Tom Facchine – Jummah Khutbah 01-09-2023

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The transcript is a series of disconnected sentences and phrases that touch on the reasons behind disunity and potential split-backs in the race. The Prophet sallama had asked for four things, but only three of them, and the importance of acceptance and application of Islam's views in publicity and community organization is emphasized. The use of the word "anywhere shuttle" in English to describe differences between different types of differences is also discussed, along with the idea of explaining differences between Islam and religion through deeds and loyalty.
AI: Transcript ©
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So don't want to come on after lunch

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shadow Allah

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as heard

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more hands

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s heard

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more hands

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Hi Mia our low sauna

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Hi me no sauna

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Hi me

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how you me

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In Alhamdulillah, no matter who want to stand you know who want to step foot or whenever the below him in Shruti unforseen or women say to Lena Mejia had to learn for Allah Mobley Lillah wa mejor little filler her the other word Chateau and La ilaha illallah wa to hula shatta you gotta wash shadow and no more hammered and Abdu Hura su yeah yo holla Deena I'm an otaku allah how to karate he will let her Mattoon Illa until mostly moon yeah Johan NASA taco Raja Kamala the hara for coming up soon Wahida wahala come in has Oh Jaha what does that mean? hamari Jalan cathedral one is what up Hola. Hola, de tous Luna be here. What are ham in Hola? Hurricane alley como la Kiba Yeah, yo, holla

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Deena, I'm going to Taco la How are Kulu Conan salida useless Calm. Calm. We'll fill the calm the Uber calm will mejor de la hora Sudha who forgot the first if it was an AR Vemma about for instance, stock of Hadith he Kitab Allah well as an oil heavy heavy Mohamed and Salah Allahu alayhi wa sallam was shuttle Ohmori Matata to her were called the most attended or collaborator attend Bala.

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Allah subhana wa Tada talks to us through the core en and explains to us what to expect in terms of unity and dis unity. Allah azza wa jal says well OSHA or a book ledger or NASA or mutton Wahida walleye as Aluna mokhtari Fein Illman rocky Mara book, while either eco hada home, Allah azza wa jal says and if your Lord had willed, He could have made all of mankind one single community but in fact, they will never cease to differ, except for whom Your Lord has given mercy. And he created them for that.

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This ayah is packed with wisdom and subtlety. One of them is that we see that Allah azza wa jal is setting us up for reasonable expectations. He is showing us what to expect that disunity and discord and disagreement and strife is built into the creation no matter how hard you work, or I work or we attempt to eradicate our Ummah, our neighborhood, our nation, our world, from disagreements and disunity that it will always exist.

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And this is part of Allah's Will, and this will has wisdom behind it. He says, while he that he Kochalka home, and there's a double meaning going on here, meaning that he said, first of all, that this will afflict everybody except who Allah has mercy upon. So he's showing us that we are to be united and there are many other ayaats in the Koran that demonstrate that to us. And that it to be united is a mercy from Allah subhana wa Tada. And he created us for this mercy, but also a second meaning is that He created us for this test. For this test of disagreement for this test of difference, how are we going to deal with it? What are we going to do in response to it? And how are

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we going to proceed from there? Will we pass this test? If you look into the prophetic Sunnah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he may do that. And you also you always know to pay special attention to the DUA that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made because he is teaching you. He is teaching you through his door. What are the good things to ask for? And what are the things that we ask Allah subhanaw taala to save us from? In one Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked for four things. And this was done in MSG that that's called that's referred to by that message Elijah that, that the prophets, prayers were being answered in this message. However, on

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this particular occasion, Allah subhanaw taala granted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam three, not four of the things that he asked for. Do you know what was the thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked Allah azza wa jal for but Allah said no, it was unity. It was that this OMA would stay together and would never split apart and would never fight one another. And he informed his companions that Allah azza wa jal said no, he did not grant us that. So we know that this is something we are to seek unity and yet it is something that is always evading us. It has always something just out of our grasp, partly because the wisdom as we said is that Allah is

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testing us to see how we deal with it.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he also said In another Hadith, and this is a very well known Hadith that once the sword is unsheathed from one Muslim against another, that it will not be put back into that sheath until the Day of Judgment, informing us and again setting our expectations that this

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Some of the disagreements and disunity we have are actually going to reach the level of bloodshed. That this is something that we should not despair about necessarily. It's wrong that we tried to fix it. But we don't have a crisis of faith because Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to expect this. This is the dunya.

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If we look into the causes, we ask ourselves, how if our task at hand is to respond to this disunity and this fracturing?

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We have to have an assessment just like you go to the doctor, you have symptoms, you want to understand what's the diagnosis, what is the cause of the symptoms, that I experienced the fever and the runny nose and the headaches, we need to look into the causes of the disunity to understand them. And then Allah subhanaw taala is expecting that we fight against them to the best of our ability, while realizing that it will never be completely successful. There's two causes you'll find and I've said this in the books. If you look behind this unity, you'll usually find two causes. One of them is transgressive. pneus, transgressing going beyond what is right it's going beyond what is

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fair. Allah subhanaw taala refers to this

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in sort of Herat, or in Thor if autonomy and want me Nina tatata. LUFA also have been a homer for him. Bekata Hoonah, if one of them the other lblv is someone who goes too far, who takes things too far. They left the limits that they were supposed to abide by. And we'll explain that I and what Allah subhanaw taala wants us to do in this situation in a moment.

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How do we respond to such a person, somebody who won't listen to reason somebody who's going to take things too far? Allah subhanaw taala tells us to fight it with Taqwa with fear of Allah subhana wa Tada in those ayat, in Surah, Taha Surat Allah azza wa jal tells us that our priority is sold is to bring them back together.

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Into if attainment and want means Takatsu for elsley who Bina Houma for him that got

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the call to let he typically had to feed Mila for in third. I'll see her being a homer biller. They were actually two in Allahu hebbal Marcos 18 And then Allah Spanish Allah says in the Melmac Mina

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the believers are nothing else if not brothers.

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The Aussie Habana co aka tequila, so make soul between your brothers mend the differences between your brothers unify come together to fix the disunity as much as possible and fear Allah. That this is what we need to do it. The prophets of Allah who Allah He was set on he once said to his companions as they were gathered or gathered around him, help your brother, oppressor or oppressed. And the Companions they were confused. They said the Rasul Allah, we understand very, very clearly how we can help someone if they are oppressed, but how do we help someone if they are an oppressor and the prophets of Allah who Allah He was southern responded, you help him by preventing him from

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oppressing others. So the first cause of disunity is a nobody is taking things too far trans aggressiveness. But there's another cause that's equally important to pay attention to. And that is ignorance, the

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ignorance of the deen not understanding what is truly the disunity that Allah subhanaw taala is talking about in this ayat that we're supposed to minimize, and not understanding what's the normal, expected amount of variety and differences that exist within our ummah. If you don't have knowledge of this Deen, if you are ignorant, then you will either fall to one extreme, or the other.

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You will either the attitude of anything goes. And so we can have female Imams and leading the Salah and things that were unknown to the self and things that are clear innovation and heresy. That's one extreme. But there is another extreme. And that is not being able to differentiate valid differences of opinion from true disunity.

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Erecting artificial barriers, seeing any little difference whether you where you put your hands and salah or how high you raise them when you make tech beef, or do you wag your finger or pointed straight or wait just for that one instance, and saying this is the same disunity that Allah has found to us talking about we must eradicate it. These are two different things. And you need you need knowledge of your Deen in order to differentiate between the differences that we are expected to tolerate and live with and be okay with and the differences that are truly threatening to our unity as Muslim brothers and sisters. If we look at the other map, we see examples of how they

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tolerated certain differences. Mmm

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committed Rahim Allah, he was of the opinion that when you sit or you stand in Salah and you lead salah, you do not recite the bus Mala

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in Surah Al Fatiha, you say it quietly to yourself. This was out of mind Rahim and then you began Alhamdulillah

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Imam Shafi Rahim Allah was of the opposite of his opinion. He said no you have to yes huddled Busman or you have to say Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim when you start Surah, Surah fattier so when Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah was traveling in lands that were dominated by people that were students of a Shafi and followed a Shafi his fic, he would follow him on a chef his opinion, he would not make a stink about it, he would not say I'm not going to go pray in that machine. Because they do not follow my opinion and this Messala

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there's other examples where even Rahimullah someone would come to him for a fatwa, or for Cabal, they will come to him for a ruling. And he had an opinion and he knew that Phoolan Sheikh Falana, another scholar down the road had a different opinion. And he would send them to the other one, he would say, don't take my opinion on this, take this from Sheikh Fula and down the street, we need to be able to differentiate, we need to have enough nuance to tell the difference between the types of disagreements and disunity that threaten us as an ummah and the types of disagreements or differences that actually strengthen us. I'll go over three types of differences today.

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The first type of difference that exists in our OMA are differences that are not even disagreements, yes, differences that are not even disagreements. They are simply variety. They are simply doing something right. And perhaps doing something even more, right. They are even maybe we could say priorities. Maybe one takes priority over the other but they're both correct. Examples of this include the opening dua, when you make your prayer. There are multiple narrations from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he would change it up.

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And so is this one thing right? And one thing wrong? No, this is acceptable variety. Another example is the Quran at the modes of recitation. We have it authentically narrated Maliki omit deen and Maliki omit Deen. This is acceptable variety both of them completely correct from Allah subhanaw taala.

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This is not difference. This is not disunity. This is not fitna. This is acceptable variety that exists in our deen. Similarly, if we look and apply this logic to ourselves, not everyone can do the exact same thing as some of you are built in a certain way with certain skills. And so your contribution to the community will not look like the contribution of somebody else. Not every single one of us has to leave our jobs and go study abroad, the dean and understand Arabic etc. Some of you are going to be like Earth man, the financier of the masjid of the program of the personnel, whatever has to be done. Others are going to be like Omar, they are tough and they can handle people

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out in a public confrontation. Other of you are going to be like Abu Bakar. This is variety. Some of you are going to be more inspired by just like we're inspired by different acts of worship, some of you prefer salatu salam, some of you prefer to hedge good. Some of you prefer charity, this is normal variation that we have to accept. If any one of you wants prefers activism, or community organization, or knowledge or finance, these are all perfectly acceptable ways to be and in fact, we need all of it. We need all of it, we cannot stand up without all of it.

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That was the first type

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of differences. They're not even disagreements. The second type are DS, their disagreements, but the disagreements are valid. And therefore they are impossible to settle. And you and I in the history year have 1445 or 2023 in the Common Era. We're not going to solve them. They've been unsolved up until then, this is the disagreements that existed between the mother head, the schools of FIP we had an auntie, mashallah, last night at Georgia Tech, we were giving a talk at Georgia Tech. And we had to explain she was like, why is a common doubt? Why can't we just all unite on Quran and Sunnah and everybody do the same thing. It's a It's It sounds nice, doesn't it? But if you look, even in

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the other mat, they have differences. And these differences are legitimate and valid. Some of those differences have to do with authenticity. Obviously there's things that everybody agrees on the Koran is all of it is authentic Hamdulillah

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we also have one of the brothers if you could please Sorry, scoot up. We need people in the room at the back. So please if you're able to scoot up

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there are

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legitimate differences in the authenticity of some Hadith sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim everybody knows that these are authentic. But when you get into the Sunnah, and some of the Hadith, there's a difference of opinion, is this authentic or not? You have scholars on each side. So some scholars might hold that a certain hadith is authentic, and others say that no, that's not authentic, and it will affect their fifth, it will affect whether you raise your hands this high, or this high, or whether you hold here or here or here at cetera, et cetera, after authenticity, another reason that the Mad disagreed in this type of disagreement is due to interpretation and this

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is what we were telling the auntie last night. Do you know that and sort of to Nisa, and and sort of made out when I last found the other talks about the process of although, and he uses one psycho Bureau OC comb,

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that single letter heartful bap, the single letter, every month has a different opinion as to what this letter means. Does it mean that when you wipe over your head and we'll do it means all of the head? Does it mean most of the head? Does it mean some of the head or does it mean just the smallest thing that you could even refer to as the head?

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You'll find Abu Hanifa saying one thing that it means 1/3 of the head and Malik saying no two thirds and achmad saying all of it, and a Shafi saying the smallest bit

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this is acceptable difference, it's justified, it is core and if you look in their arguments, it's all Quran and Sunnah and Liga, the same evidence, but there's a difference in interpretation. These differences of interpretation are valid, and we must accept them and we must tolerate them within our ummah. This is not the type of disunity that Allah subhanaw taala blames and asks us to fight. And the final one is the application. How do we apply? We take the Koran and we take the Sunnah, but we have to apply it in real time. Somebody comes into the masjid, and they're interested in Islam, but they're not. They're not dressed properly. They're covered in different things. They may use

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drugs they may this is real life Dawa. How do you interact with those situations? Yes, there's going to be difference in how we apply the guidance. So Allah subhanaw taala chose to allow a certain amount of gray area with these types of differences in between the yoga mat and this is acceptable difference. And this is these are things that we should tolerate, and understand. And even at times celebrate. There was an uncle in our community up in central New York, which is called Utica, a lot of Yemenis up there. And we also have a lot of Burmese so the Yemenis typically follow the Shafi myth him and the Burmese tend to follow the Hanafi method. One or eat prayer. A Yemeni uncle went to

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pray eat Salah with the Burmese. And as you might know, the Hanafi Salah is very different from the gem hope you make the tuk Pirot after you come up from the record. So the poor uncle was very confused. And he came back to the messy later that day and he was very upset. Does my salah count. I don't know what that was I never seen it before. And I said yeah, me come on to the books we have the books of the setup and the statements of the companions that we found the Companions doing the same thing or they thought or the other one who used to pray in the way that the Hanafi is follow for that eight prayer. This is difference that we have to accept and we have to tolerate it. It is

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not a mark of disunity that Allah subhanaw taala would find blameworthy. The third and final type of disagreement that we will go over today are inexcusable disagreements, things that conflict, Islam in what is agreed upon in Islam. This is not acceptable. When it comes to the belief that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the final messenger. There is no other opinion than that. It is not acceptable to believe that someone else after himself Allahu alayhi wa sallam was a prophet or messenger in any form. To have five prayers every day is something that is agreed upon by all the scholars of this ummah, Bell, all of the RLM all of the generality of this ummah. So if

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someone is to come today and say that, no, you know, one is enough, I pray when I feel like it, or for that person who is recounting their dreams that people are calling the methi I'll wait until Allah tells me to pray five times a day. This is something that is an unacceptable unexcusable difference of opinion. This is something that is outside the fold of Islam, and something that contradicts Islam entirely. And I wonder for those people, how the suppose that Matthew could not pray five times a day, when it comes to the LGBTQ agenda, and people pushing this on our children, in our communities, in our schools. They are challenging things that are agreed upon in our deen

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that have no room for this agreement. Or for a second opinion, the idea that same * relationships are actually okay. That the story of loop or the he Salaam is somehow

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being misinterpreted, completely outside of our deen, completely unacceptable, and not even a very intelligent argument. Rather, this is an argument that borrowed from the Christians. The idea that intersex people, people that you find in the in the fifth books, who were born with certain abnormalities are the same as trans people choosing to change their sexual organs. This is an inexcusable, inexcusable difference, a blameworthy difference, a difference that cuts at the root of Islam and all that we find holy. And it's not something that we can tolerate. It's not something that we can call Islam call your deen something else. But it's not Islam.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, that we have an anchor in history. And that anchor, keeping us tethered to what Allah subhanaw taala wants from us, is the understandings of the self Assad, the understandings of the companions, the understandings of the Tebbe.

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And so he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the best generation is my generation. And then the generation after me and then the generation after me, and then he stopped.

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So are you going to tell me that someone coming in 2023 has a better understanding of the deen than the Prophet Muhammad? sallallahu alayhi wasallam or his companions Abu Bakr or armor, Earth man or Ali or the rest of the companions? Absolutely not. These are things that are agreed upon that are settled in our deen and any sort of difference is not acceptable in them. A cola cola was stopped for the Lalibela commonly certainly Muslimeen we call them the stop federal in the hookah for Rahim.

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Alhamdulillah he Allah Cerny. washoku Allahu Allah toffee if you want in any way Shawanda ilaha illallah wa Taala should Iike the militia anywhere shuttle and an Abbey and I will say Eden and Muhammad Abdul who are sought to adapt. Swanee. So the law why do you want to early he was Harvey when he was studying with us even cathedra.

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We have examples for how to handle difference, even the hard differences and making distinctions between different different types of differences from the seller from the companions. Recall the Hadith that I mentioned earlier, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when the sword is taken out of its sheath, in my ummah, Muslims killing other Muslims, it's not going to be put back until the day of judgment. We saw that happen. We know the fitna that happened between the companions and the story, you know, between Ali and why we are the law one. That was a horrible, terrible situation. And yet, they had loyalty between them. And yet, they differentiated between

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different types of differences. During the heat of their disagreements.

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The Roman Emperor sent a letter to mo Alia, Radi Allahu Han, asking him for his allegiance, saying, If you join forces with us, I will bring you the head of Ali on a plate.

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And how did more IWEA react.

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He sent a very strong and angry message back, calling him the enemy of Allah. And saying that no, I will actually rather deliver your head to ally

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despite the differences that they have, despite the disagreements, despite the fitna they aren't they had something they had loyalty.

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What was that loyalty based upon? It was based upon those things that are agreed upon in Islam. The things that everybody knows the things that are the subject of consensus, even if they had differences and disagreements and even if they were taken to the level of bloodshed as Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran is a possibility. He told us as a possibility that they still had loyalty. And we today need that loyalty more than ever, even if we disagree. If we disagree on things that are less significant than this, we have to maintain that loyalty. Allah subhanaw taala told us in the Quran, while Athena Cafaro bow to him earlier or bad inlet if I know who to confits

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Mattoon fill out with a certain cubby those who are too far or those who reject Allah subhanaw taala their allies of one another. They help each other out their buds. If you don't do the same, meaning if you don't gather if you don't unite upon what is agreed upon in Islam, then there will be fitna on Earth and great corruption for masala was salam ala Nabi Rama, Morocco Morocco hate to call in Allahu Allah you got to who you saw Luna and maybe Yeah, yeah hello at the enamel sodwana He was a limiter screamer Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa early Mohamed coming on later la Brahim wa

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Ibrahim in Nikka Hamid Al Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad come about after other Ibrahim Ibrahim in Nico Hamid Majeed. Allahu Allah Azza the slammer with Muslim mean. What are the LA Szybko? Well, Mr. Kean, what their Deen one Sorry, bad meaning. What's your other Lahoma Billa al Islam in a moment in the era of the Ottoman, Allah hoomans so when and mustafina piccoli McCann Allahu McFeely me Nina when we met when mostly men and women mostly met

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him in home well and wet. Yeah, so I mean, are wet. Allah Huma Abedin. And

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the bell will ring a bell to the bell Taylor was looking at at NAB yeah I got a lot in a lot a lot more about it what certainly what you tell you the quarterback when how and in the fascia women carry well about a year they come now to come to their karoun That's what a lot of cortical mascara who are there any I mean, he has it Comala who yado metal stone

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