Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-045B Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 65-71

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and importance of the Torah and the Injeel during the implementation of Islam in the United States. They argue that historical knowledge and historical maps are important in understanding major events and that arguing about events should be surrendered. They also criticize the way some people claim to be the followers of the Prophet's name and express the need for people to accept it. The segment also touches on mislead and confusion surrounding Islam, including the use of "has" and "has" to describe its teachings and the potential consequences of targeting Muslims with false accusations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Then Allah subhanaw taala says yeah lol Kitabi or people of the Scripture Lima to her Juna fee Ibrahim, why do you argue about Ibrahim wama own Zilla the Torah to well in Gu 11 Bardi while the Torah and the Injeel were not revealed until after him, if Allah Tarpeian then will you not reason? Now there is a particular background to this if, if in our basketball Dillo our new reported that the Christians of neutron when they were in Medina, they were you know, with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Jewish rabbis of Medina also came. So now you can imagine, in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are both the Christians of neutron and also the Jewish rabbis.

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And in their conversations now, there was a dispute. The rabbi said Ibrahim was Jewish, and the Christian said no, no, Ibrahim was Christian. And he both claimed that they were on the religion of Ibrahim and that Ibrahim was actually like them and not the other party. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed this idea, and we read something similar into little Bacara verse 140. M de coluna Ibrahima Ismar ILA who is her co Jacobo will as well Pikachu who didn't own Assata Do you claim that Ibrahim and his Marylanders? How can your coop and the descendants mean the prophets among them? They were Jews are Christian. No, how could they be? Because here Allah subhanaw taala says that Torah and

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Injeel were only revealed after him. He think about it. Ibrahim alayhi salam, he had two sons, right? Is how and is mareel Alehissalaam. The son of is how Karhu Salam is jacobellis Anna Iacobelli Salam had 12 Sons of those 12 sons was use of our SLM and these 12 sons They emigrated to Egypt, when use of early salaam became a leader over there. And then what happened the Winnie Surah eel, their children, their descendants, right the 12 tribes of Bani Israel, they were enslaved by the Pharaoh. Then Allah subhanaw taala isn't Musa alayhis salam from among the one he is slightly he rescued them from Egypt. He took them across the sea, and they were in the desert for 40 years. And

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then Musa al salaam passed away. And then under the leadership of Yasha Alehissalaam they entered Philistine right and then after a very long time, eventually they had a kingdom. Right we learned the story at the end of the second Jews about how Allah subhanaw taala you know, enabled the Bani Israel to fight their enemy. And then they would early his Salam he killed a katana Dawa, to dilute right and then Dawood Ali Salam became king. And then after the older Islam, Assemblyman Ernie salah, they had the United Kingdom and then what happened the kingdom became divided the north and the south and then eventually, so many prophets were sent to the Bani Israel and then you have

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reciting his Salam. Okay, so when was the Torah revealed Torah was given to Musa alayhis salam way after Ibrahim Rani Sena? Right. When was the Injeel revealed Teresa Ali Salam when we after Musa alayhis salam. So the Jews claimed to be the adherence of the Torah. Christians claimed to be adherence of the Injeel but believers in Torah so what's happening over here? How could Ibrahim early Sudan be a follower of something that came much after him? Not possible? So yeah, halal Kitabi Lima to hide UniFi Ibrahim, why do you argue to her Juna is from her Jaha Jean Jean, and Hoja is an argument Mohammed Jha is to bring her against each other to win an argument. So why do you argue in

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regard to Ibrahim whereas the Torah injeel were not revealed except after him a fella dark balloon? Do you not reason? Do you not have Arkell? Do you not understand any How can you claim that he was a Jew? How can you claim that he was a Christian? How can you claim that he was anything like you and this shows that many of them did not even know their own scripture, their own history. And remember that knowing history is very important, very important, when you know history, at least some familiarity is important. When you know it, then you cannot be deceived by people. You know, there is a story that is mentioned about the basset Khalifa, how some Jews came to him, and they presented

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a letter to him. And that letter was apparently from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam, written by Marwa ibn Abi Sufyan. He was the scribe. And in that letter, apparently the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam had pardoned the Jews of Hayward from paying the jizya from paying the tax. Okay. So they presented that to the khalifa to prove that they were exempt from paying the jizya that look, this is the letter of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam given to our ancestors and this shows that we do not have to give the disease of the Khalifa was, you know, kind of surprised, but a written document was being presented to him and he was

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almost convinced but he called hottie Al Baghdadi. hockeyville Baghdadi a great scholar, he called him and when he came, and he saw the letter, as soon as he saw it, he said, This is a fake. It's a lie for the free world. How do you know? So he will Baghdadi explained that look, the letter has been written by the scribe Moralia. Even ABI Sufyan, right? Because every letter in it says Catawba, who so and so wrote it. Okay, so Maura, we have been a piece of yarn is supposed to be the scribe, and Hubbard was conquered in the beginning of the seventh fear of the Hijra. And while we did not embrace Islam until the end of the seventh year, so how could he be described when he was not even

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Muslim at that time, and he was not even there at the conquest. And on the letter, there were also names of witnesses. Okay, and who were the witnesses, the witnesses were the two sides, little de la hora and homeside. They've been Maura and SAR, they've been rabada. And Sodom and Moraga. There'll be the one who actually died three years before the conquest of Hiber. So how could he be a witness to this letter to this document? So hottie will will daddy any key new history and that's why when he saw the document immediately he knew this is a fake. So knowing history is is very important. Some people that just you know kind of blank out the moment something historical is mentioned, like

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oh, this has nothing to do with me I can't remember these facts, not take interest in these things. And over time, you know, you will build some kind of a historical map in your head of major major events in history. You know, especially our history you know of our deen we should know the seed of the Prophet sallallahu early he was alone a major events of you know, the first century the first few centuries after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam these are things that we should know so anyway, a fella Turkey loon Will you not understand? Then Allah subhanaw taala says her and Tom her hula he had judged on female akamba Here and here you are those who have argued about that of which

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you have some knowledge now her until her and don't her is help them be have them be any it's a way of alerting someone. Okay. And this is why you have her in Heather. Okay or how hula. So her is you could say it is four exclamation. Okay. So Ha, Anton, you are any look at you. Look at you. You are How old are II? You are these ones who any look at you, you people are those who had judged on female or can be here. You all argued concerning something that you have some knowledge about, okay. If you argue about something that you have some knowledge of that is understandable. But for Lima to her junior female, Lisa can be here and why do you argue concerning that about what you don't even

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have any knowledge? Now, we see that the Christians of neutron they had been arguing about something that they had knowledge of. Right and that was the matter of reciting his sunnah right earlier we learned from and had Jukka Fie, whoever argues with you concerning him, and he concerning recited a Salam. So they had some knowledge about recyling salaam, and on the basis of that knowledge, they argued with the prophets of Allah who early he was ALLAH, but notice it is said, you have female, be here in moon some knowledge early was Nikita and he they had some knowledge about reciting Surah not all and what they knew about reciting Salam was, you know, a mixture of truth and falsehood, facts

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and fiction and a lot of assumption, right? They did not have your pin as Allah Subhana Allah says in surah nisa 157 were in the medina tele foofy, Luffy, Shatkin, Minho, Mela, whom became in her element Illa Tibba, one Walmart Cthulhu Yukina, that they are in doubt about him. They don't have certain knowledge, they only have some assumption. And for a fact they did not kill him for certain they did not kill him. So instead of accepting the evidences that were given in the Quran, what did they do? They argued about the case of recyling Sinha, right. And that is also wrong. But it's kind of understandable. Someone knows about something, they have some information about it and they argue

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instead of accepting, okay, they know what they're talking about. Alright. But Fatima to her junior female acela can be here. But why do you argue about that of what you have no knowledge and that is the case of Ibrahim Rani Sinha.

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So in this idea, the people who argue about the truth instead of surrendering to it or being criticized, and the thing is, people when it comes to arguing about the truth, it begins with you know, small or

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arguments. And eventually a person reaches a point where they begin to talk without knowledge. And this is why it's very wrong to have the habit of argumentation. Like for example, I just mentioned that in Sahih Muslim, this is the report the Prophet sallallahu Arneson recited this idea in the first record of sunnah of budget. And in the second chakra, he recited this idea, the evidence is there, so he Muslim, right? Also hobby is reporting and the Prophet sallallahu artisan recited when the truth is presented to us what should be our response, we accept it we surrender we say really? Alhamdulillah I know of another sunnah that I can follow. Maybe I'm not able to memorize all of

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Surah Baqarah but I can try to memorize this one I have from Susan Bukhara so that I can recite it in the Sunnah prayers, and maybe I cannot memorize all of sort of earlier Milan, I can memorize this one idea. And then these two verses, I will recite in the Sunnah, prayers, a budget, and I'll be following the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam and Hamdulillah. I know of a good deed that I can do now have a goal that I can work towards. But then there are other people who will say, but no, the prophets of Allah Islam would recite Kalia, you will cafiero people who allow a hug? That's what I have learned? Well, yes, he would also recite that. And he would also recite this. But this is

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just one idea, isn't it that we're supposed to recite three verses in Africa. This is only one idea. Well, yes, technically, you're supposed to recite three. But if an ayah is long, like these verses, and if the prophets Allah who are in Islam just recited this, then that is okay. So some people have a habit of arguing about everything. They don't accept the deal that is given. They just want to argue, argue, argue, argue, debate. And this is a very bad habit. Because then you know, a person begins to feel very proud about themselves. And then it comes to a point where they begin talking without knowledge, and then they're only embarrassing themselves. So Fatima to her junior female, a

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Salah can be here. When the truth is presented to us we should surrender. We shouldn't dispute we shouldn't argue. And if a person does not know about something, then they should not argue about that matter at all. And giving fatwa without knowledge is very wrong. So Fatima, Taha, Juna FEMA, Lisa can be here Ill Will Allah who you are alone, who were unto Letterland moon and ALLAH knows and you do not know the knowledge of Allah is complete and inclusive of everything. He knows what was and is and will be, and you do not you do not know everything. So are you not going to show humility before Allah? Are you not going to confess your ignorance before Allah? Are you not going to accept

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what Allah has informed you off? Are you still going to be stubborn about the things that you have heard or things that you have previously known? Then Allah subhanaw taala clarifies the position of Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allah subhanaw taala says Matt Cana Ibrahim whoo yah hoo, the yen well and Hassan Ibrahim on his salaam was not a Jew nor a Christian, then who was he? Well, I can kind of Hanifa Muslimah. Rather, he was a honey Muslim woman Academy and Mushrikeen and he was not of the polytheists. Ibrahima has said I was not a Jew. He was not a Christian, because Judaism came about way after Ibrahim on Islam and Christianity also came about way after Ibrahim Rani Sinha. And both

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the Jews and the Christians claimed that they were the followers of Ibrahim Al Islam, right and even now, both claimed to be you know, of the Abrahamic tradition. So Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear that Ibrahim Ali Salam was neither like this, nor like that, nor Jew nor Christian. And the thing with Judaism and Christianity is that they came about much after Ibrahim Al Islam, and they have since been evolving, right? And if there have been changes to the Scripture, or various interpretations of the scripture, and various readings of the scripture, and portions of the scripture that have been lost portions of the scripture that they don't even know how to read. And

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you know, the fact that they have are bad men do Nila who constantly change the religion, then how could Ibrahim alayhis salam be on what they are upon? Any how could the religion of Ibrahim Hassan be their religion? Not possible? So what was the religion of Ibrahim on Islam? It was Hanifa Muslimah Ibrahim Al Islam was Hanifa Muslim Ummah. kanamycin was sticking, Hanif. By the way all of the prophets of Allah were like this honey for Muslim Ummah Academy and Mushrikeen. Hanif is from Hanover and Hanover is Mela. So, Hanif is unmatched in my field, meaning one who inclines towards something any the one who inclines away from schicke to Islam. Okay, away from schicke to Islam.

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This is Hanif and secondly, he was Muslim anyone

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who submits to Allah alone? One who was firm in towhead. And muslim meaning one who surrendered to Allah externally and internally, internally, as in with he had the right belief in the Oneness of Allah and he was a sincere slave of Allah. And outwardly also externally. He was very obedient to Allah, whatever Allah commanded him, he did it. He did not argue he was Muslim. And then he was not up Moshe, keen McCallum and was seeking He's not someone who associated partners with Allah, who set up equals to Allah Who gave the status of God to someone else who gave the exclusive rights of Allah to someone else. No, he was not of the Mushrikeen and this is an indirect way of saying that all

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people of the Scripture you are doing Sheikh Ibrahim on Islam was not like you. So then who can claim that they are on the religion of Ibrahim Arnaiz Sinha, Allah subhanaw taala says in hola Naseby Ibrahim Lella Dena terbaru will have an EBU will Lavina Amanu in indeed Hola. NASCI the most worthy of people be Ibrahim Abu Ibrahim. Oh Allah is from the root letters while lamea and Walia is to come after someone you need to be near them to come right after them to be close to them. Okay. And Allah is One who is closest to someone nearest to someone. Okay, so hola NASCI closest of the people to Ibrahim. Oh Allah also means someone who is most worthy of something most deserving of

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someone or if something so hola Naseby. Ibrahim also means a haccombe Yenni. The people most deserving off Ibrahima Listen, meaning of saying that we follow his religion so the closest of people to Ibrahim closest in terms of religion and most worthy of saying that their his followers are who hola Nassif Ibrahim or who Latina terbaru who are surely those people who followed Him and who followed the Brahim Maria Sena is how cardi Sinha is married early salami or Kilbirnie Salam use of Ernie Salam. Alright, Musa alayhis salam, the old early Salam so a man early Salam Yunus early said I was a clearly Santa Maria, Charlize and I'm all of the prophets of Allah, all of the prophets

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of Allah. were followers of Ibrahim or his sunnah. And then of course, Muhammad Sallallahu urn who sent him also, well had the Nabhi and this prophet meaning Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, well, Latina Amaroo and also those who believe meaning those who have believed in this prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So these are people who are closest to Ibrahim Are you send them because they are Hanif Muslim, Macedonian English speaking, right? And then Allah subhanaw taala says, Will Allah who will lead you in what meaning and Allah is the friend of those who believe Allahu Akbar, Allah is the ally, he is the protector, he loves them, he is close to them, he

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helps them He gives though feel to them, while Allahu Allah UL Momineen. So all people have the Scripture, who are you going to be of the meaning of those who believe in this prophet? Are those who don't? Do not want the friendship of Allah? Do you not want closeness with Allah? Do you not want that Allah is on your side. And you see Ibrahim already Sinha, Allah subhanaw taala was his Willie also. So those who follow Ibrahim or listener Allah will also be there Wali, Allahu Allah, you'll mean, in a hadith in Sahih Bukhari we learn about a man was named was Zaid ibn Ahmad ibn Tofail. Okay, he was from Makkah, and this is before Islam, and he did not like idolatry. Okay, so

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he went to Sham Syria in order to search the true religion. And he met a Jewish scholar and he asked him about their religion, and he liked it. It made sense to him and he said, I want to embrace your religion. So tell me something about it. And the Jewish scholars said that you will not embrace our religion unless you receive your share of Allah's Anger. So Zaid said, I wrote the biller who in VALIC, any we seek the refuge of ALLAH from that I am running away from Allah's Anger. So why should I accept a religion that is all about believing that God is angry in the I will never bear even a bit of that anger if I have the power to avoid it? So then he actually asked the Jewish man that can

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you tell me of another religion and that Jewish man said, I do not know any other religion except the Hanif. So they even asked him that what is Hanif? He said Hanif is the religion of the Prophet Ibrahim, who was neither a Jew nor Christian and he used to worship only Allah. So then they they even went out and he met a Christian

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A religious scholar and told him the same as before that I want to accept your religion. Tell me something about the Christian side you will not embrace our religion unless you get a share of Allah's curse. So say their plight I do not run except from Allah's curse and I will never bear any of Allah's curse and his anger if I have the power to avoid them. Can you tell me of some other religion? He said, I do not know of any other religion except Hanif, Zaid inquired, What is Hanif and he said Hanif is a religion of Ibrahim, who was neither Jew nor Christian and used to worship none but Allah alone. So then they said, he went out. And he raised both his hands and he said, Oh,

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Allah, I make you my witness that I am on the religion of Ibrahim. And this was before the revelation was given to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So in every era, there have been people who have truly followed the wave Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, the way of towhead. And this is what we are being taught that we should be followers of Ibrahim or his son unbelievers in tow hate, not that we cling to, you know, especially in the case of the Jews and the Christians claim to certain titles and certain traditions, even if they go clearly against the teachings of the Scripture. What the thought if I told min lil Kitabi low you'll be Luna come warmer, you'll be Luna Illa and Fusa.

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home warmer. Yeah, Sharon, over leavers, a faction of the People of the Scripture wish they could mislead you, but they do not mislead except themselves and they perceive it not. In the previous video, we learned that when Allahu Allah You mean, Allah is the friend of the believers, he is the protector of the believers. So Allah who warns the believers of the plots of the People of the Book, and if you think about it, the people of the book are, in a way the Best of those who disbelieved towards the Muslims. And if they are like this than other disbelievers are even worse in their plots against Muslims, so ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada warns the believers over here why so that the believers

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are cautious they're careful what's the warning that what the FDA if at all, what doctor if I don't what that from wild alder wood is a herb was shredded, and he to intensely love and desire something. So they desperately wish. They earnestly desire, who desires thought if atonement, Al Kitab, a group of the People of the Scripture, thought if a means a group, a party, not all of them. And the word thought, if I is from Tao file, toffee tofu is to go around, and the word die if I was used for a congregated body of people, you need a group of people that have come together that have congregated together, okay, any at least three people or two, or even up to 1000 According to some?

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Well, the main thing is that if it is a congregated group of men, and here thought ephah is referring to those who have assembled congregated over something that they agree upon over something that they want to do any there's a common sentiment, okay. And this thought iffa is referring to the group of the elders, the learned men, the leaders of the People of the Book, so they wish that low yield eluna Come, if only they could mislead you. Subhan Allah, you know, in a hadith in Sahih, Muslim, we learned that in Allah and Allah, either Idol or the fermata home or Bahang, Waregem Illa, Boko Haram and Al Kitab. The Verily Allah looked towards the people of the world, and he disliked

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them, the Arabs and the non Arabs, with the exception of some remnants from the people of the book, they need the majority of the people of the world in their actions and in their ways any day, angered Allah, except for some remnants from the people of the book. Okay. Any they have some good in them compared to the rest of humanity. And this was of course, before revelation was given to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So they had some good in them, right. But yet, look at them they want now you'll be Luna come if only they could mislead you. But Allah subhanaw taala says, What are you Luna inland for second one? Are you Sharon the only mislead themselves and they don't

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even realize, why do they wish to mislead you out of jealousy and they're jealous of you? They don't like you to be guided. They don't like you to have Islam. They don't want Islam to exist. They don't like you to have your prophets of Allah who already has and if they could, they would erase this portion of history. They want it to be forgotten and lost. They want you to be misguided because they're so jealous in Surah Baqarah i 109 Allah subhanaw taala says what the cathedral mean lol kita below you do not come and borrow the money.

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gefallen has had a minor Indian Museum out of jealousy. So Allah is warning us over here that Be careful Be cautious of them, because this is not just a wish of theirs to mislead you, this is actually a very concerted effort on their part to target Muslims. So be on your guard or Muslims do not believe their lies, do not try to appease them do not get impressed by their confidence because there are those among them who are very consciously targeting you to mislead you, will my Ilona Illa and foster home and they do not mislead except themselves? They try so hard to mislead Muslims. But who do they end up misleading themselves? How? Because the one who misleads others becomes a leader

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of the misguided, right increases in his own risk guidance. And the fact is that they are so busy trying to mislead others that they don't think about seeking guidance for themselves. Because someone who is so focused on others ends up neglecting himself. Right? Someone who's so focused on others ends up neglecting himself. So well, my eluna Illa. And for someone who is Sharon and they don't even realize they don't realize that they're not benefiting themselves with the faculties that Allah has endowed them with. They're busy targeting others and neglecting themselves. And they do not even realize how much they're suffering. Why am I here, Sharon? And I'm sure you have

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experienced this, that in the way that ads online are targeted towards Muslim audiences. You know, sometimes it's amazing, you get, you know, videos popping up on your feed of, you know, a Muslim who found the light in Jesus Christ, born and raised Muslim, and things like that. And then there's so much propaganda as if all Muslims are ISIS, and all Muslims are terrorists, and they will deliberately in he put the name of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in right next to you know, a man who looks like a fighter, like a brutal killer ad they want to demonize Islam. What's the goal over here to mislead you from your faith? And they want you to leave Islam and Subhanallah

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any videos that look very fake, you know, people who are supposedly ex Muslim and who don't even know about basics of Islam. Right? So how are the ex Muslim if they don't even know the basics of Islam like five prayers? So well mildly Luna inland fossa who is Sharon? So this is a very concerted effort. All Muslims, don't be naive. Be on your guard. Yeah, Hillel. Kitabi. Allah subhanaw taala addresses them directly. Oh, people have the book. Lima tak Fortuna vi Attila he, why do you disbelieve in the verses of Allah wa antem. Tasha don't while you witness to their truth. Now the Ayat of Allah over here can be the ayat of the Torah Injeel or Quran in either verses. And I add

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over here can also be more does that miracles signs that were given to the Prophets, right, including the miracle that were given to resign his son, I'm in the now to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And why do you deny the verses of scripture? Why do you deny the miracles were uncovered the shadows while you witness the shadows from sheen huddled in you bear witness to them, you see them with your own eyes. You know, for example, at several locations, we learn in Hadith books in see Robert how the Jews asked the prophets of Allah who are interested in questions in order to test him to see whether he was, you know, a true prophet or not. And these questions were

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very specific. And the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam answered all of them correctly, very specific questions like What is the first sign of the hour? What is the first food which the people of Paradise will eat? Why does a child resemble the father or the mother? What is the rule? Where will the human beings be On the Day when the earth will change into another earth and the heavens to who amongst people will be the first to cross the bridge? What will be the breakfast of the people of paradise? What will be their food after that? What will be their drink any very specific questions they would ask the prophets Allah who are using them and the Prophet said Allah who doesn't have

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answered all of them correctly. Alright, so Antonia shadow new witness these miracles and the the knowledge that the prophets Allah who heard his answer was given this was a sign a miracle and evidence of his truthfulness. And at various occasions the prophets of Allah who are his sunnah was divinely informed of their tricks. And he exposed them. I for example, they poisoned some meat and they offered it to him and the Prophet sallallahu urness. Adam asked him about it, you poisoned it, and they confessed. So you see, when an intelligent person recognizes the truth, he follows it. And these people that witnessed the Ayat of Allah, the miracles in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam but

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Even after witnessing them, they did not accept the truth. Why? out of jealousy and the Ayat of Allah I mentioned to you that it can also refer to the verses of Torah and Juden Quran, they knew from the Torah and indeed, that Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was the prophet, and they were seeing those verses of totalitarian jheel coming to life before them. They were witnessing those verses coming true right in front of them. You know, for example, in total Arafa 157, Allah subhanaw taala says Olivia de Luna, whom October entering Don't be told it will indeed, they find this prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam written with them in the Torah and in general, and he's

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mentioned in Susan feta I at 29 Allah subhanaw taala says Muhammad Rasool Allah will Medina Mora, who Ashida Orlan Cavalli Rahama albedo the wrong route current to Germany of the horn of hot lemon Allah He would Atlanta see movie would you hear him and Eddie sujood there Lika methylome fedora. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating and prayer seeking bounty from Allah and His pleasure, their mark is on their faces from the trace of frustration. That is their description in the Torah, the description of the companions will methylome fill in G and their description in the

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Gospel is a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks delighting those who the farmers Subhan Allah, He these descriptions are given in the Torah and in the NG the verses are there and at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they were seeing these verses of Torah and Injeel coming true before them, they were witnessing them coming true into the SFX is six, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned about how it recited Salam told the Bani Israel that I'm a messenger of Allah to you and I have come to convey the good news of a messenger who will come after me his name is Ahmed he Silas and I'm literally named him. So they

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knew with a certain knowledge that he was the prophet of Allah right Alladhina it now who will Kitab a yardie fauna who can I already find out a banana whom they recognize Muhammad Sallallahu are using them as a recognized our own sons, but the people of the book have their you know, like they say alternative facts. So it is said Yeah, Hillel. keytab limit will be soon unhackable bellpine or people of the Scripture Why do you confuse the truth with falsehood? What Actonel help and why do you conceal the truth? What intim Darla Moon while you know it? So look at how Allah subhanaw taala addresses them again. Yeah, LOL kita or people of the book, Honey, do you realize who you are? You

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have the Scripture. So what what befits you to believe in scripture or to oppose it to accept its verses coming true before you are to pretend like they don't exist? And then erase them and say that they mean something else? And just simply remove them from the Scripture? Because this is what they've done. So Allah says Lima, it'll be soon unhackable belted. Why do you confuse the truth with the falsehood? And we have read this earlier and Sultan Bacara in verse 42, well, that'll be Sudhakar will battle with actual hardcore Anton tharla Moon Do not confuse the truth with the falsehood and do not conceal the truth while you know. And limit will be sooner they'll be soon as

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from Lamba seen and tell this is to mix up to confuse alright to make doubtful. So why do you confuse the truth with the false meaning by mixing it with the falsehood? And if you mix if you add so many words, you know of your own into a sentence, then how do you know what was originally said and what has been added? You cannot tell the truth from the falsehood then it's all mixed up. So this is what they did to the Scripture. This is what they did to the verses that spoke about Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then we'll talk to Moodle, how you conceal the truth than literally strove to conceal the truth about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So people are

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now no longer able to distinguish between facts and fiction, and they're not able to see the truth because you've hidden it. Well, Anton tarla Moon while you know any This is worse, that you knowingly do this if a person accidentally conceals the truth. And you see in the past it happened. People who believed in regardless and they were persecuted, so they literally had to hide the Scripture, right? Because if they were found with them, they would be burned, or the people would be killed. So they would have to hide the scrolls. Right? So any that was for good reason that they hate it in order to preserve it. But here we're unten tharla. Mon you're concealing the truth

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knowingly any This is a concerted effort to hide the truth to conceal it and to confuse the truth. And he this is this is great evil. And this shows how eager they were to mislead people from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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