young,

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for the young, more than anyone else. And unfortunately today, the young don't hear this kind of advisors that keeps the keep hearing any I know is the influence of the culture and religions around us as well. It's I understand that, but we should be careful not just to you know, buy into this which is the issue Oh what is your sin forgiving yourself forgiving God this forgiving God forgive? Yes, God is forgiving, but also you have to earn that forgiveness. And the best example I can give into this was Alia Rahim Allah I can think of it right now, what the lasagna said. He said, You know, it's like when you are in the in the water, and you see the shore in front of you. What would

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you say? What would you do in order? If I knew drowning? What would you do? And you know how to swim. What should you do? Should you stay say, shore, shore shore? Come to me come to me You keep saying come to me. And until the Day of Judgment you will drown in the shore will not come to you. What you need to do you start moving your hands and swimming toward the shore. Keep saying Allah for Allah forgives. Allah forgives Allah's mercy, Allah forgive Allah's mercy and you don't earn it. You don't do what it takes to earn that forgiveness within take that steps to earn the mercy of Allah subhana wa Adana, you're not going to be receiving it. It's like, isn't a law as well. Is the

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provider, isn't he? Yes. Can you imagine if you just keep saying provider provider provider provider and you stay in yours in your spot? No You need to earn to work so you earn the provision of our last panel without hope this is something that we take it serious especially if these days that we living in does not bring fear to our heart I don't know when can we have that fear?

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It's each and every one of them no doubt young or old? Maybe this is the closest ever so many of us were near death.

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Literally those people took them five days. One week and Coronavirus gone

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and we never so exposed to something can bring our lifetime end like this not trying to make you scared that paralyzing and make sure that you this is if it doesn't move us towards Allah tala I don't know what does any when we're going to be coming back and repenting to a loss Peridot

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hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala la vida

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Masada they are low and said in the minion of the Luba calgebras taka taka de min see his sins like a mountain gonna fall on him

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and the hypocrisy his sins like a fly like this under the tip of his nose he just say like whether he moved away with your his hand

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one of the things that bring fear to the heart is to have them automatically law that you always see sin a something oh it's okay who can another big deal you know it's okay to delay this a lot to pray out time out of you know with the next Salam you Don't you miss this a lot of time? No, no. That's no talim lahoma you have to honor and to make it something so big So, so severe I something I can't even think of myself doing

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People who speaks about religion and attribute lifestyles my dad and everybody give opinions about the religion without without realizing this is serious you can just say halal and haram from your own. And you speak on behalf of last Paragon.

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The more you know of Allah, his names and attributes, the more you will have that fear in your heart. The more you know about the virtue of fear that it is, you know, I'm talking about the positive,

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the positive Fear not the negative that paralyze you or make you lose hope and God no, it's the one who motivates you to do good

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when the more you know about the virtue of Atlanta do not become an associate in law. You will never enter Hellfire if you cry from the fear of Allah, Allah or the federal law. The reason for you to will up or to cry

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The more you read about the son of him the righteous the prophets, the messenger Mohammed salaam, salaam, the companions, how do you feel the loss of Hannah data and you compare yourself to them? Like look, disease, or him Allah, Allah and the more you read of the car,

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the more you will be inspired to copy them, you will know the value of fearing Allah subhanho wa Taala The more you know yourself, don't deceive yourself. Kapha BNF ciccolo Malika Ziva. It's enough to be your own judge today.

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You know what you have done you know what your sins are, you know what your shortcoming on. But the only thing that keep us strong is our not our sins, but our belief and our last metalla and our good deeds that we do that we know it is way way more than the sins and hamdulillah in the eyes of philosophy. But at the same time as I think about my sin, the thing about my shortcoming. I think about you know, those who sinners how Allah santella punished them for their sins, how Allah destroy them for because of their sins. You know, what also scared me the most. Think about the Day of Judgment.

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When Allah subhanaw taala told us that mothers will leave their children parents leave their children and and family leave their family members and the friends, children their hair turned gray for no sense, what my day will look like.

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No, it also makes me think about this subject a lot.

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A lot smarter than many times in the Quran said to him delta t him Delta comes all the sudden the punishment of Allah the day of judgment comes very sudden, and the Day of Judgment for me not only the sun rising from the west and the foreign Messiah coming, no, no, my judgment, they stay the day I die.

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Kid all of a sudden, unexpected

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and done, you're out.

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That's, that's scary. That's bringing fear to the heart.

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They want to think that if you have a problem with having that fear in your heart, listen to reminders has a lot of materials out there better than what you're hearing now. Or maybe this is something you reflect upon from one time to another something that you write down and you keep looking at it to remind yourself with something that you and somebody that you go to and to seek advice to bring that fear to your heart.

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I took the time because I know today is not open for the public. But I just want to say I say this to everyone who listening to me today.

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Part of the fear that it is nonreligious fear that the natural fear which is fear from death fear from sickness fear from poverty fear from enemy fear from you know harmful things and I want to say something in regard to the pandemic and today the basically the the warning was risen to red that's why we canceled all prayers for public

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I want to say that it is so important for us to take this serious

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to take it super serious. You need Houston I don't think we ever had this level of warning and the pandemic rise to this level.

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And I want to say those the issue of having a mask on public is something you should take it so seriously I don't know what it will take from us to take that serious

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you know is don't just guarantee that you're you're you're basically Okay.

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Is no one immune

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or is no one immune and domestic outside the mustard. I don't want to scare people. But I I've seen people come and bend to this place and for tougher one or two times and the positive tested positive

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You know, it's not simple.

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I know one of our community member his wife's, or, you know, family members, just tested positive.

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So it tells something can happen. Don't take it lightly. It just, there's people dying. And don't, please don't just keep saying, oh, Allah trust Allah. Allah means you take that necessarily means, you know, it's not it doesn't mean that you're, you know, strong or or anything it means you're not doing. You know, I understand when that when it's law, you know, we can learn about but now with this pandemic and the red line

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we should take it very, very serious.

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And please stay at home. Don't go out unless it's needed.

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I know it's hard for business. I know it's hard for people.

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But just it's much harder if you if we keep losing hundreds of people dying every day.

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It's much harder if you you yourself, lose your life.

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So I asked Allah subhanaw taala to protect us and make sure you make your account. Similarly, the level domain admin should make sure that you make the up and you ask for protection make sure you increase this and these days

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allow for them to be hopefully equivalent, no big alarm or sort of an alarm or sort of an alarm or sort of an alarm or sort of an alarm or sort of an alarm or sort of an alarm and silica Gerardo kromm and turfan A yo yo la mina silica Tara calm and

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a lot more fun layout Hama Rahimi la Miranda hamara Hamid a la muffaletta behalf the coconut nabire iottie Allahumma illa elantas panic is that I know Angelina and Bella you know, I mean, a lot of other women have one I have a lot of other women who have a lot

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of unknown boo Tina

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Lena Savino, Robin carrapateena womanhood another generic and I'm clueless suyama CRO Shahada, da da da da da da da da mo said Mr Urbina, Mohammed Omar Satya Kumar

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