Tom Facchine – Reflections on the Prophet’s dhikr #1

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the Prophet Muhammad's use of words after his prayer to explain the meaning behind actions and words. They also mention the importance of seeking forgiveness after a prayer to maintain a clue and avoid distraction from others. The speaker emphasizes the need for a culture of seeking forgiveness after actions and words are completed to avoid confusion and distraction.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah.

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Somebody recently asked me

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about the meaning, in the context of some of the things that the Prophet Muhammad SAW. He said, I'm used to say, after his salah, after his prayer, and I thought it was a really good question and a really good topic to make actually a video series out of because if you're like me,

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sometimes you you rush through your liquor after the prayer. Sometimes even if you don't rush and you take your time, you still kind of recite it mechanically. And

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don't take the opportunity to dwell on the meanings

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that are within the formula the Prophet Mohammed sigh Saddam use to us.

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And so inshallah we'll do a series of videos just breaking down one at a time, sort of some of the some of the things that Prophet Muhammad cites that I'm used to say, after his prayer, that were part of his Likud.

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And what is the wisdom behind them? And what are kind of the benefits to them? So the Prophet Muhammad SAW you said, the first thing that he used to say after completing his prayer was a stop for law. He used to seek forgiveness from a law three times after his prayer.

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Now, you're probably wondering, why would the Prophet Muhammad so I said, I'm seek forgiveness. At this point, we're used to thinking of the word of stuff for law as something that said, when we, when we see or hear something that's evil, or something that's Haram is stuff for Allah.

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This is the opposite case we have, we're completing an act of worship. The second pillar of Islam after the shahada, the first thing we're going to be asked about, this is the prayer. So why would we say a stop for Allah after completing one of the acts, its most beloved to Allah.

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A lot of the scholars, you know, they talk about the wisdom behind this. And they say that, when we say a stop for a while we're making up for what our prayer lacked.

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If you're like me, again, when you're in your prayer, you're finding that you are distracted by all sorts of things. You know, it doesn't take but two seconds, after starting your prayer, with even a very sincere intention, and then all of a sudden, you're thinking about your work, you're thinking about your family, you're thinking about all the errands that you have to run later in the day, it's very, very hard to maintain focus and to be to maintain your clue.

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So because of this lack, that is built into our prayer, because none of us are perfect, and most of us aren't performing our acts of worship perfectly. We are given this, this this step for a lot immediately after the prayer in order to compensate for the deficiency in that act of worship that we just completed. And this is a principle that we actually find in many, many other acts of worship. This is part of the wisdom behind having seen the prayers that are tied to the fungi that are tied to the obligatory prayers. It's also some of the wisdom behind having the six days to fast show up. Because fasting obviously, isn't just abandoning food and drink. It's also it's an entire

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spiritual state where we're not supposed to say certain things and we're supposed to be very, very careful with using our time.

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Ramadan is 30 days long and the vast majority of us aren't achieving that state, moment to moment and so we're given the opportunity to make up for that deficiency and make up for that lack with an extra act of worship after it is done. Similarly is seeking the forgiveness of Allah after our prayer that come along with Adam. We'll be doing some others inshallah future 100 Allah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah

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