Tim Humble – Who is Your Prophet – Revivers

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of following the Prophet's instructions and following the messenger's guidance to achieve success in life. They stress the need for more information and advice on staying healthy, avoiding punishment, and following the Prophet's teachings. The importance of practicing these values and becoming a successful person is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. In Al Hamdulillah, no matter who was there, you know, when I stood with you when I was with him in Cerulean fusina Women sejati Molina mania hottie Hiler who Fela mobila Women you're the little fella had yella, I had one in the lower the hula Sharika why shadow Anna Mohammed and Abu rasuluh Welcome back everybody. Welcome Allah Qaeda for holding tight. We think alone we praise him immensely for the great opportunity. I personally have been really like looking forward to this event I shall Latin America Allah Hamdulillah you know Allah has made this possible so we thank Allah for guiding us towards this. So Sheikh is back Sheikh

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has joined us Alhamdulillah so be beginning shortly and firstly to begin for those of you who are first timers Masha Allah turmeric Allah I don't know what you guys have been but inshallah since you're here for the first time, welcome for those who are returning Alhamdulillah Welcome back as well. This is an event questions from six feet under it's the third

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episode within the series of events that have happened so far, which are covering the questions that all of us will have to answer in the graves. And this is something that it's unavoidable inescapable, So alhamdulillah the team from the revivals Masha Allah for those of you who don't know who the revivals are, they are mashallah an amazing, amazing group of individuals, brothers and sisters from the International Islamic University. In Malaysia, masha Allah turmeric, Allah, who came together a group of us that have come together with the vision of reviving the Islamic spirit reviving the Quran and the Sunnah, amongst the youth and amongst the Muslim ummah and through this

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or how they plan on doing this or how they've been doing it and hamdulillah for the past few years, is by bringing on scholars trusted scholars, mashallah Tabata Kola in specific fields to deliver talks, to educate the masses and bring back that Islamic spirit that we anyway in such a need of right now honestly, all right, so may Allah bless them and preserve them, and grant them Tofik with the best of their intentions. Now Alhamdulillah I have the privilege of being given the privilege, mashallah, and the responsibility of introducing none other than chef, Tim humble. In the last session, we've had this for two sessions, the first of which was with regards to the first question,

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who is Europe? And this was conducted by none other than Sheikh Ibrahim No. And then the second question was, What is your religion and this was conducted by Chef Abdurrahman, Hassan, And Alhamdulillah. Today, we have the last question, which is who is your Prophet and this will be delivered by none other than chef Tim humble. Now who's check them humble? I think most of us already know who he is. But just a brief introduction. He is a scholar, a teacher of knowledge, a revert to Islam, I believe from Newcastle and in the UK. He graduated from the International Islamic University of Medina in 2011. He has several ijazat mashallah and all the six books of Hadith. And

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he's a person who is known for his work with the youth and is known mashallah for his extensive work in Dawa, both online and offline. He has taught with very reputable institutions such as M AU, LM atrocity, Maria Kalama, and also knowledge college as well. So mashallah Baraka, I'm sure he's not a stranger to many of us. And it's such an honor, such a pleasure, I was super excited because this is the first time I'm actually going to get to meet the sheikh in person, or digitally, or virtually any This is the new norm, isn't it? But alhamdulillah it's such a great pleasure to have our share with us today. Well, Hamdulillah. So, without further ado, I think it's very important, we just know

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the flow of how today's talk is going to go. It's going to be a one hour talk, which the Sheikh is going to deliver more or less plus or minus a few minutes. And then after that, we're going to open for q&a, questions and answers. And then once the question and answers come in, in sha Allah, the Sheikh will entertain as much of the questions and answers as is possible but isn't Ilahi to add so without further ado, I'll pass it on to our ship

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a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh why they

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deliver a good show hydration and very very well to Zack Allahu halen I can just about hear you because you mean the computer's a little bit far away from the camera. Okay, so

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the sound better I'm very well

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is it sound better now? Schiff?

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Sorry, how's the sound? Is the sound better? Yeah, I can hear just fine I think might help with that. It will probably have helped if I had an earpiece in but it's absolutely fine. Alhamdulillah

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I've just haven't got it turned up too loud. So it

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You know, but I can I can hear you just fine as I colloquial, or shall I say just like a lion for joining us on the line for accepting the invitation. Why? Yeah, come I really appreciate the opportunity. It's really, really amazing to be able to join you guys today. I apologize that I was a little bit later than expected. I got kind of stuck on the way to Oh, no worries, no worries at all. No worries at all we understand these kinds of things happen hamdulillah Okay. The other thing is for everyone to be aware that because of the timings for the salah, in the UK, in wintertime, the timings between the salah are extremely short. So basically, when the time comes in about 15

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minutes, I'm going to go and pray and I'm going to come back, because there's not even time in the lecture to wait till the end of the lecture, though to finish. It's that the time is so short, between her and answer is like maybe an hour and a half. It's like between Maghrib and Isha in most places. A lot of power. So well the break for within 15 minutes of your talk, you need to take a quick break, we were going to tell you when it comes we're going to wait for the economy when the economy comes, I'm in the masjid in the place of the press. I'm going to stand up I'm going to pray. I'm going to come straight back. So it's gonna be a shout out to Allah insha Allah. Allah can check

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does that go away? I'll pass it on to show leadership. Is that cool? Okay. Hello. Hey, Ron, I really appreciate

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam. Al mobile Ruthie Rama attending al Amin Nabina Muhammad, wa ala Allah early he will be he edge Marine.

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So we begin as we always begin with the praise of Allah.

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And we ask Allah to exalt the mentioned and Grant peace to our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his family and his companions.

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And as I said, in the conversation that I was having with the brother, Giselle, hello, hey, Ron,

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I first of all, apologize to the people who are watching for the late start, was one of those things that happened Cotter Allahu Amercia fine. And also the fact that we will be taking a break in around about 15 minutes, I will take a very short break in order to praise the Lord here in the masjid. And the reason for that is because I'm doing this talk from the UK from Newcastle upon Tyne. And the times between God and us are so short, that there isn't even time to finish the lecture and pray God in between the lecture will will come we'll start that thought and finish it aside. It's like that. So for that reason, I'm going to be inshallah I decided to do the talk in the masjid to make it

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easy. So inshallah it will be a very short break, it will probably be around about eight or nine minutes at around about in around about 15 minutes time from now inshallah. So our topic is, who is your profit?

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Under the title questions from six feet under? And of course, we know the three questions that every single person will be asked in their grave. Murghab book, Who is your Lord, when they're de Noc and what is your religion? Woman have a Rajul a *? Who is this man that was sent to you, men, the yoke, who is your prophet?

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And all of us know the importance of the shahada, the testimony of faith

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when a person bears witness,

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La ilaha illallah and they say a huddle and La ilaha illallah I bear witness, that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah, what has had an eye bear witness, and more Hamedan rasool Allah, that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah. And I want to start with this. I want to start with this. Because if we enter into Islam, by testifying, that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah, then we need to understand the essence of the second part of the Shahada.

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Because if we are to know our Prophet, and we are to testify and say, Ash, how do I testify? I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah. Then for certain we need to know who Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was and we need to know how we can come to know him and how we can bear witness to his messenger ship in truth.

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And this is even more important. When you bear in mind two things. First of all, you bear in mind. The statement ash huddle

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is something you

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are testifying to and you can only testify to something that you have knowledge of. So if we don't have knowledge of who our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is, then we will not be able to truly testify that he is the messenger of Allah. And to give up for that, we can mention the statement of Allah azza wa jal M lemme it for rasool Allah whom for whom level monkey rune

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This is a very important I

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am lemme it for rasool Allah whom do they not know their messenger? For whom level monkey rune and so they reject Him. And what I want you to take from this is that a person might reject the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Or they might reject what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam brought in terms of his sunnah, because they don't simply know who he was. They don't know enough about him. They don't know enough about his message. They don't know enough about what he brought. And so they reject Him or they reject his sunnah or they reject a part of what he came with.

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Because they don't know who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is, um, let me argue for rasool Allah home for whom Lahoma Kyo is it that they don't know who their messenger is, and therefore they reject the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now that could be rejecting the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam in totality, like those people who don't accept that he's the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but it could also be those people who reject his sunnah, or part of his sunnah. Because they simply don't know enough about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I'm sure one of the things that you have learned about so far

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is that these three questions in the grave appear to be extremely simple.

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And yet, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam indicated that the fitna of these questions is like, or similar to the fifth novel mercy and the gel of the gel. It's so severe and so serious and so difficult to answer these questions correctly, that it is compared with the trial of lmsc antigen is comparable to or similar to the trial of a mercy head teacher.

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And yet these three questions appear to be incredibly simple. My raw book, if I ask you now and you guys are watching this at home, Monroe book, Who is your Lord? You answer with with complete ease, will be Allah, my Lord is Allah of course. Medina Kadena Islam, my religion is Islam Manabi yoke, Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you answered with all ease. So what makes it difficult? What makes it difficult when you are in the grave is that Allah will not give the success and the Tofik to be able to answer that question, unless and until the person truly knows the answer to it. Not in terms of words that are said, but in terms of the meaning and the depth that exists behind

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those words. So for example, if we look at this question that we're talking about today, Madhava Raju, Allah DE BOER is a few Come Who was this man that was sent to you? Who is this man that was sent among you?

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It is easy now even for a person who doesn't really truly believe in Islam, for example, don't wanna feel the hypocrite. It's easy for them to say, Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But when it comes to answering that question in the grave, the only one who will be able to answer it is the one who gave it. Its true right in this life.

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And I will give you an evidence for that. From the statement of Allah azza wa jal. You said bit Allahu levena airmen will bill Cole Acerbity Phil hayati, dunya, with Phil Hira, where you will do Lula who volley mean way If Allah who may usher in Surah Ibrahim, Allah said Allah will make firm those who believe with a firm word in this life and in the Hereafter. And Allah will cause the oppressors to go astray and Allah does whatever He wills the Tafseer of this ayah relates to the questioning in the grief that if a person is firm upon La ilaha illallah in their life, so they will be firm upon La ilaha illallah when they are asked Murghab book, who is your load? You said bit Hola

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Hola, Xena M and o Bill colasanti. Phil hayati dunya. Acura Allah azza wa jal in their life him they were firm upon La Ilaha

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Allah so in their grave Allah azza wa jal will make them firm upon La ilaha IL Allah, the same can be said about Mohammed or Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that's why I'm talking about the ayat Now in this context, that the person who truly knew Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in this life and strived to come to know Him, and strive to come to follow his sunnah and strive to be from those people who truly implement the meaning of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this person, Allah will make them able to answer the question, man have Orajel a liberator fee Come Who is this man that was sent among you

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as well the person who gave it lip service.

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They give it lip service. They said we love the Prophet Muhammad SAW I sell them we believe in the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is our Prophet, but they didn't truly know Him in this world. And they didn't truly follow him. And they weren't sincere, or they didn't have the required knowledge to do so. Perhaps that person will not find it so easy to answer that question when they asked Madhava Raju, a *, CFE comm Who was this man who sent among? So one of the things that I wanted to say in my introduction to this talk today, that how you live your life will reflect upon how you answer that question. When you are in your grave. If you live your life upon La

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ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you fulfilled its conditions and you implemented it and you practiced it in your life. And you strive to be somebody who excelled in implementing that statement. Then in sha Allah you said bit Allahu Allah Nina Ehrman will be will call his service he will hate it dunya awful Alpha. Allah will give you the ability when it comes to that question in the grave to be able to answer those questions correctly. And among those questions is the question that we're dealing with today. Mohammad Rasool Allah, mon Nabi yoke, who is that Prophet

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Madhava Raju LLP, where he come who was that man that was sent to you.

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There are many people who testified. That man was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in their lifetime, but they didn't have what was required to testify in the grave. For example, the mana if you call the hypocrites,

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what do they say call Luna had they say we bear witness in Nicola Rasulullah you are certainly the Messenger of Allah.

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What does Allah bear witness Allah knows that Mohammed Salah Salem is his messenger. Well, Allahu ich had to inhale more than 15 Allah Cathy Boone, and Allah bears witness that those mon efia call those hypocrites when they said ash Hello.

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And Nikhil rasool Allah we bear witness You are the messenger of Allah, Allah bear witness that they were not telling the truth.

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Allah bear witness that they were lying in that testimony of this and saw they said the words in this dunya but they were not able to testify that Mohammed sizer Lim is the messenger of Allah when they were asked that question in their grave.

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They will not be able to answer that question. Man, however, Raju led Beretta Why am I mentioning this so that we understand that this is not a simple matter. It's not something where you knew that Mohamed Salah Salem is the messenger of Allah as even some of the non Muslims in fact many of the non Muslims, What did Allah say about them? You are the foreigner who came it foreigner Ebina. They know him like they know their own children.

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The Jews and the Christians. They know him like they know their own children, to any of you not know if you have kids, is there anybody among you who has kids and you don't recognize your children?

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You don't know your children, your child comes to you. You say, Oh, you're my son, you my son. Every single one of you knows your own children. These people from among the non Muslims, you are a foreigner who cannot hear the phone at home. They know the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the same way that they know their own children.

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And yet that knowledge, it doesn't allow them to answer that question in the grief. They're not able to answer them and have our module and the debrief Fe come they can't answer the question, even though they knew that this is the messenger of Allah. And they knew who he was. And they knew it while they were alive. But they were not able to answer that question. So we've understood here just knowing that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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is the messenger of Allah in terms of basic knowledge that this man, Mohammed Abdullah, ignore Abdul Muttalib this man Mohammed son of Abdullah, son of Abdul Muttalib, who was from the tribe of Benny Hashem, who was from the greater tribe of Quraysh. Just knowing that he is Allah's Messenger, that's not enough.

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That's not enough. Instead, there has to be more to be able to answer this question. And that is insha Allah Who to Allah the main topic that I want to deal with, in this talk today, what more do we have to do? Of course, we have to know his name. Of course, we have to know genuinely who he was, of course, we have to know that he was sent by Allah azza wa jal to all of mankind. What will sell now Kelly Nursia Rasulullah worker Furby Allah He Shahida and we sent Allah azza wa jal sent you as a messenger to all of mankind. And sufficient is Allah is a witness. But we understood that this is not enough in of itself.

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Instead, there has to be more than that. There has to be a shahada, a witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah that has to be based upon more than just knowing his name, and more than just knowing that Allah sent him as a messenger. And that insha Allah Who to Allah is what we want to answer in this talk. But now I'm going to have to ask you for five minutes inshallah hooter Allah while we pray Salah to door, we believe in the camera on I don't know if the brothers are going to take over the connection or not. But the camera, the audio, everything we live on, we're not going to disappear anywhere. We're going to insha Allah to Allah

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performs a lot of work right now it's the time of the karma. And then I'm going to sit right back down immediately afterwards and continue to talk with you. We apologize for the short break but as I said that where I am right now, there is no way to pray for an answer or to wait till the class finishes to breathe or hold on as the time is too short. So five minute break insha Allah Allah Allah, and then we'll be back to talk about what you really need to do in order to be able to answer the question man nubby yoke, who is your prophet or Madhava module? Ella DE BOER FFP Come Who was this man that was sent to you five minute break inshallah Tada

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what was the level of work bro

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liar douchebag

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he has a liar who was very lucky lady lawyer when I had some luck being held here he melted

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down at MIT when I ain't showing up in vanilla here Honey

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Let's miss them

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Fenian Fatah who is

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being of the gamma Sudha Cullis journey in for Hamas

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but no one got hurt

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim wa salatu salam ala moana with raw material Amina, you know, heavy Bynum humbling sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam and my bad brothers and sisters are a Lavon comes and goes just like that. And this is the norm. We know about Ramadan. It always come like this we'll be waiting for it and then have a lot before we realize we'll be starting saying that Ramadan is about to finish. So now we are done with almost two thirds of the month of Ramadan. We are about to begin with the last 10 days of Ramadan which

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Is, which are the most valuable days in the month of Ramadan. These 10 days are the days that you can find a little cut in them. And also the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam used to make them alive. As they mentioned in the Hadith that Canon the visa lottery so many years later, he used to make the night in these 10 days of Ramadan, if all of the light of these 10 days of Ramadan alive and he used to ask somebody also to wake up those sisters at home so that they can come and benefit from this opportunity that last point let's continue this ummah. As such My dear brother and sisters, I really urge you not to forget yourself, to remember that you have a long journey to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and you need to put forward something that you will appreciate it when you see it in the future, or the future here I meant by it the object you want. And always remember the saying of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Hadees above the line in our bathroom and he says a turning Hansen come to come see. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said take advantage and the benefit of five things before the arrival of the other five things which are the opposite of those first five mentioned issues. Number one, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam I said, Shabaab aka couple Harnick talking to the youth, use your energy, Allah hadiah burnin system this is your opportunity and as I

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always mentioned, you don't know maybe you might not live to see the next Ramadan and as such, make use of these last 10 days of Ramadan you might get a fair dose you don't know because this is given by Allah Swanton and not by anybody else, he can do a little but alas monitor will make it so valuable in the way you can achieve and attain the fair dose of Allah with the prophets and the messengers of Allah subhanho wa taala. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, I said, take advantage of the youth at that age that lost power to Allah granted you before the age of each year.

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So this is your opportunity, my dear brothers and sisters, make these lines last 10 days you know, alive, you know, sacrifice your time sacrifice your life, you know, keep aside most of the dunya which are not necessary, be busy with the invite that it is only 10 days. It is the youth before you reach the age. So this is not restricted to the youth is for everyone, my dear brother and sisters. And then the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said was the heartache a couple of seconds. And also take advantage of your health. Before the time Allah subhanaw taala decided to test you comes where you will be sick and you will not be able to go with rituals. So put your health in these 10 days of

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Ramadan, make use of it, you know, don't waste a single second this month of Ramadan, especially in these last 10 days. We are facing inshallah in few days to come, he says was a headache, a couple of stuff coming. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I said

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well, they're not a couple of aquatic and also take advantage of your richness before the time Allah subhanaw taala tests you with some

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I mean poverty restrictions. And as such, I really urge you to participate in giving charity, you know, stretch your hand and get from that which Allah subhanaw taala granted to you will appreciate it My dear brothers sisters, if you are sincere on your need, alas, Martin on the Day of Judgment. That's the opportunity. My Temporary Assistance is only 10 days, give, give, give, be moderate and given but Kim can be so stingy against yourself, you will regret on the Day of Judgment.

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This charity that you're given the profit and loss, I used to do it in these last 10 days of Ramadan. They describe his attitude and generosity in the last 10 days of Ramadan being better and far greater than the whole animal center that we're using when we can be brief.

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So he says we're gonna make a couple of quick and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam I said, Well, Father, a couple of Shivalik and also in the vast majority of the countries you know, in these last 10 days of Ramadan, usually people will have a break. You know, in many places, they will have a break at least a few days before they eat, you're going to have a break the workplace, they're going to give you some extensions of break, make use of that. This is frog frog means the freedom you're having before you become busy. Like these are the greatest advice that somebody can ever give to those whom he loves. Use the time and utilize your time. And as I said, my verse he says this is

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your opportunity. Don't miss it. Don't miss it. You don't know Maybe Allah smarter might not grant you the same opportunity again your last partner protect. And lastly the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Well hey Attica Cobla motive and also take advantage of your life before you die. This is the opportunity you have an

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The Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, I said, when you die, all of your deeds are going to be cut off. So make use of the life that allows me to grant you because after death, you will not be able to participate in any righteous deed. So temporal sisters will lie you need these last 10 days of Ramadan, you really need them. And as such, I asked you to sacrifice your time to make yourself free. These are only 10 days they will come and pass just like that. Those who succeed

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will succeed in it. You know, the smart and the wise people are those people who will heed this message and they focus on that which benefit them in these last 10 days of Ramadan and ask Allah subhanaw taala to make it easy for all of us, maybe a brother sisters, to make it easier to make use of these 10 days of Ramadan and ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept this and to grant us the opportunity to seek later this letter just a night you can find it in the odd days or nights of Ramadan, the last 10 days of Ramadan either 21st The 21st on the 23rd or the 25th or 27th or 29th One of them is going to leave later and as such My advice to all of us My dear brothers sisters just

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to make the whole last 10 days of Ramadan alive Don't be very selective stingy on yourself and be very picky you know you're just looking for those odd odd night No, this is wrong for you will not benefit you just try your best and make every single night of the last 10 days of Ramadan alive be even light Allah by doing this you will definitely catch the letter you will definitely get it because it is in one of these 10 days or 10 nights in the last part of Ramadan. Allah is mortal adventurer opportunity to see this night because it is greater and better than the deed of 1000 month Allah smart Allah says so that's a great opportunity. You cannot get it anywhere else and the

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upper sisters so pity yourself understand what I have told you that this might be the last opportunity given to some of us and we might be those people within the last months or guarantees opportunity and ability to make use of these last 10 days of Ramadan and from all of our sins in there will be college I mean in coffee some help a lot more Behanding a shadow

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Yo Gotti Berliner in me

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sipping marijuana

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list is empty or more equally

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valid and hopefully sooner

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HMI roll O'Neill we are

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he could

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give us

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he didn't

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make me a heavy

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who saw

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think any any man or

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any pizza law he wants them seek me for life

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Can sell barley Kumar was like we're gonna cancel

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our sincere apologies guys for the short break but Alhamdulillah I think that was a good refresher for everybody. And Alhamdulillah Sheikh is back with us so the session will start again straightaway in sha Allah is located in Santa Monica.

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Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. While it was Sara what after an hour gotcha, Welcome back, we're ready to continue inshallah. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Okay, fellas.

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Baraka la vida.

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Mabrouk, Iraq maternal al Amin Nabina Muhammad while he was in mind, so just once again to let everyone know what happened and just keep everybody up to date with where we are. So we started around about half an hour ago, we did an introduction to the topic. And then it came the time for God prayer in the masjid so I had to go and take a break. There are no more prayers scheduled now till the end of the class. So I'll be with you now for the next hour until Assa time starts in Sharla. So, inshallah Allah we're not expecting any more bricks in the middle. And we started with talking about the input

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Once of the topic, and we started talking about why,

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just knowing that Mohammed bin Abdullah Abdul Muttalib, from the tribe of Hashem from the greater tribe of Quraysh, just knowing that fact, isn't enough to be someone who can answer the question Manabi yoke, who is your prophet? Or the question man has module, Allah DE BOER is a few Come Who is this man that was sent among you? So then the question we have to ask ourselves is to really bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah, what do we need? We need something more.

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We need something more than that. Just to bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah, we need more than just a basic knowledge of who he is. Because the basic knowledge of who he is, Allah already told us that the people of Al Kitab they know him like they know their own children.

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Yeah, and in Florida, who can I ever know? So just knowing him as as in terms of factually who he was, that's not enough. So now the question is, what do we need? Let's start by talking about three essential things that we need to bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah in truth. And if we bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah in truth, then in sha Allah, we can apply the statement of Allah subhanaw taala you said bit Allah Who letting me know Bill Kohli 70 Phil hieratic. Dunya WURFL Akira, in other words, those who live true to the statement in this world, they will be able to answer that question

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Yamo Kiana, when it comes to the grave and the questioning of the grave, those who live the statement truthfully in this world will be able to answer the statement truthfully, in their grave. Three essential things that we need. The first essential thing that we need is that we need to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is what the scholars they explain it when they say to our to who female Mr. To obey him in what He commanded us and we need to understand that Allah Subhana Allah sent every single messenger to be a bit warmer out of Sellner Muna Rasool in in Lee will pour it is nila, every single messenger that was sent was sent to be a bait

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and when we talk about a being the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we talk about following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Allah azza wa jal said cool income to him to hit Boone Allah factor the Rooney

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call In Kuntum to hipbone Allah Hafiz Toby Rooney, your baby Camilla, who I feel like I'm Zulu, welcome. Say if you really love Allah, then follow me.

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Say if you really love Allah, then follow me. So here the issue is following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and part of that is obeying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, wa salam ala Rasulillah in early alto it is Nila. We sent this messenger to be a bait Allah tells us to be a bit furlough while because Allah You mean on a hat tell you hacky mocha few measures are Urbino. For men aged or unforeseen him ha Jemima Kobita what you sell the motor slaver, by Allah, so no by your Lord, they do not believe until they make you a judge in all of their disputes, and then they feel no harm or no hardship over what you have decided for them. And they submit with complete

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Allah subhanaw taala told us for our big gala, you mean they don't believe until they make you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the judge and what they dispute over?

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All Allah subhanaw taala told us for Internet zakat from fish eating fat will do who Illa Illa Allah who are Rasool in quantum tominaga Billa Julio will.

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If you disagree about something, bring it back to Allah and to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam if you really believe in Allah, on the last day. So we are commanded to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to actually implement what he told us, the more we obey Him, and the more we implement what he told us, the closer we come to actualizing and achieving the meaning of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, now all of us disobey Allah at times. We know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said khulumani Adam, Qatar

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Every son of Adam is a frequent sinner were higher or hotter in tow, a boon and the Best of those who frequently sin or those who frequently repent. It's not the case you will never disobey the Prophet, slice Allah. But the issue here is that you realize it's not knowing him. It's not just I know his name. But I actually agreed and I have submitted to Allah, that I am going to actually obey what He told me, I'm going to strive to implement what he told me. And I'm going to strive to put into practice, what He commanded me to do and what He prohibited me from doing. And when we talk about obedience, that means obedience in what He commanded. And it means obedience in what He

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in the sense, keeping away from what he told you to keep away from, and implementing what he told you what he told you to implement. So this is an essential part of living the shahada, that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah and if we live that shahada, that Mohammed sai Selim is the Messenger of Allah, we will be able to answer that question successfully. In our grave in sha Allah Huhtala. So that is the commitment to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the commitment to make him our judge in the things that we dispute, the commitment that if we defer over something, we bring it back to the Sunnah of the Prophet so I said that because we can't bring it

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back to him as a person. Because the prophets lie Selim has passed away. We can't bring it to him as an individual, but we bring it back to his sunnah after he passed away, so to keep this sunnah and to have the Sunnah in a high position, and to take the commands from it, and to keep away from the prohibitions that are mentioned within it, this is an essential part of answering that question, then there be your who is your profit. Your profit is the one that you followed. Your profit is the one that you tried to obey that your profit is the one that you try to keep away from what He prohibited. Walmart Atacama rasuluh for Hulu, Amanda come and who Fanta who?

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What tequila in Allah should you do?

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whatever the messenger gives you take it. And whatever the messenger forbids you from abstain from it and have Taqwa of Allah because Allah is Severe in punishment to those people who don't take what the messenger gave, and those people who don't keep away from what the messenger prohibited. More than that, if we disobey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we come under a threat of punishment from Allah subhanaw taala

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where may you Sharky could Rasool mimbar Dima tambien Allah Huda Wetherby Allah Yahweh Sabine, meaning no one the matter whether or not he can nimasa at Masirah. Whoever opposes the messenger after guidance is clear to them.

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And they follow away other than the way of the believers we will give them to what they have entrusted themselves or we will entrust them to what they have chosen, and we will put them into jahannam. And what a terrible destination. What is that for me? You Sharky for? rasuu.

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You shall pick a Rasool it means that the word Shaka is to cut something in half right? The prophets I said it tuck in our OB Schottky Tamra, keep yourself away protected from the fire. Even if it's only half a date and you cut the date in half, you give half in charity half of yourself. So this word shock, it means half of something you Shallcross soon, it's like you are on one side of a valley and he's on the other side.

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He's going and he's commanding you to do one thing and you're doing the complete opposite. So that kind of thought and that kind of practice in your life.

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It has the danger of what Allah subhanaw taala told that this person is going to be left to their own devices, and this person is going to be put into Jahannam or what a terrible destination. And Allah subhanaw taala also told us another threat of punishment for the One who opposes the obedience to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Allah subhanaw taala told us fully that in Medina, you Holly funa and Emery and to see the home fitna will you see by whom either en la

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familia in Latina you Holly fauna and Emery he and to see the home fitnah Oh, you see the home either on Eddie. Let those people take a warning. Those people who go against his command. Because there is a danger those people will fall into a fitna. They will fall into a fitna, even an ambassador of the Allahu Anhu that he said here the fitna is shaped, they're going to make a partner with Allah or they will be given a severe punishment. So here again, we're told that roof

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Using to obey the prophets lie Selim, distancing yourself from obedience to the prophets lie Selim. It leads a person to make a partner with Allah. And so all of this if we look at answering this question in the grave, the very first thing we took apart from the idea that it's not just lip service, you have to live it and you have to practice it is that we understood that the Prophet was sent to be obeyed, and that Allah threatened a severe punishment for those people who oppose him. And those people who don't obey Him, and those people who don't go back to him in their disputes, and those people who don't make him a judge between them and what they differ over. All of that is

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part of a obedience to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. As I said, it's not that we are not going to make mistakes. We will make mistakes. It's not that we're not going to feel sometimes in our obedience, but it's the commitment that a person has, that I have a commitment to live my life to the best of my ability in obedience to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam.

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And Allah azza wa jal said even more than that, may your period Rasul Allah, Allah Allah, whoever obeys the messenger has a beat Allah. Why is that? How can that be whoever obeys the prophets, I seldom has a beat Allah, because Allah said what my young took what I kneel haha, in who are in our new, he doesn't speak from his own desire. It is only a revelation that is revealed. So the prophets I send them did nothing more than to convey what Allah told him, then to transmit to the people what Allah subhanaw taala told him, to transmit and to convey. And so when you obey the prophets, I send them you obey Allah azza wa jal, everything the prophets I send them gave you you try your best to

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implement it and to take it and to practice it. And whatever He prohibited you from, you try your best to keep away from it. And when you fall short, which you will do, the Prophet SAW, Selim said is the key Moreland trestle. He said, Stand up firm in Islam, but you won't be able to be perfect. And he said, said the door coreboot Oh, come a call. He said, try to do the right thing and come as close as you can. You're not going to be perfect in your obedience, but your commitment and dedication to obey the prophets of Allah and to keep away from what the prophets lie Selim prohibited you from. This is an essential part of seeing a head under Muhammad Rasulullah salAllahu

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alayhi wa sallam and being able to answer that question men have Orajel Ella DE BOER is a few Come Who was this man that was sent among the second essential part of living the shahada, that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah is tastic whoo hoo FEMA

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is that you believe in everything the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told you about

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us about many matters of the unseen many matters that we only know of those things through him. He told us about Allah. He told us about a Yeoman after he told us about the angels. He told us about the affairs of the previous prophets and the previous nations that we did not know about. He told us

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about the as we said, the last day he told us about paradise and hellfire he told us about the world of the unseen, the world of the angels and the world of the jinn and so on. There are so many things the prophets I seldom told us about, that we only know of those things through him.

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We didn't know of them. We didn't we didn't have any other I mean, maybe some of the previous prophets that were some other information we had about them before. But much of what the prophets lie Selim told us we only know of it through him salAllahu alayhi wasallam.

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And if you want an example of what it means, to believe in what the Prophet SAW, Selim informed us about without hesitation, without hesitation and without doubt,

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like Allah azza wa jal said enamelled, we know Alladhina am and Billa he wore a suit he the only people who are really believers are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger

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from malaria are terrible, and then they do not doubt. If you want an example of what it means to believe in the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam without any doubt, there is no better example than the Cydia of this ummah. Abu Bakr, Siddiq Ravi Allah one. Abu Bakr, Siddiq, Radi Allahu Allah when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was taken on his night journey. And he was taken from Makkah to beta luctus, where he led the prophets in prayer. And then he was taken up to a sudra to monitor to the final highest place in paradise. And then the prophets I seldom he spoke to Allah subhanaw taala and Allah spoke to him direct

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PN Allah revealed to him the five daily prayers, and then he returned to this earth and he returned to his place in Makkah in a single night.

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When the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam informed the people of this, the people of Croatia began to ridicule him. They began to say, Who is this person? Look at the story he's telling you is telling you not only he went all the way to Jerusalem and came back in one night, then he went to the heavens and so on. Who is the person who instantly believed in what the prophets lie Selim said, Abu Bakr, Siddiq rhodiola, Juan, and for this he was given the name acidic, though one who is the true full believer, I think that's a good translation for Siddiq, right, a truthful believer because he believed in what the prophet sighs alum said without any hesitation. They came to him and they

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said, I will look at your companion says that he travelled to Jerusalem and back in one night.

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Do you believe him? I pull back and said Indeed, I believe him. I believe him in what is more than that. I believe him in something stranger than that. I believe him in what he tells me from the news of the heavens and what he tells me that Allah said, from Revelation, I believe in Him.

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When Abu Bakr believed without hesitation in what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he was given the title Siddiq.

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And he's not the only one, there are more than than just Abu Bakar robiola, who and that was given this title from those who are given the title is Meriam. Alia Salam, whoa, Musa DECA. She was a Siddiqa. Ra Hassan was salam. She was a Siddiqa. So this belief in the prophets, and this fact that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we believe in what he said, This is extremely, extremely important, as a part of testifying that Mohamed Salah Salem is the Messenger of Allah, living the testimony and therefore being able to answer the question when you're asked to integrate. Now I'm going to take this to a very modern example of this and implementation of this. There are

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many, generally speaking, Islam is not a religion that contradicts what we see with our eyes, right? Islam is not a religion that tells you the sky is green and the grass is blue. And Islam is a religion that generally speaking is is in line with the world that we live in, because it's the truth.

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It's the truth. Allah subhanaw taala. He told us that he could be in a Latino careful temporal belting. We're in Alladhina, Amman, Tebah will have chemotherapy him can allocate avaliable, la Hooghly, NASCI and Thurlow. Allah azza wa jal told us, the believers, the people who believe they're following the truth from Allah.

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And therefore this religion is not a religion that contradicts what we see in front of our own eyes. But there are things that the world of science study and let's be honest, the world of science became like a religion. In fact, for an atheist sciences, their religion, sciences, they got their ILA. That's the era that they worship. That's the one they have such Yaqeen in it. Perhaps you will not see people with Yaqeen like they are keen they have in science, they will tell you this science is going to answer to me the question of what will happen when I die? It just hasn't answered it yet. It will, in the future, inshallah I will. That's the idea they have without being Sharla, of

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course, but that's the idea they have.

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There are some times that what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us may not agree with what we read in the in the textbooks, like biology, or physics or chemistry, or what we read in about what people believe to be true in the world today. It's not very often that happens, but sometimes it happens. Sometimes it happens.

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In that case, you really see the people who truly believe what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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told us about those people, they don't look at all at anything else. They only look at one question, is it authentic? If that was what the Prophet said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it's authentically reported from him. I believe in it, whether science agrees or not.

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Whether it's what I understand, or I don't understand, if it's authentically reported from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. I believe in it. And I'll give you an example of one that is very, very common.

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The hadith, of the Sun prostrating under the OSH that every single night, the sun makes Sajida a prostrates under the outer shell of Allah and it asks for permission to rise again.

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And Allah gives it permission until the day when the sun will rise from the west. And in this case, Allah subhanaw taala will not give it permission to rise from it's not

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Over rising place, it will be said to go back to where you came.

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This hadith many people come, they say I cannot accept it.

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You see why I cannot accept it because it doesn't go in line with what I know of science in the sun goes, the world goes around the sun of the sun goes around the world and you know, the sun rises like this and the world is spinning and where it's night it's there.

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We're going to explain why the answer is not a good answer the answer, they give us why they're thinking in completely the wrong way. But that's not the point that I wanted to mention. The point I wanted to mention is this. You know the prophets, I seldom said it. So now why do you doubt? Why do you think it doesn't make sense to me? How can it be? The prophets lie? Some said it, that's it. That's all aboubaker cared about? He didn't care. Is it possible to reach Jerusalem in a night and come back? He didn't care about, is it? Do we have evidence he went to Jerusalem? Did he describe the road? Are you sure he said, he just wants to know did he say it or not? If the prophets I seldom

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said it, we believe it. That's it. If the prophets I seldom said it, we believe it. Without any doubt. If the prophets I seldom authentically said, which he did, that the sun prostrates below the OSH every single night. That is the truth. So truth, it doesn't bother me whether the scientists agree with it or don't agree with it. It doesn't concern me. It only concerns me. Did the prophets lie Selim say it or not? If he said it, and it's authentic, that's all I need. I don't need anything else. Now here, there is a question which comes up naturally, which is okay, how do we talk about this hadith? It's very simple. The prophets I was telling you about the rabies telling you about a

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world that doesn't.

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It doesn't fall under the physical world that science is even talking about. Anywhere is the arch.

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In terms of science, if you ask a physicist, where is the arch? He doesn't it's not in their remit, right? He's gonna say, Oh, who are you asking me something that's above my paygrade. It's not in my it's not in my remit. Therefore, there is no concern about the sun making Sagitta under the arch, there is no issue with it. Because the whole hadith is talking about a world that we have no knowledge about, except what the prophets I'm told us about the world of the unseen. What did Allah azza wa jal say at the beginning of the Quran, Allah Vina, you may know Neville hype, when you came on a Salah when we model soccer now whom you want to call those people who believe in the unseen and

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perform the prayer and spend out of what We have provided for them. So there is no doubt here, that this hadith is not problematic at all. But my point is just to give an example of something where people don't implement what I'm talking about, they don't take what the Prophet said, and believe in it. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Instead, they say, Oh, I don't know if I can believe in that. I'm not sure if that matches science. I'm not sure if that hadith is correct or not, because it doesn't match what science tells me. The whole point is, if it's authentic from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we believe it. And we also believe that it will not contradict Aquila, Selim, it

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will not contradict a sound mind. And sound scientific theory won't contradict it. However, the point is, is it authentic from the Prophet size? If it is, we believe in it, regardless of whether we understand that the details of it or not, we believe in it like Abu Bakr believed, when he was told the prophets I seldom went to Jerusalem, and came back in one night, which was impossible in the time of Abu Bakr, remember, it was an impossibility. And yet he believed in it because he wants he knew the Prophet SAW Selim said it. That was all that mattered. And that's all that should matter for us. And yes, there is an answer. Like I've explained, there's an answer for every Hadith that

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people are unsure about or have questions about. But as a Muslim, should you should you be waiting for that answer? No. You should only be waiting to know is it authentic from the prophets? I send them or not? If it's authentic, I believe in it. Regardless of whether people have an issue with that or not, if it's authentic, I believe in it. So now we've spoken about two essential things to be able to answer this question in the grief. The first is that during your life, you strive with everything you can to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the second thing is that during your life whenever there comes to you something from what the prophets that is some informed

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you about whether it is the end of time, whether it is about Allah, whether it is about Allah's names and attributes and actions, whether it's about paradise or hellfire, whether it's about the world of the unseen, like the angels and the jinn. If you know the prophets, i Some said it and it's authentic, you believe in it. That is required to be able to answer that question in the grief. And all those people who doubted that hadith and they said, I'm not sure I don't know. I don't know if those people will be able to answer the question when there be you who is your prophet, because they didn't implement it in their life. They didn't implement it and live it during their life.

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The third thing

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and you are but Allahu Allahu Mushara that you only worship Allah the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed you

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many people today and if we look at the situation of Muslims in the world today, Wallah, we see a very sad situation, that many people try to get near to Allah. In a way that was not the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave for us.

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And they follow practices and beliefs that were not from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam the prophets i Some didn't give to them. And they say, I'm worshiping Allah, so it's okay, you know, I'm not, I'm not worshipping someone else. I'm not worshiping a statue. I'm not worshiping. I'm worshiping Allah. But they're not worshipping Allah the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed us how to do.

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And for this, we have the Hadith, the Hadith reported in Al Bukhari and Muslim from the hadith of our mother actually, Allahu Allah Herman ActiveE Emelina her them at least I mean, who for what, right? Whoever introduces something into this religion of ours, which is not from it, it will be rejected, and the Hadith which is in the wording of Muslims, that who I have in my Muslim and Pamela Amman, at least ally Amana, for whoever is whoever does an action, which is not in accordance with our command, it will be rejected. And therefore we understand that to truly bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah and to be able to answer that

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question, Medina be your who is your prophet, we have to strive to worship Allah the way that the Prophet slice have showed us. I'll give you a simple example so that everybody can can understand.

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I just prayed so out of the hole and I excused myself from the class for five minutes, 10 minutes to go and pray. So as I thought,

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in this time, I prayed salata, Lord for Raka ad, that's what we prayed in the masjid. Somebody comes along and says, let's make it five. Five is better than four right? A person wants to do as many good deeds as they can for stebic Will Hyatts do as many good deeds as you can raise to do as many good deeds five is better than four. Every one of us watching this video would turn around and say no five is not better than four for solid for DACA act for salatu Baba is the best. Why? Because that's what the prophets I submit it. Would it be accepted if someone prays five rockhard for the order? You'd say No, man, I mean, I'm at a laser alley here bro. Now for who right? Whoever doesn't

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action, it's not in accordance with our Sunette will be rejected.

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So a person understood that you have to do every single act of worship, the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed you how to do it. And again in this time, there is such a pressure on people to find other ways to worship Allah. To come near to Allah through things the prophets I seldom never did and his companions never did. And here I want to emphasize the importance of the companions. Why? Because of the fact that Allah azza wa jal said when we use Chaka Rasool mean by the matter but yeah and Allah Who there were yet Tabby, a viva Sabine, meaning

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Allah azza wa jal didn't just say about opposing the Prophet size center, or pausing the Prophet and following away other than the way of the companions. So when we try to worship Allah, we need to have two things. We need to worship Allah the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam worshipped Allah. And we need to understand the way the Prophet Sall Allahu Allahu wa salam worshiped Allah in light of what the Companions Radi Allahu Anhu did for in Amman will be Miss Lima men to behave according to them. If they believe as you people believe that they are rightly guided what Intel will look for in a mountain fish hawk. And if they turn away then they are only in disarray and they

01:03:59 --> 01:04:19

are only in a state of opposing the profit. So I said look if they oppose the belief of the Sahaba Radi Allahu Taala and, and we know the prophets I seldom said for it can be so Nettie stick to my sunnah was so knitted. Hola, hola Shi Deena Medina, aka cod and stick to the Sunnah of the rightly guided qualifier after me.

01:04:20 --> 01:04:44

So it's not only about worshipping Allah, the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shoulders, but understanding the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through the Sahaba Radi Allahu Anhu what Autohome and the person who worships Allah, the way the Prophet slice them, show them and they avoid all of what the prophet called sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Marta 30, or more

01:04:45 --> 01:04:59

newly invented beliefs and practices. And if a person keeps away from those newly invented beliefs and practices, and they follow the way of the prophets lie Selim and his companions and they worship Allah the way the Prophet sallallahu

01:05:00 --> 01:05:18

Earlier you were selling them showed them in the way that the Companions understood. The action of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then through this evening Allah He to Allah, a person can be said to be truly worshipping Allah, the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed us how to worship Him.

01:05:20 --> 01:05:54

And if you really want to follow the way of the Prophet size at all, if you will, if you really want Allah to love you have to follow the way of the Prophet size element. We mentioned the Iron Sword of Ali Imran called In Kuntum to hipbone Allah fective Irani your biblical mulawa filicudi. Say if you really love Allah, then follow me and Allah will love you. And Allah will only love you. If you follow the way that the prophets Allah I said, Did things in terms of worshiping Allah, and we understood from the other evidences that requires us to follow the way of the companions Allahi wa Salatu was Salam.

01:05:56 --> 01:06:34

I'm going to summarize what I've said so far, and I've got some more points to mention. Then I'm going to go to q&a. Inshallah, I know we're a little bit late, but we tried to finish it quickly in Sharla. So I wanted to highlight what I said so far. The first thing that I said is that it's not sufficient to just know the name of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and just to know that Allah sent him as a prophet. And we know this because of salt, the salt salts and monasticon of the moon Africa and and what they said, because they said, that we bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah, but they didn't bring the conditions for it. And we know the statement of Allah

01:06:34 --> 01:07:12

azza wa jal regarding the Jews and the Christians. Yeah, the foreigner who can make it for that home. They know him like they know their own children, that just knowing about him is not enough. Rather to really answer this question in your grave, who is your prophet, you have to live the answer in your lifetime. And to live the answer in your lifetime, you need three essential things, three essential things. The first thing is you need to try your best to obey the prophets lie Selim and to keep away from everything that he commanded you to keep away from. The second thing is you need to believe in what the prophets I'm told you, regardless of whether it agrees with what you

01:07:12 --> 01:07:49

knew before you didn't or agrees with your understanding of the world, or it doesn't you, as soon as you know that it's authentic, you believe in it. And the third thing is the only way that you worship Allah is through the way that the Prophet SAW Selim showed you and the way that his companions understood, and they followed. And if you were able to do these three things, then you really are living the statement that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi. wasallam is the messenger of Allah. And if you live that statement that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah, then by the permission of Allah, you will die upon that statement, and you will be able to answer

01:07:49 --> 01:08:32

that question in your grave. There are some other points that I wanted to, to talk about. Just kind of additional to that that was the main message that I wanted to talk about, about how a person has to live their life in order to be able to answer that question. And the importance of following the Sunnah is that we need in order to know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or in order to do these three things, in order to obey Him, and in order to believe in what he told us, and in order to be able to worship Allah, the way that he showed us, all of these things require knowledge. None of these things can be achieved without knowledge, and therefore knowledge of the Prophet sallallahu

01:08:32 --> 01:09:17

adding this knowledge of who he was. And this we can call it his Syrah and his Shama in knowledge of his sunnah, what he brought and what He commanded. This is essential if we want to be able to answer this question in the grave and no doubt there is a an obligatory part and a voluntary part, not all of it is obligatory, but a person wants to strive to learn as much of the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as possible and as much of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam sunnah and teachings as possible. Otherwise the danger is we go back to the IRA we mentioned in the beginning, am lemme it for rasool Allah home for Hula, hula long Kiran, is it that they don't know their

01:09:17 --> 01:09:46

messenger and so they reject. So we need to know the spirit of the Prophet so I said, and we need to know the Sunnah of the Prophet size and in general what he taught, what He commanded what He prohibited what he told us about and in this knowing the Quran is not enough because the Quran told us that we have to bring the Sunnah along with it. When I tell como Rasool for who Amanda come and who Fanta who whatever the messenger gives you take it whatever the messenger

01:09:47 --> 01:09:59

tells you to keep away from abstain from it. And we already spoke about how Allah subhanaw taala set me up when we're used to it rasool Allah Allah Allah may use arrow rosulip aka Allah Allah, whoever obeys the messenger

01:10:00 --> 01:10:26

obey Allah. And we talked about how Allah commands us to go back to Pharaoh to who Illa Allah Who Rasul to go back to Allah and back to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that being the case, we need to have knowledge of the Sunnah of the Prophet sighs LM and we need to have knowledge of the serum. And the great benefit of knowledge from the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that it gives you a practical example.

01:10:28 --> 01:11:12

You learn who the prophets I send them was, you learn his name, his lineage, his Shama, his his Shama and how he looked and how he behaved, you learn how his life went by in Makkah and in Medina, and you learn practical examples of implementing the Quran and the Sunnah, how he did it, and how his companions did it, Ravi Allahu Anhu. So it's very important that we learn the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But when we learn the secret of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what's really important in this is that we learn the Sierra in a practical way. Sometimes we learn the Sierra like stories, we learn the Sierra or sometimes like stories, you know, it's like

01:11:12 --> 01:11:50

a story. Sadly, it's become like a selfie rule a wedding. These are the stories of the older people you know, like this is what some people in the past did. And it's not something you live or practicing your life. When you learn the zero of the prophets I some you have to learn what that means for you, what do you take out from it? What are the filler in the benefits? What are the I Can the rulings, one of the things that you can implement in your life? Because we know that Allah azza wa jal said about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in Nikka, Allah Who looking at when you are on the highest standard of character, you have the best standard of manners. And so, to get

01:11:50 --> 01:12:33

that out of the sphere of the prophets lie Selim, we have to apply in a practical way and take practical lessons from from that Sierra. And that's part of making the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a role model right? To make him our role model because Allah azza wa jal called him or swatch on hasna he is the best role model for you. To make him a role model, you have to know enough of his life and his manners, his behavior, his characteristic, his teachings, his his commands his prohibitions, to be able to emulate him and to make him that role model in your life. And again, I want to emphasize that that has to be done in light of the companions, Radi Allahu anhu, and what

01:12:33 --> 01:13:18

they call to and how they implemented it because nobody took the prophets why Selim as a role model, better than the companions or the Allahu anhu, they took the Prophet SAW Selim as the best example of a role model and they implemented it in their life in the best possible way. And so when we emulate them, we emulate the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because they were the best example of those people who emulated our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and took him as a role model. So in sha Allah, who to Allah, it was a long, long topic to talk about, I hope that we covered the most important parts of being able to answer the question and I think if I was to give you one

01:13:18 --> 01:13:46

message that I would want you to take home it's that how you live your life today. And how you live your life in terms of saying that Mohammed Salah Salem is the messenger of Allah will determine how you are able to answer that question in your grave men there be yoke who is your prophet? Or the question man have a lazy boy acfe Come Who was this man that was sent to you? So inshallah Allah I think it's time for q&a I have

01:13:47 --> 01:13:53

inshallah you maybe can either turn up the volume or you can just read the q&a For me, it depends on how you're going to do each.

01:13:54 --> 01:13:56

Zak Allah Hara Cara Zack.

01:13:57 --> 01:13:59

Before we jump to q&a, how much time do we have left?

01:14:01 --> 01:14:07

I have 20 minutes before the karma for us. It's very fast, very fast. Okay.

01:14:08 --> 01:14:38

Let's make the best of the 20 minutes. We have questions that are really coming. But for those who haven't sent in their questions, please do inshallah. Don't hesitate which regional first come first serve basis. Any questions that aren't entertained, you can just drop a message for the revival team Inshallah, and we'll try our best to see how we can help you. So the first question that came in chef is, can you please recommend a few videos or audio lectures to learn more about the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:14:40 --> 01:14:54

So recommend videos or audio lectures, you know? I'm not sure about video audio lectures, but let's start maybe we could start with books. Books are easier because I can start by recommending the book and then maybe you can find

01:14:55 --> 01:14:59

you know, people who are explaining that because I'm one thing I'm not great

01:15:00 --> 01:15:38

Tat is being very aware of like all the different videos that are being made and things but let let me see if I can recommend some books to start with. So I think if you are I'm going to talk about English language I will not I'm not talking about Arabic because Arabic is a whole different topic. But if we talk about the English language, we talk about books in the English language, I think as a start as a first book, in the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that one of the best books that you can take in the English language is the sealed nectar and the sealed nectar. If you find that to be a little bit too long and a little bit too complicated, there's a summary of it

01:15:38 --> 01:16:02

called when the moon split. And this is a very, very beautiful book, it's very well written, and it's very summarized in the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in terms of learning the Sunnah of the Prophet so I sent them not just that the seal up but learning the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the English language. I would always recommend people to start with the 40 Hadith of Imam an nawawi

01:16:03 --> 01:16:37

which is translated plenty of translations and explanations in English language for a person to know the most important things from the Sunnah and then maybe to go to a book of rulings and and account like global Imam. So these again, like if a person wants to learn the syrup from the sealed nectar, and they were then to take the 40 Hadith remember no we and maybe to take the Shama ill of the Prophet slice Allah by the mama Timothy. This is another great book in the topic of sera Shama ill Nabi. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by Lima materiality

01:16:38 --> 01:17:18

and then they were to take a book of rulings like Paulo haram, I feel like with this person would have covered a lot about the life of the prophet size and his person and his teachings. So on the teaching side, we have the 40 Hadith from Rama, Noah we and maybe something like blue haram. On the side of Sierra, maybe a person can take the sealed nectar, and they can take the shimmer of the Prophet size and his his personal characteristics, which is a book by element materiality. These books are the reason I mentioned them is not because they're the only books but because they're so common, it's easy to find your teachers explaining them. It's easy to find people who've explained

01:17:19 --> 01:17:58

the the sealed nectar or the seal of the prophets I seldom from the seal nectar, it's easy to find people who've explained a schema in an A B by Lemma materiality, I explained it once I have a complete set that I did for a TV channel. And I have like a smaller one on YouTube. And also in terms of the Sunnah of the prophets. I seldom if a person covers the 40 Hadith of Imam and no, maybe a book of rules and regulations like political moron, I feel like a person would have a good understanding of who the prophets I love is and a good understanding of what he taught in a basic way. And from there there are many, many hundreds and hundreds of books written on the CLR written

01:17:58 --> 01:18:36

on the books of Hadith that gather the Hadith of the Prophet. So I said I would add to that one book also, which is very beneficial for learning the Sunnah of the Prophet so I am in terms of just people who want to know more about what he encouraged and and follow his manners and his etiquettes is the book rather sila him by an imam in Norway, Rahim Allah Allah because this will give them the the at the kind of the things the prophets Isom encouraged people to do. And you know things the good deeds that he encouraged to do and the manners that he encouraged people to have. So I think these kinds of things people can find it very easily. Other than that, in terms of recommending

01:18:36 --> 01:18:45

specific videos is difficult from you Allah I'm not great with knowing about different series and who explain which thing but in the English language, I think that's a good place to start.

01:18:47 --> 01:18:59

Just because like Elijah, inshallah Sheikh if you know, any books that are good for teens, inshallah they can recommend, they'll be helpful for parents, okay, books for books for younger people.

01:19:01 --> 01:19:38

I think the one thing that I am concerned about is that often, books especially as you get towards younger people, if it's for teens when the moon split is a good book of Syrah. But if you go if you go when you start to go to some books that are written for very young children, the concern is that sometimes they are not always as authentic as they should be. And sometimes the authors can, what's the word, like, be a bit relaxed with the information they present because they think they're presenting it to young children. So I would say if you are looking at a book for younger children, it's really important to actually check that that book is authentic. I don't have any particular

01:19:38 --> 01:19:42

recommendations off the top of my head, but I would definitely say you know, to look at

01:19:43 --> 01:19:59

you to make sure that the books you give to your children about the Syrah are authentic, in the sense that they are presenting reliable, verified authentic things that the prophets why some did and not kind of being relaxed about it because of the

01:20:00 --> 01:20:08

fact that it's only for children or it's only for younger people. So it doesn't matter what we write, but I would recommend when the moon split is a good book for teenagers about the seer of the Prophet sighs

01:20:13 --> 01:20:25

Okay, the next question that came up is, what are some practical remedies if a person is unable to be firm and committed and dedicated to obeying the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

01:20:28 --> 01:21:12

I think the first thing is that a person has to realize what is required of them. If a person realizes what is required of them, they say, Look, I know that what Allah requires of me is to commit myself to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That's the first thing. Then the second thing is to realize that you can't achieve that without Allah's help. And that's the reason why in every single rocker of every single prayer, we recite II cannot Budo er can stay you alone, we worship and You alone, we ask for help. Because we cannot achieve anything in our life, whether it's obedience to the prophets lie Selim or anything else without the help of Allah. And then the

01:21:12 --> 01:21:20

third step is that if we've realized that we need Allah's help, so the first thing is we realized that Allah requires us to obey the Prophet. So

01:21:21 --> 01:22:01

the second thing is, we realize that we need to Allah's help, and we've asked Allah to help us. The third thing is that we do as much as we can. There are many, many opportunities to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and a person may say, Well, you know, I'm not able to do this particular thing. strive against yourself, no doubt, because striving against yourself is a major part of Islam, fighting against yourself and striving against yourself and, you know, trying to overcome your bad habits and things like that. But look at other opportunities. The Prophet Tyson said last year on nominal narrow fish as well and tell Kochalka be watching talk. Don't belittle any

01:22:01 --> 01:22:37

good deed, even if it's just meeting your brother with a smiling face. If there's something you find difficult, there'll be another thing that you find easy. So it's about first of all, recognizing that Allah requires you to obey the prophets license. Second of all, genuinely and sincerely asking Allah is help. And the third thing is doing the best you can. The Prophet SAW, Selim, he said either amounted to Combi che, in fact, two men who must have gotten, he said, If I command you to do something, do as much of it as you can. So a person sometimes he said, Well, you know, I'm not going to for example, I'm struggling to obey the prophets, I send them in. Let's say, for example, I don't

01:22:37 --> 01:23:17

know something like I'm struggling to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in let's say, for example, the bid for example. But then that's not an excuse to leave of all of the other things that the prophets like some commanded us to do. Rather do as many of them as you can. Try to find opportunities here and there, perhaps Allah because of you, following the prophets, I seldom in that thing, Allah will make it easy for you to follow him in other things. And Allah Subhana Allah will increase you in guidance way as he to Lola Lena to do, who the Allah gives an increasing guidance to those who are guided. So I believe it's not a matter of everything or nothing. But it's a matter of

01:23:17 --> 01:23:31

taking as much as you possibly can, and seeking Allah's help and fighting against yourself in terms of your bad habits, and trying to overcome the areas where you're struggling to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and asking Allah's forgiveness when you fall short.

01:23:33 --> 01:23:35

This is

01:23:36 --> 01:23:50

the third question, our Prophet sallallahu Sallam mentioned habit disorder. That is the black seed is medicine for all diseases, except that what about doctors or medical personnel who do not believe this?

01:23:53 --> 01:24:32

No, it's required to believe it is required to believe it. The prophets eyes haven't said it. And it's authentic. It's required to believe it. But a person what they should do is they should be honest and say I don't understand the full implementation of it. Like I don't know how to use black seed for all of those things or I don't know how to use it as a medicine. But I believe what the prophets I seldom said the black seed is a cure for everything except that I believe that I don't know that the details of it maybe I don't know how to use it as a cure in different situations. Maybe I need to go back to understand the meaning of the Hadith better from the explanation in terms

01:24:32 --> 01:24:50

of what does that hadith mean? Does it mean every sickness or does it mean the majority of sicknesses or you know, I may need to understand the Hadith better, but I believe in the Hadith in the sense of I believe that that is the truth, and I believe that's what the prophets Isom said, so sometimes, the problem is a person can reject something

01:24:51 --> 01:24:59

that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, because they don't understand it, or they don't understand the input.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:37

mentation of it. And that's a mistake. Rather the person should ask, is it authentic? Yes, therefore I believe in it. What is now obligatory on me is to find out more about what it means and more about how to implement it in my life. Because there may be many doctors who don't know how to use Blackseed as a cure or as a medicine, or they don't know how to use it in certain situations. That doesn't mean the hadith is not true. It's just that we don't have knowledge of that specific implementation. While we believe what the prophets i Some said was true. So I guess what I'm saying is there's a difference between believing it to be true and knowing the full details of the full

01:25:37 --> 01:25:51

kind of implementation of what the prophet sighs I've said many times the Prophet size and said something we don't know how to implement it in full as a person me personally, I don't know how to implement it in full. And the evidence for that is the hadith of a normal human ratio of the Allahu Anhu man

01:25:52 --> 01:26:32

when he said, When the Prophet size seven said in El Hala Yunnan, why not haram Albanian we're being a homer award on Moshe behalf lie LM ohana, cafiero meanness, this hadith is a proof that there are issues from what the prophets I seldom said that many people don't know what to do with it. They don't know how to implement it, or how to put it into practice like Allah Mohan cathedra Romanes many people don't know how to how to put it into practice. So that shows you that not every time there's a difference between, for example, when Abu Bakr believed the Prophet SAW, Selim went from Mecca to Jerusalem and back in the night, did he have to know how he went? Did he have to know what

01:26:32 --> 01:27:05

was the Brach? Like how big was it? What color was it? Did he have to know that the Baroque take one step to get there or to he just had to know the profit size and said, I went there and came back? That's what I believe. So a person for example, a doctor says, I don't really understand the details of Blackseed. I don't really know how to implement it. I don't even know how it's secure. That's fine. That's, you know, but you believe that the prophets said it. And it's true, if that makes sense. And Allah knows best. Does that Allah in check? And I think this is it's a golden opportunity. I think this question is really important. Because unfortunately, as Muslims, we have a

01:27:05 --> 01:27:41

wealth of knowledge isn't a shift, that unfortunately, we are not exploring, we're leaving it off to, unfortunately, the non Muslims to do all of the studies and the research and then we take that and we want to implement it. But then when we have so so much, that Allah has guided us to unfortunately, we take it for granted. And I think it's a wake up call and if and for us to insha Allah look into these kinds of things, because I believe there are other similar Hadith, I think also with regards to hijama is an issue. There are no doubt hijab has mentioned also was mentioned is drinking honey, the cure for everything is in three things, the blade of that the blade of the

01:27:41 --> 01:28:18

hijab, and the drink of honey. And in the Atlantic quarterly, except the quarter he has been prohibited for this OMA was the prophets iclm set. So the matter is something that been we've been to begin with, we believe in it, because the prophets i Some said it, but then following on from there, we may not know the details of it. And we need to go back to the books of Hadith and research and study and from the best of the places you could go back if it's a medical issue like that is to go back to the book, or have ignored him rather than that. And this book has been translated into English another book to add to our list. I've mentioned some books before, let's add another book,

01:28:18 --> 01:28:36

let's add a book called provisions of the Hereafter, by even Okay, he talks about the guidance of the Prophet sighs I'm in different issues. And in what what was the prophets guidance in medicine? What was the prophet size that was guidance in terms of a different this issue or that issue? How did he advise us to use honey, for example.

01:28:37 --> 01:28:52

And from this has taken out a book called the medicine of the prophets. I said, But that book itself is just part of zygoma. It's part of the book provisions of the Hereafter by ignore payment. I believe the book has been translated into English if I'm not mistaken. So it's a very good place to start for something like that in terms of research.

01:28:53 --> 01:29:03

Does that allow future does that good luck. The next question insha Allah is how much is obligatory for us to know about the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu salah.

01:29:05 --> 01:29:42

What's obligatory is to know enough about him, that your belief in Him is firm, and you have what you need to be able to follow Him and to be able to obey Him, and to be able to believe in in him. So for sure, a person needs to know at least enough to be able to truthfully bear witness that Mohammed sigh serve as the Messenger of Allah, and to be able to obey the prophets. I said, Now, it's not a requirement for someone to know for example, the entire Syrah from beginning to end, but it is required for them to know enough of what they need to be able to actually

01:29:43 --> 01:29:59

follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we described in the lecture, and that does require knowledge. Like we said, those three things are being him and believing in Him and worshiping Allah the way that he showed us. It does require knowledge. And there are certain things that if a person doesn't have knowledge in in those things, they

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