Shadee Elmasry – Don’t Fear the Future NBF 318
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam
ala Rasulillah who other early he was a human Well welcome everybody
to the Safina Saudi nothing but facts live stream on our final
stream of the week because I'm out Wednesday final stream of the week
we are back streaming in the month of Ramadan, which is gonna be in
the late next week. Definitely be Monday for sure.
Monday night or Monday daytime, depending on the moon sightings.
And of course, all the massages are gonna go by calculation and if
you're a local
and you don't know much about this debate that insha Allah you just
you would be inshallah marveled. However
we will be starting at 2pm
right 2pm On Ramadan hours. So that gives us a little bit of a
breather in the in the morning time since we have so hold on
usually, I don't know about you guys, but it's very hard to
actually do so hold and feathered and sleep again, I'm usually up
for a good two three hour block. Right? And I feel like it let me
make use of this blessed time. And then you know your rest of your
day, you know that you've done a lot already and the rest of your
day. Let's take a look at this news story.
The alleged gang * Wait a second why is it alleged it?
It happens
the alleged get this is BBC the alleged gang * of a tourists
with Brazilian Spanish dual nationality in the eastern Indian
state of Jharkhand has led to outrage the 28 year old woman and
her husband were on a motorbike tour. They stopped for the night
in the DUNKEY district they have they found nowhere else to go in
the world. Right. There's no other place to visit except India.
No offense, but it's not a tourist site. When was last time you see
India as a tourist site, right? Police say that they have arrested
four men and are searching for three more. All right, the
identities of the men who were also accused of beating the
woman's partner have been a not been disclosed yet the couple
to several parts of Asia on their motorbikes before arriving in
India a few months ago. So these are the types of people who have
like some, let's say 6000 pounds or 6000 euros of disposable cash
and they go on these
backpacking tours right staying in hostels and and they go until the
money runs out. Usually that's how these Europeans do it. It's very
pretty popular and Americans go on these things too. I had a friend
he did one of these
all of Asia and he did Thailand and then and all these countries
until he runs out of money then he goes back
so now they have the video of the woman posted a video on their
Instagram page with as 234,000 followers so they're they're
popular people apparently, seven men rates me she said they have
beaten us and robbed us, although not many things were taken because
what they wanted was to * she said in Spanish, adding that
demand beat them and threatened to kill them in a separate video the
husband who is Spanish. He said My mouth is destroyed but my partner
is worse than me. They have hit me with helmets several times with a
stone on the head. Thank goodness she was wearing a jacket and that
stops the blow a little bit. Okay, the videos are been taken down
from their page. Okay. The couple
were speaking in a mixture of English and Spanish so the
patrolling team could not understand them initially, but
they appeared visibly injured. The Brazilian embassy got involved
told the BBC that the woman and her husband were victims of a
serious criminal attack. The embassy said it had contacted the
woman. All right.
And local authorities.
Alright, so what else is there to this story? So the women the woman
did she get raped or attempted *?
It's not really clear. She said, Oh, did she say they raped me?
And she said they raised me okay. Yeah. So
we need to stand united violence against women. Conversations
around * and sexual violence became more prominent in India
after 2012 gang * and murder of a young woman on a bus in Delhi.
So, uh, let's see, phone Benjamin has this revived his love of
Hindus and pudgy it's because of the story that would be I think
the expected result he's gonna get himself some some
little comedy pieces. Right we Alright, so let's move on to the
next segment. We have
record attendance here at the studio today. What we have here we
1-234-567-8910 1112 1314 1516 1718 18 If I counted right
from Atlanta, and from
what state?
No, also Atlanta. You're also with Atlanta crew. everyone hears
Atlanta. Oh, everyone here is from Atlanta. So we're being rep.
Getting a lot of love today from Atlanta, Georgia. All right.
These brothers, okay, so Masha Allah, well done, you're all on
your spring break. And what school do you go to?
University, University of Georgia, and that's like, basically your
main state school that
like our version of Rutgers, right? Just how many 1000s of
people are there?
40k Wow, we take those things we might hear 40,000 people so
similar to records, which is like 45,000 people, right?
Records, really 45 50,000 people 10,000 admin and stuff. Right?
All right, what are we reading today? We're gonna read a little
bit from shift sides. But Amazon booties book, chapter three, the
second cause fear of the future. And this is one of the fears he's
saying is very inappropriate for a Muslim to have a Muslim should
should never have fears of the future. And that's why we make a
dua every day and at wit that we recite. We have a wooded and Latif
today's Wednesday, which we're going to do it we're going to stop
for a dog for sure. We have and what is it Latif and what is it
Latif which you can get at
you can get it at Savini, okay.
And what is it Latif is has in it a dua that states that talks about
seeking refuge from him he will has an L him. This fear for the
future. Hasn't is fear for the past. Alright, or sadness about
the past. All right. sadness about the past, fear of the future.
That's what LM me well, hasn't is don't forget.
It hasn't.
Hasn't is different from it hasn't.
There is that's difficulty hasn't is difficulty. And they used to be
a name that the Arabs use to name so a dividend will say his
grandfather was named hasn't met difficult. So the prophets of
Allah when he was salam said, Mal enter sad. Now I've changed the
name to set
and his grandfather said
I cannot change the name that Allah Tala gave me that my father
gave me. So his loyalty of his father Sanjay, Leah was still
inside of him, that he imagined loyalty to my father overrides
loyalty to the prophets of Allah when he was on him. So he refused.
So Satan will save said difficulty of personality remained within our
family because of that.
Because that's what you chose over the Prophet peace be upon him
renaming you said, which is easy, easygoing. So he said that hasn't
harshness difficulty of personality remains in our family
since then. Alright, so that's the difference between Hosen what
Well, has an as well as sadness. Alright, so as previously
mentioned, six items on booty says, and this is a book that you
can buy from the foreword publications. Now a books this is
our own men, check them out the lock, who teaches our Arabic
course he runs our Arabic department at ArcView. If you want
to learn Arabic, you go to ArcView dot orgy, and schicke Matthew will
take care of you from there. He cares a lot about his students.
That's why we got him we wanted somebody who doesn't teach the
class and leave someone who cares about the students follows up with
them and make sure that they learn and that they're motivated all
times. So he wrote this be translated this book. Many people
have depression, anxiety and psychological unrest, because it
tried to control their future.
The person does not know anything about the story of his existence.
It doesn't know about his background, his origin. If you
know about your origin, you can know about your president about
your future. If you know that your origin was that you're created
intentionally, by name exactly who you are and what you're going to
get in life. That means you have someone taking care of you.
His existence and the meaning behind this vast universe that he
inhabits. Many of these people have turned a blind eye and closed
off their intention and their intuition. To attempt to find an
answer to these vital questions. I've been exposed and are still
being exposed to depression and different types of anxieties and
psychological unrests psychological problems.
They have psychological solutions, right? Psychological problems can
breed physical ailments too. But the solution is not a physical you
You can cancel out the physical ailment with a medicine. But that
doesn't change the source of the problem is up here. Okay? And it's
not up here, just because you're born with it. It's up here because
of a belief that you've taken on. All right. So he says here that
the first cause was discussed, and there's no need to repeat it. And
now we're going to talk about the next cause. example was given of
someone who goes to sleep at night, in his own bed, and in his
own house. And when he wakes up, he finds himself on a train taking
him somewhere taking him to some unknown destination, he doesn't
know who transported him from his house to this train, nor does he
know who was driving the train to which destination, etc. And what
awaits him. Alright, clearly this person has to be in a state of
severe anxiety.
And what a fool is the one who doesn't investigate and and ask
this question of who put me here, and what I get here. And hence, we
have to know that what a shaytaan do, he makes you distracted from
this main question? That's the main question that he asks you
that you have to ask. So there are some main questions in life if you
don't ask this, your life will never be complete. So how is it
like what kind of person doesn't ask these questions? So shaytaan
will constantly busy with I need to eat busy with make sure we get
food, busy with entertainment, look out the window and be
entertained games and all these things. And that's what they're
entertaining themselves with.
Are busying themselves with and Abuja when the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa salam was,
was doing Dawa, Abu Lahab would go around telling people don't listen
to him. He's bad. Right? So what do you actually do? We heightened
their focus on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on so
many people said, Well,
I got my own brain. I could think for myself, and then they would
But Abuja has realized, you're still driving everyone's focused
to the Prophet peace be upon him, even if it's in the negative. So
he came up with another strategy. All right. And he said, Now
distract him while ago fee. So every time the prophet is
preaching, you bring the best storytellers and poets and put it
right next to him.
So put on a good show next to the prophets of Allah he was salam
and that worked
distraction the OMA the OMA of Islam dome of regular Muslims,
that you probably would not have a lot of
genuine, genuine regular practicing wasn't praised. Goes to
the masjid when there's an occasion right does the basics
will be there, the cup major kabbah it'll probably won't be
there. But distraction is his killer, right distraction,
constant distraction, and then saga with Takara. So sofa with to
crawl like * is a subject it's one moment of it can
be as severe but with Tigra becomes a Kabira. As a as a habit,
regular routine Lea, to do a minor sin, it mounts up to become a
major sin. And that's a big problem. And that's why Toba is
needed at all times right away immediately from the saga.
But nonetheless, a Muslim should be immune from a lot of
psychological illnesses, depressions and anxieties and
these are sicknesses of the heart. If they know where they originated
from and that you originated from a caring Lord, who's taking care
of your disk learn as I look at his car, we don't ask you for it
is not known as Allah's providing the disk.
But he provides it after you put in the effort. So in ours in our
way, your body has to be tired every day. But your heart is never
tired, your mind is never troubled, your body has to be
exhausted. Okay? So when, if an author says Don't exhaust
yourself, your risk is written He means don't exhaust your mind,
worrying where the disk is going to come from, but do exhaust your
body. That's the difference between in our shittier that's how
we understand work. Your body should be exhausted every day. If
your body's not exhausted as a man you're doing something wrong if
you're a woman, you don't have to be tired. And in fact, if you do
exhaust yourself, right for risk, then it could be just out of
poverty. That's understandable and we have some Sahabi yet they
ground like say to father, she was grinding corn meal and making like
bread and corn meal every day. Two she was tired every single day but
that's okay. But if it's there is no need. Then there's there is no
need to be asking. Right. And there's no other there's no need
to be working. There's no need to be exhausting your
stuff what?
who fooled people who fooled women into thinking that you you're
working is like a as a good thing for you if you don't have to work.
Why would you work? Right now I do understand though that the modern
way that we live
what else is there to do? Right? You sit at home all day, back in
the day sitting at home you had like, Oh look who it is. So haev
is here Allahu Akbar. Mandala and with a little bit of a haircut,
masha Allah What a surprise. Good What a surprise. Masha Allah
Allahu Akbar, one of our old
brothers from Egypt has come here. So hey, masha Allah Allahu Akbar.
Great to see you luck but look at this
big surprise here vertical ofI well done man who brought you here
Ryan and heavy from from Newark right now or from JFK? No, I was I
was at somebody's house last night came late What do you take to
Egypt Iran and Egypt Air flight No.
Good good. First flight.
Oh my gosh
Vic, Vic
if you guys could pan the camera and see how packed the places
you can pan the camera if you want.
Yeah, Masha, Allah, Allah these guys came from for their spring
break. From their spring break. Yeah. Spring break for these guys.
out of Atlanta.
Did you guys fly up here from Newark?
You drove how long? Is it driving? 17 hours?
11 hours.
And goals? How are you? 11 hours? I went to North Carolina on 17
11 to Philly.
17 hours to North Carolina. Yeah. Yeah.
No, I was young. I went to one of these minute camps.
All right, let's, where did we leave off? I said, who fooled
people thinking that working is liberation, right. But
nonetheless, you got to say to yourself, like what is it exactly
that is there to do? Right? Is sit at home all day. So I do
understand that to a degree. Right. But in any event, in any
event, where how do we even get to that subject? Fear of it is so
when when we talk about the life of a man and this is very
important, because a lot of guys, there's a struggle. In today's
world. There's a struggle, right? Women cannot find a guy who can
pull it together. Right? So so this is something that's really
important guys have to be able to pull it together. These days, you
don't always come from a wealthy family that could take care of
everything. Right? You got to be able to pull it together. And I'll
tell you don't play. Don't play video games. Don't get involved in
video games. It's a big waste of time. massive waste of time,
right? I know some people were very successful play video games.
I'm just saying as a word of advice, I think is epic waste of
time. Right?
If you're gonna get into some you got to get in somewhere you can
sweat at least.
What do you think? Have you went to video games?
Yeah, yeah, I think video games a lot of guys who play video games,
I just don't get the the the hours on end people play video games.
It's like, don't you feel like you're wasting your life away. You
should either be learning something at all times getting
some exercise in selling something, something that'll
benefit you in the long haul, or getting. I know a guy he's he got
a regular IT degree. But he this guy has gotten every certification
there is in the book. He has over 10 certifications. Each
certification takes him like 18 months of studies. But he does
them all simultaneously. He must have 10 certifications. He now
gets recruited. Every month. A new bank wants him to secure their
accounts. He does like fraud or cyber security. All right. Oh,
No, no, he.
Yeah. He's like, to ensure that there's no fraud, right? The fraud
security department and cybersecurity every month, a
different bank. And then he just jumps up and up and up and up
because he spends his time getting certifications. He doesn't spend
his time wasting time. So he knows any anything that you ask him
about this field. He's got a certification and he doesn't just
try to learn it on himself on his own and blogs, which is what other
friends of mine do. They have a lot
knowledge, but there's not no piece of paper to verify that
knowledge this guy gets certifications. Young people
should be either they should be studying. They should be learning
something all day. They should be getting physical exercise, working
selling something. But video games you're just wasting your time.
Okay. He says here usually a person in his youth will try to
avoid these vital questions on the purpose of life. By resorting to
entertainment and chasing amusements which take up all his
time. He lacks knowledge he tries to stay far from these questions
of unease, right? The unease of attempting to answer these
questions and the chains of life that they will require most young
people excessively seek entertainment and heedless
distraction do so in order to forget these vital questions that
keep haunting them. Right vital question on what is the purpose of
life? Why am I here? What am I doing? These questions of life.
Imagine, however, when the phase of youth ends, followed by the
phase of middle age now, your desires, your strength, all of
these things basically begin to recede. Most of your life is
behind you. But yet still a lot of life is ahead of you. And that's
where depression comes into what they call midlife crisis. A lot
has passed, but there's still a lot ahead. Like you're not old
when you're 40. But you're old relative to young people, like
it's inappropriate for you to hang out with young people now, no one
expects that to happen. Okay, go and hanging out with with youth in
the sense of going out where they go out. Imagine they go into six
flags with 20 year olds, and you're 40 it's not going to work.
Go ahead, doing all these things. It doesn't, that it's not suitable
anymore going backpacking with people and you're 40 and they're
all 20 just doesn't make sense. It's not accepted. So
you're now supposed to be in a certain position, that's mature,
but you got a lot of your life ahead of you. So that's where a
lot of people's regrets come up. And their doubts come up. And they
get very sad that their youth is visibly leaving them now, and they
don't, but they still got the perceptively they perceive that
they have a lot of life to live. That's why they get depressed,
they getting anxious. I got more for another 40 years to live, and
I don't got anything to show for it. I'm not happy, blah, blah,
blah. That's where this depression sets in to people what they call
the midlife crisis. But I'm also gonna shake that off quick. If it
settles upon a Muslim and may settle upon you. If you're not
busy. This stuff only settles on you if you're not busy. If you're
busy, nothing this it won't settle. Okay, it's like, like we
tried to latch something on to something that's moving. You can
never latch it on. This this sadness will never latch upon
someone who's busy. That's why it's good to be busy Hanukkah,
they say, the buttock of removing all the sadnesses. But when it
comes on a person, they gotta remember, what am I seeking? The
pleasures of life, you're headed towards the pleasures of life.
A Muslim is headed to all these pleasures, the older you get every
second that ticks off the clock. You're headed to those pleasures
of life, but permanent. You don't have to work for it. It's perfect.
And it's free. That's what Africa is permanent, perfect and free.
Here the pleasures of life are temporary, imperfect and
If it's haram, it's expensive. It's hot out it's equally
expensive and maybe even more expensive.
But this so the pleasures of this life, you have to ask yourself, if
this is what Allah gave the sinners on the kuffar. What then a
waste that will mean whenever you see the pleasures of life that you
feel like you're missing out on, say, oh my gosh, look how amazing
this is. And I'm missing out. It's haram or I can't reach it. I can't
get it. You have to ask to tell yourself if what the SATA Hain
said, which I read recently in the book of ignorance, Josie, he said
one of the SATA he,
he they came upon a scene of food and drinking and music and women.
They were walking and they saw this,
the scene in front of them.
And he said don't ever feel loss when you can't have these things
in this life. He said because of this, if you're impressed with
what Allah gave kofod and sinners, imagine what he's prepared for
believers and right and the righteous, right. So for the
pleasures of life, we never miss out on any of it. We're headed to
what is bigger and better and more permanent. And with no work. The
pleasures of life only come with work here. And this life, you have
to work to earn it and then it goes away from you. It's not a
good deal at all. You have to work so hard to get there. When you
finally get to where like some of these people say when you go so
rich that the world is free. The world is free. Anything that you
want is free. Anything possibly that you want to get you want FC
and Ireland you get that. Okay, whatever people want is free.
That's what that's what he lured people with
Right, that was his trap. He Lord people, I personally think he's a
Mossad agent. But in any event, whatever you want, is free, that's
how rich they get. But this is their, that's their paradise.
Right? And once they finally get there, what happens? It
disappears. Even the pleasure of every single pleasure immediately
disappears. It has a climax and it disappears. And whether it's food
or * or anything else, but the pleasures of Africa, they never
disappear. You only move from one to the next to the next to the
Yeah, he says, Now
this is followed. Youth is followed by the stage of old age.
With its darknesses its weaknesses, its misery, yet the
question then dominates and conquers the mind. And in this
Allah to Allah is giving mercy to the elderly. Okay? The mercy of
the elderly is that all the sources of your distraction, we're
going to take them away. So you're distracted by your beauty will
take it away, you're distracted by your need to cover
responsibilities. Alright, your kids are all grown up and gotten
no, you have no more responsibilities or you're used to
be distracted by competition with your peers are lost. Every one of
you is retired. Right? You moved on from the competition. You're
distracted by your health. And your health allows you to travel
and to do all these things and go out and about and get busy. All
right, your health starts to wheat to wane. Now, this is a mercy for
the elderly, because now all you do is tackle these ideas, purpose
of life, what am I doing all these things, and that's where a lot of
the Muslims in the Islamic world a lot of people didn't just make
Toba in their 50s
all the distractions are gone.
Now that Simes of desires are over, there is no escape. From
these questions, he sets the questions on the purpose of life.
So you might notice that depression dominates the middle
aged and the elderly in secular materialistic societies in a
persistent and dangerous manner. Because of the time of resorting
to heedless distraction and Entertainment has passed. One of
the things that prophesy centum said who was cursed by Allah
Sheikh was Zanni the sheikh who still chases pleasure che doesn't
mean scholar here, it means here, the elderly who still is chasing
and from this when you look at
what the elderly do, and playing checkers and bingo, that's how
that's not how most of them would end their life. The last year from
what I saw that he didn't say, is that this is the time where we put
out the rug and we never fold it up again. Now they're preparing
for their effort but you can't do that unless you did it as a as a
youth that's why learning a bad as a youth moja had it enough's as a
youth is a prerequisite to doing it while while older.
You can't teach someone something new by the way here these are
usually good with
with T but we don't have to so you don't have that much on that
speak. This is Micah
So when the I don't know I've always heard this I guess grown up
or I guess when the solid thing or people that they don't technically
have to be like from the audio or whatnot but just people that you
know price in worship Allah subhanaw taala usually when they
have about a year so this is like talking about the side person like
not the shit they like they usually about exactly a year till
their departure, they kind of have a sign or they have an inclination
to know like, this is our last year. That's true. Yeah, we talked
about that the other day that the meaning of Tara did it didn't we
talk about this the other day, the meaning of Tara did
in the Hadith, pudsey
of woman Tara debt to fee che in Tara doody
is Allah says I there is no hesitation that I have as much as
the hesitation of taking the soul of my righteous believer.
So the ALMA then asked the question, how does Allah hesitate?
Because hesitation implies fear and uncertainty and uncertainty
implies knowledge a lack of knowledge, right? So while the
what happened were frozen
audio and video no. Okay, the video is frozen, but we'll keep
going. We'll keep talking. Yeah, we'll keep talking. It's probably
there will be.
To sync or so the main audio is working so
this is audio gone. Now the audio
back orders should be there.
So the Torah dude here cannot be hesitation because hesitation is
based upon fear and uncertainty, uncertainty is based upon lack of
knowledge. And fear is based on lack of power. Right? So we can't
believe that.
So what is the torah did of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada the Torah did is
the literal
bringing something and then pulling it back bringing it and
pulling it back until that person adjusts
adjusts to this new reality and what he brings him, he brings
them, maybe just unplug it and replug it, I think one of these
Yeah, one of these cords probably loose or some. So he brings death
to the person
through sickness,
what appears to be death,
and then the person who pulls it back, then the person becomes
healthy again. But during that sickness, a little seed comes in
his mind, whoa, am I ready to die? Am I prepared for death.
And then sometime later, he may attend the funeral of his front.
So he thinks about death again. And sometime later,
he he gets sick again, or almost as a car. So constantly Allah to
Allah sends him these signals that soon he will die. Right? And he
starts to become acquainted with the concepts not so nervous about
it, he starts preparing, maybe paying off debt, so his family
don't get stuck with debts, maybe making some investments, so his
family have something to
to inherit, moving on his responsibilities in the community.
And so that is the meaning of Tara did the literally going back and
forth, back and forth, back and forth. So it's not out of
hesitation, but it's out of mercy for his abdomen. We like
hesitation of picking up a cat for example, I don't know if it's
going to scratch me and you hesitate. Okay, out of fear and
uncertainty. Whereas the hesitation of Allah Tada, the
terracotta of Allah is not hesitation. It's going back and
forth to acclimate the willie to the new reality. Now this is for
death. And for everything else, everything that is a that is big.
Everything that's a big massive change in the life of a righteous
person. And Allah Tala does tell us,
he brings us the seed of the idea into his mind.
Then it goes away. It goes back to life as normal, but now there's a
seed in his mind. And it grows little by little by little, then
there's another crossing of paths. And many Towba of people is based
on this right person gives them a tape back in the old days cassette
tape. Right? He puts it on the shelf. Then he crosses paths with
that person in the masjid again and sees that speaker who's on the
cassette tape, that is oh, let me just give that a shot and listen
to it one time, though, all that took two months right? To get him
to put it in the cassette player and listen to it took two months,
right. Sometime later, you waits, it puts it on again. And then he
starts listening. So by fourth 234 months, but then there's things
that have to happen before that, right. I had a fallout with my
best friend. This happened that happened. So to clear the his
mind. So this is how a lot to add. Makes major changes in the life of
a person
without shocking them, and that's the key. Right? So that turns out
dude, that is a tragedy of Allah subhanho wa Taala to the point
that these Olia they don't know the future in the same way that
you keep that one may imagine. But Allah to Allah gives them signs,
they know the signs, they know this is happening, right? And
that's exactly what
the companion how to inevitable. Even Evie belta he saw all the
shot all the signs that the conquest of Mecca was imminent.
And as a result of that, he went and he told his family goto I will
Sophia and the prophets coming. Right? And that was sinful,
because you can't spill the secrets of the leader. Right? So
saying that God came and he commanded the prophets I send them
to send Sahaba to get the letter from the girl that he sent it
with. He sent the letter with a girl
and say naughty and send the Zubair one.
And send as she's, they said, We know that you have the letter,
give it back. And she said, No, I don't have anything. And Zubair
says, okay, she doesn't have anything. So let's go say 90 said
the Prophet said she has a letter, therefore she has a letter. So he
said, bring it forth before I strip you.
Right and take it out of you by force. So she brought it out.
to her hair, it was tucked into her hair. And they went back,
arrived at the masjid. And the whole Gemma was there after the
prayer. He put it he gave it straight to the prophets of Allah
who said that the Prophet read it. And it was from halted whose
family was poor. And they were not Quraysh there were immigrants in
Mecca, and they were poor. So the Prophet read it, and he threw it.
And he said, What is this hot to then hardship said, let me explain
myself. All my hot dogs said, Let me cut the neck of this one
But the prophesy sentences let him speak first.
And how it's absurd, my family's poor, they're immigrants. And we
don't have any, and we have no favor over these Mexicans. But if
my family is the first to spill the news and to give the news
to the people to Abu Sufian, who will always owe them a favor. And
they'll have a special spot my family be taken care of.
So all my jobs said, Let me cut his neck off. And the prophesy
said them said, leave him all about how do you know that Allah
has not declared to the people of better to do what you wish for I
forgiven all of you know, in other words, that because of their
commitment on the battle of budget, that they basically gave
their life away, because they were 300 who are not ready for war
versus 1000 soldiers who were ready for war. And as a result of
that, nothing that comes from them will have ill will. Alright,
there's another Hadith similar to that, where the messenger
sallallahu alayhi wa salam
said about Satan with the man after he gave such an amount of
gold that was considered to be absurd, right? The amount of gold
that he gave, no one had ever seen anyone donate that much gold, so
much so that it was in the lap of the Prophet peace be upon him and
he would turn the gold like this for people to see, like amounts of
gold, no one, no one parts with this amount of gold. Except that
they they literally have no ego anymore. They've sold their whole
heart to Allah subhana wa Tada. So he said, Mel daughter, oh, man, my
fat about nothing off man does will harm him after this day. It
doesn't mean everything he does is correct. And he doesn't have to
follow the Sharia. No. But it means even when he makes a mistake
in a judgment call, it will not harm him, Allah will protect him
from his own mistakes, he will forgive that mistake. And the
harms that come Allah protect him from it
ever happened?
Sure, it could happen however.
It could happen. But we will never know. It could happen that Allah
says because of this act that you just did. Angels, everything,
don't write his sins anymore. But it's a moot point. Because we will
never know that. And anyone who claims to know that will be
will be unaccepted from him, like how do you know the vibe in that
manner? And even if Allah told you that, it doesn't make its use,
you're bound by the shittier. Right. So you've seen other Digi
nanny, which one when he was someone like the Shavonne came to
him and gave him the impression that Oh, you're totally gonna have
to pay for. And I guess he knew it was kind of like fluff. Yeah, due
him getting I get something that's obligatory. There's a story that,
a man came to Abdulkadir J. Lani, and said, The Tickity for the
is lifted from you.
Alright, says Allah.
And he said, You're a liar. Technical shit is not lifted from
anyone another version of that story. A man came to him said, I'm
Allah. And the tech leaf, or I'm an angel. I'm an angel, and the
tech leaf of the city does not apply to you anymore. And he said,
You're a liar, because I saw you walk in this way. And if an angel
comes, he comes straight down, right? That's one of the versions
of that story. Right? And even there's another story that on his
deathbed IBLEES a rose up. And he said,
You You fell out, you came out of my grasp, because of your
knowledge. Right? And so that was a two port trick one to make him
like, let his guard down, but the other to give credit to himself.
And then he shouted out, he said, by a lot, not by my knowledge.
Because if he if he said
if he accepted that in his heart, he's basically praising himself,
right by my knowledge.
So now what does he say the elderly then what do they do? They
resort to intoxication, they resort to busying themselves with
more and more and more work and busyness to avoid asking this
And what are these major questions Who Am I?
Why was I created and put in
This life, well, where am I heading? What is my final
destination? What is that? Ultimately? Where did I come from?
Where am I going?
And what happens in between? That's the that's the only
question you have to worry about, Where am I headed? Where do I come
from? Where am I going?
And what's going on in what happens in between?
The more a person thinks about these questions, and I was talking
recently to somebody about all the plastic surgery that's going on,
right? And all of these some of these plastic surgeries and we
actually are debating about the upturn notes. And I said, I think
that happens when the plastic surgery goes wrong. The nose turns
up, because they haven't figured out how to make a nose inclined
down what they call the aquiline. Nose. So the classic sign of
plastic surgery is the nose points up Michael Jackson, like Michael
Jackson, for example. And that's usually sign that I think it
didn't work. That's usually what they said what I've heard at
least. And people do these plastic surgeon that again, another one to
fix that. And other ones fix that. And then it looks terrible. But
they were telling me now that that upturned nose is becoming
fashionable. People liked it because they see it so much,
But I said no, no, no, it's not nice. It's not fashionable, the
upturned nose is not good. And it's all about this plastic
surgery. And I said
this plastic surgery is nothing other than the lack of any belief
about your origins and your destinations. Your if you know
exactly that you're passing through this world so quickly. And
that you have a creator he's watching over you, you're gonna go
and live another existence. Good, then you'd never do this, you'd
never go this route, because it's becoming so cheap and so popular
right now. If for 5000 bucks and good stuff and plastic surgery
used to cost $50,000. And it was like more unpredictable back in
the day.
And only the superstars in Hollywood used to get plastic
surgery, but now everyone's getting it and I'm telling you.
It's not that I'm happy that it's not looking good. But I'm happy
that the Haram changing Allah's creation is failing. Plastic
Surgery always makes the person look the same. All these people,
they all look the same, like goldfish. They look like human
goldfish, right? And all the lip jobs. They all look the same. You
could tell right away and it's not pretty. Like you're not even
achieving the goal. I'm happy about that. Because when the Haram
is a failure, people won't do it. Right, it will be a big problem.
If they ever get better, which they could. They may perfect it
one day or two, it'll be perfect. Number one, you can't tell. And
number two, it looks excellent. It's very possible. But right now,
they all look like goldfish. I told the story many times I was in
Turkey one time, and I was in line. I was in line and there was
a woman ahead of me. Then I got to after the ticketing, I went
through the luggage.
And there was the same woman ahead of me. You know, you put your bags
in and take the shoes off. Alright, the security check. Then
I got
to the gate. The same woman was next to me again. I was like what
has changed is a huge airport. Right? Then it was it's not the
same woman, they all look the same, right? It's not the same
woman at all. They all have the same features. Now, if you've done
three, four of these plastic surgeries on your lips and on your
they do it on their lips, they do it on what else do they do it
mainly it's the lips, right? He's cheeks, nose, cheeks, nose, you
start to look exactly identical to the person next to you. And
unfortunately, many many people start to get it's really I believe
a disease of the heart. They get addicted to plastic surgery. They
can't stop tattoos almost. It's almost like getting a tattoo. It's
they cannot stop. Right? They keep going and keep going to keep
going. And when you see 34568 plastic surgeries in sometimes.
It's so scary the result. It's really scary. I mean, what
Madonna, for example, has done what is Sylvester Stallone doing?
Right? This guy used to be one of the biggest movie stars in the
80s. Rambo and that generation, right? And then rocky after that,
like what is he doing? It looks terrible. He's got his lips done,
his forehead face doesn't move because of how much Botox is in
his face. So we have a concept that we are leaving this head to
dunya we have Zoid we have to fight against this stuff in
ourselves because it's very reasonable to understand. A person
may not have the Imen to restrain this stuff, but you have to when
are you allowed to do this stuff you are allowed to do plastic
surgeries when you lost something that in general humans are created
with such that you your nose burnt off. Go do plastic surgery. Now
what if the plastic surgeon says I can't build your old notes? What
I'm going to build is a perfect nose. You say yes build the
perfect notes that's permissible for him.
A Gift Allah gave you, right? Or a person, for example, is born and
they have a birth defect on their cheek. Are humans generally born
with that? No, it's not like a body part that humans are born
with. You're allowed to remove that.
Human gets their teeth broken. Now that's obvious when everyone gets
braces, that's not changing the creation of Allah. It's correcting
what humans have done to ourselves. Why do we get bad
teeth? It's because of bad food, the sugars. That's why people have
bad teeth. People don't have bad teeth for no reason you're not
born with bad teeth. Go to look at the picture of the Aboriginal.
They got perfect eyesight, perfect teeth and their hairs is perfect.
The Aboriginals who live in nature, rarely do they have these
things happen. It's when we import things into our, into our
ecosystems into our bodies. We bring these things that don't
belong. They start ruining our teeth. You go for example, Moto
tenya, everyone's teeth are messed up. Because sugar came but dental
work didn't. Right. Colgate never made it big over there. Right? So
if you go to Mauritania, they drink ridiculous amounts of white,
unrefined sugar in their green tea from birth. And that's the only
pleasure of life that they have. Or it used to be, at least in the
old days. And so you look at the the teeth of an older, more
genuine men.
And they're all usually they're all, you know, yellow and out of
place and everything. That's because the unrefined sugars.
Alright, how about eyesight? Well, we're correcting that all the
time. And no one forbade LASIK. It's a correction of what was
normally there. So when you make that correction, if you were to
improve it, that's acceptable. So how do you feel about like men
getting like hair tattoos, not the tattoo, but the the Zara, or
implanting their old hairs or their original hairs from a
different body part is accepted. It's permitted by shut in by the
show. The high nebula definitely permitted it, the Medicare don't
permit it, but that's on its upon FTF. So they basically pluck a
piece of hair and put it somewhere else in your head. They the owner
might have allowed that.
Right. But they didn't allow the tattoos. By the way, I've seen
someone who do the tattoos, it doesn't look like what the
commercial looks like. It's just like a green blob. That's very
clearly distinct from the rest of his head. Yeah, I've seen it, it
doesn't work. Right? It doesn't look, the same day does look, it
doesn't mean they're not gonna get it in the future. You know that
green is the reason tattoos turn green is that's the body trying to
fight this ink. It's trying to push the ink out. And then there's
red, therefore the green rises to the top. Okay. So
if they had 1%, of contemplation about this head to dunya and
akhira, it should give us the suburb and I'm not saying it's
easy. It'd be very difficult in the beginning for someone to
resist these temptations, I bet you there's going to be plastic
surgery now clinics. In every strip, every town will have one
like just walking up probably already is the case. But it'll
become more and more and more affordable as time goes on.
But we have to resist and sometimes the pain of avoiding a
That's part of the package. Right? The pain of avoiding prohibition.
That's the subject that's necessary. And the but that pain
will go away once your Eman overrides it. And also the pain
goes away. When you stop hanging out with such people, don't hang
out with them. Don't look at their Instagram pages don't look at
celebrities and their perfect lives. Because Allah subhanaw
taala tells us to learn and would deny naked lmm Madonna be as a
minimum of hydrogenic don't extend your eye to the dunya that we're
pleasing them with. He even said his pleasure for them. Madonna be
there are in complete happiness and enjoyment. But don't look at
it. It's a mirage. It's gonna go away soon. Right? It's gonna go
away very quickly, just what you should look at. And, and it's not
relevant to you guys right now. Because most of you are in your
20s you should look at when you get a little older, the superstars
and the celebrities of your youth when you're 40 Look at them.
Right? It's not impressive.
The comparison isn't good.
The comparison is not good. Right? You get to see that, you know,
their lives or me some of them their lives are terrible. If they
mismanaged their money and they mismanaged their emotions and all
that they're living in misery.
Even there was a superstar from the 80s he mismanaged his money.
He had a show some very successful show in the 80s and he's now a
Mall Cop.
You know how I mean, like,
from growing a Hollywood star to a mock up.
That's rough man. That's really rough. Lawrence Taylor.
is basically broke. Lives in crack houses. Yeah. Lawrence Taylor
dimestore LT look up Lt. This guy was like they had to rescue his
friends out to rescue him from living in crack houses.
MC Hammer, of course, we know he's broke. He lost all his money on
one party. Right?
One song, one party, one bankruptcy.
I don't know what he's doing these days.
Okay, a lot of the, you know, female celebrities too.
They have to go, they're in denial. And they keep going into
plastic surgery. So may Allah protects us from these temptations
because we have to recognize they are temptations. Not everyone is
of such strong Imen that they could wave this stuff away. And
Allah contest any one of our hearts at any given moment, you
have to keep that in mind. He can test your heart if you belittle
another Muslim. And you belittle the tribulations that Allah put on
the earth, you never know what's going to happen to you.
Mike Tyson is basically appearing in everything, because he's got
bills to pay because he got scammed by Don King.
I Don King made him sign pieces contracts can't sign all these
contracts. And there'll be like two or three words left over on
the final page. So he'd signed that. As if the document just
didn't fit on, let's say 12 pages be 12 pages and two lines, right
of text. Then all the way at the bottom of the page will be the
signature Don can go feed that back into the printer and put more
text more clauses and the signatures there. How do you prove
that right? They know he did it but you can't prove it. Don King
That's why they say he why he wears his hair up like that to
hide his horns. You guys know who Don King is? He's basically the
first like epic promoter
in boxing, and he used to wear his hair really high up, right?
And they say that he wore his hair up there like that to hide his
horns, because he was so devilish in his scheming and Mike Tyson is
bankrupt because of him. That's why he's got to do podcasts comedy
shows. He's got to appear in everything got
recently you saw him is just part of
he's gonna be in a movie soon. I don't know what movie was. But the
The director was some Jewish guy.
And Mike Tyson movies got to punch somebody. Right? Obviously, right.
So the director says cut and then he say
I want you to punch like this. Mike Tyson says, look at this
Jewish chess club champion told me how to punch
I guess it was funnier when he said it.
Alright, he continues he says you must be certain in Allah's words,
you have to have absolute certainty and Allah's words. Yeah,
you will insane Oh human being you are you are in hardship. Until you
meet Allah. Everything is hardship. Even seeking pleasure is
difficult. And then that pleasure goes away right away.
Whoever is given his hand, his book on his right and his right
hand, they will find himself with an easy Reckoning
and return to his family full of happiness. And whoever is given
his book in the left hand, right he will be calling out what a
calamity what misery and then he will burn.
Well lay sullen insanity in lemma SAP
risk is in Allah's hands, but we only got it we will get it if we
put in the effort.
Okay, so when you're young it's all theory but then it becomes
time to practice it to act upon it.
Can you find someone who truly believes who was then subjected to
the anxiety and psychological unrest and the depression that you
find amongst the sake secular atheists? He says it's impossible
not happen.
Poor Alma is working his tail off, puts in a new camera and it's not
the cameras OBS
was the computer was frozen shadier,
the other reason for people feeling anxiety is because when
they're their youth and their happiness goes away. They believe
that the pleasures of youth the pleasures of
what they were experiencing is the only time they could ever be
They don't have any not believe
If that actual true happiness comes after death, therefore what
is prerequisite of all that is belief in life after death. And
Allah tells us if I inevitable, oh, well, we did we find it
difficult to do the creation the first time. Right? We see the
creation here. If, if Allah did that, why is it so difficult to
believe he did it again, he can do it again. Alright, if a guy if a
businessman comes up to you says I have a investment for you, you
give me 50 bucks, I'll come back. And I'll make 200 bucks out of
that, you get 100 bucks, I get 100 bucks.
And then he comes out and he pulls the money out. And he shows you
this is the money I earned.
So if he did it once, why not believe he could do it again?
Simple logic. And that's the logic of why I should believe in the
ACA. If Allah did it once Whoa, why can we believe he do it again.
So belief in Africa is so critical, so important, such an
essential element and that's why the last portion of the Quran
every single sutra matches the Accra almost you can say again,
imagine maybe suited to the class as I mentioned Africa,
but suited to Viet SUTA Taha
sorry Sudha to cough Aloka ellenson LTM Alamo Cal Hadid,
everything. It's all Africa, Africa, Africa, Africa.
Everything is about Accra yet
nothing is a source a better source of relief than the
contemplation of Africa
Alright, that's good enough for this. Do we have another segment
we have to do our dot for for us?
grt what do we have from GRT? Segment Number
Three of our program
we do the job first. Okay, let's do the job for segment number
three. A Chaudry says it's blurry and laggy
because there's a new camera
Sometimes we have to we have to have some
some lapses like this, some imperfections just so that the
audience knows that this is an authentic Muslim operation is not
funded by the feds, right? Not funded by some government. Right?
They gotta know. Otherwise, people get nervous when they see it's too
clean too perfect. They get nervous. Good.
Ryan Kibeho. Now both lines are here, whereas the other line
is here.
Are the children of Israel promised paradise if they fulfill
their covenant? Yes, they are. The Covenant means believing in IUCN
believing in Muhammad Sallallahu it was said no. That's part of the
Right? fulfill the covenant, full belief in the Prophet ASA. Full
belief in the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then
you have fulfilled you fulfilled your covenant. But you reject
those messengers, let alone say wicked things about them, then
call us
are we barely we just made it to $90,000 on British pounds. So
today we gotta get to 91 That's easy. That's only going to take 40
to 42 pounds to 91 show up for the end of the episode we surpassed
that bit in the show law as you guys know, we partner with Dr. T.
He doesn't know the drill.
So far, I think yeah, 90,009 50 pounds. That's like 120k dollars I
think which is very good. I did a good job. Very good. We got to hit
that 100k pounds. So I'll send the link in the chat inshallah.
Donate Empty your pockets.
And all the good stuff. We need at least.
What's the math on that? 42 British pounds to pass to get to
91,041 41 because of that 80 cents was donated pennies.
Not so good. You know that the pennies could be anything you if
they translated dollars if they donated dollars and it translates.
Anytime you go on a British bookstore website like that. And
you see the numbers are odd. It's because of the trends
isolation of the
windows are there any pictures? Unfortunately no we don't have any
new pictures but
next time I'll see if we have an update from our brothers and it
was from Dr. T. Charla
all right let's do that
let's do that Wednesday da right
all the cameras are messed up now
see if we can get this fixed
line medical hub como bien la la la la medical Hopper movie La la
la la medical hypermobile in La la la la la and make it happen we'll
be in La ilaha illallah wa Americana como bien la la la la
Monica not gonna be in La la la la la and medical como bien, la la la
la la medical ha como bien, la la la la la and medical upon will be
in La ilaha illallah and medical hoppin will be in La la la la and
medical rockin will be in La la la la la in medical happen will be in
La ilaha illallah and medical hypermobile Allah Allah Allah
Allah and medical Hakuna will be in La ilaha illallah will medical
happen will be in La la la la la and medical happen will be in this
similar Rockman or Rahimi in Fatah na laka first harm will be in the
offer Allah Allah whom as a cadmium in them big data or we
will terminate Mattawa Lake away and the costs are all been Mustafi
while Soraka long and Asana Aziza what can I end Allah He YG with
GMP dunya karate Amina mocha Robbie, what Joshua GL Allah the
FAPA Samoa tivol All this Mala Rahman Rahim nos Rahman Allah He
welfare Tong buddy well but she didn't want meaning. Yeah your
leadin Manu Kuno Surah like Mr. Cada e Sabine Umaria minion
however the YI naman on Saudi in Allah, Allah How are you gonna
hang on sorry Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola, hola, Europa Yun Lata
who do Sen when I know Loma is somehow to fill out Mandela the
yes founder who Ellerbee in ER la MoMA Boehner ad him
but I hate whenever he made me he
was he I could see us
all while I oh do have Lahoma Oh ALLAH Ali you love the Bismillah R
Rahman r Rahim Allah the Quran Allah Javon and Laura eight cos
Yamato said them in class yet to wait till kill me. No not the
Rebbe in Silla homeopathic karoun Who Allahu Allah the Illa Illa who
are early mono vibey wish that your Rahman Rahim who Allahu Allah
Allah, Allah Allah Who al Malik colocado salam ala mohe
mineralizes, Raja Remotec Kibera Subhan Allah here I'm usually goon
who hola hola hola Cornbury all Musa widow level asthma will host
you said there hola whom if it somehow it will all Waho Allah's
is will have hockey or either NFC Bill hrlm in Colima? Yes malby Oh,
Dhoni way over Serbia in a in YMCA Bayridge Elaine way about this
will be a day in where it's a kerala movie chef attain. How
santoon FC Bilal Carla Akbar Michelle Rima aka for other
mineral Ginny well ncwa the rune as a gyro who are jealous Anna
wala Illa viral along in the gyro Caffee you know holy
what I will do be coming surely him with a high yield to him will
make him one Mecca at him. Outfit now Rahman Arada via the
terminology Newlands Yeah, half of the happy the Caffee more here but
so bad. Like you're not the machete neck was the sole tonic to
Hudson to build will be Esma will be ITIL Omala, aka Tila, where
was sada Hina Mineva Hassan turneffe See Billa ilaha illAllah
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa it was Allah Muhammad
Hosni bei Nicoletti de la Jenna work northend EB Kenefick
Ulladulla Eurocom Warham nibco erotica Lea for La Liga Anta
tippity we're Ajah here we are 10 Mystery the area 10 Mystery the
area 10 Mystery the direction her licking the or I can earn a cane
yeah Dora can Leakey and egg finish Shara Kalita Kenyatta,
Jacobi Leyland oh no ill thought upon Yatra Kobe Hierin in iCal co
Lucia and Kadir Bismillah, AR KNF, seeming Colima, you the woman
Kalia has it allows Shiva a Bismillah EuropeAid Allah humara
bananas edible bears. He enters Shafi Rafi Anton ma de la Shiva in
LA Shiva, Shiva
Laowa DeRosa calm and wallah. Yeah, coffee. Coffee. Hamid yeah
Majeed Irrfan, Nicoletta Ventia did work for him and I'll have
dual Hadid, Walmart all the shady while J Silla did watch Arlene or
Amin or CHOIES Mina is no one else Rahman Nasri well
while da a Minolta a Gu Hara us at admin Hara acetic with AA them and
JELA Leola kromm While ma Hey Bella, as Alka and tech fee name
in shall we call idisher Inaka Anta Allah Allah Allah Allah Akbar
Wa sallahu wa ala Sayidina Muhammad the he was he was a
lammeter Slim Kathira anti-urban Mobile rockin fee well
hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa Hiromu about and Anwar Cooley ha
Lin or hamara Haiming
we suffered dog for a few Minutes?
Hola Hola Erica see Mohamed and voila. He was soft me you
alright segment numero, whatever it is three or four.
Segment Number four.
Let's now go to the q&a section of our program today.
All right.
What's the Hanafi ruling on drawing?
Living beings
who is the Hanafi here? I love drawing living beings
shouldn't do it.
My crew mcru are haraam full or total
there's probably some dispute you Ryan if you're going to speak Ryan
a there Sue Ryan's know if you're going to speak you speak with a
quote. Not your opinion. Not your opinion or what you remember a
quote. You have a quote what I've observed.
I have what I have observed is not going to cut it. You go
[email protected] secrets guidance and you get the quote Good. Go
secrets guidance on your phone.
What I can say is I've seen 100 Thieves do it for $1
Yes, that's true. I've seen that too. But we need we need the quote
go look it up in secret. Is this shake reliable? I hope so.
max maximum hex editor says the one in the video. Is he reliable?
Well, I can tell you what our policy is, is we only quote
In FIP, from the mature, what is the stray from the mature of the
metal hubs? Okay, we quote
no opinions here. Nothing but facts, quotes, and we don't also
go with solitary opinions here and there. Right? Why don't we like
those that didn't reach us with to watch? They weren't agreed upon by
the mother. Right? Even if someone went and got for example, I would
say, even if you remember the heavy, reliable source, mmm and
know even harder, they know how to track a quote, right? If they were
to cite and Oza you said this on will do.
Okay, or on fasting or whatever.
It didn't reach us with Toto. It didn't reach us through mass
transmission and only reaches through one source. Okay, so with
all due respect to all those trustworthy people, right, but
when something that reaches you from one person is susceptible to
error. Okay.
Speak. So like, what about how would that align with all the
misinformation today that register?
Like, online? Like this big
movement is a bunch of misinformation out there,
especially on like Instagram, seeing a bunch of clips coming up
even random?
All of them like, just because something is more to add to that,
that it happens. It's much awaited that it happens. We can confirm it
happens. That doesn't make it true.
Right? So that's where the tomato does, right? Doesn't make it
correct doesn't make it true. So it's more towards that Christian
say Jesus died on the cross. So it's more to it that they said it.
Right. What is motility? That is the truth is that which is more to
add to from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he's he's
already been deemed to be true. So now we need to know what did he
say? i We're going to have a layer of claims different layers. A
solitary claimed three people said two people said four people said
that what's in whatsoever is absolutely true. Okay, and we do
sit we do accept the hat, by the way, had Hadith we accept them.
But it when there's a much awaited across from it than the Moto X or
takes precedent and the head will either be suspended? We don't know
we don't have enough information on how to practice it. Or it will
be it will fit in in a way that it does not contradict them
Okay, so no one should say we don't accept that ahead. We 100%
accept that. If there's an airhead Hadith and no other source and
it's the only source we accept it.
Ryan, what was your question that you put in?
That's a great example.
No, it's a reliable Hadith there is a Hadith from prophets, I send
them that non believers will be tested on the Day of Judgment. But
we also have that's an ahead Hadith. We also have the Quran
which says that no one who does not receive a messenger will be
punished. Well, that couldn't be in Hatena bathala SUTA. And the US
the reseller and the tech leaf testing the abode of testing is
this life, not the next life. So we have these multilateral Quranic
verses and we have one Hadith. So in that case, we have to make a
decision if you accept the Hadith or not accepted Quranic verse,
Clearly, so it will be wouldn't be correct, we are punishing you even
if you didn't get a message in this life by testing you in the
next life. So the Allamah then they went with what is heavier
evidence without saying the hadith is false. But we're going to
believe and preach and speak about what is the stronger of the two
That's what we're gonna do. That's how we that's how we interact with
evidences of different weights. And if someone doesn't know that
they exist, some people imagine they can exist that what they do
exist, right. There are contradictory apparently
contradictory evidences. And another way out of those.
And other way out of those is to realize that they didn't happen at
the same time. So one may be the abrogation of the other
Okay, or the Cydia doesn't did not all descend at one time.
So something may have been Khaled at one point later on, it's mcru.
Right or haram completely. The Prophet wore gold The Prophet said
don't wear gold, so which one obviously he wore gold before he
said was he's not gonna say It's haram then wear gold, right? So
this shitty ads did not come down, like two dimensionally one lump
sum that comes down. No, nor did the Sahaba witness everything all
at once.
Some Sahaba witnessed portions and other Sabo in his other portions
of the Sierra. And they went back to their nations, and transmitted
a hadith. And things that they saw, which may have been abrogated
without them knowing. It's not like, there's so many layers of
Sahaba. There are Sahaba, who spent the whole time with the
prophet is the haba, who spent some small time and then they
left, and they want to teach their people to religion. So they were
teaching them something, it became abrogated. Right? And they didn't
know there wasn't communication the way it is today. So therefore,
that's how you have such apparent contradictions, not a
contradiction when you actually understand
the order of what happened in the history. Chief.
Can you talk about how, like the medic key and also like how the
amount of people Medina is considered, or like, how that
factors in with the Tijuana, as opposed to like that we know, we
take that over? Like I had Hadith, okay, Ahmed, Al Medina is of two
One of one of which is whatsoever.
And one of which is not.
So the Amala in Medina is, essentially it's the actions of
the people in Medina.
But it's also the judgments of the early Medina and scholars. So
that's the part that is a judgment. The other part is what
to watch, no one can dispute it. And what's an example of that how
the then was called, how the women dressed, how the tearaway was
performed, how the the size of the saw or the mood of the prophesy
set size, right, the weights and measures, the how many grams of
was the goldcoin
those things are the their motto, that's it, no one can dispute
them. Nobody tries to dispute that aspect of the OML of El Medina.
Right. And that public element of Islam there that is coming second,
there's literally kids and grandkids of the companions. And
this is something public, everyone's doing it, you're not
changing that over one course of a generation. Right?
So that part of it's what to watch or there's no discussion on it.
The other part of Ahmed Medina is that if these scholars are the
kids and grandkids of the sahaba. Their scholarship will be the best
understanding of Islam.
And so from them, what their scholars agree upon,
is also considered Ahmed Abdullah Medina, fatwah Halima al Medina.
But that is not much awaited, and it's not binding on the home.
Right? But we hold it to be the best of knowledge. The people may
or may consider that to be the best of knowledge who's going to
know better, but it's an opinion it's not binding. And another
example for for that is that Alma bin Abdulaziz, he, he had a
council of 12 scholars, seven main ones, and then five were added
later. So they are deemed to be the best of the scholars of Medina
at that time. And when they agree upon something, it's the religion.
According to medic, of course, we're talking about different upon
matters or matters in which there needs to be judgment. That's what
fatwah and fic applies to federal and fifth doesn't apply to matters
that are cut and dry in the religion that have no discussion
about them and do not need FIP nobody needs Philip to know that
Ramadan is an obligatory fast but you do need Fick to know how do I
make up? When do I take a photo? When do I take a photo? When do I
Oh called up kuffaar is a penalty for those just to make up? That
requires fifth but we all know we have to fast Ramadan so some
certain things that cause a vs have no FIP in them. There's no
so there's two Sahibs and two Ryan's in the room.
To Omar's, your Alma
who's on Oh, you're Omar, another Omar Shala. And your name is
Tim Shala. Jersey, we have a Tim and array
and hams up
are you lower
first and then missed? ever missed a guess?
No, no, all yawns
Okay, continue. Okay.
So he is having a hold on income risk is so.
Okay, I'm trying to understand the question. He says having a haram
income slash risk is one of the sins that blocks do often been
answered. And are there any signs that we can look to or know
whether or not our risk is haram in it? Or how can we ensure that
our risk has had
the insurance
Other risk being halal, it has to be that the where you work the
institution or the industry that they're working is permissible.
Even if they do a couple of haram things you try to avoid those but
the industry at large is permissible hence working at
ShopRite is permissible for you right but working at a liquor
store is not even if you say I'm not touching the liquor I'm only
working on the electricity how the whole industry is forbidden
now there could be something down the middle like bank part of what
they do is how that part of what they do is haram maybe it's pretty
close, right? So most likely they say as long as it's like 50 They
do have in their industry hold your money you get access to what
that parts how that maybe other parts are haram. So if you're
serving the highlighted part that's maybe that will be
acceptable too. So that's basically essentially how you make
these decisions. And you don't have to ask beyond one step. So if
my if my father died and I received Inheritance Inheritance
is Hallett I don't know have to ask
about every single one of his transactions.
Inheritance just came to me Sure yeah. does not require you to go
more than one step. Okay.
Yeah, but even know that Hanafi madhhab goes even further and says
you may take part in what is forbidden
right? Yeah, I love haraam out and Marcia actually found out recently
though, that she said that it's a misunderstanding that it only
know, when we had Sheikh Abdullah Misra here, he confirmed the
position of an anon and Maaseiah that the Hanafi is they allow have
some tayseer some ease in this mess Ella of helping people commit
sins, where it's a minor, small part of your job to ring up pork,
for example, to ring up wine. Like I don't recommend people do this,
obviously, but there is some talk about it. And you could ask your
local Hanafi scholar about that.
They're from early on. Yeah. Yeah. SubhanAllah.
Was your mic on when you said that?
All right, let's move on to now sola on the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa salam, do we benefit from saying it or from him
returning to the Salaam? And the answer is both? Of course. What's
the proof of that? Because when you say it, you're obeying what
Allah commanded. Right? And on top of that, he is responding and
you're benefiting from that too. So that's a dua of the Prophet.
And that's why how can somebody have remained to have anxiety in
his heart when the Prophet himself is sending you Salaam and we know
that the salam of the prophet is not like arsenal? We say it as if
we're saying hi. But we should say it knowing you're making a dua for
somebody, right? And the prophesy set him knocked on the door of a
And said as salaam alaikum, and the sahabi answered very quietly
wait from sunup, then you knock to get set up. So I've answered and
very quiet Shut up. They said a tsunami that's sort of the three
times so he said, why he can sit up quietly. So when the Prophet
saw that no one was home, he didn't get any answers he left.
Then the sahabi opened the door. And he said, I must have Allah I'm
here I just didn't answer your Salam loudly three times so that
you can repeat keep repeating the salam upon our households is a dua
of Salaam. How can the salam of the Prophet coexist with anxiety
in the heart doesn't coexist anybody who has issues, who has
anxieties who has these Misaki then you have to pile on the Salam
on the Prophet with heavy dosages. You can't just take one milligram
of something and expect a result. You have to take sometimes 300
milligrams, 500 milligrams, 300 milligrams in the morning. 300
milligrams at night. 1000 satellites in the morning, 1000s
at night. Good. So you have to do that you have to do a lot of
silhouettes to get that result.
Who has more rights over a woman, her husband or her elderly father?
It depends what the Miss Ella is. For example, if you have money,
and your father's sick, he has 100% right that you take care of
them. The right the responsibility falls on the sons first.
Then the sons in law than the daughters.
So let's say grandfather's very
Sick the responsibility goes on his son first. Let's say he
doesn't have a son. He has a daughter, the son in law, son in
law says I can't afford it. Then it goes to the daughter, she's got
disposable income. She takes care of, let's say she doesn't have
money, but there the grandson has now has money falls on the
grandson. Good. This is like the structure that of responsibilities
that Allah put so that nobody is really left, you know, without
somebody and of course, unfortunately, society has been
broken up. So there are plenty of people all alone or they have one
or two people to rely upon they can take care of them.
Okay, so what do you owe for your father you owe for him his food,
his care, you don't owe paying his debts that you don't owe for him.
But to have a roof over his head? Yes. To have food in his stomach.
Yes, to have medical attention. medical attention overall is
considered sunnah. Min Dube or MOBA? It's never afforded to give
someone medical attention, you know, that is never afforded when
the prophets I send them said things like take medicine, the
Allah, they said either this is permissibility or recommendation,
there is no punishment levied to somebody who does not provide
medical attention to somebody else. Right. And so therefore,
helping someone with their medical conditions would likely to be min
at one now if someone's going to die from a sickness. So for
example, if someone's got the flu at home, you're not obligated to
go and give them it's recommended for you to do that. Give them flu
medicine and, and soup. Now the question comes if What if
someone's gonna lose a limb or a life? And they're the ultimate
said, Now at that point, you are obligated? Right?
CPR, so losing a life or limb but just the flu? Now no one's
obligated to take care of you. Right, but losing life and limb
now at that point. It's a problem. And the ultimate some of the
ultimate that did say this
that med Selim says please have Sheikh Osama cell here. We need
shear failure on here. Yeah.
Do you have to commit to one method you can use? It says more.
He's Bashir, you should go look at the video series we met on methods
and the answer to that if you're a regular common Muslim, no. But if
if you if you write your common Muslim, now you just follow the
trusted source and religion once you become a student of knowledge,
you need that?
Okay, what about the issue of obedience your father tells you to
do something your husband tells you to do something? It's your
husband, of course, right? It's your husband,
your husband?
Man has to cover everything. Look,
husband does not have to cover every expense of the wife. This is
a miss misconception he has to cover. What is her norm of life?
What is the norm when you married this girl and you and you said
You didn't say get ready now you have to agree to marry me upon the
life of for example,
a school teacher
very different than let's say her parents were.
Let's say surgeons, mom and dad are a surgeon. You know what that
life is like, right? That life is, is a very good life. Now, what am
Let's say I just teach in a school. So now, that's a that's a
step down in terms of finances. So if you say, upon this life, that
I'm gonna live that class, that's all you owe, right up and she's
like the wives of the other teachers. But if you said nothing
than the expectation is that you keep her on the same life that
she's used to living and anything if she forgives, it is from her.
So that's what you would owe. And
if she wants anything beyond that, that's then that's from her. And
there's no I even that the you didn't, you didn't your manhood
isn't attacked. When you do that. When a person does say this is
this is what I have. And she goes and spends her own money. Now a
lot of guys they would love from themselves to cover everything. So
it's, it's a big difference in when we talk about marriage. What
if your responsibilities here you should be aiming here. And if your
rights are here,
you should be accepting of this less. Right if you're if your
obligations are x, that you should try to offer 3x
If your rights are why you should accept why over three, right? Less
than they'd be forgiving. So
That's what the marriage contract is. It is a womb is a
OKT Mevani Allah al mukarram it's a contract based upon forgiveness
back and forth and over giving and forgiving. Okay.
Is secrets guidance are reliable website yesterday, they quote
directly from sources. Yes.
So this principle is this also applied to the conversation,
because some will some will say, alright, charge the guy the
highest possible because you're gonna pay for a house that's
gonna pay for a nice car. So this woman's gonna hold your house
that's the reasoning of some people. Well, he
he's the one who should have those talks. Firstly, not the woman, the
prophesy centum said the most blessed woman is the one who is
easy with money and has a lot of children
as blessed, so she shouldn't have those talks.
If the well he wants to do that, and he finds that there's a wisdom
behind this, and there's a reason for it, then he could do that. But
if he's doing it in a way that makes marriage difficult, then
there's cut off other this discouragement so much so say
normally wanted to put a limit. A li for example. The his guidance
from the prophets I said is if a man comes to you and you are
accepting of his Dean and his character, so Dean involves, isn't
it? It's a religious obligation that you cover her expenses.
Right. So that is part of your the Dean had this discussion with
shikigami while back. So, mental Dona Dena Hua Hueco his deen is
not his attic F and his salah. His deen is also that he can pay for
his wife, because that's a religious obligation. So he tests
his o'clock by asking around and meeting the person and he looks at
his deen and he says, Alright, your deen is good. You don't do
any major sins, your reputation is good, you pray and you fast and
you pay for your expenses, your obligations, this is an
obligation, so for him to ensure that it's permitted. But for him
to elevate the Mahara to such an absurd degree that you would turn
such a man away, you enter into discouragement right now, you're
turning away man for no reason. On top of that, these things can be
done over time, doesn't have to be paid all at once. However, the
difference is that the moment that a man is due, the mod is the dowry
from husband to wife, the moment it's due, and you can't pay it.
She can she can tell you Don't touch me.
So let's say you paid for it's a 10 year deal. Every year you pay,
you pay 10 upfront, and you're gonna pay 1000 for the next 10
years. So the first year passes, you pay 1000. Next year passes you
pay 1000. Next year passes you pay 1000. Let's say on the third or
fourth year, you're like, I'll get one I get it. No one's gonna ask
me on the third year class. We've been married three years, we have
two kids, right?
On January 1, the check doesn't show up on her on her dresser. And
she says,
Alright, I'm gonna sleep in another room.
She has the right to do that. Don't touch me.
It's gonna be weird. But she tech. Technically she has the right to
say Don't touch me. And plus the mod is paid. Right? Technically.
Of course, anyone who lives like that they're not going to have a
happy marriage. Yes.
Yes, you can you can find that somebody? Yep. Yeah, you can find
them. Yeah, you pay a little bit upfront, maybe, or overtime, or
all of it later, or all of it overtime, whatever you agree on.
And if you get married and say, let's talk about the model later,
or you totally forget about the dowry completely, then you agree
on it afterwards. And if you can agree now you're already married
right? Now she's stuck with you.
And now you're like, Well, I got married. So why would I pay big
money? I already got what I wanted, right? So she says 20,000
The dad says 20,000 We're already married. Right? I got the balls in
my court. No. Right. And you see you say no, not more than five.
Okay, so now what do you do?
The city says that you get her friends. You say who are the five
girls that she hangs out with? Alright, three of them are
married. This one paid off. Got him out of 15 This one got 20 This
one got 10 add them all up and divide by three. Okay. That's the
that's called the the modern myth. So Darkwood myth, which is the
dowry that's like arbitration.
Right. So like arbitration, basically, basketball player says
I want this much money. The team says no, I'm only going to give
you this much. He says arbitration. Okay? And the league
comes in and says how many points are game you average? How old are
you? How many assists you average? How many steals you average? And
they find your likeness, the five players who are like you, okay?
All these players are getting 4 million a year on average, you get
4 million a year. Right? So that's it. That's arbitration. And it's a
risk. Right and the agent should know better. He should have done
the math first before sending you to arbit says guide to
arbitration. But the seduction myth is is the exact same thing
it's arbitration
yeah. conversation regarding discussion all the way here about
come Bucha come Bucha we in the Maliki school we don't allow
drinking it but others said it's allowed to drink RYAN What are the
chef as
the medic he had when I when I recently talked to Sheikh Arun
about it he he said is haram because it's the alcohol in it is
there is a trace amounts of alcohol in it so he said the
ultimate set is forbidden
If it's
out of
whether the the rules.
Quotes I want to see do you have the quote on you?
Okay, good. No, no, no, pull it up. Pull it up. Pull it up.
Pull it up. Yes. Pull it up.
I'm teaching this brother right here who's talked he likes to talk
FIP I don't want to but you're like on your first year studying
FIP so nothing that comes from you is going to be relied upon I need
the quote. Okay. And I need at the bottom
the name of the book, the volume number and the page
and that's how what we're doing with medically fit Qi Maliki fifth
QA we're revamping the whole thing.
Okay, medically fit QA we're revamping the whole thing and
there will be not be a single answered question unless the
source is there from the matura texts
with the Arabic with the citation, full citation, okay. Not Most of
us have studied know what is that? Were in motorcycle right where
what chapter whose print every page every print the pages are
going to be different right? This is not like a most office city
where the medina currents are all the same.
Non while wine alcohol,
non wine alcohol, so, alcohol that is not coming from grapes, or
is strictly forbidden unless they meet five criterion, not drunk
with the intention of intoxication not drunk to the extent that it
would intoxicated, not drunk in the manner which alcohol is drunk
like from a nice fancy cup or a shot glass like that. Its presence
must not be in vain. Not drinking it for amusement, for relaxation.
It's not the direct point of pleasure. So you're not drinking
it even because you enjoy it. Okay, where's this from? And Nila
always adore el MOBA. Okay. Tierra Mizzou which contains rum is
permissible if the above conditions are met because you're
not drinking. However, if the rum is the flavor then it's forbidden.
Any food that is alcohol flavored is also prohibited due to the
fourth condition you're taking it for the pleasure of it. Okay, soy
sauce, kombucha kefir yogurt are permissible because the nine one
alcohol does not does meet the above standard you're not drinking
it for the alcohol like alcohol nor enjoying the taste of the
alcohol. However, beer battered fish or rum flavored cake
prohibited you're taking it for the enjoyment of it. This is all
the Hanafi madhhab gut
anyway no one should be upset about because kombucha tastes
No, no one likes it. It is so good. There's another no
no bead
you did good. You did good.
Here you go. This is I'll tell you who wrote it and approved it. This
this Arthur. This was written by use of Welsh Sheikh Yusuf Welsh
and approved by Sheikh Faraz Rabbani. Okay
well done
the conditions
of what is permissible?
Yeah, either in our meth lab, in the medical school, you must, you
can only take a medicine that has alcohol in it with conditions and
from those conditions is that there's no alternative and that
it's certain to work. It must be certain to work and that the
sickness is to the point of dire need, or death, not just a general
cough or something or a pneumonia or something like that, unless you
could die from it.
All right. Now let's look at this question. If Salawat is the best
they could, why do anything else I have one time saw, read about a
who saw the Prophet in a dream
sallallahu alayhi wa salam and he said O Messenger of Allah, I ask
your forgiveness, for I have decreased in my salah lots upon
you because I memorize the Quran.
And he said and do you think the prophesy Sam said that not
anything pleases me more than my OMA memorizing the Quran did not
Allah to how to put in the Quran, his own complaint in Nicole
Mitaka, the weather Khurana Mandurah my comb meaning the kufr
of Quran they have abandoned this Quran and Allah only put it there
to show that the Prophet it he was hurt by this. So the Prophet loves
for his OMA to memorize Quran and reread it and be busy with it. So
and what is better recitation of Quran or have of course rested
heft because heft allows you to recite it without need of the most
half and know without need of will do and without need of the hate
the position to be read
or to recite. And so have the Quran is very easily done by a
philosophy of etching the Martini is called Barber, you take a
portion you outline you put it you could put a line in the most of
this is my portion and you recited either by minutes or by times they
do it 300 times here is that half a page 300 times how are you going
to forget it? Right. Or by minutes, you could put yourself a
certain number of minutes, 15 minutes, I'm gonna read this over
and over and over and over and over by the end of the 15 minutes,
you should know if that doesn't cut it, then 20 minutes or
decrease the number of areas. Once you figure it out, then halves of
Quran just is a matter of time. Once you figure that you are
literally etching it into your brain, then you're gonna go back
to it sometime later, for a second etching, then you're gonna go back
to it for a third etching, right. And in Morocco, they do four times
they memorize the Quran four times.
For the first year, they'll memorize the whole Quran. The
second year, he will do exactly the same thing. Okay, of course
now it'll be faster. So we will finish probably in eight months,
the third year will do exactly the same thing. This time it takes six
months. By the fourth year, he doesn't make a single mistake.
I've written them off, because it's so etched deeply in his
If you didn't know that intentionally vomiting made you
break fast do you have to do cafardo Farah? And the answer to
that is no. Because that is that we'll carry that is a fair
misunderstanding. But you may not even need to know called up if
it's not called an Okada and another method, for example, if
you did a certain behavior, and then realized years later that in
your mouth of this is forbidden, or breaks your salah or breaks
your fast and now the result of that is I owe 50 fasts or I owe
five years of fasting. Okay. This is considered hardship. You're
allowed to now go Do I have a way out in any other school? Because I
did it innocently thinking it's allowed. And the answer said yeah,
you have a well, what's an example this ematic he comes in, he
realizes his whole life. He's been praying McGlynn a shot and Fajr
silently when he prays alone. He doesn't know he thought that I can
pray Salah if I'm alone, I pray silently.
Then he realizes no you oh so good. So for that. It's a
pseudonym aka you MP you purposely prayed silently. Yes, I purposely
prayed silently, so that you didn't even forget therefore
there's no so Salas button if you leave off one of the eight
pseudonym Akkad in the medical school on purpose, your solos
So it's called forgetfulness. Not purposely leaving it off. So we
say to us tell us about it in the medical school. So but I
innocently did this thinking it's okay. For 20 years of my life was
okay no worries, the chef a school it's not a pseudonym aka saying
out loud or silently is not a cinema does not negate your salon
you're good to go because the heart the called up is
Heavy, it's too heavy. It's too much. So another we go to another
method and find your way up. And I've seen many of the folks do
I know the second minority.
Yeah, that's that's one of them. Yeah.
Weapon over the socks. He said. There is a minority of
that do this. Humbly scholars that allowed this I don't know if I
can't say minority or majority. You quoted a minority. But but
I've heard from them different things. I've heard that the more
tentative their school, anything that we that is a sock, even if
it's a stalking that you could see the fingernails with the toenails
right through it, you can wipe over it. That's what I heard and
other heard others said, no, no, no, there's conditions for the
sock and stuff like that. And it's not what you think. So I can't we
have to ask somebody for that. Why don't we somebody look up sick use
have been sad what he says about it. You find a reliable, humbly.
Hanafy humbly source.
All right. Here's a question for you. Can I afford a baby at five
months says juice? Well, the question is not specific enough.
So I'm going to give you all the specifics about it. Number one, if
the mother's life is at risk, then you can afford it even at nine
Number two, five times 30 is what? 150. So he passed 120 days.
Therefore the only excuse is that the mom's going to die. If they
tell you your baby is going to have multiple deformities, that's
still you still not allowed to abort for that reason. Okay.
So five months is 150 days, right? So the maximum in the shaft a
school is 120 days, Medicare put out 40 days. They say there's
another Hadith that says 40 days they go by that hadith number one,
not the one in that's we often read 40 4040. So they all also say
that 40 4040 is the same 40.
Okay, which is I would say bide. The language of the Hadith doesn't
indicate that it does indicate 40 Then another 40 Then another 40.
Okay, but they don't go by that hadith they go, why? Why would
they go with the 40 over the 120 they go with what is safer
for taking a life of a baby. And they're the strictest on matters
of abortion. They say the only thing ever
is the life of the mum. And they say though they do separate
though, before 40 It's a major sin. After 40 days, it's killing.
And you're going to owe a financial penalty for that.
What is the ruling on being borderline area of traveler where
there's some routes that go beyond 47 and below 47 with the same time
you can you would be considered a traveler I believe because
the traveling distances is disputed in the first place. And
48 Miles is not the only saying 36 Miles is the other saying and
that's what we go by. We go by 36 miles, the mile, the Buddha would
have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam it was it was what is it?
The Buddha would have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, some
have deemed it to be 12
English miles. They calculated the Buddha to be 12 English miles, and
others calculated as nine English miles. So four times nine is 36.
Four times 12 is 48. That's why you get that difference. They both
agree that it's forebodes. But they differ Buddha does a Roman
mill post, but we differed on what they different upon what the
Buddha entails. does it entail 12 Miles 12 English miles or nine
English miles that's what the different upon
councils for?
Show Hanafi school 14 days or less Maliki school and Shafi school.
It's 20 prayers or four days. Yeah
I don't know. I don't know if anyone says more than 14 days.
However, if you move within the journey, like a backpacker every
night he moves to a different place. That's the new he renews
his travelers. His position as a traveler
You have you have a quote? No, no, nothing yet.
Seneca says
how do I differentiate between intuition and West WESA?
By the Sharia and by the earth. You separate the two by Cydia and
hey, hubby bring those pizzas here so they don't get colds here we go
clear the table. You
clear the table
Chabad move your arms that Allah gave you
here chief could hear your mind with my right hand
yes use the Make space up there use that those spaces behind you
Miss Mala because
what's that manuka honey? Yeah some serious stuff
this is some the i You got shy I got talking about this right. I
got sugar with some giant, but it was really good Have you made this
have you?
Is that honey Michelle? No wonderful
All right hats. Let's see what we got. Who's the pizzeria from
gentlemen, comments and eat it. Or you guys take the vegetable piece?
Take that away, get it off the table.
Get off the table. Let's see. What do you got here? cheesesteak on
the pizza? My goodness all right, pass it around
buffalo chicken pizza goodness. Pass the box around
ask about the scenario take them pass it around. Take this pass it
around what's in there?
Let's say somebody goes to jail. And then they're
three meals a day that specific time that's me. And they're not
no, they're not excused from fasting because they could take
that food and put it aside
he still has to fast
in the jail if they only give you meals at certain times a day you
still have to fast
mobian Rafi Oh Dean says
why are graves of the pious built up? At some point they all said
they wanted to distinct too much this one
they wanted to distinguish the ultimate and so they they built
something on the
internet it was like
at the school yeah there's like somebody's your
teacher yeah
pictures of the prophets
sinful and like since even out of
places where he is born and places Yeah, that's fine. But not
pictures the paintings of the prophets of Allah what He was
sending them in
a legit company like the ones that she had to fit and whatnot Yeah,
like even sometimes Sonny's made those and he was saying basically
a lot of stuff was going on in prison back in those days yeah
these are all personally
yeah the prisons were
sinful you don't you don't show it No, maybe maybe I don't know what
is the there's no need to show it
like sometimes talking about something sinful showing you
something sinful may have like teaching you what an interest
contract looks like. So he can avoid it. But you know those
pictures are not really
there's no need for it. So if he's not promoting it and he says this
is haram but I'm gonna just show you this is what they did showing
you there's no real need for it so better to avoid that
will have your cut your head off? We will do
it's not our heavy thing to not to pick the profit on all the methods
no allow this
so you guys don't have the same kind of this. This, by the way
isn't even classic Jersey pizza. This is acceptable. But yeah, I
mean, it's good but
Of course there is no wiping and
is it wrong if a husband forces his wife to do his job at the
threat of divorce Tobon
that means for example, let's say he has a job on the computer. And
he says do this job.
Right? Because for some reason, he can't force her to do that.
Can I do a do over socks in the medical school up? Feet? Oracle
What's the delille? About getting a second wife? And is it haram?
Firstly, to delete the Quran allows for it? Is it haram to keep
the first wife in the dark? No.
Me her per being informed has nothing to do with the validity of
the second marriage or the third or the fourth.
You have to get
Once you get that
you don't even have to get your mom and dad's approval to get to
get the first wife, you know that you inform your mom and dad. But
technically by sitting that's not how people live though, of course,
The woman of course needs permission from her wedding, when
it's her first marriage. She needs a Willie but not his permission
for the for for her second marriage, let's say death or
divorce. Now you're gonna marry her again.
She needs the willie to be present,
but doesn't need his permission. He says this is a terrible idea. I
don't approve. That doesn't change anything. She's permitted to go
forth. Now. On the second marriage, he needs to be there,
but he cannot stop it.
Now remember, law is not how life is lived, though.
So just separate the two things law has nothing to do with how
real life is lived.
There's no such thing as a secret marriage in Islam.
Even if you don't
know Yeah, even if you don't tell her but it's not it wasn't
performed in secret. It was performed and out in the open. So
much. So the scholars in the old days used to say, the new couple.
So much had beat a drum and announce it. Beat the drum. That's
a sign someone got married and announced so and so was married
now so and so's married. Right? This is called the Ishihara
marriage is a public thing. What happens if a baby comes out of
this marriage? So now you're living with the first wife.
And then you die. And they're dividing up the inheritance and
then a woman and a beat and a boy come in? Is this like because one
of these movies and say well, we're also deserved for the
inheritance. So it's hard is necessary. You don't play games
with this stuff, right? There's no games at this everything's out in
the open. Okay.
Somebody was a distant family member
passed away. And during the past year, ladies came with her sons
and loved by them like the scenarios like for cut out or not.
But you know, asking and people assume like the worst
automatically. She must have been
potential mistress or whatnot. They want to inherit
a mistress and a son of a mistress. No, they don't inherit.
That's not a valid child for the dead. But they're saying that
basically like they didn't know the people that because I mean,
the person that would the answer is just unfortunate passed away.
Where is the witness to this marriage? What did she have to
bring to
the witnesses?
Now listen to this.
One can I hold the most half insula? In no effort that you're
either leading
or praying by yourself? Can I open the most Huff while the Imam was
reciting? The answer's no. It's an unnecessary movement. So you don't
hold the most half while the Imam
is reciting? Right. Where's Ryan? G. You're there.
No, that's a mannequin Chaffee. I just wanted I didn't see you
eating. So I was wondering where you were. Okay, good.
Any nephila any nephila? In any non obligatory Salah you can hold
the most half
in the in the Vatican Chaffee schools and I believe that
somebody schools you can hold the massage and read from it in any
non obligatory Salah as long as you're praying alone or the leader
of the Salah, not as a follower of the follower.
There's no excuse to do that. Even Yeah,
even in toto we
Sheffy allow that Holding, holding the most have while following the
mm shaggi evidence,
I've seen evidence they're checking like the man they're
looking for any mistakes
he's doing to bring us evidence right. No fairness
is his word a lot of like this week too, except from check them
Using pirated software, what's the ruling on using pirated software?
I believe that would be a minor sin.
pirating. Taking something that's not yours. Yes. Okay.
Sorry. Somebody asked
was a shepherd position on boarding and most of during salah.
He said, is permissible and silica totally not appointed
as the email
for questions like while leading, whether they are falling behind
the number, the amount that you said it's permissible to all the
questions he asked
he said that explicitly. Yeah.
That the Sheffy allow for some for the moon to hold the most have 10
questions you gave enter according to everything.
He says
must have there's a law holding a phone on and there is a law
doesn't matter whether they are falling behind the man or the man
himself because other methods allow it irrelevant.
Jeff D says
right here
it was known that person should sorry.
Is it
while he finds out let me answer this question.
Can a man disown their illegitimate child? You don't have
it in the first place? He's not attributed to you in the first
A child is attributed to the woman
every time
and the men if he married that woman
got the father in Cydia is the husband
of the woman who gives birth if that woman goes and cheats on him,
has a man has a baby from another men.
The shittier the court will deem that that baby is to the husband.
How would the Muharram work for that child?
You committed Zina with a woman, you and you and her fornicated.
Now, none of your testimony is accepted your fornicator. Right.
She says Wallah. He's the only guy slept with here a fornicator. We
don't believe anything you say, right. Okay, why would we believe
it you committed fornication. So your testimony is out.
The DNA test says, All right, you can believe that all you want. But
DNA testing is a some kind of speculation in it. And it's not
something that's right in front of our own two eyes, right.
So by shitty I won't be accepted, will not be accepted. specialized
knowledge is not accepted in certain things.
And certain things that need to be public, like the identity, so you
that child
is to the woman,
that child is the son of that woman, and her dad has to take
care of that child, whether he likes it or not.
Her dad, the grandfather, the maternal grandfather is
responsible for that baby, whether you like it when he he's he hates
his daughter or not. Whether he considers her to be, you know, she
disobeyed me, she's sinful, etc. That doesn't make a difference.
You have to take care of that. Don't talk to your daughter. If
you don't if you're disapprove of this, but the child's innocent,
you have to take care of them. Now the dad says will lie. I'm the
dad. I'm the father and he looks like me. You can give sadaqa you
can marry the woman right? Now once he marries that woman.
That dot that son or child.
Now if it's a girl, she is forbidden for him forever. And she
could take her hijab off in front of him. That's the solution. Okay.
That's a solution.
And the Hanafis they do have leniency on this again, right?
They do say that. Yes. If it's pretty much we can assume they're
the only couple and they were like, let's say living together.
And there are many reasons to believe then yes, he marries her
and then that child becomes his legitimate son or daughter. So the
Hanafis have some leniency where they applied common sense. Like
yeah, okay, she's a fornicator. That's true. We know that he's a
fornicator too.
But still, nonetheless, they're coming in a culture where nobody
marries. Right? And it's reasonable that they're generally
truthful people.
And therefore, we can accept their testimony on this, that he's the
dead, and then they marry afterwards, then we can say you're
legitimate, it's a legitimate
your now that the lawful caretaker of that child. So the Hanafi is
applied some some of that common sense, which was, I think, useful
in our times. Yes, good. So, he did continue on it. He said it is
But then he said more.
He doesn't make the distinction between folding. In other words,
it is permissible to read from almost often prayer in the general
sense as the Imam read, because the follower doesn't read
all in one guy.
If it's a chat, why don't you send him right now? Send him a question
over there with England Yeah, I did ask him a question was and I
never got an answer. So I'm gonna ask you
to people are wearing helmets to people are wearing padded helmets
and boxing gloves? Yeah.
Between the two no different deformations caused? No there
shouldn't strike the face because
they still want to strike the face because of the honor that Allah
gave the face. Yeah, they shouldn't strike the head even if
they're wearing helmets.
haram strike in the face. Yeah, it's forbidden
if a person states accused
of Zina get put on the spot, no doubt
doesn't really need discussion because Allah made her innocent in
the Quran. Right? Allah made her innocent in the Quran, right?
Go ahead.
I guess when slash how should
we perform?
Salam Chikara it goes like this. You have made a decision with your
mind. And with asking advice from people, you made a decision now
you ask Allah to Allah did I make the right decision?
And you do two rockets you were said to drop then if the matter
becomes easy, then you made the right decision. If the matter
becomes hard, then you made the wrong choices.
None read us though the Instagram question please.
Stay patient.
How do you remain patient? During a prolonged you ask Allah for
patience because essentially you have no choice, right? matters
that are out of your control, you have no choice. So just ask Allah
for help.
And patience is by force in the most subtle bit to somebody by
force making yourself patient, busy yourself, distract your mind,
things like that. Ask Allah for help. So again, if a man and a
woman they have an illegitimate child out of marriage, it's not
that child is not attributed to the men. Because what we saw what
the whole society saw is that child came out of that woman, that
woman does not have a husband.
The child does for the woman and her dad has to take care of the
That's how it works.
If a man cheats and disowns his child, they still answer to Allah
of course all that is you're still answerable to Allah subhanaw taala
no doubt about that. So he said it's not like you got away with
Ah, Adrienne Ateeq Romain have an epic battle battle here. Listen to
So Ateeq says to Chaudry this is like, I don't think that's
acceptable form of evidence. HRG says I'm not claiming it as
artique says then doughnuts are
then charged. He says Do we need your permission to have an
opinion? A teak says nobody's asking for your opinion. Charger
says you're rude. A teak says you don't need to satisfy your ego by
answering every question you get charged. You said no one asked
your opinion either.
I mean, maybe if they hear it out loud, they'll realize we shouldn't
be talking like this. Charge you then says you're the one who's one
with your ego.
Epic little bow here and battle here. Dramatic. He's have a
concept mcru tansy. Hinta hurry Mila. This is cool.
discouragement, discouragement, when there's not really the proof
to make something forbidden. The Hanafi is if the proof is based on
HG head, then it's mcru. If it's proof of prohibition, based on
HDL, then it's what they call mcru. Ptolemy
versus saying what is the stance taken on a given contemporary
scholar in America as followers taking
as long as
if someone
is claiming to be a much to hit, first of all, the correct practice
is that another much
another Mufti
signed you off as a Mufti. And in our day and age, the Mufti of
today is only in New matters. I think you all Muslims agree
there's no no more in which stadiums, right? But there is much
to hit and Mufti in no as in in New matters. So it should be that
someone signed you off as that got.
Someone said,
You're a Mufti.
You have the qualifications. And usually that happens that the
sheikh has an assistant and you we all see the ship with that
assistant and that assistant keeps growing and growing ship starts
giving him more responsibilities. And then eventually ship says
What's your opinion?
So becomes clear to us that the Sheikh is now approving of his
rich dad in new matters. Right?
This is the message
Oh, the most up we have an answer to the most aren't we? Let's
answer the most up and then we'll get back to this one go ahead.
So that's what we set, we set the Imam and then when fed it's not
them at home.
So the difference in the Shafi school and the Maliki school is
that it doesn't matter footed or Nestle. So you can pray Maghrib or
Aisha from the most half, whether you're leading Are you praying by
yourself? But right It didn't say the moon
the heat is rising on Ferris. The heat is rising. Okay. Is it there?
No answer. So the moon does not have the permission to recite from
the Masaf. According to that he just didn't he didn't explicitly
as technology
or asks your co summersault Hey, let me ask you right now.
Chico sama. Let me ask you a question because it's it's only
four o'clock Jersey time. So who? Here we go? Bismillah R Rahman
Sara Maria camicia can give her while we have a question in the
chef a school. The moon the one who's
following in the Salah. macdaddy. Can he open the most half and
follow along the Imam as he's reciting?
Yeah, I just sent him a message. voice message. Okay, so back to
what we were saying what we were saying earlier.
Okay, so then
let's say hypothetically, someone sat down or put himself up and
said I'm giving photo. So for this, we would the column the
which the heads in Zilla Mufti is, would assess his photo as right as
agreeable to them or disagreeable to them. And then the people who
want to follow him, he takes the responsibility of their religion
on that in that case, so that's how we would treat you can't stop
someone say Okay, I'm gonna Mufti now. But let's see what the
community says. We'll see what the scholars say about them. Right.
And let the let all the
evidence the cards fall where they where they fall, because you can't
stop someone from talking. Right?
Yeah, I know. It's like more popular now to have like six to 10
year programs or like
so okay, let me tell you, the Mufti programs when someone says a
mufti, they may refer to a Mufti that can answer questions in
matters that are already exist. Right? Not in new matters. Usually
someone who has a Mufti in new matters. The term Mufti refers to
that someone who gives the federal on new matters like Bitcoin. How
do I pay his account on is it even permitted? For me to purchase that
or not? Because the Shafia said, No, you can purchase this. It's
nothing. Right? It's essentially nothing. Neither is it a good that
you can touch nor does it a surface. Okay. So the chef I Yeah,
the sugary drama has fatawa on that. He says these Americans are
just gambling.
and they buy and sell things that don't exist.
So he forbade it completely. He's a Mufti of the Shafi school, the
Medicare permitted it and they said, we treat it as a stock until
the day comes that you can buy soda and gas and pizza and homes
with with Bitcoin that everyone doesn't it's not newsworthy,
right? That everyone does it Shafia also said this is something
that doesn't exist in a country and you can't get your rights.
If Bitcoin itself the actual Bitcoin, not any cryptocurrency
actual Bitcoin, Bitcoin, nobody knows who founded it. Nobody knows
who's in charge of it.
If someday the owner came down, and I don't know if he can even do
this, but the founder came and shut it all down. You lose all
their money, right? How do we where do we sue him? Right.
So it's so that part of it was a chef and took that into account.
Mm hmm. See, assumes he was lenient on speaking out and
teaching fifth he says if a person reads and truly understands, and
they could teach what's really truly needs a
little bit more tight rope on it is Fetzer on new matters and the
crypto assets of Quran gara ads of Quran
is it for permitted or haram to get a degree in finance? And you
never work? Where there is Ribault?
Yeah, that should be fine. Risk Analysis, financial analysis, risk
Question skipped more than six times here it is. says what what
this question was skipped like five times? What do those small
coincidences mean? When like someone says something directly
related to you? Maybe sometimes you can recognize that Allah is
answering a question that I that I had in myself. Right. And
sometimes you you feel as if the the aid of Allah is with you,
Sometimes you feel that? And if it's in something that's good,
then it's more likely that hopefully, you're correct about
that serendipitous coincidence? That seems like there's no way
that's coincidence. I feel like Allah is helping me.
They, they permit it, if people use it, buy it and sell it as
either a stock or as a currency Medicus hold to be a currency that
which whatever people trade in
the shadow phase had that extra layer, they said, Can this broken,
you get your rights in court. If you can't get your rights in
court, then you can't buy and sell this thing. That's what many men
SFA said.
So if it's used as a currency, you pay as a cause of currency, if
it's treated as a stock, which I think most people treat as a
stock, they go to whatever web buyer wherever they bought it, and
they check his crypto up or down, and then they
pay it as a stock. So stocks, technically, the stock.
It's something that where when you cash out, you pay zakat on it.
Others said, if you're a stock trader every day you're trading
back and forth stock, then it's inventory. The stock itself is
treated as a piece of inventory, if you're someone who trades all
the time, but if you said let me just throw this in there for a
rainy day, let it sit and marinate. And in 10 years all my
cash out, then the day you cash out, you pay us a cut on that same
thing with a home. If you're a guy who has let's say a portfolio of
100 homes as a real estate guy. And you're buying and selling
homes every day, it's like no different than a by a guy who buys
and sells phones every day, then your home is your inventory. And
you pay the cat on your inventory minus debts. But if you're a guy
who just bought himself two condos and you rent them out,
when I sell them when I need the money, I'll sell them, then the
day you sell them because you're somebody who's holding it. You're
not everyday buying and selling and something so there's the cat
on money. There's the get on inventory, and then there's a cut
on holdings. Things are just holding to sit there that's called
a more Decker, the one who buys something and just sits on it. The
one who buys something and just sits on it and doesn't plan to
sell it and he doesn't trade with it every day. He pays a cut the
day he sells it on the money he makes
minus all the expenses and the debts. Yeah.
Go ahead. Ryan has Joe up let's hear it
by now
you're lucky
There is the answer. Ryan brought it from Because he's
now a
Shafi and Ferris is off the hook he was about to do these chords
fit nice and neat around your neck forgiving the wrong foot to up.
he's off the hook. The shaft phase can hold the most of behind the
emem to help read in Tada, we go ahead.
Yeah, we're not gonna say the phone.
So he may hold the most have
someone in chat said
someone's going on, I'm gonna in a few days.
You want to try to decrease your
distractions you only have doing something you're only doing it for
a week or so.
Decrease your distractions and increase your bed. And especially
they may be Ramadan, as well. So
really tell everybody make some sacrifice. And do what?
Our guy from Australia says. What's his name? Muhammad Oswald
to name. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't invite me. That's what
he said for Ramadan. When Ramadan comes what's his name? Muhammad?
Abalos. Yeah, don't call me. Hey, can we get that I want that
recorded. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't invite me. Okay,
leave me alone. That's what you got to tell your friends.
When I go, No, because I think he's an opposite side of
Australia. He's in Sydney. I think I'm going to Melbourne.
Charla June 24.
He's a great preacher for sure.
selling stocks before the settlement day. Is it haram?
I can't tell you. I don't know if that's a technique that people do.
I don't really know much about it to be quite honest with you.
I can't tell you the answer to that. But if it's something a
practice like you're legally swindling someone then no, that's
not right.
I lend someone money.
is this gentleman's Mica?
Yeah, go. Alright. So let's say I lend somebody money on top of the
money I've, I guess, have and are the properties I have.
But then let's say like that, that money. It's technically equivalent
to the like, the nisab amount.
Once you lend someone money,
it's off your books. Perfect. You're not this is accountable for
you anymore. It's off your books. Good.
Is playing arcade games gambling? No, it's not.
So you put in two bucks, so that you could play a racecar game or
something? No, that's not gambling. That's
by laws. harlot. It's a waste of time. But It's haram, if you put
in money for the crane to get a doll for you, for example. And you
can get it or not get it that's forbidden for you. It's not, it's
sort of like gambling, it's more like Bay,
or pay money, and then shoot a basket. Great Adventures are one
of these theme parks. And the baskets are very small, for
example, it's rigged, and you end up wasting your money forbidden.
Anytime you pay money, I either get a good or a service, right?
And then
if you pay money and you get tickets, then you use the tickets
to ride rides. Or do those things that's how that because you're
getting the service which is riding the rides, right? That's
level basically it's highlighted for you. Those are those aren't
forbid deals.
Yeah, right.
No, it's a loan, or it's a gift. You may say it's alone. And in the
back of my head, I may forgive it or I may not get there's a big
difference in the loan and a gift.
Because a gift, you can ask for it back alone. You can. You could
say, hey, just a reminder, you got one month to pay up.
You can choose to forgive or not in a loan.
Whereas a gift. All right, now let's talk about this. What's the
difference in a gift and sadaqa?
When I give you a gift, I expect to cement a bond in a
And that one day, you're going to help me
in any capacity, just hanging out inviting me over. Maybe one day
you give me a gift. So a gift there is an expectation of a
return from the other person doesn't have to be
material return, but I expect now we should be better friends. No
one gives sadaqa with any expectation from the other person.
You expect the reward from Allah, I give you sadaqa we should not
even have to see each other again, you owe me nothing. That's sadaqa.
And a gift I could take back if I see you misusing it, so I never
take it back. So I give you let's say, a car as a gift.
And I see you misusing it, driving all to unlawful places. And then I
could say I didn't give you a gift to use it for the Haram give it
Gifts, you can take back investments, I can pull out the
company. If I don't like the directions, but sadaqa you give it
you don't ask questions.
not permissible.
Yes, once you just now you don't like the person or you need the
money, then it's highly discouraged. For you to say I need
to give back. It's disgusting behavior. For no reason. If
there's a reason that is how to
speak. How does I feel like I've seen you answer this little bait
is everybody who descends from optimal toilet. So the grandfather
of the prophesy son through men, He descends to them through men.
Okay, yeah. No, because I just someone asked in regards to the
gifting apart sadaqa l Bates is mcru only on one condition
suddha Kozma crew Zeca is haram for a little bit on one condition
that the state is taking care of their poor. If there is no dolla,
there's no curricula for no king. No anybody who recognizes and
debates as a category and actively takes care of their poor people
from added bait. Then sadaqa NZQA is halal for them. And on top of
that, it's prioritized for them and it's treated as a gift.
Okay, so in America today, someone's poor from edit Bates. Is
there a Dola? Taking care of them? No. So therefore we can give them
Zika but we don't call it like I will call it a gift
they can receive Zika
All right, couple more questions. Then we wrap up is smoking
marijuana. Haram my kids are asking yes. 110% is forbidden.
Yep, that's true, but it
No, alcohol is worse than marijuana. Alcohol is worse than
all drugs. Yep.
Yep. Alcohol is worse than all drugs. But it's forbidden 100%
anything that causes you to lose your
your mental faculties your mind is altered. It's forbidden anything
that is mood altering is hella
and it could be mcru If there's harm to it. Okay. Mood alter
coffees. mood altering, right. Makes me a little bit happier.
Right? Melatonin gummy bears mood altering because now I feel like
sleepy or not even mood altering, completely sleeping but I'm fully
with it. Alright, so
you can be even sugar a lot of high doses of sugar kids are
bouncing around the walls off the walls is Hello mood altering
unless the effect is not good not healthy then the substance is
never haram but how you use it may be discouraged or encouraged for
HANA Patel rapid fire before we wrap up what happens to elderly
parents whose son doesn't pick up responsibility he's sinful and
doesn't emotionally or mentally grow up. Does it fall on the son
in law? Yes. falls on the son in law then it falls on the daughter
Quick question regarding his Takata we answered this what if we
see positive signs regarding a matter in a dream? Forget dreams.
Forget dreams. Okay. The real the prophets I sent him put the
conditions of a Sahara in the prayer itself. And he says oh
Allah this is good for me make it easy dreams could be you love her
so much that you dream about her. So in marriage especially cruel
out dreams you can it could be true and not true. Who knows
right? In marriage specifically ruled out dreams
all right. In terms of making the decision if after you made this
decision, then you see a wonderful dream that has symbols and it's
looks like it's true and in the true gem interpreters at all. It's
a true gem that you could believe it you're already married you
already you know made the decision and you already engaged or
whatever. So it just icing on top. That's how you should perceive the
dream not a decision making factor. We'd have a crazy OMA if
we did. We'd all be going crazy, right? And then how do you explain
to this Oh, so why would you like to come and propose to my
daughter? I saw a dream. You're out. Get me somebody who's in
Someone else sees the dream like
Not for you anymore. Like, when someone else sees a dream for you,
it's probably more more trustworthy, because it's not
coming from your knifes. Right? But you still don't make it as a
of a decision
Why is marijuana forbidden? It is forbidden because it alters the
mind. It alters the mind you will not be in your Census. Okay, silly
question. But how to ask no, not silly, nothing is assumed here.
Our assumption is that the listener and the viewer knows
nothing about Islam.
And that's why I have no problem repeating all these answers, which
some of these brothers have heard more than 50 times? I'm not
kidding you 50 times I've heard the same thing. That's okay. We're
here to etch it in our minds for us. But for them, it's the first
time think about the listener not about you. Many people do this,
oh, I answered this 50 times, okay. But you're doing data for
the listener, not for the speaker. Right? So why don't you read fats?
I'm more than that. Right? Why is Allah make you read it more than
so many times, because you need to watch it in your head.
Can men wear red, they can wear red as any color as long as it's
not associated with pagans, the opposite gender, some kind of
group of people who do Fisk,
Fisk, for example.
You cannot wear a color that is that only a certain group of
people wear.
You can't go around wearing a rainbow sweatshirt these days
anymore. Because it has a connotation that will ruin your
reputation. If you were amongst us, right? You get a good
reputation amongst other people. So go and enjoy with them. Right?
So you're going to be stuck with that. So
for example, in India, I believe they're their Buddhist monks,
Hindus, they wear certain colors there it would be unlawful for us
to wear you'd be confused as one of them. Or it looks like you're
supporting one of them. Okay, so there's a certain orangey yellow
that the Buddhist monks were we're not allowed to wear it in that way
over there. If it's like a hoodie Yeah, they don't wear it as a
hoodie they wear it as like
a cloth right? So you can't wear that you can't wear something that
that's that's all the prohibition is based upon. If now society
changes and that has no meaning whatsoever, then you can wear it
the same thing. Right the same exact thing is unlawful in one
society is lawful in the next society.
How does that relate to like things like jewelry like earrings
and bracelets? All jewelry is haram for men. Okay, this guy's
got come Bucha is out. Jewelry is out. This brother is regret this
trip. This brother is going to regret the day. He's walked into
the studio. All jewelry is haram for men. By the verse of Quran I
will make you an SL Fidelia to Philippi Samia by Robin.
All right. Okay. All jewelry is haram from and now what's not
jewelry or watches not jewelry?
Something you a tool that you put around your neck is not jewelry
misbehaved that you throw on your neck because it's easy to sit
throw it on is not jewelry.
The man is permitted only one silver rink or one rink that's not
Not gold.
Stones. Yeah, you can have a watch with diamonds on it. Right? But
you cannot have a watch with gold.
According to 100
I heard that if there's no no no you're out. I heard
he just said according to one of his I heard none and read it to
me. Read it to me. Hey guys, isn't this a great habit to have no one
talks except
Carla SO and SO SO and SO book? Not I heard this I heard that.
Yeah, it is titanium wedding ring haram for a menswear. No, it's
Hallett is smoking cigars. Haram Yes. It's haram by the way cigars.
Now it's shown to be more harmful. First of all cigar you're not
ingesting anything. You just it's in your mouth and you pull it out
of your push it out of your mouth, unlike a cigarette, right. So, but
they did discover that it's very harmful for you. Yeah, so It's
Gelatin in the Maliki school has undergone is to Hala and therefore
they permit it. It's completely different.
It's a completely different material at this point. Like when
can you explain the tail bone Hadith, the prophesy set him said
that all everything dissolves except a small piece of the
tailbone. And from that you're resurrected again. Through that
piece you're resurrected again.
Does numerology have a place in Islam? I don't necessarily hold
numerology has a place in Islam. However, there is something that
the automat did hold for numerology and it's not new
numerology as such, for example, anytime the prophets I send them
said say this an odd number of times like 733, like a unique
number, we stick to that number. So after Salah you don't say
subhanallah 34 times 33, not 32, not 34. But if the prophesy seven
said Say it 100 times, then it means as much as you can at least
100 times. And as for the numerology that some she'll use to
try to discern how much of they could we should say, we should say
that that number isn't he had a number, it's just the niche you
had from them. That you should say at this many times, okay, it's an
itch to hit. There's no specific reward put there. As for the
numerology of telling the future, we don't accept that.
Is it shift to believe says medium, I'm going to read I'm
going to come to you on is a shitty to believe that crystals
and stone contain energies. It's not shit. But it's pseudoscience
unless proven through experimentation. And pseudoscience
is discouraged for us. Because it's its chance it's a game of
chance. It's just changing your life, wearing bracelets, putting
stones over your house on a non fact.
A very flimsy speculation. And I guarantee you no professionals,
there's not offense to you, Miriam, no professionals, no one
who's into epistemology, no one who's into discerning facts does
crystals. No one who's into reality. And knowing what's
actually true about something isn't a crystals. I'll tell you
who's into crystals, people who are involved in non objective
fields. Photography are no right. No wrong. Right? No right and no
wrong. Beliefs. This is just a belief, right? It's a belief. If
it makes you comfortable. That's the max. It just makes me
comfortable to own these stones. Right? That's fine. But don't say
that there are special powers. And if you believe it, keep that
belief to yourself, because it's not a fact. You have to prove it.
Like medicines there. You have experiments on this. They they do
it on 50 people, and they do a placebo on 50 people, right? And
it works, right? You try it and it works. So
it's not minor shift given. Now it's not doing much. It wouldn't
even be a minor show. If you believe that a stone has a
medicinal impact on your joints or something like that. And you wear
the bracelet. We just would say it's a flimsy science. But we
won't go to the point of Shiek. Anything can be static, if you
believe itself has power. Right? Mind it's shook itself. But if you
ask a person, why does the medicine work? Because Allah made
it work, right? Allah bought the cure through this. She's saying
Allah brings the cure through these stones. We say there isn't
really much study to back that up. So it's not science. It's a flimsy
pseudoscience. It's just a belief, right? Therefore, your charge,
just on the fact of buying stuff.
On whimsical beliefs, you're wasting your money. You're wasting
your energy
and the sign of pseudoscience. It has a cult following. Is there a
cult following behind Excedrin? No, that works. We don't need to
have a cult following bind water bind Excedrin bind coffee, this
stuff works, right? It's proven this thing because it's not
proven. It's a belief. There's cults around it.
And the people who are into crystals are like you're into
crystals, you're one of these people, right? And so
it'd be better off to invest your time into something that actually
has a proof now if you just like the way they look, you can buy
them. I just like the vibe that it has having these rocks all around,
but who's going to become your friend now?
Rhea is called miners who was to worship Allah for the sake of the
pleasure of other people.
Question the back. Go ahead. Last question.
Woman Yes, the Quran forbid jewelry for men, because it is
intended to be one of the demarcations between men and women
and for a man who makes him vain. And when he is vain, when a man is
vain, it clouds his intellect. When he becomes vain and emotional
and he loves himself it clouds into like What did Allah say?
The one who was raised on jewelry, and then his argumentation makes
no sense.
So his mind is clouded. clouded with emotion and vanity. Now, dogs
it makes no sense okay.
So there must have been
An inside joke here that I just stepped on
Lana says Can I wear a bracelet with an ice symbol if I don't
believe in it, and I just liked the brace that I got as a gift.
You do can from that aspect, but you may fall into Maduro Maduro is
something that may be warned against if now you people think
that you're superstitious or ignorant. So
you can wear it and cover your sleeve. Right or, but he's people
may see you and say, she's one of those superstitious Sufis. Right.
She's superstitious, she's ignorant, she believes in that has
said I, alright, if she comes to if we were not going to marry her.
We're not going to let our kids play with her kids. All that
stuff. Of course, I'm going to extremes here. But I'm just
telling you, why should you worries for your reputation.
Because people are not expected to make excuses for you. They're not
expected to be jurists who said well, maybe could be this, maybe
she knows. And she just likes that. We don't expect the people
to do that. We expect them to make flash judgments about us.
Therefore, Sharia makes sure that we and that we
observe these things.
I've been getting medically pilled lately, and have some questions
about the minutiae of prayer. Is there a good holistic source?
Yeah, ArcView dot O R G, take the course and you can get asked
Alright, last question Trumps him
if your friend is a che,
if your friend is, if your friends is a scholar, if he's a relied
upon scholar, like for example, I know that Chemin de lock will not
speak without checking his sources, because he's very
academic about his FIP. So if he says something, I'm going to
accept it. But I won't even say it to the public unless I know what
his sources because the public is doesn't know Matthew luck, right?
I know Matthew luck. I trust him. I'll act upon it.
Yeah, when I tell the Bible, I cite the source. And the big
scholars who are well known in this in the method like mmm,
unknown, unknown in the Shafi school,
ladies and gentlemen, does it fall into my hands if I fall into the
same category as the I? Yes, I would. I would think so. Yeah.
Because people may think that you are now into these superstitions,
blah, blah, blah.
Even though you know, you may be free from that and it's just
harmless in that respect.
A great stream brought to you by all these brothers from Atlanta.
And particularly
O'Reilly, who lost his kombucha he lost his jewelry What else did he
Oh my goodness
Subotica long movie I'm
going to be like well acid in in Santa Fe, Latina mo I'm gonna say
that once a while so we'll talk about so somebody was said
they said I didn't even attend that.