Tarek Kareem Harris – Weight Control and Nutrition the Effective Muslim Way

Tarek Kareem Harris
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses theics of Islam, including the use of "IT" in Arabic to describe things and the importance of science and faith in understanding the spiritual journey. They emphasize the need for science and evolution in science to make learning and working better, and encourage sharing feedback on errors or tweaks in writing. The speaker emphasizes the importance of hearing stories and finding one's own path to success, as small changes can make a big difference.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, the tube weight control and nutrition, the effective Muslim way

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about the title

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thermotoga means strength of the true self or a strong mind. The T q series is about making everyday life easier, more fulfilled and more complete. Using Islamic principles combined with medicine and science. Volume One anxiety was about managing anxiety and stress. Volume Two

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is about food and weight management. I'm sure you agree and equally common everyday issue.

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In Arabic, the word is used to describe things that are fine or good or wholesome, satisfactory or balanced in an approximate way. In this book, though, I used the EU as a shorthand to describe the mindset and practice of an Islamic approach to eating fasting and managing weight and its connections to overall well being in other parts of life. In Arabic, the tube is used as an all rounder for things or people who are just right. But it's also used specifically to denote, for example, foods that are nutritious, responsibly sourced, and so on.

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As a doctor, this journey has been massively rewarding for me. Long before I started writing any books, I set out to understand the Islamic approach to life in many areas. I discovered that Islam both accommodated and enhanced what I'd learned in my professional life. Islam seems to have a wisdom which is over and above plain earthly knowledge. Islam doesn't need science, and science doesn't rely on faith. Yet Islam remains the same, and it is science which needs to keep evolving. And the more science evolves, the more it's stumbled across the templates of Islamic teaching. The guidance of Islam seems to shine out like a palace, whose windows are lit from within a palace

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towards whose doors science and write thinking minds slowly advance.

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I make it a priority to make these guides accessible, practical and interesting to any reader. This is the most difficult part because although consolidating knowledge from Islamic teachings and medical research is very satisfying. It is full of demanding decisions of judgment. I must constantly be aware of what I know and try to make it presentable and understandable to everyone. Neither becoming too technical, nor leaving out important details. Although I've approached this task with all my experience, and it's driven by honesty and good intention, there will inevitably be errors or oversimplifications. I've made my peace with that, as a Muslim as I must, every time I

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publish something, I acknowledged that it is faulty and I quell my fears with the knowledge that Allah does not approve of people claiming or obsessing over perfection. I accept this possibility as part of the nature and glory of our humanity.

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I will notice some areas after publication as I always do, and readers will also do that. I asked with full welcome that readers of all backgrounds give me feedback on errors or other tweaks so that future editions can be improved inshallah.

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As always, I've checked for guidance from Islamic scholastic traditions and texts. And in live discussion. I have Mufti mink in particular to thank for his immense and unwavering kindness and energy. There is no time of day or night, when this man is unprepared to give up himself to worthy endeavors. He is, as I've always said, the real deal even more remarkable in person than his public persona.

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That's for the evidence for medical and scientific research. All the claims and facts are drawn from peer approved and published sources should you seek them. Details are available in my blog, or by direct correspondence, drop me an email.

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It is my hope that this book, along with all the other titles I publish will eventually be free of charge. Once we raise enough funds to sales and donations to make our mental wealth, access, mission sustainable. Thank you for buying it, enjoy reading it, and be reassured that I've put the best of my knowledge in it. I want it to be worth your while for every word and page

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You read in sha Allah,

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TK Harris, December 2020.

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How to get the most from this guide?

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Take it at your own pace. Pick what works for you. Gently persist to the things you believe have merit. But let go the things you can't quite fix after a few decent attempts, they will come with time inshallah, let flexibility and good cheer, be your allies. Use your own judgment. Stick to your own evidence and intuition, not other people's, try things for yourself and find your own truth, your own story.

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I tend to discourage people from believing in testimonials. Anyone who tells you a story about this or that work for them. It's not that they're lying. They may or may not be lying. But the real truth is that stories about one person is just about one person. It's not about a population.

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As a doctor, I look for what works for many people, not just one or two.

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In a similar vein, Islam is for all Muslims. For all of us. The same Islamic rules apply to us, the same people. When I seek evidence to help my patients, I look for how something works on many people, ideally 1000s of people before I start to recommend it.

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A story told by one person, no matter how convinced they seem, is just their story.

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Yet somehow, we'll do need to hear stories to help us understand the lived reality of a finding.

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We can read about the benefits of any change in some article brimming with facts and figures. But hearing about how someone tried it themselves, some ordinary person with a normal life and everyday problems, gives us a real picture and invites us to imagine what it could be like for us.

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media messages, take advantage of this. You get a forwarded message on WhatsApp or Facebook describing how shahina a mother of two tried eating these special berries. And within six weeks, she lost 200 pounds. You see pictures of this person, and it somehow seems so real.

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And you immediately wonder if this could work for you or someone you love.

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Unfortunately, however, these stories are mostly misleading, created deliberately for two rather different reasons. The first reason is obvious.

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Someone is trying to sell you something. And they are telling you one person's story to override your better judgment. preying on your hope for something to help you after you've tried everything else.

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The second reason is less obvious, but just as real.

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People like creating compelling things, just for the sake of being influential.

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This is a powerful force which can be turned to good or bad. A powerful speaker can be of great benefit if he or she just spreads a message of goodwill using examples and stories. However, equally, some people like to make up shocking stories of miraculous made up good news or bad news. Because they simply like to see these stories go around the community, shocking people getting people talking, in the same way that an arsonist deliberately sets a fire, hoping to see all the fire brigades and the people getting round, and all the news disturbance that their action has caused.

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stories about one person success or failure, even if they're true, may be entirely down to chance. To prove my point, supposing someone told you, hey, look, I was walking along in town and someone just came up to me and gave me a million dollars.

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Does that mean that the same thing will happen to you if you go walking in town.

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So it's not walking in town that gives you a million dollars. But you're tempted to think that a story is about one person. It doesn't matter who that person is. Whether they are similar to you or someone important, famous or clever. They're just one person. What happened to them may or may not happen to you at all.

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That said, hearing truthful, well intentioned stories helps us to enhance our ability to empathize and imagine change. They give us a framework for human experience. I can tell you that I myself have had struggles with weight since my childhood days. And it was with some relief that I started to look at how Islam would guide me on this matter. I can say with hand on heart that it's worked for me. My weight energy levels have improved. And even my mental alertness and my writing ability have improved Alhamdulillah

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In a sense, this reinforces my wish to tell you about the facts and truths about the holistic Islamic approach to eating and weight. My story helps me empathize with you. You are not alone, we have one special point that no other so called diet has. This method is about our faith as much as our health. So regardless of everything else, we will be gaining blessings of Allah for trying.

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The fact that it really works on a physical level is evidenced by science and by your own results. And we will talk about the facts and figures in good detail.

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I have nothing to gain by telling you what I found, except to do the work of promoting a good message and helping people to lead more fulfilled lives. There is some monetary gain, but it's modest and well intentioned. book sales help to fund my wider mission to make mental health and well being advice available free to all Muslim mean within my lifetime inshallah. But there is no gimmickry. You don't need to sign up to any plan, or buy any special foods or supplements, and any other elements, such as the social side of things can be achieved for free as well.

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Look at my Instagram bio at Dr. tk Harris, for links to groups of Muslims who are clubbing together to make these changes and encourage each other along the way. Or form a group of your own with people from your community, family mustered or whatever media you prefer to use, Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, or of course, do it as I did entirely on your own. Whatever seems okay with you.

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Choose as much as you want to do step by step. Start by making modest changes that you can keep up with. And that's all. No great ambitions or declarations, no dramatic suffering or heartbreaking sacrifices, just you, your own mind and your body. finally becoming acquainted a calm and friendly way ehsaan The results are in the hands of Allah. Submit commonly to that, and you're already

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praying to Allah for his assistance will obviously help. And in addition, various people have found it useful to make notes or write their goals down in a little book, or on their phone. Telling your partner or otherwise a close confidant about your intentions and plans will probably help too. But it's not essential.

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We are all made as different individuals with good reason.

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paths to success are rarely shared.

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Each of us finds our own route to fulfillment, health and happiness in our own way. Take what you find useful, and work with it in a way that you find best in a way that works with your particular strengths. And your belief that you will find your own way and that you are inherently worthy just as you are.

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Treat yourself with the kindness and forgiveness that Allah would ask you to treat anyone else. Finally, you'll find that this guide introduces themes and then comes around again to pick them up, or repeat them in a slightly different context for one chapter to another. This is deliberate. Besides being a source of information, a guide should be written in a way that makes it easier to remember and to enrich the information. Exploration of similar themes in different settings helps the information to enter and stay in the mind more vividly. So I have set this guide out in a way that is sympathetic to the very way the brain works in Sharla.

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End of Chapter

Preface to Audiobook- Tayyab

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