Taimiyyah Zubair – Welcome Ramadan Lecture – Ramadan with my Family

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the benefits of fasting, including expanding one's physical ability, achieving better understanding of oneself, and building one's strength. They also emphasize the importance of protecting family members from bad behavior and uphold spirituality. Prayer and value in the month of lil is emphasized, as it is designed to increase forgiveness and happiness. The speakers emphasize the importance of staying true to oneself and not letting fear or doubt limit one's ability to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hola Hola. Barakatuhu

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also Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem was Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim rubbish Rahi sodbury were silly MD Washington, Dr. tam melissani yaffa who Kohli Allahumma Hindi Colby was sadly Sani was also hemato, Colby amin Yoruba alameen

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, yeah, uh, you have levina Manu quotevalet como siyam kamakoti, Berlin leadin I'm in kabale con la la quinta de Koon. All you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting, as it was decreed upon those before you, so that you may become righteous Ly lecan that the Kuhn

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in this ayah Allah subhanaw taala tells us that fasting is something that he has obligated upon us, something that he has decreed for us, meaning it is not something optional for those who are able to fast. And we see in this idea that people before us, were also commanded to fast. Why, what is the reason? Remember that Allah subhana wa tada gives us different types of commands. Why to test us in different ways. For example, there are some things that we are required to do, in which we are supposed to use our money. For instance, when a person goes for Hajj, they have to spend from their wealth. There are other acts of worship, in which we are required to use our time gift from our time

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and from our physical ability. For example, when it comes to Salah, we have to get up and pray. There are some acts of worship, which require which demand from us that we give of what we love. For example, when it comes to the cat, we have to give from our gold from our money. And there's other acts of worship,

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in which we are required to refrain from what we love, and that is fasting. For one person, giving what they love may be very easy, but refraining from what they love may be very difficult. So through various commands, Allah subhanaw taala tests us to see who is truthful. Who is it that obeys Allah, and who is it that will be is their nuts. And we see that this is not just in the Shetty era, meaning the religious commands that Allah subhanaw taala has given us, but it is also with regards to the rest of our lives, the more konia the worldly matters, in which Allah subhanaw taala also changes our situation, our circumstances, why, to see who is it that is true to Allah subhanaw taala

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about the Battle of our hood, we learn in the Quran, that this bad that this defeat, or the loss that the Muslims experienced at the Battle of Ohio, was very different from the victory that they had experienced at the Battle of butter. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us what to call a yamu there will have been a nurse, that these are days which we substitute between people, one day of victory, another day of loss, one day of gain, and another day in which you lose something. Why? Well, er allama Allah who levina Manu, in order that Allah may know those who believe through changing our situation, Allah subhanaw taala brings out what is hidden deep inside so that we recognize who we

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are so that we recognize where we stand in our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala

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in this aisle we learn that Allah subhanaw taala has commanded us to fast the month of Ramadan is for sleep, cookie, barley como cm, and what is cm cm literally is an M sack or an L fairy, it is to abstain from doing something and it is to abstain in the absolute sense meaning completely 100% which is why we see that when a person is fasting and they refraining from eating, that means no eating at all. Not even a sip of water, not a single bite of food. So cm literally means an M sack I need feral abstinence. So in the Arabic language for example, sama

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For us, it means when the horse stands without eating anything. sama tissue jumps is when the sun becomes apparently stationary. And this is at midday. solitary is when the wind becomes still, and sama and his Sade is when a person abstains from traveling, which is something that all of us are practicing right now.

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And so in Islam, is when a person intentionally abstains from consuming food and drink, and engaging in sexual activity, from fajita to mohareb. Why, in order to worship Allah subhana wa Tada. On the surface fasting looks like deprivation. It seems as though a person is missing out. They're not getting to eat, they're not getting to drink, they're not able to fulfill their lawful desires. But is it really all about depriving a person?

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Did Allah subhanaw taala command us too fast, so that we are deprived, so that we suffer? No, that's not the reason. Remember that when Allah subhanaw taala with his wisdom, prevents the believer from getting sustenance from getting something through one way that Allah subhanaw taala opens multiple avenues for the believer at the same time. Why? So that the believer can get what is better, what is more through different ways. So if we are told in the month of Ramadan, that while we fast, we don't eat, we don't drink, then that means there is something better, and something more that Allah subhanaw taala intends to give us there is something much better that we are in need of. And the

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thing is that we cannot get what we don't have, by doing what we are already doing. To get something different. We have to do something different. To get what is better, we have to do what is better. So fasting is not about deprivation. Fasting is about giving us what our soul needs. So the question is, what is it that we get from fasting? Especially because in the month of Ramadan, we're not just fasting for a day or two, the entire month is about restraint. The entire month is about abstinence. So what is it that Allah subhanaw taala gives us through this, through this apparently, through this apparent deprivation?

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us himself, lai Lacan that the goon, that fasting has been obligated on you, y la la quinta de Koon, in order that you that the cone now what is this word that the cone that the cone in order that you may be saved? In order that you may be protected? You may be shielded, shielded from what protected from what? From the fire? Remember that fasting is a shield that protects a person from the fire of health. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that ously yamu joona fasting is a shield, meaning literally, because of fasting, a person will be saved from falling into * from burning in help. How is it a shield? Because remember that fasting is

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something that expats it brings about forgiveness for the sins that a person has committed. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that fitna to Rajamouli fee AlLahi wa Malley he would Jerry he took a futile her Salah to Worsley Yama was sadaqa to the pfitzner of a man, the fitna of a person in respect to their spouse, meaning that when a person and ends up committing sin against their own family members, and this is something that we are fully aware of,

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that we know where we are falling short, we know where we end up hurting the very people that we love. So the fitna of a person with respect to their spouse with respect to their wealth with respect to their children, and their neighbors. And this is a fact that we end up wronging those who are closest to us. So what is the expiation for that? How are these sins erased? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said they are Salah, fasting and sadaqa. So when a person fasts because of these fasts, their sins are

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forgiven. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said mon sama, Yeoman feasable. Allah here zoa jela whoever fasts one day in the way of Allah, the Exalted bar the Allah Who would you whom in Jahan, nema sybrina Rahman, Allah subhanaw taala will distance his face from Hellfire a distance of 70 years. So, Laila contact acun fasting is not is not to deprive you, fasting is to save you, to rescue you from the fire of *. Secondly, lalla contacta. Kuhn, this also means that you become righteous, you become better you become more pious, Lana cantata Kuhn, in order that you may develop the core and remember that taqwa is that consciousness of Allah subhanaw taala. Because of which a

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person is mindful, attentive about what they're doing. Why because they realize that their Lord is watching them. And because of this consciousness, what happens is that a person abstains from committing sin. And they also are encouraged motivated to to worship Allah subhanaw taala to obey Allah subhanaw taala. So the call has two sides to it. One side of taqwa is that it leads to HD NAB, to refraining from sins. And really, that the fasting disciplines the soul, it disciplines the desire. So a person is protected from committing sin. And the thing is that when a person is fasting, they realize their strength, their ability, that you know what I am capable of not drinking

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from morning till evening, I am capable of not having my tea or my coffee for the entire day. And that means that I am also capable, I do have the strength to stay away from sins, to stay away from backbiting. So it leads to ht nub, it leads to staying away from committing sin. And then when a person fasts, then they're amazed by the strength that Allah subhanaw taala gave them the ability that Allah, Allah gave them too fast for so many hours. So often, it happens on regular days that when you're not able to eat your lunch or your dinner, then you become very irritable, you become very tired, and you pity yourself. But when you fast in the month of Ramadan, day after day after

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day, you realize how much you're able to accomplish with that though fique of Allah subhanaw taala and that gives you the realization that you are able to do good. So fasting develops taqwa, it develops the courage, the strength, the ability to do good. And especially because while we're fasting, we're taking a break from attending to our physical needs constantly. We are encouraged to or we're redirected to making our soul a priority. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, that we're Maha lacouture, Jinnah will insert a lallier balloon, I have not created gene and men except that they should worship me. My only domain Homer is in Walmart at the annual Terry moon, I

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do not want from them, that they should feed me that they should give me food, that they should give me something. No, Allah subhanaw taala is the one who gives us and what he wants from us is that we worship Him. So fasting has been ordained upon us, in order that we may develop the habit, the strength, the courage, to worship Allah subhanaw taala. Because all the time we're giving ourselves excuses. We're too easy on ourselves. And fasting enabled us to push us to push ourselves a little further.

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Then thirdly, a third benefit of fasting laurila contact the cone also means that you get reward that is unlimited. Because remember, that when a person fasts, and they're practicing restraint for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, then this is a form of sub. This is a form of patience, and the reward of patience is unlimited. In our heads, we learn that Allah subhanaw taala says that every good deed that that a slave performs is rewarded by 10 times its kind up to 700 times, meaning the reward is multiplied anywhere between 10 and 700 times except for fasting was so moly, what an urges. Eb fasting is for me

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And I will give the reward for it, Elmo now he said, what this means is that I will give to the fasting person, Joza and kathira an abundant amount of reward, meaning, it's not just going to be 10 to 700 times, it is even more than that. How much more? It is unlimited. Because Allah tells us that in nama, you will first sabi Runa adieu rowhome be lady Hey sab that Indeed, those who observe patients will be given their reward without any account without any measure, it is on limited.

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And what is it that the fasting person will get this reward? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the fasting person has two joys, meaning two times that they will experience reward. One is when he breaks his fast and another is when he will meet his Lord. And that reward is reserved for the hereafter. And how does that reward even begin? That reward begins from the gate of Allah urine, which is a dedicated door to enter Paradise from dedicated for who dedicated for those who fast. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in Nuffield genetti bourbon you call hula hula Yan. There is a gate in Jannah which is called rayyan. Yeah, the Holloman who saw a Muna yarmulke

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Yama, it is the people who fast who will enter Jannah from it on the Day of Judgment layer the hula men who had another euro home and there is no one other than them that will enter through that gate. It will be said aner saw a moon Where are those people who used to fast so fire comun then they will get up layered Holloman who had a room again the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that none other than them will enter through that gate. And once they enter through that gate, then that gate of Jannah will be closed. Meaning meaning this is a privilege that is exclusively for the people who fast. So this Hadees shows us that the reward for fasting is Jana. In the Quran, Allah subhanaw

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taala says about the people of Jenna, that kulu wash Rabu honey and Bhima has left him fil a yummy hollier eat and drink in satisfaction for what you put forth in the days past. And work here said that this is referring to the days of fasting because they worked on those days. And what was that work? They refrained from eating and drinking. So in general they will be told now you eat and you drink honey and in satisfaction because you use too fast before Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran for Allah tala mu not so much fear Allah hoomin karate our union Jessa Bhima can we aren't alone, no soul knows what has been hidden for them off the comfort for AIS as reward for what they

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used to do. No person knows about the reward that is reserved for what they used to do. It has been said that can I'm Allahu a cm Bhima can we are alone what they used to do, which action is this? This is the action of fasting because the action of fasting is something that is hidden. And this is why the reward of fasting is also something hidden. It is not known until a person will get it.

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Joseph Bhima can we are alone.

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This is the benefit of fasting. Jenna, endless reward. Fourthly, La La Quinta takuan Allah, Allah tells us that fasting is so that you all develop the kua you will abstain, you will protect yourselves protect yourself from what from ship, because fasting develops sincerity. How, how is it the first in develop sincerity, because every other deed that a person does, that a person performs any act of worship, it can it is visible or it can be known to others. For example, if you pray Salah, then somebody sees you praying Salah, so they know that you are praying, if you're making liquid, then people can see you moving your mouth. So or they can hear you making liquid so

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Your action cannot be fully concealed. But when it comes to the act of fasting, then this is something that is completely concealed from people. It is a very private and a very personal act of worship.

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And it is so personal, that its reality is known only to Allah subhanaw taala. It is very bad to say it is a secret act of worship, and it can only be for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. And when a person is fasting, constantly, they are taught to be conscious of Allah subhanaw taala, to be sincere to him to be true to him to fear Him, in private, and in public. So fasting develops sincerity in a person. We learn in a hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a yohannes a year commercial kasara a year commercial kasara that all people beware of the secret shark. The people said, What is that? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a person stands to

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pray. But then he beautifies his prayer, because people are watching him, so that his secret should.

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But the thing is that when it comes to fasting, it is something completely hidden. No one knows if you're really fasting, except for Allah subhanaw taala It is really something completely private, between a servant and his Lord.

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And this is why Allah subhanaw taala says that fasting is for me, fasting is mine. Why? Because even though every deed is supposed to be for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Fasting is especially for Allah, because it is only known to Allah.

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And also remember that through fasting, we are discussed, we are completely blocking shade plan out. Because remember, that shade plan takes hold of a person through their desires. And when a person is fasting, they're blocking the ways of access for shaitan. When you're not eating, when you're not drinking, then that means a child, one has no access to you. And that means that you are by default, closer to Allah subhanaw taala. This is why fasting is for Allah.

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And Allah alone will give reward for fasting.

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And we see that when it comes to sincerity. This is something that is incredibly important. It is a condition for the acceptance of good deeds, people will come on the day of judgment will with mountains of good deeds, but those mountains will be turned into dust. Why? Because those deeds were not performed for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And so, because of fasting, we develop the ability to worship only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and we develop the ability to worship Allah subhanaw taala in private. And remember that sincere and private worship is something that brings about forgiveness, and Allah subhanaw taala has mercy. in Hades we learn sadaqa to surgery to tofu haba rub that secret charity, meaning when a person gives charity in such a way that no one else finds out about it. This is something that is secret between you and your Lord. Then this act of charity. It calms the anger of the Lord. Meaning if you've done something that that has caused Allah subhanaw taala to be angry with you than the way

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you please Allah subhanaw taala is by giving secret charity. We learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever wakes up in the night in order to pray and wakes his wife up also so that she may pray for Sun layyah or aka a tiny and then they both pray just to record even Jimmy and together katiba Amina Zakat in Allah cathedra on with accurate then this couple is written amongst those who remember Allah how much and basically the iron the Quran in which we learn that Indian Muslim meanwhile Muslim mat will move meaning will move me now it will carnitine will kanita different qualities of the believers are mentioned. Almost Pandora says are the LA hula hula Filton

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was a donor of Lima, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward. So when a person worships Allah subhanaw taala in private with sincerity, then this is something that brings about forgiveness and a great reward. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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All people spread the salame, feed people and, and join the ties of relationship and pray in the night while people are sleeping, you will enter Jannah in security. So when a person worships Allah with sincerity in private than this is something that will allow them to enter Jannah with security and peace. In fact, even before entering Jannah there will be security for a person on the Day of Judgment, because of their sincere worship. We learn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there are seven people who will be given shade on the day of judgment

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in a shade that that that Allah subhanaw taala will especially give them yo mala will Illa Willow, the day on which there is no shade, except the shade that Allah gives. And amongst these people is the person who gives charity in secret.

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How secret so secret that the left hand does not know what the right hand gave.

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So fasting allows you It encourages you to keep your good deeds a secret between yourself and your Lord. It helps you connect with Allah subhanaw taala it helps you to enjoy solitude with Allah azza wa jal

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and this is why fasting should be with a man with intention with hope of reward so fast happily, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, One Samara Madonna, amen and yT serban whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan with faith and expectation of reward lowfield Allah who massacred them in zombie, then all of their previous sins will be forgiven. All of their previous sins will be forgiven Subhan Allah May Allah subhanaw taala enable us to fast with sincerity only for his sake with expectation of reward with happiness as an act of worship and your last panel tada except our fasts. Now the question is, what is it that we can do in the month of Ramadan? How is it that we can

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use this month in order to earn forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala especially because we are going to be home this is going to be a different Ramadan for many of us. There are many women who practice isolation in the month of Ramadan because they are home, they're not able to go to community flowers, they're not even able to go to the masjid to pray. So perhaps this Ramadan will not be new for them. But for many other people, this Ramadan will be different. So what is it that we can do?

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First of all, benefit from the month of Ramadan as much as you are able

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take this situation that we are in, which is that we are in lockdown, we are stuck at home, not stuck at home, we are at home and hamdulillah take this as an opportunity, not a punishment. Consider this as a blessing from Allah subhanaw taala that Alhamdulillah we are home Alhamdulillah This means we have more time. So this means that we have more opportunity to worship Allah subhanaw taala. You see when it comes to many other things that are good that that were very important in our lives, because of the current situation we've had to put them on hold or we've had to defer them until a later time. But when it comes to Ramadan, this is not something that we can put on hold.

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This is not something that we can defer until a later time No, we have to make use of this time because every single day of Ramadan counts. If we look back at the past few weeks, there are some people who have Mashallah been able to take an oath to take Mashallah there are some people who have been able to take a lot of advantage because of the fact that they're home and there's other people who are just waiting for this lockdown to be over and their time is going in just you know watching different things, talking to different people, you know over FaceTime social media, etc. Any the time that has been spent

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is the same, the amount is the same. But in the past few weeks, some people Mashallah they have accomplished a lot and other people have not accomplished a lot. When it comes to Ramadan. We cannot take this chance. We cannot be lazy about Ramadan. We have to make the most of Ramadan

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Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us a warning. He said, Shut the or the dune. andraka Ramadan in fact gibreel said shafia are the dune Adra Quran online, fun Salah ha Minho. wollam yo favela who and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said amin gibreel said, wretched is the slave to whom Ramadan comes. And when it passes from him, he is not forgiven. Meaning made this person be made made this person be a loser, that they find Ramadan, they live through Ramadan, and by the end of it, they have not earned Allah's forgiveness. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I mean,

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we all are desperately in need of forgiveness. Because remember that small sins are enough to destroy a person. We are in need of the forgiveness that the month of Ramadan brings us. So we have to take advantage of this time. We cannot afford to let it slip away. Just because things are different. And yes, kids are home. And yes, life is upside down. But we have to do something to take advantage of this time. We cannot afford to waste this time, if you'll pay him said that wasting time is worse than dying. Why? Because wasting time disconnects you from Allah subhanaw taala it disconnects you from the home of the hereafter. And death only disconnects you from the world and

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its people.

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So we cannot afford to waste time in this month of Ramadan. One of the righteous said that a servant is in one of four states,

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one of four conditions, what are they? The servant is either in a state of blessing, meaning they're enjoying a blessing from Allah subhanaw taala. Or they're experiencing a trial, they're going through some difficulty. Or they are in a state of obedience to Allah subhanaw taala they're doing something in obedience to Allah, or they are in a state of disobedience to Allah, they're doing something wrong.

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And regardless of what state a person is, in Allah subhanaw taala deserves, that the person should worship Allah, meaning their servitude, and worship, that is do on us, that we must observe in every single state that we are in how if we are enjoying a certain blessing, then we must express gratitude before Allah subhanaw taala if we're experiencing hardship trial, then we must observe suburb and we must have Rila meaning we must be pleased with the decree of Allah subhanaw taala. If we're able to obey Allah subhanaw taala, then we must realize that this is Allah's favor on us, and we should increase in our obedience. And if we are in a state of disobedience, then we must turn

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back to Allah, we must repent, and we must seek forgiveness. So yes, we are in a state of tribulation, we are all experiencing a hardship. And some people are experiencing more hardship than others. There are people who are just in lockdown, which means that they're at home, they still have work, they're still getting their paychecks, their children are still going to school online, virtually. And there are other people who have lost their jobs. There are other people who have to figure out how to pay their bills. There are people who now have to teach their own children who don't know how to teach their own children. So there are people who are experiencing, you know, more

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difficulty than others. But every single person experience is experiencing some level of difficulty. And that means that we all need to exhibit some patience and river and contentment with the decree of Allah subhanaw taala. And part of that is that we continue to worship Allah subhanaw taala to the best of our ability, we don't make this trial, an excuse for not worshiping Allah, La you can live Allahu nevsun Allah was aha which means that every person must see what is it that they can do. Every single individual, whether you have one child, or five children, more or less or none, regardless of your situation, whatever, you know, unique set of difficulties that Allah subhanaw

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taala has given to you analyze your situation and see what is it that you are capable of doing. set realistic

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goals for yourself. Don't let this time slip away.

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Now, what are some goals that we can set for ourselves and each person needs to see what they're capable of doing, what their situation allows them. The first thing is remember, the month of Ramadan is shahidul Quran, it is the month of Quran. When Allah subhanaw taala mentions the month of Ramadan. He says shadow Ramadan and levy on Zilla feel Quran, the month of Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. So this means that Ramadan is special. Why? Because of the fact that Allah revealed the Quran in it, which means that we should make our Ramadan special by spending more time with the Quran. And when we look at the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is

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exactly what he did. We learned that every single night, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would review the Quran with gibreel. So this means that we should also strengthen our connection with the Quran, in this month of Ramadan. And then hamdulillah you do have more time now at home. Because if you're not going to school anymore, or if you're not going to work anymore, or if you're not going to social events, that means no if fires, right, you're not hosting People at home, you don't have to go to different people's houses for if thought and that means you do have that extra time. Now it's up to you if you spend that extra time in doing other things, or use some of it to

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connect with the Quran. How is it that we can connect with the Quran in the month of Ramadan? recite it, especially in a state of fasting because when a person recites the Quran, while fasting, then this will be a means of salvation for him on the day of judgment because the Quran will intercede for a person. We learn that the Quran will come on the day of judgment and it will say I am the one that kept you awake at night. And I am the one who made you thirsty during the day. You became thirsty because of reciting the Quran. And you weren't able to drink water and quench your thirst because you were fasting. So recite more Quran and each person should see what they're capable of

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But push yourself a little bit more. Secondly, review the Quran. memorize it, listen to it, just like the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam used to review the Quran with the intelligibly. This means that if you've memorized parts of it, then this is the perfect time to review what you've memorized. And if you have already memorized some portions of the Quran, perhaps this is the time where you increase in your memorization. And then of course, another way of connecting with the Quran is to reflect on the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala says Kitab Boone and zelner who la comunidad rakuen Lia de barro AR T. That this is a Book which We have revealed to you. And this book is

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blessing. It is full of Baraka. Don't think that if you're spending time with the Quran, you are missing out? know, every single moment spent with the Quran is a source of blessing, a source of goodness, such blessing which you cannot even fathom, which you cannot even recognize. But the Quran brings Baraka. Why is it that Allah has revealed the Quran, Allah tells us himself, Leia de barro, iottie, so that people reflect on its versus William carollo album, and so that the people of intellect take lesson has an adversity would say that the Quran was revealed so that people reflect on it. But the people think that it's recitation is sufficient. They think that the that the

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recitation of the Quran is all that they have to do. But Allah tells us that that we're supposed to reflect upon the Quran.

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Then another thing that we can do is to perform pm in the nights of Ramadan, because Ramadan is also shahidul PM, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said men comma Ramadan he man and yT serban woofie Rolla who Mata put them in zombie, that whoever performs pm in the month of Ramadan, with a man with faith and expectation of reward than all of their past sins will be forgiven. And remember that pm is to worship in the night, which means any part of the night and it means any form of worship, but especially voluntary prayer, voluntary salah and when it comes to pm will lay. Remember that this is one of the best things that a person can do. We learn

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Man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, O Messenger of Allah, please tell me if I were to bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship of Allah, and that you are the Messenger of Allah. And I perform the five prayers. I give this a cat. I fast in Ramadan, and I also stand in prayer at night during it. Fermin firming men, Anna, then from which people am I, which category do I belong to? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said unto me, honestly do kina was Shahada, that you would be amongst the truthful, and the Shahada, the martyrs you would be among their company.

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But remember, that in this Hadith, it is not just mentioned that I fast in the month of Ramadan Welcome to he said that I also perform pm in the night.

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The people who pray in the night, Allah subhanaw taala praises them in the Quran. We learn that praying in the night is the way of righteous servants of Allah. Allah says in almost the pain of a generating what Ryun indeed the righteous will be in gardens in springs, Halina at Alhambra boom, they will take whatever reward their Lord will give them in the home candle Kabbalah gallica mursaleen. Before that, they used to be of the righteous servants, excellent servants, good servants of Allah. What was their goodness? What sn did they do? caribou kalila mina layli Maya Jeroen, they would sleep only a little in the night while bill as Harry whom yourself your own and they used to

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seek forgiveness at the time of dawn.

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So praying Pamela laid is actually the quality of the people of paradise. The Yama lane, is the best prayer after the fall of the prayer. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a photo Swati bardahl fidelity Salah to lay the best prayer after the obligatory prayer is the night prayer. This is prophetic character. We learned mean a hula kill and BIA he was a sphere a that of the character of the prophets and the chosen servants of Allah. The best servants of Allah, Allah hirato kulu boom, those whose hearts are clean

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of their character is what how lumen pmla a share of the night prayer, meaning they pray in the night. The believers honor is in praying in the night. The elite of the oma the best of the oma are those who pray in the night. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, A shut off almighty. The best of my oma the nobles of my oma the elite of my oma are hemella to Quran are the carriers the bearers of the Quran was horrible al and the people of the night.

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People who have the Quran, in their hearts on their tongues, and who worship Allah in the night. And a person who is able to pray in the night is actually worth envy. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there's two people who are worthy of being envious off meaning if you find out about them, and you are jealous of them then that jealousy is okay. That envy is okay. And one of those people is what are juliaca or Khurana fire Kuma Leyland. The person who recites the Quran, and prays in the night. Remember that praying in the night is a means of drawing close to Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said arlequin btme Lail for inaho vasarely Hina kubla Khan you

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must perform pmla because it is the practice of the righteous before you wahoo acaba to LR have become it is a means of drawing near to your Lord. While mcfa to Lissa he had a means of prevention from sin expiation of sin. woman had to listen to both it prevents from sin, and it's also an expiation for the sense that have been committed performance to Malaysia is a way of expressing gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala and it is something that brings about Allah subhanaw taala has mercy and forgiveness and it's something that will allow a person to enter Jannah and have beautiful homes in Jannah. It is a means of healing also, even reclaim said that the AMA lane performing night

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worship is one of the most beneficial ways of preserving health and it is also something that prevents

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diseases and it is also something because of what your person will find healing, healing for the body, healing for the soul healing for the heart. And remember that it is in the night that Allah subhanaw taala invites His servants to call upon him in so many Hadees we learn that Allah subhanaw taala invites His servants he says, Is there anyone who will supplicate to be? Is there anyone who will ask me? Is there anyone who is sick? So he will call upon me and I will cure him? Is there anyone who needs provision, so I will give him sustenance, I will give him provision

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the young lady why in the night, because the night allows you to connect with Allah subhanaw taala even more the silence of the night. The quiet of the night allows you to focus on the recitation and the night. It the worship of the night. It is a means of disciplining the soul because you have to fight your soul even more. So it's a way of disciplining the soul. So how much should a person pray in the night? Allah subhanaw taala says fucker Oh, Martha. Yes, sir Amina. So recite whatever is easy of the Quran, meaning recite whatever that you can, which is why we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at times, his dam in the night would be very, very long. And there were

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other times when it was short. So we see that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited so much that Abdullah had on the Longhorn, who said that I was praying with him, and I intended to do something bad. Meaning it was so long that I intended to leave the prayer

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to not pray anymore. It was so long. And there were other times when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite very little. So for example, I shuttle de la Mourinho said that there were times when the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm only recited one idea in pmla, a Buddha or de la Horne, who said that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and recited only one idea the entire night, you're a de to her, and he would only repeat the same idea over and over and over again. We learned in our heads that once a man heard another person reciting called hula hula had

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repeatedly in his pmla, meaning he was only reciting Surah teleclass, again and again and again. And his entire night prayer was based on sort of Islamic meaning that's all that he was reciting in his Salah. So he went and he told the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, as if complaining to him that this is what this man was doing. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, When leadin fcbd he in the * authority loose ulusal Quran by the one in whose hand is my soul is equal to a third of the Quran. So whatever it is that you're able to recite, whether it is one surah or more than recite it, don't limit yourself to only reciting urges or don't think that you're not reciting enough. If all

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you know is just a Sula or two, whatever it is that you're able to recite. Recite that in the night prayer. The question is, how many lockouts should a person pray in the night prayer? Well, the best example is of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when the Prophet sallallahu Urdu son was asked about how the night prayer should be, he said methanol mathema meaning in sets of two. So he did not specify a number, but he specified the manner and what is the manner the manner is that after every tuner card you say the salon and when you feel that you are done, then you pray the width.

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When I showed you a lot more and he was asked about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his night prayer in Ramadan, specifically, she said ma Khanna, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has he doofy Ramadan or what have you later he are that there are schelotto keratin that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not do more than 11 recall in Ramadan, and also the rest also the rest of the year, meaning whether it was Ramadan, or any other time of the year, the Prophet sallallahu earlier Sunnah would always pray 11 record, which means that he would do eight record in sets of two and the remaining would be waited.

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The ama lane. Remember that if a person recites even three verses in his prayer in their prayer, then that is better for them.

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Then three large, pregnant she camels. Imagine camels are worth a lot of money. But a camel that is about to give birth is even more money, it's even more valuable. So if a person recites three verses in pmla, that is much better for them, then such and such amount of property. If a person recites 10 verses in piano labeled, then a heap of reward is written for them. And a heap of reward is better than the world and whatever that is in it. So do not leave pm will lay every single night, perform some PM, even if you have an exam The following day, even if you're exhausted from all the work that you've been doing, even if you're sleep deprived. If you can manage to get to the cot, and recite a

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few verses, even just cool who allow a HUD then do that so that you are written among those who perform pmla. And because we are at home, it is essential that we encourage our family members, even our children, to perform just to dakara for rocker, something even if it's just very little, but something so that we are written amongst those who performed the night prayer in the month of Ramadan, so that we can be forgiven by Allah subhanaw taala

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Another important thing is that the month of Ramadan is the month of rabada. So yes, we increase in our connection with the Quran. Yes, we will pray if the mo Lail consistently in sha Allah be in the lakita Allah, but we also have to focus on other acts of worship. Remember, that increasing in worship in certain times is especially important, what are those times those times are for example, the the times of the year, which have virtue, like the month of Ramadan, but also times of difficulty. When a person is experiencing difficulty in their life, then that means that they should increase in their worship. And this Ramadan will be will combine both things for us. It's it's a

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time that is virtuous. And it's also a time that will be difficult because of the pandemic. And that means that we have double reason to increase in our worship. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, that the reason of difficulty is meaning when people are given difficulty, it is La La Jolla, the rune It is so that they humble themselves before Allah, they express their neediness before Allah, the fact that they are beggars before Allah. And we do that by worshipping Allah subhanaw taala through servitude.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told also said that

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that that Allah subhanaw taala says Yebin Adam, the father of liberty or son of Adam,

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make time for my worship

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and what will happen unlocked sodre Colleen and I will fill your chest with richness was sort of a crock I will remove your poverty and if you do not do that, I will fill your heart with Sugarland with occupation so that you will not get a moment's rest. Well, I'm a student of a crock I will not remove your poverty. So if we want to relax mentally, spiritually, than it is essential that we up our game, we increase our worship, we improve our worship, because remember them worshiping Allah subhana wa tada also frees a person from fear and sadness. Allah tells us in the Quran, in the livina amanu where our middle solly had, indeed those who believe and do righteous deeds were

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accommo salata aka was aka, they established the prayer and they give this a cat law whom a Jew whom are in Dar obey Him, they will have their reward with their Lord, will our Hoefler lay him what elmia is unknown,

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and they will not experience fear and they will not experience sadness, Allah will remove their fear and Allah will remove their sadness. So this is a time when we increase in our sadaqa Yes, a lot of people are afraid about their financial situation. But remember, Allah subhanaw taala encourages us to spend in ease and in hardship when we have a lot and when we have little, so increase in sadaqa. And again, remember the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would become extremely generous in the month of Ramadan increase in your liquid in the remembrance of Allah. Allah the Quran, Allah He acaba instead of always talking about

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And thinking about and discussing what the situation in the world is in everybody knows, everybody knows how difficult things are. Instead of only talking about these things, let us also engage in the vicar of Allah, because the vicar of Allah is the Greatest increase in US behat in the glorification, and praise of Allah subhanaw taala increase indoors. And finally, increase in compassion and kindness. Be especially good to people. Now we cannot go outside, we cannot always be we don't have the opportunity to be good to the community to show good o'clock, right? Because we're at home. So remember, to be good to the people at home.

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Let's make our homes a place of safety. For those who are at home. Let us not act in such a way that people are are uncomfortable at home. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said hi eurocom hydrocone actually, the best of you are those who are best to their families. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a how bulleri body Illa heater Allah unfurl only really the most beloved of servants to Allah are those who are most beneficial to their families. So bring benefits to your families. As you are now home, make yourself available, right to help people at home. To participate in you know in in the kitchen, in preparing food in in cleaning up so that all of the work is not

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just on one person, share the burden, share the load, be helpful and be resourceful and remember anything you do for your family. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said couldn't Lu mal Sonata ILA a Holic everything that you do to your family, for who will solder cotton or lay him than it is a charity on them. It is as though you're giving charity.

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The Prophet sallallahu earlier send him also said you will not enter Gemina until you all believe. And you cannot truly believe until you love one another. So we must create the spirit of love at home. Not that by the end of the month, or by the end of this quarantine. We don't want to see each other anymore. No show compassion, show kindness. And part of that is that we protect the people who are at home from our you know, bad words and our bad behavior. The Prophet sallallahu earlier son was asked for a Ul muslimeen affable, which of the Muslim of the Muslims is best. Which Muslim is the best? And he said man Saleemul Muslim Muna melissani he were the he the one from whose tongue

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and hands other Muslims are safe. So if you cannot do much at home, at least protect people from your main words from your hands, keep them safe and avoid arguing because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a Bahama realli illallah Hill Ella dawn hustling the most hated of people to Allah, the Most detestable person to Allah is the person who argues a lot who is stubborn, who is argumentative such people, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not like so as we focus on everybody. Let us also focus on good luck May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to reach Ronald on my last panel tada allow us to earn his forgiveness through this month of Ramadan made this Ramadan be a source of the

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removal of our fear and the removal of our sadness made this Ramadan be a source of connecting with the Quran reflecting on the Quran, reciting the Quran, and made this Ramadan be a means of bringing our families together, increasing our love and our compassion towards one another. Does alchemilla Hayden Subhana Allah humo will be handig eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa Anta a stone Furukawa a Tobu Lake As salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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likoma Salah, Allah you ricotta who is that kilkerran Casitas is the time you would you like to take some questions or

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short and shallow I can take him Okay. Is it permissible to answer a non measure of during fast on WhatsApp?

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Yes, it is permissible.

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Okay, went to sleep in Ramadan.

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Is it okay to wake up all night or not? So, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Generally, we see is that he would sleep in the night and he would also worship in the night

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Remember that sleeping in the night is not like sleeping in the day. So even if you can get to sleep for half an hour or one hour, make sure you get that nap in the night. And really it depends on your situation some people, they're able to you know, their their situation allows them to stay up most of the night and there are other people who situation does not allow them to stay up in the night. So you have to see what is feasible for you what is practical for you and for your family and do that inshallah.

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Ken has been invited to Salah together in JAMA, if there is no third one to join in that way the wife will stand behind next to the husband, okay, this is completely permissible. In fact, one of the Hadees that I mentioned earlier was that a man wakes up his wife and then both of them pray together. So, how that would be is that the husband will lead the husband will be the Imam and the wife will be the person who follows the Imam the macdaddy and the husband will stand in front of the wife. And basically that means that there that there should be some uni space between you and your husband. So even if you're like two steps behind that is okay.

01:01:24 --> 01:01:27

Can we get most of during our monthly cycle?

01:01:28 --> 01:01:39

There is a difference of opinion on this would encourage you to research this matter. Definitely safer is that a person does not touch the text of the Quran.

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However, remember that the body of a Muslim is not impure. You need regardless of their situation and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that the hailed the menstruation is not in your hand. He said destroy shuttle de la horn Hmm. So, uh, you know, if you have to touch the most half, you have to, you know, open it and or hold it in order to read it. There's nothing wrong with it. But if you do feel uncomfortable, then certainly you can, you know, have a barrier between your hand and the most tough.

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And how should an ideal Ramadan timetable be for housewives?

01:02:17 --> 01:02:26

Again, it depends on your unique situation. But ideally, I would say that don't make the kitchen your priority.

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uni, it's, it's okay. That every day you don't serve a banquet to your family, it's perfectly fine to have simple meals. And it's perfectly fine. If you leave your kitchen messy, so that you can pray. Because remember that when it comes to

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any housework, there is absolutely no end to it whatsoever. no end to it, any you will die, and still there will be work at home to do so make your ibadah your priority. Now, this doesn't mean that you become so negligent of your kitchen, etc, that, you know food is going waste and people don't have anything to eat. No, you do have to balance that out. But your kitchen should not be your ultimate goal in the month of Ramadan. It should be your worship. So so the first thing is, talk to your family, make a meal plan so that everybody's on the same page about what is going to be prepared and what is going to be served for lunch, dinner etc for for us to hold and for if thought

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and if there are people who are not fasting

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such as little children or someone who is unweld and what they're going to do what they're going to eat any communicate, get everybody on the same page. And if people want, you know, something fancy something nice then encourage them to participate to help out in the kitchen so that all of your time and energy is not is not going in the kitchen only. Right? So that's the first thing. Secondly, yes, for many women, it is true that a lot of that that their time does go into kitchen any it's it's inevitable. Right? So do that as an act of worship also. Some of the aroma, they would say that the month of Ramadan is about written about reciting Quran and feeding people. So when you are

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preparing food, and when you're serving food to your families, don't take that as a burden. Take that as an opportunity to earn reward. One of the best things to do in Islam is to feed people. So, work in the kitchen with the right intention. And that means don't resent it. Don't compare yourself to other people and don't

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You know, resent your husband or your children, etc. Do this work happily. Alright. And thirdly, when you're spending time in the kitchen, then make sure that you know you make that time productive also, how I mentioned earlier about how we should increase in our tests behalf and in a way they could. So set aside certain upcard that you will do only while in the kitchen. So for example, saying Subhan Allah, He will be handy he Subhana Allah Hill, Arlene, right? 100 times. For example, if you typically take seven minutes, right or five minutes to unload the dishwasher, right and time yourself, how long does it typically take you to unload the dishwasher? Right? So let's say it takes

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you five minutes, then you can spend that five minutes write check yourself, how long does it take for you to say as a panela who will be handy 100 times does it take you five minutes, if it takes you five minutes, then dedicate the unloading of the dishwasher time for saying Subhanallah who would be handy you know what this will allow you to you know, enjoy your kitchen work also, you're not going to resent it. Right? Then also what you can do is for example,

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there's not just kitchen work there's other things also that you have to do. Like for example laundry,

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one of the lecture series by my mum

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made a genomic Mandala which is basically about

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you know, how one should live their life in a way that is pleasing to Allah soprano, tada and how a person's death should also be such that it is done in a way that is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala the rituals related to death, burial, etc. illness as well. This was a very long series and I really wanted to listen to all of it. And ideally, any I would listen to it, you know, sitting in a classroom, taking notes, but I did not have that opportunity.

01:07:11 --> 01:07:21

So what I did is that every day or every other day, whenever I would fold the laundry and of course with little kids any you do have endless amount of laundry.

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My time for listening to those lectures, was when I was doing laundry and laundry only. And Alhamdulillah any it only took me a couple of months, which shows you how much laundry there is at home just a couple of months to listen to that entire series, not just once, but multiple times and hamdulillah. So as you're doing this kind of you know, house work,

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also listen to something Okay, listen to something whether it is the recitation of the Quran, or a lecture series, or anything, listen to it at the same time, so that your time is spent productively in the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala and make sure that you prioritize ibadah

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and then you go to the you do the housework, and even when you're doing the housework, spend that with the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala

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there are a lot of questions about people are confused between tahajjud Ravi camel L. So and some are asking that if they should do eight or 11 or 20. So can you elaborate a little bit Okay, sure. So, when it comes to clamor lay, remember that pmla is worship worshiping in the night okay. And like I mentioned it is any, any time of the night and the night begins from Maghreb and it ends with fudges right.

01:08:55 --> 01:08:56


01:08:57 --> 01:09:03

this is les. So preamble les is to worship Allah

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in any part of the night It could be the beginning of the night, the middle of the night or the end of the night, okay, which is why we see that for example, but are we is right after a shop, right, the head job is towards the end of the night in the last third of the night. So that are we is typically is what is prayed with Russia. And the headshot is specifically to worship Allah after waking up from sleep.

01:09:35 --> 01:10:00

Okay, so you could say that the hedgehog is a kind of pmla and tarawih is a kind of gamma ray. Okay, that are we is literally it is to take rest, okay. And it's called throw away because you you stop after every tuna cart, and that allows you to take rest, right? And so you can put

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At any time in the night, after a sharp what was in the middle of the night, last third of the night. All of that is part of clear moonlight. Okay, so whether it is the hedgehog, or it is or it is that are we it's all clear moonlight. And in the holidays we learn whoever does pm in the night of Ramadan. Okay, so the goal is pmla it is not only the hygiene, okay, now how much to pray, like I mentioned, the Prophet sallallahu earlier said him did not specify a number of regard but he specified the manner in which one should pray. And when it comes to the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to pray to the gods, which means that he would say the Salaam

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after every two, so he prayed for *. All right, so

01:10:51 --> 01:11:03

many first to Lockhart, salam, second to rockhard salam, third to rockhard salam and the fourth set of to rockhard salam, so this way eight record, and then he would pray the width.

01:11:04 --> 01:11:14

All right, which would be typically three to God, and that would make his total of Salah 11 record. And there were other times when he prayed more than three to

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four Witter. Sometimes you will also pray five, and there is more even that that have been narrated. So

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you can pray eight, if that is what you what you want to do. But remember the Prophet sallallahu already Sam did not specify a number, right, which means that you can pray less than eight. And you can also pray more than eight. It is completely permissible. We learned that at the time of remodeled the Longhorn who, when he was a halifa. Once he entered into the musty that he saw that so many people were praying, pm Will you know, each person was doing their own pm

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and in different parts of the masjid. And the people who did not know the Quran, who had not memorized the Quran, they were praying behind different individuals. So basically, there were multiple jamara going on multiple congregations in the same Masjid at the same time. And then there were people who were praying individually, so remodeled your loved one who got everyone to pray behind one mm. Okay. And this is how the Torah we began, because everybody did not know the Quran, they were all types of people. Right. And so they would pray, there's a difference of opinion as to how much they would pray at the time of remodel de la Mourinho. In some narrations, we learned that

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it was 22 card, because that allowed, you know, more people to participate. So, because when the when the period of the AMA Lane was long, because it's 20 dakara, then, you know, if someone came late, they were still able to catch some solar. And if someone came early, they would be able to pray some and leave. So the point is that 20 is not any, it's it's not necessary that the number is not fixed. Okay. And the Prophet sallallahu already said, I'm also did not specify a number he specified the manner. So you do what is easy for you what is realistic and practical for you. And given that you are home and if they're little children at home, or if they're, you know, elderly at

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home, and you want to all pray together, and you have to, you know, keep that in consideration that what is realistic for them, you may want to pray 20 but is 20 feasible for everybody else. So it might be more realistic to stop at eight and if you wish to do that with the rest of your family, you can do that. And then later on in the last third of the night, for example, you can get up and pray some more. So there is no fixed number. All right, but if you want the extra budget by praying eight because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed eight, then that is excellent because there's certainly a reward for doing what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did.

01:14:14 --> 01:14:16

I hope that clarifies inshallah

01:14:17 --> 01:14:28

is that kilkerran Casitas today Mia Baraka Luffy ki inshallah we'll stop here for today then Baraka Luffy contras echolocating kathira a ceremony Cora De La Habra cattle

01:14:31 --> 01:14:39

okay everyone inshallah we'll see we see you all on Monday inshallah on 28th at 10:45am for the direct current

01:14:42 --> 01:14:49

so we're gonna come along will be humbucker shadow Lai Ilaha. Illa. anta Mr Furukawa to willick Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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