Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #10 – Don’t wait, start now!

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The transcript is a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a TV series and a song by Lemme the way. The transcript is a series of a TV series and a
AI: Transcript ©
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In my experience in the field of treating people from * addiction and other undesirable sexual desire, I have met people who actually wanted to commit suicide to get rid of that darkness in the heart to get rid of that shame and guilt that we experience every time they go through that cycle of addiction. I have met family members who have actually lived apart divorce cases happen right in front of me while I was counseling the couples, I have met people who have actually cheated on their spouses or they have been actually called in, in a in a university campus trying to * somebody as a result of their addiction. I have also treated some people who are addicted to * who

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promise that they have been actually sober for a certain time. Yet at the end of the journey, I discovered that they were lying to me. In fact, they were lying to themselves, they were just cheating themselves by telling me lies. The point that I'm trying to make is here that many, many of those people will come back to me later on crying, and regretting what they have done. The key to this is my brothers and sisters in Islam is do not ever wait until a disaster happened in your life. And then think of making a change. This is this is where we all go wrong. So long as we are very comfortable, we have nothing to worry about. We don't think of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, we

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don't make dua to Allah subhanaw taala we don't pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala. From sincerely from our hearts, let me share with you a secret, I normally do not feel very comfortable when I'm on an airplane. So once I'm on it, and I travel a lot, so whenever I'm on an airplane, I feel a little bit on ease. And what makes the situation worse in any of my flights is the turbulence once the turbulence hits

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my flight, I will start reciting all the core and and I have memorized in my entire life, all the doors that I know because I feel that you know we are too close to meeting Allah subhanaw taala this is this is the condition Allah subhanaw taala said that in the ER and by the way, that when an affliction touch them, they will start praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala lying down on their sides and sitting in all positions because they needed him the most at that particular moment of reflection at that particular moment of a disaster. Why should you wait? My brothers and sisters in Islam? Why should you wait until you are called by your parents? Why should you wait until you cheat

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on your wife? Why don't you tell her? Why don't you go honestly and bravely and open up to your beloved wife and tell her that I have a problem and I needed some help. And Ramadan is the key. Ramadan is the month of change.

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There was a companion who was addicted to alcohol. His secret was Ramadan in the Battle of Odyssey he repented to Allah subhanaw taala this a man he was whipped by the prophet sallahu wa sallam command as a result of his addiction to alcohol, but in Ramadan, it was the starting point for him to make a change. How through prayer and dedication. So your decision today is I will pray day in and day out whether I am sober. Whether I have quit * for a short while or whether I have just said a minute ago you will keep on praying and praying and praying until Allah Subhana Allah find a way out of your difficulty me my brothers and sisters in Islam all the previous videos if you

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haven't watched them yet they are to be found below this video kindly share them with the rest of the world so that you may gain the reward and inshallah to Allah we'll see you again tomorrow with another episode title is the karma

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