Tom Facchine – Eid Al Adha 2020 Khutba

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the importance of showing one's love for one's friend's community and the need for a strong message to convey one's views. The speakers also touch on the history of Islam, including Abraham's sacrifice and disapproval of his community, and the challenges of sacrificing one's life for a particular reason, including forbearance and negative experiences. The transcript also touches on Abraham's forbearance for two reasons: one, because he didn't ask for a child, and two, because he was born in a family with negative experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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on long

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all along

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alone was

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he booked Good

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willfully seen the carry handle care feed on

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law who

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was a

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long walk along

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why landslides

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or landslides

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was selling this name and cathedra

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Aloha was but

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was in the hot

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Sunday I got home

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Love Love Love Love

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why last Friday saying

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why last word just

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to say that

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this evening

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was settling last name and Kathy

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still struggling

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my god

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oh my god

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my god

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oh my god

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other family loved him on Bella knee Oh Ross Madden Rafi mining he'll be the E XR

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tennis dairy and then I'll set off on the screen on the lamina nine tiny white boy era in 104

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on me

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what goes

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on Lady sagia Now one cannot go to our map on one

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one as always we got on bootcamp and I travel along

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at Masada

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well I am

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meant to because I've had

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a lot

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sent me along hanging up

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know oh my god

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I love my phone

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I'm worried about

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the hour off Manu Rafi Maliki, you

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can now be staring at their cell phones we must say I'm on the line here

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lawyer movie or name was on me

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last night I saw

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while we're alive now

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carries me

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for the last little while know that any rock that

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in other writers reduce from 30

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songs why because oh

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send me

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Tell me now

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oh my god

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oh my god

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oh boy

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my God

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Allahu Akbar, Allah,

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Allahu Akbar Allah. Allah, Allah.

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Allah. Allah.

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Hola, Hawaii.

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The tech beers. Allah

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is the refrain of very,

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Allahu Akbar.

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Allah is the Greatest.

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Or literally, Allah is great. Allahu Akbar.

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The comparison is left open ended on purpose,

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greater than what?

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Greater than anything you could imagine or convey.

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A lot is greater than everything in this world.

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He is greater than our biggest fears.

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He is greater than our longings. He is greater than our hurt.

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He is greater than our joys, our sorrows, greater than even our sense of fulfillment, or incompleteness.

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We know that

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photobombed by one,

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we celebrate Abraham's sacrifice.

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But we often don't talk enough about what was it exactly that Abraham sacrificed today?

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What did he actually sacrifice?

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Was it his son?

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No, we know that

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is my honor.

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live a very long life.

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Was it the ram, the caption? Is this what everything is all about?

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It's true Abraham did sacrifice around as many of us will today, following an Abraham Hicks footsteps and in the footsteps of our Prophet Muhammad SAW a long way.

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But before Abraham sacrificed the round,

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he sacrificed something much more significant than that.

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He sacrificed his attachment to what he loved the most.

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This is a great lesson of reading,

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that our attachments to Allah subhanho wa Taala must be greater than our attachments to this world.

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You'll find the story and sort of saw effect

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versus 83 through 111. It begins with Mr. Hamilton fronting his people about their idolatry or if can

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allow him to redo it. Do you prefer a lie to Allah?

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Allah Tambo doing a man attack Cheeto. What law who fought up upon one that's our motto? He said, Do you worship that which you carve with your own hands? While it is a law, who created you and what you do?

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Abraham is pleading with them appealing to their reason and their common sense. Their response, as is often the response of people resolved and committed to sin was to threaten him with violence.

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They built an enormous fire and planners to throw him into

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ball over to level Banyana. Further poofy defeated.

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Abraham doesn't even find a reasonable response from his own father, as

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in this section of the Koran. It's only mentioned briefly in passing a law says if fatherly everyone told me in the chapel room, when he said to his father and his people, what is it that you're worshiping? But elsewhere in the Quran, Allah says that as his reaction to his son's pleading, was also to threaten to kill. Allah says the solar money, bought out all the women in time, we had to block him.

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Let him live in Santa Hilda Abdurrahman, Nikka. Walk through me leaving, his father said to him, Have you no desire for my God told Abraham. If you don't stop what you're doing, I will surely stone you. So get away from me.

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Imagine how devastated Ibrahim must have been.

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It's bad enough. His community has strengthened when you love the land you're born in. You love your people. This is something that's very natural.

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Abraham wanted the fastest thing for his people. He didn't want to prove them wrong, or embarrass them.

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He wants it to guide them and save them.

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But they met his sincere advice

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with scorn and hatred.

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Even with the disapproval of one's own community, usually, you can expect to count on your own flesh and blood, your family to support you, when no one else will.

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We know this from the life of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, whose unbelievable thought it supported him materially time and time again, even while rejecting the stamp.

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Abraham though, was denied at the support of his family was well

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imagine the sense of betrayal. Abraham must have felt knowing that his community any of his own father, would rather kill him that have their own superstitions, even question.

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His father threatens to stone him his community threatens to burn him alive. Abraham had to choose between the attachment that he had to his father and his homeland on one hand, and his attachment to Allah on the other

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If you wanted to,

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if he was a lesser man,

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he could have chosen what was more convenient. He could have chosen what was more comfortable. He could have given up his beliefs. He could have chosen the approval of his father in this community.

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But Abraham's attachment to Allah was far greater than that.

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They went ahead and built a huge fire throwing him in right before the flames touching an angel approaches different kinds of masks. Is there anything you need for me?

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Abraham's reliance upon Allah subhanaw taala is so strong and exclusive, that he says from you know,

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but from Allah, yes.

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Allah miraculously cause the fires before Abraham was saved. Directly after this is when Abraham flees to Palestine. And while he's doing so he makes a wish.

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He asks a lot for a righteous child from be heavily in a solid game.

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Abraham is appealing to a lot by his excellent things. He addresses a lot as rugby, my Sustainer demonstrating his dependence upon Allah. He asks us in the article header, which points to Allah's Name, Allah Maha, the one who always grants the one who bestows showing that absolutely everything comes from Allah.

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The timing here is not accidental, even to fear says from his tafsir that Abraham is asking for a child at this particular point in time to replace his father, and to replace the people whom he left behind.

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Allah responds to this perfect supplication for the best show now who live with them. They're heavy. So we gave him glad tidings of a forbearing boy, glad tidings because it is a righteous child that he's asking for this is a good interviewer thing.

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And forbearance is one of the best qualities a person can have the Prophet Muhammad. So the Lord told us this. How do you have the economic test? When he said that the SOG marketplace? in Ephesus hospital team, you're capable of Allah, let him win from a Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu. So he said to my church on the place, certainly, you have two qualities that Allah loves. One of them is forbearance.

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It's significant that Allah made this nail forbearing for two reasons. First, because Abraham didn't ask for that specific.

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So a lot gave Abraham even more than what he asked for.

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seconds, because forbearance is exactly the quality that this fire would need for the test to come.

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All our tests just like this, Mario's our plan for us firewall

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to us like a tailored suit.

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So just as a Hafez plan your tests in his life, know that he has also given you exactly what you need to pass.

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The story is not over. It's not yet happily ever after a law says Phillip, who sat

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in the

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knee of Black Law says that once Izmail have reached what Allah calls the age of exertion. Abraham receives a dream from a law that he will have to slaughter his own son.

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By the age of exertion, what is meant is around the age where Ismailia was old enough to help this father with chores with his daily work. And follow up says that this is around 13 years old. Here in the United States of America, when you're 13 years old, you're about the seventh or eighth grade. You're just about to enter high school. You're starting to carve out your own identity. You're becoming aware of your interests, your hobbies, what you like and don't like. You start to show potential in certain skills and activities. You have your full life ahead of you, and that life seems full of potential and promise.

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Imagine now how many got life snatched away

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Some of us in our community know the sorrow and pain of losing a child suddenly,

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those parents and relatives know too well, the pain of having to bury your own child, and with them, your hopes and dreams for them.

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Now imagine that you are asked to end that young life yourself.

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And you're starting to get a small idea of what Abraham was being tested with.

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Abraham acts with much more composure than many of us could imagine. He asked his son his opinion, showing respect and mercy to him and he says, Son,

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He could have commanded me he could have told him this is the command of the law. That's it.

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How many of us bark orders our children for much less important things.

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But Abraham's approach allows this value to share in the test and therefore in the reward is higher passes this test with flying colors. He tells us father bought a 35 man to

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do what you've been commanded. So touching up Masha, Allah, Mina sabe.

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He says something beautiful after he tells his father to go through with it.

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He says that by the will of Allah,

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his father will find her to be patient.

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This guy, even at this young age recognizes that patients itself is something we depend upon the law to give to us.

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They both so that philosophers Fernando masculina what type of level he used to need.

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A lot of uses the verb s lemma, which is from the 07 piece.

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This shows them their compliance with this task at hand was not reluctant. It wasn't fearful. It wasn't anxious.

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How could Abraham maintain such peace? Abraham realized that even our children just like everything else Allah grants us in life doesn't really belong to us.

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Yeah age where slogans such as my body find choice resonate intuitively for So Abraham stance is radically different.

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And embodiment the last and then quoted in the solidarity order, so he went back yeah, you're gonna meditate exactly about that it.

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This is a commandment from Allah, that I know he says, say, certainly my prayer, and my pilgrim rights, my life and my dad, they belong to Allah Sustainer of the universe, even in our own bodies, are not truly our own. They are borrow,

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entrusted to us by our sustain.

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So when Abraham lays a smile down, fully intends on carrying out a loss command, a voice suddenly calls out to Abraham, and he has already fulfilled his vision. Instead of slaughtering the sun he has given around instead of starting the tradition that we follow to this day, Allah says, After the story of the sacrifice proposers in how loyal they're going to be.

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Allah says, certainly, this was the clear test.

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Allah uses three linguistic devices here to show emphasis and exclusivity. First, Allah says inner which means certainly for very good. So in my heart, I mean, certainly less than a lot of us is cool, the personal pronoun for it. Many scholars of tafsir including a Saudi have said that when Allah uses an additional pronoun like this, that communicates exclusivity in only like when Allah says Hola, a woman

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they are successful in exclusion to everyone else, or in the hope who Allah for walking. He is the Most Forgiving and most Merciful and exclusion to everyone else.

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Finally, all yours was done in Tokyo before the pronoun for extra level one. So literally, Allah says here, certainly this Verily, it was the clear truck.

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The challenge of sacrificing his son was the fear test, not facing the scorn of his community, not the betrayal of his own father, not being kicked out.

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have his own home lab, not being childless for so long.

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Those are all tests. Sure. But they weren't nearly stepping stones on the path leading up to the main point, the big challenge, the real test this giving up the thing that he cherished, most on Earth. That was the real test

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will be

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how is it possible that all gives more importance to this test than the others.

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Abraham was thrown into the fire, he was turned away by his collar. Perhaps this because confronting an enemy even if that enemy is from your own people, or your own family is easier than letting go of what you love the most.

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After it's all said and done, looked at the reward a lot has in store for Abraham, what's up now, after the we gave her an enduring legacy, so that will not earn any more here. So peace be upon karate connectors, or CD, that is how we reward those who excel in doing your

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income may be certainly he has a month are believing service. After reporting how the last month you're

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putting them first of all in a report

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Hola, hola. Hola. Hola. Hola.

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Hola. Hola. Hola.

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And sometimes, we live our lives, as if our happiness as if even our faith is dependent upon something we ultimately you cannot control.

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Sometimes we do that if we can't dictate the terms of our lives, we would not rather not be alive at all.

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We feed and strengthen our attachments in this temporary life until they become a cage that surrounds us.

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Every blessing we have goes unnoticed, because we have become slaves of our own urine.

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Now, Allah would never ask us to sacrifice our goals, or aspirations, or to take appropriate action. After all, Abraham truly once in a righteous time. And although he was tested through that once, at the end of the day, he tapped us so

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keep in your attachments in check does not necessarily mean living without the things that we want. But what Allah calls us to, through the story of Abraham is freedom.

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Freedom from the bondage of those attachments.

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Freedom from wanting too much.

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When our main attachment is to Allah, then after we have planned that after we have prayed after we've tried our hardest, and still don't get what we want, we will be free from despair.

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We will be free from crisis, free from blaming ourselves or blaming others.

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Our attachment to a law will liberate will liberate us from the fear of losing what we have, just as it will enable us to become more grateful for that which we do have.

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Just like Abraham before us, if our attachment to a law is strong, we will be taxed upon the faith, we will be given true peace and our attachment to Allah will endure past this life and to the next. Almost what we're solving

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for the family

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or even a definitely

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a loved

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one was alternative, but I didn't have those in the mountain was an inevitable

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slam on the screen while they will shift your machine but I'm gonna do it once a week in which I have held up the ladder this time I'm in

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the army meeting with

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