Tom Facchine – Reflections on the Prophet’s dhikr #2

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of holding daily prayer as part of achieving peace and liability, and how it is linked to achieving the source of life. They also mention the need to turn back to Allah for guidance on how to maintain healthy and hedgecyberious lifestyles.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. Another thing that Prophet Mohammed Salah said I'm used to say after his prayer as part of his dhikr was Allahumma Anta Salam wa Minkus Salam Tabata, Yellin jewellery will a cron and the origin of the statement actually goes back to Khadija.

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In the beginning of the prophet hood so of the of the prophesy Saddam,

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the prophet conveyed to Khadija that Allah was sending salam to her. And so Khadija actually responded, Allah who said, I'm warming husana. So we basically say, this formula after we pray as part of our liquid we say Allahumma Anta Salam wa Minca Sudan to the rock together jelly or chrome. Oh Allah, you are peace.

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And from you is all peace. To Bharati.

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One of the lessons for saying this after our prayer is that the prayer in and of itself is supposed to give us peace and tranquility.

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A law has legislated

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five daily prayers within our day. Because our souls the way that Allah has created them the way that Allah has structured them, the bare minimum that it takes to maintain our relationship with Allah, and to maintain the purity of our souls and our hearts, is to turn back to him five times a day in prayer.

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And so this prayer is supposed to have this effect of achieving, if we're doing it correctly, it's supposed to achieve peace and tranquility. And we're supposed to be reminded that all peace and tranquility, the source it comes from Allah and so we are seeking his his health and achieving peace and tranquility in this life and in the next. This is kind of the opposite scenario of what Allah says in surah Taha, when he says, The one who turns away from the remembrance of Allah, then he's going to live a life of a monk, he's going to live a life that is constricted and difficult and miserable. So we have these sort of two things playing off of each other, somebody who turns away

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from the remembrance of Allah, they're going to find themselves in a lot of turmoil. And the person who turns themselves towards a law in regular prayer, and makes their intention pure and does it in the best way that they're able to do it. A lot is going to, to give him in sha Allah, this piece and this tranquility. And this is part of what we're reminded of when we say antas Aloma into Sudan when Minca set up that eco Allahu Adam was not allowed to be Mohammed

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