Wael Ibrahim – Porn Demic #10 – Pornography and Muslims.

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The host of the video discusses a survey that was conducted by the aware Academy over the years on how to get rid of pornography. The survey was conducted across four countries and participants were from various segments of the Muslim world. The host also provides advice on how to get rid of pornography and offers tips for those who are still struggling with addiction.
AI: Transcript ©
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In today's episode, I'd like to share with you a survey that was conducted by the aware Academy it is not an academic research nonetheless, it gives us a clear indication of how * has impacted the Muslim world in a very negative manner.

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Welcome back everyone to the aware Academy channel you are watching from demmick. This is the last episode in which we're going to discuss academic research about the harmful impact *. But don't worry, we shall return in two weeks time with pandemic with the solution in mind. Now, let me share with you the history and the result of this survey. The aware Academy over the years has been training people from across the globe on how to number one get rid of * addiction and number two, how to help others get rid of * addiction and while conducting our signature workshop titled 50 shades of hope. And by the way, you can contact us if you wish to receive the same training online

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or on site when COVID is over. Anyways, the workshop was organized in various cities around the world. But this survey was conducted in four countries only an participants who took part in this survey were Muslims, males and females. The countries were Philippines, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and Indonesia 1093. across these four countries have participated and answered six questions. These questions are before this event. Were you aware of the harmful impacts of * across the four countries over 60% of the participants acknowledged that yes, before coming to the event to listen about the harmful impacts *, they already knew the * is harmful. And that

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tells us that people wanted to know how to get rid of that problem how to get the necessary knowledge to extract this evil from our society. Question number two, if you have children, do you allow them to use internet devices? if they have any in their bedrooms? Once again, a very similar result was found across the four countries with over 70% of the participants said no, they will never allow their children to use internet devices in their bedrooms with the minority of the minority, even less than 5% said yes, they may allow their children to use internet in the bedroom. And that tells us that the Muslim world as a whole is conscious of the fact that * and

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internet devices could be deadly for children if they use it behind closed doors. Question number three. Are you familiar with your children's apps and games? Good news again, the vast majority of our audience over 55% said yes, they know about their children's games and apps about 20% or so they said no, we've got no clue parents out there. If you have children do not allow them to use internet in their bedrooms. Once they have access to internet devices in isolation, there will be a very high chances for them to come across *. Question number four, do you agree with the approach that we should talk to our children at a young age about the dangerous impacts of *? 85%

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of the participants the said yes, we do agree with this approach. We were so delighted to see the encouragement and the number of people who are supporting this idea because if we as parents and educators are not going to speak and address this issue with our children, then * will do the job instead. Question number five, do you agree that a taboo issue like * should be discussed in public once again, we can never thank the participants enough who understood the seriousness of the matter. Nearly 90% of the participants have agreed that we should address the issue of * harms in public. And finally, question number six, have you come across any people in

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your network who have struggled or currently struggling with * and or undesirable sexual addiction? And as we have expected over 77% of the participants said yes. And we are assuming that either they themselves were addicted to * or they have struggled with their loved ones, maybe with their children or with their husbands and so on and so forth. The bottom line is, as we all know by now, * is super prevalent and we need to battle this plague otherwise it will take over the next generation and many, many generations to come. As I said

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In the beginning of this episode, we will take a break for two weeks and then we will come back with pandemic but with the solution in mind, we will start addressing the issue from a recovery perspective. We will share tips and tricks based on our experience and knowledge for those people who are still struggling with * addiction. If you have found this episode and the previous ones are beneficial, kindly share them, subscribe to our channel. Do us a favor and subscribe to our channel. comment on the video below and we'll see you in two weeks time with pandemic with a solution in mind stay safe

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