Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 66

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of singular desk letters in Arabic writing, with examples such as "na" and "na" to describe the meaning of letters. They also discuss the pronunciation of the word "IT" in Arabic language, with emphasis on the natural rhythm of the human body and a reference to a chart to help understand the rhythm of the human body. The speakers emphasize the importance of mixing and matching objects and people into a habit for optimal health.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are him hungry? No hurrah, Milan I mean, so that was a shuffle MBA almost Selena being for the working environment. They of course follow as Kathleen Allahumma alumni million parallel and that maybe mount antenna was even their own miniato but on Amina said I'm running from rough to La he would occur to come to beginning classical Arabic

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Wednesday evening,

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November 24 2001.

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We have a new chapter that we are beginning and shall Lazzara

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and our societies Osheroff

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and also Sadie so our Astra 16 lesson, conversation here between Mr. Reese and Mohammed,

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teacher and Mohammed would as mother Reese says, Lehmann, Hattie Hill, aka lamb hooyah Mohammadu.

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And just from this line, you should be able to notice something strange and you should be able to discern what this entire lesson is about Lehman has the upper level yeah Mohammed Mohammadu.

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The observant student will see

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a discrepancy something that doesn't make sense have the he is an SMA shadow.

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This one a shadow a demonstrative pronoun for feminine singular close by

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excuse me, masculine singer close by is how the feminine singular close is had the heat.

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How however, when we get to the next word, to see what

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the ESWL Isha is referring to,

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what is the demonstrative pronoun referring to

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as a lamb which we know is that broken Flora

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have fallen on

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an upper level without pens.

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So, the teacher is asking layman how the hill climb? Yeah, Mohammed, who? Whose pens are these? Mohamed?

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Why do we have an Arabic a singular demonstrative pronoun? When the noun that it is referring to? is plural?

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The answer to this question, and this is something that we is a theme that we see occur multiple times in different situations in Arabic, is that

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when it comes that Arabic distinguishes between the rfl

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and a hierarchical,

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both in nouns and verbs are still from your apple, your intellect. So we could say

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I don't know what's the best translation I kind of dispute the connotation that some things do not have any intelligence or intellect we have examples from the Quran and the Sunnah, right of different

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different types of creatures or creations interacting with human beings that we would not normally expect

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for example the ants and sorts in them and interacting with so they met

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or the mountain not interacting with the Prophet Mohammed Salah holiday we said them or the trees bending over to shade him, etc, etc. But anyway, this is what it's known as in Arabic grammar in and of Iraq. Okay, so aka refers to people in Iraq and refers to everything else.

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So pens refer to everything else.

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One of the distinctions between alcohol and hierarchy

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is in a smiley shell, demonstrative pronouns

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with plural

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demonstrative pronouns

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or I should say with plural nouns that are lighter after we use singular feminine

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Alternative pronouns. Yes, that's right. It would be li men have a column in the singular, yes.

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Whose pen is this? And if it was plural, it would be li men had the hill Auckland.

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The singular feminine demonstrative pronoun is used for a plural

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subject or now

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and this will happen with verbs too, but we're not there yet. Just notice how this applies to a smart too. And specifically within a smart a smart TV show.

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Nouns, demonstrative pronouns.

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Okay. It also applies to subject pronouns Mohamed responds a he or Li will study.

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Literally in English, we have to translate is they are my plural, subject pronoun. But in Arabic, since it's a hierarchical, we do not say a home, Li.

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We say here, Li.

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And hear hear is feminine, singular informed, but it refers to something that is plural.

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And I often hear the gustado element that says, hiya, Jamila, twinjet then ah, we see that it follows not just demonstrative pronouns, not just subject pronouns, but also the adjectives that describe them.

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Jimmy, that's one singular feminine form, describing what's beautiful. The UCLA depends.

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We'll have the hill quotable. Okay, we switched it up now.

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So this was all about the pens up until here now, we'll have the hill quotable, same exact thing, demonstrative pronoun, singular feminine form, describing a plural Viateur ah, article. Now, books

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will have incredible lJd there too, we have the same exact thing as here we have a

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an adjective

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in the singular feminine form, even though the noun right before it is floral. It's in the broken floor.

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Here lacquer

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and these new books are they yours?

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We have all three parts of speech that we covered previously in the singular feminine form, even though the noun that they refer to is chloro. El Coto is the plural of keytab and Al Kitab. A Palermo is the plural of column column. And we have had he here Jamila tune, how the LGD the two here Yes.

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Mohammed responds la Healy Hamedan. No, they in translation, because we do not do this, this technique in English at all. We keep them in the plural, regardless of whether they're off about Apple though we do have the a separate subject pronoun it. And it's an entrepreneur as well.

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And the possessive pronoun, so we have a separate one to denote non human things.

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But here we don't have those features in the Arabic language but we do something else. We use this singular feminine form for a plurality of often nouns. He only Hamedan they are Hammonds.

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mother's son, follows up Anaa does that zero calm? Yeah, it's one.

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Where are your notebooks? The fat zero is the plural of desk tattle

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desk Edwin that's at zero Jessa zero calm. You're notebooks Yeah, one li response for the whole group here. Hoonah Odda ha then McCabe. They are here uses here for they to represent the fattiest the plural of desktop notebooks.

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They are here on this maktab on this desk. And this is another very nice reminder that once that these nouns if they are singular, they are still going to be masculine.

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Right that they have not changed gender magically, they're not shapeshifters. Right? They haven't changed their program their pronouns on a whim.

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But no, this is a linguistic device to help us differentiate

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gap between,

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we could say neuter, or we could say, lighter, often we could say non human beings or nouns, whatever you want to categorize it in your in your head.

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That we use the singular feminine form, not just to refer to singular feminine nouns but also to refer to plural,

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laid off and nouns. Very good.

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So they're going to show us some examples to M nearly m theta, theta. To me, ml comes from hope or to wish to M Allah yatta yatta and Malou means to ponder,

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to M will

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ponder how to know what the most thought of, you know, ponder some are the act of pondering. Right? So here we have here we have a law from Elijah and Elijah, Singular plural Singular plural had had authority Bucha de doon Paul it is a I have been talking about somebody who is a human being creation. Hula men and Rika look at the hula used to correspond to a singular masculine masculine human pronoun and agenda How will people live on June home mean and we see that these students are new

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look at all the things that changed here

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they're showing us here at least represents often

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talking about humans

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and the represents the opposite way rocky

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right so the singular is the same had a Bollywood Jedi Don Hall, right? However for

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but now let's switch up to something that's right after keytab

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have a keytab Wanda Deelen who Amina make it easy, same exact thing, but look at the plural had the heat. Go to one Jedi that one here mean Amreeka. There's a nice graphical representation or a chart just another way of saying the exact same thing that we just learned in the conversation.

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Number two, how will Colin meno Joomla Lil theity Elijah

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transform or convert the Muqtada in each of the following sentence to plural. Okay, we have the example how the Beethoven had the Hebrew you too and they're going to give you they're going to spot you the plural just to make it easier for you. So we have had the Nigerian have you here in module one had that or soon had the Hebrew soon had a caller Moon had the he

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had the baboon Had he ever

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had and now we're on a river has he and her own Treasury mean tactical and health? Jabba loon have E G Balou. And

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Calvin, he Kilaguni has a very good reference for your broken florals. How the Batroun heavy beheren harder Kitara Boone Baja right away is ocean.

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How did he go to Boone? Harder to run the he homophone

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that said he run the solo run that came out as you probably remember as Donkey. How that deaf Tarun had he does Tiru

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I'm not going to start we're gonna have the 10 We fell away, Deaf deaf at zero.

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That Max turban had the he naka de vous Look at that. Okay, it will also remember

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that fringed upon the heath and the who

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this is a hotel window, so hotel, and fanatical notice how the fat zero Macavity book fanatic who are all on the same wasn't they're all in the same morphological pattern they sound the same

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Arabic is a very musical language that that you can it's evil for now. So anything on that wasn't is going to be I'm not going to stop

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oh, we're not done? No, no, there's more. How the samurai tuin. Oh, what do we do? What do we change here? All this was how the how the how the how the other they were masked?

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On the singular now you're getting some that are masculine that are extremely feminine even in the singular.

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How are they going to change?

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Are they going to

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become Hana? No, they're going to stay here right so the or in this case, however, he said they're not going to change at all. Have you? He said I don't have the he said

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Yeah, so you can't literally can't get it wrong. He says heavy for both have Isa yatton Had he sejarah turn the heat or how the heat but you're all turn. Now we're gonna go far.

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Daddy can edgemon

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and they're gonna test you here. What would it be

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that what's the feminine of that

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tilde tilde no Doom and. And here we go. Telecaster Yara tune. tilaka sejarah.

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Very, very good.

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Asha, il Ismail. RTSP bismi Aisha Ratan, Mona Siva, assuming on our CV, and then Caribbean,

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he will. So here we're going to have you mix and match you're going to have to now

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you're going to have to discover you're going to have to think and figure out which are the nouns that are often and which are the nouns that are laid off and which are the ones that are human and which are the ones that are not human, the ones that are human, they're going to have a habit in the present, excuse me habit in the singular and how to lay in the plural. Whereas the ones that are not human are going to have have

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or have the he in the singular and it will only have had the in the floor.

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And I think that's where we want to stop there. So you have time to

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drink in this lesson. So and work on the previous exercises and practice them and write them in your notebooks. Because the next exercise is definitely a step up in difficulty. They're looking ahead, maybe another similar exercise but using the demonstrative pronouns that are for things that are far away. And then we have a nice little chart here. That's going to break it down for us. When to use which pronoun for whether it is often or that awful and that is the end of the lesson. So we will continue and finish inshallah Tada. Now lesson 16 S Class of Allah hatov SMRT from Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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