Tim Humble – Seekers of Knowledge 007 – Tafseer of Al-Kaafiroon

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the names of various surahs and their characteristics, as well as the importance of the Prophet's satisfaction with the Sun statement and the need for warmer climate to stimulate violence. The speakers emphasize caution and avoiding extremes in royal's recitation and the importance of the use of "ma" in the past and present. The discussion also touches on cultural differences between Arabic and American English, including the use of " admit" in Arabic to indicate a belief and the use of "has" in the language.
AI: Transcript ©
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bow nappy

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wa Salatu was Salam ala

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attending I mean Nabina Muhammad Juana and he was he edge mine

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so inshallah tada we have reached the Tafseer of sort of care for your own

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and sort of to care for your own is a surah which has a number of different names

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is one of the soldiers that has probably

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some of the most names out of the different sort of the Quran I can't say which surah has the most variation in names, but it has a lot of variations in names.

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So, from the names that Sora to caffeine is known by his alkaff urine

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and that is because of the beginning of the Surah kuliah au healthcare furon

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kuliah you have caffeine.

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It's also known as sort of a bad the surah of worship, because Allah azza wa jal repeated in the necessity of worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and with no partner

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kulia you healthcare for your own law, boom, boom.

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So it was also known as solid lie but

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one of the other names that it's also known by is it's also confusingly sometimes called Silverton EClass.

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Because here The meaning is not similar to a class which is cool who Allahu Ahad but the two sutras that talk about a class and that is similar to a class who Allahu Ahad unsalted caffee. Ron,

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Julio au healthcare field.

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And because here, the surah talks about a loss, about sincerity in worshipping Allah subhanaw taala alone. So some of them also referred to it, as

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I saw it across, it's also known as soon

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as surah, to Dean swalot, a dean, the surah of the religion lakum. Dean, welcome. Well, God,

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I have my way of submitting to Allah.

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Why have my religion, which is Islam,

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and you have your religion, which is the religion of since this surah is addressed to the calf Iran is the religion of disbelief.

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It's also known as,

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and this is a little bit of a difficult one,

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animal cash

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and cash Kasha in Arabic, it means to sweep something up.

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It means to sweep something away.

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Because it completely sweeps away and destroys any kind of making a partner with a loss of Hannah who wattana. So these are some of the names of sort of caffeine one and there are others. And allies of generals best that I mentioned in different places that people give this different name or refer to this or in this way.

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But since we talked about its relationship with Sora teleclass it's really important to mention that this surah is one of the soldiers that has a very strong relationship with Sora teleclass kulu Allahu Ahad

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and that is why

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this surah is one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom used to recite frequently along with Cole who Allah had. So as mentioned in rock it power, the two rock art of a tawaf after you make tawaf of the

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when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say what taheebo mimma Padme Ybarra, Hema masala and then he would pray behind the makabe Brahim what's known as rock it up off the to rock it off. In the first rock it would recite kuliah au healthcare furon and in the second Raka he would recite who who Allahu Ahad.

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It's also narrated in rock it and federal, the two records before federal that in the first Raka the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite kuliah you healthcare for your own. And in the second Raka, he would recite who Allahu Ahad. This is the to record before surgery.

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And likewise, it's narrated from some of the Sahaba of the love I'm home. Similarly, about rock it The sooner after Salatu Maghreb variety of after Salatu Maghreb, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite kuliah au healthcare for your own and he would recite kulu Allahu Ahad and similarly is narrated with regard to the winter when the winter is prayed as three or as two and then one.

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Likewise, where we have so little caffeine we have separate his model bakerella and sort of caffeine rune and Cole who Allahu Ahad.

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So these are two sources that go together. But here there is a question.

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And the question is that at the moment, we don't pay him Rahim Allah to add and if I'm not mistaken, he mentioned this inside on the ad

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that the general guidance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And I'm going to give you two things about reciting for us. Number one, he would recite a surah Camila in each Raka

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completely, very rarely would he recite a part of a surah or an end of a surah or a beginning of a surah or some ayat, this is permissible because Allah azza wa jal said falcoda oma is Allah minute Quran read whatever is easy from the Quran.

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So it's permissible to read the end of the soul of the middle.

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But the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his heady his guidance was to recite a complete surah. Sometimes, if it was a big surah, he will, he might break it up into two. But generally speaking, he would recite from the beginning of the surah to the end of the soul.

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And generally speaking, he would recite in his Salawat, from the Mufasa.

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That are there, those are the sutras that have lots of small ayat, stuff starting from sort of cough, or some set from sort of her gerat can starting from sort of cough until sort of turn us.

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In February, he would recite the longer ones, that is the ones that are somewhere in the region have four pages long in each

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one, and then another, if it was really long, it might break it up in half, two pages, three pages, four pages and each rocker

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in the hole. And the answer. And the Asia, he would typically recite from the middle Mufasa, that is those that are around about a page around about a page to a page and a half of the most half,

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involve longer, and in a sort of slightly shorter, but still from those that are a page to a page and a half, maybe two pages, the middle sized ones, and typically in Margaret, who would recite from besar and Mufasa, the small Mufasa Saurus, like Al Qaeda, furono class and so on the small ones like lm nasura, halakhah sadhak until the end of the until the end of the massage.

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So far, we didn't come across a problem. But with the third point I said to but I mentioned three with the third point, we're going to come across a problem from the head of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that he would typically recite two sutras that come together in the mythos.

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So he would typically recite for example, Allah and alhaja that come together as a base model because Allah he'll attack it, Hades rahasya comes immediately afterwards. One and then the other like that.

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Why here when it's generally his guidance was that he

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Would not usually recite one soldier from one place and one soldier from another place. He would usually recite them together. Why here and we have other examples but specifically here Did he recite to Saurus that are not together in the Muslim? Yes, you can argue it's not a condition because of course Baccarat omata sama Quran read whatever is easy from the Quran. But is there a Is there a reason here, the scholars say it is clear, the symbol the how each of these two are suited to each other.

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And perhaps one of the wisdoms of reciting the sword that come together is that there is power but there is a link and a tie between the two sources. The two are connected to each other.

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Here they are also connected to each other, even though they're not together in the most have the topic and the way that the solar is formed, is clearly the case that these two suitors are connected to each other in meaning. One of them deals with sincerity, and declaring the oneness of Allah through worshipping Allah azza wa jal alone, and the other one deals with the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala in his names and attributes and actions.

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So there is no doubt that this brings together the two types of tau hate. Tau hadal. Manifest evil is bad, until hate will cost you will enter

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the oneness of Allah in knowing him and affirming His names and attributes and that is

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primarily the topic of kulu Allahu Ahad

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and the oneness of Allah as it results in seeking from Allah and asking from Allah and worshiping Allah. And that is primarily dealt with by salted caramel rune, even though the two of them overlap. It's not the case that it's one on one topic and one on that there is an overlap. For example, when you mentioned that a light is a summer that necessitates that you call upon Eliza gel alone. But here you can see the two halves of a toe heat, you can divide two heat into three or into two it doesn't make any difference. So here are the two halves of tawheed in solid alkaff, Iran and Salt Lake class, so that makes sense for those two to be recited together.

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And one of the things that's a little sad is that we don't really see many people revive this, this sooner to be honest with you, this would not have reciting whole sutras and reciting from the Mufasa, the small surah as at the end of the Quran, and reciting the sutras that come together in the most half and then reciting you know slightly longer at the heart of the Nasser and so on. We this kind of sooner of how the Prophet sighs me sullied the Salah, it's almost never seen. And that's there is no harm but like we said, it's not a matter of how long but it would be nice sometimes to see that sort of that being revived in terms of the the guidance of the Prophet size

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and, and when we talk about reviving the swindler, there's no doubt that one of the books that is a key book in reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet Sam is this book sad and mad by him. There is a summary of it in English, it's called provision of the hereafter something like that. provisions of the hero provision for the Hereafter, something like that by the man

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where he talks about the different guidance of the Prophet slicin so many of these things you see there like sunon that have gone away, people have kind of forgotten about them. So as soon as noodle reviving the sun and Charlotte comes into the Hades man center, Phil Islami sunette and has Anna Farah who as

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well as a gentleman amitava min radian semidry him shake Oh, camel color. So a lot of Mario's send them that whoever does it, whoever starts a good example in Islam will have the reward of it and the reward of all those who act upon it without their reward being decreased in anything. What as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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until now we dealt with the name of the surah and the connection of the surah to

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kulu Allah who I had

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one thing on the connection of the soul as in the suburbanization and things like that.

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This is one thing where you have to be a little careful. And I remember one of my teachers, I remember him emphasizing this, that sometimes people in finding links between the source and and why is the source I mentioned first, and why is this one mentioned Second, there is a lot of guessing and a lot of very distant theories that don't really have any basis and a lot of kind of like, statements that don't really make sense.

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At the same time, that doesn't mean that the science of understanding the links between the surah and where it fits, is without benefit. It's something that don't go to extremes in it. Yeah, don't go too far in trying to say, Oh, this one ends in a calf. And this one begins with a calf. And this one starts with this and this, like, sometimes the opinions are very, very, very far away from, you know, from benefit.

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Don't go to extremes in it. Like even in some suburban knows all the causes of revelation you find sometimes like, extremely weak report, just so I can say something. And it's okay to say that we might not have all of the answers for that, or one person might not have all of the answers for that. But it's still beneficial, where it's clear, like sort of care for your own sort of delay class, the link between them is very clear. And the connection between them is very clear. So it's beneficial to mention that there is a connection and a tie between them and a reason why they go together. In the most often there are other sources that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to

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recite without them being together, like sort of sajida and insert, these two are not together in the most half, they're not even nearly together in the Muslim. So there are examples are the examples of that as well.

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Now we come to the sub module, the cause for revelation. And

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almost, almost you can say that the scholars generally obtain fsia. They mentioned very, a very similar set of reports about why the surah was revealed.

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They don't all agree on the exact situation.

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And they don't all agree on exactly where it happened, because this is a sort of that the scholars differ over whether it was makia or madonia. Although the majority of the scholars say that it was makiya. It was revealed in Mk.

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But they almost all agree roughly the suburb of London. So the reason why the surah was revealed, and that is that a group of the disbelievers they offered the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a deal.

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And the different the word differs in the deal they offered him but effectively the deal was, we will worship Allah alone for a period of time. And you have to worship our gods for a period of time. In one of the more famous narrations a year, you worship

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our God's for a year, and we will worship Allah for a year. And in some of the narrations that they said to him, we will give you our kingdom we will marry you to whoever you wish from our women, we will enrich you will give you riches. In some of the narrations. It mentions that if there is good in your religion, we'll practice it. And then we will get to good from your religion. And if there is good in our religion, you can practice it for a while and we'll see which religion has the good you know, you try out our religion and we'll try out your religion. And then we'll see which of the religions is the better one.

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I look at the answer

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kuliah a u haul capital C O disbelievers la abou ma tabuteau. I don't worship what you worship.

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And this is very important because the similar methodology in the hour is still something that people kind of advocate a little bit you know, this kind of idea of the religions coming together. And you know, you listen to what I have to say. And if there's good in it, you can take it and I listen to what you have to say. And if there's good in it, we can take it and we can all benefit from each other. And we'll soon find out what the righteous ways the soul was revealed against this concept. It was revealed that we as Muslims, we don't we don't want what anyone else has. We're not interested in what anyone else has to offer kulia you healthcare for your own law. Buddha Buddha had

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nothing to do with what you worship, I have nothing to do with your religion. And I have no interest in learning it or learning about it or listening to what it has to offer.

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My religion is to worship Allah subhanaw taala alone with no partner and whatever you have, it's not that

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this is an issue. This is an important concept. The Prophet sighs so many people, if you think about the, the chaos, the way people think about things today is the opportunity. You know, they will worship Allah for a while and you know, then maybe they will get attracted to it.

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Even also, it's a refutation of those people who advocate involving themselves in political processes for a better long term goal. It's also a refutation of that because the problem

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It was offered to be a king in charge of Quraysh. Okay, no problem, compromise a bit become the king, change the law. And then now you can, you know, everyone can become Muslim kuliah you healthcare if you don't like

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we don't get involved in these things for this goal, long term goal that I'm going to bring about this change or whatever, the prophet sighs I'm didn't accept to become a king of kurush, you know with a few compromises so that he could do the greater good like that, or the ends justify the means.

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That completely wipes out all of these deviant ideologies and opinions.

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Now we come to an interesting question, which I never really thought about before,

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to be honest with you, but I think it's interesting.

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How many sources in the Quran, start with coal?

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It's really interesting to think about, and out of those sources.

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How would you classify them?

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How would you classify the sources that start with coal?

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So I'm going to leave that one for you to think about and come back to me next week. How many soldiers in the Quran start with coal? And how would you go? I mean, that's easy question and you can you can, you can just open your phone right now and you can answer it, but the harder question is, how would you classify them?

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Are they regret related to a particular similar topic or a particular concept or a particular instruction? What are the sources that start with the word quote, this is interesting.

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kuliah you healthcare Pharaoh. Here, the prophet sizer is told to address the Cafiero.

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Which half the room or which Catherine

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is the Prophet sallallahu wasallam been commanded to address here? Here, the scholars broadly speaking have two opinions.

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Who are the disbelievers when he was said, say, oh, disbelievers.

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Some of the scholars of Pepsi, they said,

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there are maybe three we can say more than two, let's to start with two and then we can expand.

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Some of them said the kuffaar of Quraysh.

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The Prophet slicin was commanded to say to the people of Quraysh, kuliah, au healthcare few

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others saw the ayah to be more general. And they said that this is to every disbeliever regardless of religion, regardless of the kind of disbelief, this is a message to every single disbeliever. And if I'm not mistaken, this was the opinion taken by Shia for Islam routinely are no longer

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these The idea is for every disbeliever regardless of their religion, and it's not specific to the kuffaar of correction. Others joined between these two things.

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And they said there is no reason why we can't join between them.

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The profits license said it to the co founder of Quraysh. But the surah the general wording of the surah is to every one who is defined by the word Catholic.

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Every Catholic regardless of what kind of disbeliever they are, whether they are from an Kitab and we have to make it clear that Al Kitab disbelievers right.

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In La Nina carefarm in a little kita

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Indeed, those who disbelieve from the People of the Book laqad cafaro Latina call in Allah salifu sedessa disbelieved have those people who said that allies, one out of three, one of a trinity, and so on. So Al Kitab was still a kind of Kfar there are kind of disbeliever but they're a special kind because there are kind of disbeliever who are relatively closer to Islam than others.

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So here, they said everyone who is covered by the term catheter, they are addressed by the Surah

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kuliah au health care for your own sake or disbelievers la Budo Abu matar Buddha, I do not worship, what you worship.

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Now here, if we go a bit further, what are we doing?

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And you people are not worshipers of what I worship.

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What we do, and I am not a worshipper of what you worship, what

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are we doing?

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Nor are you worshipers of what I worship.

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Here the first question comes is that it seems like there is repetition.

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Now, don't get me wrong, do the I A repeating that's clear. And you know that that's not a matter of different but it seems like the message is being repeated. And this brings us to a messala an issue which we have to address from the Quran. And that issue is, is there repetition in the Quran? Now someone says, Come on, I've heard sort of Rama phobia a lot Europe become advocates the ban, there's repetition. Yeah, but that's not what they mean. They mean, is there an ayah, which is repeated, such that the meaning of the ayah is repeated again and again or not.

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And there are different opinions on this. Some of them said, and the professor in the majority of them said, there is no repetition,

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not even one.

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And they said the meaning is that every one of those Iok has a totally different meaning to the other one with the same words.

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So for the Iraq bukhoma, to get the ban, every time it comes, it has a different meaning to the other one, and this was the majority of them facility, they said this.

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And they said that the meaning broadly speaking, is defined by the ayah that comes before it. So every time it comes in sort of Rama phobia, or bukhoma, to get the ban is referring to the blessings that are mentioned in the previous to it and that each one is different.

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Others they said, if the IRS are not together, it's possible that the IRA could be repeated for the benefit of reminding and for that cared for in a declarative environment, we need remind for the reminder benefits the believers, and if there's a gap between them.

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And others, they said no, the idea can be repeated for accokeek for emphasis, so that it's like hammering the message home.

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In so little careful on some of them said, this is uberman SLE, but it's a style a linguistic style, from the styles of the Arabs, that they would repeat in this way, meaning to doubly emphasize that it is never going to happen, no way.

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So that they would repeat it like this. And that this is a style of Arabic, something that was known in Arabic poetry and so on prior to Islam, that it is like hammering the point home.

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But here if we take the opinion of the majority,

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that there is no repetition. And what many of them said about these two ayat is that they said, the difference between these two pairs of ayat

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is whether one of them refer is the time that one refers to.

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So some of them said the past and the future. And some of them said the present and the future. And some of them said the first two is refer to the present. And the second two is refer to the past. And the other said the first two is refer to the past. And the second two is refer to the future. Sorry. So there are a lot of different different variations. But broadly speaking, a lot of them said the difference is the time being referred to. So it is like saying I haven't and I don't and I will not

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that's the conclusion of the those I am repeating. I haven't worshipped what you worship, and I will not and I do not worship now what you worship, and I will never worship what you worship.

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The next problem here or the next issue, mess Allah we have to deal with here is if it refers to the future, and there are some of the disbelievers who became Muslim.

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So can we say I will never worship what you worship when some of many of the co founder of Quraysh worship Allah subhanaw taala alone. Here are some of the scholars of Islam Tamia others. They said here that the meaning here is referring to

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it's referring to two people at any one time and the people who are disbelievers at that time.

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The people whoever the soul reaches at the time when they are a disbeliever, not worshiping what you worship until you no longer belong to the category of caffeine

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of being disbelievers. And that's the perhaps a stronger opinion here that

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they don't. This sort of applies to everyone who the term caffeine applies to, unless that person until that person stops being careful. They stop being a disbeliever when they stop being a disbeliever, they no longer fall under kuliah you healthcare for your own because they don't they don't come under the CEO disbelievers.

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So we said that one way or the other the sewer covers the past and the present and the future. I have not worshipped and I'm not worshipping, and I will not worship

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what you worship.

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This next thing that we have to deal with here,

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ma Abbott,

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one and two lb Duna ma Abbott.

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Here there is no difference of opinion that what the prophets I send them worshiped and worships any from the time of the surah past present and the future is Allah subhanaw taala watch the hula shuriken alone with no partner.

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So how can we refer to Allah azza wa jal with Ma

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Ma. Generally ma is used for inanimate objects and things that are not

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do not have intelligence, you know things you use not generally speaking for things which are non intelligent and things which are, you know, inanimate objects. Typically, you would use the word map. So how can we refer to Allah with map while and to be Donna? Ma?

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He had this call, I see there's a very, very subtle benefits here.

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First of all, some of them just came along and said no, here ma is used meaning Alevi, the one and some of them came along and said, ma is used to mean men,

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man meaning men, and that's fine linguistically, it's okay. It makes sense. But there is a greater benefit here.

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And that is answering a question which is even deeper.

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How can we say that the disbelievers don't worship Allah? When the Quran affirms repeatedly that the disbelievers worshipped Allah and others along with him?

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So repeatedly, we are told

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what do you mean Excel whom Billa he in our home? shikun most of them do not believe in Allah except they may partners with him.

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And the many times will insult woman Hala sumati will

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una la comida g komen buruma Tilbury will buy today Runa huhtala mafia in Angela minha de la lacuna nominee shaqiri they call upon a law when they're in a desperate situation who's going to save you and the ship is on the sea and they call upon allies. So again, so how can we say that the non Muslims do not worship Allah, Allah keytab do not worship Allah azza wa jal

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is in the Allies agenda Ankita generally speaking, worship, how can we say here the word Mark comes in?

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Because the effective meaning here is, you do not worship Allah as I worship Allah. You do not worship Allah with his names and his attributes and the actions and eba that the way that I worship Allah alone and with no partner,

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and that is part of the subtlety in MA MA.

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In other words, you do not worship

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00:34:39 --> 00:34:54

as he deserves to be worshipped or you do not worship Allah with in the way that I in the way that I worship Allah by dedicating the religion to Allah subhana wa tada

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Similarly wama Anna

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I'll be doing my rebuttal. I will not worship what you worship yet it's known that the non Muslims worship among their idols, they worship Allah as origin.

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So here again the same thing comes in, that I will not worship. First of all your idols and your gods that you have taken besides a lot. And I will not worship along with others along with Allah, or worship Allah the way that you worship Allah azza wa jal and this brings us to the emphasis of the prophets I said so many times he emphasized being different in our we even different from the non Muslims in our Eva that even when they worship Allah and we worship Allah, we are different from them, called a folio who that would be different from the Jews and the Christians.

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The Prophet sighs I'm sitting in one narration pray solu fini. alikum outcome are called pray in your shoes. holofil yahuda when Assad be different from the Jews and the Christians, even to the point that they used to take their shoes off, and the Muslims were told, keep your shoes on.

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They used to fast Ashura and the Prophet size and fasted the ninth and the 10th are intended to fast the ninth commanded to fast the ninth and the 10th.

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don't worship a lot the way that you worship Allah.

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And my concept of Allah is not like your concept of Allah. And this is where we come back to Morocco. comes back to cool who Allah

00:36:39 --> 00:36:52

I worship Allah based upon kulu Allahu Ahad Allahu Samad Lamia lead when a new lead Well, I'm Nicola who cufon ahead. And that's not the basis upon which you worship Allah.

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So effectively here, the basis upon which I worship Allah is totally and utterly different from the basis on which these not disbelievers worship a lot, even those who are relatively speaking more monotheistic, in terms of the religions like Judaism and so on that is generally more towards the worship of Allah azza wa jal alone than others like Hinduism or something else. So no doubt advocated and even a minor Kitab there are there are monotheistic Christians, there are polytheistic Christians there are trinitarians, there are Unitarians, and so on. So ultimately, they're not of one thing, but we as Muslims have nothing to do with any of that. And this emphasizes that Islam is

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the only religion of toe hate.

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And there is no other religion that achieves and establishes tau he'd accept Islam.

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Because there is Islam and there is Kufa.

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We agreed there is Islam, and everything besides Islam we call COVID. Doesn't matter whether it's atheism polytheism, and how keytab Christianity Judaism whatever everything besides Islam, we call COVID or mother battle happy Illa Allah what comes after the truth except for the false would

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if every other religion besides Islam is called Wko for and we are told to say to those people, what are we doing? What are we doing?

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Then here, we see that there is no religion that achieves the worship of Allah azza wa jal alone and with no partner absolutely and completely accept Islam.

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No other religion. And this is from the greatest of evidences that Islam is the only true religion in mdnr. And the law in Islam, the only religion that is acceptable to allies Islam, because only Islam achieves the worship of Allah azza wa jal alone and with no partner. Now, that doesn't mean that all of the other religions are equal in the amount of shirk polytheism they have, some of them are

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polytheistic to the millions of gods, and some of them are less polytheistic and some of them have

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a concept of monotheism. But along with that, they make sure with Allah and other things like taking their monks and their rabbis as Gods besides Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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But ultimately, the only religion that establishes the worship of one God, absolutely and completely in every aspect is Islam. And that's why we're told to say to them, kulia you healthcare for your own law are taboo.

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I will not worship what you worship.

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And this also tells us the importance. This whole surah tells us the importance of Al Bara

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minishift que le that a condition of La ilaha illa Allah, for which La ilaha illAllah cannot exist without it is that you declare yourself to be free of making a partner with Allah and all those people who make a partner with a lot however they do it.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:44

And there is no la ilaha illAllah. Without this, you cannot have La ilaha illAllah without this La ilaha illAllah stands upon the concept of declaring yourself to be free and disassociated and cut off from every act of worship to anything and anyone besides Allah and to all of the people who do it.

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That doesn't negate good treatment of them.

00:40:48 --> 00:41:04

Lionheart comala LMU cuarteto confit Deen, Allah didn't pry prohibits you from the people who didn't fight you for your sake of your religion, and they didn't throw you out of your homes at about rowhome what oxy to LA him that you should be kind to them and be just towards them.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:19

But our religion Don't get me wrong like don't ever ever think that Islam is accommodating or welcoming of you know, someone to have worship something different or not worship allies you should be worshipped.

00:41:20 --> 00:41:35

This surah completely destroys that concept. And it tells you there is no la ilaha illAllah without Bara Amina sheer que la without you saying I have nothing to do with shake, and nothing to do with the people who make shake.

00:41:36 --> 00:41:57

That's what La ilaha illAllah is built upon. Like we said, as different. There's a different issue about how you treat people and your fairness and kindness towards people and educating them about Islam and inviting them to Islam and giving them safety and security. That's a whole different issue. But don't ever think you're on the same side or you're on the same team or you're playing the same you know, like our

00:41:59 --> 00:42:01

lakum Dino come Wailea Did

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you have your religion? Now he is interesting, because even Quraysh within themselves had many differences in their Deen.

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And we know from the people in the Arabian Peninsula, where those who worship the sun in the moon lattice truly Shams. Come up. don't pray make sense to the sun or the moon. Some of them took the angels and the prophets

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as Gods besides Allah, some of them worshipped stones some of them worship graves, some of them worship trees, some of them worship the living some of them worship the dead. Some of them worship the stars.

00:42:43 --> 00:42:55

So how can we describe them as having one deed? Why don't we say like home idea? Oh, come Walia Do you have your religions and I have my religion.

00:42:56 --> 00:43:00

Here the scholars see a dean the dean here is Kufa.

00:43:02 --> 00:43:21

The deal here is disbelief. And Kufa is minette wider it's one religion ultimately, ultimately is only two religions, Islam and everything else is just a variation of that. There is Islam and there is COVID there come Dino come Walia Do you have your religion I have my religion.

00:43:23 --> 00:43:39

You have your religion, and I have my religion, your religion here addressed to the character on his cover, because this is the only thing that joins them all together. You can't say that it's idols because not all of them worshipped physical statues.

00:43:41 --> 00:43:44

Some of them worship angels. Some of them worship Teresa, at least.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:58

Some of them worshipped the sun and the moon some of them worship the stars. We have the Hadith about the people who became believers are those who are believers in our Lord disbelievers in the

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war, Catherine bilko, occupied the people who disbelieve in the stars.

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So ultimately, one way or the other, he had the thing which gathers all of them together is the description given in the beginning of the Surah kuliah you healthcare co disbelievers so that is the wasp. The description which gathers them all together they deem is cool. With all of its types, whether it is covered because of the stars or cover because of the Sun are covered because of the moon are covered because of the prophets worshipped besides allow the angels worship besides Allah or the dead or the storms, or the trees or the idols made of wood or the idols made a rock doesn't make any difference. All of it is Minda to widen the sight of Allah azza wa jal, there is Islam and

00:44:46 --> 00:44:47

there is everything else.

00:44:48 --> 00:45:00

And that hammers home the message in Edina in de la Hill Islam, the only religion in our last sight is Islam is no other religion acceptable to all

00:45:00 --> 00:45:25

Welcome, Dean welcome. Walia Do you have your religion and that is the religion of here it's addressed to the caffeine, the religion is disbelief, and I have my religion. Here there's a little point of benefit in Arabic which it might help you later on. So even though we don't mention too many points on Arabic grammar here, sometimes you mentioned something because it might help you to understand the ayah later on.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:35

And the thing which might help you to understand the ayah is this casserole on the end of Deen locum Deen oku Walia de

00:45:36 --> 00:46:12

de ne. We don't pronounce the castle because it finishes the sort of finishes. But if you are going to connect the sword to the one afterwards, you could recite lecom Dino con Wailea Dini. Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, Elijah and so on. So, here there's a kassala on the on the noon that Tesla here the scholars they say Robin antilia it is a replacement for the yacht In other words, it's a replacement for Dini Dini my religion it's there to indicate the yacht was removed

00:46:13 --> 00:46:29

the yard was removed and how you know the yard was removed? Is that the cast rod that was with it stays but the yard is taken away similar to this one a holla to Gina well insert in early are good.

00:46:32 --> 00:46:58

The same thing I did not create the gin and the men except to worship Me ilaria boo me that it here tells you that the original meaning is in boo knee to worship me. Now why we say this is someone may come along in the eye and sort of daddy out and say Allah doesn't say to worship him he just says to worship.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:32

Well, mahalo octogenarian insert Illa. Li Abu don't just to worship something. It's the Kessler here that indicates that you're to worship Allah alone. So don't think somebody added a translation the word me and you say the word me is not in the ayah. How did someone add this translator added the word me or my eye you have your religion and I have my religion? How did somebody you know add that in? It's there. It's the Yeah. And some of the scholars they say

00:47:33 --> 00:47:50

that it's a part of eloquence. the removing of the Yeah, in certain situations is a part of eloquence. Because here, the ayat kuliah. You healthcare for your own. And in an Abu matar, Boone, Walla

00:47:52 --> 00:47:52


00:47:54 --> 00:48:22

Walla, and I will do an AMA with local Dino, Kamali ideen, so part of the eloquence of the of the surah, and the balance within the surah. And so this year is removed, and it's a normal thing that happened in normal Arabic language, that they remove the Yeah, sometimes which means my or me, and they replace it or they leave the cassava there to indicate that it was, it was, that's the intended meaning.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:25

Let him do

00:48:26 --> 00:48:27

what he did.

00:48:31 --> 00:48:33

I just see if I got my points that I wanted to make.

00:48:36 --> 00:49:12

We mentioned about the difference in the diet in the middle, that the scholars have a lot of different discussion in Arabic about which one refers to present and past and future but the main meaning is that we understood that it refers to the past, the present and the future. I have not worshipped and I'm not worshipping, and I will not worship anything other than Allah azzawajal alone, based on his names and attributes and actions which Eliza gel has revealed to us in the Quran, which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us about

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in the sooner

00:49:26 --> 00:49:27

the word ideen

00:49:28 --> 00:49:29

the word

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the word, Dean, just to look at this word, what does this word

00:49:37 --> 00:49:38

the word

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00:49:41 --> 00:49:58

So linguistically, in the in the language and this is something I wasn't really like I didn't really know why didn't really know about until I looked it up, that the word deem it means submission and humility.

00:50:02 --> 00:50:05

linguistically in the language,

00:50:07 --> 00:50:15

the word Deen linguistically, it means submission and humility.

00:50:20 --> 00:50:25

Like, when people for example, talk about

00:50:28 --> 00:50:41

this is what they say this is frozen, this is what I do, Allahu Allah B. This is what I how what I take as a means of submission to Allah, this is how I submit myself to Allah.

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And in terms of a technical sense ideen is what a person is a person's arcada.

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And what I'm the way that they show their submission and humility to to their object of worship

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and to their ILA.

00:51:07 --> 00:51:19

So, it is a person's belief, person's fundamental beliefs. And it is the way that a person shows their submission and humility.

00:51:21 --> 00:51:38

So, though this encompasses what we believe about Allah subhanaw taala, our acleda our Deen is our athlete and that's why many of the scholars they use the word surah Deen to refer to aqidah person's belief. So my Deen

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my Deen is what I believe about Allah and His angels, his prophets of Scripture and so on. And the last day and other the good of it and the bad of it and what I believe, you know, regarding the concept of Eman as the Sahaba of the Allah and so on, what I what I believe, and what defines me in terms of my belief, and the way that I show submission to allies origin.

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The practices through which I show submission to Allah subhanaw taala. So it's made up of two things. It's made up of the beliefs that that are the soul of the dean, or school of the dean, the foundations of the deen and the core of the deen. That's your beliefs.

00:52:22 --> 00:52:40

What you believe about Allah what you believe about in the pillars of human and so on. That's your, your, your foundation, and then the practices by which you show your submission and your humility, and you having submitted to Allah in Islam, that is your deen.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:57

And so we are different from the machine and the calf feeding in our feed in our beliefs and in our practices. And this is one of the benefits of using the word DDS. lecom Dino Comm. Walia, Dean, that we are different from them

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in the icard, in what they believe, believe we're different, and we're different from them in the way that we worship Allah Subhana Allah, the way that we pray, the way that we fast the way that we sacrifice and so on. We are different in

00:53:18 --> 00:53:37

both the core the soul of the dean and the follower of the dean, the branches of the religion and the actions. We are different from the people who worship other than Allah subhanaw taala or who associate others in worship with a lot pinata.

00:53:38 --> 00:54:20

I think that's a shallow to either sufficient for today's either, I did have all sorts of ready, but I think sort of COVID will take a long time because we were going to spend a while defining what is alcohol? And is alcohol for a river? Or is it a How old? Is there a difference between the two? And what about the different durations in that regard? And the reason that it was revealed so there's a there's too much to fit because we already took like 15 minutes, so I think it's a good idea. Shout out to either we stop there. Please remember your homework shall only small homework, the soldiers that begin with coal, and how would you classify them or categorize them? Like how would you? Are

00:54:20 --> 00:54:41

they all about the same thing? Are they is this is the statement cool, always clearly directed to the Prophet sallallahu? How would you divide it and classify it and break it down in sha Allah by essentially beating the light at something which is sufficient analyzer General's best or Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad Ali wasapi

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