Taimiyyah Zubair – The Beautiful Names of Allah #16

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of showing pride and weakness before Islam is emphasized, particularly in protecting from health risks and the danger of the controller. The speaker emphasizes the need to show weakness and gratitude before Islam, as it is the source of all praise and liability. The importance of showing respect for the Prophet's teachings and not rushing through recitation is emphasized. The transcript is not a recap of the webcast or an ad, but rather a summary of the prepared remarks and a discussion about the company's financial results.
AI: Transcript ©
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Said I'm already with Allah Baraka

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below him in the shade rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim rubbish roughly sodbury were silly emri widely looked at and melissani yokocho Kali Allahumma hadeel Colby was sadly Sani wustl supima Takata be Armenia robot army.

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inshallah we will continue with our study of the Beautiful Names of Allah the Exalted and today in sha Allah We will begin with the name of Allah, Allah Aleem, and Arlene, the one who is truly great, the ever great, the name of Allah. Allah Aleem occurs nine times in the Quran. We have this name in ayatul kursi where Allah subhanaw taala says what are your Buddha who have Luma wa who will early Yura leave, that taking care of guarding the heavens and the earth is something that does not tire him. It is not something that exhausts him and he is allegedly The one who is ever high and he is Aleem The one who is ever great. In certain era Allah subhanaw taala tells us for Serbia Bismillah

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bicolor Ali, that glorify meaning Allah by the name of your Lord and our Li. So the name Allah Aleem occurs nine times in the Quran and the name Allah Aleem is derived from the word Aloma Arlene is the one who is attributed with our lemma, and the structure the form or lien for el denotes

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denotes hyperbole, meaning the one who is who is very, very great, the one who is truly great, the one who is always attributed with greatness. So what exactly does this word Allah or greatness mean in Arabic? Now when we look at the word Aloma, we see that linguistically, the verb or oma is used to describe someone who is who has big bones. Because you see, when when someone has big bones, it means that their structure is big, right? From the very long from the same root is used for bones as well. So the verb denotes greatness or largeness in size, and it also means to be great in someone's estimation, meaning when someone thinks highly of another, when someone you know, judges or realizes

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that someone is truly great, you know, in their status, in their power, in their rank in their position, etc. So, although my is the opposite of smallness, meaning it is greatness, right, so our lien is someone who is great, and also someone who is regarded as great by others. Now this is the linguistic meaning of the word are we now when Allah subhanaw taala is earline What then then what does it mean with regard to Allah subhanaw taala with regard to Allah subhanaw taala the name or Li means first of all that Allah subhanaw taala is truly ever great. Meaning his greatness is absolute. his alma is dumb and is Kameelah Tam meaning it is complete. Kameelah meaning it is absolute, so he

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is absolutely truly great. And this is something that Allah subhanaw taala mentions several times in the Quran into the Shura. Ayah number four a las personalizada says lo whomever is somehow worthy woman will have were who will early euro leave To Him belongs whatever that is in the skies, and whatever that is in the earth. And he is an early the ever high he is alene that ever great. And the next idea, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the candle summer where to get the photon num info pin

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that the seven heavens the seven layers of of the skies.

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They would rupture, they would break apart. And the more first Iran said that they would break apart, why? out of the fear of the greatness of Allah, because they are in all of the greatness of Allah. So just imagine how vast The sky is. And this is just the sky that we see. Above that are six more skies, and the length and breadth and the size, the size of of those skies is something that is known only to Allah subhanaw taala any how massive is the sky and yet all of them would break apart out of all of the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala So Allah is truly ever great and his greatness is absolute. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Aleem, this also means that he is he is

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great in all of his attributes, meaning he is far beyond any comparison or likeness to his creation. So he is incomparably great, he is attributed with every attribute of perfection in the greatest sense. So when it comes to his knowledge, his knowledge is perfect when it comes to his podra his podra his ability is perfect. And we see so many references in the Quran, which point to the greatness and perfection of Allah subhanaw taala has attributes. We have for example, in sort of the Zoomer is number 67, where Allah subhanaw taala says women are Padilla haka, De Waal, Urdu jermy and pupper. To who young will pay Yama was somewhat to matsuya to be a meanie that people don't realize

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how truly great Allah subhanaw taala is. And the fact is, that the entire earth will be in his grasp on the Day of Judgment. And all of the sky is are going to be rolled up in his hand in his right hand. He Allah subhanaw taala is truly great that the sky is and the earth the entire existence that we know of, is what it's rolled up in Allah subhanaw taala has had and it is it is nothing before Allah azza wa jal, this is how great Allah is. When it comes to the throne of Allah, the owlish of Allah, the courtesy of Allah. He even they're so great was he are cool to see you who saw my work he will write that his could see it has contained within itself, meaning it is so vast that the skies

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and the earth would be just any something tiny before it. And his approach is even greater. Allahu La Ilaha Illa who are a bullshitter when He is the Lord of the great throne, and we learned in a heydays, that the seven skies before the could see are just like a ring in a desert. Any, this is how insignificant we are. The skies in the earth are compared to the courtesy of Allah. Now imagine how tiny we are how insignificant we are before the approach of Allah. Then what do you think? What are we before Allah? He Allah subhanaw taala is great beyond our imagination. We learned that his wedge any last panel thought his face is also great. In a Hades mentioned in one of Mr. Malik, we

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learn about garble abala de la Horne who, who said that if it wasn't for certain words, which I said, I would have been turned into a donkey by certain people who have been trying to do magic on me. So he was asked that what are those words which you used to to protect yourself? And he recited those words and these words are Ruby, what do you healer, healer, when this is how they begin?

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To be what healer healer are we I seek refuge in the face of Allah, the face of Allah which is Allah Ali, truly great, ever great and lovely lady sachet on our album I mean who Allah is such that there is nothing greater than him. And the DA continues, but he but but he sought refuge in in the greatness of Allah in the greatness of the face of Allah. So remember that all of the attributes of Allah are truly great when it comes to the speech of Allah the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed even that is great. It is it is described as we'll call an era when the great Quran so the fact is that we are not capable of

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Have praising Allah subhanaw taala as he deserves, because he is greater than what we could ever say to praise him. His his greatness is something that cannot be captured with words. Allah is truly Allah alene This is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say La Horsley for that and our Lake, I am not capable of of enumerating your praises any what is that number which you can use to say that I praise Allah this many times, because no matter how many times you praise and glorify Allah, no matter what words you use to praise and glorify Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is greater than that. He deserves even more love or sleep than that and our lake and to come up with Anita

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Island apsic. So Allah subhanaw taala is literally meaning he is truly ever great. His Greatness is absolute, and he is incomparably great in all of his attributes. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is ultra lean, this also means that he is esteemed as ever great buy his slaves, meaning the slaves of Allah, the worshipers of Allah, who are who love Allah, who know Allah, then their hearts are filled with the with all of Allah Heaney, they realize how truly great Allah subhanaw taala is. So he is the one who is glorified for his greatness, we see that the angels, they continue to glorify Him, they continue to praise him. And then we see that the righteous also they continue to praise

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Allah subhanaw taala they realize that no matter what they do, it is never enough. No matter how they praise Allah, Allah subhanaw taala deserves even more, because his greatness is is is beyond our reach. And he we cannot even praise him enough. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is ultra lean, this also means that he is the source of greatness, meaning all greatness comes from him. So if any creature has any kind of greatness, and this could be in the tangible sense or in the intangible sense, any, any kind of form in greatness of greatness, then remember that that greatness has been given to them by Allah subhanaw taala. And that greatness, which the creation has, is not

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absolute. It is it is very little, it's it's, it's not even worthy of comparison, any to the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala in a Hadees we learn that whoever wants and you are Lima Allah who visca who that Allah subhanaw taala should make his his risk,

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great, whoever wants that or last panel thought I should expand his risk and that Allah subhanaw taala should extend his his life term, then what should that person do fully asleep or Hema, who then he should, he should join ties of kinship? Yanni The fact is that greatness whether it is in wealth, or in in one's life or in one's status, this is something that Allah subhanaw taala gives to his slaves, this is not something that people can acquire on their own. And if someone has it, it has been granted to them by the one who is an early. Now we see that the name of Allah Allah Aleem, it is actually paired in the Quran with with an early meaning it is mentioned With the name of Allah

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allele. And as I mentioned earlier allele means the one who is ever high, meaning he is above everything and everyone else. And our lean means that he is ever great that everything and everyone is small before him, it is insignificant before him. So think when Allah subhanaw taala is an early and ultra lean, he is the ever high end the ever great, then this means that everyone and everything is small before him is below him is beneath him. And he is the one who truly prevails, he is the one who is truly perfect, an absolute in all of his attributes. So when Allah subhanaw taala is ultra lean, then how is it that we should worship Allah soprano tarna? What is our share? First of all,

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when Allah subhanaw taala is ultra lean. This means that we should be in all of his greatness. And he we should, we should feel that that smallness before Allah and we should feel

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You know that that greatness of Allah, and this should be reflected in the way that we think in the way that we speak in the way that we behave? Any, we should really reflect in our lives that we know that there is a lord who is perfectly great. And we are very, we know we are His creation. Because not recognizing the greatness of Allah is something that leads a person to arrogance, it leads a person to many wrong things. So we learn about people in Hellfire, that they're described as in the who can Allah you know, below him or leave him that he didn't use to believe in Allah who is allowed to leave any This is a crime, not not believing in Allah who is ultra lean, this is a crime. And it

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is it is foolishness. So we should be in all of his greatness. We shouldn't just say that Allah is the Greatest. Yes, of course, we should say that. But along with that we should, we should feel that in our hearts, this, this realization and this belief, it should be reflected in our language, in our behavior, that no matter where we are, we realize the greatness of Allah. Because sometimes what happens is that, you know, there are certain places where we are very obedient to Allah. And in other places, we start behaving like we don't even believe in a god stuff, Allah, any. We should not forget his greatness just because we are in certain places just because we are surrounded with

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certain people. In total Baqarah 255 Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, are you halona be Shay Minar, Amy E. Ellerbee Masha, that they cannot even encompass him in knowledge except by what He wills. So we cannot even fathom the true extent of the greatness of Allah, when are you here to be here, amen. So, we should always reflect that you know, humility, and we should always be in all of the greatness of Allah. Secondly, when Allah subhanaw taala is ultra lean, this means that we should believe in his absolute greatness. And what does that mean? This means that we should, we should look at the creation, the way it truly is, we should, we should you know, treat the creation or, or

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see the creation for what it truly is. The creation is imperfect. And Allah subhanaw taala the Creator, he is an early right, he is perfect, the creation is flawed, it is weak, it is small, it is limited. And Allah subhanaw taala is above any of these weaknesses because he's truly ever Great. So, this means that the things that people say right the systems that people make, you know, the laws that people make, the principles that people establish, right, all of them Yes, Mashallah awesome. However, they, they are the work of, of the creation. So, we should never give them preference over the law of Allah, over the commands of Allah over the fact that Allah subhanaw taala

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has informed us off any sometimes what happens is that we are so impressed by the creation, we start, you know, we begin to

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trust the creation so much and fear the creation so much and we place our, our hopes and expectations in them more than what they what they deserve. And we forget about the greatness of Allah, we forget about the perfection of Allah. So when Allah soprano tada is under alim, we should believe in his absolute greatness. Well, our problem is that we begin to think that the creation is absolutely perfect. So if a human being has established a certain principle through through some research or through some testing, that then we think that that is absolute fact. And then we begin to give that preference over the word of Allah. If people have come up with a certain system of

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justice, then we think that that is absolutely perfect and and we think that the system of justice that Allah subhanaw taala has established that is flawed, a stuffit Allah any see the creator

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For what it truly is, it is not early, it is weak, it is small, it is limited, it is imperfect, it is flawed. And we see this every now and then that how great civilizations, even great countries, even any what happens to all of the great systems that they have established, we see them literally crumbling before our eyes. So a see the creation for what it truly is. And because of that, never ever give preference to the creation over the Creator, because the Creator is an early Allah subhanaw taala is the one who is truly ever great. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is under our lien. This means that we should also show regard to his greatness. hinny like I mentioned earlier,

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it is not enough to just say Allah is great, we should show that, that we believe that Allah subhanaw taala is great, we should reflect that, how is it that we exhibit that? How is it that we that we show veneration and regard to Allah subhanaw taala by showing respect to his speech, by honoring his word, by honoring his commands, by honoring his commands, and and also the things that he has prohibited, that when Allah subhanaw taala has given a command, then respecting that would be that we actually observe it, not that we ignore it. showing respect to the prohibitions of Allah means that we that we stay away from those things which Allah subhanaw taala has prohibited, not

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that we that that we fall into them. Likewise, showing respect to the commands of Allah means that we take them seriously. You know, in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says what at the ducky do I Atilla he was wa do not take the verses of Allah in mockery, any do not do Do not

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you know take them non seriously. That you you choose some you leave some you do what you know what suits you, you ignore what doesn't suit you, and you modify, you know, the commands of Allah in order to, you know, suit your selfish desires. What does he do I Atilla he has worked in sort of the hedge is number 30. Allah subhanaw taala says, woman you are a lympho rometty Lehi for who are highroller who are in the lobby, look at the verb You are a limb that whoever honors the sacred ordinances of Allah, whoever honors the commands that Allah subhanaw taala has given the laws and the prohibitions that he has revealed, whoever honors them, then this is best for that person, be in

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the sight of his Lord. So when we honor the commands of Allah, by observing them, then this is something that is good for us. Then showing regard to Allah subhanaw taala also means showing regard to the symbols of Allah to the Shah of Allah, and what are the SHA is Shai and of Allah are the things the places the times the actions, the rituals that Allah soprano Tata has chosen for his religion. So for example, you know, sometimes people will start making fun of the beard or fun or they will start making fun of the event or they will start making fun of the headscarf or the niqab etc. Any this is, this is disrespecting a law actually, in sort of the hedge i a 32. Allah subhanaw

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taala says there Lika where may you are a limb Shara in Allah He for in the home in Nepal kulu. that whoever honors the symbols of Allah, for example, the Kaaba, right, or the times that Allah subhanaw taala has chosen for certain acts of worship than whoever honors them, then this is indeed from the piety of the hearts. And he this really shows that this heart is pious that this person has fear of Allah than showing regard to Allah, to mentor women, Allah is to show regard to the righteous servants of Allah, that you show respect to Allah, how by showing respect to the righteous servants of Allah. In a hadith we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that in the mean

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eg Lally Allah, that part of glorifying Allah is to show honor to a gray haired Muslim, meaning a Muslim whose hair has become white in Islam, any they have become old as a Muslim, to show respect to them. And unfortunately, you know, sometimes people are especially the elders, they are looked down upon by by people who are younger in the community.

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Why because, you know, perhaps they're, you know, their ideas are sort of outdated, they're still stuck in the past etc. Any you can disagree with someone while being respectful with them,

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honoring someone because of the fact that their hair has become white in Islam, any they have been Muslim longer than you have been. Or at this age, Allah subhanaw taala has given them the ability to be Muslim, and he This is something that is worthy of respect and this is something that is part of showing respect to Allah. And the Hadith continues and showing honor to the bearer of the Quran. This is also part of honoring Allah, that you show honor to who to the the carrier of the Quran, how many people are and who is Hamad Al Quran, for example, someone who has memorized the Quran, sometimes you know, your own sibling, right? Or your own child, maybe someone who is memorizing the

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Quran, they perhaps know more Quran then you treat them with respect, treat them with due respect, and he Allah subhanaw taala has given them the ability to carry the baton in their memory, right. So yes, they are way younger than you. Yes, they are, you know, you may be you know, you may think that you are better than them, whatever the case is, but they have the Quran. So you show respect to them because of that. And then the Hadees continues, and also to show honor to adjust ruler, any someone who Allah subhanaw taala has given a certain status to you accept that. And when you accept that you honor that, then this is part of showing honor to Allah subhanaw taala then when Allah subhanaw

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taala is Aleem, he is truly ever great, this also means that we should, we should be humble, you know, before Allah subhanaw taala that we should realize our you know, our smallness, our weakness, but we should not go on, you know, praising ourselves that oh, I did this, I did that. I said this, I said that and you know, everybody loves me and I have these many likes and have that many followers, etc, etc. Guinea, do not go on boosting, neither in your head, nor with your tongue. Because this kind of arrogance and pride is something that Allah subhanaw taala does not like, Allah is the one who is truly great. And he is the one who deserves praise for his greatness. And if we

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think that we are something All right, and we start thinking that we are, you know, we are great, that this is something that that really brings us down in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala you know, how these we learn, that if anyone behaves insolently mandawa Murphy not see any in in his heart in himself. He thinks that you know, I am something I am great. Or if that Luffy mushiya T, that he walks with arrogance, right and this is what happens when a person thinks that they're great, then that pride is reflected in the manner that a person carries themselves also. So whoever is like that will meet Allah while Allah will be extremely angry with him.

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Allah will be angry with this person, which person, the one who thinks very highly of himself and the one who walks with pride in another had these wieder in the last panel Tata says that pride is my cloak and greatness is my robe, I'll Kibriya od that he will Allah to his daddy and whoever competes with me in respect of either of them, I shall cast that person into hellfire. So, we should be humble before Allah subhanaw taala we should never think you know very highly of ourselves that we are the best we know better, we are great etc. Then when Allah subhanaw taala is under alim. This means that we should show humility before him any we should exhibit the humility before him and eat

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visibly how Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran will qumola he carnitine and stand before Allah as carnitine meaning as those who are humbly devoutly obedient. So for example, in Salah when we're standing, we should check ourselves that how am I standing before Allah? am I standing like a humble slave? Or am I standing like you know, I've got too many things to do. I need to rush through this because I'm so busy. am I standing like someone who is distracted or like someone who is desperate for Allah subhanaw taala

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forgiveness and mercy. Any we should check? How is it that we're standing before Allah? What is our posture? Like? Are we lowering ourselves? Where are our eyes going? Are we looking here and there? Where's our mind going? Are we thinking, you know about different things are our thoughts wandering? And then during Salah also any, are we saying what we're saying, you know quickly without paying attention to the meaning of what we're saying, without really humbling ourselves before Allah subhana wa Tada This is something that we need to pay attention to. So be show humility before Allah subhanaw taala when you cry before when you make Dora to Allah cry, right? When you're praying, show

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that weakness before Allah subhanaw taala then when Allah subhanaw taala is an early him he is truly great. This means that we should, we should have great hope and great trust in him also. In a Hadees we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when one of you makes a doll, he should not say Oh ALLAH forgive me if you want. No, this is not how you should make Dora. The way you should make Dora is with with conviction, right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said we're lacking Leah zimmel must alotta while URL limit robota that a person should have great hope and show and show certitude right that Allah subhanaw taala is able to give what I want and the

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Prophet sallallahu are using to be explained. This is because for in the law, her later Allah will show you on our pa who because there is nothing you know too big for Allah to give any. Don't think that it is too much to ask Allah to forgive you. Or it is too much to ask Allah to give you you know what you are in need of Why? Because to think like that is to think that Allah subhanaw taala is weak, a stuff that Allah and the fact is that Allah subhanaw taala is allowed to leave. He is truly great. His generosity is great, His mercy, his greatest forgiveness is great, his treasures are great. So why do you hesitate asking him

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and then finally when Allah subhanaw taala is our Aleem This means that we should also acknowledge the greatness that Allah subhanaw taala has given to his slaves. We see that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent a letter to, to the to the king of Rome. He he he had written in that letter be more hamedan rasulillah he sallallahu wasallam illa hirak club or Lima room, that from Muhammad the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to hit up the king of Rome or Lima room. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam acknowledged the title that Hiroko had. This means that you know, when people have been given a certain status by Allah a certain position by Allah,

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then we should acknowledge that you know, if someone's greater than you, in knowledge greater than you in you know in wealth greater than you in a certain status, then don't pretend like it doesn't exist. Allah subhanaw taala has given preference to some people over others in different ways. So acknowledge that this is the distribution of Allah. Right? And we don't get to decide what Allah subhanaw taala gives to who our job is to acknowledge that to accept the distribution made by Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Now when Allah subhanaw taala is under alim, how is it that we should call upon Allah by this name? This means that in the dog that we make, we should mention the name of Allah, Arlene and that can be in different ways in different doors. First of all, we see that this name is mentioned in either cusi Well, who will early you know early right that Allah subhanaw taala is is truly is the one who is ever, ever high ever great. And when it comes to ikusi, then this is something that we have been told to recite after every Salah we have been told to recite in the morning, in the evening before going to sleep. So we should make a habit, you know to do that. Secondly, the name Aleem any. Yes,

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it occurs in many doors but the attribute of Allah of the greatness of Allah, this attribute is mentioned in many doors. So for example, in the door which you know

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We were supposed to say in the morning and in the evening the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do that. This is a drop of protection, Allah in the Luca Lafayette of dunya. Will. Allah I asked you for Aafia for wellbeing, for safety in the world and in the hereafter. And especially these days when we are in a living in a lot of fear, you know, for different reasons, especially for our health, for our lives, for the health and safety of our children, our our communities, our loved ones, any This is a draw that we should regularly make in the morning and in the evening, that Allah I asked you for protection for safety in the world and in the hereafter. And you see, when we when

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we look at all of these, when we experience these dangers and these risks in in our worldly lives, we should think about the difficulties and the dangers that are in the hereafter. So we should ask Allah to protect us here and to protect us there. The Dr. continues Aloma in his article our affordable alfia fee Dini will dunya early family along Mr. alati were amravati Allah mahogany member baney Are they here in Hawaii? Why don't you mean you aren't she Molly woman foci we're all to be our ultimate seeker. It ends with the Oh Allah, I seek refuge in your greatness and Alterna mentality that I am you know cause to slip from from beneath me. Any protect me from from from, from

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from beneath me as well that nothing comes you know from from the ground that is that is below me causing me to be you know, swallowed in by the earth or fall in, in ER Allah protect me from all sides in every way. Then we have another Dora and this is for seeking refuge with Allah subhanaw taala and this is a dog that we should make when we're entering the masjid because when the Prophet salallahu Urdu certain would enter the masjid, he would say our auto Billa healer Aleem rubella heal early I seek refuge with Allah who is under alim, the one who is ever great will be when he healed Kareem was so tiny he'll khadim min ash shaytani r Rajim you're seeking refuge with ALLAH against

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the shaitan so

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this is something the Prophet sallallahu or husana would say when entering the masjid

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calling upon Allah subhanaw taala or praising Allah subhanaw taala by his slifka of Aloma in record in Salah. In record the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to say so the handle on BNR Lee, that Glory be to my Lord who is Arlene be ever great. And also Subhana dirigible Ruth well melaku well Kibriya will have that Glory be to the one who is to the one who possesses Jabbar Ruth mela coat Kibriya and Alomar Aloma Asan greatness, and then we have another door which is very beautiful. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that no Muslim, visits another Muslim and says seven times this Dora, except that Allah subhanaw taala will cure that person, meaning when you go to

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visit someone who is unwell, who is who is sick, then this is a dog that you should make for them. And this is a dog that you should say seven times for them. And what is this Dora aluma haleem are on or below Schiller Aleem ayyash via such a short Dora, and it's so easy. And this is the route that we can learn. And this is something that we should say when we go to visit someone who is not feeling well. And you know, sometimes what happens is that we go to, you know, see someone who is not feeling well, but then we burden them with questions, or we tell them scary stories we tell them about you know, I heard so and so got sick with the same disease and they died. Right and we we

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frightened them.

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Instead, we should spend that time making varo for them. As an Allah Allah Allah Am I ask Allah who is an Arlene, the ever great who is Rob below Charlene who is the Lord of the great throne? And yes, fick to cure you, may Allah cure you may Allah heal you and say the seven times

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then also in distress, any when we are overwhelmed with worry, and an anxiety then how is it that we calm ourselves we calm ourselves by reminding ourselves of the greatness and the perfection of Allah subhanaw taala that yes, what I fear is great, but Allah is greater. What what I am anxious about is truly worrisome. But Allah subhanaw taala is ultra lean. Right? And when

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of his help with his mercy insha Allah, I will be able to overcome this right and and this is a DA for distress. This is reported in behati and Muslim that the Prophet salallahu Urdu center would say this La Ilaha Illa hula alene will Halle, there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, Allah who is an Arlene, the ever great and haleem the ever tolerant La ilaha illa Allah Rob Bula Oh Charlene, there is no god worthy of worship but Allah Who is the Lord of the great throne, La ilaha illa Allah who Ragusa mouth you will have Whirlpool or shall carry, there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, Who is lord of the skies and the earth and Lord of the noble throne. And then we should also

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make the speech, any we should glorify Allah, with his name, Allah ugly, and this can be in different ways. You know, there is that Hadith in which we learned that there are two words, which are very light upon the tongue, you know, very easy to say. And yet they're very heavy in the scale. And they're very beloved to a rock man meaning Allah subhanaw taala loves these words when you say them, and what are these words Subhan Allah He will be handy he Subhan Allah hit arleen Glory be to Allah with his praise and glory be to Allah who is ever great Subhan Allah He will be him the use of Han Allah Hill, Ali. And in other versions, we also learn about Subhan Allah healer Alimi, where we

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have the E so glorifying Allah subhanaw taala in the morning in the evening.

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This is something that is a source of forgiveness, and is it is also a source of stress. Because in life, you know, when we when we faced different challenges, any constantly we realize our weakness

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because of the lack of resources, or because our circumstances are so strenuous, you know, what we are dealing with is something so difficult. So these challenges sometimes they make us feel extremely weak and sometimes defeated almost. So it is necessary that at these times we uplift ourselves not by saying that you know what, I'll deal with this myself because I am very capable, or I know how to handle this right? No, you're not relying upon yourself, you are relying upon the source of strength, who is Allah soprano Prada allegedly.

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Now inshallah we will look at the name of Allah and Majeed.

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The name of Allah Al Majeed

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means the one who is noble, the one who is glorious, and the name el Majeed actually occurs two times in the Quran in salute hood, I a number 73 Allah subhanaw taala says

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regarding the angels who who spoke to the family of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, when they gave Salah the good news, that she was going to have a child and she showed her her surprise that how is that going to be possible? When I am you know, an old woman, my husband is also very old. How am I going to have a child? The angels

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you know, they said the deal wonder at at the mercy of Allah, any youth that you find the mercy of Allah to be strange? And then they said Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh who are Alaykum elbaite May Allah's mercy and blessings be on you all, all people of the house in the who hamidah Majeed Indeed Allah is Hameed. And he is Majeed. Allah subhanaw taala is Hamid meaning he is praiseworthy and he is Majeed, meaning he is glorious.

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And he is very generous when we see in Souter borouge Allah subhanaw taala says, well, who Allah for Allah wa dude larochelle murgee do that Allah subhanaw taala is forgiving, he is loving and he is the owner of the throne and he is unmarried, being the one who is glorious. Now we see that Allah subhanaw taala describes himself as Majeed. He describes his book as Majeed and he also describes his arch his throne as Majeed with regard to his book almost panatela says off welcome Anil Majeed off by the Glorious Quran. Well, who are called Anil Majeed in Surah brooch rather, this is it Quran which is Majeed which is honorable and when it comes to the throne of Allah, according to one

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reading, it is the larochelle Majeed inserted to brood that he is the possessor of the

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throne which is Alma de de ne very glorious. So, what? So, what is the meaning of the word Majeed?

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Now Majeed is one is someone who is who is characterized by maged All right, and maged which is translated as glory or honor or dignity or nobility. It is said that this is synonymous to is there is as in honor or shut off nobility Khurram Sahar generosity, Maru any moral goodness but specifically managed

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you know it gives the sense of emptiness right or or when something is plentiful when it is a generous amounts. So for example, it is said measure the till evil This is when camels are feeding on plentiful luscious herbage any there's a lot to pasture on, there's a lot to eat so much there is not just glory, it is extensiveness in glory, all right, it is ample glory, a lot of honor. A lot of dignity a lot of nobility, right. So this is what when someone is is is characterized by many, many great attributes or, or or attributes that show that reflect honor and dignity. Oh Savile KML basically, secondly, we see that the word mage it also

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any denotes glory, that is personal. Okay, personal as an went when people are described as the alleged, for example, when someone is though much this means that they are noble, because because of the fact that their ancestors were Noble. Right? And so that that glory was transmitted to them, right by their ancestors. It's not that, you know, a person had very humble beginnings, and that they, you know, worked really hard. And then eventually they became successful. No Mage is in a person who is personally because of who they are. They have glory. Okay, so so this is the meaning of much any glory that is personal. And it is also said that Mage is glory because of someone's

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actions any bit when they're very generous.

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Then, then they're defined as Majeed. So Majeed is someone who is Kareem Will Ferrell meaning whose actions are very generous, very noble. So when someone's when someone's attributes are of glory

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extensively, and they are perfect, you know, they possess greatness, because of who they are intrinsically enough because of who they are. And then their actions are also beautiful. Then Majeed would be someone who is praiseworthy, right, why praiseworthy, because of who they are and because of what they do, and and they will be beautiful, right. So, it no claim says that the word any Majeed shows that, that the one who is described as Majeed is is beautiful and perfect in and of himself. Why? Because of,

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you know, the actions of generosity and the perfect attributes that they possess. So, this is the meaning of the word Mooji. Now, when Allah subhanaw taala is an Majeed What does that mean? This means, that, first of all, Allah subhanaw taala is glorious, right? It means that he possesses absolute and perfect maged which means that his attributes are all attributes of perfection, right? So, he possesses every praise worthy quality to the utmost degree. He possesses every praiseworthy quality to the utmost degree, and that he excels all limitations and everything that is worthy of praise. So, Allah subhanaw taala is perfect in every way. He is perfect in all of his attributes.

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His knowledge is perfect, his power is complete, his wisdom is supreme. His mercy is unfathomable. He is unmarried

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When Allah subhanaw taala is an Majeed This also means that his actions are all actions of goodness. Because, remember that the Majeed is someone whose actions are good actions are generous. So, he is the one who gives liberally, right and then when Allah subhanaw taala is Al Majeed This also means that he is the source of much meaning all worldly glory comes from Allah subhanaw taala, even the glory that Allah subhanaw taala gave to his prophets and even the status of the prophets, that is because Allah subhanaw taala gave them that status.

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So, when it comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for example, what a foreign Allah COVID clock, right Allah subhanaw taala has, has made his, his his mentioned, such that, that, that, that the Prophet salallahu Urdu center was being mentioned and praised all the time, in, in, in, you know, all over the world. So, the people who try to dishonor him, honey, they're only humiliating themselves they're, they're only embarrassing themselves, because no matter what they say, no matter what they do, they cannot dishonor the Prophet sallallahu already he was so young.

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And we learned that the companions they asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that how was it that we should send Salam on you? right because Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran

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that Oh, you will believe, send, send salaat on the Prophet sallallahu earlier center right in the lahoma ekata who use a lunar Island oviya you will ladina amanu sallu Ali, right that we should also send Salah to the Prophet sallallahu Ortiz Um, so the companions asked him that, that how do we do that? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you should say Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed. Come on sir later Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim, a NACA hamidou Majid.

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Notice how it ends with in NACA, hamidah Majeed, that Oh Allah indeed, you are praiseworthy, you are ever Noble. Meaning you are the source of greatness. So if the prophets of Allah, they have a good mention, right, they are mentioned in good terms they're praised, then this is because Allah subhanaw taala is the one who gave them that status and that glory. Now we see that the name of Allah

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Al Majeed is mentioned in the Quran with Hamid Alright, and even in when we're sending Salah to the Prophet salallahu Urdu send him say in the hamidah Majeed

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hamidah Majeed, why, because, Hamid is one who is praiseworthy, right and Majeed is one who is perfect in himself in his actions, his actions are good. So, Allah subhanaw taala is glorious in and of himself in his names, his attributes are all perfect. And at the same time, he is he is truly praiseworthy, right he is Hamid because of who he is. So, when Allah subhanaw taala is an Majeed, what are we supposed to do? How is it that we should worship Allah soprano tada because he is El Majeed. What we need to do is that first and foremost, we should love him with all our heart, we should adore him because of who he is. And Allah subhanaw taala is so

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remember Allah G, the one who is

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any perfect and all of his attributes? Right? His actions are excellent, he is so generous, so we should love him, we should glorify Him, right? We should, we should glorify Him, praise Him, because we are constantly receiving his blessings. And no matter how much we glorify Him, He deserves even more praise. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that La ilaha illa Allah to say la ilaha illa Allah is the best Vicar Why? Because when you say la ilaha illa Allah, what are you doing? You're glorifying Allah subhanaw taala you're showing that there is you're saying that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah.

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Allow Alhamdulillah is the best. The right it's the best prayer because you were saying All praise is for Allah.

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And we learn that when a person you know praises and glorifies Allah subhana wa tada mentions the perfection of Allah subhanaw taala then this is something that that Allah subhanaw taala loves in Hades wieder and that once a man was praying and

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The the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not hear that men praising and glorifying Allah. And he Lemieux Majidi Allah, he did not glorify Allah and he did not send Salah to the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre so the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said and said to him or agility au elmslie you have rushed, you have rushed in your prayer almost suddenly. And then the Prophet sallallahu earlier said him heard another person praying, and that man in his Salah for Majid Allah wa hamidah who the man praised and Glorified Allah subhana wa Tada. And he also sends out the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we'll do room to job.

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ask Allah and you will be responded to meaning your dog will be will be responded to what son or daughter asked and you will be given.

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So we should glorify Allah. And you know, when we are praying salah and we're reciting Surah Fatiha what is it that we are doing? We are glorifying Allah. We learned in a Hadees that when a person says al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Then Allah subhana wa tada says hamadani Abdi that my slave has praised me. When when eventually when the person says Maliki oma Deen that Allah is the Malik the Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. Allah subhanaw taala says, majority of the that my servant has, has glorified me My servant has, has honored me meaning with the words that he has used.

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And then we learned that when people are, you know, gathered together and they are remembering Allah, and the angels comments around them, Allah subhanaw taala asks them that what is it that my slaves are doing? And the angels say that they're glorifying you? They're mentioning your greatness. When you read Gee, dude, they're meant they are, they are they are stating your image in your glory. So Allah subhanaw taala asks them that have they seen me? And the angels say that? No, they have not seen you? And Allah subhanaw taala says that, what would they do if they were to see me and the angel said that if they were to see you, then they would worship you cannot assure della curry

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button and there would be more intense in their worship of you were a shed delicate kanji than what the maiden and they would glorify and praise you even more intensely. So, this is something that Allah subhanaw taala loves, we should we should glorify Allah subhana wa Tada. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is and Majeed This means that we should honor and glorify what Allah subhanaw taala has honored right when Allah subhanaw taala has given honor to something that then we should also show honor and respect to it. And first and foremost in this regard is the book of Allah. And he the Quran is described as a keytab, which is Majeed, a book which is glorious. Any a book that is a very

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high status, a book that is filled with goodness. So what is it that we should do? We should show regard to the Quran, even miss Rudra della horn who said that every individual that deserves respect, loves that he is treated with due respect. And indeed respect for Allah is the Quran. Meaning if you want to show proper respect to Allah, see how you're dealing with the Quran? What kind of respect do you show to the Quran? And this respect, you know, we think that respecting the Quran means you know, holding the Quran kissing it, you know, touching our foreheads with it, putting it on a very high shelf. Okay, that may be part of respecting the Quran, but that is not

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everything. In the Quran, we have been told that when the Quran is being recited that we should listen attentively to it, we should be quiet at that time. Right What we do is when the Quran is being recited, people will cover their heads, right? And they will go on talking. This is just this is still disrespect to the Quran, that when the Quran is being recited, we need to listen attentively. When we are reciting the Quran ourselves we should make sure that our mouth is clean.

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We learn in a hadith the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said him said clean your mouth with a sewak because the mouth is the pathway of the Quran. Any the mouth should be clean brush your teeth before you recite the Quran. Especially you know when you're praying for budgets Allah right sometimes people don't brush their teeth before they will brush their teeth afterwards. They'll clean your mouth thoroughly properly before praying Salah because the

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Your mouth is is the pathway of the Quran. So show respect to the Quran by cleaning your mouth. And then sometimes what happens is that people are reciting the Quran and they get a little sleepy, and they start yawning. And as they're yawning, they keep reciting the Quran. This is also not respectful. If you're overcome by sleep, you're yawning. Then pause your recitation, suppress the yawn when the yawn is over, then resumed recitation. Also part of you know, showing respect to the Quran is that we recite the Quran slowly, you know, carefully, properly, not quickly as if, you know, it were poetry as if it were a song, or as if it was not worthy of any respect. And one of the

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companions described this as you know, as cheap dates are tossed aside. So, so don't don't treat the Quran like that, that you're rushing through it as if, you know, it's letters don't matter. No, every letter of the Quran matters. And then sometimes what we do is if we have learned a few verses of the Quran, we use them, you know, to argue with people, this is also you know, disrespectful, that you're using the Quran to refute, you know, other parts of the Quran or to refute, you know, for example, the statement of the Prophet sallallahu or do some of this kind of G dal is something that is disrespectful. When, when Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Majeed This also means that we

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should seek glory through Allah right. And that is by fearing him by obeying Him by seeking his approval. When Allah subhanaw taala is married, then this means that we should also reflect you know, generosity and goodness in our manners. And then finally, we should also seek high ranks near Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala is Al Majeed, any he is glorious he is he is the giver of greatness. And Janna paradise has many levels. And the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, told us in the we shouldn't settle with just anything we should ask Allah subhanaw taala forfeited those because Allah is glorious, he is the giver of glory. So ask Allah subhanaw taala for the highest

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level of paradise. Now, when it comes to making the right to Allah with this name and Majeed then we have many more hours, we learn from the Sunnah in which the name al Majeed has mentioned and these are the hours in which we are glorifying Allah And amazingly many of them are actually in Salah. So the first is that when we begin the Salah,

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we say Allahu Akbar, we glorify Allah, and we say Subhana Allah Houma will be ham, deca, whatever rock a smoker with Allah Taka wala Ilaha yoke, you see where we say with our Allah Jalla Duca This means that he or Allah, your Your Majesty is truly high, right? Your jeugd

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is truly high. So we should glorify Allah, in in Salah. And when we say sudo to fatty how we should pay attention to every iron malakian with Deen feel the greatness of Allah. Then also when we get up from recor we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say at that time Allah hamato banana can hand mill us somewhere to mill one mill Mr. Shake them and che embargo that Allah thinner you will merge laminaria Lima earthlite What are more clearly my minority will I infer the jetty Min kuljit. So here we have specifically a listener he will image that Oh Allah you are worthy of praise and glory. So we should glorify Allah. And then at the end of Salah when we're sending Salatin, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we end that with inaka hamidah Majeed remind yourself that any glory that any creation has even the glory given to the prophets, the source of that is Allah subhanaw taala. And then after Salah again, we mentioned the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala and his glory in different ways, and one of them is La ilaha illAllah who is the hula Shadi color, that will we'll call him the one who are Lokhande shame Kadir Allahu Allah manually my arclight when I'm more clearly mama North when I informed them God when cultured meaning no one who has honor can can can help against you, or can avail against you any, if anyone has any honor any glory, any status,

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they have it because Allah subhanaw taala gave it to them. And Allah subhanaw taala is the one who is ultimately glorious, the one who is truly great and the giver of greatness, so we should seek that from him. inshallah we will conclude over here for today. Does alcohol no hate and cookie Allah Subhana Allah whom will be handed a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta, stop Furukawa

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To buoy Lake wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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