Mufti Menk – Facing Reality – Light Upon Light in Harrogate

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of finding one's desires in a rewarding and rewarding way, avoiding negative emotions, and balancing personal behavior. They stress the need for patience, finding a way to avoid negative emotions, and surrendering to one's own abilities and finding one's own happiness. The store is full of stores and people are encouraged to visit.
AI: Transcript ©
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Just once everyone settles in the

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the donation forms are filled etc. We'll move on to the next part of our evening and Sharla so just bear with us for a couple of minutes whilst we get ourselves ready for that

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Okay, is everyone ready for the next speaker?

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Come on very warm take beer. I will say thank you beer and Allahu Akbar. And we're gonna bring our speaker who's come all the way from the United States of America.

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Deck beer

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Oh, man, was that good enough for you?

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Yeah, I'm the law

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said I want to live at a cartoon

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show I could get used to getting introduced by a guy named almost today man. That's not some narcissistic choice but he happens to be a better version of almost today man what hamdulillah hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah while he was talking to women, whether it's wonderful to see you all mashallah, once again Gela to Allah Dear brothers and sisters, I wanted to begin tonight actually picking up from a theme which I started to speak about last night. And what I'm looking to do in sha Allah is connect some of the verses from the very beginning of the Quran, with the very end of the Quran that speak to us about our journey in life. Allah subhana hota atta begins with the

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story of Adam it has Salam. It is fitting that it is the first story that we find in the entire Quran where Allah tells us about how our father was hasty. And as a result of the hastiness, that mistake that was made, he lost out on a Jana the ultimate destination, but Allah subhana which Allah forgave him, and now we as the children of Adam, it his Salam do not inherit his sin or his burden, but we are a continuation of that journey. And then Allah subhanahu Bucha Allah tells us about the first people in the Quran, the first group of people in the Quran, and it's only fitting that Allah subhanaw taala starts with the very first human being, to connect us to our essence and then Allah

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Subhana Allah to Allah as a collective starts with the immediate Amma, the immediate nation that comes before us to connect us to proximity. And Allah subhanho wa Taala often will give us a picture of a person and then a picture of a people together. So for example, Allah Subhana Allah says to us about food our own, and then Allah subhanaw taala will then talk to us about what's the modality and Jabu Jabu sufferable what Allah azza wa jal will talk to us about the people of the mood. Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna says better than the bIllahi min ash shaytaan wa Jean. Yeah, then he is long enough. Corona Mattia, Lottie Nam Tala ECAM Oh children of Israel, remember the blessing that I have

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bestowed upon you think of all the favors and the blessings that I have bestowed upon you. Whoa, phobia De Wolf EBR decom and if you fulfill your covenant to me, then I will fulfill My covenant to you what each phone will have on and fear me alone. What I mean will be my

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two moose on the pond, Lima Macomb, one Arthur Kuhn who won a calf eating one touchdown won't be Iowa T thumb, I know barley. What he dumped on last panel, Jonathan says, and believe in that which I have sent to you, and sent previous to you to the prophets that came before

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and do not be amongst those who rushed to disbelieve in me

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and be conscious of me. And Allah subhanaw taala continues to tell us the story of advices that he gives to Benny slightly, until Allah subhanho wa Taala then mentions as a result of that contract that covenant that you hold with

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him was there in Oroville slavery was Salah and seek aid in this journey of yours with patience and prayer was stare ino the Saudi was Salah was in LA Kabira Tony Lionel Harsha in And verily It is heavy except for those who have humility and Levina a well known

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one Muhammad Allah He Raji Arun, those who are certain of their return to their Lord and those who are certain that their ultimate destination and destiny is back to him subhanho wa Taala although knowing the unknown Morocco robbing him, they know that one day they will stand before Allah subhana wa Tada And subhanAllah there's a beautiful connection here with these verses and with the verses where Allah azza wa jal speaks to Adam and his Salaam and about the money his Salaam and the continuation of that journey. When Allah subhanaw taala talks to us about Benny Islam. Allah mentions to us that he has bestowed blessings upon them and blessings upon them and blessings upon

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them. And like Adam it his salaam Allah bestow blessings upon him and blessings upon him and blessings upon him. But at the mighty his Salam made a mistake for a moment

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and did not see all of the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala bestowed upon him and instead chose to hasten towards a tree that Allah subhanaw taala told him to avoid.

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But then you have a people that are ignoring the blessings upon them, the blessings upon them, the blessings upon them, and continuously hasten towards the disobedience of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And so while Adam it has Salam returned to Allah has favor, Bani Islam, Eve continues to distance themselves from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah with every single test that comes towards them.

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Now I want us to speak about destination Jana, but now specifically talk about desires. The idea of controlling our desires, what gets in the way of us getting to Jannah.

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And sometimes it's easier to frame the discussion of Shala the discussion of desires and how desires get in the way of destination Jana, by looking at a suburb by looking at patience in the face of trial, and the amount of Nurofen on the outside and who used to say, we were tested with hardship, and we were patient, but we were tested with ease and we were not able to be patients. We were tested with tribulations and we were able to show sub, we were able to show patience. But we were then tested with ease and blessings. And we were not able to show patience, as if to say that sometimes when you're getting hit with something, it's easier to not have an appetite for this

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world. It's easier to turn that despondence and despair into a connection to Allah subhanaw taala than it is when the world has opened its doors to you and to still restrict yourself.

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When Allah subhanaw taala tells us about patience. And this idea of being struck by something of hardship, some of the trials that come our way as we are headed towards Janna and they are gifts in disguise because they allow us to focus once again and recalibrate on Jana. Allah subhana huzzah Allah mentions to us those who when they are struck with hardship,

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what best should is sobbing, give them the glad tidings Alladhina Eva Asaba Tommaso Eva, those who when they are struck by a trial God who in Allah when Allah He Raji rune, they say to Allah we belong and to Allah we return. They say to Allah, we belong unto Allah, we return, to show us that in that instance of a difficulty, there is an opportunity, and a person who has been struck by a great trial and a great hardship. If they've been preparing themselves for a sadhna for that moment of shock, then all that they have preparing themselves with, will present itself in a beautiful opportunity that cannot be found in any other place. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a

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solver and the submittal Allah, that patience is at the first strike. You don't just suddenly Garner up patience when a massive tribulation comes to you. You prepare yourself for a massive sadhana for a massive moment of trial. And not truly what you have been nurturing inside of you. materializes in a beautiful inner Lila, he were in LA Raggio.

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And the ultimate sadhna. The ultimate shock and strike that you're preparing for

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is death. Because even if you proceed through this life, with relative ease, all of us will have the sadhana, that moment of death.

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And the words that you want to have ready for that moment of death for that ultimate sadhana is La Ilaha illa Allah. If you can say La ilaha illallah at your last moments and Subhanallah if you've been around DYING PEOPLE, you will see how difficult it is to have someone say La ilaha illallah at that last moment, but if you can garner up an entire life of trying to live by Kadima to toe heat, trying to live by that word of la ilaha illa Allah, and then it materializes in a word of la ilaha illAllah. In that final moment of your life, you enter into Jana, it's not because you suddenly remember at the time of death to say like Allah, Allah, Allah, it's because you've been preparing

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yourself, your entire life would lie Allah, Allah, Allah, and then the sadhna of death comes to you, the shock of death comes to you and now in Lulla.

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It's heavier than 1000 pounds at that moment, but its weight and its reward is eternity and Janna because you prepared yourself for that sadhana, for that shock.

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For every other sadhna in life, for every other shock in life, you prepare yourself for that moment of opportunity to say, in LA he were in LA he Raji rune to Allah we belong, and to Allah, we return. And when you are able to do that, whether it is small or big, you have a beautiful reward that is given to you a beautiful reward that is unlocked for you. And the Quran is very visual, the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is very visual, that you unlock something that is far more beautiful. And that opportunity only exists in the very beginning of patience. That's not to say that there isn't patience after two days or three days or after six months or a year. But that is to

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say that a solid metal hula, that first strike presents a very particular opportunity and a very particular reward. So for example,

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one of the most difficult trials a person can face which is to lose a child, may Allah subhanaw taala, comfort all of the parents in here and beyond, who have struggled with that difficulty who have been tested with the difficulty of losing a child. Those who are able to in that moment, still turn to Allah subhanaw taala in that great difficulty, and say Alhamdulillah in Rila, he went late Roger on

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what did we learn? Allah subhana junta Allah tells the angels once again because we're always we're always in the conversation. The one who remembers Allah subhanaw taala at night focused on the destination of Jana teta Jaffa Juno boom and in Milan Jaya you had your own home health and Motomura fighting with their sides, exerting themselves for that reward Allah subhanaw taala boasts to the angels about them. And now when you're struck by a great difficulty, ALLAH SubhanA Tirana says to the angels, have you taken the coolness of my son's eyes, my servant's eyes? Have you taken the coolness of my servant's eyes? Have you taken what gave that person sweetness in life? And the angel

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say Yes, Mother Karla Abdi.

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What did my servants say? Alhamdulillah in Allah Allah Who Anna Anna your audio

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still all praises due to Allah and to Allah we belong unto Allah we return. In that moment, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada unlocks a beautiful reward. Go construct that person a home and Paradise right now. Call it bait will Hemant the house of praise. There is a moment there. There is a moment when rebar don't why man, the servants of the Most Merciful May Allah Subhana Allah make us amongst them, where they face something that annoys them something that bothers them something that gets in their way.

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But they still maintain patience. And Allah Subhana Allah says, Hola, EK yo Zona Loretta Bhima Savile Row. And those people have these high lofty rooms and Paradise, by what? By their patience. There's a moment where patient strikes, it's in the heat of the argument. It's when you're getting in the middle of an argument. The hypocrite has no sense of the Hereafter either ha Sama, fudge up. It gets into an argument just goes all out. I'm gonna say the most hateful things possible the most hurtful things possible, because I want to inflict as much pain as possible right now in this argument. I want to win the argument.

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The believer thinks to themselves, I could have a house in paradise right now. The mentor Oracle Mira, Encana weten, the one who leaves off an argument even when they are right.

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So I don't want to win the argument I'd actually rather win

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House in paradise. So I'm gonna let you win this arguments because I want to win something in paradise. But it's at that moment, it's only in the beginning of the trial that you have such a beautiful opportunity that is present for you a sub metal ruler, Assad metal ruler submitted Hola, it hits you, it hits you, it hits you. And you know Subhanallah when you get struck with a trial or tribulation, the first level of patience is simply not to say something that's going to compromise your reward in the situation, or cause you to lose out or maybe even be condemned bubble. And so you hold yourself a suburb. Just hold yourself, you know, so the prophets lie. Some of them said to us,

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for example, if I was to ask you, what do you say when you get angry? What do you say when you get angry? What are you supposed to say when you get angry?

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Are live we live in a shakedown regime.

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The greatest reward is when you can seek refuge in Allah subhana wa Tada from the accursed the devil Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad were either Hartog Muhammad Jaya he don't call who Salam, Salam Alikum say good words. But the prophets like some southern authentic hadith and Muslim Imam Ahmed, either of all the but I had to confront Yes, good.

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If one of you gets mad, just be quiet. If you can't say anything good mankind or you want me to be law, he will Yeoman after failure can hire only as smart you can't say anything good

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than stay silence, the bare minimum is silence. But then there is another level

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and at sub accounting with Allah subhanaw taala is a sovereign, the raja it's our job is to be patient and to seek reward from Allah subhanaw taala. So when the strike comes to me, when the hardship comes to me, I'm going to say good things, I'm going to channel that pain to Allah subhanaw taala for the very tangible reward in paradise that has been promised to me that is unlike any other reward. That's when it comes to patience. Hold yourself at the bare minimum when the trial hits. And if you can seek Allah's pleasure through that trial, then do so. But don't cause yourself to fall into hellfire which would only compound your trial by doing something condensable in the midst of

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great pain. That's the bare minimum. But if you want to do even more, look for that horrified look for that high chamber in paradise. Look for that home in paradise where you praise the loss of hundreds and in the midst of a great difficulty. Take advantage of a solid metal ruler of the first strike, prepare yourself your entire life for the strike, because the ultimate strike will definitely come to you. Now when it comes to sha Allah,

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when it comes to our desires Subhan Allah what you find is that sobo with our desires patients with our desires is a very specific type of patients.

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And it's often a saga, and over the shower. That's not a hadith of the prophets lie Selim. But it's comparable in the sense that patience with your desires is when the desire first grows when you first have the impulse. When you first have the inclination to do something.

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You know, when you think about it,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he used to wake up for prayer, and I'm not going to take a I'm not going to take a poll here how you get a professional but some of you know how you get a prophetic. Some of you know how it's not to Jaffa Gen boom. And in Nevada, you're not fighting your bed, you're fighting your phone, you're fighting your alarm clock, and you just going right back to sleep. The prophesy son was described as worth about, he jumped up sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because you know, you and I both know that when that alarm goes off. The shower of sleep is so sweet, sweet to me right now too, by the way, so nice to sleep. Some of you are like, I'm

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enjoying the sleep so much right now. When people come up to me and say, you know, I listened to you at night when I want to go to sleep. I'm like, so you're saying I put you to sleep, right? So it's kind of insulting, but I'll take it as a compliment, right? But you know that when the alarm first goes off, you have a choice to make the shower of sleep, or the call to prayer, overcome the desire to go back to sleep or the call to prayer. Now if you don't get up at that moment right away, there is a good chance you're going to miss fetish.

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If you don't fight that initial inclination, there's a good chance you're gonna miss veget so the prophets lie southern what was he described as he was like a lion salaallah Hardy he was ALLAH Subhanallah the hypocrites are what either amo la sala de como Salah when they get up for prayer, they're so lazy, dragging their feet. Ah, I really have to do this again. Is it already? Is it already acid is it already melted? Really already again? Well, Sula, sigh Salam hurried to the prayer. He was ready. He was

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is activated towards the prayer. So he overcame the desire to sleep. He overcame the desire to eat, he overcame the desire to relax after a hard day of work, he overcame that because the Salah was called, I've got to go to prayer now he jumped towards the salah. Most of us aren't a spectrum between amaku Salah and worth about

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getting up like the hypocrites or getting up like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where are you on that spectrum? Now, the initial strike, the initial moment of your desire

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is the most important moment and actually shower. What do I mean by that as well? You know, even if you think about physical things, okay?

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How many times do you say I'm just gonna have a small bite?

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And that small bite becomes what? You eat the whole meal and the plate to?

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What happens to the small bite?

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Because once you took that first bite, it was over. That was it. You want to go to the gym? All right, I got 10 minutes. If I don't go to the gym right now and workout, then there's no way I'm gonna work out. You're right. Once you said maybe a little bit later, you're not getting up to work out. There is no exercise happening today.

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But then to make it a little bit more towards that which is sinful in terms of our desire and the beginning of the sin.

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You know, you have the angels that are prompting you to not commit that sin, you have the shayateen that are prompting you to commit that sin.

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If you allow yourself to start,

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likely, in order to enjoy the shower to enjoy the desire to enjoy the pleasure of that sin, you're going to try to shut off any voice that tells you about consequences because you want to enjoy it right now. So shut it off. That's why there's a powerful Hadith where the prophets I mentioned either the kirtan Billa Fanta who, when you're reminded of Allah, stop right there, stop, you have to learn to control the initial impulse. And in one narration, and even if there's a weakness in the chain, Allah Angela tahmina, shape one haste is from the devil, what to me being very calculated about what you're doing is from Allah subhanaw taala, the beginning of the shower, the beginning of

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the desire, you get into an argument,

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the desire, my desire is I want to punch you in the face, not you, by the way, I don't want to punch you in the face. But like my desire is I'm, I'm ready to jump, I'm ready to fight.

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If I'm able to just be quiet and say, I'm not going to engage, Let me cool down and not engage, I likely have won that bout with the shape on. But if I immediately or if I start, I likely I'm not going to finish, throw the first word, throw the first punch, it's a fight at that point. You failed to resist the shower to respond, the desire to respond at that moment. So controlling yourself at the first moment of desire is like controlling yourself at the first moment of hardship. If you're able to conquer yourself in that moment,

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then you are likely able to conquer the course as well. How do we even do that? And subhanAllah we live in a world where our instant gratification is catered to us you have apps and social media that study you and know your enough's better than you know your knifes Subhanallah they literally enslave you to an algorithm and feed you your cravings and they know what your soul craves sometimes even more than you know what your soul craves. Feed them the next one. The next one. I know what type of drama you like, I know what type of images you like to look at. I know what type of comments you'd like to read. I'm studying you feed them, feed them, feed them, feed them, feed them.

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And when we become impulsive creatures, we're not even thinking anymore, right? Just go to the next one, go to the next one, go to the next one, go to the next one.

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And it's dangerous lie It's very dangerous. You think about the Hadith of the Prophet slice Allah. When he gives a visual reward that in the middle Allah equals A Yama sub that brings behind you or what comes after you Oh Sahaba

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are days of great patience.

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And to be patient in those days is like holding on to a burning hot coal. You know, when you wake up, and you feel agitated, until you open your phone.

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Somehow they call it digital heroin for a reason.

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Like you feel agitated. Let me get my phone. What did I miss out on? I've been sitting for a whole hour and I haven't checked my phone two hours. What happened? What messages? What did I miss? What do I need to read? What do I need to catch up on? That impulse is not a healthy impulse. We've got to conquer that.

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Or else Or else we become lead.

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We don't lead And subhanAllah at that point, the one who is led by desire needs no devil to lead them. When you become a slave to your desires, you don't even need the shape on to decorate anything for you anymore. Because every shower that presents itself, you jump to it and you go and you feed and you feed and you feed and you feed.

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How do I conquer myself in that initial moment with destination Jana in mind? Allah subhanaw taala says was there in Oroville Saberi was salah, were in luck hubiera tune in for shear in a Lavina jambon.

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Up or on be him or an ELA here on your own? Allah subhana wa Tada says, Seek help in this journey with patience and prayer. A suburb here refers to the practice of fasting. And the prophets lie. Some particularly mentioned the practice of fasting as a means by which you curb the appetite of the neffs. you discipline your desires, you learn to tell yourself I can't drink water right now. Because If thought is still not for another few hours, I can't eat this right now. Because If thought is not yet for another few hours, I can't look at this right now because I might compromise my fast and so you have delayed gratification.

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Delayed gratification, was cesternino the summary was ALLAH delayed gratification. I know that there is a reward that awaits me. If I hold back,

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hips and knifes if I conquer myself, no matter how hungry I get, no matter how thirsty I get. I empower myself to conquer itself. Do you know how powerful that is? Do you know how good that is for your soul and everything in life? When you encounter and engage the practices that allow you to conquer yourself to shower, the shower and the shower at the beginning of the desire? And you say no, not now was staying over slavery was salah. Seek help with patience and prayer. What in the * are Kabira Illa Allah Allah Shireen. Look, this is a very difficult thing. Except for humble hearts except for people that have some connection to Allah subhanaw taala because ultimately, if your why

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isn't strong enough, why am I holding myself back isn't strong enough? Then you're gonna fall. What's the angel the somebody was salah, but Allah Subhana Allah says, Seek help in this journey of yours. With the practice of patience, which is fasting and prayer. We're in the Hurlock hubiera illa Allah wa Shireen. Then Allah Subhana Allah says Allah venial, well known or unknown Allah or rob the hem what anomala he Raji own those who are certain that one day they will meet their Lord

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and those who are certain that they will return to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah.

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Now I recognize that it might be difficult to make a connection but as we're looking at the coherence of the Quran in this series of lectures, I want you to see something very powerful. Now go all the way to December. This is the beginning of the Quran. Go now to just Amma suited to nozze out while I'm, I'm far from up autumn b He wants to have NAFSA on ill health.

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In Elgin, he

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asked for the one who is certain and who fears the moments that they are in front of Allah subhanaw taala Hotham upon Model D. And because they are certain and now they are in all of that moment in which there'll be standing in front of Allah subhana wa Tirana, when I had enough sir Anil Hawa, and they have forbidden themselves from pursuing empty desires are in Jannah to heal.

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Paradise is their ultimate abode. Paradise is where they can now breathe, release, delayed gratification.

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If you were able to conquer the NUS conquer that first shower, that first impulse, you have eternal access to what you are seeking. Now to your brothers and sisters, as my time is coming close to an end Subhanallah there are layers to this once again, when you have that initial impulse, the first thing that should motivate you is the fear of compounding your trial, the fear of being led down to something that is

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going to hurt you

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the fear of punishment and then be motivated by the ultimate pleasure

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of paradise and what Allah subhanaw taala guarantees you instead, look how merciful Allah is that Allah subhanaw taala keeps telling you about the rewards of Jannah over and over again. Remember your destination. Remember your covenant, remember from NTBI who died, those who follow my guidance. Remember all of those verses that tell you about the specific rewards when you hold yourself back from specific desires, or from a specific reaction when you're hit with tribulation, remember all of that.

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But then there's Subhanallah one more thing here,

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which is the relationship with Allah subhanaw taala meeting Allah subhanho wa Taala you see the brothers and sisters,

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you can't really conquer that initial moments, when yourself seems to be dominating you. Unless you become specifically and especially aware of Allah subhanho wa Taala who is watching you and to whom you will one day return.

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Look at the beautiful coherence of the Quran in the beginning of an Bacara Allah subhanaw taala says Livigno Nona Anahola kurabe la Raji rune. Now Subhanallah when you're struck by tribulation, the greatest way to cope with that tribulation is to remember the temporary nature of this life.

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In alila, he were in LA he Roger and Roger it Allah He to Allah that to Allah we are returning. And so in nama UEFA sobre una zombie lady hisab, Allah is going to repay the patients without any form of limits without any account, Allah subhanaw taala will reward me so I'm gonna go back to Allah subhanaw taala so the pain that I am feeling right now, I know there is jazz up there is a permanent reward that exists after this pain that this life is temporary. And so the pain in this life is temporary, and that the hereafter is forever. So the reward in the hereafter is forever as well. So reminding yourself of those who are going Allah.

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But when it comes to your desires, there's a specific connotation, and levena will known or unknown moolah corabi him and certain Bukhara, those who are certain that one day they will stand in front of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And what ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, Imam and half I'm a farmer Ravi, when a nurse, nurse and ill health, those who fear that moment there and have that moment that they will stand before Allah subhanaw taala if you can immediately and that's why the prophets lie. Some said either the kirtan Biller, Fanta who remember Allah subhanaw taala Vacher Allah, try to have things around you forms of wicked, try to put yourself immediately with the first taste of the

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sweetness of sin, the first poll of Shala try to transport yourself to that moment that you're standing in front of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and you know what they say as a rule in disciplining your desires and disciplining your sense of instant gratification.

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Give up what you want now for what you want more.

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Give up what you want. Now for what you want more, you have to be able to tell yourself why exactly you are withholding from this desire because you don't want it to cost you your destination.

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Give up what you want now, for what you want more and SubhanAllah. Look at the verses of those people that received their books in their right hand after enduring the insults of this world, after enduring the tribulations of this world after dealing with the desires to respond to people in like manner, after dealing with the desires to feed the cravings of the self after overcoming all of that.

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Allah subhanho To Allah mentions for Mammon or tiaki turbo who will be a meanie. As for the one who has given his book in his right hand.

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Fail all her

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whoa Kitabi he says everyone look, read my book in Nirvana to earn the moolah in his lobby. I knew I knew that this day was coming. I knew it all along. You know Subhan Allah Kapha mahkamah Robbie in Neilan and to a neat malathion. Hey sabya alladhina algo Nona. Anahola aku Robbie him this constant connection of those who withheld because they knew of that day that they stand before Allah subhanaw taala and then the celebration of those people on the Day of Judgment when you and I in the law heater Anna, when you and I receive our books and our right

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Hands Allahumma Amin when all of us receive our books in our right hands Allahumma Amin

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you know in this life, you don't like to show off. But a yacht is a form of hidden shidduch to show off ostentatious attention seeking. When you get your book in your right hand and this life people like to boast with their accomplishments to celebrate to show off

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in this life, when you do good deeds, you try to hide them why? Because you don't want the sweetness of those good deeds to be tasted the shadow of those good deeds to be tasted in this life. You want the show all for the hereafter, the more that I'm rewarded for my good deeds here, the less I have saved for the hereafter and so I try to hide my good deeds away I try to hide my sins right now on the Day of Judgment when you and I be isn't the law receive our books in our right hand? We're not going to come back to the gathering hide our books under our jacket and say, you know, Brother, how was your Aesop How was your meeting with Allah's parents are where'd you get your book? Oh, you know

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what Hamza? Did I got some, some good deeds in here? You know, Chalabi going to Gemini, you know, hope see you there. Good luck with your meeting. None of that. What are you doing? Ha, Bora Oh, kita BIA, everyone read my book,

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prayer, fasting, secret charity, all these things that I could have sought the reward for in this dunya all these things I was hiding for you because I was preparing for the pleasure of seeing those good deeds show up in my meeting with Allah subhanaw taala all of that it's here. No one's gonna be humble with their right hand when they get that book there. No one's gonna be humble. Everybody's gonna be running through the gathering. Hey, I know you I met you. in Leeds. I met you in this place in the UK. Check it out. I'm in Jana.

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You know why?

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Because we store our deeds for our desire of those deeds to be achieved in the hereafter.

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A sub and the sub metal ruler patience is at the first strike

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conquering our desires of Sabah. And oh will shower, conquering our desires is when you can conquer them. In the very beginning, I apologize. My throat is not well. But it's wonderful to see you all I ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, to allow us all to control ourselves for his sake, and to seek His pleasure solely for the hereafter. And I asked Allah subhanho to Allah to see us through our hardships and trials and see us through our blessings and ease and to allow it all to manifest in our return to Allah subhanaw taala while he is pleased with us, Allah him I mean, Xochimilco Heito said Imani come around to able to catch.

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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:34

Very shortly, we're going to have up Mufti Menk Inshallah, I just want to check one quick thing anywhere I asked for the who was Hafez hair amongst her three young children I put their hands up, I they still here. And what I would like in Sharla is after 15 minutes lecture if the three children can just come to the front of the stage in Sharla, because we'd like to bring them on for for something special for them in Charlotte. So now, moviemakers literally just walking up. I'm going to invite on brother Helene Inshallah, just for a small small segment now for you guys because I'm gonna have somebody come

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Salam aleikum,

00:38:42 --> 00:38:44

Harrogate. Assalamu Aleikum

00:38:46 --> 00:38:47

Bradford what's happening?

00:38:51 --> 00:39:12

Just a quick reminder, if you do have a donation form, please do kindly pass it over to one of the volunteers Insha Allah, you've got a moment or two to complete your forms. Inshallah, if you didn't get the chance to donate or if you even if you did get the chance to donate, I've got amazing opportunity for you where you have the opportunity to actually travel abroad, and hand deliver aid yourself. I'd like to show you a quick video about what people have to say about the REACH program.

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The rich program is designed to give you the opportunity to be a humanitarian for life by traveling abroad, and hand delivering donations to those most in need. You can benefit from our expert fundraising, training, our safeguard and training, our immediate training, our leadership, training, and most importantly, the opportunity to hand deliver aid with your own hands. On every single deployment has been a series of lessons and a series of perspective. It's been eye opening to see the aid happening in real time and it's given me a whole new perspective on humanitarian work. Being has just opened your eyes a lot more. You know, you hear the stories you see children, and even the

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elderly and you understand how much more help

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They need seeing the smile on a child's face Subhanallah it's amazing. And seeing that smile is something that I'd like to always continue. Inshallah, I hope and pray that we all get an opportunity to help in whatever way we can. I hope they can continue doing this in the future and help people's lives and help change people's lives. It is a great experience and experience of the lifetime. An experience that you cannot learn in books and experience that even somebody relating it to you, you cannot understand it until and unless you come here, we open our hearts up so much to these people. And they open their hearts to us and it's a beautiful thing. We currently have

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hundreds of people across the world signed up to the REACH program to become the next generation of humanitarians. They have helped us reach 10s of 1000s of people across Lebanon, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kenya, and other places. If you want to join the REACH program, visit us at www dot human appeal the or drop us an email, reach out human appeal the you can reach every human

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last year and Hamdulillah we took over 160 people across the world from America brothers, sisters, Muslims, non Muslims across the world to places like Lebanon, Turkey, Kenya, Pakistan, Bangladesh, to hand deliver aid people like yourselves, anybody who's 18 Plus can get involved. You've got a QR code right there. All you have to do is scan it you will be supported in your fundraising take as much time as you need. We will be here to help you reach every human inshallah so if you want the opportunity to do the prophetic thing of hand delivering aid with your own hands, hand delivering your donations, the only thing that's standing between you and that is yourself and your lawyer

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forgot to do it just sign or email reach a human appeal to Insha Allah I've got another amazing opportunity as well that I'd like to discuss with you who here has been to aamra Show of hands.

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A few of you Who here would like to go to Umrah everybody's will handle who he would like to go to Umrah with Mufti Mang.

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I can't believe that got the highest year and hamdulillah we've got a QR code right there, scan it, zoom in, take a picture show with your friends in sha Allah, we will be choosing a lucky winner after the tour is over Inshallah, to have the opportunity to go in February with multibank on camera and experience of a lifetime inshallah. And if you'd like more information about this or about the REACH program, I will be outside. Just coming up here for your time. My name is Corinne assalamu Alikum

00:42:42 --> 00:42:50

Alright, everyone for coming out tonight. It's been a great evening, and hopefully everyone makes their way home safely. Yes, No.

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Still waiting for someone.

00:42:53 --> 00:43:06

Okay, I think we've kept it long enough so far to make sure Mufti Menk is most definitely in the building. Wherever he is in the building. We really want him to hear that you guys are waiting for him. So I'm going to say that beard

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because I'm feeling a little bit drains paella. I've got the lights in my face and you guys are the ones sleeping. Okay. Deck beer.

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Okay, hamdulillah Mufti mink is just about to come on stage and actually, he's going to be joined. Actually, someone is going to come just before him. You may have seen him online. Tick tock Instagram. He's known as the Sunnah guy. And he's going to be doing a small segment with Mufti mink in sha Allah and then you will have the pleasure of Mufti Menk. Speaking to all of you, those three or five that I asked for earlier, don't forget to come down to the front, just like Mila had, you know, if you wake up safe in your house, you're healthy and you have food for the day. It's as if you're given the entire world and everything in it. There's a hadith or process Salam, but it's the

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one Hadith that puts life into perspective, where we worry about bills, rent, expenses, or our future, not knowing that it's a blessing to even just wake up secure. It's a blessing to wake up healthy and with food, because what else really matters. You need a place to stay, you need your health, you need food for the day, like Allah, He, you've made it, you've made it, you're good. And that perspective will solve most of your mental stress. If you're able to truly understand how blessed you're

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Salam, Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Brothers and sisters,

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no depression is something very personal for everyone. And everyone goes through depression in their own way.

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And I just want to share an experience with you guys when I was younger. And when I went through my own form of depression. I remember like, I was struggling so much.

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I wasn't able to visualize my future. You see

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nothing in front of you. It all seems dark and gloomy. And it's just

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nothing that you want to live, you don't want to live in that reality, you don't want to see anything. And subhanAllah heartbreak can be difficult for a lot of us. And going through the trials and challenges of life, I realized there was some cool things that I was missing. And the most important thing out of all of them was the knowledge of my religion. And when I learned about knowing to trust Allah subhanaw taala in hardships, that is when my life was truly able to transform many, many years ago. And so, I want to invite on a guest who has experience in dealing with a lot of these problems, and in being able to help us in answering some of the most critical, crucial

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questions that we may have.

00:45:52 --> 00:45:57

So without further ado, if I can ask the dean of a man Academy to come on board, move the man please.

00:46:02 --> 00:46:05

With the solid Riley coma Salam wa Rahmatullah

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Murthy, let's come here. Thank you for coming.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:17

I want to ask you, a lot of us are going through pain and hardship and struggle in our life.

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Three quickfire questions. The first one, how do we get over heartbreak?

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Smilla rahmanir rahim. I think the hearts what we need to understand belongs to Allah subhanho wa taala. As we connect it to Allah, we will be able to heal it. A loving man who adopt oma in onobu, whom be Vickery.

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Allah be the creme de la he taught oma in.

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Those who believe their hearts are comforted and calmed by the remembrance of Allah For indeed, it is only through the remembrance of Allah that the hearts are comforted. Every other thing on earth is prone to break your heart. But Allah does not break your heart. He heals it, he mends it. So if you have been heartbroken for some reason, it's worldly. In order to heal it, you need to go heavenly. You need to go to Allah you need to connect with him, learn about him, remember him, read the Quran, engage in Salah and so many other factors inshallah challenges after home of The Amazing, amazing is Hala, we learned so much from what you have shared with us, and I'm sure so many of us

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are inspired with Do we have one question? One question that I think really needs to be settled.

00:47:40 --> 00:47:47

heartbreak, we know some of the causes of it. But mostly, I really want to ask you can guys and girls be just friends?

00:47:50 --> 00:48:30

That's the answer. Did you hear it? They know that it's not just friends. They know that it goes beyond that one thing leads to another a third or fourth. So Allah Almighty says, you just close the door, if you have to communicate and we would have to at any given point, it's not like communication with the opposite * is prohibited. But you need to know your lines and your limits. You need to know what to cross what not to cross, you need to know not to get into a position where you could be abused in any way, shape, or form. And that's why as intelligent as we think we are, he is right when he says heartbreaks are caused because we've donated or given our hearts to people who

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are vampires or jackals without us knowing sometimes, and what did they do? They abused it, used it threw it away and still said thank you very much I stole federal law. So therefore we'd rather closed that door inshallah and we, we do whatever we do within the limits that Allah Almighty has set Inshallah, Dr. Murthy and final question, very, very briefly, we find that a lot of us now live in a digital age of Global Village, you could say everything is online. seeking knowledge is important with the but learning online number one is it allowed and number two, we know that you have a marriage course with a man Academy. How can they benefit from a platform like Eman Academy as

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well? Firstly, it is definitely allowed it's permissible it's technology technology is a means a means to be able to achieve things. If you're going to achieve good Alhamdulillah you will get a good reward and if you are going to use it for something destructive it will only harm you. So whatever you do, use your technological your technology in a way that will benefit you. One of the best things is to learn about who you are, where you came from, where you're heading, Allah subhanho wa taala, who he is and so on. And that's why we have this platform. It's one of the many platforms available and this is Iman Academy, Eman Academy. The idea is to bring you learning to make it easy

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according to your time. Very, very low cost and at the same time you learn the subjects you want at your

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pace as well, the Marriage Course that you're talking about, it's there to offer you guidelines to offer you a service that really would benefit you. It would add value to your marriage, you know what to expect. Many people say, hey, Sheikh, I'm getting married. And three weeks later, he says, I got married three weeks ago. I mean, what would happen there? You didn't know what marriage was all about, did you? You thought it's just gonna be a perpetual honeymoon. But Subhanallah the moon doesn't remain full throughout the month, May Allah grant us ease, you know that, but you didn't know Subhanallah you needed to remind the so inshallah we benefit from these type of platforms by

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the will of Allah. May Allah accept all of us to make good use of them. And most thieves are gonna have we're gonna have you on again. And I thank you so much for your time. Ellis Mandela blessing Baraka Luffy? Should I just stand here? You can do all I'll finish off inshallah. It's okay, I'll come back just now. No permit. Shall I just follow her?

00:50:53 --> 00:51:30

So brothers and sisters, as you guys have just heard from move to medical Hamdulillah. So many of you guys may have questions. So me you guys may have, you know, these things are sitting in your mind, you're wondering how to answer them. Where are we going to get the answers from? Well, Hamdulillah, we are very, very blessed to present to you today, Imam Academy. Imam Academy is an online learning platform, where we have compiled 300 hours of recorded lectures that are structured in a way where you can learn your religion in a very structured formal way. And it does not inconvenience your daily routine or your program. So that's why today we have created a platform and

00:51:30 --> 00:51:50

a price point that I want to ask all of you, how much do you think something like this would cost where we have seven Islamic sciences. And also, it's at your own convenience, over 300 hours of recorded lectures, just some just just some hands up quickly, briefly, how much you think would cost 50 pounds? Okay, what else?

00:51:51 --> 00:51:52

60 pounds. Okay, what else?

00:51:54 --> 00:52:35

100 pounds. Okay, cool, right? So what I want to share with you guys is this unique price that emontx Academy will give you, that is for four pounds, 99 only four pounds, 99. Only, believe me when I say this, this is an opportunity that truly I believe we cannot miss out on. So I just want all of you guys just to do one favor for me. And you guys have been an amazing, amazing crowd today. Just pull out your phones, because this opportunity is only for the Light upon light tour. So pull out your phone goes and scan that QR code there. If you can't scan it straight away, pinch and zoom in a little bit. So you can get it. Tap that website and enroll now, while you still have the

00:52:35 --> 00:53:11

opportunity. And lastly, I said to the team, I said to them, Listen, I want you guys I believe in this product so much. I want you guys to make it so that it's easy for them if they don't if they're not interested. So give them 14 days, and if they wish to cancel, they get a free refund. Sounds like a good deal, right? hamdulillah Excellent. So guys, take advantage of your Islamic education. And like I said Mufti has his marriage course there as well. When you guys are single, I've been speaking to some of you guys, we're out there at the front, come and see us and if you have any questions about your mind Academy, inshallah we can help you answer those questions. But please,

00:53:11 --> 00:53:18

guys take this opportunity now and be even Allah to Allah. You don't have to wait any longer for MultiMax Zakka

00:53:22 --> 00:53:26

Okay, hamdulillah are the three children still here?

00:53:28 --> 00:53:31

I can't see the hands up. Let me see the hands up. One.

00:53:34 --> 00:53:46

There was one around here. Okay, good hamdulillah before the end of the talk, you need to come down to this over here to my left and your right inshallah. And without further ado, demo Thank

00:53:55 --> 00:53:55


00:54:10 --> 00:54:12

Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

00:54:16 --> 00:54:59

Smilla here will hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Heba Allah Allah He was having a Jemaine although mine is the last lecture for the evening I see some of the youngsters responding to the Salaam in such a beautiful energetic way that it has just energized me Mashallah. So well done guys. May Allah Almighty bless you all my brothers, my sisters, many times shape man makes us become a victim of the squabbles between the scholars. What this means is, you might be listening to someone you might be benefiting from someone you might have changed your life because of the effort of someone by the help of Allah

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Who is it that guided you? It's Allah. But Allah chooses certain people to guide you to move you to make you do things to help you improve yourself in one way or another, to help you become conscious of him a little bit more to help you take the steps in the right direction. And suddenly, whether it's online or just a discussion that you're having with your friends, someone tells you don't listen to this person. You know what, they are deviant. They are this and they are that. I promise you. It's one of the fitness we are facing today on Earth. We face reality. Many of the young people, they are despondent, not because there is no availability of scholars or guidance, but

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because they don't know who to follow. They have no idea when they follow one, he says don't follow the others. When they follow the other ones they say don't follow those. When they follow someone a little while later, there is a breakaway group and they someone says But those who are following are wrong and so on. I tell you,

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there are millions of scholars across the globe, you will never know each one of them personally, you cannot come out and just say this one's a straight because I don't know him I have no clue who he is. Even those whom we may claim we know in actual fact, we probably don't know them. Another thing. Every single human being will make mistakes, be it myself or anyone else. They will make mistakes. If you pick up this error Alhamdulillah you don't follow someone in their mistake, but the same person could teach you a lot of goodness. Imam Malik Ibn Anas when he was and he was known as imam or Daniel hijra, which means the Imam of Madina, Munawwara, one of the Imams of the four

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illustrious schools of thought, he used to say, at the grave of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mammon had in Illa, where you heard of him in Colombia, he will not do in LA Sahiba el cobre.

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to say, there is no one on earth, whom you take everything from, you take some of what they say, and you have to leave some of what they say, besides the one resting in this grave. Who was he talking about? Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what does that mean? That means every one, they will say certain things that are probably wrong or a mistake, you will have to discount some of what they say because they might have made a mistake, there are some people who make more mistakes than the good that they utter. Ah, you need to be careful. There are some people who say much more good than the few mistakes they may have uttered or made. That is

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normal that happens to all of us. Don't get caught in the crossfire between people calling each other names, especially when you know that this world shaytan exists. And his aim is to turn us away. The reason why I say this, obviously the theme is facing reality. Many young boys and girls come up and say, but you know what I was told by so and so that that person is like this, and I shouldn't listen to this one and I shouldn't well then who should you listen to? They would rather be in the clubs and the pubs in some cases, they would rather say You know what, I'm fed up. I don't want to go to the masjid. I don't want to go to the program. I don't want to do this and do that.

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Subhanallah because of so much of conflict, but here is a person being taught and reminded about salah and Zika and Hajj and truthfulness and reading the Quran and understanding it and attending lessons and gurus and trying to expand knowledge and becoming a better person and improving themselves in character and conduct. What else do you want? I mean, that's a stepping stone. Not every school teacher is an expert in every subject. So you will have scholars sometimes who have specialized in kindergarten, kindergarten, which means they would be teaching preschool. Is that an important stage and vase? The answer is yes. When I started off 24 years ago, or 20, some 23 years

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I started by Teaching Children Elephant bath. I was at the madrasa with little children and teaching them how to pronounce the Arabic letters and teaching them how to read Quran and I was there for a long time. And subhanAllah could anyone say this guy's a deviant? Because you know what? We don't know this and we don't know that what don't you know? Subhanallah and that's how a lot of us have started. And thereafter. Perhaps there is a time when you will find some may have the honor of becoming an imam in the masjid. And the others have not had that honor. So they don't have the experience of interacting in that particular way. Some might have traveled to countries and places

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where the situation is very different. I can tell you something about this country. It is very, very different even from the United States in terms of the way the Muslims are. It is very

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different even from Australia, in terms of the way the Muslims are, and many other ways, the same applies. If you were to go to Africa, it's very different, we might be speaking on a level that some people would think what on earth is going on here because they haven't experienced anything that you may have experienced. They don't have an environment as challenging as yours, they are not facing some of what you are facing in terms of challenges.

01:00:26 --> 01:01:10

And because of this, they won't understand the way some of the scholars might be speaking, in your midst, they may not understand it. The same applies if you were to go to Canada or America or South America, or Africa, Arabia, the Middle East, the Gulf countries, every single nation has its own uniqueness. Every part of the world has its own situation, the scholars of that particular place, or those who have frequented those who understand they would be able to navigate perhaps in a better way than others. May Allah Almighty grant us ease. I'm not discounting people from afar, but I'm only telling you Do you know what, don't let people who have not been in the shoes of others,

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make you think that everyone else is actually a stray, and I'm the only one who knows, and I am the only one whom you should listen to. The rest of them are after money, the rest of them are after a fame and name and power and whatever else. It's not true. That is shaytaan. Perhaps trying to make you take your deen away from you or trying to take your deen away from you

01:01:35 --> 01:02:14

learn to benefit, you never know you might, you might be moved by something, your whole life will change. But once your life changes, you might find that the person whom Allah used to initially change your life was actually a grade one grade two teacher. And now that you've progressed to grade seven, you cannot only remain with that particular person, you respect them for what they did, they are filling a void perhaps that may not be fulfilled by others. But now that you've progressed to the next level, as you make dua for them, you might benefit from others who are more specialized. That's what it is, I want to join a Thai field, I'm not going to find the same scholar who might

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have made me realize what bad I was doing and quit it. By the help of Allah, I'm going to need someone else who is actually specialized in Darfield. memorization of the Quran, or some other subject, not everyone is going to address this matter. So I've known of people who say that one is astray, because he does not discuss this particular topic. And that man will say, Well, I've left it for you guys to talk about, well, I'm specializing in something, understand it, realize it, perhaps there is benefit in what I'm doing to.

01:02:46 --> 01:03:23

So my brothers and sisters, it's important for us to address this matter. Many times people say, Oh, that scholar and it's someone you look up to you respect, they will say, this person said this and this and this. How do you know? Well, because I saw a clip. Okay, you saw the clip. Fair enough? Do you listen to this person? No, I don't listen to them. And I don't want you to listen to them. You don't listen, you don't want others to listen. And you want to know what they said and what they didn't say, How is that possible? It's not going to happen. If they have clarified something that was not so clear, you don't know because you don't listen, and you don't want others to listen. So

01:03:23 --> 01:04:03

what has happened to your mind? Subhanallah you think you're going to suddenly be told by an angel that drops from heaven that you know what this person's clarified this and this and this? You don't even listen to them? Subhanallah so therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, this Deen this religion knowledge is extremely important. Yes, you need to know where you're getting it from. You need to know what you are getting from WHO. But at the same time, what you need to realize is don't allow shaytan to trap you in the process because I have come across a growing number of young boys and girls who are losing it simply because they're fed up.

01:04:04 --> 01:04:14

They are fed up with the mudslinging that's happening among the scholars. That's why I chose to start this way. My brothers, my sisters, thank Allah.

01:04:15 --> 01:05:00

Thank Allah subhanahu wa taala has given us so much in our myths, there's so much good earlier we were speaking about turning to Allah praising him asking Allah's guidance, and at the same time, increasing your knowledge, seeking the help of Allah subhanahu wa taala. Look, every one of us has issues and problems. I have matters in my life that are considered hardships, difficulties, challenges. Without the help of Allah, I'm going nowhere. Allah I need to call out to him. I need to seek His help and assistance and whatever energy and capacity he has given me. I need to utilize it in order to try to solve the problem. What this means is it's not in

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enough for me to say, Oh Allah helped me through my problem. Oh Allah helped me through my problem, oh Allah helped me through my problem. And then I go to bed done sleeping. Next day, get up in the morning, soon as you get up, you may have made Salat al Fajr. And after that, oh, Allah helped me through my problem, oh, Allah helped me through my problem. All it needed for you to do was to get off your bed, to get to the door to open the door to jump into your motor vehicle to drive to the place to buy the item and come home and say, Oh Allah, I thank you for giving me such a beautiful thing.

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That's all it was that was needed.

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So it's not enough for us to only say that I rely on Allah and that's it. You need to do something Allah has given you a capacity, you have a problem, you have a difficulty. You want to marry someone, you want to achieve success in something, you want to open a business, you want your business to be known somewhere, you are going to need to open your mouth respectfully, you're going to need to use the energies Allah has blessed you with in order to do something about it. And Allah will grant you achievement reminds me of a guy. They say they were guys who were stuck on an island, praying, praying that they were saved by Allah, and the helicopter comes.

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And the guys refused to go on the helicopter. Right? They said, because we're waiting for Allah to send us help.

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But that was ALLAH who sent you the * come on, they discovered you. That's how they came down. Allah will help you using people to get to you because that's how Allah works. He wants one to assist another and to earn a reward because they did it for the sake of Allah Almighty. Do you know the poor people on Earth? If Allah wanted, he did not need you and I to give them charities the way we did earlier. He didn't need that. But he wants us to earn a reward to be able to reach out to those who are struggling across the globe. Yet if he wanted, he could have said you know what, I'll do it on my own. That's it. I don't need you. Allah has provided for you he could provide for them

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in a similar way, even in an even better way, in fact, but he wants to test you when I've given you are you going to give away? Are you going to give away? You know, this world is strange.

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You come with nothing. You fight for something all your life and you leave with nothing? How's that? How is that? You come with nothing? And you fight on your life for to amass things in this world. And then you leave with nothing Subhan Allah that is this world that's the reality of the world. Allah is saying how much you're going to use while you're here Alhamdulillah the rest of it try to be charitable give reach out to others build your hereafter Ramadan is around the corner. The other day I put up a post saying 100 days for Ramadan how many days from Havana

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how many

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how many

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82 Subhanallah I'm not sure myself but anyway

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it's less than 100 I want to tell you why did we say 100 days for a man to make you prepare for what? For this beautiful season that's about to come? Mashallah. What is it? It's like telling you and I'm gonna give you the example. Black Friday is going to be on that particular date and you already talking about it in July Subhanallah August which month is Black Friday usually November right don't pretend like you don't know Come on guys. We know the controversies around all of that but you we all make use of the of those bargains don't treat Mashallah. In fact if you know me, you can message me inshallah.

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So, I tell you, we start preparing, I need to buy this and this and this guys look out for this if you find a beautiful steam iron, and let me know if it's at half price or less and inshallah we're going to do this. So you're alert because you know there is a sale happening and I'm preparing for it in advance. Wallahi my brothers and sisters the biggest sale ever to happen is the month of Ramadan.

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biggest sale, why you're going too fast during the day, you're going to stand in a bar during the night you're going to soften your heart you're going to reach out to others in charity you're going to become a better person you're going to make resolutions and Allah gives you this opportunity year after year until the day you die.

01:09:23 --> 01:09:34

So the excitement is already started but we just ended Ramadan now you know what Corona did to us? It actually crumpled time a little bit more because I can't remember what 2020 was like Do you remember

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2021 Those two years past like that. You remember the days when I used to come on live on Instagram and catch some of you guys here and then talk about this and that and you know sometimes get a little bit of an attack and sometimes attack back Subhanallah Do you remember those were the days but I tell you it's like it just happened the other day well Allah He years have passed you

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years have passed. Here is Ramadan. When we were stuck indoors we were saying oh Allah let us see a Ramadan that is going to be what we are accustomed to Wallahi that Ramadan came and another one is about to come prepare for it from now in a bigger way than you would for the sales of the end of the year. The other day, we were in Leicester

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as I was coming long queues at a place called fosse Park, I think right long queues, like long queues I thought there was a Light upon light they said no this is darkness upon darkness

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say what's going on say the darkness of the clouds and the darkness of all these people standing so miserable hoping that each one makes it before the other at Light upon light. Everyone gets the same bargain but when you come to those you stand in the long queues I'm not saying it's wrong like I told you you know the big bargain let me know inshallah most part of it but look at the effort that is being made in order to get something that's going to save you a buck. You agree?

01:11:07 --> 01:11:09

If I were to tell you tonight

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that tomorrow the Starbucks is going to be selling their coffee at 1/10 of the price even if you're not a Starbucks drinker, you might we might see you there you know why you're gonna say at least I can try see what sold is about you know, I tell you what, they've covered their money already. That's why they called Starbucks. Yeah.

01:11:31 --> 01:12:12

But you would be excited you want to be a part of this Wallah he start preparing for Ramadan by doing what right now say Oh Allah, Oh Allah forgive my shortcomings. I am weak. I'm a human. I've done things that are wrong. I know there is a sin I'm trying to quit Oh, Allah helped me to quit it. I want to quit it strengthen me help keep me away from it. Oh Allah, I need to get this done for your sake, strengthen me so that I can do it for you, Oh Allah, I don't want to do it for someone I want to do it for you. Oh Allah, strengthen me helped me guide me pray every day and be serious about it. Allah will change your life. Allah will change your life. Don't worry about what people

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think about you. It means nothing. When you when you're dressed appropriately, they still think bad about you. When you're dressed inappropriately, they still think bad about you. When you're practicing, they still think bad about you. When you're not practicing, they still think bad about you. So don't worry about that.

01:12:27 --> 01:13:08

It's Allah Almighty, whom we need to be concerned about. When Allah Almighty is pleased with you, the whole world can be displeased. It's okay. Are you a clean person, you have a good relation with your maker, you pray on time you are good to others. You respect people, you help whoever is in your way. And you even help those who are not in your way. Today. We were told about people suffering across the globe and mashallah, lots of people donated lots of money, may Allah accept it from you. At the same time, do you realize what just happened? Allah accepted a pound of yours that you earned working in the way you do work somewhere far across the oceans, that pound was actually written for

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someone in a country like Indonesia, where they are struggling, for example, without something they need. So people came to you to tell you about it. All you did was you swipe the card, or you wrote something or you filled a little questionnaire or something online. And the next thing that sustenance was

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delivered to whomsoever it was written for in the first place, but where was it earned?

01:13:38 --> 01:13:48

You were sweating? Where were you sweating at your workplace? You might think no, I'm a smart and I sit at home with my laptop Mashallah. I sit at home with my laptop.

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One of the women was telling me that, you know, I just wish I was a laptop.

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said why? Because if my husband treated me the way he treats his laptop,

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we'd have 10 kids by now. Masha Allah, may Allah Almighty grant us goodness, Allah, He the reason why I say this is because sometimes we give so much importance to our devices, that if we gave a 10th of importance, a 10th of the importance we give our devices to our family members, I think we'd have better homes. I think we'd have better homes. You know, if you just watch and I've told some people to do it, and we've done it,

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you know, you have

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on your phones,

01:14:32 --> 01:14:39

you can actually record something time lapse, okay. You record people on their phones, time lapse, right.

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And you'll see how they smile and laugh and stand and sit in this way and that way and they laughing and smiling and so on. And then you record them in their homes with their family members. And you know what, it's not that much of smiling. It's not that much of charm. They don't interact, they don't even touch their own spouse. Mashallah, imagine if you were a phone somehow every day I'm holding you how

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you smiling with you? You know Subhan Allah may Allah grant us ease I've actually even seen people kiss their phones.

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So my brothers and sisters preparing for Ramadan is such that from now we seek the forgiveness of Allah if you leave tonight, having said oh Allah helped me through my struggles helped me become a better person, Oh Allah, I promise that I'm going to try my best to be a person who pleases you more if you can come with that much of a promise you've achieved more than anything you can imagine. You move one inch to Allah. You know why the Hadith tells us whoever comes to Allah,

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a foot, Allah comes to them, much more than that whoever comes to Allah, a hand span Allah comes to them a foot, meaning Allah has always quicker in response to you than your own initial call.

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Does Allah need you know why we need Allah? My brothers and sisters? Happiness, goodness, contentment, true contentment will only come about when you discipline yourself. Ask those who when they have a problem, they tend to intoxicants, ask them if a single one of them has had their problems resolved because of them turning to intoxicants, not even one I challenge you.

01:16:25 --> 01:16:28

I see someone nodding his head. I hope it means yes, you're right.

01:16:32 --> 01:16:58

What else did they turn to? When you've got an issue and a problem? Didn't I tell you moments ago we all have it. That's what this world is all about. I have you have different levels, different values. Sometimes you see a person smiling, happy content, and you think Allah has not even tested them. Look at me. I'm tested with everything on earth. But you don't realize if you had to spend a moment with them to hear what they're going through. Your problem would be dwarfed by what they're going through.

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You would be embarrassed to even think you have a problem but your little issue has actually totally destroyed you completely gone. I don't even want to pray anymore because you know what Allah has not favored me but Allah has favored you. Moments ago I met a family who lost a child may Allah Almighty grant them support Jamil grant the child of a ranking Jana waiting for the parents and the family members and may Allah Almighty make it easy for all of them.

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And I tell you what I said to them,

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when Allah has chosen you to engage in patience and suburb beyond a certain point, it's because he's preparing for you and abode in paradise. That's what it is. The condition is, you need to take that patience, bury it. In your facade, fossa be Runa agilon, whom we will UniSA

01:17:49 --> 01:18:31

Allah says We recompense those who bear patients unlimited in an unlimited fashion. Subhan Allah, that's Allah. So if Allah is telling you, he recompenses in an unlimited fashion, that's one verse there are so many other verses that tell you the same, what does it mean? It means when Allah has chosen you, and when Allah has chosen you, he allows you to engage in an act of worship, known as Sabra to bear patience. So when you bear that patience, you know what your status is elevated. Hence, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says, in Allah either a hubbub the nib Taylor, who, when Allah loves you, a sign of His love for you is he tests you. So you become closer and closer I

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give the example of Jesus may peace be upon him. Take a look at his life. Read about it. Look at the struggles he faced from the beginning. Look at what he went through the challenges. Take a look at the Prophet Moses May peace be upon him. What happened to him from the beginning? Before he was born, there was already anxiety about what's going to happen when he is born. Why because of the pharaoh, but those were the chosen ones of Allah. Those were the chosen the best of the luck. Look at Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the struggles that he went through yet he is, as we know, of Walloon Halki were Accra Maru, surely the most noble, the most honorable, the highest, but

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look at what Allah did. Those are the messengers that were chosen by Allah, He went through struggles, do you not think if you go through struggles, it's a bit of what Allah chose for them that he's giving you the opportunity to go through, so don't become despondent. Their challenges made them stronger in faith. Your challenges are making you weaker in faith. That's the problem.

01:19:33 --> 01:19:55

The day your challenges can strengthen you in faith you have really gained and it's not like there is going to be a day when you're going to have no challenge. It's just the magnitude of it. Changes and difference. I always tell people, when you're young, you go to school, you have an examination, it's a very easy test. But for you it's hard. You ask a child What's two plus one and they start doing this?

01:19:58 --> 01:20:00

When they do this, you know they're getting it wrong.

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And then they do that. And then by the time they do this now, you know, oh, wow, they're getting it. And then they tell you five.

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What just happened? It's as simple as anything to anyone is three, please you got it right here but you didn't know the figure. Okay? So now what happens is for you, it's relative because you're older, that's a minor thing. I've been through it, I've learned it. But for them, it's a challenge. It's a massive challenge. My brothers and sisters, they go through it, they think about it, and so on. If they were to give up school just because they didn't know all of that what would happen? We encourage them they go through more and more as the days pass.

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And then you get to a point like me, I no longer remember what I learned in algebra. Why? I didn't I learned it just for free. That's what it was. Wasted my brain space didn't I know I didn't, it actually probably expanded my brain

01:20:52 --> 01:21:00

to a degree. Mashallah. But what was algebra for both guys anyway? When they told us x plus y equals zero, what was that all about?

01:21:01 --> 01:21:02

Do you know?

01:21:03 --> 01:21:42

Yeah, some of the guys here do know. So it's depends what you specialized in, right? It depends what you've done later on in life, it makes some of what you've learned redundant. It's okay. I don't need to know it anymore. But but all of those struggles were such that as you passed one, you went to another level, which was more difficult or less difficult, more difficult. You went to another level, which was more difficult. You enjoyed it. You worked harder. You you studied later at night, and you studied harder and you passed and you went to another level and you got a more difficult exam. A bigger textbook agreed. And you started studying when I looked at the chemistry of Oh level

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and I'm looking at this book the size. I said, this looks like a Bible And subhanAllah they said yes, it's a chemistry Bible. You got to know everything here.

01:21:52 --> 01:21:57

And it was such a big book, but we studied it. Subhanallah and we passed, got an A by the way.

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asked me about it. Now, I probably don't know anything.

01:22:03 --> 01:22:35

In the same way when Allah has tested you with minor things, initially, they see major with each problem, he makes you stronger. So don't give up with each issue. He's preparing you for something else that's about to come. So don't think it's going to be the end of all people say when is this going to end? It's going to end when you meet with Allah with a smile and say, Oh Allah, all these curveballs Masha, Allah Subhanallah everything that's coming my direction. It was so difficult. It was almost impossible. It almost broke me. But with your help, I'm here today Masha, Allah saying that Hamdulillah

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we all are there things that have happened in all our lives that almost broke every single one of us. And nowadays, the younger ones are going through challenges that are unbelievable.

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And they tell you, I'm suicidal. How old are you, son, nine years old. So you haven't even seen the world you're suicidal. Imagine if you see a fraction of it. Subhan Allah, may Allah Almighty help our children Wallahi we're living in an age that's very challenging, very rich, so much is happening. They're exposed to so many things.

01:23:08 --> 01:23:18

So when you have a month of Ramadan ahead of you, you prepare for it by connecting with your family as well. You prepare for it by praying together

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well before Ramadan, because that's how you're going to be living together. That's how you're going to be helping each other grow together. You prepare for Ramadan, by constantly promising Allah make promises. And if you've broken a promise, feel guilty. But remember, ALLAH is forgiving I feel guilty about it. Look, I made a promise but unfortunately, I didn't manage it as time for Allah. May Allah forgive me, but I'm promising again here and now. That's how it should work.

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You make another promise.

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And the day comes when you start moving closer to Allah Wallah, he the sweetness, the sweetness that you shall taste when you've left sin for the sake of Allah. And when you've adopted what you are supposed to be adopting for the pleasure of Allah, that sweetness is unmatched. I'd rather surrender to the hokum and the rule of Allah subhanho wa taala. When he's asked me to pray, when he's asked me to worship Him alone, when he's asked me to dress in a specific way, when he's asked me to speak in a specific way, and whatever else, I'd rather surrender to that and enjoy the purity of my life than to dab myself in everything that is displeasing to Him and lose myself.

01:24:28 --> 01:24:36

So this is why we say we face reality out there many challenges, many challenges, starting with people who will distract you from your faith.

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And sometimes good people can come to you, I always say, you know, when you when you have, this is my experience over the years and I've been around for many years.

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When you have people who come up to you and only speak bad about others, you know, it says more about them than it does about the people they're speaking about.

01:24:58 --> 01:25:00

I mean Subhanallah

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to say something constructive benefit the people help them in one way or another, empower them say good things, and let them learn.

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Help them leave their bad habits instead of talking about others. There was a scholar recently who said, If someone has counted your faults, thank Allah, it means you're a brilliant person, because your faults are only counted. That's it. This guy is like this, like this, like this and like this, what else? Well, that's about it for things. Thank you.

01:25:33 --> 01:26:00

Subhanallah Have you thought of it that way? When people start saying you are like this, and you are like that, and you are like that? Say what else? They say Think hard. Anything else? You're like that. Anything else? I think maybe you're like that? Are you sure there's nothing else? No nothing else, then I'm a brilliant person. There's 500 nice things in this five things you counted that are maybe negative? If we really said that was right. How can we cancel someone completely and totally simply because there's one or two things we may have disagreed with them.

01:26:02 --> 01:26:19

In our families, one of the greatest acts of worship is to resolve family matters and problems we are quick to cut our brothers our sisters our children, sometimes our in laws and outlaws we click to cut them chopped. They were in laws now they're outlaws you notice

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and we cut them up. I don't want to talk to you why because over one small thing little misunderstand. Don't allow shaytan to do that to you. And that's why when people come gossiping, just stop them there and then it's okay. No need to know. It's fine. It's this world is very temporary. Have a clean heart have a good heart. And you know what? Yes, we we don't want to be bitten by others, but a few words here and there. It happens to everyone. Learn to solve problems, talk to people, discuss. It's not easy to sit and to discuss. People might shout today someone called me and said would you be able to speak to so and so because we have an issue and I think you

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can resolve it. I said you know what? I will try they said they might swear you I said I don't mind being sworn that you know why? What Allah has given me is not going to be reduced because of your swear word. And what Allah has taken away from me is not going to be given because of your praise. It's not. You see, it's okay. You can say what you want. If I'm going to try, I'm going to try. I invite you, my brothers, my sisters, to resolve your family matters. Be it with your spouse, take off the gloves, speak the truth, say your heart, your mind. Let it be say it again. Speak again, solve your problems. Because it's a great act of worship. Allah mentions it in the Quran, that a

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reward you get that is great. One of the things is to resolve matters between disputes between people, especially family.

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So my brothers and sisters, I ask Allah to open our doors. I ask Allah to grant us goodness I pray that this Ramadan that is about to come, we prepare for it from now, when we say so many days remaining, it is only to remind us you know what, prepare. You need to amass goodness so that when you get to Ramadan, you have a softened heart and inshallah you can plan your Umrah trip, it's going to be perhaps Easter when Ramadan comes in. You're going to have holidays planned from now you can book from now if you want Inshallah, by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala because when I say Easter, I'm not trying to tell you that you're going to be celebrating the Easter, please, please.

01:28:24 --> 01:28:38

I'm only saying it's going to be a holiday in most parts of the world. That's all I'm saying. In the last time when I said hey, we're going to be having Light upon light during Christmas. They went crazy. They went mad. They almost thought that I had a white beard with a red hat. Come on guys.

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Luckily mine is black.

01:28:42 --> 01:29:17

So my brothers and sisters prepare in a beautiful way. And Allah Almighty will grant us elevation. Allah Almighty will open our doors I really am so thankful that Allah gave us the opportunity to meet this evening. And I ask Allah to accept from us this in a way that we can change our lives even one millimeter tonight May Allah forgive us. May Allah strengthen all of us say Amen. May Allah help us quit the sins that we are trying hard to quit and inshallah we will quit them. May Allah Almighty strengthen us so that we can do good deeds, right until the day we meet with Allah Kulu kolayca wa sallahu wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad

01:29:27 --> 01:29:59

Okay, so I asked for the three of us, if they were here, I know one of them is at least here labor, the other two can come forward, just to let you know also downstairs where the stores are with the bank will be there in sha Allah, with his books available, what's left of them again very quickly, and you'll have an opportunity to meet our demo fee as well. But before then, can I ask that the three of us come up to see them coming on stage? And if I can ask everyone else just for a moment. Just for a moment, these young children struggled. They push themselves, too

With Imam Omar Suleiman

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