Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-052A Translation Aal-e-Imran 169-185

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The transcript describes a series of advertisements and distractions involving various topics such as Lavina THOSE WHO IS The Jabu and Lavina THOSE WHO IS The Jabu. The advertisements include a mention of Lavina THOSE WHO IS The Jabu and Lavina THOSE WHO IS The Jabu. The history and implementation of Islam laws are also discussed, including the use of drugs and the implementation of Islam laws.
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu our otter bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah al Karim rubbish Rouhani Saudi way a silly Emery Wow Hello Europe that a melissani of Kahu Kohli Allahumma the Colby was suddenly Sani was loads of humor the Colby Amenia Robina aalameen Lesson number 52 solid earlier Imran inshallah will begin with translation from verse number 169 While other Savannah and you indeed do not think of a Lavina those who Portillo they were killed. Fie in severely way Allah He of Allah um whatta as ones who are dead Bal, rather a here they are ones who are alive are in the with Rob be him there Rob, use a cone
they are provided Fetty Hayner as ones who rejoice Bhima in what atta whom Allah who Allah gave them, men from fugly he his favor, were sub Sharona while they delight in receiving good news, Bill Levina of those who love me I'll help will be him. They did not join them. Men Kulfi him behind them. Allah that know how often fear or lay him will be upon them. Wala and Nora home they years unknown they will grieve. Yes that Sharona they delight in good news, veneer mutton of blessing men from Allah He Allah wa fuddling and favor well Anna and that indeed Allah Allah, La Notte Yulia Rue he let's go to waste a draw reward a meaning of the believers and Lavina THOSE WHO IS THE Jabu they
positively responded lillahi to Allah, what was sown, and to the messenger mimbar Dima, after a Saba home it reached them l para who the wound lil Lavina for those who are sent who they did good with excellence men home among them, what the goal and they adopted the Aqua they adopted consciousness of Allah, a drone is a reward are Limon ever great. And Lavina those who all Allahumma NASA the people said to them in indeed and NASA the people or the indeed Gemma ruler calm they have gathered against you all for show home. So you all fear them for the home, but it increased them Imana in belief will call you and they said has spoon Allah has Boonah sufficient for us, Allah Who is Allah
when EREMA and how good is Allah kill the trustee? fun color boo so they turned back binaire methane with blessing men from Allah He Allah wa FOB Lin and favor lamium Sass home it did not touch them. So on any evil what terbaru and they pursued real Bwana great pleasure Allah He of Allah will Allah Who and Allah Liu is one who possesses phobal in favor or leam ever great in nama indeed only Valley calm that are you all a che Tano is the shaytaan you her waifu he causes you all to fear Oh, Leah uh who his allies fell out the hall flew home so you all do not fear them will have phony and you all fear me in quantum if you all truly meaning are believers. Well, I am zonca and they should not
cause you to grieve Alladhina those who you sad Your Honor, they are swift fee in El Kufri the disbelief
in the home indeed Bay Lael baru, they will never harm hola hola hola. Che with anything? You read the Allahu Allah intends Allah that not yet your Allah He makes LA home for them how lung a share of good fee in akhira the hereafter what a home and for them are the boon will be a punishment, our Lehmann ever great in indeed a Lavina those who is Thoreau who they have purchased al kufra the disbelief Bill Eman in exchange for the belief
If Lengyel Bucha rule they will never harm hola hola hola. Che with anything, when a home and for them are the boon will be a punishment a Lehman ever painful and they indeed should not think Alladhina those who care for rule they have disbelieved a NEMA that indeed the fact that normally we give respite law home to them hi Iran is good li unfussy him for themselves in nema. Indeed only normally we give respite law home to them Leah's Dadoo so that they increase is men in sin wala home and for them either Boon will be a punishment Mahina and one that is humiliating Mercan Allahu Allah would never be one Leah Daraa to leave any McCann Allahu Leah Daraa Allah who would never leave and
move me Nina, the believers, Allah upon ma what unto whom you all are lazy are upon it. Had da until your Misa he sets apart. l Habiba the bad men from a year the good Womack can Allah Who and Allah would never be Lele Valera, come to acquaint you all are Allah with a lie be the unseen, while our kin, but indeed Allah Allah Yeji Toby men he chooses to bless as Rousseau de His messengers, man home Yasha oh he wills for Amina so you all believe Billahi in Allah wa Rusu the he and his messengers were in and if to me No, you all believe what the taco and you all adopt consciousness of Allah fella come then for you all a JRun will be a reward, or Limon ever Great. What a seven. And
they indeed should not think Alladhina those who yerba calluna they are stingy Bhima with what atta whom Allahu Allah gave them men from fugly he his favor whoever that it Hiren is good law home for them bail rather who or it shall run is bad law home for them. Say you thought we're gonna they shall have their necks encircled by Ma what? Buffy Liu they were stingy, be he with it. Yo Milka Yama on the Day of Judgment. Well Allah He and to Allah Who belongs Mira through inheritance, a summer worth of the skies will orb and the earth well Allah Who and Allah Bhima of what Dharma Luna you all do hubiera on is ever aware Laqad indeed Samir Allahu Allah has heard hola words Alladhina
of those who call who they said in indeed Allah Allah fapy Urine is poor when national and we Alinea are ones who are rich senak to boo we shall write ma What are Lou they said what particular home and they're killing al Ambia the prophets be lady without helping any right when a coup and we will say the coup you will taste or the Abba punishment al hadith of burning the Malika that Vemma is because of what are the mud it sent ahead a be calm your hands were unknown and that indeed Allah Allah laisser he is not below a lamb at all a wrongdoer, Leila arbete to the slaves, a Lavina those who call you they said in indeed Allah Allah. Are he that Elena he took a promise from us, Allah that
not Nope. Mina we believe Lee Rasool in any messenger Hatha until yet Dianna, he brings us because O'Bannon is sacrificial offering that Kula will now the fire consumes it full you say God indeed Jah como salon messengers came to you all men cobbly before me bit of a unit with the clear proofs were been nervy and with that which quantum you all set for Lima, then why cartel to move home, you all killed them in contem. If you all truly saw the pain are ones who were truthful, for in then if get the walker, they belie you Faqad than indeed could veba who Solon messengers were belied men publica before you Jah Oh, they had brought bill by Jeannette, the clear proofs was zooboo and the
scriptures well keytab and the book Al Mooney, the enlightening
One cool loop every nap since soul that equal to is one that tastes a remote the death we're in Nama and indeed only to a PHONER you all will be paid in full or dual lock on your rewards yomo piano on the day of judgment for men than whoever Zhu Zhi Hua he has been removed on from a natty the fire, whoa the healer and he has been made to enter el Jannah paradise for cod than indeed FAS he has attained success, warmer and not adhere to the life a dunya the worldly Illa is except Mataro enjoyment Allahu ruler of the greatest deceit or a horror of those that deceive and let's listen to the recitation and then we will begin to proceed Bismillah
BD Musa Hoon very Hanaa Rima
probably worse service you're gonna be learning how to be him in country him
yes Service
meaning readiness
was only me
a lady in Amman
showhome showhome
Amen walk on who has grown as a loved one young man working
Houdini I mean Allah he
says soon So, learn me and says rooms Oh
Allahu alim.
Falletta off home walk off on here
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you read the law
Alim in Larina Sharon
law Hashem
Lai la Hushai Oh
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why America analog audio
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was only well to me no
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a woman with the
immediate sense
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hobby. Love audience me Allah
Rather than hiding that he can be mad at
and leadin amatsu in Allah
mean and you're assuming has
very muffled Bachchan to move home
to the
level gotta leave our solo
he was so worried one kita Mooney.
Xhosa Z Han in
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