Waleed Basyouni – The Address The Devils Best Trick 2

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and importance of Islam, including the use of shavae and the misunderstandings of the physical body. They emphasize the need for individuals or community to practice innovation in religion to avoid being recognized as a god and achieve gender equality and avoiding violence. The importance of forgiveness and the use of technology to prevent people from practicing or drinking from the Prophet sallahu is also emphasized. The success of Islam is based on general text and not based on specific evidence, and the importance of finding the right fit for innovations in religion is emphasized. The importance of promoting innovations in religion is emphasized, and the success of Islam is highlighted as a means of pride and pleasing.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah, MB or more serene Nabina Muhammad in Allah Allah He will be here tonight. All praise due to Allah, and his praise and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and his family and his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. My dear brothers and sisters, welcome to this week's lecture. The Devil's best trick.

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There's no doubt that the devil is the enemy of the human being. And Allah subhana wa Taala told us about the nature of this relationship between the devil and Adam and his children. Since day one, he is the enemy of human beings.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala told us the story of Adam and the devil worshiping the Satan. So many times in his book, you will see the stories of Adam the father of humanity and the father of all evil shape on the we'll see the story between what happened between Adam and a shape on almost an every Jews in Quran.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala told us about it in details, and no doubt, there is a great wisdom behind that. There is a great wisdom behind that. And as much as Allah subhanaw taala repeated this story in his book, as much as we can learn, and study it and start studying this by studying this story, we will learn more lessons from it. Today, I have chosen from this story, one small listen to learn to be learned when to shape an approach Adam and told him he approach Adam and Eve as a matter of fact, and he told both of them, that Allah subhanho wa Taala have not forbade both of you from eating from this tree for any reason, but not to turn to be an angels woman How come out of bukhoma

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until Kuma shahdara in an takuna Mela cane otaku Domino Colleen that if you eat from this tree, you will be an angel and you will be staying forever.

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And he confirmed that by saying wakasa mahoma in Nila Kuma, lemon and also him, I swear by Allah His work to them, that he is a sincere advisor for them. He is a sincere advisor for him for them. So imagine when a ship on became an advisor, what would you expect? What would you expect? anyway? Here you might ask yourself a question.

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How come a Shabbat tried to deceive Adam by offering him the position of the angels? And we all know that Adam and his salatu salam, Adam Allah have ordered the angels to prostrate themselves before Adam, a lot order all the angels to make to do to prostrate themselves before Adam. So Adam has a higher position than the angels has a higher positions than the angels. If this is the case, if this is the case, why a shaper and offered him the position of the angels easily can add him say or reply. I don't need to be an angel. I am better than angels, but better than the angels Allah have made the angels to prostrate themselves before me. So whenever a shape on want to deceive something

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deceive somebody, he must offer him something better than what he has. Don't you agree with me? If this is the case, how come a shade bond offered our them the status of the angels and we all know that angels lower than Adam in that time. The answer for this as an imaginary am Rahim Allah said a shavon did not offered Adam

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to or he didn't told he didn't tell them. If you eat from this tree you will be an angel. Now he said you will be like the angels. What that means I shape on knew that Adam loves Allah subhanaw taala so much, and Adam want to please Allah subhana wa tada as much as he can. But the nature of Adam is totally different than the nature of the angels. The angels constantly praying, making the spear glorifying Allah worshiping Allah all the time. But Adam is different as

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He goes to sleep he forget. He's a human being the nature of human being different than the nature of angels. So Adam tilling Adam been told by shitless if you want to change yourself, the nature of yourself that you will be able to be like angels worshipping Allah all the time, all the time, eat from this tree, you will be killed. You will be like angels in their worshipping Holly Dean, which it means constantly, or she may Allah subhana wa Taala you will show Bella all the time forever.

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Adam found this interesting that you will be able to please Allah subhanho wa Taala more to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala more, but did not realize that he cannot worship Allah subhana wa Taala with other than the way that Allah subhana wa Taala have given to him, you cannot worship Allah subhanho wa Taala in your own way, you have to worship Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, based on a laws way, based on the religion that he has sent down to,

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or have given you to practice it and to follow it. My dear brothers and sisters, a sheep on learn from day one, that he can deceive the children of Adam, by asking them to worship Allah subhana wa Taala by way or by other by ways other than what Allah Subhana Allah have ordered them to do a ship I knew that the best way to deceive the good one among the children of Adam is by offering them that innovations and religions. The bid is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala with a way which is not part of his religion. That's why Allah Mohammed Kabir

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Rosario Rahim Allah, it was from Beirut, from Lebanon. He said once to his students, do you know how shippon was able to deceive most of the people. They said how he said that the shape on once gathered all his lieutenants. And he told them, I want to deceive the children of Adam in a such way that they cannot repent from it. So his lieutenants told him the gate of repentance open all the time. If any person wants to repent to Allah asked forgiveness, he will be granted that forgiveness. So how can you close that door? A shavon told them, I know how to do it. Then he started the innovations in religion. Because when somebody practice innovation and religion, he would never

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think about repentance because he will never think that he's doing something wrong. He thinks that he's doing something great. I'm praying, I'm making a garden and pleasing Allah subhana wa Taala. I'm doing extra good thing. So how come this can be bad? Why I will repent from a salad, I will repent from a vicar that I made, it will never cross your mind and ship on. That's the way he deceived so many people by telling them worship Allah smart Allah this way or do such things and you will be fine and this is will make you closer, this will make you more righteous, and Allah Subhana Tallis eyes, but truly, a shaytan was able to deceive so many people through the centuries. Based on

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this a great scholar like Sophia and authority, who the ruler may use to say the scholars used to say, Sophia only 30. In his time, similar to Abu Bakar and Abu Bakr Stein, you see how much the scholars or the Sahaba used to honor and respect abubaker? The same way they used to look up to Sofia 30. So if you only 30 said, and beat innovations in religion, more beloved to the Satan than just a regular sense. Why? Because one day you will realize that you're doing the same and this is not right. And this is haram. But

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I'll be there or the innovations in religion, you will not ever think about repenting from it. That's why a shepherd will love to spread innovations among Muslims among people better than just deceiving them or leading them to practice the regular sense. Also based on verse The, the scholars of the Muslim scholars mentioned a hadith reported by Aslam in his book a Sunnah where the prophet SAW Allah Allah which the prophets of Salaam said in the la hija Toba and saw him he couldn't leave it there had to be data that Allah subhana wa Taala will not give

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Will not grant the innovator

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terrible access to tell the access to repentance until he quit his innovation until he will stop doing or to stop his innovation. The scholar said, How come Allah will not accept or grant the repentance to such person. And even after that Rahim Allah said that because the innovator will not stop doing his innovation because he never think it is wrong, he will always do it, he will, he will keep doing it until he meets Allah Subhana Allah because he always thinks this innovation is something that he will not think about repenting, but if you repent, if you realize it's wrong, and he went back to the path of sin, Allah subhana wa tada would accept his repentance. That's how the

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Muslim scholars understood this Hadeeth mighty brothers and sisters, I'll be there, or innovations in religion

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brought to us as individuals or a community, so many terrible things, and prevented us from enjoying so many good things

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will be there or innovations that religion will bring to the person who practicing it, so many evil things, and bad things, no Muslim would like to have it. For instance, all the actions, which is based on innovation and religion are not accepted or not accepted, there is no good in it. Allah subhanho wa Taala would reject it, as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, and this hadith reported by a Muslim that I should have the alarm on our VA said that the prophets of Salaam said whoever will do anything in our religion, not part of it, it will be it's not accepted, it will be rejected for hawara it will be rejected it will not be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Also the prophets

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of Salaam said that almost in most of his hope of in most of his ceremonies, Juma ceremonies, here eat ceremonies, whenever he will confirm a marriage contract between two people, he would address them with what we call about inherited ceremony from had in it, the prophet or Salim said could not be the atom ballad every innovation and religion is a misguided what that word means misguided but Allah, you know, we all we all care about gender, we all targeting gender, that's our aim. That's our goal. That's where we heading, everything we do in this life to please Allah subhanaw taala with it. So we will be able to intergender by doing that. So this is your goal, that's what you heading.

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So the prophet or Salam said, Every innovation is a misguided if you practice and innovation religion, it will not lead you it will not take you to gender, it will take you to other direction. Now, if I want to go for example, travel from

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Texas to Florida, I have to start heading east, I have to start heading east. But instead if I take, let's say I 10 West, I turn to the west side, or start heading west, I'm not going to be in I will never end up in Florida who will end up in California. If I am in France and I want to go to England. If I start heading towards turkey or Stanford, I will never end up in England I have to start heading west minister of East so if I take the wrong direction, I will not go to my destiny. That's what the professor is trying to say here this the message the process I'm sending that if you practice innovation in religion, it will not take you to gender. The problem is, if you missed in

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the Hereafter, the other destiny is the whole fire. That's why immediately the prophets of Salaam said we're couldn't live without him by Allah wakulla gualala tymphany Now, if you will miss Jana if you will be Miss LED and you will not go to Jana. The other destiny is the Hellfire May Allah protect all of us from it.

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I was panatela said Paul Helena bill Campbell accessory in America. Do you want to know about the great losers in this dunya The one who have done a lot, but their deeds were rejected. Allah Dino Baldessari homefield heretic dunya well whom you

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know, Sonia, they have done a lot they felt they are great, but in the Day of Judgment, their deeds will not wait anything will have no, there is no sense or no meaning or will not benefit them in the hereafter.

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What Kadena Illa Amira mean ml fetcher Allah who have a mentor. There is certain people in the dev judgment they will offer it and they will do a lot of good in dunya but this good will not benefit them in the hereafter.

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The second issue which is the bid or the innovation logic might bring to the person that innovation and religion lead as the Muslim scholar said to call for, even to leave that or to take the persons out of the fold of Islam will leave the religion of Islam as Lima Rahim Allah said, and Eman Malik Rahim Allah said, and so many great scholars among the Muslim earlier scholar said that once Lima Malik Rahim Allah was approached by a man he will he planning to go for aroma or to forehead. He said that men told him and Malik I want to start my run from the mustard of the prophet SAW Selim and we all know we start the run. We were the harem from the labor what is the mecca the place where

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we start our from? If we live in Medina or coming from Medina, Lima Malik said, don't do that. I'm afraid that you will be in fitna for fitna, which it means it's a test or it's a trial, or it might lead you to something bad. He said, What's wrong with just adding extra miles and instead of going to the life I will start from the masjid. I'll do more good. Because the moment I will call for Iran, I'll start making Tobia that's a good deeds, I will be in a sense of a longer period, longer distance. I will work more while I'm doing harm. So that's good. That Lima medic told him what's worst, then believing that you can come up with something more good than what the prophet SAW Selim

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came with. What's more, what's more, what's worse than believing that you can start something better than what the prophets of Salaam start? That's why Rahim Allah said something very similar to that had been Syrian said one of the great earlier Muslim scholars among the successors. The people who leave this Islam very quickly, are the one who worship Allah subhanaw taala based on desires or based on innovations. There is an incident in the time of Masood Rahim, Allah, Allah and I would like to share with you that once Abu Musab actually approached about Masood and knocked his door. He said, Yeah, man, there is something happening in the midst of a Kufa and it looks good, but I am. I

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don't feel comfortable about it. And I couldn't say anything to them until I asked your opinion. He said what he did come and see yourself. They went both to the masjid and this narration By the way, reported by me dad him in his sermon, it's an authentic narration. They both approached the method and they found a group of people gathered in the masjid. And there is a leader for this group, asking them to make the speaker collectively make a car making or making a car collectively. So parents are all together in one voice. And they have like a bunch of stones in front of each one of them and making Vicar counting the DSP and there are still far any mistakes that are the alarm said,

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either you are starting innovation in religion, or a new religion, or you are starting

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a new you're either starting a new religion or you are misguided people.

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They said no, we're neither one of them. We only intend to do good. We Our intention is pure. We want to please Allah subhanaw taala then it'd be Massoud said something very interesting. He said, There is so many people intend to do good, but their intention is not good enough to make their deeds good. Their intention is not good enough to make the deeds good. So he told him, the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, were with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and none of none of them. Ever practice what you are practicing today. So leave it My point is like, is this the narrator of this incident said most of these people I sold them in the day have a narrow line which

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is the battle between alley and a second column.

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And this sec, the prophet solemn told us about them that they are the worst of the worst. The process, Alam told us about them that they are the dogs of the hellfire. The prophets of Salaam told us about our ritual for Talia of the Allah and Allah that they will leave they will exit Islam so quickly and nothing from this religion will remain in their hearts or in their in their hearts or their mind. So the the narrator said most of these guys who were doing this in Kufa join the army have

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joined the army of a cottage in the day for knowledge. So this small innovation led to something major, like being among our holidays, or the sect, which our idea of the law unfold and killed model. We heard

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That innovation is that religion lead to the Hellfire lead to the Hellfire which lead to the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala. Also innovation caused humiliation in dunya cause humiliation in this life and also it kills the face of the innovator will be dark. So panel of the people have understood in their faces shine, you can tell that the Sydney has impact in their faces. And you can see that you can tell even by just looking to the person, but this is not the way to judge. But I mean, it has an impact. That's why they've been telling me about him. Allah said, I have seen so many of those people who used to curse the Sahaba curse Abubakar and Omar or the alarm and the

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companions the prophets of Salaam. when they were kids like little kids and children's, their faces looks pure. And the moment they grow up and start cursing abubaker on Omar, we can tell from their faces it will turn to be dark. And Allah subhana wa tada said, in the Latina toddler age in the Latina Santa Domingo de Moura Bhima de la fille hayati, dunya, waka daddy can imagine with 13 along this verse talking about those who worship the calf, after moosari, Salah went to meet Allah subhanaw taala senai.

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From the children of Israel, Allah, Allah smart Allah said, who did such thing? What will happen to them, Allah will let them live in humiliation in this dunya and also panna cotta Allah, well, they will receive a las pantallas anger. Then in the end of the verse, Allah said, What can barely cannot deal with it. And this is the punishment for every liar or every one who contribute to the religion which is not to the religion, which was not, which is not from it. So basically, the innovators, those who invented innovations and religion, they contribute to the religion, which was not part of it. That's why one of the great scholars of pallava said, This belongs to all innovators. This idea

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can apply to every innovator, you know, brothers and sisters, innovations, divided of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, this ummah, were one oma one group, one unit, but innovation divided, divided the of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam, all these names all these sects Eve, everybody comes up with the name, every sect appear in the history of Islam, claim that they have a leader and founder and they have their own etiquettes they have their own logos, they have their own ways they have their own source sometimes, and what happened this oma start, be divided start to be divided. And whenever the divided they start fighting each other,

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you know, an example how innovation can divide the best of the oma, when, after the fourth century in Islam, there is a group of people came and they became an extreme follower to some of the metalheads or some of the school of thoughts which exist in the early time in history of Islam, like the school of thought, which is belong to Abu hanifa Malika Shafi, which something great no problem. The students were practicing what their share started. But the problem later on, some people came and said, You have to follow it and if you leave his opinion, you will be doomed, you will be wrong and they will curse you they will not accept from you to the extent that we had for a time in the

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masjid al Haram in Makkah for imams for Gemma as for then the * of you will not pray behind the shaft very humble, you will not behave we will pray behind Malik to the extent we found in some of the books of Philip saying that you can marry you can marry

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a woman or a female from the people of the book, but you cannot marry a Shafi female or a Hanbury female it reached that level Yes, certain individual reach that level and that division and have been because the innovation of believe that you believe that I have to follow one person and one person only is the right and whatever he whatever he said, it has to be followed blindly. This that concept not exist in the time of the prophet or the early Muslim time.

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You know, this, these innovations divided the amount of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and when the Ummah was divided the oma became weaker. That's why shekel Islam Rahim Allah said to me, he said when the amo is start adopting the opinions of Jamia, which is one deviant sect appeared in the history of Islam, the omo is falling apart and when the abbesses start following

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The opinions of some extremes. She's Ed, those who curse the Sahaba the alarm I know a buck of aroma on the men ever on the prayer openly that Abbas's falls apart. And I can add also when the Ottoman Empire start adopting the opinion of extreme service groups and promoting worshipping graves and things like that, also that Empire start to falling apart when there is any nation innovations take over it, I mean, innovations of religion, that oma became weaker. And I think what we see today in our own the weakness in our Ummah, one of the main reason for it, that we have this, these innovations all over the all over the Muslim world, in all in all in all areas, we will have a

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break, and we will continue after the break in sha

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Allah, Allah choose whom he wins Subhana Allah for his versie for his messenger ship, for the revelation to be revealed. This is not for the human beings to make that decision. If a person would turn to our last panel to Alison Seeley, truthfully, asking for forgiveness, Allah Subhana Allah promised to forgive, we have as Muslims a duty and that is to recite the book of Allah, to ponder over the verses, the words of our last panel to Allah, and to act according to the the mercy of Allah Subhana Allah encompasses everything, but it who would this mercy will be for, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was sent to all mankind. So the oma or the people of the prophets are the largest

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seller of all mankind since the time of the prophets or send them till the Day of death. Why waste our life without getting to know every verse in the Quran, what Allah subhanaw taala wants from us.

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Welcome back. We just heard what the bids can close to the individuals and to the communities who practicing it. Also, the Dow or innovations of the legend can prevent the person who practicing it or the in the communities who are adopting these kinds of innovations from so many good things. The Muslim the Muslim scholars have mentioned several things that the bidet can also prevent the person from enjoying it, such as

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the beta will prevent the person from drinking from the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is pool in the Day of Judgment. As alamuddin hijaab Rahim Allah and the Sharpton he and so many other scholars said that when they come into the Hadith, which is reported by Bukhari Muslim that the prophets of Salaam said there will be in the dev gentlemen certain people will be stopped from drinking from the pool of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the prophets of Salaam will tell the angels they are from my nation, why don't allow them to drink from my pool, then the NGO will say in Nicoletta Dyneema, that robotic you didn't know what they have changed after you they

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have invented that it means they invented new things and religion. After you. The Muslim scholar said that this hadith apply to those who invented things in religion, or change the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after his death. Also, the big data will prevent Santa from spreading this the way it works. As much as there is bigger out there. As much as there is no sinner out there, every bit out will eat sin and also the other way around a bit that became so if suddenly became so popular, that bid will decrease in the society. I'll give you a very practical example. One of the things that people invented in the religion that immediately after the prayer, that Imam

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or the person who praying after he finished the prayer, what he will do immediately after the prayer what he will do, he will present start making making dua or praying with a prayer not part of the sin of the prophet SAW Selim. And he will keep doing that. What happened when the person started doing this the moment he finished that

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prayer that he made or the salatu salam ala rasulillah after he finished that, most of the time those people what will what what what they will do they will leave

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what the process of them used to do after the Salah he used to say a stone from Stanford Law Stanford Law Stanford Law alum anta Salah Minka sediments Sean, people think by just doing this to our which is somebody else than Mohammed or Salam taught them, which is somebody else than the prophet SAW Selim practice they felt that this is will be enough. And what happened, we will leave the will leave with the processor I'm used to do, they will leave what the processor lamp will use to practice the worst part that if you do that, if you lead the prayer, for instance, in the such community or society, then after the salt you start saying I start feeling lost or lost over lament

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the Sir, you start doing what the processor needs to do. People will say to you, why you don't make the as if you lift this up, and you're doing something wrong and you're doing something wrong. So many new Muslims so many new Muslims think that the word so that allow them for example, part of the Quran I've been approached several times with numerous who said What is this verse in the end of each surah they felt that it's part of each surah or it's the thought that the Mohammed Solomon ever he reads for and he used to say this after the sunlight but it's not that's not the case in Ibiza Salam never practice that. Somebody else did that. The point here, why would we do something the

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promises are never did or his companions sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they've had nearly a man once told his companions, that this religion will or the son of the prophets of Salaam will vanish to the extent that it will be very rare to find somebody knows anything about sydnor anything about sin.

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And this Sunday will be vanished gradually, as also a bit Miss Rudra the alarm and said that every day I shape and will start innovation in religion, and this innovation of religion will take over one of the Sunnah. So once in the disappear on one, innovation will appear.

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That's why from the early time was a habit of Allah and marva said clearly stick to the subnet. Go back to the roots go back to that the source of the slam go back to what the prophets are Solomon's companion used to practice, my brothers and sisters. Innovations on religion will be so popular or more popular in certain communities that others in certain areas than others in certain situations than others in certain times than others. As much as we go farther or far from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam innovations will be more common. And as much as we live in a society Arabic language is not something common and people ignorant. But people not aware of the Arabic

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language or the language of Koran innovations will be also became more popular. If you live in a society or community where much scholars there is no much of a student's knowledge. Also, innovations will be more popular shekel Islam potamia Rahim Allah said, That's why innovations will be so popular in the countries which is far away from the Muslim country, who are Muslim scholars live where the Arabic language is strong, where people also have access to the books of knowledge. I believe we who live in the West, or in the in a small communities, as a minority, we suffering greatly from that, because all these things can apply to our communities. I believe. That's why I

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think that our communities, our societies, when we live as a minority in any society, or those who who are not familiar with the Arabic language, they have to understand the concept of pseudonym bidda. Clearly, clearly, because we have too extreme, we have people notice or pointing their finger to everything as innovation, religion is not acceptable. And other people in the other hand, accepting everything practicing anything, regardless if it's part of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam or not. I'm not going to turn my lecture today to be like, in our go to details in regard to this issue, because it can be very detailed, but I want to give just a general guidelines.

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How can an average person I'm an average person, how can I know of this is an evasion religion or not? How can we know of this as sin or not? How can I trust this action? And do and start doing and practicing it or not? I'll give you some points. One.

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Always you will find that innovations in religion, not based on textual evidence.

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It's always based on opinion. They will tell you do this. The moment he said what's the proof? Is it Yaki? Mashallah, everything? This is good. Okay, it's good, but what's the evidence? The evidence is good. The evidence is it's okay. The evidence that what we do the evidence is everybody doing that? It's a, what's wrong with that? This is not the proof and most of the innovations in religion based on such an argument based on such argument, also, you will find that the innovations and religions not based on sin, a particular and specific ahaadeeth they always bring general verses from Quran that's why Omar radi Allahu Allah said, the innovators, those who invented innovations and the

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legends and religion or motto the Allah and said those people very far away from Hadith, they hate the Hadith. He said they are the enemy of the sinner. Also, you will see that innovative innovations always based on always based on general text, somebody would say, Allah said remember Allah then he will come and put certain specifications and number and situations in positions and locations, which does not exist in Quran and Sunnah. Why would you put all this specification to add it to the general verse keep it general as Allah subhanaw taala revealed it also the innovations will not be based on the practicing over so hard, you will not such an when you see the innovations you will not

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see, they will tell you Oh, this is what abubaker used to do, or what Elmer used to do, as a matter of fact, one of the way to differentiate between innovations that religion and acceptable deeds and religion, that the innovations of religion has no evidence from Quran or Sunnah, or not been practiced by any one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also, innovations always will be introduced to you mixed with other things to promote. And I mean by that most of the time innovator will cover their, you need the ugly side of the innovation with another side or another face, they put a mask on it. What that sometimes comes in the shape of the righteousness

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that people are very soft, hard. So if you see somebody with a so big beard, big turban above his head, you will think oh, he must be shaved, it must be good. Or they will tell you, we cry. We are so you're a nice, soft, hard people. And he will promote the innovation this way. Once a misreading of the line was told about somebody. This is so great. When Mr. Rudd said How come is so great, what's special about him? They said whenever he read Quran, he thinks it'd be Muslim said he's an innovator. This man has shaped and control his mind. And he said, You know why Massoud said that? He said, because the companions of the Prophet SAW Salem, Abu Bakar, Omar Osman Ali, they were more

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righteous than him. And they never did such thing and never did such thing. She also wants was told about somebody doing the same thing. He said such person is following the shape bond is not following a man is not following our roadmap.

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The prophets of Salaam told us about this sect, which is how I mentioned earlier that if you compare your prayer to their prayer, you will see that your prayer seems to be nothing compared to their prayer. When you look at their fasting, and you compare it to watch you fast from the days, you will say we're not doing anything good. In the time when Ali was fighting them, had been some of the Sahaba came to me said how can we fight people in the night we are sleeping, and they are spending the whole night praying. They used to pray the whole night and the heels in crying and praying. But those people the prophets of Salaam told us about them, that they are the worst people in the face

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of the earth. They are the worst people in the face of the service. He said that they are the dogs of the hellfire. He said if I need them. If I see them. I will destroy them all as Allah subhanaw taala destroyed the people of Atlanta moot, even though they pray the first decry video. But this is not the way to judge the right. Some people also promote the innovations with what they said, Oh, he has keramat he has supernatural things. He has something not nobody ever had. This is not the way to judge person or judge such accent if it's acceptable or not. The innovations and innovators always run away from the scholars. They don't connect themselves to the Muslim scholars specialized in

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Hadith and also

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innovate innovations will always be contributed to new names. They said oh this is the Perea code. This is the way of such a such group. This is the way of subtle

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People, it's not the way of Mohammed Salim. It's not the way it will not be promoted that way. It's not the way of the Sahaba the Allah. No, it's not the way for Maha God. It's not the evil answer. No, it's all of those people are that people, my brothers or sisters, how can we define beta? First beta. It is an actions you do to please Allah subhanaw taala with it. So it's a religious action. So, glasses, making a tiny microphone, praying in Masjid, having video cameras now shooting me and broadcasting this to you. It's not part of the religion. This is an innovations in worldly matter which is has nothing to do with our subject. Because awfully people tell me shut we have cars, we

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have microphones. This is not what we talking about innovations and religion related to the religious issues. So it's something we do it as a part of the religion that one two

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innovations can be something we do, or we leave. So it's either way, sometimes I leave things religiously. So like a man came to the prophet or Salim said yeah, Rasul Allah, I eat when I eat meat, I became overexcited, I can control my desires. So I said, It's forbidden for me to eat meat anymore. Allah subhanaw taala revealed the verses that who has the right to forbade on himself something eliminated lawful something I responded to Allah love, Pullman habla Medina, tala. So such things is forbidden, if you say I'm not gonna wear any clean clothes ever. Because I want to worship Allah smart Allah by wearing only the dirty clothes, as some people doing and this is

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for clear, it's not acceptable. But if somebody said, I'm not going to wear any light clothes, or always wear thick clothes, religiously, not because it's cold, no, it's fight for please. Because the person on the police also thought it became innovation.

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Also, if somebody so it's either something you do it or you leave it for the sake of a lot you do as a part of the religion and you practicing of three, these things has no basis in religion, something new, it's just literally been invented, such as celebrating the moment of the prophet or salad, the birthday of the Prophet of Allah. This is has no base and religion or celebrating the birthday of unforseen birthday of

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so and so share and making this a religious ceremony. Or somebody, for example, will invent something has no basis in religion such as worshiping Allah Subhana Allah Bye, killing or stealing or stealing from kofod. I've seen some people, they have very weird idea. They think that it's allowed for them to go to steal from non Muslim and we consider this an act of fortune, you know, if you steal because he wants money that sin, but if you steal from Kathryn because he wants to take his money, because he want to please allow it that this is worse. This is an innovation or killing an innocent person among the non Muslim and they think this is a form of jihad or a form of pleasing

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Allah. This is innovation OR LEGIT and it's worse than just being murdering somebody and being a killer.

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So worshipping Allah with such things has no based on religion, it became an AVI innovation. Also, some people we might practice something has based on religion, but the description of it has no basis in religion, listen carefully to the different. Now the first one something has no basis at all. The second one, something has basis, but the description of it has no basis. And I mean by description, they will add certain condition to it. Either the time, the location or the way to be done. It's not part of the religion. I give you an example.

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Liquid Allah azza wa jal remembering Allah subhanaw taala is something great. The prophets have an order us to remember Allah, Allah subhanaw taala ordered us to remember him to make thee. But if I say you have to make salat wa salam on the process, seldom 200,000 times every day before

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what I'm coming with you working with this from if I told you that you have to make the speech 10,000 times before or after, or before you go to sleep, what I got that from, if I tell you if you go to that mountain in the middle of Idaho or in Yemen, and you pray there, this is special reward for that, what I got that from if I told you that aamra in Roger, it's way better than any other month what I got that from this specification, this condition we added to the deed It is so that's why it is so common among the Muslim scholars in the early time saying that they said

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The original actor for ship acceptable at sydnor. But the way they're doing it, the way it's doing it, it's better. That's why I've been Omar when you heard somebody said, Alaa masala Allah, Mohammed Ali, Mohammed kamisato, algebra, algebra one after the other and he said, Yes salatu salam on the products are solid is good, but this is not the place for it, not the place for it.

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So, this is also one important condition for the bidder to be recognized. The last one and it's very important that the innovation and the legend it does something the reason for it was not exist in the prophets of Salaam time Listen carefully, was not exist in the prophets of Salaam time and there is nothing prevented real prophets or sunlamp from doing it. So, the Buddha is something the reason for it was exist in the process of silent time. And there is nothing prevented the prophets of Salaam from practicing it or doing it and I give you an example.

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If today we said people come back home tired after a long day and they might go to sleep before or before work

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before us we want to add to acid prayer as Salatu hierro mininum we want to add to the US prayer as Salatu haram because people sleeping want to call them to the salad as we do in Frederick if somebody said that will turn this innovation of knowledge is not acceptable Why? Because people used to go home before the vote and the time of the process Ireland people might be sleeping as well. But the profit asylum did not allow them to add this to the event then nothing prevented the processor from from doing such thing. So doing it became innovation. Another example of somebody today came and tell you Okay, we want to have automake hope bottle eat hope bottle eat before selected eat as

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some amo is dead and the earlier method and Hassan basri and other people others Cohen that time said this is innovation. Why? Because the person never did that he can do that easily. And the reason for it was exist in the process a long time that people need to benefit from the hotbar because some people will leave after the salaat so such thing is not permissible because the Prophet Salim didn't do it and he has the reason to do it and nothing prevented him from doing it.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:30

But what if it's the other way around? Now the prophets or sunlamp did not pray tarawih everyday and Ramadan?

00:47:31 --> 00:48:03

Can anybody say this is innovation religion was the romantic date? No. Why? Because the prophets are solemn there is something prevented him from from doing it every day. What was that thing that the processor was afraid that it will be obligatory on them? I just want you to imagine if the approximal and prayed straight every year taraweeh in congregation What did you think that today that we have so many opinions saying so many scholars saying it's obligatory on Muslim to pray?

00:48:04 --> 00:48:48

Is it possible that Allah will make it obligatory? Think about Muslim in that time the solemn nightmare is long. Think about Muslims in Medina and the time the must join the Solomon congregation otherwise imagine your Medina leaving the process in Ramadan, praying and night alone, everybody will join and that will be very hard on the Sahaba and individual Salam he doesn't want to make hard on them that prevented the prophet or Salim from doing that kangaroo the tarawih in congregation every single day he did it three times only two or three days to give a hint or a proof for Muslims that it is similar to pray in congregation. So the problem that is something prevented him from

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doing it why the prophets of Salaam did not collect the Muslims in one must have because the prophets Allah have never been told this way okay this that what is finished and know whenever incidents have been revealed verses to Mohammed Salim concerning this new issues this issue tablet in front of the process Allah or somebody asked the person asked the process of the question alone answer this by versus he would reveal the to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. So the Quran never finished. That's why it's impossible to collect it in one must have. Also the Quran was not revealed in the same order we see today maybe one surah part of it will be revealed in the early time of

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Islam. And then after the migrated after the process of migration to Medina, then another part will be revealed right before the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So it's not in the way that the whole sort of will be revealed at once. But after the process of lamb die passed away, nobody will add any more verses to Koran. So the Quran is completed. That's why Abu Bakr and Omar and the Sahaba agreed to have Al Quran in one must have understanding these conditions. It's part of a doing as a part of religion.

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You worship Allah subhanaw taala with it. So it's part of the religion, you do it to seek the reward from Allah, and you do it, you do something and you leave it for the sake of Allah. And also, it has no basis on religion or the descriptions of it or the condition of it has no basis of religion. And finally, this things was not the reason for it was not exist in the process a long time. And there is nothing prevented the process from doing it. You might ask me a question in the end. If the innovations and religion everybody agree with me, it's something terrible, it's not good, why it's so popular, why so many people practice innovations, why it's so popular. And I think there's so

00:50:43 --> 00:51:25

many reasons for that one, because the shape on one or promote this the most to because Big Data sometimes has two phases, one looks good, and the other one is so ugly, the good one that you see, it's good, it's something you worship along with it, it's something looks like it's a righteous things. But the other side of it, it's the ugly way the ugly side of it, which is something not part of the logic. Also, because people these days, not they don't have enough knowledge of the Arabic language, even the Arabic speakers, they are not familiar with their own mother tongue. Also, because the scholars are few in our days, the few there's no much of scholars in the Muslim world,

00:51:25 --> 00:52:11

to educate people. Also sometimes because Muslims, there is the colors, the colors, the state of knowledge, they will not warn people from the dangers of PETA, sometimes are so many times we try to avoid the subject or being complementing each other. And sometimes that will cause the bidder to be the spreading around. Also because our culture, our culture, sometimes full of innovations. We inherited this culture, generation after generation. And in these cultures, the innovations has deep roots in it. That's why so many new Muslim will not be falling in these innovations, because they're not belong to that culture, which is part of innovations. Also, if we follow the idea, everybody

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doing that, so everything will be acceptable, innovation will be very common. Also some

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some responsibility goes towards the leaders of the Muslims through the history, so many leaders promoted innovations in their countries in their society. And also so many of those who hate Islam, the enemy of Islam, they promote this support financially. These are politically in all aspects, the innovations and the people who promote innovations in the world. I think one of the reasons also when the people of Sunnah will not promote Sunnah, with wisdom, with good manners, with the nice and beautiful smile, the bidder will be promoted. Because of some of the people who are promoting it will have that smile face and happy face and maybe deal with people with better manners. When we

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leave, when we don't take the lead. When we see a position empty and one of understand that can fill that position, but he will back off, he will not go to be the Imam he will not go to give the hope. He will not go to school to teach, and we let somebody else to do that. There will somebody else do that. And maybe he will promote what we don't want. My brother and sisters. In the end I would like to ask every one of us whatever we do, from the religion of Islam, we should ask ourselves this question is this thing the profits are solid practice is this part of soon or not? May Allah subhanho wa Taala, to get all of us to follow the straight path and to follow the way of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam until we meet our beloved Prophet Mohammed Sol Sol, and be with him in the day of judgment and agenda. With this, I will leave you some demos on demand

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and the early time of Islam, and then after the migrated after the process of migration to Medina, then another part will be revealed right before the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So it's not in the way that the whole sort of will be revealed at once. But after the prodigal son died passed away, nobody will add any more verses to Koran. So the Quran is completed. That's why Abu Bakr and Omar and the Sahaba agreed to have a Quran in one must have understanding these conditions. It's part of the doing as a part of religion, you worship Allah subhanaw taala with it. So it's part of the religion, you do it to seek the reward from Allah and you do it you do something and you

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leave it for the sake of Allah. And also, it has no basis on religion or the descriptions of it or the condition

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It has no basis of religion. And finally, this things was not the reason for it was not exist in the process a long time. And there is nothing prevented the process of them from doing it. You might ask me a question in the end, if the innovations and religion, everybody agree with me, it's something terrible, it's not good, why it's so popular, why so many people practice innovations, why it's so popular. And I think there are so many reasons for that one, because the shape and want to promote this the most to because Big Data sometimes has two phases, one looks good, and the other one is so ugly, the good one that you see, it's good, it's something you worship Allah, Allah with it, it's

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something looks like it's a righteous things. But the other side of it, it's the ugly way the ugly side of it, which is something not part of the religion. Also, because people these days, not they don't have enough knowledge of the Arabic language, even the Arabic speakers, they're not familiar with their own mother tongue. Also, because the scholars are few in our days, the few there's no much of scholars in the Muslim world, to educate people, also sometimes because Muslims, that is the colors, the colors, the seed of knowledge, they will not warn people from the dangers of PETA, sometimes or so many times, we try to avoid the subject or being complementing each other. And

00:56:28 --> 00:57:02

sometimes that will cause the bidder to be spreading around. Also because our culture, our culture, sometimes full of innovations, we inherited this culture, generation after generation. And in these cultures, the innovations has deep roots in it. That's why so many new Muslim will not be falling in these innovations, because they're not belong to that culture, which is part of innovations. Also, if we follow the idea, everybody doing that, so everything will be acceptable, innovation will be very common. Also some,

00:57:03 --> 00:57:51

some responsibility goes towards the leaders of the Muslims through the history, so many leaders promoted innovations in their countries in their society. And also, so many of those who hate Islam, the enemy of Islam, the promote this support financially, these are politically in all aspects, the innovations and the people who promote innovations in the world. I think one of the reasons also when the people of Cerner will not promote sonet, with wisdom, with good manners, with the nice and beautiful smile, the bidder will be promoted. Because of some of the people who are promoting it will have that smile or face on happy face and maybe deal with people with better manners. When we

00:57:51 --> 00:58:30

leave, when we don't take the lead. When we see a position empty and one of understander can fill that position, but he will back off he will not go to be the Imam he will not go to give the hope. But he will not go to school to teach and we let somebody else to do that. There will somebody else do that. And maybe he would promote what we don't want. My brother and sisters. In the end I would like to ask every one of us. Whatever we do, from the religion of Islam, we should ask ourselves this question. Is this thing the profits or selling practice? Is this part of sin or not? May Allah subhanaw taala, to guide all of us to follow the straight path and to follow the way of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam until we meet our beloved Prophet Mohammed Sol Sol, and be with him in the day of judgment and agenda. With this I will leave you

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