Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 23

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The speakers discuss various examples of feminine names and the use of feminine pronouns in English, including the "has" and "has eaten." They also touch on the meaning behind certain words like "has" and "has eaten," and the use of pronouns for writing in Arabic. The speakers stress the importance of keeping certain words in the proper position and keeping them out of the wrong position. They also discuss the use of pronouns for writing in Arabic and the importance of possession in Arabic grammar.
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This phenomenon Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala schauffele, MD. I mean, we in our code once you know Muhammad Ali he also Salah was fit asleep Allahumma alumna rebellion Varna when Fatima when I learned to that was in Ireland and he had on the land, I mean,
welcome everybody. So don't worry come up to Allah to begin.
Welcome to we're getting classical Arabic.
We have some new and exciting material for this evening in sha Allah. So let's get right to it. Last class was a lengthy review session. And I hope everybody's fresh and limber
for learning one new concepts and a lot of new vocabulary.
So, all of this time, since the beginning of the book, we have been dealing with
masculine nouns with the exception of our little four way foray into feminine names, right? However, now we're going to explore the world of feminine nouns because in Arabic, unlike in English, nouns have gender.
So that's going to change everything.
Not dramatically, but it's going to change everything that means even our demonstrative pronouns, right? This and that are going to change, our endings are going to change of the words, and so on and so forth. So we're going to look at how those changes happen. And
for the first I'm going to be picking two people, per,
let's say,
paragraph or image, okay? And you all can, you'll have an opportunity to read, and we will work on correcting our reading, if there's any
vocab needed to be done. I'll type it in here Inshallah, as always, you can take a screenshot that's probably the most time efficient way to capture what I write. So could Brother Mohammed, and Brother
Mohammed, will
you read the first the first image? One of you take whoever I mentioned first, you read the first time whoever I mentioned second, you read the second line?
I think the postman
has a new AMI than what has he been to yardsaling? Mashallah. Good job. I didn't hear exactly if he did this. But
oh, I'm sorry. You're sorry. I finished the second point.
rather sad. Are you there?
Yes, I'm here. Sorry, I was talking about I was on mute.
Last night.
Even though hat is no Hamidi in
we've been doing?
We've been doing?
We've been doing Yes.
By being tuned yesterday, or?
Wacky, far too.
Good. Okay, so let's play out a couple of things here with both of these. First of all.
First of all, we notice they're testing us on how we're going to read the how digital muscle, this was one of the lessons we had last class. So he said that the habits of muscle, we pronounce it, it's the beginning of what we're saying. And we don't if it's in the middle of what we're saying. So for example, here we have a handy little muscle, that nice big fat solid right above it. Event. However, that's not the first word we're reading. We're reading have that. So what we need to do is join these two words together in our reading, have no have no that's the correct way to read it. And then here we have Ibnu IGNOU, because we're starting with that 100 to the muscle. Why does it have a
customer we explained that before? Because is a noun that does not start with an ad flat.
the first line was read very well. Brother Mohammed, can you translate that for us?
boy this even even know
this boy this this this boy Hamid
and this and
daughter I asked her okay good if you
this is daughter of the asset then what is it no Hamidi?
It's the one on a well there you go. Okay. So what do we have here? We have this is handmade son there he is right there Mashallah. And this is yes is
literally this is the son of Hamid and this is the daughter of yes okay the only thing that's new here is had the he had the he is the feminine form of this
so both have and heavy mean this however however, is only for masculine nouns have a key taboo
that no hammy did. Whereas heavy is for feminine nouns. Been to yes eating yes, there's daughter or we'll get into other Sciarra or others we'll see that soon.
when we ran into the second one, okay, we have ignore hammy then Jellison brother Saturd he read that correctly. And then he struggled with the second half which is no problem everybody has as a struggle, but we're going to ask him to translate it and we're going to see how understanding what's going on enables us to read it correctly so rather Saturday training
Okay, so the first one is the son of fun of Hammett is sitting
and and
and he says
no we're being N
and his sister
so yeah, that's what I will say I mean it's again
I think it's a car right and this is driving
Okay good. So check out talking about the same people we have
no hobbies but look at how they took away the How to snap from it. Right So up here we have been to yes it and it meant he asked his daughter literally the daughter of yesterday bends means daughter literally girl but you know figuratively Daughter, what Ben to what we need to do here is identify what we're saying. Been to yes eating.
Right. Why after tune and now we can figure out what wealthy means. But if you miss Vin tune, if you put been tune or something else, the meaning of the sentence is all confused. been two years sitting. It's the same possessive construction that's up here. What's going on with the sentences this is actually perfect for us because
let's say both of these sentences are Joomla is mean. Okay? They are now no sentences nominal sentences begin with nouns. Up here. We have the move to that is have
what are we saying? The subject we're talking about is this. This? What do we want to say about the subject we want to say is the son of hammock. Right. So you see how that sentence breaks down. This is the son of hammock is is always where the move to that and macabre split subject and predicate. But the second round of sentences are a little bit different.
Now what we have what's the subject the subject is
the move off of off eBay the possessive construction if know how meaning is our subject. What's What do we want to say about him know how many he is Daddy. So he is sitting. What's the opposite of setting setting? Look, she's right there. That's what she's doing. Wow. The turn. Well, I've been to yes, you're in? Well, I'll defer to so if you forgot because we only use I think well they felt once wealthy for means standing.
Now notice here there's a difference between jelly soon and where pizza tune
Wow pizza tone has a
Time or Bucha because it needs to match the feminine subject. Oh, yes.
This Tamar huzzah here is an addition.
Because we're talking about the feminine, generally soon is masculine. If we were talking about a woman or a girl something feminine sitting, it would become generally certain it would have a term or buta, the time on huzzah is the difference between the masculine form of a noun and the feminine form of the noun?
Anybody have any questions about this particular example these two sentences
Okay, anybody who has any questions you can
just one question when you make the font and when you make it when you make it feminine. Then the second like the letter the letter before the time of Buddha is always to me good. Wow
yeah, at least well, they've had to
I'll have to look that up to confirm if it's 100% all the time. But I can't think of an example off the top of my head right now where it's not that way that's a very good question what she's saying what are our sister masala saying is that jolly soon
ends with a timeout of boots because it is the predicate it's the hub okay.
But if it were feminine if for example
we were talking about a feminine subject How do we know that the tap the two of them was the 10 we would go over the top How do we know what happens to the scene?
Over here with wealth Diffa it became that time is it always going to be fantastic. It strikes me as yes but I would need to look that up short answer is I don't know. Great question.
Okay, next two people sister Mossad Rhonda and sister Samantha if you could do the next picture there's four lines but it's a back and forth
man men howdy men Harvey
okay has a
more handy see
a here a one more handy. So movin DISA tune?
left here will be button. Great job. Both of you now translate. We do the same thing but translated to English.
Who is this?
This is SR. Have
more handy. See. Very good. The important thing as you recognize that that's a possessive construction. vocab is vocab Well, hadn't This means an engineer.
Okay. Oh, Ma. She also an engineer?
No, she is a doctor.
Fantastic. Excellent. So look at how she our sister. Notice that? Oh, total Mohan DC was a possessive construction. Even if she didn't know what muhandis was. She was able to put together that it's the sister of something. It's easy to learn the words and to go back into plug that in no problem. Well, totally Mohan DC
is the sister of the engineer.
Notice that we're not told explicitly whether she's the sister like who's the engineer here? Is it a brother of hers or is it a sister of hers? But we can tell from the word Elmo handy see that if the brother
because if it were a sister, it would have been with a time on hooter as in the next line. Here I alone Mohan DISA tone, is she also an engineer and the answer is no. So we see that if we have a noun, okay.
If we have Muslim for example,
how do we make it feminine? We add a time onwards, Muslim
for our purposes most Lima to
muhandis engineer, Mohan DISA to
for VB
Femen Bobby, back to you
and so on and so forth. The timeout of Bucha is the sign of A being feminine. And that's what we're leaning on heavily when it comes to making nouns feminine.
Okay, we'll continue.
Next two examples.
Let's go to
the shatta. Femme Well, the two of you
tackle the next example.
So era two men ha the good. Heavy Sayonara. Sayonara, sayonara twin Madeira. Yes. And moody. All right.
Whose car is this?
This is the principal's car. Yes. 100%. So, how did you know? By the way? 100% completely correct. How did you know to put a bummer right here on the end of sale?
I don't know for sure.
Honestly, is the best policy. Yeah.
Okay, so Okay, let's back up. Let's back up. What type of
what type of sentence is this? Song from the shadow? Bam.
Goodness me Yeah.
Let this mean, good.
Luck, too. We know the parts of doom that this means that cover subject predicate? Tell me where is the up to them?
Say yada,
yada. Okay. Do you agree with it?
Or is it asking whose car is it? So who is the?
Yes, good. So let's, so let's say what's the opposite of the motor, that is the thing that we're talking about. And that is going to be the information
that we're giving about that thing. So, how to eat this chaotically will be at the principal's car. What's the thing that we're trying to talk about? The car, the car? And how are we referring to it?
are we referring to it directly? Or are we pointing to what we're saying? This
model fits very specific, this particular car Whose car is this car? Exactly. So what we're doing is we're giving information about what this is. Right? So our move to that is going to be heavy.
We're pointing,
pointing at this red car, you say The principal's car.
You're establishing what you're talking about when you're pointing this. And then everything else that comes after is information about what this is like okay, this What about it? What do you want to tell me about this? Oh, you want to tell me what it is? Ah, I see.
The principal's car. That's the information. And so that's the hub.
What's the grammatical position of the hover?
Is it more poor? Is it monsoon? Is it Metro?
Metaphor? Yeah, that's my report. And that's why I say Allah to insane to Obama.
Because most of that it's more boring, and the hover is more cool.
The only reason that Alamo deer is changed because it's part of the possessive construct.
That makes sense, or is it not? Or is that not clear?
So, then that's why there's the kithara under the Madeira is because it's possessive. Yes, exactly. It's possessed. Or I should say it's possessing a car.
Great job.
Okay. Technically, we haven't answered possessive construction in came in the chat. Technically not because the first part of the possessive construction. It can be with a lawnmower with a fence tied with a customer it's not necessary that it has a loan. The only reason this has a BOMA is because it is the predicate it's
good say it family can you do the next one?
My had he
had he make Latin and I don't know if anybody still uses irons but yes, this is an AI. And McGuire to him is an iron feminine noun, which is why we
using heavy heat, that's obvious enough to not need a translation, I think. Good job.
So everybody's got that, I will clear it off. If I could ask what makes a Mitchell feminine? Is it only big?
Is it more of a? I don't know. It's odd, because it's a inanimate object. It's not male, feminine or masculine? Or is it because of who uses it? Now I know handling that's not that reason, we'd be in trouble if it was that reason.
Is the time. In short,
if you go deep, if you want to go deep into now, there are different reasons for things being considered feminine. There's femininity, the mountain and there's femininity, the lower or lower 10. Okay, this is one of those words, any word with a timeout of buta?
Except for extreme examples, which I can't even think off top my head an example of a masculine one with a ton of water. Even Hamza, okay? Even the name Hamza, linguistically, even though it is for a male, it is a feminine form of a word. So timeout is the exclusive domain of feminine nouns. Alright, so the timeout OF GHOUTA is what makes it feminine. So we match the form of habit to that and make it happy.
That's a good question, though. If you're used to thinking in English, gender nouns don't translate. They don't make sense. Because in English, we have it.
We have this nice third gender neutral noun. It's for anything under the sun.
In Arabic, there is no it.
Right? And so everything has to pick aside. You have to get agenda. One way or another. And anything with a timer. What's up? That's a sure sign of being feminine. Yes, ha, ha, obey that. Yes, those words too are linguistically linguistically feminine.
And they affect certain things that we'll get into later.
Excellent work. Everybody back up to the top. Let's go to
the next example.
Brother, Mohammed and brother sigh again.
The men, Lehmann has a
how's it?
Good, good. How he expects its money, it's never gonna change. It's always Hi, V P. Good. And what's the response? ransack?
high V has he had enough holiday? Mashallah, this is our first exposure to this lamp.
This is known in Arabic as lamb
and milkier.
If you want to know the correct term
in translation, this is called the
possessive love
possessive lamp.
What is the definition of a possessive lamp?
It is a lamp with a customer that comes before a noun
lamp with a casserole that comes before a noun. What does it do?
It questions who's
To whom does this belong?
So we learned previously, remember when we were doing examples, call them all men had whose pen is this?
We have now another way to say the same thing. Lehmann. To whom does this belong?
right a little bit different. The first way uses a possessive construction column or men who is pen is this whereas Lehmann Havey means to whom? Does this belong?
I have a question.
Yeah. So so the reason we are using Heisey which is feminine is because the bag is feminine. Yes.
Yes. Great point. Thank you so much for bringing it up. You could look at the sentence and you're like, What is going on here called it is there and hard it is a man. What are we talking about? Ah, but we're talking about happy,
and happy but tone has a term audible to it.
And so how can you Batoon is a feminine noun. And so we need to talk about that feminine noun with feminine pronouns have the he isn't talking about fighting. Had he is talking about this very nice satchel.
Who does it belong to? It belongs to Khalid and we can tell now that love is also a preposition. It makes what comes after it matches rule with a customer. While we see Lee Hall leading. When do we say have and when do we say have eaten? That depends on whether the noun is masculine or feminine.
Have a is for masculine, heavy he is for feminine. If I had a book, right here, here's my book. I'm a terrible drawer by the way.
That's supposed to be a book. There's a tree on it.
I like trees.
It's a book about trees.
If I were to say the exact same question about this book, I would say Lee men have
because book in Arabic, only Allah knows why is a masculine. Now
I'll give you a hint how you can tell why because it doesn't have time.
However, have diva. Our bag here
ends with a time on water. Therefore, it is a feminine noun. Oops.
That's right. And since it's a feminine noun, if we're going to refer to it with a demonstrative pronoun, we need to say heavy
Lehmann heavy,
heavy, we call it in.
Anyone any questions about how the heavy heat or the lamp? If I can ask a good question? So are there some items that are distinctly either masculine or feminine, and other ones where you can change how you ask about it, and define whether it's masculine or feminine? Because it's kind of confusing, because if there is one that you can change, and there's one that you can't reading the sentence, you'd never be able to differentiate very good when it comes to
what we call an English inanimate objects, right? Book 10 sheet of paper,
camera, all these sorts of things, they are fixed.
It is either going to be masculine or it's either going to be feminine.
Okay, when it comes to things that refer to people recall what we had just a minute ago with Elmo, Handys Elmo, hen, DISA, what we have is a masculine and a feminine form. It's flexible to accommodate whoever might be a,
an engineer, right? In English, we would say like, for example, we have a waiter and a waitress,
right. And this is more prominent in romance languages, such as Italian. And I believe Spanish as well, where they have doctor and doctor dresser, right, you have like a,
a form that's specific for the male version of that occupation, and a female or feminine form for that, for that version of the occupation.
You can think about that as translating well to Arabic with the Alamo. Handys Alamo Han DISA, with the timeout router. But the problem that you raised and this is a problem. You're right. For an Arabic learner.
Somebody who doesn't already know the gender of non human nouns.
There's no way to tell, except by learning it. Before you learned before I told you that keytab was masculine.
If you walked up to somebody, and you could say, you know, Lehman heavy and you're talking about a book,
they wouldn't necessarily look at you funny. But anybody who knows a bit of Arabic grammar would correct you and say no, no, this is this is had and he wouldn't say how he works.
So for Arabic learners, the only way is to kind of memorize them, you get the hint with what has the time on who and what doesn't. But your question brings up that point, and that's a that's a good point.
Anybody else has any questions about either the how the how the heat or the LI the possessive lamp
one question or maybe couple. Lemon hottie. But if we just say mahadi then we don't have to say how the holiday
Oh good.
So what's the difference between Lehmann heavy and men heavy? Men Hattie, he is asking a different question entirely. Men, by itself means who?
Right? So if we say men had to heat it means who is this and we're gesturing towards a female.
If we say heavy, we're saying that basically we know that this is a, this is a female, or feminine if we're talking about a non adamant object.
And we're asking the identity of it. Who is this?
Lehmann? Since the lamb is possessive, possessive man, it becomes whose is this? And so as for who's the person possessing that thing can be masculine or feminine? Doesn't matter. In this case, it's masculine, it's called it
because the Gender refers to the this, which is a katiba. A bag. And
however, if you had asked men how to him, the answer could never have been halted.
Because Khalid is not having he hot it is higher than
So men is asking about the identity of a person Lehman is asking, Who owns this or who possesses this, the list however,
is referring to something different in both cases. Does that make sense?
One more question that I should have asked on first module. So
growing up, we read about Hyper V is V.
Now we're more focused on how D, what's, what's the difference? The Z, V and D? Like when we say like,
what's the difference between have V and Z? Is that your question? Yes. Like? renunciation, like some people say it like more like z sounds, the sound on Ha, Z, he.
And some people say more like Ha, Devi.
Thank you for asking this question. Because I like to sneak in and touch weed lessons. And my Arabic has he is wrong.
That's, that's the simple answer.
The correct pronunciation of the letter isn't that that V, though, by sticking out your tongue,
your tongue is actually coming in between your two rows of T.
Sol has Z he
is an incorrect pronunciation of, of this letter. Prominent in some places in the Muslim world, even in the Arab world. Even in Egypt, for example, you find the the street pronunciation to visa has he? And I think in the subcontinent as well, from what I gather, it's a very common way of pronouncing it. But when it comes to touch weed, and when it comes to Arabic, it's not correct. It's not a there are some variations that are acceptable, but that one isn't one of them. That's a mispronunciation of the word that yes, question.
So when we learned the possessive construction, you said that there's only one way right like that. There's only the other way. So
prophet of Allah. And you know how in English, there are two, but this possessive lamb, so this is actually not a possessive construction, even though it does the same thing. And like, Wouldn't this be the equivalent of saying, apostrophe?
That's interesting. You know, I never thought about that before. However, he called it grammatically, it's doing the same thing, right? It's making the next word module.
Yes, is making the next word much more. It is talking about possession. But a preposition would also do that. Yes.
I'm just trying to understand.
That's a nice way to think about it. And that's a useful way to think about it. The only place where the analogy doesn't hold is the order. Because in English, the apostrophe is a marker on the end of the word, whereas Li and Arabic is in front of the word. But other than that, that's a useful way of thinking about it. Honestly, I've never that never occurred to me. So you can think about me as kind of like this, like the apostrophe call, if you call it, but but grammatically, it's a preposition. Grammatically, it's a preposition. Yes, which is, which is an important difference in Arabic grammar, because lamb
as some is a half job, right? Something that makes what comes after it measurable.
Whereas before, how do we make a possessive
instruction we make it with a noun, a foreign word, right? Plus another noun.
And the only thing that makes it
this one with two customer with a customer measured war is the relationship of possession. So there is that difference. You're right. But that's, that's useful to think about it that way. I never thought about that way.
Excellent. Any other question?
If I could ask you a quick one about the handbag? Is it that we use the timer boat before headed on? Because the item is feminine now because we're speaking about a feminine person. So if you're talking about a feminine item, like the, what did they call the iron earlier, no matter what, even if it belonged to Hamza, Mohammed, whatever, it's the item that specifies in but that's the issue too, because if you don't know the item in Arabic, you're gonna assume okay, I it's, it's kind of confusing, but I'm trying to wrap my brain fully around. You know, what's, what's worse is that in, in textbooks, okay, it's like intro level 50 books, they're called metatarsal rocks, like they're
like summaries. And in order to save space, what the jurists did was that they just use pronouns for everything. And so if the thing that he talked about on the last page was masculine, and the second thing he talked about was feminine, he's only going to give you the pronouns like he's going to keep on using the pronouns to refer back and he's going to assume that you know what he meant, because one of them is masculine, one of them was founded. So, in Arabic, it's, it is different. And even I would say more difficult to keep track of what writers and speakers are saying when they use pronouns, because the added boil of differentiating based off of the gender enables them to assume
that you know what they're talking about when folks like you and I have already forgotten what they're saying. But you're right 100% It's always heavy he means it's referring back to a feminine object. a feminine noun has nothing to do with the gender of who is actually possessing good
anyone any questions before we move on to the next example with this lovely bouquet of flowers
Okay, good. I think we've reached SR summon and SR must all right
I guess someone's doing first either way you're
Did I get to an SN has a he
loves her the the Roger to a marine
her the journey that
what Roger to a nursing called the mutton very good. I guess stab at translating that somewhat. I'm writing in some of the vocab as we go
is this the biker vinous good
No, this is the this is a mountain bike.
This is
it is new. This is new
the bike of INS is old. Yes. Very good. Technically this whole line even though they've broken up is all supposed to be like one set. Right but it doesn't matter. I'm glad that you switched off. Yeah, I figured it out. But then I thought that it wouldn't be a fair division that's why I stopped right so it was very egalitarian to split it up again but yes, this is all one thought so that the raja two so that Raja is Delage. I mean stairs. So the Raja is like, it's almost like you're it's like a Stairmaster, right. Like you're pedaling on a bike. That Raja is bicycle. We have the headset in the beginning which is asking a yes or no question. At the Roger to NSN we can tell that this is a
possessive construction.
The Roger to because the Roger has no Elif lamb and it has no 10 wheat and a sin is meant to lower because it's the off you lay it's the possessor the Roger to Ellison heavy, is this anuses bike is this the bike is the answer. Let know how to heat that order to a mountain. This is a mouse bicycle. Had he he did he that's what the Roger two enters in Kadima. This one we would say colloquially this one is new, whereas anuses bike is old.
deed and Kadeem mean new and old respectively. And notice how they match the gender of what we're talking about. Because it's heavy, we add a Tamil Bucha on the end of the Jedi, that's
what the Roger to Anacin body image was.
Very good
and then we have an isolated example down here.
Someone from the shahada family could you
tell us about the watch?
Happy sad to I Linnaean. He gave me Latin Good, good then. Good. Very good. translate that for us.
This is Ali's.
Watch. It's very beautiful. Very good. Did done is a new word for us. I think I don't think it's come yet which is very,
very, which makes it an adverb. We haven't learned the grammar of adverbs yet. That will come later. Right now just memorize them. And notice that did them does not change according to
to gender. Right? It's just done whether it's Jamil for masculine thing or didn't. Whether it's feminine. In this case, Jimmy and that's one. Adverbs do not change gender.
As opposed to adjectives, but we'll get into that more later. Good. Two sentences very easy. Both of them are Joomla Isthmian have the he is our hooked up, sir to ollie Yin is our hover because this is our cover Sarah two has a bomber and it only has one long because it's possessed by Ali.
And Ali has two customers it in
saying same thing here here Jamila to agenda. Here is the motor that
Jamila tun Jaden is the Hello Jamila turn, because the default position or cover is that it's more for it is with Obama and did then is fixed. It's an adverb and has different grammar which we'll learn later. Anybody have any questions on these exercises? Before we either move on or wrap it up? We'll see how much we have left. I have a random question. Why would a watch be feminine?
Why is not the is not the question with Arabic grammar. Right? Why would a book be masculine? Right? That the old it has nothing to do with the inherent qualities of the object it has to do with the linguistic qualities of the word sound is feminine because it ends with a time on Huzzah.
I guess I was asking more like there's male watches female watches. would that even be relevant? Or is a watch always going to be feminine? Good, good. Good. A watch is always going to be feminine. Yeah. Okay, so it wasn't it wasn't like the handbag thing. This was more of any watch no matter what it was? Yes. Correct. Even how people with the with the Habiba is always feminine. It's never going to be happy. But right.
Where we switch it up is for titles and positions and things that have to do with people. So Muslim, Muslim,
right. Mean, men are two things that can be either as for as for non human objects, nope. It's going to be one or the other. It's not going to have that ability to just tack on a timeout router. I can't take key tab and put key tab a tune and make it a feminine book. Nope. Book is always masculine heats up.
Right. So that's good. That's a very good question.
Anything else?
Okay, I'm going to erase this.
And let's see.
We have quite a bit more to go. So I'm in favor of pausing here and we will try to finish this exercise next time.
Anybody any final questions, random questions, things you thought or heard or
not clear from previous lessons. This is your chance.
Meanwhile, yeah, great participation by others.
Buddy great reading great questions and inshallah the paces nice
so the intercom, Allah, Allah safeguard all of you and we will see you next time Mashallah. So don't worry