Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #21 – Do your best to be the best

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing the upcoming video on Islam, which is a video about the upcoming return of Islam to the United States. They encourage viewers to visualize the event and imagine the Prophet Muhammad as a woman who refuses to give up and tries to kill people. The video ends with a statement from the speaker, saying that they will be the best versions of themselves to achieve their goal.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters in Islam I want you to visualize with me the scenes and these events that took place in the past which were recorded in the Quran or the in the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I wanted you to imagine with me the ark of Noah alayhis salaam the Prophet knew Holly Salaam I want you to visualize the event and how tough that must have been. often experience I want you to visualize the Prophet know seeing his son drowning, and refusing to board with him on the ark to be saved with those who are saved. I want you to visualize with me the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam and his son his smile, and I want you to visualize also harder the

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mother of little smile alayhis salam, and I want you to see the Prophet Ibrahim holding his knife and going to fulfill the commands of Allah subhanaw taala by slaughtering his own son and I want you to see his smile and feel that little boy looking at his father surrendering to the commands of Allah subhanaw taala and willing to die and willing to be slaughtered because he realized it is the will of Allah. It is the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala I want you to visualize Musa alayhis salaam, saving his people from the tyranny of throne and his troops. I want you to visualize when he hit the the sea with his stick and the split of the sea and the miracles that Allah subhanho wa

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Taala allowed to happen. I want you to visualize iE salies salaam calling people to the worship of one God and I want you to see them trying to kill him trying to crucify him. I want you to visualize Mohammed Allah alayhi salatu was salam, our beloved Prophet and his friend, a bobak, escaping the danger of those people in Christ who are after them to kill them for no other reason. But worshiping one Allah subhanaw taala my brothers and sisters in Islam, did Allah Subhana Allah allow all these events to happen so that you can come today and watch *?

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Can you can you see can you see that the the the comparison that we just made between those great men who fought and we're ready to die for the sake of Allah and the purpose of this existence? And yourself being stuck behind screens watching filth? Is this why Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to learn all these stories so that we can come today and watch * or for us to do something better and become the best version of ourselves? That's why Allah subhanaw taala cylinder harangue kuntum, Hydra omet no credit leanness, you are the best of people evolved for mankind. Why? Because you believe in Allah, you worship him. You do that which is right and you prohibit that which is

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unlawful and * is unlawful my brothers and sisters in Islam and if you indulge further with your addiction, you will never be the best and you will never be considered part of this. This I will not be implemented on you. And we want it to be this Ramadan that best so that we can in sha Allah attain the blessing and the reward of Allah Subhana Allah engine. So today's decision is I will be the best version of myself to the best of my ability. ask Allah to help you to achieve that in sha Allah. My brothers and sisters in Islam all the links of previous episodes to be found in sha Allah below this video, share them like them and we'll see you in sha Allah Allah tomorrow with

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another episode in title. When it gets tough, be tougher.

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