Tim Humble – Aqeedah – Session 2 of 4

Tim Humble
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of religion in their actions and actions towards Islam, emphasizing the need for mindful actions and not devoting time to any area. They also discuss the use of idols as a means of communication and the importance of following Prophet's instructions and not doing things that are disapproved. The speakers stress the need for clarification and clarification on the definition of La ilaha illala and emphasize the importance of following Prophet's instructions and not doing things that are disapproved.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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whatever do I know in the Allah Vani mein

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wa Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad Anwar Ernie he was happy as mine ama that

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session two is basically about the most important part of our architecture.

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If I was to say that I only have if someone was to say to me, Mohammed, Tim, you have to teach Akita to some brothers,

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and you only have 45 minutes to teach it.

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When this session is what I would teach this session is the stuff that you absolutely need to know without a shadow of a doubt.

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And inshallah maybe if we have a white we have a whiteboard pen.

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Is this a whiteboard pen?

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Yeah, we're going to maybe scribble some things on the board as well, if that's not too shallow, that work for you guys as well. Good.

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Okay, so this is the most important part of our aqeedah. And this is the essence of our religion. This is everything, all of Islam, if a non Muslim asked you what is Islam, all of Islam is in this. What we're going to cover in this session to every single thing that is important in Islam is in this

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when you enter Islam, how does a person become Muslim?

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Say take Shahada what Shahada they take.

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So we say I shadow Allah either in the law, what ash had to under Mohammedan Rasulullah sallallahu is, so they bear witness to there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah. Fantastic.

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This statement that we have La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah is basically deals with two major major areas of Akita. In fact, they are really the whole of Islam comes back to these two areas of Akita, all of your deeds being accepted comes to these two areas of Akita, your whole religion from the beginning to the end comes back to these two areas of Akita that are specified or that are, are sort of embodied by La ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasulullah.

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Now, the first part we're going to talk about is tauheed. Once again, we're going to just take a moment to look at Arabic for a moment. tauheed is the verbal noun. And that's a bit of a technical English word. Some people call it a gerund, but it's sort of if I say, running, swimming, fighting, these are all verbal nouns. Yeah, so it's a word like that. It's a word that sort of a word that is, it comes from the doing word, the verb, and it means sort of, it sort of is a noun that that summarizes the meaning of the verb. In any case, the verbal noun, which comes from the Arabic verb, What had you were hated.

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And what had means to unify something, or to make something one, or to declare something to be one. So when Saudi Arabia used to be different parts, that used to be like a hijas used to be a part with a different ruler, and nudged in in like the Riyadh area, Riyadh, and Qassim used to be a different part with a different ruler, and the South, you know, towards Yemen. And so when all those places in Saudi Arabia came together, what do you think they call that?

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They call it know what had that Yeah, they said what had what hadn't been it honey are with you, they call it to hate, I'll be glad. So everything became one and telehealth also means to affirm something is one. So when you say I am doing telehealth of a law, essentially what you're saying is that I am affirming I'm, I'm believing and I'm practicing and I'm implementing the fact that Allah is one.

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In Islam tawheed means to affirm the oneness of Allah in three different ways. Or if you like in two different ways, it's up to you if you want to say it means to affirm it in two different ways or three different ways. It doesn't make a lot of difference. We're going to ask you a question on that. So pay attention to this here. First of all,

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In our last actions

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what do we think it means to have toe heed? In our laws actions?

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Someone give me an idea. I mean, it's there for you, but I want you to explain it to me I want to see if you understand

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for a lot to be one in his actions, to believe and to practice the fact that Allah is one in his actions. What does that mean?

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Only he has some different voices Sharla What do you think that means? It's not difficult English words. Allah is one in his actions.

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What is that? What do we think that means?

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I'm going to wait until I see someone give me an answer inshallah.

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That nobody does what Allah does except Allah. That's basically what it means. That nobody does what Allah does, except Allah. So what are some of the things that allowed us

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creates Allah is the Creator, what else?

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sustainer Allah sustains his creation. What else?

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Allah is the legends, the one who legislates so Allah subhanaw taala legislates the halaal and the heroine la sala will be I mean hacking in isn't Allah the best of and hacking in the best of judges?

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What else is the last part Allah.

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Allah listens to our prayers and listens to the one in desperate need, in a way that nobody else does. Because nobody else hears everything like Allah, he has everything. What else does a larger?

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Allah sees Allah in a way that nobody else does? So Allah sees every single thing, even the black and the crawls upon a black stone in the darkness of the desert in the darkness of the night. Allah subhanaw taala sees it and sees its limbs and sees what's inside of it and see, there is no limit to the sight of Allah. What else does the last prophet Allah do?

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The massive one that we read all the time in the Quran,

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mercy so Allah has mercy is merciful towards his creation. So in these actions, nobody does these actions except a lot.

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You and me can be merciful. You can see we can hear but not like a Lost Planet Allah sees not like Allah subhanaw taala he is not like a Lost Planet. Allah has mercy. I might have mercy on you three or four times. You know, I you know, use upon like, you do something to me and I say, doesn't matter. Do something to me again, I say doesn't matter. By the third time I'm going to lose my patience. Yeah. Allah Subhana Allah is merciful upon you in every single way and has no limit to the mercy of Allah. So nobody does the actions that Allah does except Allah. What's the second point our actions towards him? What do we think this means?

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towhead in our actions towards Allah.

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So whatever we do towards Allah, we only do it towards Allah we don't do it towards anyone else. Whatever worship we do, we don't do it towards anybody and anything else. So in the first part of tawheed, we believe that Allah subhanaw taala is the only one who does the stuff that he does. Does the things that he does Yep, we will okay with that. Only a lot creates on your last sustains only Allah provides only Allah has infinite mercy on your last opponent Allah is infinitely just on your Lost Planet. Allah sees everything on your law, he has everything. In the second part, the only Allah deserves to be worshipped only Allah deserves to be made to our to only Allah deserves to be

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things to be sacrificed to. Only Allah deserves. So this second part is about what we do towards a lot. So it's a lot of actions and our actions that are law's actions, nobody does them but him and that our actions we that we do towards Allah, we only do for Allah and to Allah. So we only pray to Allah we only make to our to Allah, we only make such that to Allah, we only bow to Allah, we only call upon Allah for those things that you know, only He can do, and so on and so forth. And this is the most important part of tawheed.

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And this is the towhead that the messengers were sent with. So it's very important that you pay attention to that. And the third category, the perfect names and attributes that Allah has perfect names and attributes that are for him alone. They are suited to His Majesty. They're not similar to his creation, which

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Take them according to their apparent meaning. We don't deny them. We don't ask anything more than the meaning that is clear to us. That's fairly self explanatory. Now my question to you guys is,

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if I was to say that tawheed is only two, which of these? Would I fit inside? What what I'm gonna have to do? I've got I've only got two spaces on the desk. Okay, I've only got enough space for two things. Okay, one, two. And the problem is that I have three things. So I have to put one of them inside of another. Which one of these things? Will I put inside of one of the others? Which one will I get rid of? And put it inside of one of the others to say that Oh, hate is only to

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the third. Okay, good. Right, we got our brother. That's the first suggestion. The third one fits into the second. Do we have any other suggestions?

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The third one fits into the first.

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We still we thinking third one fits into the first now. Are you still on the second?

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Okay, so now we have h Ma. Now we have h mal hamdulillah. In our classroom, that the third one fits into the first, you definitely right that it's the third one that has to go? And the third one, is it a part of what Allah does? Or is it a part of what we do towards Allah? Allah names and attributes are lost sight, Allah's mercy Allah, is that a part of what Allah does are a part of what we do towards Allah.

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Allah does. So therefore some of the scholars said, the towhead is two types, Allah actions and our actions towards Allah. And some of them said that it's three types of laws, actions, our actions towards Allah analyzed perfect names, and attributes. And whichever way you look at it, it's the same thing.

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Now we come on to La ilaha illAllah, the statement of tau hate La ilaha illAllah. The statement of Torah hate, when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called the people to Islam, the only thing that he would focus on was the statement La ilaha illAllah. He would say, Oh, my people say la ilaha illa Allah and you will be successful.

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courageously didn't really have a big problem with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam as a person,

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happy with that. Grace didn't really have a major issue with him as a person. They certainly didn't sort of have a major

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sort of issue or a major sort of concern with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a person.

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Their problem was, what he was teaching.

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What evidence for this?

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They offered him to be a leader, they offered him You can be a king among us, with What condition? What condition did they put for him being a king?

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That he stopped seeing La ilaha illAllah. So they had no problem with him being in charging. What you know, sometimes we see in the Quran, that people had a problem with the profit, for example, and a akula who muku Elena when national goodwill came in? How can he be given the kingdom over us, and we are more deserving of the kingdom than him? How can a lot choose him amongst us when we are more deserving of being chosen than him? This wasn't a problem of Quraysh nobody in college said I'm more deserving of being close to Allah and Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. But their problem was La ilaha illa Allah

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and Allah says, What do loads to the Hino for you the Hino, they wish that you would compromise in your belief so that they would then compromise in their belief. So they even said to him, we'll worship Allah

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for most of the year, and you can just worship our idols for one day,

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or two days or part of the year. Or you can worship our idols for a month and you can worship our eye or a day and you can worship our idols for a day. And they offered him many different compromises. But he never ever compromised on this statement, La ilaha illAllah. Now to put this in context, and this is where we want to use the board a little bit, the beliefs of Quraysh before the religion of Islam, the beliefs of Quraysh before the religion of Islam. Okay, so what did the kurush believe? So here, we've got the kurush

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and we've got before

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Islam. What is the Quraysh belief before Islam?

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Okay, they believed in idols, good.

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We're going to come to that in a moment. Who else did the whole? What else did the Quraysh believe in apart from the idols?

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They believed in Allah with a clear statement. While I insult human Holocaust somewhat he was out that I aku Allah, if you ask them, who made the heavens and the earth? They will say, Allah, they believed in Allah. Okay? What did they believe about Allah?

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They believe that Allah was the creator. What else did they believe about Allah?

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They believe that Allah was the Sustainer What else do they believe about Allah?

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Okay, so life and death. What else do they believe about Allah?

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whilst we have here controlling the universe,

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what else do they believe about Allah?

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Okay, so sending down the rain,

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answering the prayer,

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answering the prayer in times of need.

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So here we see, they believed all of these things about Allah, what do you recognize from the categories of tawheed? That this all relates to?

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attributes? True.

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It all relates to the actions of Allah. So it all relates to what we call

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rubia the Lordship of Allah.

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And that is basically the actions that are Lost Planet Allah does. So that Allah is the only one who sustains Allah is the only one who provides. So if they believe this, where's the problem?

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The problem is the idols. Now we have to ask, first of all, what kinds of idols did they believe in? Give me some examples of the colors they would not just idols, they had an origin they had a they came from somewhere. Where did these idols come from?

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dead people.

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They came from the angels.

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People are good at reading the book.

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They came from stones, they came from Where else?

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The stars.

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They came from the sun

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and the moon.

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They came from the prophets.

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They came from the pious people

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like dislike the likes of Mary Marian and others.

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Where else so we got anything else?

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Anyone want to add anything else?

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Animals possibly certainly people maybe moving perhaps not Quraysh. But people definitely they had people and religions in the past have had so we can probably put out with a little dot a dotted line you can say possibly.

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Animals? I think courage not so but I think other religions. Yes. So the question is, they believe in all of these

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idols. What is the point of them believing in these idols? When they believe that Allah answers your sense down the rain is the Sustainer life and death create a controller of the universe? What is the purpose of the idols then? The idols have two purposes.

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Okay, one of them is that the idols are

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one of them is that they believe that the idols were intercessors to the idols were intercessors along with Allah subhanho wa Taala what an intercessor

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a middleman, right? an intercessor is the middleman the one that you sort of put in between you and, you know, you you, for example, I give an example, give me an example, an example of intercession that we are familiar with in the dunya, you want to get married.

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Okay. And so you want to approach your parents that you want to get married, but you feel a bit shy to talk to your parents about it. And so you say to your big brother, your big sister, go talk to mom and dad and convince them that I want to get married.

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So in other words, you ask her or him to intercede on your behalf

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or go to so and so and convince him to give me this, you know, convince him to help me with this. This is kind of the job of an intercessor. So they believe that idols were intercessors middlemen between them and Allah, what else did they use the idols for?

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To get close to Allah, so we can say neediness

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to Allah. So they would say that we we worship these idols to make us near to Allah subhanho wa Taala. I want to keep that on the board for a reason because I think we're going to we're going to probably use it later on.

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Okay, so to attain neediness to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah azza wa jal says, unquestionably, for allies, the Pure religion, and those who take protectors besides him say, we only worship them, to make us nearer to Allah. Indeed, Allah will judge between them concerning that over which they differ, Allah does not guide the one who is a liar, and a disbeliever.

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Ruby, Ruby is a word that means in English, lordship about being a rubber and what is a rub, at the end of the day, the rub is the one who provides sustains creates all of these things that to do with Allah being the rub. This is a you know, sends down the rain, all the actions of Allah, they are the actions of the rub. And that's why we call it Ruby. It's a word that comes from rubber, as in a lot the attributes of Allah that are making the Lord, you know, that he creates, sustains and provides.

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So they did it again neediness to Allah.

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And they did not believe that these idols could harm them and benefit them directly. But they believed that these idols would take that to our and send it to Allah.

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Bear in mind, these idols were dead people, some of these idols were prophets. Some of these idols were representations of angels. Some of these idols were trees, some of these idols were stones, some of these idols were, and so on and so forth, all of the things that we wrote down on the board.

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So all of these things were kinds of idols that they would worship. So they would go to the prophets and say, Make me near to Allah. And they would go to the angels and say, Make me near to Allah, they would go to the, to the street, the trees and the stones and the saws and the sun and the moon, and say, Make me near to Allah, they would ask those things to take that and give it up towards Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now, some of you might be sitting there and thinking that reminds you of a lot of Muslims and this is the problem.

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This is the problem. The problem is that now as an oma, we have returned to the days of Jamia, we've returned many of us to doing the same things that Porsche used to do.

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Going to the prophets and asking them to make them near to Allah going to the saints and the pious people asking them to make them near to Allah. So keep that in mind because we're going to talk about that inshallah. Later. Let's break down this phrase, La ilaha illAllah. La Ilaha. Illallah. Let's break it down. La means no.

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Or it means there is no ILA, we're going to talk about in a moment. Illa means accept. And allow means Allah.

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So there is no ILA except Allah. There is no ILA. except Allah. Okay. There is no Allah, except Allah. Good.

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What now we have to ask ourselves, what does the word Illa mean?

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So if there is no Allah except Allah, what does the word ILA mean? There are two theories or two opinions about the word ILA. One of them is true. And one of

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them isn't. Okay. One of them is true. One of them isn't. The first theory says that ILA is a creator sustainer and provider. So La Ilaha Illa. Allah means there is no creator except Allah nor sustainer except Allah no provider except Allah nor and who sends down the rain except the law. No one who answers the door, I accept the law.

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What's the problem with this? The problem with this is what we've described is exactly what we've just written on the board.

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And in case you haven't noticed, the guys we're talking about that we wrote on the board are not Muslim. Not only are they not Muslim, but they are actually their own mother, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is fighting, so to sort

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and Allah calls them Kathy Boone cafaro you know, the person who is a liar and a disbeliever for their, you know, saying about their intercession and they're coming near to Allah subhanaw taala.

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So this is really quite important. If we say that La ilaha illa Allah means there is no creator except Allah. There is no sustain accept a lot. There's no provider except Allah. There's no one who answers your except Allah. Many, many Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, idol worshipers would suddenly become Muslim.

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Because currently, what we've just described in this theory is exactly what koresh used to believe. Does everybody understand that? Yeah, everyone completely understand that. So why there is a problem with this is because it's exactly what Qureshi used to believe, and the prophets I send them was sent to them and Allah says about them. kuliah you healthcare for your own co disbelievers however they disbelievers.

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If they said La ilaha illa Allah, Allah ilaha illa Allah means there is no creator or sustainable provider. Why do they have such a problem with La ilaha illa Allah? It means this, why are they seem to the prophets? I send them leave your religion for a day and will worship at your worship Allah for the rest of the year.

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What what what what is so

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difficult for them to understand, also difficult for them to appreciate? Where's the problem?

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The problem is that they didn't understand this by La ilaha illAllah. What they understood was the second theory, which is that inner is something which is worshipped.

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So La Ilaha. Illallah means there is no god worthy of worship except Allah.

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And this is where they started to differ, because they used to worship other than Allah. And now we see the consistency. The fact that Qureshi used to worship the idols, so they used to worship other than Allah, they believed Allah was the creator, but they used to worship other than other than him. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to them La ilaha illa Allah, what did they understand? They understand that La ilaha illa Allah means

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no more idols.

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That's what they understood. They understood very, very clearly that La ilaha illAllah means no more idols. And this is why they had such a problem. ILA is used clearly in the Quran, for something that is worshipped.

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The last I want to bring your attention to the last ayah in the in the on the page, ask those we sent before you of Our Messengers have we made besides the Most Merciful lehighton yerba it heighten your bedroom? Or have we made beside the profits of Apple beside the Allah subhanaw taala? Any gods or any ILA that is worshipped. Notice how Allah says the word Isla, and then says, worshiped, and that is the meaning of Isla Isla is something that is worshipped.

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When Christ said, has he made all of our gods into one God, they were clearly not meaning has he made all of our creators into one creator? Has he made all of our gods that send down the rain into one God? No, they they already had this

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belief. But their

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issue was that a meant that they had to leave worshipping other than Allah azzawajal La ilaha illAllah as a statement is made up of two parts. It's made up of La Ilaha and it's made up of La la la, la, la

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means to disbelieve in anything that is worshipped besides Allah, to disbelieve in anything that is worship besides Allah. And Illa Allah means to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. alone. We need both of these things. What happens? If we say that ILA, full stop,

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we become atheist. We don't believe in any god. We say, I don't believe in any God at all. I don't worship any god. That's exactly what the atheists say, La Ilaha. There isn't any god to worship.

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If we just say that we worship Allah.

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That doesn't necessarily mean by saying that we worship Allah. That doesn't mean just by saying, I worship Allah doesn't mean that I've stopped worshiping

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the idols.

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Yeah, to all understand that. Just because I say that I worship Allah doesn't mean that I've stopped worshiping the idols. So for La Ilaha Illa, Allah to work, we need both bits. We need the part of La ilaha illAllah that relates to disbelieving in everything that is worshipped besides Allah, the idols, the storms, the trees, the stars, the sun, the moon, the prophets, the angels, the Olia the saints, whatever it is, and then we need the bit which says that we worship Allah alone. So we declare ourselves free from atheism, and free from polytheism. What's atheism?

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atheism, I think it's interesting that people sometimes describe atheism as a belief if it is really a lack of belief, but atheism is a belief that there is no God, or a lack of a belief in any god.

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And what's polytheism

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belief in many gods, so La ilaha illAllah says that we are right in the middle, we are neither atheist, nor are we polytheist. We don't worship more than Allah, nor do we worship less than Allah, we only worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone.

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Further notes on the meaning of La ilaha illa Allah, we said that there is no good La ilaha illa Allah means there is no god except Allah. The problem is that if we say there is no god except Allah, this is wrong in a factual sense, because there are lots of Gods besides Allah, lots and lots of Gods besides Allah there is you know, you can name loads that, you know, I had a rosin rosin and I knew this I had an email recently, you know, like, there is the you know, there is like for and, and there are, you know, that this sort of Vishnu and Shiva and there are lots and lots and lots of gods that are worshipped besides Allah. So what should this what do we understand by La ilaha illa

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Allah, we understand there is no true God, except Allah because all of these gods Vishnu and Shiva and all of these different gods that they mentioned and Roz and Anubis and all of these things, they are all false gods. They don't deserve to be worshipped. They are Gods because they are taken as Gods besides a lot of people take them as Gods besides Allah, but they are not true Gods they are not real Gods they are not. It's not correct to believe that they are gods, they are false gods false objects of worship. So there is no god worthy of worship except Allah or there is no true God except Allah. That's how we need to understand the sentence.

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La ilaha illAllah when he has conditions, the conditions of La ilaha illAllah RL La Jolla Aquino world kaaboo MTA two federally mokulua cidco. a colossal well my husband was sakala Halima.

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They are the conditions of La ilaha illAllah as in the poem have a habit of habit hack me, Rahim Allah. But I've summarized them for you in English. First of all knowledge. Many, many people say la ilaha illAllah. But they don't know what it means. example. Let's just say I stop a builder in the street. Okay. And I say to him, may I want you to say something for me? C'est la ilaha illAllah. And he says La ilaha illAllah? Did he become Muslim? No, because he doesn't know what it means. He just said it. Someone who hears it in a Nasheed and just says it, someone who, you know, am Billa you know, they use these things in music or something like that, and they hear it and they say, it

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doesn't make you a Muslim.

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What makes you a Muslim is you have to understand what it actually means. Likewise, the fact that some of the Muslims say

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In a heilala doesn't necessarily mean that they have truly entered themselves into Islam. They have to have knowledge of what it means. Secondly, they have to be certain. There's no point in me saying, Well, you know, I say la ilaha illAllah, because, and I've met some agnostic people like this, they say, we believe in God, because let's just hedge our bets. Basically, if we believe in God, and he's true, then we're going to go to Paradise. And we, if we believe in God, and he's not true, we're not going to lose anything else. So we're just basically betting against it. So I'm not really certain that there is no God, but Allah, but you know, it's better to say than not, and that

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I, you know, I just know, you have to be certain in what you say, you have to have yaqeen you have to believe that when you say la ilaha, Illallah, you're sure about it. You have to have acceptance, you have to accept what La ilaha illAllah entails. It's no good saying La ilaha illAllah. I know what it means. I believe it with certainty. And then I go and worship Jesus.

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That's not going to work because I haven't accepted what La ilaha illAllah actually means that it means that I have to abandon everything that is worshipped besides Allah, and that it means that I have to worship a lot on submission.

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You have to submit to Allah and His laws, can't say yeah, La Ilaha Illa. Allah totally agree with that.

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I know what it means. And I believe in it with certainty. And I, you know, I accept that I have to stop worshipping the idols, but I'm not going to follow Islam. I'm not going to follow any of the laws of Islam. I'm not going to stop doing what I'm doing. I'm not going to, you know, sort of implement anything in Islam. I just believe in La ilaha illAllah don't believe in Islam.

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That doesn't work either. You have to submit to Allah. And you have to submit to the laws of Allah in Islam.

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truthfulness, you have to be truthful when you say what group of people weren't truthful when they said La ilaha illAllah.

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The motherfucking the hypocrites, they used to say la ilaha illa Allah Ameen what Johanna worked for our hero, like they used to say like Allah said in the Quran, they used to say believe in the religion of Islam, you know, in the during the daytime, and then at the end of the day, disbelieve in the hope of God in the hope that they will return back from their religion. So the Mona feel cleaner hypocrites, they used to say la ilaha illa Allah, but they weren't saying it. Truthfully, they were lying when they said it. sincerity. How many people say la ilaha illAllah because mom and dad want them to say La la la la. Because if they don't, it will be shameful on the community

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because then all of the other things, that's not good enough. La ilaha illAllah you have to be sincere that the reason you're saying La ilaha illa Allah is not because you want to get married. Lot, that's a big problem with sincerity in La ilaha illAllah a lot of people enter into Islam. And they say la ilaha illAllah because they know it's the only way they can marry that girl.

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And not gay, we accept it from them, because we accept Laila heilala from even the profitsystem accepted Lyla heilala from the moon after him. But we believe that if you die and you don't really have that sincerity, it's not going to be accepted from you. So don't get me wrong. If someone comes and says, You know, I found this girl and she's Muslim I want to marry and I'm going to become Muslim. And you can see clearly that person doesn't have you know, it's got nothing to do with Islam. You accept it from them like the prophets I said, have accepted it from them when after him, but you believe that, you know, inshallah, we need to develop their Islam until it comes a time when

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they are sincere for Allah Allah. Likewise, a child, you encourage a child to say la ilaha illAllah, even though they don't understand why or they don't understand the reasons behind little two year old says La ilaha illa Allah, they don't understand the reasons behind it. But that's okay. But as they get older, they develop that sincerity. The point is, before you die, you need to have that sincerity in the law. And finally, the love of Allah and the love of Allah is the head of the bird that guides you, and that you only love Allah, with the love that only Allah subhanaw taala deserves.

00:39:12 --> 00:39:14

There's another point we have to deal with.

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And I know we're not doing great in keeping to the time limits. But

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there's another thing that we have to deal with worship. What is worship? Because if you let's just say that you see somebody who is prostrating to an idol, or somebody who's making to a grave, and you say to that person, yeah, what are you doing?

00:39:43 --> 00:40:00

You know, you know that and you explain to them La ilaha illa Allah and you explain to them about the intercessors and you explain to them about seeking newness to Allah through other people, and you you know, you go through the whole thing. They say to you, what I'm doing is not

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So what we need to talk about is what is worship? What how do we define worship? How do we explain worship?

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worship is a comprehensive term for everything that Allah loves, and is pleased with statements and actions, whether hidden or apparent. Some examples of worship do are and there's an ayah, for it, love, and again, the ayah is there in the book for you fear. And again, the ayah is there for a book, prayer and sacrifice. And again, the ayah is there for you in the book.

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What is the opposite of to hate? There is no disagreement in Islam, that the opposite of to hate ashiq.

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And the opposite of to hate is to give one or more of the rights of Allah to someone or something else, to give one or more of the rights of a lot to someone or something else. For everything we talked about into heat into our prayer sacrifice, whatever it is, there is an equal and opposite category of ship.

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ship will not be forgiven. If a person does not repent from it in this life. Indeed, Allah does not forgive that you make a partner with him, but he forgives whatever else for whoever he wills.

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schilke causes a person to reside in the Hellfire forever.

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I think it's also important for you to note that there is a difference between ship and Cofer, even though that difference is very slight. And that is that Cofer is a bit wider disbelief is a wider topic than check. You can disbelieve in Allah without committing Sheikh. Even though schilke is the majority of the form of disbelief with regard to Allah, you can disbelieve in Allah without committing Schick in some very limited circumstances. So we have to understand that shift is, is that so if you have here, we have a big circle, and a little circle inside the little circle inside his shirt, and the big circle outside is covered. So everything that is major ship is covered. But

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not everything that is covered is necessarily schilke. And that's because you can have issues of cover that don't relate to giving the rights of a lot to someone or something else. And Allah azzawajal knows best. Okay, very briefly at the end, and this isn't too much of a long topic, we have a few minutes, five minutes or so is the second part. So what we've done now is just basically explain to you in about half an hour, what it means to say la ilaha illAllah. Is everyone quite confident that they understand now, the concept behind La Ilaha Illa. Now we come on to Mohammed or Rasulullah. And just like we had a name for La ilaha illAllah tauheed. We have a name for Mohammed

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Rasulullah. And we call it

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a T bar. And it either means to follow. And it's not usually used for a literal sense as in, I follow the brother to the masjid. It's used in the sense of following a religion or following someone as an example, or following your desires or following your dreams. You know that kind of following at bat.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:49

Mohammed rasulillah is the statement of at bear like La Ilaha Illa lies the statement of target. So just like La ilaha illAllah is a statement which represents to hate. Mohammed or Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam is a statement of it.

00:43:52 --> 00:43:57

In English, it's very simple. Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:05

But in Arabic, it means three things. There are three main things that are meant by Mohammed or Rasulullah.

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When you say Mohammed or Rasulullah, effectively, you're talking about three things. The first thing is that you believe in what he told you about. Can you imagine someone saying Mohammed or Rasulullah and saying I don't believe in the gym, Mohammed or Rasulullah I don't believe in the last day, Mohammed rasulillah I don't believe in the punishment of the grave, Mohammed or rasulillah. I don't believe in the Esra and the mirage. I don't believe that the prophets I send went up to the heavens. This is unacceptable. Because you're saying that he's the Messenger of Allah, but you're not believing the things that he told you about.

00:44:52 --> 00:45:00

So especially things that relate to his prophethood and things that relate to the unseen, like what he told you about Allah what he told you about the

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Angels, the jinn, the day of judgment, paradise Hellfire, and the prophecies of what is going to come, you have to believe in them for you to say Mohammed Rasulullah.

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The second part of Mohammed Rasulullah is that you obey Him in what he commanded you to do. So if we look at what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam commanded us to do, there are four types of things that the prophet SAW Selim commanded us to do. There are obligations, what do you bet you have to do them? Give me an example of an obligation in Islam,

00:45:35 --> 00:45:38

Salah you have to pray for Salah you have to pray.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:45

Okay, the Salah alpha river, the fourth Salah, you have to pray the obligatory Salah.

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Give me an example of something the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recommended

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the night prayer.

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Fasting on a Monday and Thursday, the sea walk you had the miswak or the sea walk. So these are examples of things that he recommended. Give me an example of something that he forbade us from

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alcohol. Brilliant, give me an example of something that he disliked for us to do.

00:46:23 --> 00:46:33

Good, excellent, very, very good onions before eating raw onions before going to the masjid. And that's based upon the LML who say that this is

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this is Akira here and not to hate that when he said Whoever eats from this tree. Let him not attend our Jama.

00:46:44 --> 00:46:59

Again, the I would say probably the majority of the scholars say this this statement do not attend is Cara here it's disliked for you to attend when you have eaten raw onions. Okay.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:06

All of these the same? Are all of these four categories the same in terms of your reward and your punishment? Or not?

00:47:10 --> 00:47:17

They all different. What is the reward and the punishment in the YG bot in the obligatory actions?

00:47:21 --> 00:47:25

Okay, what what is the reward for and what's the punishment for?

00:47:28 --> 00:47:40

Okay, so the punishment is when you don't do them, you don't pray, you don't fast, you don't give zeca and the reward is for when you do them. Okay, when you pray when you fast when you give the sucker?

00:47:41 --> 00:47:45

What about the recommendations? What's the punishment and the reward in those?

00:47:47 --> 00:47:59

There's reward if you do it. But there's no punishment. If you don't do it, if you don't use the sidewalk before every prayer, there's no punishment. But there's a reward if you do it. What about those things that are disliked?

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swapping around?

00:48:07 --> 00:48:09

There is no punishment if you do them.

00:48:11 --> 00:48:13

But there is a reward, if you don't.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:16

What about the things that are hard on?

00:48:18 --> 00:48:59

There's a punishment if you do them. And there's a reward? If you don't? Yeah, so we clear that these are different types of advice. Why did we say that recommendations are included in Warhammer rasulillah, because this is going to make you more complete in your love for the Prophet system. We're not saying that if you don't do the recommended acts, you haven't given the proper meaning of Hamlet or sola you have given the proper meaning. But it's not as complete as the person who does all of the recommended actions as well. That person is more complete in their belief of Mohammed or Rasulullah. And the third is that we only worship Allah in the way that he taught us and that he

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showed us. And this brings us on to the second topic, which is the what is the opposite of tauheed we said is Schick and the opposite of a teabag is bitter. The opposite of etbr is better. So just like Sherlock is the opposite of towhead. The opposite of at bat is bid and bid is the worst of the major sins after shift. The root of the word bid in Arabic means to initiate something or to invent something without anyone having done it before. So better in your business, in your company in your you know you're bringing out a new product is a wonderful thing. You know, like people say, Oh, it's a dad, you know, he's got a dad, they bring out new products like the iPhone, you know, like this is

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bizarre, you know, in the linguistic sense of the word. Yeah. It's not a bit out in the dean, because nothing to do with the religion. It's a bit in the linguistic sense of the word. It's something that they invented that didn't have any previous example apart from the one that they copied from.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:26

Samsung, but that's a different story. Yeah, it didn't have any previous example. So bid is to do something to initiate to invent something that didn't have any previous example, in Islam better is to introduce something into the religion of Allah that has no general or specific proof for it. There is a clear principle regarding bid. Everything in the religion is haram.

00:50:28 --> 00:50:29

Except one

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everything in the religion is haram except those things that Allah made holla

00:50:37 --> 00:50:41

everything in the dunya is hodel except what are

00:50:42 --> 00:50:55

those things that allow me to hold on? So sometimes I remember this a brother in a local Masjid and he said to me brother, if you think that my I don't know test me or my Vicar or whatever is better than I think you driving a car is better.

00:50:56 --> 00:50:58

What's wrong with the statement?

00:50:59 --> 00:51:08

If someone says I think if you think me with doing my tsp with one of those rosary beads the Catholics have is a bitter

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then I think that you driving a car is a bitter

00:51:16 --> 00:51:39

he's doing a bitter in the religion, I'm doing a bitter in the dunya. And as for the bitter end, the dunya. There is nothing wrong with new things in the dunya you know, your mobile phones and your cars and your whatever. The problem is the bid in the Diem, and we don't usually call things in the dunya bid, or we call it usually Abdallah instead of bid. But in any case, the point is linguistically.

00:51:40 --> 00:52:02

You know, when they say bid actor and hustler and stuff like that, and and, you know, they're talking usually about if they're in the in the dunya you know, like bringing something good in the dunya. But as for the deen, you're not allowed to add anything to it better is so serious because first of all, a person will never ever ever repent. Why won't you repent from data?

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You think you're doing the most pious holy thing that you can do?

00:52:11 --> 00:52:14

The idea here I want you to finish the idea. The idea here

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in sort of Caf who will * owner bill Campbell ax arena Allah Allah, Allah Vina Bala, sir Johann Phil hayati, dunya, una, una Sana, there's a just put a dot dot dot after the ayah and fill in the next ayah after after it. Yeah, so just here where it says 18 103 just put a dot dot dot and make sure you go home and you fill in, you copy down the next part. It is those who waste their efforts in this dunya when they think they are doing the best in their deeds. And Ebony Ibis amongst others will loads of articles, Adam, consider these to be the people of the people who they think they are doing the best of their deeds. They think that their heart and they fast and they pray and nothing

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is accepted by Allah because it's not in accordance to the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam beta is so serious because it involves either seeing that your way is better than the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because you're seeing that basically, I do declare the profits I've never did. So you say no problem. Is your vehicle better or is his vehicle better? No, if they say my vehicle is better, they've disbelieved, right? Clear. Someone says, My way is better than the way of the profits. I sell them. He's covered. He's disbelieved. He's left Islam. He says that I believe that my prayer is better than his prayer, or that my do is better than his. So then

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it comes down to another issue. He says, No, no, no, I don't think it's better.

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Say Do you believe the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam failed to teach us what we needed in our Deen?

00:53:55 --> 00:54:36

Do you believe that he failed to teach us everything we needed? No. So how can you do something new in the religion? And you say that it's not better than the prophets, I send them and you say that he fulfilled his job and he taught us everything we need to know. So why didn't he teaches this and you imply that the religion is not good enough for our time, you imply that we need to add a few things on because the religion just isn't keeping up. We need to you know, we need to complete the religion it's not it's not completely there for you. Bitter involves losing a sinner. Every time you do a bitter, you lose a cylinder. Because the bid either you do a raises, the sooner that is in place of

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it. So you know you're doing bid out with your little Catholic rosary beads, instead of doing tests with your fingers. So by doing this bid, you lose as soon as you kill a tsunami of people so that now when you do they could on your fingers. People look at you and say what are you doing I could get into the you know, 21st century

00:55:00 --> 00:55:09

yeah get yourself an electric test v. So Hannah law like why are you counting the sooner is lost? Yeah, the sooner is lost

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and it causes misguidance amongst the people and it causes misguidance to spread amongst the people. That is more than enough for our second session in sha Allah now timewise we're taking a break in sha Allah to Allah

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for Salatu in sha Allah to Allah, and then inshallah we're going to talk about Allah is perfect names and attributes and ideally what I'm going to do in here is I'm going to skip over some material and ask you to read it home and I'm also going to try and leave some time for questions and answers because we are really I said today would be intensive because there's a lot to cover and a short amount of time so inshallah as long as we stay broadly within the the time limits inshallah We will do our best so we're going to break now for Salah to be in the light Allah

Tawheed and Ittibaa – Absolute Monotheism & Following the Messenger

What Will You Learn In This Session

Introduction to Tawheed and Ittibaa


Laa Ilaaha il-Allah — The Statement of Tawheed

Putting This in Context — The Beliefs of Quraysh Before Islam

Breaking Down the Words

The Meaning of Ilaah

The Two Parts of Laa ilaaha il-Allah

Further Notes on the Meaning of Laa Ilaaha il-Allah

The Conditions of Laa Ilaaha il-Allah

What is Worship?

Shirk: The Opposite of Tawheed


Muhammadun Rasool-ullaah — The Statement of Ittibaa’

Bid’ah: The Opposite of Ittibaa’

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