Tim Humble – Aqeedah – Session 3 of 4

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the upcoming session on Islam, emphasizing the importance of affirming the meaning of Islam and considering its negative implications. They stress the need for caution and understanding of the meaning of Islam, as it is impossible to determine who represents one person in the room. The speakers also discuss the use of "any" in Arabic and the importance of multiple names and attributes in language. They stress the need for clarification and reading of the Quran and Sun statement to clarify the meaning of "any attribute."
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, so far what we've done in session one, and session two hasn't been all that difficult.

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It's actually been pretty basic knowledge of Islam that most Muslims should have, if not all Muslims should have, except perhaps, you know, maybe you certain small aspects of it may be new to you. But broadly, there should be nothing you've heard in the first two sessions, that is anything more than just confirming what you already know, in Islam.

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What we're doing now is we're taking this a little bit further.

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And we're going away from the issue of Oulu here of worshipping Allah alone, away from the issue of the basics of La ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and into a topic in a bit more depth. Now, whenever I deliver this course, I've delivered this course a few times, well, at least once before, and I

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choose a different sort of topic to deal with in session three, depending on what I think your level is. So having been told a little bit about you, true or false, we can blame rather shallow.

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In any case, one way or the other, looking at the level that you guys are at, I decided that we will pick something that is intermediate, it's not the most difficult thing that you will come across in Akita, but at the same time, it's still something that requires a bit of understanding, and I think inshallah it will be suitable to the level of the people who are here today. And that is the topic of laws, perfect names and attributes. Now, what I did here is I basically verbatim copied my previous two hour presentation, which I've done before on our last names and attributes. So I don't believe that we're going to get through that amount of material right away. So I am going to skip

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over some things as for the virtues of knowing our last names and attributes in Sharla we're going to skip over those because I think that you guys can read that in your own time.

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We will briefly read the I at the top of the page when he left he smelled her SNA federal will be here whether will Edina your Hayden Effie asthma a soldier zona may be right can we Oh Susanna Academy our metal

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Allah spawn tada stays to Allah belongs the best names so call

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him by them call upon him as an invoke can make to our to him by using them and avoid those people. Or leave those people who practice deviation concerning His names who who go away from the straight path concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they used to do.

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What so we were going to leave over the virtues of knowing our last names and attributes and go on to the basic principles. The basic principles when it comes to a lot of names and attributes. If you understand these, you will understand everything in a session. If you don't understand this, the rest of the session will be like Japanese, you're not going to understand anything at all.

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Okay, so we have to start at the basics. The basics is we affirm what Allah affirmed for himself, and what His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam affirmed for him. What do we mean by that? We affirm what Allah affirmed for himself, and what His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam affirmed for him, who can give me some information about that.

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In the names and attributes of Allah, we affirm what Allah affirmed for himself, and what His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam affirmed for him.

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So something that Allah tells us about himself, give me something that Allah tells us about himself.

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What what Rahman Rahim? Or who are Rahman r Rahim? Who are rushman Orion? Will Allahu Allah de la ilaha illa who Alamo via Shahada, who are Rahman r Rahim. Allah is our man and Allah is

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Rahim. This is something Allah tells us about himself.

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What about something that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us about Allah that isn't found in the

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more difficult.

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What is the day that we make for curing somebody? Like when you ask a lot to cure somebody,

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another one in NACA, Enter,

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Enter Enter Shafi,

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Shafi, the healer. This is not found in the Quran, but in the Sunnah of the Prophet sighs lm ad he believed that Salam Banas ish fewer anta Shafi, la Shiva, Shiva oke Shiva and live audio Zakouma.

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As he bats let the sickness go away robinus Oh lord of the people let the sickness go away and cure. You are a Shafi the healer, the one who cures the cure, or the here the one who brings about a cure. Last Shiva, Shiva Oke, there is no Shiva there is no cure, except the cure that comes from you, Shiva and now you are the guru sarcoma. It's a cure that doesn't leave behind any illness.

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So in this way, now we find that a lot is a sheffy. And this is not mentioned in the Quran.

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We negate what Allah negated about himself. And what Allah His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam negated about him. What does this mean? What does the word negate mean?

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reject good. What else does the word negate mean? reject deny? We don't believe it. We say it's not true. Okay. What is this mean that we negate what a lot negated regarding himself and what is messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam negated regarding him.

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It's not difficult to the same as what we said for affirming one.

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If Allah exactly Mashallah life Allah says he's not something then we say that he's not something Give me an example in the Quran. Everybody knows an example from the Quran where Allah says what he is not.

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When Allahu before lambing lil added, Allah is not oppressive to his servants. Give me another example.

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law you can live long enough senate levels are possibly It does. It definitely comes in within the things that we say about Allah. But more, something more like the names and attributes and the more really clear clear.

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Very, very, very simple, simple, simple things. Let me call it what am youlet he was not born, nor has he got any children. Yes, so this is something Allah says he was not born. So we say he's not born. And Allah says that he did not give birth or beget, beget or bring into existence any children.

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And so we say he didn't bring it and beget any children.

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In it could see what do we say about Allah? Allah, Allah, Allah Hi.

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How are you? latter? Who sinner? Well, I know what does that mean? That was Oh, Senator. Well, I know.

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No sleep, or tiredness overcomes him or slumber overcomes him. So Allah says that he doesn't sleep and he doesn't get tired. Do we know anything in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah azza wa jal doesn't do

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have a think about that one. inshallah. I'll leave the other thing because we're going to run out of time.

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But the same goes for the sooner we do this without changing the meaning.

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Without dinner, so we don't change the meaning of what Allah says. What would happen if Allah says he is a rock man or Rahim, and we change the meaning of our rock, man, that would be a kind of denial, right? If we took a rock man and we change the meaning to something different. That would be a kind of us denying what a Lost Planet Allah has told us about himself.

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We do it without denying the names of Allah. So we don't say Allah is not a rational

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Allah is not a Rahim Allah is not a semi Allah is not elbasy. We say whatever Allah said about himself.

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We do this without asking how. And that's very important. Because when it comes to how something works, how do you know how something works?

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How does this mobile phone display images on the screen?

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How do we know how this works?

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Okay, either the manufacturer has told us how it works. Or what what other options do we have?

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Even if you're clever, I think you can be really, really, really clever. But if you brought someone from the middle of the desert, yeah, really bright, intelligent person, still doesn't mean they would know how this works. Something more obvious than just being clever. You have to have something along with being clever.

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Yeah, research based on what you see. And what you hear. ie you are you see inside you see that when I touch it, it does something, therefore I presume there must be something on it that responds to my touches. So when you see something, okay, have we seen Allah? No. Have we been able to handle physically anything to do with Allah, you know, like, sort of pick, pick up or handle or touch? or here or anything like that? No.

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Have we had any information from Allah Himself about how he rises above the throne? Or how he speaks? Or how he hears or how he sees? No, therefore it is not allowed for us to ask how Allah does something? How does the law see everyone at the same time? Is it like lots of optical lenses? And lots of you don't ask how, okay? You don't ask how Allah does it? You just believe that Allah does it. Because you don't have Allah hasn't told you, and you haven't got anything you can see and hear and touch. Therefore, you can't ask how Allah subhanaw taala does something. And the final thing we avoid is we avoid comparing Allah to his creation. What does it mean to compare a lot of his

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To say that Allah His hand is like our hand, to say that a laws

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seeing and sight is like our site to say that allies like us, like the, you know, the classical sort of film portrayal of God, man, white beard, six foot something, deep voice, you know, like you'd like people portray Paul portray Allah subhanaw taala, in a film or in a in a in the, you know, these Hollywood movies, and so on and so forth. These are this is from the major, major, major sins, from the worst of the things that a person can do from the worst forms of disbelief for you to compare Allah to a human being.

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But we have to be a bit careful.

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And the reason we have to be a bit careful is we can go to extremes in these things. So we can say in our extreme of saying we're not going to compare a lot to a human being. We're not going to say allies, merciful allies, not merciful. Why might somebody go to that extreme?

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Why might somebody say that ally is not merciful, because he's worried about comparing a lot his creation.

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Because humans have mercy. I can be merciful to you. You can be merciful to me, we can be merciful to each other. Okay? Now someone might turn around and say so Allah can't be merciful that because that's comparing a lot to his creation. We say that Mercy is not like this mercy. the mercy of Allah is not like our mercy in any way whatsoever.

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The hand of Allah is not like our hand. The rising of Allah above the throne is not like how we rise or we climb aboard a camel or aboard a horse, or we climb up the stairs or any other means of climbing and rising above or floating or whatever else.

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The way that Allah subhanaw taala speaks is not like we speak but he still speaks so just because we speak doesn't mean that Allah doesn't it just means that the speech is not like our speech. The method is not like our method and the characteristic is not like our characteristic okay? This is further proven by the Quran Allah says lay second myth Lee Shay was semi or Basia. There is nothing like him, and he is the old hearing and the all seeing

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in the beginning, Allah says there's nothing like him so he denies or he negates anything being similar

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To him, but then he affirms that he has the all hearing, and the all seeing, and we can hear, and we can see. So there's something there that we need to understand. Allah is not like us. But that doesn't mean that he can't see any con here.

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Yeah, Allah is not like us. So what do we say Allah is not like us, his sight is not like our sight. And his hearing is not like our hearing, but he hears and he sees.

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This is further explained by the statement of Imam Malik, a man came to Mr. Malik, and he sat down in front of him and he said, How does Allah rise above the throne?

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He said to Mr. Malik, how does Allah rise above the throne? What thing? Is he broken from the basic principles?

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asking how Yeah, he says, How does Allah rise above the throne? In our Malik says, I'll estivo Why you mudhole

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and estivo, why you mature? He says that rising above the throne is not unknown to us. What do you think he means it's not unknown to us.

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You understand what it means in Arabic, if I say that I, you know, I, I rose and I climbed up the stairs, or I rose above the building in a hot air balloon or I rose up, or I climbed up, or I got up on top of the roof, everyone understands what the meaning of rising is in English. Everyone, nobody listens to rising go. Does that mean sitting or standing? Or does that mean, you know, up or down? Everyone knows what the word rising means.

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But then he said, Well, k fu ye Roma cool.

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The cave, how it happens cannot be understood. Now notice that Mr. Malik didn't say it doesn't exist, that nobody knows it. Allah knows how he rises above the Throne. And Allah knows how he speaks. And Allah knows how he has mercy. And Allah knows how he sees. And Allah knows how he hears. But we don't know those things.

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He said, a man who Be who you are believing in it is obligatory was to add who and who did an asking about it is an innovation. So the mathematics summarizes exactly what we summarized in the early points, that we affirmed the meaning of Arabic. We know what rising means we know what speaking means. Do you ever say Mohammed spoke and you think, did he stay silent? Or did he make a noise? You all know if it says Mohammed spoke, it means he spoke, you speaking speaking, you understand what that means. But you don't know the details of how it happens for Allah subhanho wa Taala. You know, like, we know how we speak our voice box trembles according to the movement of you know, air and the

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sort of the movement of the voice blocks and different sounds come out of the mouth. We don't know about a Lost Planet, Allah how he speaks, but we know that he speaks, and we know what speaking means.

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Belief in it is obligatory, you have to believe that a law speaks you have to believe that Allah has mercy. You have to believe that our last part Allah rises above his throne, was

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asking about how he does it is an innovation.

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We should bear in mind the following points. Mr. Malik confirmed the meaning is known. He did not say we don't know what rising means. And Mr. Malik said, we can't comprehend how a lot rises above his throne. He didn't say that Allah does not know. So Allah knows how he speaks. And Allah knows how he rises. And Allah knows how his hand is. But we don't know. Okay. And the reason I mentioned these things, that these are all things where people fell into misguidance. The only reason I mentioning that, you know, because there was a group of people who came and said, I have no idea what speaking means.

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With regard to Allah, does it mean making a noise? Does it mean not make I don't know what speaking means? We said, No, we know what speaking means. Then a group of people came along and said that,

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you know, regarding the last point on the page, a group of people came along and said, Allah doesn't know how he speaks.

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So these are things that we affirming for the point of getting out of problems other people are falling into, we say you have to believe in it. We know what it means. We don't know how it applies to Allah. And we don't ask about how it applies to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Okay, now we come to the sort of meat of the of the session, the sort of main part of the session, inshallah

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And in this part of the session, we're going to talk about principles that relate to a laws names and attributes. Okay, important principles that relate to a loss names and attributes. And we're going to have to deal with them quickly. So I'm going to ask you guys to read a lot at home. Okay?

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First of all, all of our last names of perfection. There is no imperfection in any of our last names.

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to recall a lot of the weak.

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No, because why? Because it's imperfect. Do we call a lot of the sleepy? No, because it's imperfect. You sleep because you have a need. You're not perfect? Yeah. Do we call Allah The one who makes the odd mistake? No, because that's imperfection. All of our last names are perfect. Allah is our rush man, the one whose mercy encompasses every kind of thing. And Allah is Al Hakim, the one whose wisdom encompasses everything and everything that he does is wise. Allah is Al Aziz, the strong The one who is mighty, whose strength has no limit, there is nothing that he can't do, there is nothing that is too difficult for him to do. Allah subhanho wa Taala is Al Jabbar, the one who compels his

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slaves and alcohol, the one who forces and subjugates his slaves and forces them, you know to say that they have no choice to do except those things which he subhanho wa Taala wants them to do.

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So, a Lost Planet, Allah is names of perfection. Not only is each name itself perfect, but when you join the names together, they become even more perfect in the way that they link together. For example, when I say to you, that somebody is merciful,

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what do you normally get the impression if I tell you a human being is merciful? Often you get the impression they're a little bit soft, yet they're very weak, they're meek, they're mild, you know, they're very old and frail, and they're merciful to people. When I tell you someone's strong and powerful and they destroy their enemies, and they destroy the plots of their enemies, what do you get the impression that they are oppressive, that they are you know that they don't take any mercy never show mercy to anybody. Allah subhanaw taala joins between the two in the most perfect way. So Allah subhanaw taala, strength and mite is not random. It's linked with wisdom. So you know, when

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you say someone is wise, you sometimes think that they're weak. When you say someone that is mighty, you sometimes think that they are on wise, you know, like a bull in a china shop. Just you know, like sort of in and just everything is broken. The bull isn't in the china shop is mighty. But he isn't wise. Allah Subhana Allah is Allah Aziz will Hakeem.

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The one who is mighty, the most strong, the most powerful, and yet he is the most wise. So his power is used with wisdom.

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And his wisdom is associated with power. It's not associated with weakness and softness and being too, you know, easygoing on people. It's perfect in both ways. Do we all understand that principle?

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Okay, let's move on. Our last names are not just names.

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Your name is silent.

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Silent means someone who is pious. Do you have to be pious? If you called Sorry?

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No. Have they been bad people who've existed on the earth called slider? Yes. Your name is Matson. You do good to others? Does that mean that you actually do good to others? No. Your name is Isa, does that mean that you actually have the attributes of a salary, Sam? No. So our names are just names, we hope to try and achieve a part of them. But they are just names or last names are not just names. They are names that have attributes with them. So Allah is not just our rock man, but our laws, our rock man, and it means that he is described with Rama. So Allah is the most merciful, and that is not just a name, it has a real meaning.

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It has a real meaning behind it. So all of our last names, the meaning behind them is real. And the meaning behind them. It has an attribute behind them, which is a real name and a real meaning. Okay, it's not just a name that has no that has no meaning. Do you understand that?

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Yeah. So when we say that Allah subhanaw taala

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has a meaning or an attribute to each name, Allah was hearing Allah is SME at all hearing any hears. Allah is the All Merciful and he has mercy. Allah is the Almighty, and he has might, Allah is the all powerful and he has power. We don't say that these are just names that have no meaning. Having said that, we don't say that these are all different people either.

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I don't know if you've ever seen a debate between Medina and a nice shrewish. And in this debate, the evidence he says, I'm going to prove to you the Trinity exists in Islam, and he says Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. So Allah is one God or Rahman is another god. And our Rahim is another god this is what this this shape on comes up with in his in his debate with al Qaeda.

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This proves a very interesting point, that Muslims don't believe that the names and attributes of Allah are different gods

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like sometimes the Hindus say that they don't believe in different gods but they just believe in different attributes and each attribute of Allah is a God. But as Muslims no we don't say this. We say that all of them refer to the same that the same entity, the same thing. They go back and refer to the same thing. So you are solid but you know, Mohammed, you're Fatima but you're not Asia, but Allah subhanaw taala is out Rahmani r Rahim al Malik el cual es Salaam al Mohammed Al Mohammed Al Aziz al Jabbar al Motta capital, all of these refer to Allah and all of them have attributes and meanings to them.

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You understand that? Good. Next principle are laws names are taken as they come. And there is no place for the intellect when we discuss the names of Allah. What do we mean by that? We mean that you can't use your mind to understand what a laws names mean. You can't sit there and say, Well, I think

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Alka dews comes from faculties or quotas or quotes. And I think this means you can't that's not how you determine the names and attributes of Allah. You take the meanings from the text, from the Quran, from the Sunnah, from the clear language of the Arabs, why the clear language of the arts because Allah says, For an island, or an AVI movie,

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or Lisa in Albion, sorry, Allah says, Listen in our big movie, babysat in our big movie in a clear Arabic language. And last is Quran and Allah de la la quinta de Lune, a clear Arabic Quran so that you can understand. So we understand a lot of names and attributes, with the text and from the text, not with our minds.

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And one of the greatest sins that you see about Allah what you don't know. Next principle, our last names don't have a fixed number.

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We should be thinking for a second here, what about the 99 Names of Allah.

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I want to show you an example if I may.

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Just to make this clear.

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I take this phone

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and I put this phone in my pocket. Okay. And I say to you, I have a phone in my pocket. How many phones do I have in my pocket?

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It could be any number of phones that I have in my pocket.

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All I said to you, is that I have this phone in my pocket. I didn't say to you that I only have this phone in my pocket. I just said to you that I have this phone in my pocket. I could have three phones or four phones or five. Now the reason I say this is to make you understand when Allah says that Allah has 99 names, Allah doesn't say that he has only 99 names.

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What's another proof for this? The number of names in the Quran and the Sunnah exceeds 130

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names, there are more than 130 names in the Quran and the authentic center. So this is something that is you know, suparna lie it is not. You can't say 99 whether 113 or Andersen but 99 names, those 99 names have a special virtue to them.

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The next thing which is very important, is that the 99 names that are mentioned in the Hadeeth or not the 99 names that are shown on the 99 Names of Allah poster. And this is because of something that happened cool

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androgen and Indrajith is something that scholars of the Hadith pay particular attention to. So part of the science of Hadith in Raj is where you mix up the statements of two different people. And you report it as the statement of one person. So what happened was there was a narrator in the masjid. And this narrator he sat in the masjid the teacher, he sat in the masjid and he said, Allah has 99 names, whoever learns them and memorize them and act upon them will enter gender. Okay. And men, he said, they are when he said they are Who was he relating from?

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From the profits of isolation from himself? He said, in my opinion, they are

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they are. And he said al marechal could do Salam and Amina Mohammed Aziz al Jabbar. What happened.

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There were people in the masjid who listened to the shift, and they didn't hear the pause, or the chef didn't make it clear that he was ending the Hadith and beginning his own explanation. And so they said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said they are.

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And that's why the posters that have the 99 names on are not authentic. They are not from the statement of the prophets lie Selim the 99 names there is no Hadith that tells you what the 99 names are.

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But the 99 names, we can guess. But especially, I want you to be careful that some of the 99 names posters, or all of them mostly have names on them that are not the names of a lot or like a Rashid Rashid is not the name of a lie soldier, or Rashid is not the name of Allah subhanaw taala. And there's no evidence in the Quran of the sooner that one of the names of allies are Rashid. But they put it on the poster, or Rashid. So it's very important that you be careful that there are some names on those posters that are not authentic because not from an authentic hadith.

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There are different ways that people deviate regarding the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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One way that people go astray, when it comes to the names and attributes of Allah is denying part of Allah's Name, meaning denying a last name or denying the meaning or denying that it that Allah sees or hears, or sing Yeah, okay, allies as Samir but he doesn't hear anything. Allah is Albacete, but he doesn't see anything. Allah is our man but he isn't merciful to anyone. That's a me a way that people are misguided in the names of Allah. Another way is by making the attribute the same as as Allah sees, like we see a lot here is like we hear a lot rises like we rise, this is another means of, of misguidance to call Allah by a name, that he did not call himself and his messenger

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not call him like a Rashid. Allah did not call himself out of Russia, nor did Allah as messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call himself or Rashid

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to make idols names from Allah 's names. So I'll urza the idol, that the one that used to worship, one of the idols was called at fri to mulata with urza, woman minor to 32nd.

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Have you seen a lot and the result is the name of Ursa was taken from a last name and ISIS. So they named the idols after,

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after after our last as soldiers name, Al Aziz, very briefly, just as an additional note, you might want to make this on the back of the paper. What is the ruling regarding our names and our last names?

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Ie how we take names that are also our last names.

00:33:51 --> 00:34:16

Okay, there are a number of different issues here you need to write down. The most common is to precede the name with Abdullah or Anna, you don't have to write down every word just right. You can just write down ABD or amor ABD for a man and Anna, for a female. So Emma to LA Abdullah amateur Rahman, Abdul Rahman, amateur Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed

00:34:17 --> 00:34:36

Ahmed to moisten Abdullah moccasin, yet the children you precede the name with apt, or with Allah, and this is permissible for all of the names of Allah, any of the names of Allah, you can proceed it without, or ama and call yourself a call your children and the best names to allow a lot of drama.

00:34:38 --> 00:34:46

There are some names that you can name yourself from the names of Allah as long as you take away al

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and that's not true for all of the names some names, you can call yourself if you take away Allah

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and they are those names where the attribute is an attribute of human beings the

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Actually is shared as in, for example sites, or for example mercy.

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We can be merciful and Allah could be merciful, but allies of the Most Merciful. So if you take out off

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you take off and you say Rahim, you are him.

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I am Rahim. Allah is Allah Rahim.

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You are Rahim. Im Rahim. Allah is our Rahim. But I want you to make a clear note that this is not for all names. This is only for the names, where the characteristic is suitable for a human being like Roth Rahim

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like medicine.

00:35:52 --> 00:36:02

There are other names, and this is point number three. There are other names, that it is not permissible for you to name yourself with those names with all without al

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only without, not without, not without, like Rahman why, what does the man mean? And what does rocky mean? Both of them mean merciful, but Rahman is the one whose mercy encompasses everything, and it has no limit. Can you see any of us say that our mercy encompasses everything and it has no limit, nor therefore it's not permissible to call yourself rough man. And it is a type of deviancy and if you intended it is a type of Sheikh with Allah subhanaw taala.

00:36:35 --> 00:36:40

You must if anyone has the name of a man, they must change it to Abdul Rahman

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or they must remove it to something else like Rahim because Rahman is the one whose mercy encompasses everything. Likewise, some ad

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because some ad or a summit is the one who every bit of creation needs him, but he needs nobody else. Can you say that about any of us? You're a summit I'm a summit No, because that can only refer to Allah can you say that you're merciful and I'm merciful? Yes. So you can call yourself Rahim. You can't call yourself out Rahim. The Most Merciful but you can call yourself you can call yourself Rahim. Yeah.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:25

The names you call it like Samad, like ramen, and like some of the others.

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The fourth are names that you can call yourself with Al.

00:37:33 --> 00:37:35

You can keep the owl on the name.

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But the owl doesn't mean the same as the owl.

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With regard to Allah,

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we know Allah in Arabic names, but owl has different meanings in Arabic. One meaning of Allah is the most comprehensive the only one who does it are rush man, there is no other man apart from him.

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For example, if I say to you

00:38:03 --> 00:38:04

have well Malik

00:38:06 --> 00:38:09

This is Al Malik the king.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:30

I can call that person al Malik. And tell Malik you are al Malik. Antar al Malik, you are the king. But there is a difference between the Al Malik that refers to a king in this dunya and the Al Malik that refers to the king who is the supreme king of everyone and everything, Allah subhanaw taala.

00:38:31 --> 00:39:14

Okay, so you can call people al Malik, but the L has a different meaning. Al Malik in, in, in human terms is the king, one of many kings that exists in the dunya This is the king You're the king, you're the king of this country, you're the queen of this country, you're the ruler of this country, you are the king and then there is the king, as in working full stop capital T capital keep working, the one who there is no king other than Him the supreme sovereign ruler over every one and over everything. And that is Allah subhanaw taala. So you can call someone al Malik but it's not the same meaning as when you call Allah Al Malik. So four types for things. One of the names that are

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proceeded with apt an AMA every name of allah Abdul Malik, Abdul Razak, amateur, amateur Malik, amateur mercy. And the second are those names that you can name yourself by removing owl like Rahim, like Roth, like Merson. And then there are those names that you can't name yourself no matter what you can only name yourself with Abdul amor, like ramen, Samad and so on and so forth. And then there are those names that you can name with Al like Al Malik, but the owl doesn't mean the same as the owl In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

Five more minutes to keep in in in sort of in touch with the timings in Sharla a little bit

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principles that relate to a laws, attributes.

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Most of these are all sort of quite similar. So the first one, all of our laws, attributes are perfect. We said that about our last names. So we say the same about our last attributes, all of our last attributes are perfect. All of our last names are perfect, easy, no problem. There are more attributes than names. Allah has more attributes than names. For this, I'm going to just have to stand up again and do a little board, a little board presentation for a moment, because I really want you to copy this down. Okay, this is something really important for you to understand. Okay.

00:40:43 --> 00:40:50

There are three things with regards to Allah. Okay. One, our names

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to our

00:40:57 --> 00:41:01

attributes, and three are things

00:41:08 --> 00:41:22

we say about him. Okay. So I'm going to pick this up again, just so everyone can really clearly hear. Okay, so we have names, we have attributes, and we have things that we say about Allah.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:33

Okay, asthma, siefert. Akbar, if you want them in Arabic, asthma, C fat bar. So these we call them

00:41:35 --> 00:41:41

as Matt, these we call them c fat. And these we call them

00:41:44 --> 00:41:46

a bar. Okay.

00:41:48 --> 00:41:59

All right. Now what I wanted to draw, and I'm just going to draw it on the board and I'm going to sit down, okay, is three circles 123.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:07

Okay, and they are numbered 123.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:12

Okay, now I'm going to sit down and explain what I'm talking about.

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Okay, so we have this little diagram on the board, we have three circles. The tiny circle in the middle

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represents the names of Allah.

00:42:31 --> 00:42:35

Okay, and we said, every single name of Allah

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has an attribute that goes with it. So what's the attribute that goes with the Most Merciful?

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What's the attribute that goes with the Most Merciful?

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mercy? What's the attribute that goes with the almighty

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mite? What's the attribute that goes with the old powerful power? What's the attribute that goes with?

00:43:06 --> 00:43:08

The all hearing?

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Hearing? Yeah, so every name has an attribute. But so the names of the small one, the middle circle are the attributes. That's because every name has an attribute, but not every attribute has a name. So there are some attributes that live here, inside this part here that don't have names to go along with them.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:54

Yet, there are some attributes that don't have names to go along with them. Some things that Allah says about that he does. You know that they are attributes of Allah Subhana Allah. But Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't

00:43:56 --> 00:43:57

a Lost Planet Allah

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give names to go with them. For example, we're told in the Quran that Allah subhanho wa Taala plots and plans.

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One of the attributes of Allah is that Allah plans against his ad to defeat the enemies of Allah, but Allah is not called the plotter or the planet and the reason is written down in the in the text here inshallah for you guys to follow. And if we were to say, Allah schemes and plots this will be imperfection, but we see that a lot of plots in response to the plots of his enemies, so everything they plan, Allah renders it useless with his perfect plot, and this is perfection or lies not called the plotter but we affirm that he does plot against his enemies in a way that is perfect. Okay. So there are some attributes that live inside of circle number two, the don't live inside of circle

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number one.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:59

Then there are things that we say about Allah. Okay, and example we say that Allah eggs

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Is this

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true or false? True, there is no attribute that Allah is the existent. And there is no name that Allah is the most existent or the all existent or the one who has always existed.

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But this is something we say about Allah. And it's true, you know, we say about Allah. It's not an attribute, but it's true. So what we're saying is that every single thing, every single name has an attribute. And every single attribute is something we say about Allah. But there are things we say about Allah that are not attributes. And there are attributes that are not names. And so there are things that live inside of each one of these circles, that is not, you know, that don't live inside, or that don't fall apart of the other. But every name has an attribute. And every attribute is something that we say about a lot. But there are things that we say about Allah, that are known by

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necessity, like that Allah exists that don't have a name, or an attribute, they might have something similar like alhaj allows the EverLiving and what's the attribute that goes with ever living?

00:46:13 --> 00:46:16

If alized the ever living what is the attribute that goes with it?

00:46:18 --> 00:46:40

Ever living, what's the attribute? life? Okay, the attribute of life that Allah has the most perfect and complete life, okay? And that is something we say about Allah. So it fits into all of them. But to say Allah exists, it fits into number three, but not number two or number one because there is no sefa that is Allah is an mo Jude

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or a name that Allah is or suffer to root. You know, Allah is Allah is mo Jude or their allies, Alamo dude. This is not found in the Quran in the center, but we know that allies module Allah exists. So this is something Does everyone understand how that works? Okay. And

00:47:03 --> 00:47:04

our laws.

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include those attributes which Allah named, which Allah affirmed for him, and attributes which Allah said are not true. So there are things Allah said about himself that are true, and things that a lot said about him that are not true.

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We affirm two types of attributes to Allah, or we affirm with regards to a lot two types of attributes, this is point number four attributes which relate to Allah Himself.

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attributes which relate to Allah Himself.

00:47:48 --> 00:47:51

Okay. And next to that I want you to write La,

00:47:54 --> 00:47:56

la, the EverLiving.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:01

Just the ever living have anything that relates to us?

00:48:02 --> 00:48:08

Does the ever living as a name of allah have anything in it that relates to

00:48:09 --> 00:48:11

us or not?

00:48:13 --> 00:48:14

Or is it just about Allah,

00:48:15 --> 00:48:41

it's just about Allah, the ever living is an attribute that relates to Allah Himself. And then there are attributes that relate to an action they have an effect, they have something that relates to us, like Rama, mercy. So Mercy is something that Allah has always had a lot always been merciful and always will be merciful. But Allah is merciful to whoever he wants whenever he wants.

00:48:42 --> 00:48:44

Such as here, we said that

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Allah speech, Allah has always been described as speaking, but that Allah speaks whenever he wants, and to whoever he wants. Okay.

00:48:57 --> 00:49:20

We mentioned the two great sins that have to be avoided comparing a lot is creation asking how, and we mentioned like we said, with names, that there is no place for the intellect. When it comes to Allah attributes. You can't use your mind to figure out a lot of attributes and the principles these are very, very, very important now and I want us just to, you know, sort of just very quickly just glance through them. Okay, very, very quickly glance through them.

00:49:21 --> 00:49:29

There are only two ways of affirming our last names, the Quran and the Sunnah. Period. Okay, why is there no age man?

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because nobody's come together and made a name for a law that didn't have an evidence for it in the Quran. We're innocent. This agema on the names of the Quran and the Sunnah, but there isn't agema as in someone just invented a new name that never was there before. Yeah, so the ad they all come from the Quran and the Sunnah. Some words have ambiguous meanings, what is ambiguous mean?

00:50:01 --> 00:50:11

unclear more than one meaning Yeah. Ambiguous meaning has more than one meaning or it's unclear, for example, direction. Someone says to you, probably from

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from one of the deviant sects, and he comes to you and says, right, I'm going to trick you, Mr. Wahhabi, I'm going to trick you into doing something that you won't be able to answer. does Allah have a direction?

00:50:29 --> 00:50:30

What do you say to him?

00:50:32 --> 00:50:34

If you say to him, yes.

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Then you've attributed to a law, something that is not true because the law does not exist in the north, or in the east, or in the south or in the West. If you say to him, No, you've denied the Allies above your throne is above his throne.

00:50:49 --> 00:50:50

So what's the answer?

00:50:51 --> 00:51:37

The answer is it depends what you mean by direction. If by direction, you mean the created, direction of north, east, south and west, you know that, you know, the directions that Allah has created for us, then Allah doesn't isn't described with direction. But if you mean by direction that Allah is above his arch, then yes, Allah is above his arch. And this is authentically proven in the Quran and the Sunnah from so many is that it is an idea that it is motivated, it's impossible to deny. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran in 10s and 10s, of places that he is above his arch. Allah subhanaw taala in from in the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim in in has so many Hadith,

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that it's impossible for there to be a mistake in them that all lies above his ash.

00:51:42 --> 00:52:02

But for you to say that Allah has a direction you say, What do you mean by direction? Do you mean that Allah subhanaw taala? is in the north, east to south to West? Just five minutes down the road? No. Do you mean that are lies above his house? Yes. So you don't have to have a yes or no answer.

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It is obligatory to understand a lot of names and attributes by their apparent meaning, meaning whatever Allah says about himself in the Quran, the simple names and attributes that Allah says, This is what it is, that's what it is. You don't give it well, you know, speaking, it doesn't mean speaking, speaking means, you know, sort of a constant sort of Revelation, like inspiration. No speaking does it mean inspiration? inspiration means inspiration. Otherwise, you're saying that a lot of put words in the poem and that are senseless? Does everyone understand that if you don't say that the meanings are what they are in Arabic, you're seeing that the Quran is senseless. It hasn't

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you know, pointless meanings. Speaking doesn't mean speaking and talking doesn't mean talking and rising doesn't mean rising and hand doesn't mean hand and foot doesn't mean foot and Subhanallah you know, like nothing means anything Salah doesn't mean salah and xikar doesn't mean that can hide you doesn't mean Hajj. Subhan Allah, the Quran is clear Arabic, what it says is what it means. And that's how we take it in a way that's appropriate to Allah subhanaw taala.

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We know the meaning but we don't know the how. And misguidance with regards to Allah, his names and attributes means denying them comparing a lot is creation changing, meaning asking how we set up before every person who compares a lot to his creation has denied a part of a last names and attributes and vice versa. So imagine someone who says Allah

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is Allah is not merciful? What made that person really say that Allah is not merciful?

00:53:44 --> 00:53:51

What was the first sin before the second one? The second sin was to say that Allah is not merciful. What was the first

00:53:54 --> 00:54:00

before not recognize, like why did they not recognize the attribute? What made them not recognize the attributes? before that?

00:54:02 --> 00:54:03

before asking how

00:54:04 --> 00:54:26

they compared a lot of his creation? Why did they compare a lot of his creation? Why did they compare a lot his creation? Because they sat there and they thought, how can Allah have mercy when his mercy is like our mercy, and so they denied Allah's mercy. So everybody who denies something about Allah, the reason they denied it in the first place is because they thought of Allah as a human being.

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That's why and everyone who thought of Allah as a human being has in reality denied a part of a loss attributes because they denied the text. They denied the text in the Quran and the Sunnah, which tells us our lives not similar, and they denied our laws perfection,

00:54:44 --> 00:54:58

pious, I will take briefly guys questions I'm looking at the time now, and in short, a long time three o'clock, we're gonna we're gonna start again we're gonna take a half an hour break for lunch inshallah, and start at three o'clock for five minutes. We'll take questions inshallah.

00:54:59 --> 00:55:00

I'm just

00:55:00 --> 00:55:03

adapting the timetable? Now? You're on freestyle yet?

00:55:15 --> 00:55:18

Okay. Is there such a thing as good beta?

00:55:19 --> 00:55:29

prophets lie Selim said in so many Hadees to the point where you don't even need to provide references, there are so many that every innovation is misguidance.

00:55:30 --> 00:55:46

Every innovation is misguidance. He didn't say every innovation is misguidance. Except for the good ones, or every bad innovation is misguided. Every innovation is misguidance. But we have a problem. We have a statement of armor, in which Omar says this is a bit of a hassle.

00:55:47 --> 00:55:51

So how do we join between the two I want someone to give me an idea.

00:55:55 --> 00:55:56

To was

00:56:00 --> 00:56:22

brilliant. So what I was referring to was not a bit out in the first place. But that presents us with a problem. Why did Armani use the word bitter? If it's not a bit, it wasn't a bit of what Alma was referring to, was something that was done by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he said this is a bitter Hashanah. It was something that was done by the prophet sly Salah. So why did he use the word bitter?

00:56:27 --> 00:57:07

Kind of Okay, take with a back away from the deenie meaning the religious meaning and back to the linguistic meaning of just some, you know, bringing something in that is new. Yeah, so this was something the prophet SAW Selim had done. But it was not something that was a bit in the, in the, in the Islamic sense of the word, but a bit as in it hadn't been seen before in his time. It had been seen in the time of the prophet SAW Selim, and it hadn't been seen in the time of Oman, as in the time that the person revived it. And so they brought it was as if they brought something that hadn't been done before, but in reality, it was done by the prophet sighs. We have a further statement of

00:57:08 --> 00:57:52

Imam Malik Malik says manzana listen to this Mr. Malik is manzana and Neville Islami bit at an Hasina. Whoever has this false impression. Look at Mr. Malik, he doesn't he doesn't wait for the statement of armor. Just forget about it. Whoever invents this idea has this misguided idea that there is a bit of a hustler in Islam. He has accused the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam of Kiana of betraying the trust that was sent to him. And that's clear, Mr. Malik says whoever thinks that there is such a thing as bitter Hezbollah in Islam has accused the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam of betraying his ummah. So it's very serious thing to say that there is a bit out, which is

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good. And there's no evidence for this. But what is meant by the statement of Omar is that it's almost It's a type of Bulaga type of beauty in the Arabic language. And you're like, Whoa, this is like as if this has not been seen before. You know, you've done you've brought something new. But in reality, when we look at the surname was done at a time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. So it wasn't a big gap in the first place. So the only way we can look at this word is from a linguistic sense, as in, it's as if you've brought something that hasn't been seen in your time, even though it had been done, it had been done before.

00:58:27 --> 00:58:27

You know, the

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thing that one of the most interesting things is that I will be there, they have a problem. And the problem is that Islam doesn't support what they do. And the Quran doesn't support what they do in the sun that doesn't support what they do.

00:58:47 --> 00:58:56

And so they need to find a way to get out of this problem. So what do they do? This is very simple. Cool, doesn't mean cool.

00:58:58 --> 00:59:17

Everything doesn't mean everything. Everything doesn't mean everything. No problem. I tell you what it is, let us let us will agree with you. We'll just just for the purpose of argument, let's hold up our hands and say everything doesn't mean everything. No problem. What are you going to do with all of the other Hadeeth in which the Prophet slice them criticize, bitter and didn't use the word cool?

00:59:18 --> 00:59:55

What are you going to do with the IRS? What are you going to do with the Tafseer of every Ibis? yoma tibial who says what do we do on the day when some faces will be? Come white and some faces will become black and everything at best is there as the black faces of the people of Vidya? And so the prophet SAW Selim says he co monitor 30 or more keep away from anything that is newly invented in the religion. He yakka doesn't have an exception to it, maybe cool. Okay. We will let you off. Yeah, you found a poem, Mashallah, you've searched through. You found a poem probably by inserting the word in but let's just pretend that you found a poem, which proves to you that cool doesn't mean

00:59:55 --> 00:59:59

cool. Everything doesn't mean everything. No problem. What are you going to do with the Hadid er

01:00:00 --> 01:00:41

kawamata 30 or more, keep away from anything that is newly invented in the Islam over iaca doesn't mean iraq okay and Islam doesn't mean Islam and Allah doesn't mean Allah until what level do we take this? When do we ever stop? The point is that I will be I will always be like this they squirm and they move because they can't find an answer. Islam refutes them. The Quran refutes them. It's like when you look at the Hadith, or you look at the Shia, or you look at, you know, the Shia, they come along and say, I've got a proof for you. The prophets I seldom said to I'll leave it alone, and are you not content to be in relation to me like how rune was in relation to Musa except there is no

01:00:41 --> 01:01:03

prophet after me. Ha got you now, what are you going to do or you suddenly person we've destroyed you? Are you not content to be in relation to me like how ruin was in relation to Moosa is a type What are you going to do with the best of the people that are abubaker? How are you going to you? The point is, you can't take a bit of the religion and leave another part of the religion.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:43

You can't, you know, Subhanallah take one Hadith and ignore the rest. Yeah, you can argue your way out of cool, maybe linguistically, I don't think it's really a valid point. But let's just pretend you can argue with, you can't argue we have eoco metastatic hormone, you can't argue out of your way out of all of the other wordings of the Hadith and the other Hadith, that talk about beta and the ayah to talk about beta and the TFC that talks about beta. You can't look then at Mr. Malik. Mr. Malik, we take him to be an Imam in Islam, you know, someone who, whose wit, you know, who's Akita, at least, you know, in terms of his Akita and his the way he teaches, it is something we take

01:01:43 --> 01:02:15

seriously. And Mr. Malik says that if you say there's a bit of a hustler, you've accused the prophet SAW Selim or piano of betraying the trust. That's not a light thing. It's not like if you see a bit of a hassle or you're wrong, if you see a bit of a hassle now what you're essentially doing is disbelieving in Islam. That's what he's saying. He's not accusing them of disbelief, but he's saying that essentially what you're, you don't realize what you're saying. But the essence the core of what you're saying is that Mohammed Sai Selim did not deliver the message. That's not a light thing to say. So we say take the religion as a whole. And as for Arabic, are they always going to do you

01:02:15 --> 01:02:54

know, one way or another, you know, they, like for example, the Moses Oliver, who talk about building shrines over the graves. They have a Hades don't build trains over the graves. And you know, I was reading a book and I always recommend you to read this book, Gerald Huck, it's a book not by the people of the sun, but it's very useful in the sense that he brings his what he thinks is evidence and he brings what he thinks is the evidence of our evidence against him. And Subhanallah Heidi's after Heidi after hiding in Bukhari and Muslim don't agree with the handstand don't Ali came to wipe the Prophet size and said Allah to wipe down to break down the graves. The prophets I said

01:02:54 --> 01:03:28

don't make my grave into a place of celebration a place where the gold people go to pray and the prophecies are Don't exaggerate with regard to me like the Christians exaggerated with regard to all of these Hadees and they say no, no, Brother, you missed the iron suka carbonylation banyana. Boom Allah movie. See ya salam. All of the Hadith and all of the ayat in the Quran contradict the iron sort of calf, or is it perhaps that you didn't understand the iron sort of calf? So we give them an option? We say one of two things, either the whole of the rest of the Quran and the Sunnah contradicts auto calf

01:03:30 --> 01:03:42

or you didn't understand sort of the calf. Which one do we think is more likely? We think it's more far more likely, since the Quran doesn't have any contradictions in it that you didn't understand the iron circle cast that you thought it said what it said.

01:03:44 --> 01:03:47

So this is a simple you know, thing that the Buddha will always do

Allah’s Perfect Names and Attributes

What Will You Learn In This Session

The virtues of knowing Allah’s names & attributes

The basic principles

The statement of Imaam Maalik

Principles that relate to Allah’s names

All of Allah’s names are the pinnacle of perfection

Allah’s names are both names and attributes

The proof for rule no.2

Allah’s names are taken as they come, there is no place for the intellect when discussing them.

Allah’s names do not have a fixed number

Deviation with regard to Allah’s names is of different types:

Principles that relate to Allah’s attributes

All of Allah’s attributes are the pinnacle of perfection

There are more attributes than names

Allah’s attributes are of two types

Those attributes which Allah and His Messenger affirmed for Him

Those attributes which we affirm for Allah are of two types:

Two great sins must be avoided with regard to Allah’s attributes:

Allah’s attributes are taken as they come

Principles that relate to the proofs for Allah’s names & attributes

There are only two ways of affirming Allah’s names & attributes: The Qur’an & the Sunnah.

Words with ambiguous meanings

It is obligatory to understand Allah’s names & attributes by their apparent meaning

The meaning of Allah’s names & attributes have two aspects:

Misguidance with regard to Allah’s names & attributes

Every person who compares Allah to his creation has denied an aspect of Allah’s names; attributes, and vice-versa

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