Under Attack Prophet Muhammed

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam are discussed, including the arrival of the Mahdi and the importance of accepting authority. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to appear sincere and give instructions on living their lives. The speakers also touch on the controversial actions of messenger Islam and its legacy, as it is the only way to achieve peace and happiness. Islam has a legacy of war and suffering, and the consequences of actions of the messenger are not fully understood. The segment concludes with a call to visit the deane and see the light of God.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salam aleikum, which is the meaning the greeting of peace beyond to this is a greeting of all the messengers of God, we're going to be talking about the last and final messenger who was sent to all of mankind, no more messages to come. I'm just bringing you up to speed real quick. Islam is not a new religion brought by Mohammed a new system way of life. But it's the way of life brought by all the messengers of God, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, they all call the people to worship the one God, not to worship themselves to worship angels, saints, etc, etc. Now that you understand this, we're going to be talking about the last and final messenger who brought

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the last and final Testament, the living miracle, the Quran, he's become he's come under some attack, tax. So this is something that is not uncommon. When someone brings a truth. Jesus brought the truth. He was a teacher, he never called people to worship himself. Moses when he brought the truth, all of them came under attack, but the honest and sincere people who looked at their lives and how they live, they saw beyond this, they saw that this was foolishness. They saw that no way that these people were the most humble and sincere and they brought truth and proof to show that they were indeed messengers, and that's what we're going to talk about today. So you can see that

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Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him was the same as Moses was in Jesus and although the messengers and he's a teacher teaching you how to get close to God with my next guest, when we come back, Nomad, Ali Khan on the deen show, you don't want to go nowhere. We'll be right back.

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There's only one. Mohammed is His Messenger.

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Jesus was his messenger.

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Why did that maybe, maybe it's just to break the ice. I said, I want a chronicle. Sit down with the Labor Council. Thank you for being with us. Good to be here. How'd you like the side? It was excellent. That hunger look very funny. caught me off guard.

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Yeah, the people getting to see a little bit. When your expression when you saw the big sign we welcoming you here to Chicago. And have you been in Chicago before? Long time ago? Long time ago? Eight years ago? Yeah. Well, definitely. We'd like to have you back. Yeah, we'd love to come back and child look, yeah, we enjoyed talking with you. And so many people are going to get to benefit all over the globe, local Chicago inshallah.

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Which means God willing, see, we always got God in the equation. We don't take a timeout from God never. Absolutely. Absolutely. Now. Help us out. There's some some SEO people out there. All right. And they want to know, they acknowledged that Look, I don't want to worship. You know, a man, I don't want to worship a cow, a monkey to Sunday, I want to wish it the one who created me, the one Jesus prayed to, I want to worship Him. Now, can we do it on our own? Do we need instructors and things that we want to get good at? Yes. So these instructors were people who are teaching us how to get close to God in the last and final messenger. He was the best instructor at this. But there's

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some people slandering him, there's some people saying bad things, let's talk about his life a little bit and kind of help clear up this junk that people would put out there? Absolutely. I think the first thing to understand that you alluded to in your introduction, is the very concept of a messenger. Really, for most people, accepting, accepting God isn't very difficult to accept that there's a creator, who created the heavens and the earth, and it's just, it is absolutely merciful, etc, etc. All of that is actually fairly easy. What's very difficult for human beings to accept is the authority of another human being. And that's a natural tendency people have you know, if, for

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instance, if you're working, it's very natural for you to resent your boss, because he's got authority over you. kids want to rebel against the teacher, he's got authority over them, people have resentment against government, because got authority over them. So generally, whenever somebody has authority over you, or is commanding authority over you, the the primary instinct is to rebel and say, Who are you? And so one of the questions that people have when it comes to messengers is, why do we have to listen to them, I could talk to God directly. I could speak to God on my own terms. The first thing to understand here is we're talking about our relationship, our relationship

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between Allah, the Lord, the creator, the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and myself. This is the relationship. Now, in every relationship, there are some terms, right? So for instance, the analogy that I just spoke of at work, there's a relationship between your boss and yourself. You have to show up at a certain time you have to do certain kinds of tasks and

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You know, there's a certain time you can go, there's a certain period of break, you can take etcetera, etcetera, there are terms, these terms are not determined by the employee, they're actually dictated by the boss. Similarly, parents and children, there are terms in that relationship. Similarly, in, you know, in what you own, there are terms set by the owner, what we're trying to say then is, if you want to have a relationship with God, you're not in charge of dictating terms of that relationship. What does he want from you? How does he want you to live your life? How does he define what's good and bad? How does he want you to spend your day? How does he

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want you to go to sleep? How does he want you to wake up these questions, they're not up to you. And the moment you start saying, well, I want a relationship with God, but on my terms, then you haven't, you maybe have accepted the fact that he's your Creator, maybe you've accepted that, but you haven't accepted that he's your Lord, that he actually has authority over you. Now, once you acknowledge that he has authority over you, you feel the need, you have to appear sincere, you have to feel the need for him to give you instructions on how to live makes sense, he has to give you instructions, because if an action he doesn't have to it's a mercy from him, that he will teach you

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what you must do, what you must do. The other thing to put some perspective on this, again, you know, simple analogies help get the point across easy. You have, for instance, a job. And in this job, you have 10 tasks you have to do, right, your boss tells you, here's a list of instructions, 1-234-567-8910, you are really good at two of them. And you may be able to do the other eight, but you're not interested in the other eight. So you only those, do those two tasks every day, your boss comes in and checks on you, and finds that you've been only doing those two things, and the other eight parts of your job description have completely been ignored. What's going to happen to your

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job, you're gonna get fired. Right? And if you you know, one excuse, maybe I didn't know the other eight existed, right? The other maybe well, I only like these two. But these aren't valid excuses. Because you were given these instructions you follow? So now the question becomes these instructions? Where do they come from? How do they get delivered to me? There are people that have crazy answers to that question. They say things like I saw God in my dream. And he told me to do this, this and this. Or I see God or I feel God in my heart. And he tells me to do this, this and this. And this is actually a delusion. This is actually a means of being self centered, to feel like

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God tells you. And really what he tells you is what you wanted to hear to begin with here. Right? So this is actually a very self centered and a selfish approach to a relationship with with God, and He knows better. Who are you kidding? You could tell me God talks to you, but you can't fool and you can't mess around with the all knowledgeable. So you're really lying to yourself. And you have to come to terms with that we see a lot of this going this is there's a lot of this going on. A lot of people say, Well, I feel God and God tells me that I should just have a good time and party and you know, this sort of thing. It really is their own desires being attributed to God Himself, right?

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Actually, Allah speaks about this in the Koran. He says, woman of love him and if tarantola katiba, who could be more of a wrongdoer than the one who attributes a lie against Allah, Who could be worse off who could be, you know, more evil, more of a wrongdoer than such a person? Now, while when you die in Islam while he was being called to submit, Now, the question is submit to what? This is really the question. So what Allah does, he chooses certain very special individuals. And he has done so historically. And he has chosen these individuals based on their character, their purity, and above all, because he selected them over others. This is a love decree, he chose certain people

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to deliver his message to them. But you know, this idea of a man delivering a message to people on behalf of God, it sounds very far fetched, you know, to the average person. I mean, nowadays, obviously, if somebody told you, I'm here to tell you what God told me, right, and God spoke to me, an angel came to me told me what God wants me to tell you and say this person is crazy. If you study the history of nations, and the messengers in Scripture, in Islamic scripture, even in biblical scripture, you'll find that messengers were called insane. They were called possessed. Sometimes when people they were really effective and powerful, people would allege that they were magicians,

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they were liars, etc, etc. But allegations were made. The last thing you want to accept is that actually an angel does come to him, that revelation does come to him. So this impossible test that these messengers were put through, they would not stop because they're not the you know, there's a difference between a philosopher and a prophet. Yeah. a philosopher is obsessed with his own ideas. He wants to impress people with his theory with his you know, with how deep and how abstract his ideas can get, etc, etc. A messenger, a prophet. He's not presenting his own ideas. He's actually on a job. He's been told to present ideas and ideas so powerful and so radical, that the people around

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him are actually going to call him crazy. You

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Other philosophers looking for praise. He's looking for people to say, wow, you know, people are writing books about me now. And I'm being elevated. And I'm being asked to speak on these audiences. But the messenger is entirely different. He's speaking about something that is getting him into trouble more and more every day, which is actually a sign of the truthfulness and the sincerity and the selflessness of a messenger and a prophet as opposed to a philosopher. The philosopher has an agenda for himself. And the messenger has agenda that is not of itself, he has been given a task, and a task sometimes so difficult to find in the revelation that was given to Muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam, the Koran we find his task would become so difficult sometimes Allah would reveal consolation to him to stay firm and continue delivering the message, no matter how hard it gets, first Darby martoma, remain committed to what you've been commanded. Right. So in this respect, first of all, we have a unique, you know, appreciation of messengers in general, before we even talk about Muhammad sliceable right. Before we talk about him, you have to have a unique appreciation of messengers and how difficult their task was to deliver their message. Great human beings like no no Elisa, Ibrahim Elisa Abraham, as is called Musa Moses is called these messengers were incredible

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people now, of them, the final messenger Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam he is, you know,

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571 ad. He's born in the Arabian Peninsula, a completely isolated desert at the age of 40. To cut this cut the story short, at the age of 40, he starts receiving revelation. And immediately His job is to start delivering this revelation to people before he got the revelation. What was his character? Like? What was he known around the people as we'll be? Right back?

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former bad boy, gone, Hey, boy, ran with an entrepreneur and a man with an icon in the music business, how he attained something that money, couldn't

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access any records that I did. He left that line was in a country that couldn't go through his good life wasn't the country that I couldn't go to the life that brought him he's a perfect person couldn't identify who our songs are.

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Sisters Get ready. You're watching the deen show. Take it away. What are you waiting for? What are we waiting for right now? What are you waiting for all these people that come to us? What are you waiting for? What are we waiting for right now, when they're gonna come, they're gonna come along and bring these people lots of fun and put in our hand the ability to do it now do your job.

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He was actually a very popular figure in his community. He was known for his nobility, his humility, most of all his truthfulness and his trustworthiness. The Arabs, especially the Arabs of Makkah, they, in some senses, they were very noble, like they would fight to death for their nobility and their name, and you know, the honor of their tribe. And at the on the other side, there were also people that cheated in business a lot and swindled each other, and would give each other a loan, and the guy who gave the loan would turn around to ask for the money back. And the other would say, well, you never gave me anything, you know what I'm saying. So there was a lot of mistrust in

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business transactions. And in this chaotic society, people would turn with their most valuable assets and leave them with Mohammed slicer them, because they would know when he gets it, he's gonna keep it, it's in a safe place, and they're going to get it back. So he was almost a safety deposit. For them in this chaotic criminal kind of secret society, people. presentation, he has such a reputation that when we find in the first iteration, when he called people, the first time he called people, the entire town gathered around it, because they knew when he speaks is gonna say something important. He doesn't just speak out of whim. And he whenever he says something, it's a value to

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him, not like a man who was just committing crimes, and he was mischief. And all of a sudden, he was like reborn and said, I got some tell you this a person that he didn't have any flaws or any kind of problems from the past. He didn't have a rap sheet. This is exactly true. And the other thing here is he never made such a claim before. And this is again, a difference between a messenger and a liar. a liar is trying to come up with something to sell, it doesn't sell he comes up with something else to sell, doesn't work. He comes up with something else to sell. Yeah, right. It's kind of like a politician. When this line doesn't work, you go to that line in that line and up until you get

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voted in. He didn't play these products. He didn't play the sport. He was not interested in the power game at all and and all of a sudden, he comes with a message and that it's sell right away that people accepted right away. No people laughed at it. If he's a liar, what would he do? Then? He dropped it and go to something else. Yeah, try to impress people with something else. But he's sticking to this message. And he's committed to this one very difficult message to communicate to people because he's not doing it for himself. He has been commanded to do this. So now in one of the things that we know note about the character of Mohammed Salim is honesty is integrity.

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His great nobility that is recognized across the board by all of them. The other thing we have to note is his commitment. I mean a messenger on all messengers where people have great resolve I'll actually uses the term old Azzam, the people of great resolve that people have incredible commitment that people have high caliber of character. So it takes a really a person with really thick skin really strong, you know, commitment to be able to deliver such a message in the face of ridicule and persecution. Now, one of the things we have to note that is a tremendous mercy of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, you know, of all these allegations that are thrown his way, I want to share with

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you one of the most controversial allegations that is put against our messenger selection, and Islam generally, that your messenger was a messenger of violence. Yeah, that he that, you know, he fought battles, and he killed people, and he, you know, he invaded tribes, etc. You have a this messenger, he's being accused of being a violent messenger your religion preaches violence, and this is one of the big things. Right? And of course, we can't deny that there are people that misuse the religion and and manipulate it to push their political agenda or their military agenda or militant agenda sometimes. But here I want to talk about the historical facts. Were there actually battles that he

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engaged in? Yes. Was he actually on the battlefield fighting and killing for the sake of Allah? Yes, it's true. We don't deny that we don't hide behind that and say, No, he didn't do those things he did. But what I'm trying to present inshallah, very briefly, is a rationale and explanation of why, what is the wisdom? The first thing we have to understand, is that messenger, he's not the first messenger. messengers came before him. And God, Allah calls it his legacy, his Sunnah, it's called endocrinological. As soon as some that Allah, okay, the legacy of God, you won't find a change in his legacy, the way he does things, the way he deals with nations, when they obey Him. And when they

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when they obey Him what benefits they get. And when they disobey Him what harm comes to them. There's a there's a standard, and there's no deviation from that standard. Many nations thought they came before they thought they were the exception, they'll get away with it. And they know, none of them got away with it. Now, here's the thing. Here's the principle. You have

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a principle of God, that when a messenger comes to a nation, like let's say, new Noah comes to a nation and delivers the message to them convincingly. He does his job, and there's nothing, there is no shortcoming on his part. He did everything he could to deliver the message to people answer all of their questions convincingly. And yet the vast majority of them still did not believe you know, what ends up happening to that nation. That nation gets entirely wiped out, and get its wiped out in its entirety. But I want to paint a picture for you. Imagine the floodwaters are coming. Right these 50 foot tsunamis are coming. And the town didn't believe that it's coming to town whenever a new

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neuron on a tsunami the peace be upon him. When he said it's coming. They would laugh at him. So what are you talking building an ark? Noah's a senile old man Noah's warning his people about? Yes. So it's laughable to people? Yeah. Now imagine that 50 foot tsunami tsunami came. And then right before it crushed the people it stopped. There's a pause button.

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And then New Earth turns to them, hypothetically speaking, says Do you believe me now? Would they believe at that time? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. But does it stop at that point? No, it's too late. Now. When the waves come, when the earthquake comes, when the fire from the sky rains, when the punishment of Allah starts. Now you can say, Oh, you were right. I believe it's too late. I'm in now. That's it, that town is going to be destroyed in its entirety. Now Muslims believe Muhammad is the final messenger sallallahu sallam, he's the final messenger, which means if people disbelieve in him, what's going to happen to that town? It's going to be destroyed. Maybe an earthquake, maybe a

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flood, maybe a great Cataclysm, but that town is going to be destroyed. But if that town is destroyed, will the message go further? No, what why did messengers come one after another? Because the previous nation was completely wiped out, a small minority of people believed and then eventually even their offspring became deviated. And the teachings were lost. So another messenger had to come then another than another than another. So if the same thing continued with Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, then what would happen if the society didn't accept the sun? What would happen? What would happen is Islam wouldn't go past a couple of generations. You and I wouldn't be saying,

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speaking of Islam, today, there will be no la ilaha illa left. So as a special mercy from Allah as a special mercy Now think about this. We say that if Mohammed in fact Salaam, he is, in fact a messenger of Allah, and the Christ, the Arabs of Makkah, specifically that city, they disobeyed him. They disregarded him. What is the legacy of God when a nation disobeys His messenger? They're destroyed, destroyed. That's the absolute legacy. There's no exception. So there shouldn't be any exception with this city of Makkah. There should be a punishment. But even then we say we argue that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is the greatest mercy to humanity.

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So what I'm going to try to explain to you is what is usually considered

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an attack on Islam is actually if you believe in the previous prophets and messengers, this is actually one of the greatest manifestations of mercy ever to be revealed to any messenger. And let me tell you how the punishment this time didn't come in the form of a flood. It didn't come in the form of an earthquake. It didn't come in the form of rain from the sky. It didn't come in any of those forms. You know how it came in, it came, it came with a massive legion of followers of the messenger Muhammad Hassan, coming to make peaceful hedge. They're coming to make the pilgrimage at the house built by Abraham in the city of Mecca, no arms, nothing they're coming to make hudge no

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invading army, no pillaging of every home, no *, no killing of children, nothing. They're coming to provide, you know, serve the rituals. But their overwhelming numbers are such that as they come, they have actually already invaded the city of Mecca, the the enemy forces those who had rebelled against the messenger have been conquered with little to no violence at all. Tell me in history of a city that's been invaded without violence, a city that has been invaded without violence. And these people that were criminals against the messenger that attempted to kill him that killed and tortured many of his followers, these great war criminals are there in that city. They're there in that city.

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What happens to them? Are they brought and executed in public? Are they punished for what they did? This is the legacy of God after all those who disbelieve what should happen to them, they should be destroyed. Our messenger goes around and says no harm will come to you today. He pardons everybody he pardons you for everyone this and then the outcome, but the punishment the exception is not going to happen. You see the punishments still gonna be there. But look at this the.com and this is considered the most violent surah of the Quran surah number nine most misunderstood suta Toba. It comes where Allah says that basically these people who have associated partners with a lot that

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listen to the creek clear message of Muhammad Salah Salaam, knew the truth in him and still rejected him, these people, there should be no mercy on them. But how should there be no mercy on them, you have four months, four months to fill out the data asurion go around in the land for four months. And if you want to hear the word of Allah, listen to it and come to your own conclusions. But if you still don't believe after four months, then you will all be executed. That's the commandment. Now, let's understand. Does a nation that disobeyed its messenger in his in his lifetime? Is it supposed to be executed? Yes, by the punishment from the sky, or the earth, cracking open or whatever else,

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this time, it's going to be executed by at the hands of those who believe. But is it going to you know, when the punishment starts, does it stop? Is there a pause button and says you have some time to think about it now? No. Now imagine the swords are literally at the next of those who disbelieve they're already there. But now God says you know what, pull the sword back. Give him four more months. Even though they've rebelled all this time, they have been enemies to the messenger all this time, they have been war criminals against his followers. They've been tortures and murders and pillagers. Even then, right now, don't punish them yet. Let's make one additional merciful exception

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that has never been made for any other profit for months. Think about it and accept Islam

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or fight, you'll even get a chance to fight back or leave the land. This has never happened, this option was never given before to a disbeliever. Never before. And this actually is a mercy given to our messenger exceptionally subtle, Allah harness enough, right? So we have a completely different perspective. And those who are true to Scripture, those the people who believe in, you know, the people, the Old Testament, the New Testament, and know of stories of previous prophets, then you understand that when that punishment came when Moses, for example, came down, and the people had worshipped the calf, and this is even in the Old Testament, you know, the punishment was that they

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should all be executed. But was there a time period? No, no, wait, you could just repent and you can, you know, pay for it for months. And then if you still pretty bad will execute, you know, it didn't happen, it was right away. And this is actually even in the Bible. This is even in the Old Testament. But here we have a messenger. That was mercy beyond imagination. So the point I'm trying to make is, even in the most violent of acts that we attribute against the messenger, there's a mercy. The last point I want to share with you about fighting in general fighting associated with religion. One of the most common misconceptions about Islam is that it's only a religion. Well, as a

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matter of fact, it is a religion and a constitutional law at the same time. It is two things at the same time. And a religion is based on personal you know, rituals like prayer, and the pilgrimage and fasting Muslims fast, right? These are personal things. But then Islam also has constitutional laws. The collection of taxes a form of zakkai undertaking from the DMV, for example. This is a constitutional kind of law. The the punishment of the murder

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right are the punishment of those who commit fornication, etc. These are constitutional laws. Fighting is also like a military act. It's not an individual thing. It's a military thing. It's a constitutional thing. Now every nation that has a constitution, does it have in it a provision to defend itself and its constitution? Is there? Is there a permit? Is that? Is that a been a part of every civilization? Absolutely. So when we look at Islam as a religion, and in the modern sense of the word religion, then the fighting doesn't make any sense. But if you look at it as the Constitution of a civilization, and which is if you study history, Islam was an has been an actual

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civilization with its own constitution a lot. Does it make sense that that civilization have fighting, or an army a standing army ready to fight and defend its integrity? And its constitutional law? Absolutely. Every nation has the right to do this. And the last comment about this just a parallel it with the messengers of the past, is fighting the is Islam, bringing something new about this issue of fighting in the path of Allah? And that's given to the messenger Muhammad? Is it something new? Or was this there before? was Moses commanded to fight? was David commanded to fight against Goliath? Has fighting been mentioned before in those prophets and messengers that have even

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mentioned in the records of the People of the Book is there? When is it there? Whenever there's a constitutional law revealed, then there is the provision to defend that law to make the misconception clear, we don't fight as individuals. So we can say Muslims are not violent. And, you know, it's a complete misinterpretation that we take, you know, arms into our own hands and exact in some violent state, right. This is for if there's a state that exists and the law has been implemented in that state, then in that scenario, you you know, you defend that land by means of a standing army. And that's the provision there is a few more points, we're almost out of time. Now,

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if somebody doesn't want to accept the message, you know, what they want to continue worshipping a manga, they want to continue to worshipping an idol or the sun in the moon, what is the leniency? Now if they don't want to accept that, even if you give them all the evidences, but they want to worship their desires, they want to make God somebody convenient in their mind, or they don't even want to acknowledge God, these unbelievers. What does Islam say about this? What did it say during the time of the Prophet peace? It's a very simple statement. This occurs in the Quran, Allah to Allah Muna, La Habra de Nico, tell them, are you going to teach Allah your religion?

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And look at that statement? Allah is issuing a threat to people who think that they are in a position to dictate terms of the relationship between themselves and God. And he turns and says you have the audacity to teach Allah your religion? Is that what you're saying? You're in a position to do. Think about that. That should be enough as a message if you have a consciousness of God, realize you're not in the position to dictate. You're in the position to take the instructions and live by them. May Allah make us all submissive and put this the urge to submit before our Creator and our Lord inside of our hearts. Amin. All right, any closing comments, suggestions for those now that

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have gotten to hear a little bit about Islam? Everything makes sense. They're not confused about the concept of the Creator. And the instructions that were given to mankind. It makes sense that God would send instructions and he would send instructors those are the prophets, someone who's like, Okay, you got my attention, some advice to that person.

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My sincere advice after you've come to the conclusion that there is in fact a God and that you should be in search of guidance. My sincere advice would be to study the life of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam study his life, but don't study it from an author that has written it from the point of view of attacking him. You know, if you want to know what Christianity is about, talk to a Christian. If you want to know what Judaism is about, don't talk to a Muslim, talk to a Jew. If you want to know what Muhammad's life is about. Listen to read a Muslim author, read someone or listen to someone who's actually a believer of that religion. Because then you will get you know what they say in

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English, we hear it from the horse's mouth. Let the people of a particular faith speak for themselves. Don't let you know your minister or your priest or preacher or whoever else. Tell you what that religion says. Like if I tell you something about the Bible or or Christianity, don't take my word for it, go study it yourself. Figure it out for yourself. And when I tell you something about Islam, look it up for yourself but don't take you know the teachings of one religion from the mouth of somebody who doesn't belong to that religion, because they won't present it in a fair way and that's not intellectually honest. inshallah, thank you for being with us again. We look forward

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to having you again next time inshallah. God one. Yep. And thank you for sitting tight to another episode of the dean show. Try to come back every week, you got to hear the message that this man Muhammad didn't come with anything new. He came with the same way of life that was taught by all the instructors, the messengers, showing you how to get close to God, he didn't call you to worship Him. He didn't call you to worship any of the other prophets. He called you to worship the one God and he was teaching you how to get close to God. He was indeed the way the truth and the light just like during the time of Jesus. He was the way the truth and the light you can get to God

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By His teachings, but Jesus wasn't God Moses wasn't God, Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon all of them. He wasn't God. So he was indeed a mercy to the world, teaching us how to be merciful towards each other, towards humanity towards even the animals. Look into his life a little bit further and come back here every week on the deen show. And we'll see you next time. God willing inshallah until that Assalamu alaikum, peace be unto you.

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He created the universe.

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To Him alone the heavens and the earth.

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He is the

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is the

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de He sent His messengers

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to his

00:31:04 --> 00:31:06

grave danger.

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there is none greater

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