Tim Humble – Power of Dhikr 04

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The importance of remembering Allah's law and shaker's is discussed, as it is crucial for individuals to act upon the shaker. The speaker discusses the history and importance of remembering Allah's teachings, including the use of the words "has been" in the Hadith and "has been" in the statement. The importance of remembering Allah's words and phrases is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Make me

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Do me a favor

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don't leave me

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Don't leave me.

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Alone, Bellona history

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has changed my dad

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made me out.

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Me a

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soldier, please

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don't leave me

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Don't leave me

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome to another episode of the power of the

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we're talking about the virtues of Vicar, the importance of Vicar, how to perform Vicar properly how to remember Allah how to become from those people who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about them set up, set a column for reducing those people who are bedridden, they have gone beyond they've got precedents they've beaten other people, they were ahead of others in the sight of Allah, Who are those mu federally doing or messenger of Allah? They are those who remember Allah much from the men and from the women.

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In another Hadith that we're going to look at the tells us the virtue and the importance of remembering Allah. We have the Hadith that is narrated in Sahih al Bukhari, from the generation of Abu Musab Al ashari, radi Allahu, and from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he set the example of the one who remembers his Lord. And the one who does not remember his Lord is the example of the living and the dead.

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This is a very significant idea for us in the importance of remembering our law, the example of the one who remembers his Lord, and the one who does not remember his Lord is like the example of the living and the dead, or the living in the dead, the same are the living and the dead, the same in their chance to reach a higher level with a loss of power into

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the dead, their deeds are finished, they're dead, they've it's over for them. Except for those few deeds that remained is there is nothing for them.

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But look at the example the one who remembers their Lord is like the one who is alive. And the one who doesn't remember Allah is like the one who is dead, regardless of whether they attribute themselves to Islam or not. We need to be focused all of us upon increasing our remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this really is absolutely critical. Even Okay, ym Rahim Allah mentions over 70 benefits in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In fact, he begins by saying that there are more than 100, which can be mentioned. And then he goes on to mention about 70 benefits in one of his books about the remembrance of Allah reasons why we should be remembering Allah why we need

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to be remembering a lot. And we're just going to give you one reason to begin with one single reason one single benefit to the remembrance of Allah as origin. And not benefit is that the remembrance of Allah pushes away the shaitaan and takes the role of the shape or out of our lives and makes the shaytaan have less influence upon us. We know that the shaitaan is trying constantly to misguide us, we know that the shapefile has promised Allah subhanho wa Taala that he will stand on the straight path, I will stand on your straight path. And then I will come to them from every direction Allah mentioned, he will come from the front, he will come from the right from the left, he will come from

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every single direction, trying to misguide the people away from the path of Allah. But there is a way for us to simply destroy the efforts of the shaper, to destroy the plots of the shaitaan and to push the shaytaan out of our lives completely, or to the point where his influence is so reduced, that we don't see his influence upon our lives. We don't see his influence upon ourselves. Of course, no Muslim achieves this 100% none of us achieve this 100% because our own soul is enough of a thing to fight against, without even the influence of the shape. But there is a way for us to push away the shape and Allah as the way

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gel explains this to us in the Quran. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explains this to us in the sooner that there is a way to push away the shaitaan, to break the shaytaan to leave the shaytaan feeling isolated, broken and giving up on being able to misguide you away from the path of Allah. And that is the secret law, the remembrance of Allah that we are talking about in these episodes. So Allah azza wa jal says, when a Yash whoever he your issue and victory a rough man, he does not remember Allah He turns away from remembering Allah,

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what his allies are, just say about him nuclear law, who shaytaan and for who Allah who Corinne, we will set for him or make for him or designate for him a shaytaan who will accompany him.

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So unshaken, that will accompany you to take you away from the path of Allah because of what because you turn away from the remembrance of Allah.

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And if we take this in reverse order, what we call sort of the implication or the implied understanding of the ayah the implied understanding of the idea is that if we remember a law, then the shaytaan will not have the influence over us, He will not be designated to misguide us. And Allah azza wa jal also mentions this understanding in another ayah. Allah xojo says in alladhina taco, either Messer home or even min ash shaytani tezak koto, for either home of zero. Allah azza wa jal says, indeed those who fear Allah, those people who are the people of taqwa the people of piety of fearing Allah, when they are touched by something from the shape, they're afflicted by something

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from the shape and something comes in from the shape and just, you know, gets into them. What do they do to the cattle? What's the signal that they are from the people of taqwa? What's the signal that they are from those people who are close to Allah, they do the vicar of a lot they remember, they remember Allah for either Whoopsie rune. And then at this point, when they remember Allah, he can see everything clearly. They can understand everything in its right way. And they are no longer afflicted by this confusion. And this touch of the shape time, when the shaitaan comes in and sort of confuses them and whispers to them and makes them turn away from the path of Allah. As soon as

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they feel this whisper of the shaytaan Tibet cuddle, they remember Allah for either home of zero, and then everything becomes clear to them, and they are become operate on the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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There is a Hadith of the Messenger of Allah. And this is the hadith of Allah Harris ashari mobiola, and from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he said,

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and this is a long Hadith there is the hadith of yahaya, Eben Zakaria and Isa, so the Prophet yahia, and the Prophet Isa May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, and upon our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And in this hadith yahia is commanded to tell the people five things, five kalimat, five words or five phrases or five things, and they are commanded to act upon them. And he is commanded to tell the children of Israel, these five things, and that they must act according to them. So the Prophet yahia has to learn them, and he has to act upon them. And likewise, he has to teach them to the children of Israel, and the children of Israel also have to

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act upon them.

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And this, he begins to do this, and he has a conversation with Isa Aryan Salaam. And Isa asks, If he should command this to the children of Israel, or if you're here should and of course you're here he says, that I am frightened that our last punishment will come upon me if I do not, or if you proceed me in this because this is what I have been commanded to do. So he begins by telling them these five things, and the last of the things that he tells them, and that I command them to remember Allah, I command them to do the vicar of Allah. Because the example of the one who remembers a law is like the example of a man

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the example of a man whose enemy comes following him, you know, his enemy rushes after him is chasing him. So we have a man and we have his enemy that is chasing him and this is the teaching of your hair to the children of Israel, right. So we have a man and his enemies of following him chasing him trying to kill him. And then he comes to a fortress of fully guarded fortress, he comes to a fortress that is, that is a stronghold.

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And then he is able to protect himself from them. This is the example of the slave who cannot protect himself from the Shaitaan, except with the remembrance of Allah, the Exalted. This is a hugely important Hadith. Now, this hadith is an authentic hadith, it's a Heidi, that is within the level of the limits of authenticity. And if you imagine that there are five things that yahia is commanded to tell the children of Israel, and they're commanded to do it, and he's commanded to do it. And he's frightened that Allah subhanaw taala will punish him if he doesn't deliver the message. And at the end, he gives the message of the remembrance of Allah. He says, The fifth thing is that I

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command them to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he gives an example, you imagine a man who is running away from his enemy, hundreds of enemies around him with swords, or guns, or arrows, or whatever it is, and they are chasing him down the path, he has no chance to escape. Imagine, at the end, his enemies are going to catch him. And there's so many of them, he's going to die.

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But he comes across a fortress. So while he's running away, and you imagine he's running, his enemies are just behind him. They're about to strike him and he gets into a fortress, he locks the door, and this fortress is so secure, that his enemies are unable to enter in, they're unable to get to him.

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And the example of this is the example of the slave who remembers Allah, the shell Tina everywhere, the shaitaan is trying to chase him trying to misguide him trying to take him away from the path of Allah. Everywhere he looks, he turns left, he turns right, he finds a shaycarl that is trying to take him away from a loss of data that is trying to misguide him that is trying to make you at the end of the day, what the shape one wants from you, is for you to enter the Hellfire with him.

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Because he knows where he's going. He knows that he is going to enter into the hellfire. He knows that he is finished. He is has no hope of the mercy of Allah, and he wants to make you like him. It's just spite. He wants as many of you to come with him as possible.

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And so he chases you from every direction. But there is a fortress that you can lock yourself in, that he can't get to you. No matter what he tries to throw at you no matter what he tries to do to misguide you or to take you away from the path of Allah. The shaytan is unable to do it. Just can't do it. He's unsuccessful, and he's unsuccessful because of this fortress. And what is this fortress as Yeah, here. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and upon our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in this authentic hadith, that it is the remembrance of Allah. When you remember a law, you build a fortress around yourself.

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And every single person, they want to live in security. Look at your homes today, you have burglar alarms, you have you know, you have security cameras, you have CCTV, you know, maybe at your workplace, you have guards at the gate, and you do everything you can to protect yourself. When you drive through a bad area in the car, you lock the doors, you make sure the alarm is always on. You're very, very, very cautious about protecting yourself from your enemies. But the shaytaan is a greater enemy to you. And a more significant enemy to you than anyone who wants to rob you of your wealth, or rob you of your money, or rob you of your health or beat you or do whatever to you.

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Because at the end of the day, these things that happen. They are the worldly things, your health, your wealth, you know your your your security. But imagine that the shaitaan wants to take your religion away and he wants to take your arm away. He wants to take the heaven away from you that Allah subhanaw taala as promised the believers he wants to take paradise away from you. And you have a means to protect yourself and alarm, a locked house with an alarm system and CCTV and he can't get in. And so that's what we have time for today in sha Allah on the power of Vicar. please do join us for a future episode of the power of Vicar in sha Allah, Allah. Until then, I leave you in the care

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of Allah wa salam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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me a fresh

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don't leave me

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Don't leave me

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Make me

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