Tim Humble – 044b Kids Class – The Manners of a Muslim Part 2

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The Muslim culture is discussed, including its importance of caring for others, being generous, respecting and respecting others, and being generous. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding Yo Acts and finding one's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend's friend. The importance of small small actions to avoid regretting others, and personal gun tips for the upcoming weekend, including thinking good of others and finding one's friends. The speakers stress the importance of being optimistic and slow in speech to avoid embarrassment and unnecessary problems.
AI: Transcript ©
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okay, ready to go.

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Abdullah who are solely now never you know Mohamed whiner early he was a happy edge Marine. Mr. Bhatt

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we were talking about the manners

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of a Muslim.

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Do anyone remember what we talked about in the first lesson?

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What did we talk about in the first lesson?

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Okay, yes.

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You put your hand Have you gone

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Okay, well you put your hand up

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I think we learned

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how to pray. Okay. No, I know you did how to pray with you step by sack. But before that lesson the lesson you did with me on manners? What did we talk about? Yes. Moving.

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How? How to

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we talked about how to be good to our parents. Did we not talk about how to the to our parents willing to see them?

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Okay, we taught her how to be good. Tell parents. The lesson before that. What did we talk about?

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means to be Muslim. Yeah, we talked about what it means to be a Muslim and we talked about the manners of the Muslim we talked about X, exceeding people's expectations and stuff like that. Girls, what else did we talk about? Amana? We talked about being responsible and trustworthy.

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Keeping your promises.

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We talked about

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trustworthiness. Yeah, very good. So at least you guys remember roughly what we talked about. Okay. Very good. Excellent.

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There are some things that I want to talk about today.

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I want to talk about a few different characteristics or manners today of the Muslim

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I want to talk about I'll do well carom.

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I want to talk about being generous. So from the boys first of all, what does it mean to be generous? To be carrying?

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Or to be someone who is Jawwad

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Okay, let me let me hear what do you think? Yes. What do you think

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respect and kindness amongst other people.

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Okay, respect and kindness among other people.

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girls what do you think

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okay, I like that one. I like that one the girls mentioned giving what you yourself would want to other people. I like that.

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I like that.

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Giving what you yourself would want to other people.

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Allah subhanaw taala said lantana lobera Hot tune Fakel Mima to hipbone you will not become good people until you give other people what you love.

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There's a famous story I think it was Abdullah bin Omar as I remember it was Abdullah bin Omar

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who used to give the people sugar

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he used to give people used to hand out to people sugar.

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Sugar you know what sugar is? Right? Yeah, yeah, like like sugar. And when they asked him about it, he said Lenten aloe vera Hatha tune fecal matter hipbone you will not become good people until you give what you love. You give other people what you love. And he said what Anna or hippo soccer. He said, I love sugar. And I love sweet he put a little bit you know, sweetness in my food or my drink. I like it. So I want to give people what I love. So part of generosity is that you give people what you love for yourself. Not you give people what you don't like some people do that. Like for example, their parents say look

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You should give one of your toys away in charity. So they find the toy they don't like. I don't like this one give it

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that's good, but it's not Elcom it's not really generous generosity is when you look for the best thing. And I'll give you an example.

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In the statement of Allah azza wa jal will you see Rona Allah and fusi him Willow canopy him Kasasa. When the prophets I seldom move to Medina, the people of Medina, he he made the brothers AHA venal mohajir in our unsolved he made the brothers between the more hygiene and the unsolved the people who are going to muddy the people who live in Medina, he make them like brothers.

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He made them like brothers.

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And one of them said to the other one, he said,

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he gave him half of his money.

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He said half of my money

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and he said, If you want to marry, I will divorce one of my wives and you marry her.

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And his he gave him half of all of the money what you had half of the money yet?

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And his companion said to him, No, I took I don't I don't need these things, but just show me where the marketplace is. And he was successful in his business. But this man was willing to give him half of his money

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just to help him out.

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And Allah revealed where you Sirona Allah unforeseen wallow canopy him Kasasa that they even you know what they love for themselves, but they give it up for other people even though they need it.

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And this brings us to another characteristics which are going to add to we said I'll do well Callum, we're going to add one more, which is our ethos. Which means what giving someone else preference over you, girls, what does that mean? giving other people preference over you?

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nearly gig not giving up something you like giving up something you deserve for other people. That's what he thought is, you give up something that you deserve it. It's yours.

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For example, you have let's say for example, someone says, this is your place and you have this this is yours. And you give up what you deserve and you give up what is yours for somebody else. This is called ethos Sirona Allah and foresee him well Ocana beam Kasasa I give you an example.

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The example of our mother I shall have the Allahu and her eye she had a house. Do you know why she's house used to be

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next to the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam today, it's actually inside the masjid because the masjid became so big that I should house became inside the Masjid. She had a house. This house belongs to her.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died, where was he buried? He was buried in her house because that's where he died when the prophets died, they get buried where they die. He died in house he was buried in her house.

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When Abu Bakr died, who is Abu Bakar is Ayesha's?

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Father, I just father when he died, where did Ayesha bury her father, next to the Prophet saw iclm in ISIS house. I just house had one more space to bury somebody in it.

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Who do you think she wanted to be buried there?

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And really think herself, because this is her house. And this is her husband and her father and your husband is the prophets I sent her father is aboubaker. So she had made that space for herself. She left it for her. She said this is my space when I die. I want to be buried next to my husband next to my father, in my house. In knots where she was living, she was living in a separate part in India was her house had two parts. One part she lived in it and the other part, the prophets lie some was buried and Abu Bakr was buried.

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When Omar was stabbed, and he was dying,

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he sent his son Abdullah to Asia.

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And he said to Asia, he said, Oh, I should he said go to Asia. And tell her I am not in charge of her today. Don't do I'm not commanding her. I'm asking her if she will allow me to be buried in that place instead of her.

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I Aisha said I had decided to bury myself out my this is my

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Place and she said today I preferred armor over myself. I will give armor my place. And she gave that place of hers for armor and she was not buried there. She was buried in the bucket in the normal graveyard with the rest of the Muslims. But she gave up her space for formal. So this is an example of ethos of preferring someone else over you. Okay, what some of the scholars they said the first thing about generosity is you don't expect anything back. Be like a walk. You don't expect anyone to give you anything back. That's the first thing

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in Northwest amo come language Hila learn are you doing Jazza and what Ashok Hora

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we feed you for the sake of Allah We don't want anyone to give me anything. Don't give me any money don't give me anything. Don't even say thank you. This is just from me. From the goodness of my heart I don't want you to give me something back.

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That's one thing

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and the second thing they said they said that our column is they said

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it is L alpha b so who is that you give easily?

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They said I'll Column A means that you give easily.

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You know you don't find it hard to give to other people.

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When people ask you, you give people very easily does it have to be that you give them money? Or could it be something else boys What else could it be you give people

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I go to God Yeah, God

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had? Yeah God

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something valuable to you like

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okay, like one of your valuables. Okay, what else could it be?

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Clothing. Okay, what else could it be? Food? All of you so far give good answers. But you none of you gave the answer. I was looking for girls. What do you think?

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Your favorite things, okay.

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God, the buck?

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Praying for someone. Okay. Still, you guys are honest.

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Everything you can. You're still here. It's okay. But

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I was thinking of your time. Can you not be generous with your time?

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You can be generous with your time, right? So what you're doing is you are giving somebody asked for your help somebody asked for your time somebody asked you, or hey, please, can you help me with this for one hour? Can you give me 10 minutes for this? For you are generous with your time.

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You're generous even with your objects. It's mentioned about shareholder Islam and Rotimi Rahim Allah to Allah

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that He was very, very generous. He was a generous person. And it's mentioned that even when he was reading a book, which he was reading for his classes, he was reading a book for his classes.

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And while he was reading the book, someone would come and say, Sure, I want this book.

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But he's busy reading the book for the class. He will close the book and give it to them and say take the book. And his students would say to him check you don't have another copy. You don't have any other like, what will you now how will you read it? But just out of generosity Take it.

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Take this exam just take take this. Somebody comes and says I really liked this thing you have taken

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because what did we say generosity means it means you find it easy to give.

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You find it easy to give to other people. You don't find it difficult

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to give to other people. Okay?

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What is the opposite of being generous?

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Okay, good. Let me listen to you.

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Being mean and selfish and stingy. Okay. Being mean, and selfish and stingy and greedy. Okay. So, what does that mean? The first thing is that you're a person who doesn't want to give other

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and you will hold on to your

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you will hold on to what you have, even if it is only small. In fact, generosity is not connected to how much money you have. It's not. You could be

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very rich. And you could be very generous. You could be very rich, and you could be very stingy. You could be both. You could be very poor and be very generous. You could be very poor and be very stingy. How, how does that mean work? Because it's not about how much you have. It's about whether you give easily. Maybe somebody has only one day to eat one date to eat. And somebody comes and says, I'm poor. I'm hungry. This is well, I only have this to eat. Take half of it. You take it. Sometimes our mother Ayesha rhodiola, who and her she was so generous, that she used to give her if tar to poor people, and she didn't have anything to eat.

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In fact, our mother Ayesha was so generous, that they said about our mother Ayesha, they said about her. She was so generous, that her relatives used to get angry with her for how generous she was.

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They used to get angry with her

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for how generous she was.

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Sometimes they said she would come somebody poor would knock on the door lady, she would look at the lady knock on the door. She says I'm poor, I don't have anything. So I she would go and she would find anything she has in the house, the food everything and she will give it she will give it to that lady. And then the person in the house who was with her says to her but you don't have anything to break your fast. You give all your food away.

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You gave everything that you had away.

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Even the food that she would break her fascia would give it away.

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Or this is the thing about giving easily it doesn't mean you have a lot but it means that you give it means that you give easily.

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What does Islam say about generosity?

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What does Islam say about generosity?

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Allah azza wa jal said

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if the Hulu Allah He for Callooh Salam and Karla Salah among comun Qarun paraga Ada Eddie Fauja the agent in semi

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the story of Ibrahim and the guests of Ibrahim,

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some three or number of guests, they came to Ibrahim

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and when they came to Ibrahim,

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he didn't have any idea who they are.

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He didn't know who they are. He said Salah Moon Coleman cologne, he said I don't I don't know who you are salaam to you. You people are strange to me. I'm not I never met you before.

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Ferrara era early Fauja at the urgent in semi, he straightaway he went and he slaughtered a cow, a calf. And he roasted it he cooked it for them. And he put it before them.

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He put it before them. He didn't know who they were. He didn't know who are they he didn't have they're not my friends. He said your people I don't know who you are. But nobody should come to my house except that I I give them something what I have.

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Who were those guests of Ibrahim does anyone know? Who answers he knows

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God and angels. They were the angels who were sent to punish the people of loot.

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And the statement of Allah azza wa jal method already known for Kona and while at home fee sebelah he came after he had the embittered said that I sent Abdullah equally some bullet he may or two have been wala who will die for leaving a shirt. Wallah who was an early

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they example of those who spend their money for the sake of Allah is like the example of a seed.

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The seed grows seven, the seed a grow seven years, any seven stalks. Each one of them has 100 grains.

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One seed how many seeds did they get out of it?

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Who could do the maths? They had one seed how many they got

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Okay, every seed grow seven stalks, the seven stalks, I've got 100 seeds in each. How many did they get out how many seeds they got up 700 seeds out of

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one seed, and they put one seed and out of the one seed came 700 seeds. That's the example of the people who give for the sake of Allah.

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The example of the people who give for the sake of Allah. As for

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the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a very very generous person.

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And when was he the most generous? Do you know when the Prophet saizen was most generous? He was always generous

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he was always generous Do you know when he was the most generous? Anis What is he

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when was his most most generous? Yes

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whoo good nearly nearly got there but not quite. Girls What do you think

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I know it's close to her answer, huh?

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girl Sorry.

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No, not when he was with nada

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nada God.

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he was most generous in Ramadan.

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He was at his most generous in the month of Ramadan. But he was always always always a generous person, who was always

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a generous person.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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he said a dinar that you spend for the sake of Allah

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and a dinar you spend to free a slave and Edina that you spend upon a poor person and a D now that you spend upon your family, the one with the biggest reward is the one that you spend upon your family. Just the Most Generous of the people. Okay, we talked about generosity.

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We talked about

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being generous, we talked about giving up what is yours for we talked about giving up what is yours for other people. Okay. Related to that.

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Related to that is giving without any what we call it, we say in Arabic mentally be neffs any or antibusiness giving without you finding anything in your heart any freely heartily. You give it without thinking about what you're giving it doesn't hurt you to give to other people. That's also something so cut included in that is also sharing with other people as well.

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There is another

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there is another characteristic that I want to talk to you about today in sha Allah, Allah Allah. I want to talk to you about two characteristics, the prophets I send them love them and he he praised them.

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He saw a man and he said in a fika his latte you hate boom Allah.

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He said you have got two characteristics that Allah loves. He said a Hillman.

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Well, Anna

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or al Helma. Well, Anna, he said you have two characteristics that Allah loves.

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What one of them is a hen

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and one of them is Elena. So I want to teach you what these two characteristics mean.

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I'll help. What it means is

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what it means is

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that you are in control of yourself. When you get angry and you don't let your anger show

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and some of them said what it means is a means you are not quick to take revenge on someone. You are not quick to take revenge. You're not an angry person.

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Listen, and you're not quick to take revenge, being in control of yourself, not rushing to lash out at people, and to get angry with people. This is what we call a helm and the person who has helm we call them highly.

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Someone who doesn't get angry too quickly.

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Who doesn't get angry too quickly?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, strength is not wrestling.

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He said strength is not when you wrestle by strength is the one or straw being strong is the one who controls themselves when they're angry men Yamla Kuhn so Angelova

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they control themselves when they get angry.

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So overlooking,

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like Allah azza wa jal said well cow, the mean I'll tell you

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when I feed it notice

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the one who

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doesn't get let their anger show

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and who forgives what people do to them.

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This is an example of

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being highly

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not taking revenge on people.

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That when somebody did something wrong and you go in your heart and you I'm going to get this person back, I'm going to do this to them. I'm going to do that to them. Let it go.

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Nevermind, let it go. Let wait nevermind, let it be let's see what happened. Let it be maybe Allah will change that person's heart. So you don't go to sleep and you have anger in your heart for somebody else. And you when you get angry you conceal your anger you don't let your anger bubble up.

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was some of the bad real bad things that happen when someone gets angry what some of the bad characteristics or the bad effects of getting angry What do you think

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make your feelings get angry.

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So you start seeing bad things very good. Yes skills

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you hurt other people and then you regret it very good. You hurt other people you regret it.

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Yeah, you hurt when you get angry you hurt other people. And then you start regretting it you start feeling sorry, or I should not have got angry I should not have said that. Yes. So you get angry and you regret yes

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yeah, you sometimes someone didn't even realize the bad thing they did to you. They didn't even realize they did it. But you want to take someone to account for everything Yes.

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I like what the girl said. They said you get sins yourself and you start use someone did something bad to you. But because you get angry and your anger gets out of control, you start doing bad things to other people. I agree with that. That's very, very true. That's very true. Did you have one more thing still or not?

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So this was one of the characteristics that held. The other characteristic the Prophet size Allah mentioned is Elena. And an ANA means taking things slowly attorney taking things slowly.

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Why is it important to take things slowly? Girls?

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I'm coming to you.

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Why is it important to take things slowly and not to rush?

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Very good. So you don't make bad decisions and then you regret what you did later. Very good. What else is some of the bad effects of just rushing and being too quick?

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Rushing can cause problems.

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Maybe you're late,

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you might rush.

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The profit slice LM said rushing is from the shaytaan. Right? That rushing is from the shaytaan

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and sometimes even what rushing can do sometimes when you rush into something, it can when you rush into something sometimes even it can get you can say bad things or think bad things about Allah.

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They came to the Prophet so I send them one day and he was sitting in the shade of the cabinet. And they said all messenger of ALLAH, why don't you make dua for us? And he can you not see how bad our situation is? Why are you not making dua

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For us,

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the prophets I said he said to them what I can come Coleman to statute on you people are too fast you are rushing. Allah is going to give you this whole land is going to be yours. But you are rushing, you're just you're trying to rush too fast to get something. It will come be patient with it. It's going to come to you at the right time. Yes movie.

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God bring them both.

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Things won't happen straight away. It takes time. You're right. Everything takes time. And if you take time, things come about properly. And if you rush normally the things don't come out the way that you the way that you want. But even this idea of Atlanta is even when something happens, you don't rush to jump to a conclusion. Have you heard people say that before jumping to a conclusion. And you see something straightaway you think bad of somebody? What you doing? Was this what you took my thing? Relax. First of all, find out what happened, then you can do the right thing about it. Yes. If you rush like normally you're like,

00:31:19 --> 00:31:19

oh, like

00:31:24 --> 00:31:26

what if you just like to

00:31:28 --> 00:31:29


00:31:30 --> 00:31:31

when you call and say

00:31:33 --> 00:32:05

I agree those two are related. That's why the prophets I said mentioned them in the same Hadith. He mentioned a helm which is concealing your anger and not getting angry and not being quick to take revenge. And he also mentioned taking things slowly. Those two come together. How can you be somebody like that? Let's just say you're an angry person right now you are a person who is you go from zero to 110 seconds. In two seconds. You go from zero to 100 How can you become more

00:32:06 --> 00:32:11

any slow? How can you become more relaxed?

00:32:12 --> 00:32:13

Girls what you saying?

00:32:15 --> 00:32:16

Remember what?

00:32:25 --> 00:32:33

Remember what the prophets lie Selim said remember the Hadith? Remember the Heidi think about it? Remember it okay that's good. Yes.

00:32:45 --> 00:32:48

You can start pray you can go to pray you can make although yes.

00:32:50 --> 00:33:24

You can make will do. Very good. Excellent. You can lie down the Prophet size and said if you get angry and you're standing up, sit down and if you get angry when you're sitting, lie down. Yes, stand up, sit down, lie down. Anger will go away from you. You can say I will do bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. The prophets I saw a man getting so angry. He said I know something if this man said it, his anger would go away from him. I will do bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Good. There's one more I want to talk about. Then we're going to finish the lesson today.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:33

And what I want to talk about in sha Allah is I want to talk about personal gun. Thinking good of other people.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:44

Thinking good of other people who can explain to me what does it mean to be someone who thinks good of other people?

00:33:52 --> 00:33:54

Go on that gills Tell me.

00:34:15 --> 00:34:23

Okay, I'm going to tell you about this one. This one's a bit difficult. Okay. You are in a situation, which has more than one possibility.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:38

You see something it could be. It could be something good. And it could be something bad. For example, you see your friend whispering and pointing at you?

00:34:44 --> 00:35:00

It could be something good. Or it could be something bad. You have a choice. Which one are you going to start with? I'm not saying it's something good or bad. I'm saying which Where are you going to start? Where are you going to start? Are you going to

00:35:00 --> 00:35:14

Start by thinking it's something bad. And then you go over there. And then you show a demo and you sell stuff for Allah fear Allah what you said about me. Or you can have the idea that it's something good. which one you're going to start with? Yes.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:31

Something good. That's what personal van means. It means when you're in a situation where you have, it could be good or it could be bad, you lean towards it being something good. And you have good thoughts about people. Or you see somebody

00:35:33 --> 00:35:38

coming out of the masjid, at the time of the coma,

00:35:39 --> 00:35:41

and going out of the Masjid.

00:35:43 --> 00:36:06

You could straightaway think something bad stuff food or lie hasn't come to pray. A stop for Allah is not going to pray with those look at this person leaves the Salah, look at them, they don't even care about the prayer. Or you could say maybe that person had emergency they had to leave for something. Maybe they were feeling unwell. Maybe they just went to they realize they left their car open. They just went to lock the car and come back and pray.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:20

Yeah. So when you have a choice between a good or a bad thought about someone, you prefer the good thought over the bad thought. And part of this is making excuses for your brother.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:41

Making excuses for somebody and thinking good of people. So when you're faced with a situation where, for example, let's say your friend said to you, you said to your friend come round to my place tonight. Your friend said I'm busy. I can't I'm busy.

00:36:42 --> 00:36:46

Then you see your friend that day outside.

00:36:47 --> 00:37:25

You can think bad of them stuff that Allah told him to come to my place and he lied to me. He said he was busy and I saw him outside industry who you could think good of him and you could think Subhanallah maybe he thought he was busy and he changes his plan got changed maybe his mom told him he was busy and then his she told him you can go out or maybe he's going out with his mum somewhere or maybe now this is the thing that made him busy you can think good of him or you can think bad of him. So a Muslim should always think good of other people not think bad of other people if you have an option between what's good and what's bad think about people in a good way and make excuses for

00:37:25 --> 00:37:26

them yes

00:37:29 --> 00:37:32

that time and then when they're outside

00:37:34 --> 00:37:35

they're not busy anymore

00:37:37 --> 00:37:40

and they're not the busy edge forgot that

00:37:41 --> 00:37:45

yeah, they might have forgotten you might have forgotten about it you're right yes movie

00:37:52 --> 00:37:58

Yeah, if you do something bad and you keep acting upon thinking bad people you'll end up getting a sin yes

00:38:04 --> 00:38:16

maybe they didn't lie at all maybe they didn't lie at all I'm not even going to say they lied maybe they didn't lie at all. They just said something and they didn't realize so you try to always think about people in a good way yes

00:38:31 --> 00:38:50

yeah, that's it. That's what has not done means being optimistic about a situation that could be something or something else. But that doesn't mean you don't find out what it is. You could still find out you could still find out about what's happening but you try to be optimistic yes

00:38:55 --> 00:38:56

yes, yeah.

00:38:57 --> 00:38:57


00:38:59 --> 00:38:59

if you

00:39:09 --> 00:39:10

don't see

00:39:14 --> 00:39:15


00:39:22 --> 00:39:42

that's it when you when you don't take things slowly, you end up rushing and getting yourself into something bad you don't see something bad is waiting for you on the road. You don't see it because you're rushing and when you take things slowly, you see when there might be something bad which is going to happen and you can Inshallah, avoid it

00:39:44 --> 00:40:00

and you can avoid it inshallah. Okay, I think you should allow to Allah we're gonna wrap it up there because I'm really a little bit struggling still with my voice. And I'm having to raise my voice a little bit. So I think shallow to Allah will stop that. salata Maghrib here in the middle

00:40:00 --> 00:40:22

She is in a little bit more than half an hour you can say like 35 minutes inshallah. So inshallah Allah will stop there. You guys will wait inshallah you can talk to each other you can play calmly, calmly, until Maghrib. You can guys now, I didn't say now. Yeah.

00:40:23 --> 00:40:46

I don't want to see people fighting each other I don't want to see people hitting each other I don't want to see people running around like crazy. Calm, slow Shala you have until until Maghrib inshallah who Tada. That's when Allah azza wa jal made easy for me to mention and Allah knows best. Wa Salatu was Salam ala Nabina Muhammad kwila early he was like the edge mine

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