Quran Dua #10

Wael Ibrahim


Channel: Wael Ibrahim


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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols, but they do appear to be discussing a variety of topics including building a team, using Zillow or home, and a possible ban on homeless people.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:00:00--> 00:00:18

How to build him in a shape all body team letter G then Asha then ser da tele levena ngulia Houda levena Shaco wala 30 then Robert

00:00:19--> 00:00:42

that only ladina am and will let Enoch on who in turn also at all then he can be n m in the CC no ban oh and no homeless that could be through phone or either send me home.

00:00:44--> 00:00:53

Zillow, you know solito or you know home toffee Domina them I'm in it for me.

00:00:55--> 00:00:59

Me you know have your own lunar burner

00:01:02--> 00:01:08

nerfect tupuna ma Shahidi