Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #06 – Respect Your Spouse

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the negative impact of pornography on relationships, stating that it will destroy the purity of man and woman, lead to a "harem" of sex, and lead to couples starting to look forualualual partners. The speaker also warns against inviting spouses to watch pornography and reminds viewers to find previous episodes of the video on their YouTube channel.
AI: Transcript ©
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Some of the worst things that have ever experienced in the field of treating people from * addiction is when a couple comes a husband and wife comes to my office and they say that we are watching * together to enhance our sexual desire. This is one of the things that will destroy your relationship completely, it will destroy the purity that Allah Subhana Allah created in the hearts of those spouses. Allah subhanho wa Taala said, Men of purity are for women of purity and women of purity are for men of purity. Once you insert in your life, this filth of *, then these purity are also tarnished. So respect your spouse, don't ever invite your wife or invite your

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husband to watch them think to watch these things thinking that they are actually Hillel or, you know, lawful just because you are husband and wife, your wife will be looking at that which is haram for her and you will be looking at that which is haram for you. So be careful, respect your spouses don't ever destroy the purity and the tranquility that Allah subhanaw taala created in that beautiful relationship called marriage. You know, one of the things that they also experienced in treating couples in that in that field was that a husband will be watching * on the hope of learning certain techniques so that he can practice that with his wife. That's the that's how

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Satan works. That's how Satan beautified the the harem. And Cipolla law on the long run, you lose interest in the lawful intimacy that Allah subhanaw taala have provided for him. And as a result, you start looking outside hunting for prostitutes going to dirty massage houses and so on. Because he started comparing those actresses that appear in * films and his wife and they are not the same in most cases. So be careful my decision today, tell yourself write it down. I will respect my spouse.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam, please find all the previous episodes in the description below this video. Like them, share them and see you tomorrow in sha Allah with another episode called the deceiver.

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