Tom Facchine – The Comment Section #13 – How To Navigate Through The Secular System

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of learning from secular teachings and the difference between knowledge and morality. They stress the need to apply knowledge in a moral way and not just in a theoretical way. The speakers also mention the importance of avoiding morality and the need to be mindful of one's behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Somebody asked the question, okay, if I'm a young Muslim, how do I benefit from secular teachings? And I'm not 100% sure what they mean by that. But if what they mean is that how do I benefit from secular subjects or secular teachers or a secular learning environment, then I would say, take away the secular. And what I mean by that is how you relate to knowledge, okay? Because the fundamental difference between secular knowledge is that it's knowledge just to know, right? There's no such thing as immoral knowledge within the secular scheme, okay? That's why you have people who study their whole lives about Islam, and they never become Muslims crazy, why you find that they have

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really in depth research topics and you know, have studied languages and lived abroad for years. And yet they're not a Muslim. How's that possible, because of the separation between knowledge and morality, they can know about something and keep it at arm's distance, and just keep it theoretical. It's not doesn't have anything to do with that within the Islamic scheme. That's not moral. If you're going to know something, it better be a moral knowledge. What are the prophets of Allah holiday, some say Allahumma kalimna Magan founder when fatten up the man was using their own money, he said, Oh, Allah give us beneficial knowledge. That means that some knowledge is not beneficial.

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So if there's all knowledge and someone's beneficial, and some of us not, we don't learn just everything just to know it, like celebrity gossip, don't need to know. Okay, other things like that what your neighbors doing behind closed doors, these sorts of things that are private, you don't need to know the latest scandal on Twitter, you don't need to know beneficial knowledge, not beneficial knowledge, get rid of the knowledge, it's not beneficial, one fat now the amount on them to know okay, we're going after beneficial knowledge now. Good. We ask a lot to make it benefit us, that tells us what that we can have beneficial knowledge and it might not benefit us. How, if we're

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arrogant, if we use it for personal gain, if we deal with it, or relate to it in an immoral way, in our tradition, there's no separating knowledge of morality. And only after that, and the Duat was Xena human and increase us in knowledge. We don't ask for quantity. Until we figured out quality. We don't ask for more knowledge until we've taken care of number one. Number two beneficial knowledge morally related to apply to moral ends. So if you're in a secular university, quote, unquote, near a secular learning environment, take away the secular don't learn anything that's not beneficial. The things that you do learn that are beneficial, relate to it in a moral way. principled way,

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everything that you're going to learn, you're going to apply it in a way that Allah is happy with. You're not going to become the weapons developer for Lockheed Martin, you're not going to become somebody who experiments on animals and tortures them, right. You're going to have principles, you're going to be able to turn down the next stage in your career if it means compromising your principles. You're gonna say no, that's moral knowledge. And that's how to navigate through the secular system.

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