Wael Ibrahim – Roaming Ramadan #26 The Entry Gate to Islam to The Philippines – Tawi Tawi

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss their experiences with Islam in the Philippines, including their experiences with learning about it and attending public events. They emphasize the importance of being present in public events to encourage people to visit. The upcoming holiday in obtaining a license is also emphasized, along with the need for generosity and peace and security in the region. They emphasize the importance of understanding one another and visiting the beach.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers, my sisters in Islam, welcome to

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roaming Ramadan

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lessons on the road. I'm still in beautiful

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by far, and sorry about that Manila, Zamboanga,

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Sultan Qadrat, and everyone else, but Tawitawit experience

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by far has been the greatest

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for so many reasons. Number 1,

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and that is

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with no exaggerations.

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Some of the best, most sincere people I

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have ever come across.

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And it was since before even interacting with

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the people. We have seen them when we

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arrived to the airport. We have seen them

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when we were in our vans. They cannot

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see us. We were in tents of vans,

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but we can see in their eyes the

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sincerity, the tears, the excitement. SubhanAllah,

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We fell in love with the people before

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even interacting with them. Secondly, we came to

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know, and I personally, I came to know

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that Tawhidawhid is the birthplace

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We've been told that Tawitao is one of

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the most violent

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spots in the Philippines. Terrorists are everywhere.

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Don't go there. They scared us every day,

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every night. Whenever we plan something in Tawhidawi,

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people tell us don't go there. And perhaps

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this delayed the process of us coming here,

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not because we don't want to, not because

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we are afraid to come, because we believe

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that Allah

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had distanced us where to die anyway. Not

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only that, but distanced us how we're going

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to die. So if Allah distanced to us

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the way,

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how or where we're going to die, then

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why are we why should we be scared

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to go anywhere? So long as we are

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taking the precautions necessary,

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you know, measurement to protect ourselves because this

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is also part of Islam. But the reason

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why we were not able to come all

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this long, because no one wanted to facilitate

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the way in. No one wanted to cooperate,

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subhanAllah, until

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this brother

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have shown up. Alhamdulillah.

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And, brother Sabhan is with me for this

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special episode

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in Tawitawi.

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I'm leaving day after tomorrow. I stayed after

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the event about 3 4 days, because I

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wanna enjoy the sites. Some of the best

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places you could ever visit. I was talking

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to some brothers and sisters from the tourism

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department about how to improve the facilities, the

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beaches, the resorts, so that we can attract

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more tourism

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and more tourists to this spot. Because I

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could just, from the clarity of the water,

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I can see the potential that this one

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of the places that would attract a lot

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of attention. With me, Brother Sarhan Habibi, may

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Allah bless you. I'm not good in introducing

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and who are you and what to do.

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I love you for the sake of Allah

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despite whatever position you hold. But can we,

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for the sake of those who are watching

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us, just introduce yourself. Who are you? What

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you're doing? And how did you get to

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know each other?

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Officer for religious affairs of the province of

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and hamdulillah.

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It was really an opportunity,

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and the province.

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The people of Tawhidawis

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happy and honored to have, of course, brother

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doctor Shala, Husat Isa, and, of course, Mufti

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Mank, Mufti Ismael Mank in our province. That's

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Tawhidawi is known to be the cradle of

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Islamic country as it was on 13/18.

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That was the year when, Islam came in,

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and it was through

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Sheikh Karim Al Makdoum

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who landed at Tubi in time in Simon,

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Simon Mul. I was really amazed, brother Wael,

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when when Mufti Beg

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that, that,

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if you make,

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a is the entrance of lights, Oh, wow.

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It was really great. The people of

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by the way, when you go to

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they call theirselves

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Oh. So it was

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So Which is light? Which is light. Masha'Allah.

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Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

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I I'm sure

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coming years. We have seen you so passionate

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about bringing us to Tawi Tawi.

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We have observed your tears,

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time that

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I that I I arrived here in Tawetawet,

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there was also

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this kind of experience that I saw in

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the governor. I I saw him, how he

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really facilitate and push forward

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for the for for our brothers and sisters

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here in Tawitawi to learn about Islam,

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for people to really understand that Islam is

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Islam is not,

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radicalism. Islam speaks.

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As mentioned by Allah

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that we Muslim

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should be in the moderation. We should be

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moderate and to really understand also the people,

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especially. Because when you talk about Tangitawi,

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brother Wa'el, it is known to be the

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most peaceful province in in in in in

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Because people

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respect and love one another, Christians, Muslims, and.

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By having that, it's one thing that components

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that I really look forward to have in

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my community. I mean And alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

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It'll be really emotional when you talk about

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this one. Because

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I know that may Allah,

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protect and sustain me and ask all of

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us and accept all of our effort. But

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having you

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here in,

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help us a lot, especially in in in

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in advising

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and giving other people,

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the best explanation

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about the secrets of marriage,

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about the struggles to unity, about the seeking

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and, of course, our Shabbat.

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Aurelius. We we just want we cannot,

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end this video without mentioning the governor of,

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the province of Tawitawi,

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Ma'am Sadiq,

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who really sponsored the entire event. I was

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talking to my wife earlier

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that they did not just sponsor the event

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by bringing us all the way from different

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parts of the world to Tawetawetawet,

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Not only that, but also food was provided,

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drinks and and people were absolutely

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joyous to see the 4

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of us embracing the governor. May Allah bless

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him. A man whom we have seen his

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tears as well throughout the day. Like I

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was telling my family that this man was

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crying, subhanAllah, with tears. A man of authority,

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a man of position

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was crying from the moment he received us

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in his

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residential, I think, was it the residential office

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or something?

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All the way until

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up late in the night, whenever we talk

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to him, whenever we give him a hug,

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whenever Mufti Men give him a gift, you

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know, his best as a gift while he's

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giving a speech. Although Thank you so much.

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We were planning it with brother Sahana. This

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is something on the road, on the side.

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Like, brother Sahana told me, Ola, it would

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be very good gesture

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if we can, you know, give a gift.

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A little to honor for him. Yeah. Because

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he did a lot, and we wanna just

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honor him. To be surprised, I said, look,

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I can't promise I will talk to Mufti.

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So I talked to Mufti on the stage,

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and he said, but I only have 2,

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and I am going to different different events,

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and I I am not going home to

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get a new one. So he said, no,

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I can't because I need to change. Said,

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no worries, no rush. I told the Surahaha

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no problems. Right? But few minutes later,

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Mufti Mink sensed that the man

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is loved by the people.

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He's been sitting with the people without fear.

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No guards around him, no guns, nothing.

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In a place that is looked at as

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the most dangerous place in the Philippines, SubhanAllah.

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So when Mufti Mink realized that the people

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love the man and he's been in power

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for 3 years in office for 3 years.

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I was actually talking to a military or

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a manning,

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soldiers a while ago. And I told him,

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how many incidents that he have witnessed

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in the past, you know, ever since you've

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been here. He said he said since the

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governor, Ishmael had took the office, not a

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single incident.

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Prior to that, every year there was something.

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But now for the past years, ever since

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he's been in power, mashallah tabarakallah, the place

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is secured and safe. And may Allah Subhanahu

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wa Ta'ala keep it more safe. Only then

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Mufti Menck told me, let's go. And the

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man was giving a speech at the time,

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InshaAllah, we can show he was like He

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was emotional.

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Yeah. And Mufti Minh gave him that bish

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as a gift. Brother

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a last maybe,

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Maybe one takeaway

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from this experience

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the most beneficial thing that we all came

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up with, or we all benefit from, as

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a result of this mega event for the

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first time in the history of Tawu Tawu,

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for the first time in the history of

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ourselves as speakers, as mashay

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in the in the field of dawah.

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What is the takeaway? This one thing. I

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also want you to talk to me about

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this public holiday that was announced before our

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coming. We we took a resolution. They gave

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us they gave us a resolution, a wooden

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that on that day, on that minute, in

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that year,

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the 4 of us arrived. We don't deserve

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that, brother. But who came up with this

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idea and why? And what is the benefit?

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It was all the idea of the governor.

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By the way, he was really he was

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really by the way, brother, he was really

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hands on. I am the,

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I I do the leg working and everything,

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but he is the nucleus. He was the

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brain soul. He will be even the food

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brother, he was really cautious about the food.

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He would like to can we order some

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biryani or can we order some something that

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he wanted to eat? But we got the

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best lobster

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in the world.

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We should be that sick because we ate

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too much.

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Yeah. But, doctor Salah eat maybe more. It

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is like I think I think doctor Mohammad

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Salah, we we don't wanna expose what how

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many he ate, but we all got sick

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as a result of eating too much for

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ourselves. Alhamdulillah.

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That was it. Alhamdulillah. The p,

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the governor, and of course, together with the

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vice governor, his son, and the members of

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the had come together in unite to declare

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on that day to be a holiday, to

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pave way for others who are also from

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the different islands to attend and witness the

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boosting program that we have.

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One of the best takeaway, masha'Allah,

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for me, for my observation really was

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you gave us the opportunity to understand one

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another. I'm

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good. It

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was great opportunity

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for us

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to be more sensitive with one another, to

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be more caring with one another. When we

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were working, brother Wael, I had a lot

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of team. Shout out to brad,

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to doctor Mabin, to attorney Pershing Tayab, of

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course, to sister sir Chula,

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Sheikh Abdul Basi, sir Musanip, and all of

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the team, Ma'am Rajendra, Ma'am Ken, Attorney,

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Mardia, who is really at the back, pushing

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forward to make the program,

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we sometimes, brother,

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there are misunderstanding.

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That's that's somewhat, like we wanted to be

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to make a decent like that. But because

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we are reminded that this program is something

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to do with our faith, then we need

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to understand one another. Wow. If you do

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it, then if we do it, then can

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we do it together?

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And it help us Despite

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miss you know, everyone

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his way is better. So can we can

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we bring everything together to to to bring

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the best out of everyone.

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And what's more more

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meaningful is that

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majority and some of our non Muslim brothers

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and sisters are also in the front line

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of helping us, masha'Allah. So there's this one

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brother who had an accident.

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He had some bruises here because he was

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really helping some,

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how to manage and everything, and the governor

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was giving him a lot of, masha'Allah.

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But now, we are giving, more, the medication

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and everything what he needs. But the essence

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the unification

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and the understanding of one another,

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really is really amazing.

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What I have taken away from this, visit,

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mashaAllah, is generosity.

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The generosity we have witnessed in this

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place is just beyond me. It's mind boggling.

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May Allah

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the people of Tawitawy,

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the governor who sponsored almost every inch of

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our stay. My family are with me. They

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did not even make me worry for a

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about where they are. Even though they were

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not around me during the event, I was

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alone with the speakers. They are with the

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audience, but I I never worried about them

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because they have shown me from minute 1

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upon landing that my family are being looked

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at in in the most secure, most perfect

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way. Even, after the event is over now,

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I went today for some shopping and

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and Allahu Akbar, I never expected that the

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people would be coming to me, talking to

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00:14:02 --> 00:14:04

on the streets, taking pictures, and, and thanking

00:14:04 --> 00:14:07

us. Like, it is as if really

00:14:08 --> 00:14:09

the visit was,

00:14:09 --> 00:14:12

something they've been waiting for too long.

00:14:12 --> 00:14:15

And I wanted to apologize for not being

00:14:15 --> 00:14:16

able to make it earlier. O Allah, it

00:14:16 --> 00:14:19

was not beyond me, beyond Wufthimink, it was

00:14:19 --> 00:14:21

beyond all of us, but now, alhamdulillah, we

00:14:21 --> 00:14:23

have the channel. May Allah

00:14:23 --> 00:14:25

make it happen again and again and again.

00:14:25 --> 00:14:26

But may

00:14:27 --> 00:14:28

Allah protect this place and make it a

00:14:28 --> 00:14:30

place of security following the du'a

00:14:31 --> 00:14:34

of Ibrahim alaihis salam when he make this

00:14:34 --> 00:14:37

beautiful du'a about Makkah. Or Bijal Hazal Baladah

00:14:37 --> 00:14:38


00:14:38 --> 00:14:41

Aminan. Oh Allah, make this place a place

00:14:41 --> 00:14:43

of security and safety and peace. Ameen, Ameen,

00:14:43 --> 00:14:47

Ameen. Ameen. Brother Saham, may Allah protect you,

00:14:47 --> 00:14:49

you and your family. You know, brother Saham,

00:14:49 --> 00:14:50

before we record,

00:14:50 --> 00:14:53

I he wanted to change. I told brother,

00:14:53 --> 00:14:55

you don't have to change. He said, No,

00:14:55 --> 00:14:57

I must change. I said, Okay, I didn't

00:14:57 --> 00:14:58

want to push him. But I want to

00:14:58 --> 00:15:00

expose now. Are you wearing the t shirt

00:15:00 --> 00:15:02

underneath? It's not. But did you take off

00:15:02 --> 00:15:03

the t shirt?

00:15:03 --> 00:15:06

He was wearing a t shirt that says,

00:15:06 --> 00:15:08

I love my family, was it? Yes. I

00:15:08 --> 00:15:09

love my family in Arabic. And then, a

00:15:09 --> 00:15:10

hadith about,

00:15:11 --> 00:15:11

the Prophet

00:15:12 --> 00:15:13

where he says that the best of you

00:15:13 --> 00:15:15

is he who is best to his family.

00:15:16 --> 00:15:18

And, mashaAllah, before the recording,

00:15:19 --> 00:15:21

we had a very nice

00:15:21 --> 00:15:23

fun time with the family. Thank you so

00:15:23 --> 00:15:25

much. And the kids, mashaAllah. May Allah protect

00:15:25 --> 00:15:26

you, bro.

00:15:27 --> 00:15:29

Guys, pray for Tawhidawhid.

00:15:30 --> 00:15:31

Do your very best to come and visit.

00:15:31 --> 00:15:34

The beaches are Maldives style. Wallahi.

00:15:35 --> 00:15:36

It needs a little bit of development.

00:15:38 --> 00:15:40

Reach out to people who you trust in

00:15:40 --> 00:15:43

the region, so you can come, InshaAllah, to

00:15:43 --> 00:15:44

the right place,

00:15:44 --> 00:15:46

without any, you know, issues, inshallah,

00:15:47 --> 00:15:49

but it's a place that worth, inshallah, visiting.

00:15:49 --> 00:15:51

May Allah bless you all.

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