Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 43

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various examples of negative sentences in English, including negative sentences in Arabic, and the use of certain phrases and pronouns. They also discuss the use of "yeah" and "has a casserole," meaning "has been" in Arabic writing, and the use of "end up" for things on one's person. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding ambiguity and pronouncing certain words and making it easy to read. They briefly mention "yeah," and then end with a thank you and goodbye.
AI: Transcript ©
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this one or her in 100 I hope that Amin wa salatu salam, Ashraf an MBI almost serene Nabina Muhammad Latina Muhammad Allah here for Salah it's good to Sneem Allah Houma and that we may have found out when fanomena was in an era but I mean, welcome to

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beginning classical Arabic is picked up, right where we left off inshallah Tada. So, we had

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been going through this lesson

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we tackled the rather long conversation between Hamlet and Mohammed, we talked a lot about pronouns, especially possessive pronouns, and watched how they work and how they can be added to different things. And how they reflect the one that is possessing something. Right. So we had this exercise that we had done last class lock fill for all the female Jelle Obama era. We had either who or her so we had to distinguish between, okay, who's the one that's possessing? Okay, how did he, for example, the first one had the heel been too poor Libra, or Libra tone is smooth. Ha, Zayn, Abu. So we had to distinguish. This is the essence, right? The name, and whose name is it, it is her name.

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And so because it's her name, the proper possessive pronoun was hat, and so on and so forth. We went over that, and everybody did very well.

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And these are some, I'll let these be kind of like take home assignments, right? These are kind of asking you to generate some questions. Maybe we can just do.

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Five total. Maybe we can do this as as kind of like a class, and we'll see how it goes. So Hathi hum sets is a Latin word Weaver teen Khadem II Thal RT, so they want you to generate five questions and answers, according to the following examples. So we see the example of a question and column one.

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That's the question. Do you have a pen on you? Or do you have a pen? We broke this down last class. I'll just break it down again here. So we have

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we have the Elif, or better said the hematologist of ham. That makes a question. We have their ENDA,

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which is a preposition. That means with what we use it for possession, right? And then we have the possessive pronoun ca for masculine with a Fatah and Ka and then call a moon. So do you have a pen on you? Right is essentially what this is asking. And the responses, Nam. Alright, and D, Allah moon. So we see we still have ended up as the preposition however, we've changed it. We've changed the possessive pronoun attached to it to reflect who we're talking about. So yes, I have with me a pen, and D on Amazon.

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And so they want us to try to generate five question answer responses. And I think for the sake of time, let's just run through it once with the folks in the class the participants and we'll see what we can come up with notice that they want the answers to be in the affirmative. So we have none in the Holloman. So don't answer with a negative. That's going to be the next example. They have the next exercise called lemon law, Ma and the column and we'll go over about how to negate Joomla ischemia and when we get there, so the for the first one. Let's start with the sides. Okay, so let's have Dr. Mohsen, if you could generate a question upon this pattern. And if Dr. Syra if you could

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generate an answer to that question.

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It's only meet today. Okay, no problem. So let's pair you up with SR Sahab. Are you there?

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Yes, I'm doing

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so it can be aligned.

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Like, get Abu Kitab on good. keytab Good, very good. And so Syrah go ahead and answer that.

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No, indica, Kitab. One. Excellent. Except one thing

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Okay, I'm going to translate what you two just said. So Saad asked, Do you have a book? Very good. And Syrah answered? Yes. You have a book? Oh,

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yeah, I have

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a give it another shot and try to change the possessive pronouns reflect the correct meaning.

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In the Yes, exactly. There you go. Exactly. So it takes a little bit of rearranging, right? If the question comes out you, do you, okay? And then the response can't be in the cap, the response has to be now in D, because you were being asked about you. And this is all just getting used to it. Because in English, we don't think twice about it. Right? Do you have a pen, I have a pen, you lie. You lie. We do it so quickly. And so automatically.

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It doesn't even register, right? So it just is developing our ear and our awareness to register when someone's saying I'm the cat. Okay, the cat is addressing you. And now I have to speak about myself. And so I'm going to have to the output is going to have to be E. Very good. Let's have

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another pair is brother, his brother Mohammed theoretically.

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Yes, you can write a question.

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I'm here to

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as long as

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I know

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how we can get

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a yard. Good, Mashallah. And so Mohammed or Tessa, what would you

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know, I'm in Hindi. So yatton Fantastic. Excellent. See how they did it? Not so hard. Do you have a car?

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Yes, I have a car now let's take SR masala and sister I don't.

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Know, I'm in the

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midst of antastic.

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something very important there that I would point out, I wasn't holding anyone accountable to it, because we're just still in the beginning. So she differentiated between and QA and I'm the key. Okay, so key is the possessive pronoun for you feminine. So sister Masada Ross was being very specific, she was registering the fact that she was speaking to a female. And so she asked her in the key column, which is the most correct thing. Before we were kind of only using the masculine and um, was kind of letting it slide whether, you know, regardless of what your gender was, just so we could get used to talking about me talking about you talking about him talking about her? But yes,

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the correct it would be in this scenario and key myth and the response, NAn De Mitakon. Notice how when we're talking about ourselves, the pronoun doesn't change, there's no masculine mind, or no and feminine mind. It's only for you.

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Or I should say, yours or his or hers, etc. Very good. And finally, summon, or Summon, and I'll do it with you since we have an odd number of people. So go ahead and come up with a question.

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All right. And

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Claire see one, good hey, you know, yeah, if we're in a classroom, and there's not enough chairs to go around? That's a good question. So I will say a nod in de Courcey Yun, and she used in the QA, because I'm the man and that was completely correct. Very good. Excellent.

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Okay, next example we're going to be working with be negative. So I'll refresh our memories of just what we were reviewing the other day. In all languages, we have basically three variations.

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We have affirmative sentences, and we have

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questions and we have negative

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sentences, okay. So in English, I had given the example of I have a ball. Okay. A question would be, do I have a ball question mark question. And the negation of that would be I do not

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Easy enough, right? Well, Arabic is even easier, because if we notice here, what we have is the order of the

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Words, which is technically called syntax is not consistent. in the affirmative. It's, I have, okay.

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To make a question, I have to put something before I do I have, okay. And to make a negative, I actually have to

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insert do not in between these two things which I had in the very first example I have. So Arabic is a little bit easier than that.

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We have

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let's just take in the column, because that was the very first example are making an affirmative statement.

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And the color moon?

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That is the affirmative statement. If I want to make a question, I simply add the Hamza of is to Pam, the question Hamza, before the phrase, same exact phrase, nd column.

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And excuse the fact that we wouldn't usually be asking questions to ourselves, but just for the sake of this example, we are, you know, sometimes we all have parent brain, right?

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And the column one, and that is a question.

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And then finally, to negate it,

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we have math. So that's what we're learning here. The negation of a Joomla is Mia is Ma, ma and the column.

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So we can see that this is a little bit easier than English, because in English, we have to flip around word order. And Arabic, we don't have to flip around word order at all. We keep the same exact sentence and the column and the column and the column. And all we do is we add something to the beginning. For a question, we add the Hamza, for negation we add math. So here we have this example, and the column or the key column, depending on who is speaking. And the first thing is to respond directly to the yes or no portion of the question, this time with left. That means no, but then we're good straight A students. So we're going to answer and complete sentences, we're not

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going to act like teenagers. And so we're going to say, I do not have a pen. Man, Andy the column, right, we have the negated particle right here, the negative particle, and then the rest of the sentence is exactly what we've been doing this entire time. Good. So let's do the same thing. We're going to generate questions on this pattern. This time, let's try to be mindful of who we're speaking to whether we're speaking to a man and so we'll have an index, or whether we're speaking to a woman and so we'll have our index key will generate questions and we'll respond to them but this time negating

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answering with no and in a full complete sentence. And don't worry about if we're using the same objects that we used in the last round. That's not the point of this exercise. It's not the flexure vocab it's just to work on negating things so let's go this time

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we'll reverse the order a little bit let's go with Sister masala bonds and sister Adam

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Go ahead in the key by tune

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now mind you by

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very good correctly, games that calf are key because they're speaking females amongst themselves. And then they use baits which is a house and listen to the negation. First we answer the question and then we negate possession by saying now in the beta. Very Good Brother Mohammed todich. And Brother Mohammed looks awesome. Can you do the next one?

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I'm here

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okay. Let me ask. are in the car,

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man Dylan

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la ma in the Mandira fantastic

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Let's go.

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We have here Yes. Is this there's seven and sister Sorry.

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All right. And Jackie jetan.

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Law my envy.

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Sorry, good. Masha. Allah. Fantastic.

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So Easy enough, right. Anyone have any questions about that?

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Oh, no.

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Good. They're taking it nice and slow with us. And this is good because we're back from our long extended vacation. So now we have a,

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a nice diagram here, where we're going to tease out all of the possessive pronouns that we've learned so far. Okay, so we have the first person possessive pronoun, meaning they T. That's the yeah, my house. Okay, so our first one is Yeah, and we use Yeah, for something that is mine, my house, my pen my car.

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Then we have the cat. And we discussed here that it can either be cat with a flattop or key with a castle depending on gender. And that is for first person, excuse me, second person singular you, your house, your car.

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And then we have to possessive pronouns for the third person, one masculine. Who, Bay two Who is Allah, who has penned the Raja to who, his bicycle, etc. and have her

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for feminine third person singular, Bay to her.

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Allah Maha Kitab Raha Mita, haha, and so on and so forth. And these are what we've learned so far.

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Just to reiterate, a couple points. This is made up of two parts, right? So we have the noun, the base noun, plus the possessive pronoun. You might be wondering what happens in the spoon Beighton? Well, we dropped it. We lost it along the way. Why? Because bait is mobile mobile filet with whatever is the possessive pronoun coming after it. It's a possessive relationship. Okay, that's one of the first things people usually notice. The second thing that people usually notice, why don't I have to say Anna Beatty? And we talked about this, I think last class, why don't I say?

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Doesn't that mean? My house? And no, because what's happening here is you're actually translating the sentence, the sentence order or the word order of English, because in English, we say, my house, the word my comes first.

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Well, in Arabic, we say B. T, which if we were to translate it exactly, would literally be house mind.

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Which is why it you might feel like something's missing for a little bit until you train yourself to recognize that Fe T is the same as my house. If you were to introduce Anna, that would not be correct, because Anna is talking about I, I go do this, I go do that. Et cetera, et cetera. We're not really talking about us. We're talking about something that belongs to us, my house, my car, my pen, etc.

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Good. Anyone have any questions on anything the spark?

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Excellent, you can send something in the chat or just unmute yourself if you've got any doubts or questions. Okay, this is a really, really useful exercise.

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I would like fill a smile at theater. Ilan was Academy while mohatta, one of our AV while of our iba T. Camera who was filming that, okay, there's gonna come a very sweet and celebratory day when you're able to understand the instructions, but don't feel bad the Arabic in the instructions is is is difficult. What they want you to do is they want you to take this list of nouns here called Moon keytab goon study rune is small and the loan is known. And what we're going to do is, we're going to change the ending, according to the correct possessive pronoun, so, and we're going to make it into a full sentence. So what we do here first, we're doing it first person has called me

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the next one caller mukha. Masculine, you have another caller Moo hoo,

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this is his pen, have a column hoo ha. And so you're simply going to go down the row, and you're going to say 1234.

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So that's the first one. So each one of you is going to get an entire row. So we'll start with SR Syra. Could you do keytab?

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Had that

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be good?

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Had the

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had that Columbu? No. So had the key

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Bam, Boo

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Boo Ha, fantastic. Excellent. That's exactly what we're looking for. Going right down the list I have in front of me Semin Europe go for study and bed.

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Okay. Has a study

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has a

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study Ruka

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has a 30 year old who has said you ha, fantastic. Very, very good. Excellent job. Next up Mohammed want to test him this month? Mean?

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Is Mia

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as if mu is mocha?

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Ha. is smooth. Other is Moo ha. Very, very good. Okay, next sister Musa rocks, man deal. Indian?

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Yes. Just a quick question. We would still pronounce this essence. So we would say her that is?

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Oh, that's a very, very good one. It's 102 muscle. So no, we would pronounce we would skip over. A ha ha, this knee had a smooth language. Yes, that's exactly right. Good catch.

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So I'm doing Lynnville Right? Correct. Okay. Hi, Danny Lee has mean the look in De Luca has an Indian who has an Indian who have very good. Okay, next up. I have oh, sorry. Forgive me last exercise. I didn't see your name. And so I skipped the I'm sorry about that. So let's do

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many good.

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offer sister Misurata point. Because this is 100. So

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we're going to now not pronounced

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her that me. Exactly.

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Has the money

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Has that we know her? Fantastic. Great job. Especially like the political on the on the back. Good job.

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Now let's go with Sister arrow. And I'm going to point out here I don't want to see anybody fall into a trap. But this is a trap. sejahtera tune is not masculine. It's feminine.

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So it's not going to use however, it's going to use have the heat. So you're going to have to now say have the say on a tee. So sister, I don't know if he's going to say

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Okay, how's it he's a yachtie? How's he say Yara Touka has a he's a Yara to who has a he CRO?

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CRO? CRO ha. So yeah, so yeah, to her. Good job. I'm especially pleased that they threw in this example here, because we're going to see how the timer changes. Recall that the timer. Okay, it's halfway between a hat and halfway between a tab that's got special rules for pronouncing, etc. When we add something on to a word that has a template of Bucha, it's simply going to become a tab. So if we're saying

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T, O that there's no more timer button. It just became a normal tap. And the same as the rest of them. Right? Which is really, really, this is where the doubt comes. How do i pronounce Livesay say

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to her, right? It becomes a full fledged task. And so we're going to pronounce it. Very good. And let's do now rather than the topic could you do

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Mr. Han? No.

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Mr. He

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has a mix dye has a Mr. hookah has an MS.

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hoo hoo

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hoo. Okay. Who has a Mr hoo ha. Very good. And you see now it's going to be a little bit tricky because we have two types of of half. We have half and we have

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so if I'm going to really nitpick on you if I were your test suite teacher, I would say it has to be how that myth Tahoe, right with the first one being nice and scraping and the second one being nice and lights are back a step further in the throat. Right we're miftah haha. But I'll be easy on you. I'm not I'm not you

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tend to lead teacher at least not yet. And so just be aware that those are two different sounds. Even though for English, they're very, very close. Okay, and we have one last one and since I accidentally skipped sister, so, in the previous exercise, I'm going to give it to her yet. How would we do this exercise for YED?

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Is it gonna be hyper?

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Heavy? What's the role we have? I don't think you're

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feminine, heavy. Okay, but why? What's the rule?

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Sorry. Oh, it's fine. It's fine.

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What's the rule for body parts?

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Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yes. All the body parts are feminine. Yeah, the hands? The piers, the one that's in the piers. Yes, exactly. If there's pairs, if there's two of them, it's feminine. And if there's only one of them, such as your nose, your mouth, then it is very, very good.

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So it's gonna be

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Your day. Very good.

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I can see the example. Heavy. Oh, I'm sorry. Let me scroll up for you.

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Okay, so then Harvey?

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Yeah, dukkha. Yes. Good. Okay, Harvey.

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Yada, hoo.

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And I think he, and

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I'm sorry, I'm blocking everything for you. Yes. Yeah. Doha. Right. Yeah. Okay. Very good. Now I'm going to pose a one or two questions to the group. Okay.

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How do we know?

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What's the

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small bow on top of the desk?

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Right, like, here, here. Let's take the first example. Well, we have to put it for my, my hand. Okay. Is it going to be Yeah, do you? Or is it going to be day?

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And similar? Over here, let's say is it going to be yet that who? Or yeah, do who?

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How do we know? And how do we tell?

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Last time you said something about

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I reckon making it easy and

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not having like really awkward town? consecutively?

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Um, so the yeah day.

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I think it would be the least like it would be your day, like, with the first half.

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I'm just guessing you. That's good. You know, that rule is so interesting. And so kind of delightful in some sort of way, that it really sticks in the mind. Right? It sticks in the mind so much that it takes us away or unmoored us from our default, which is that the ending of a vowel or excuse me, the ending of an ism, a noun is Balma. Unless we have something in the sentence to alter it. So if we have

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what's our sentence here, how the call me, the sentence is a Joomla is meow have is moved to that call me is covered, both of them are meant for. Okay. So the default is going to be longer. The default is going to be done.

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Unless there's something either grammatical, such as a preposition, or phonetic such as that exception rule that I taught you. That's going to change it from there. So that at least will tell us that everything else after the first example will be with a llama. Okay. It's yet Dukkha instead of not yet Dukkha but not Yeah, that pesky me. Or that that time? Yeah. Dukkha. Yeah. Do who? Yeah, do have

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all right.

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Because it's the Joomla is me. And this is cover and cover is not for all right. Does that make sense?

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Now, we come to this example. How do we make it for the Yeah. Okay.

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What is

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easier phonetically

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is to make it at that time so that there's a dip down here. Yeah, day or two just make the del have a casserole, which is the exact same sound as the Yeah. The second one is easier. And so we pronounce it Yeah. Edie. Edie? Then the dad has a Kesar.

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Okay. There's also a second reason why it's Yedi Havey. Havey. Yeah. D and not have the heat. Yeah, date. Okay, we haven't learned it yet. But in Arabic, there is something of a dual number. Okay, so we have singular and plural. But the new the new strange thing about Arabic is that there's a third number that is dual. Okay.

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The dual is made

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in this way if it's more poor, and don't worry about this, if you're not interested, we'll get to it much later. Yeah, Dan.

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Okay. And if it were monsoon or mentioned roar, it would be?

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Yeah, Dane.

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You're saying okay, Eman. What does that have to do with what we're talking about? Well, if we go further, and we make the a Dane move off, and we make it possessed by something else, such as we want to say, my two hands, then we lop off the noon and it becomes

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your day

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with a Fatah.

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And so in Arabic, every single thing in Arabic eliminates ambiguity. Okay, so even the crazy rules like No, I'm not Minnesota, what can have a 10 Wien and what can have a 10 Wien. It all has to do with avoiding ambiguity. And so if it weren't enough reason to make Havey Yeah. D due to the fact that kestra is closer to Yeah. Then

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the fact that yeah, de actually means my two hands is even further reason that it would never be

00:32:12 --> 00:32:39

happy he Yedi meaning this is my hand. Right? And have II a day now you've learned a little something advanced. These are this is my two hands. These are my two hands. And everything else will be mama. Yeah. Dukkha Yeah, boohoo yeah to her. Because there's nothing phonetic in there to worry about there's nothing grammatical to worry about. It's all the default. Right? So this is a really good

00:32:41 --> 00:33:14

lesson in Arabic grammar, and it carries over to as well. We always have default rules. And then we have exception. And sometimes and I know this better than anybody for someone who studied formally. Sometimes it's easier to remember the rules governing the exceptions than it is to remember the default right but we have to make sure that we stick to the neutral understand when resort to exception Can I ask you a question? Of course. Okay. So in the doer you said that you you do have this of the known right in continuity? Yes.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:17

So that leaves

00:33:19 --> 00:33:30

the Yeah. which belongs to the two hands like for example if you were saying his two hands you know Allah's two hands subhanho wa Taala then you will say been a day he right?

00:33:32 --> 00:33:34

But when you say me mine

00:33:35 --> 00:33:36


00:33:40 --> 00:34:02

two years you're not actually you're not actually adding the yeah, basically you're what I need to say is then yeah, they already means two hands but yeah, they also means my two hands. Ah, very good. Question. Excellent catch. Excellent cat. So there are two years and how would two years be written with a shed with a shudder? Okay.

00:34:03 --> 00:34:08

So without the Shuddha what you wrote there was just two hands.

00:34:09 --> 00:34:15

Or yeah, without the shutter it was just two hands by when you added the sugar then it became my two hands.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:20

Okay. Good catch. Mashallah. I for detail.

00:34:22 --> 00:34:25

Okay, excellent. That was a nice little.

00:34:27 --> 00:34:55

A nice little tangent. Anyone have any questions about that? Don't if that's over your head, don't worry. We're gonna get into it later. Honestly, honestly, honestly, the dual is useful for understanding the Quran you should know obviously, that it exists and how it works. But modern spoken Arabic has largely abandoned the dual because it's a fairly unique feature. As far as languages go. Most languages don't have a dual form. They have a singular and they have a plural.

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

So most modern spoken Arabic does

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

not really used to duel so much.

00:35:02 --> 00:35:07

But it's important to be aware that it exists. Well, well, in time, we'll learn the rules for that.

00:35:10 --> 00:35:40

But the big takeaway is that don't lose sight of the fact that we're still within Joomla is Mia and Joomla is Mia has two parts look to that cover. And both of those parts are marked for both of those parts are in the nominative case, the nominative case is demonstrated by a Bama in this case in this particular example. And that's the rule unless there's something evidence in the sentence to change that rule.

00:35:42 --> 00:35:59

Now they're going to take us into the other way of talking about possession. Recall that, you know, we were talking about? Well, they are going to tell us right here a little bit later. Now Cool. Alright, in the key tab, Boone wanna own Li f1. So there's,

00:36:00 --> 00:36:03

oh, which, which says which words if there's

00:36:13 --> 00:36:14

like via they.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:21

Excellent. Very good. Yeah, when you can, if you're able to give us the idea, just for reference, so we can have that

00:36:22 --> 00:36:25

on record for the folks following along at home.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:45

Now, we're going to talk about Lee and ended and we talked about how the lamb there's these are two different ways of talking about possession. So using the lamb and Malkia. And using Ender are two different ways of talking about possession. In general, we use ENDA for objects, book, pen,

00:36:47 --> 00:36:47


00:36:48 --> 00:36:58

and lamb now Nakia, we tend to, and these are not absolute absolute, absolute rules, but they are general rules, we use them for

00:36:59 --> 00:37:03

human beings, right? I have a brother, I have a sister, I have a mother, I have a father, etc.

00:37:05 --> 00:37:10

The secondary difference is that we use LEM for things that our our

00:37:12 --> 00:37:50

possession, whether they're on our person or not. And we use end up for things that are not just our possession, but things that are on our person, which was the significance of the dialogue in the beginning of this lesson when he wanted to know whether Mohamed had a car with him. Right? He wasn't asking him if he owned a car, because that wouldn't help him. He was he was looking for a ride home. Right? And so if you're looking for a ride home, you don't really care if the person owns a car, you care if the person has that car with them. Right? So which is why he said end up in the car. And I think he's saying yeah,

00:37:51 --> 00:38:01

so they reiterate the specs, they say down here, Nepal or in the key tebboune. I have a book one goal li as soon

00:38:03 --> 00:38:03

and we say

00:38:04 --> 00:38:06

I have a brother,

00:38:07 --> 00:38:09

we would not say in the excellent.

00:38:10 --> 00:38:37

Okay. And we usually would not say li keytab them. So there are situations where you could say that here, no word find for objects, them for people. And we have a nice little exercise right here. Lee books on wahiduddin. This is straight from the dialog right box is a sister and so it has why there has to be feminine huahai That's one with a Tamil Gupta.

00:38:39 --> 00:39:01

laka. When do you have a brother? Same exact formula or equation as our questions with ENDA. And look, the response is exactly the same. It's a negative response. And so it's going to first of all address the yes or no component of the question law. That's going to have a sentence that's a negation. Ma li f1

00:39:03 --> 00:39:17

And so we can't we don't start assuming it's not conjugation but we add a possessive pronoun to lamb just as we did to end li laka or lucky law who and law.

00:39:19 --> 00:39:29

Tea my sister law with bloom so the rune fulfil is a child severe we know is a small child.

00:39:31 --> 00:40:00

So this would mean that my sister she has Lucha right from Slovenia, and finally is Amelie my colleague or my classmate level. He has f1 Well, a brother and a sister. But we're out of time for now. So I think we'll pick up there and we will read that through together. Next time in sha Allah. Does anyone have any questions about anything that we've covered today or pre

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00


00:40:03 --> 00:40:05

so the eye is seven gives me

00:40:07 --> 00:40:14

I think who was fourth? Masculine and half are feminine right? Now who? Yes.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:22

masculine. Okay. Now who is more masculine and law is for feminine? Sorry, maybe.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:26

So I have a question for number three.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:30

So love because the subject is the child.

00:40:33 --> 00:40:40

Right. Fantastic question is a great question. That subject is not the child, the subject is the sister.

00:40:42 --> 00:40:48

It's her child, right? This is the English equivalent of her. Right? So your child.

00:40:50 --> 00:41:05

So that's where that comes in. The difference I read on here is masculine, 100%. Correct. But this is the cover. This is the station that we're giving about the subject, which is my sister, sister.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:08

You're talking about

00:41:09 --> 00:41:14

giving the Hubbard about the boy, but okay. Okay.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:16

That's okay.

00:41:17 --> 00:41:31

I understood that. Yeah. Oh, this is good. This is very good. So the differentiating between the two is going to require us to be able to draw that line. Where does the move to that start? And where does the hub again?

00:41:33 --> 00:41:48

So, T, Lucha Teflon, so we don't so we see that there's a switch here. Oh, see Lucha from Saudi Iran. This is the information about the subject, which is OT.

00:41:50 --> 00:42:23

But we'll get into more of you. So since we are talking about if you can explain number four also in that, in that light? The Neely fuller? Who? Yes. So he's the meal would be the masculine form of colleague or classmates. Right. Okay. So he's the subject. Since we're talking about him, we're going to talk about what he possesses. He has both a brother masculine and a sister feminine. This is the hub, right? And the move to that is here.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:25

So the same exact thing, but reversed.

00:42:31 --> 00:42:39

One thing that's tricky about this is again, word order, right? So the word order violates our sense of English syntax, because in English, you would say,

00:42:40 --> 00:42:42

My brother has

00:42:44 --> 00:42:56

a sister, right? So this is sort of what's going on. Like my colleague, we will say this has, okay. A brother and a sister.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:04

So we're really talking about my colleagues or my classmates. We're not really talking about the brother or the sister.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:16

That's a very good question. I'll review that answer again, tomorrow when we do this, or excuse me, not tomorrow, but next class, because that's a very crucial point.

00:43:18 --> 00:43:19

Anyone else?

00:43:25 --> 00:43:34

Okay, everyone's doing fantastic. Excellent effort. Great participation. Thank you all very much. And I will see you in shallots on Wednesday.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:41

Okay, there we go.

00:43:44 --> 00:43:45

So don't let it go off.

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