Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 31

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to writing and leboff agape, including words and phrases, proper names, and leboff agape. They stress the importance of reading and writing to improve the process and provide examples and examples of words and phrases that will change depending on the gramatic form of the word. They also discuss the use of leboff agape and the "monster" in different context, including when talking about actions or situations. The speakers stress the importance of keeping track of gendered nouns and the use of "people" in English, and provide examples and slides for the next class.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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Salatu salam ala so mursaleen that we know what was you know Muhammad Ali here Furusawa slipstreamed Allahumma Arlindo you may have found Island found at the Mount Island, Tina was even earning money out of the enemy. Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh everybody, welcome Wednesday evening to getting classical Arabic. Today Inshallah, we will seek to finish the chapter that we've been working on for a bit and precedes the next chapter and the new and exciting

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lesson and concept. So without further ado, let's go to the book. We had finished this exercise last time.

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And now we're moving on to a you know,

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science quarter sort of a reflection and we can make it into a reading exercise to add money m theta to Tia right says read the following and keep in mind the rule per per pertaining to nouns ending with

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okay. So, all of this is trying to cover something or introduce you to something which I have already taken liberty to introduce you to, which is that certain words, certain nouns and certain verbs are met knee. They are undefinable unchangeable at their endings, okay, so what we have here and we don't really need to read it, it's sufficient just to all read it together. We have elevate to the house, okay. And what they're showing you here is how it is not our job. It is decline hobble the ending changes according to his grammatical position, we have lb two which could be moved to that. It could be Howard, it could be Ferial. Okay, if it were a Joomla fairly, it could be the doer

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of a verb depending on Yes, it could be. Not all verbs require an object. We'll get into that more as we get into verbs.

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But you see here that it has a llama. And you see here that that llama is going to change to reflect changes in the grammatical case. So nominative case, for the grammar nerds out there is with thumb. And then in various genitive positions, it's going to have a casserole filled at middle Beatty, eel Beatty, and we can say you can use the genitive case to say in the house, from the house, to the house. And that's pretty much what we're working with at this point. As far as prepositions in order to say lots of different exciting things. But there are other words, there are other words that are left knee. They are in decline of them, they do not change their endings, and they don't change

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their endings for phonetic reasons. Use usually, so this word right here l mustache. Yes, it is the word for hospital. And, again, for my those who are interested,

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because I can't talk and spell at the same time I learned

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for those of you who are interested in the morphological aspects of this word here.

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Okay, who wants to take a crack at it? What's the three letter root?

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What's the three letter root of this word? Mustafa

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shifa Very good. Okay. So we have sheen

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and Elif or Hunter ALA. Right? Okay, from this three letter roots, that's a very poor fat sorry about that from this three letter root

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okay, if we put it on a certain there's a morphological pattern which we'll get into later.

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For MIPS 10 They usually in English they represented by Roman numerals, which adds

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just before something

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okay, it's all gonna make sense in just a second I promise. And this

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prefix for this morphological form means to seek.

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Ah, so all of a sudden, let's let's let's let's bring a

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As an example that's closer to home without a weak letter in it if we have we know that

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ln A O has exactly where I'm going align

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RA has to do with forgiveness of all thought all means to forgive Allah is L of love the intense Forgiver he is the Allah for the always forgiven. He is the author which is simply the Forgiver right on the wasn't on the pattern of fat.

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Okay, right. If you take this and put it on this pattern

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instead of a law thorough you get stung federal

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which means to not forgive but to seek forgiveness.

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This is very advanced stuff don't worry about it. If it's way over your head, it will come back again. Estelle Farah is a verb past tense verb that means to seek forgiveness

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and we get the Jaren from that is still without okay. So, if we go back to our let me erase all this.

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If we go back to the root in question here, which is sheen le from which we derive a last word a Shafi the healer. Okay,

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this dash

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is to seek health

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or to seek healing.

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And the place where that happens

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is the moustache fair.

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Which is the hospital the place of where you seek healing, or the place where you seek health.

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Okay, so that's a little taste of what's to come.

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As for our purposes, right now, that's not what they're trying to teach you at all. That's fairly advanced stuff.

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What they're trying to teach you is that if the final letter of a noun is an Elif

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of either type,

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this is called Maksutov, which means basically literally laying down.

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And this is called mem dude, which means literally standing up. But they're both lifts, they're just written slightly different ways.

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Are these types of words going to change depending or I should say, are they going to change to reflect the change in grammatical case? No, they will not.

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So we have Elmo stache via, that's more for that's in the nominative case, fill in mustache via in the genitive case, middle mustache, eel mustache via it does not change. It is fixed. It is MEB knee

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which literally means built from Vienna, which is like Boon yen like a building. So me something that's built, it's solid, it's unshakable, it's not going to move, it's not going to change. And the same with other names. We were asked someone had asked the question, why, for example, is it that Alia Bernie is earlier than earlier than Ernie?

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I should say earlier, there are no Minelli abahani

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and Emika and not alemannia Well, this is it's because of the Elif

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the Elif is fixed.

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It is Magne and it will not change M rica the country this is more for

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fi M Rica. In America, still saying Genitive Case. Mean M Rica. Isla, I'm Nika

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and the same with alemannia and Manaea, which is nominative model for fi alemannia.

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Mina alemannia ila alemannia

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Does anybody have any questions about this particular point?

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Anyone have any questions? Yes. So most

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that you're saying is this Yes. A YAY or yell or is it a live? This is Ali. This is Ali. It's an it's called an lf we have a raceless. I can write a note here for you all.

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There is

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If we're going to say

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LF itself,

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there's two types.

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There is

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MK Su, which looks like this look in your must have, well go ha.

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This is the what it looks like.

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And sometimes in the Quran they write a

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an LF like that over it.

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Not so or

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ma'am dude.

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Med from med if you guys know, touch we write and I'm doing means literally extended stretched

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them. Dude, my writing is terrible to them, dude. And that just looks like this. You're used to them, dude, you're used to thinking of this as ally, but both of these are just as alief as the other.

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But that's a good question. What differentiates this from the yes, the dots? Put two dots down there. And it's a Yeah. No dots. No, yeah.

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You don't have to write a small lift in in the tummy. Yet the right. Question? No.

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Very good question. Anybody else? Any questions?

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Okay, good. It's just it's a minor point. But it's a it's a good one to use for. Okay, let's try to finish this chapter.

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Okay, this is I think the last or second to last exercise.

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Yeah, crawl, walk to read and write. And I will always remind you all that

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the more that you write, the more that you will benefit.

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So you are going to simply read the sentence. Very, very straightforward. The things you're going to have to pay attention to you're going to have to pay attention to merging the two words, at least lamb are you going to pronounce the lamb or not? Is there a moon letter or some letter after it? You're going to have to put the correct ending reflecting the grammatical case on the word and then you're going to have we're going to be exposed I think it looks like to a bunch of not a bunch but some names of countries so we'll learn some names of countries and you can just do your best so number one first on my list here is SR muscle lots can you please do number one

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how's the lobby boo mean in KL Tara? This

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doctor is from England. Very good. Okay, number two brother awesome.

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The hubba Hamedan ILA your answer? Good. What does that mean?

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Hamid went to France. Yeah, very good. Past tense. Excellent job. Notice we have Joomla izmi up here. Joomla Lea down here. So here the two parts are moved to that cover, right subject here have Bobby boo. Report on.

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There's the cover include Sarah. And then here we have different types of sentence different parts. This is a Joomla fair and he begins with a verb.

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And so what we have is there the verb that is the doer of the verb. EULA Franza is the role as the object or sometimes you know, the prepositional phrase can be in place of an object.

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Great. Um, next, someone from the same family number three

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Oh, yes. More than Marie do? Well,

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Who? Who? Well, Ana, Phil, Mr. shafa Very good. Mashallah. translate that for us?

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Mahmoud is a patient

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who's probably in the hospital. Yes. Good, good, good. So, Maria right is the is the result of him being

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excuse me, your translation of being a patient is automatic for a doctor Mashallah. Marie literally means sick. But the result of that is that he is he is a patient so that's good.

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The only thing I heard is that Marie has to have a two bombers at the end of it, Marie Boone. She said that

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I'm hungry that

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and you're an excellent man for admitting that. So machmood Murray will move to the cover. All right, one of the first sentences that we that we learned with proper name is and looked at it, and an adjective as the

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as the cover. And so because it is Nikita and it's a simple hover, it has to have the sign of it being Nikita, which is all the time. And l n is I'm very impressed that you knew to put a afecta on that we haven't learned that and yet, an n means now

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it's a preposition of time. But is a man as I call it an Arabic. And it means now who will enter he right now. Theater moustache

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is in the hospital. So

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we're going to draw our line here. Who feels most desperate? And who I'll add I'll add is just an extra?

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I'm not sure what would be part of the malted out of the cupboard. That's very interesting.

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I want to say it would be part of the book today because it doesn't make sense. Well, I don't know. I'm not sure also look that up. Feeling was special.

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He is now in the hospital. Good. Number four sister Sire.

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So can I ask a quick question? Can an arm come anywhere can it only come here

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after the vote can be in the end? That's the benefit of a lot of things relating to time is that you can pretty much tack them on anywhere it could have been an who have been mustache but it could have been avoided and a feeling mustache well it could be who have been mustache well right all of those are acceptable

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Good Good question

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number four please

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the hub Zaha

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Abdullah he NL mn ni

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ILA in the DAR

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can hear you?

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Is everything coming through? Okay.

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In the chatbox Can you hear me?

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I can hear you. Okay.

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That was very good. Can you translate that for us?

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Do you want

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think Abdullah went from

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cheer on mommy me is what Germany from Germany to?

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What's in?

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Yes. To England sorry. Went from Germany to Dr. masala and check out you know, this is the one thing that's going to trip us up as English speakers. That Joomla fairly is not a native construction to English, right? So notice how when you translate it, it's going to be the opposite word order the opposite syntax. English is a subject verb object language. Arabic, at least in Joomla Farah Lea verbal sentences is verb subject object. So that have Abdullahi we're translating in our head. Abdullah wins.

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Right? Which is we couldn't possibly say went up the look. That would not be correct, right. But in Arabic, this is the correct way they have Abdulahi Abdulahi middleman yet. Illa includes our very good Brother Mohammed. Is that sentiment?

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Del kita boo.

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Lisa, good. Weatherley Calcutta Abu Musa Pasha Very good. Excellent. So I'm going to spare Brother Mohammed the hard questions and I'll just tell you that our ISA is in the genitive case okay, it has Metro it is but it will not show that because it has an Elif on the end in this case and at least not so same thing with Musa these names are both ending in a type of Elif and so they are fixed they are MEB knee they

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we can say that they're in this position or that permit position grammatically, but they won't show it. They won't show it. So how they keep toggle is the multi layer ESA is the hover and

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It is a medieval good and the last one

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good question are Musa and or ISA Arabic names

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i want to say No they're not.

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But I need to look into it a little bit further. Many of the prophets names are not Arabic.

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Right? And there's this actually has consequences in even the Koran with

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with the grammar of some of these of some of these words for example usage and Jonas are not Arabic names they've of course because of usage they've become Arabic but however they don't behave like Arabic names grammatically you assume and Eunice will never have

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Kessler their menorah, Mina soft, right, we introduced this concept once very briefly. They won't take all of the or they can't exist in all of the grammatical cases of Arabic because they're considered foreign names.

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Yes, of course. Yeah. So

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that makes me want to say that Musa and Isa are the same or similar. Whereas

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other names like solid, solid is an Arabic name. Right? And obviously, Muhammad, Ali Solomon, and so on and so forth.

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So you can tell there are hints whether a word is

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origin, Arabic or origin from a different language, naivete and or Syrian or Aramaic or Hebrew even, depending on if that how that word is declined and grammar. Ibrahim, Ibrahim is not an Arabic word. Right? So you'll never find Ibrahimi. It's Ebro. Hema,

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It's raw either. Yeah, Bani Israel. Isla.

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Very good.

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Okay, number six, we're down to seven.

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I hope I'm pronouncing that okay. Someone? Yes.

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Has Mohan de su men. Amreeka. Very good. and translate that for us? This engineers from America? Yes. Fantastic. Very good.

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Handy. So is the move to that mean? I'm Rica is the hub.

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And that's pretty straightforward. Very good. Any questions?

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Before we start the next exercise, and I believe this is the final exercise.

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Okay, let's do it. So this is a final exercise reminding us of one of the other important parts of this lesson, which were the two rules assuming the two words a man and a man meaning in front of and how the meaning behind.

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Right, and how they interact within a sentence and the words after it. It says read keeping in mind the rule pertaining to Khalifa and mmm, which are molded off. So you're you're they're telling you here that if you have either of these two words in a sentence,

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though, it's going to have a relationship of possession. So what comes after we've spent we spent probably the most time out of everything we've done in this class on leboff agape late right possessive construction. So, these words are going to behave like move off and move off eBay. They are moved off and whatever comes after them will be well off eBay.

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So these pictures are very

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not clear. Supposed to be a mouse in front of something and behind something, but anyway, it should be clear through the context. So we are down to

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the shakedown number one please.

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I suppose to a mammal, the B word mama Libby was here called Moodle recently. Alright, very good. Very good. So first of all Blackboard assuming a civil is a blackboard or even a whiteboard right dry erase marker board. Any sort of board like that that's used for instructor that's a civil

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prison Fernando Valley with the student and she is behind the

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Although the sorry, the

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Blackboard maybe. Yeah, exactly. See this is this Arabic, this is exactly how Arabic is and why it's really, really crucial to try to understand and keep track of. I'll say this once you get into more advanced Arabic reading, um

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keeping track of the gendered nouns in the sentence is extremely important. Because this is exactly what's going to happen. You're going to have a sentence that's like a paragraph long, and there's only going to be one noun that's feminine. And the whole paragraph, and then everything after that, it's going to be pronoun pronoun, pronoun pronoun, and the author is going to expect you to remember that some water is feminine and thought it is masculine.

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Right? So it's tricky. We don't really have to keep track of it like that in English, but, but here we do. So yes, as suborder to a man authority, the board Blackboard or otherwise is in front of the students. What here Calvin mother received, and it is in this case, the school behind the teacher.

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Very good.

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I'm moving on to brothers. Yeah, if you're there, number two.

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We see here my mother, Mother antastic. translate that for us.

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You teacher's car.

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It is in front of the school. Mashallah. Right where it belongs. Good job. Yes. Fantastic. Number three, going back to the top of the list

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and we're back at SR Summit.

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If you're that Sr. Semin number three if you are there.

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Sometimes they actually every time I get back to the top, it rearranges the order of the participants. So no worries. Let's move on to another awesome. Number three.

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I know Beatle emailed me.

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They told me hypothalamus GD, good translate. Where? Where's the house of the Imam at the house of the EMA is behind the Masjid. Fantastic. Very good.

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Again, remember with questions, we're going to reorder our sentences. So basically, Miami is actually moved to the

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aina is the hovel. We're asking about the salary. And this gets straightened out in the answer to the question basically, Ma'am, look, it's the same thing up to that. The answer to that question is the public health MSDB behind the machine,

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also exactly where it should be my show.

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Number four.

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Let's go to the CFM. Split the last two and

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in a jealous Sahami then

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then I'm done. Sorry, Ramadan.

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Someone called for?

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More than very good. translate that for us.

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Ahmed sitting,

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good. Yes, that's correct. The only thing I'm going to pick is the is the tense of the verb. This is past tense. So we would say where did hammock sit? He sat.

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Jealous. Moon, he sat behind Mac. So imagine hammy and MacMall are these guys that come back from after class to talking about what happened in class. And where did Hamisi Hameed sat behind Matthew?

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Very good.

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And notice here notice here how the quarter. It's just like example three except here we're dealing with a Joomla Veolia. Right. We have this is the end of it. And this is the front we have the

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verb, subject and the predicate. We're out

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asking about the predicate. So it moves up with the actual order it gets straightened out in the answer. There were verb that are the subject in English grammar and predicate.

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Or I'm sorry, that's a slight mistake. This isn't the entire thing is the predicate. Because the subject is implied

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because it's part of the question. Good. And Dr. Mohsen, bring us on with number five.

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They have a model Elon Musk God,

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like jealousy.

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Well, may

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fantastic, very well pronounced. translate that for us.

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Amar went to the masjid and said behind the Mara,

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fantastic, very good. And that was one of the more complicated examples that we have. But well handled, it is a Joomla. Fairly, okay, that hubba is the verb. Allah is the subject is the

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LMS GD is what we, it was what we would call a predicate

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a prepositional phrase standing in place of the object. Wa Jenessa. Again, we don't need to repeat the subject. This is something very common in Arabic and all languages, we have the verb, it's still talking about the same subject a mob, so there's no need to repeat the subject. It's implied.

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Al McRobbie is the objects, which is a prepositional phrase. Anyone have any questions at all about anything in this lesson?

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Was that just a few questions? Sorry. Are there any implications for previewing Amana or Khalifa as prepositions versus a move off? In that they kind of behave similarly?

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That's a good question. Grammatically, there's no there's no consequences because remember, going back to the idea of the genitive case, Jo, it covers three relationships, it covers the relationships between objects of time, place and possession. Right? So the concept of the grammatical case it doesn't affect it.

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Are there any other consequences to conceptualizing a man and how as mobile as opposed to prepositions?

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Oh, um,

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don't quote me on this. But my intuition

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would say that

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prepositions typically cannot change in and of themselves.

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Like, men is fixed on men, whereas

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in English what we say prepositions but what we say move off can be anything. Okay? So men healthy.

00:33:14 --> 00:33:28

So men healthy, is it going to change? Right? So we have one cloud so this is the the question for those who didn't understand the question. Very good question. Mashallah. Is that remember the genitive case we said covers three relationships.

00:33:29 --> 00:33:34

time, place, and ownership or possession? Okay.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:42

Not everything translates from English to Arabic. 100%. So in Arabic we have

00:33:44 --> 00:33:45

have a joke.

00:33:46 --> 00:33:47


00:33:48 --> 00:33:52

Boy, my Arabic writing It's just chicken scratch.

00:33:55 --> 00:33:57

Yes. Okay, so how to Joe?

00:33:58 --> 00:34:14

Literally a letter or a particle that renders something genitive from Java metal? Okay. We're talking here examples like men. What we learned earlier, what we learned first Isla fi fie.

00:34:15 --> 00:34:16

These sorts of things.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:22

And then in Arabic, there's a different category that's called love.

00:34:26 --> 00:34:26


00:34:29 --> 00:34:31

The problem is in English.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:39

How to Joe and Laura are both covered in one category which is called prepositions.

00:34:42 --> 00:34:59

So sometimes we get into trouble because we translate have job as a preposition, which it's true. It is. But then we also have what's called bottom, which is also really an English of preposition as well. What is a vertical

00:35:00 --> 00:35:14

A lot of can be either time or place, such as bad, which is after, or global, which means before. And then we have the one that we just learned, which was what least to call

00:35:15 --> 00:35:16

and a man

00:35:23 --> 00:35:23


00:35:24 --> 00:35:25


00:35:27 --> 00:35:46

I was asked, Why is there any difference? Is there any difference? Okay? Okay. Forgive me I'm making a leap in logic that I didn't explain a lot of its relationship to the word that comes after it is one of eath offer is one of possession. Okay, that's the link.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:48

That's the link.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:10

Whereas this, its relationship to what comes after it. It's called simply Joe wovens rule. It's called literally of preposition and the thing that makes measurable. So, in Arabic grammar, they're categorized as two different things. What is not?

00:36:12 --> 00:36:19

How would you translate it? I'm going to translate it as a preposition, but it's a different class of preposition from health genres in Ireland.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:35

So, is there a difference from conceptualizing Khalifa and Amanda as Vaughn or we should say, as thought of whose relationship to the word coming after it is mobile fumbled off ELA

00:36:36 --> 00:36:39

as opposed to conceptualizing it as hot job

00:36:42 --> 00:36:51

and the relationship between it and the word after it is John Wooden Mitchell and my instinct without looking at a book is to say that

00:36:52 --> 00:37:07

these this class of prepositions are declining. You can have mean baddie, you can have melancholy, you can have mean heartbeat, you can have mean a mammy However, men Isla fi never changed.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:11

Right? At least to this list to

00:37:13 --> 00:37:14

Zack was good, but that's helpful.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:19

So one more question. I think this is not as complex in sha Allah.

00:37:20 --> 00:38:02

But it would the mobile philosophy if you came, let's say someone's walking in, they came across a car. And they said had a car to move there. Listen like this. This is a car of a of a teacher. You're not the teacher. It just seems like the way the car looks. It must be a teacher's car. Maybe it's nice or whatever. Is this correct? Yes, it is correct. We'll get into we'll get into the rules for exceptions for when the mill boff ELA can be net zero? It can Okay. Yeah, that's good. I'm glad you're thinking along those lines. So yes, it is permissible. And if you can say it's like, this looks like a teacher's car that beat up one we saw

00:38:03 --> 00:38:12

earlier in the lesson, right? So yes, it is. But it has rules. It has rules when you can do that. And it's it's a general exception. But we will get there. That's very.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:23

Okay, any other questions? And if you didn't understand a lot of complete a lot of

00:38:24 --> 00:38:25

conversation, I'm going to try to

00:38:27 --> 00:38:35

with one of the students make some slides to kind of elucidate the issue. And so any other questions? Yes. In

00:38:36 --> 00:38:39

that number four, they're saying

00:38:40 --> 00:38:41

we don't? Yes.

00:38:43 --> 00:38:49

Why can we not make it trainer jealous or high median or something? Like, why is it? And

00:38:52 --> 00:39:15

so the question is, why is handmade? metaphor and not mentioned? Correct? Yeah. Okay, the default person, there's two reasons. First of all, is that the default grammatical case of anything is one four, until, until there is something to take it away from that default grammatical case. So we would ask, what is there in the sentence?

00:39:17 --> 00:39:39

That would change Hamid? So put it into the genitive case? And keep in mind that the genitive case is not simply like it comes after any word? No, it specifically has to have a relationship of time, place or possession. So is there anything in the sentence that would justify doing such a thing to have it?

00:39:42 --> 00:39:54

If you really think about it, you could say Aina is kind of asking about place. But it's not telling us anything about place and it's not telling us anything about

00:39:56 --> 00:39:58

Hamilton specific. That's what we're asking about.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:21

So really what we have is we don't have anything in a sentence to justify putting Hamlet in the genitive case. So even by default, we would have to leave it as a noun, as a noun, we would have to leave it in the nominative case. Then secondly, if we look a little bit closer this instead in the in the chat, if we look a little bit closer and say, Okay,

00:40:22 --> 00:40:39

what position what grammatical, or, or what part of speech or what part of the sentence is having fulfilling? What type of sentence is this? And this is why the one of the first questions we learned to ask in this class is, what type of sentence is to understand what ham is,

00:40:41 --> 00:41:09

we need to understand first what type of sentence it is. Once we understand what type of sentence it is, we understand the parts of that sentence. Once we understand the parts of that sentence, we can assign those parts to different words that we see. So this type of sentence is a verbal sentence. And a verbal sentence has three parts. It has the verb as the subject, and it has a predicate, either an object or a prepositional phrase. We have a verb,

00:41:10 --> 00:41:18

we have a question about the predicate. And so the only thing left is the subject. And the subject of a verb is always multiple.

00:41:21 --> 00:41:30

And as the say it said, if we said Oh, I like that. If we said the son of having a life let's get that JELA sir.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:37

Gela seven New Mexico's pronounce it right.

00:41:39 --> 00:41:41

Jealous have no Hamidi?

00:41:43 --> 00:41:53

Yes, now we have justification to make this genitive module because if no, is my forte, it is the

00:41:54 --> 00:42:04

because it is the subject of the verb. However, this is entirely a possessive, it's construction which would make Jaime measurable. Does that make sense?

00:42:09 --> 00:42:15

Yes, okay, because I was trying to compare with number three there. I was like, why is that?

00:42:16 --> 00:42:17

Cool? Imam is so

00:42:19 --> 00:42:22

cool in Miami, the Imams house? Yes.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:34

The main reason is because there there are two different types of sentences. Number three is Joomla is via number four is a Joomla fairly. But that's good, though. That's a very good question.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:39

Excellent, any other questions?

00:42:49 --> 00:42:58

Okay, all we have is just a list of our new words and we'll Stesha which is hospital and Manaea. Germany includes that rock, which is

00:42:59 --> 00:43:31

England, Swiss law, which is Switzerland, a sikinos, which is a nice fit on saya which is France, a man and called Amana meaning in front of conifer, meaning behind next class, we will get to the new lesson and this is actually very, very helpful because I'll will inshallah we'll have slides prepared for the next class, where we will talk about we will talk about Cisco MyLSU, also known as not in many routes, this has to do with

00:43:33 --> 00:43:35

adjectives, all about adjectives.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:41

How do they work in Arabic? What's the order? What's the grammar and so on and so forth.

00:43:42 --> 00:43:50

Everybody's doing a fantastic job. Very pleased with everybody's progress and effort. May Allah bless you all and bless this class.

00:43:52 --> 00:43:54

And see you next time. Salam Alaikum

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