Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #16 – Role Models

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © A man asks who his role model is and what his role model is. He describes his son's acquisition with soccer and his desire to be the role model. He also talks about his desire to return to Islam and use of the Prophet's words to encourage others to use it. The segment ends with a mention of a video and a follow-up with a call to action.
AI: Transcript ©
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If I asked you today who your role model is, what would be your answer? An actor, an actress, a soccer player, a magician, who your role model is what who is that person that you look up to? Who is that person that you feel that you want it to be like? I was talking to my son a couple of days ago, and I told him Who is your role model in this world? He said, Mohamed Salah, the soccer player of Liverpool, because Mohammed Salah has not only a player who who is an excellent in his in his profession. He's also a human being who does certain things that actually inspired not only Muslims, but the entire globe. And this is something that my son because he loves soccer he looked up to. Now

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how about you a person who is addicted to * or addicted to sexual undesirable haram sexual activity? Who should be your role model? I wanted to invite you to look into the life of use of Allah Islam the Prophet Yusuf alayhi salam, as recorded in the Quran, the only chapter in the operand that relates one story from beginning to an end the entire chapter is about Yusuf alayhi salam, and he struggled, and then who according to the Prophet salallahu, alaihe, Salam was giving half of the beauty of this universe, imagine how handsome that man must have been use of May Allah subhanaw taala gather us within an agenda. Say Me, me, this man. We know according to this

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narration, the best of all narrative according to Allah Subhana Allah, that he was seduced by also a beautiful lady, the wife of Al Aziz, the wife of the Minister of Egypt at that time, while a lot of work, and she locked the doors from inside and outside and she put guards outside, no one comes out. No one goes in.

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She prepared this environment for sexual activity. Allah May Allah subhanaw taala save us and our children and our spouses and everyone who's listening me. And then she told him come, I'm all yours. Now I want you to visualize this scene and I want you to put yourself in the position or in, in the place of use of Allah is Allah. How would you react to someone who is opening, openly telling you come? I'm all yours? Will you resist?

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Will you say no Haram, a staffer? Allah, I seek Allah's forgiveness. I'm a Muslim, I can do that. Or will you give in quickly and do the harm anyway, and then later on cry and say I wanted to repent to Allah subhanaw taala which is good. By the way, if you fall into error, if you collapsed, if you did something Haram, it's good that you return to Allah and seek Allah's forgiveness, what I'm talking about that particular moment, look at use of Allah is Salaam. And please my brothers and sisters enough with the sickness of saying, they were prophets, we are not no ally. They were prophets. Yes, they were the best of all mankind. Yes, we agree on that. But they were human beings as well. They

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have the same desires, they have the same nature like you and I, they were selected by Allah subhanho wa Taala to deliver the message of Allah that what made them unique and best of all, but they are still human beings, they are tempted, they were tested like you and I, they have feeling like you are nigh, but look at us of Allah you said and what did he do he run to the other direction. Where are you running? I used to reflect over this is Paula, where was prophet Yusuf Ali Salaam running to everything is locked, everything is locked, I do not care, I do not care I will just run to the opposite direction of of what what harm is taking place wherever you are in a place

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in an environment where harm is taking place, run to the opposite direction. This should be your role model. Use of Elisa Lam, he said Allah a signal a hug boo LA. Oh Allah prison is much more beloved to my heart then what they are inviting me to. Can you imagine? So step out of your comfort zone sometimes you feel this you know, stressed, anxious, depressed, all these feelings will come after you know quitting * for a while you will feel uneasy. It doesn't matter it is it should be more beloved to your heart than * and undesirable sexual desire. May Allah Subhana Allah grant us this right understanding and make use of Allah is lm and moreon. For the

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sisters, the role models of the generation and my brothers and sisters in Islam. All the previous episodes that you perhaps haven't seen yet are all to be found below this video. Kindly watch them, like them, share them with everyone.

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And in sha Allah to Allah. We're going to meet you again tomorrow to discuss briefly about taqwa.

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