Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-035E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 264
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But then Allah subhanaw taala tells us Yeah Are you her Latina Alma no or you who have believed led to between also Ducati con Bellmen, Newell other, do not invalidate your charities with reminders or injury. Now, first of all, we see that Allah subhanaw taala encourages us to spend without money and other right where we're told Alladhina and Fukudome wala Hoon, visa vie Letho Mala yo to be owner Matt and for Coleman and villa. And here Allah subhanaw taala warns us against men and other and here in this aisle, Allah subhanaw taala gives us an example. Okay, an example of the one who spends and wastes his reward with one another. And this is the second example about spending. The first
example about spending was the example that tells us about the reward of those who spend in the way of Allah and that example encourages us to spend this example encourages us to spend with his loss with sincerity and without money and other. So, all you who have believed and remember this phrase, whenever we hear it, we should pay attention, we should realize that this is something very relevant to us. So all you who have believed led to will clean also Ducati calm, do not invalidate your charities, lots of clue this is from the root letter is balca lamb okay Baldoyle false opposite of how Huck is true beltless false okay. And badly is also used for something that has no worse Okay,
or something that is unfounded, it is incorrect, it is fictitious, any, it has no truth to it, and it also has no reality to it, it has no worth whatsoever. So the word is used in many different ways. But here what is of relevance is that for example, when a transaction is valid, it means that that transaction is void. Okay, it didn't go through. So for example, if you are trying to make a payment and your card is not working, what happens Are you allowed to take the things home with you know, because that transaction is void, you put your card in and you put the wrong PIN, it is not working, the transaction is void. It's badly so that means that what you're trying to purchase is
not going to be given to you and the money from your account is not going to go to the seller right? Because the transaction is void. So this is Ebola Ebola is to render something void. Okay, worthless have no account and this means that there will be no results no consequence to it. Okay? So for example, if a person is praying salah, but their Salah is badly, okay, why is it badly because, for example, they did not fulfill a prerequisite they're praying without will do. So if their Salah is badly it means that their Salah is void, and the consequence, which is the fulfillment of obligation is not there. Okay, so they have not fulfilled their obligation, the reward that a person gets for
Salah, they're not going to get it because they're sulla was Butlin, they did not fulfill a prerequisite. So here, Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that lead to clean also the quality code do not invalidate your charities, meaning do not render them void when you give sadaqa. Remember that sadaqa has the potential of bringing you reward 700 times and even more, but it's possible that all of that reward is wasted. Right? It is void. How, when does that happen? We'll learn about that. So lotto Palooza the call taker, meaning do not waste the reward of your charities don't render your charities void lead to closer the Catacomb. And so the cart is a third of the word sadaqa Seidel
cough. And here you see there is a more general word that has been used for spending earlier it was specified spending in the way of Allah and that can be limited to just spending for the religion of Allah sadaqa can be charity in the form of giving to the poor giving to someone who is an orphan, someone who is asking, it's general so don't waste your charities. How are sada caught wasted? How are they rendered void Bill many will other through men and other
This shows us that when a person gives her the AKA, and then they remind of the favors or they cause her to the receiver, what are they doing to their sadaqa they are wasting the reward, a StuffIt Allah and the universe say that these words lead to do so the quality control manual other peers show that men and other are actually held on their forbidden and they are in fact of the major sins. Why? Because there is a specific negative outcome. And what is that negative outcome? It's the wastage of deeds. So Latinos are the quality control manual other men and other or major sins, the Prophet sallallahu lucidum said that the manaan being the person who always remind others of the
favors that he has done them, such a person will not enter paradise. So the one who recounts and lists His favors to others. I did this for you. I did that for you. I gave this to you, I gave that to you. Such a person is wasting their own reward lotto cleaners or the Cathy Campbell manual other. Now, one question, and I'm sure you have been wondering as well, that is mon meaning reminding others of the favors that you have done them? Is it appropriate in some situations? Or is it never ever ever acceptable? So we learned that if the objective any if the purpose behind man behind reminding others of the favors that you have done them is to remind the Jaffe Dean jarhead is a
person who is very ungrateful denies any favors that have been done to them, if the objective is to make them realize that look, I have done my part, then this is permissible. Okay. For example, for example, your children, okay, your own child maybe, is being extremely negative, okay. And they say things like, I feel like I am an orphan. I feel like I am adopted. And they're saying this because you did not buy them the fifth bright unicorn toy that they wanted, okay. And you want them to realize that you don't treat them like a non family member. You do love them, and you do take care of them you do fulfill their wishes, then you can remind them at that time. That No, my dear, I do
buy things for you. Alhamdulillah. We went to Walmart last week, and I bought you that toy that you want it. Okay. But that much is sufficient. You don't go on listing to them to your own child that really you think you were adopted? Haven't you seen all the photos in which, you know, when you were a baby, I was carrying you when I used to bathe you and I used to buy so many clothes for you. And come let me open my bank account and show you how much money I've spent in Walmart and how much money I've spent on your diapers, and how much money I've spent on your tuition. Let me show you how much I actually give you an how much I have actually spent on you since the beginning of your life.
That is one. Okay, and that is not appropriate. But if someone is, like I mentioned, your own child is feeling like you know, because shaitan is after everyone and shaitan makes us you know sometimes believe that people don't love us when they actually do, then it's okay to make them feel or to remind them of the favors that they have forgotten. But even in a situation like this, it is best if someone else reminds them, not the giver but someone else. So for example, if as a mother, you see that your child is constantly complaining about their father, and talking ill of their father, or saying that their father doesn't care about them, their father ignores them, their father does not
buy them anything that they want, then you as a mother should not wait for the father to defend himself. No, you should defend the father, you should tell your child that no idea your father does care about you. And he does spend on you. You have seen how much you know he spends on your tuition, how much he spends on, you know your shopping and things like that you can mention a few things. So, it is appropriate in such situations only when someone is being extremely ungrateful. And they fail to remember any favors that have been done to them. We learned for example, or model de la Horne who, when he was attacked, okay when he was attacked in the masjid and that attack eventually led to
Death so Ramallah de la Martin who said to even our best Radi Allahu Anhu that go and see who attacked me. So even our Baslow de la noir and who went investigated and found out and he came to him and he said, Oh, it was the slave of Molina, I've been shorba. Alright, so Omar Abdullah Horan, who said, God, hola, hola, hola. Oh, say to be Hira, May Allah destroy him. I did a favor to him. Because that man actually he was a slave and he had asked her model de la noir and who for certain favors and a model de la noir and who did a favor to him. Okay, so I'm Ana de la Mourinho mentioned that favor. At that time, he said, Look outside to be a euro. He wasn't showing off about His
favors. But he was saying that, you know, this man has been extremely ungrateful. Okay. We also learn about a very interesting incident from the Syrah at the conquest of Makkah. And especially after the conquest of Makkah, when there was the Battle of Hunan, there were a lot of properties that were brought in as war booty and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi. wasallam gave generously from it, especially to the people of Makkah. Okay, who had embraced Islam, or whose hearts were becoming soft towards Islam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, we learned that he gave 1000 animals to 1000 to another, you know, so much he gave to different people. And he did not give
anything to the unsought. Okay, he did not give anything to the unsought and some people from the inside, you know, they felt it. They're like, what's going on? How come he's not giving anything to us? He's giving preference to his relatives over us or that, you know, they said that our swords are still dripping from blood, and others are enjoying that basically, we are the ones who are working so hard and we have not been given anything. Remember, not all the insults at this, some people from the inside have said this. So when the Prophet salallahu Urdu seldom heard about those rumors, he basically asked that all the unsought gather in one place, and it was only the unsought over there,
no one else besides them. And then the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam spoke to them, and of the things he said, is basically that did Allah not find you misguided and Allah guided you all through me? Did Allah not find you poor and he enriched you through me? So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam listed some of the favors basically, why? Why did he do that in order to make them realize that they have not been deprived, that Allah subhanaw taala has given them something far better, something much better than sheep and goat and the prophets of Allah who already has an amass them that do not like it, that people go back to their homes with sheep and camels, and you go back home
with the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam reminded them of the favors over here, some favors over here, so that they would feel happy. So only in such situations, it is appropriate to remind others of the favors you have done them to make them feel happy, to help them feel grateful, to help them realize that your relationship with them is not as ugly and as bad as they think it is. But to remind someone of your favors to them in order to get something out of them, or in order to make them feel less of themselves in order to make them feel that you are better than them. This is wrong. So for example, if a person has a fight with their
spouse, and they say things like, Well, what do you bring to this relationship? Anyway? I am the one who works and who pays for the bills. I am the one who cleans the house, I am the one who does all the chores, I am the one who does this and this and this. And basically you are useless. Okay, this is wrong. Or reminding someone of the favors you have done them in order to make them feel less of themselves that Oh, you're asking me again and again, I gave you before. Now again, I have to give you Why are you so lazy? Why don't you go work and make money yourself and stop begging? This is wrong. So Allah subhanaw taala is warning us against this kind of men that led to produce the
cartoon Bill money while others do not waste do not invalidate your charities through men and other Kennedy unifocal mela Huri a NAS like the one who spends his wealth in order to be seen by people. Meaning don't waste don't invalidate your sadaqa like the show off person invalidates his sadaqa Okay,
Kalanidhi unifocal malah who his Well, three, he is from the root letters raw Hamza, Allah to see and React is to make other see. So he's giving his sadaqa in order to make people see, okay? Meaning he's giving it to show off in order to be seen by others. And who is this person? The hypocrite? Right, the hypocrite? Because the hypocrite, when he does something he does it in order to be seen by others. As we learn even when it comes to Salah, why do they pray that he or a nurse, right? In order to show off to the people, so don't be like the hypocrite, okay, who gives sadaqa with the wrong intention. And when he gives sadaqa with the wrong intention, he wastes his reward. And if you
give sadaqa with the right intention, but you follow it up with money and other than you are also wasting your reward. So what do we see over here? Correct intention and correct manner. Both are important for the validity of deeds. If you do something good, like giving charity, but with a bad intention to show off to people, then what's going to happen, the reward is wasted. At the same time, if you do something good, okay, which is for example, sadaqa with a good intention purely for the sake of Allah, but then your manner is not correct, which is that you do mon and other, this will also waste the reward Subhan Allah, so how careful we have to be when we are doing things for
the sake of Allah, that we correct our intentions, and we also correct our manner. Now you see shaitan doesn't give up. Okay, first of all, shaytaan prevents a person from giving sadaqa how when we intend to give sadaqa shaitan threatened us of poverty, a shaytaan, a URI, the common folklore, right? He threatens you with poverty, that don't give, you're wasting your money, they don't actually deserve it. They're lying that they're in need, they're not actually in need, you deserve your money, you work for it, you deserve to enjoy it, and don't give them because if you give them then what will you have, you won't have enough left. So shaytaan first of all, prevents us from
giving. But when a person overcomes that feeling, right, and they survived the first attack of shaytaan. And they managed to spend that shaitan try something else, which is that shaitan tries to corrupt the intention of the person that a person is giving it. And then they think about the people who are watching them, or they make sure that people find out that you know, let your sadaqa be known. Let people know that you are generous. And this also wastes charity. Then what happens? Some people when they managed to overcome the app, and they give with sincerity, then shaytaan tries to waste the reward of their sadaqa. Again, how that remind the other of the favor. And this can happen
in such a subtle way. Like the example I gave you. Here's 200 Just like last time, or listing your favors, didn't I do this didn't I do that? And this also wastes the reward. So can Lenny unifocal mela Hui a nurse Allah subhanaw taala warns us over here that all believers do not waste the reward of your charities. Now, I love the unifocal mela Huria and NAS this is like I mentioned the hypocrite right because the next description is while you may know biller he will you will ask him nor does he believe in Allah and the Last Day meaning this person does not truly believe in Allah or in the last day. And this is an EVOC we learned about the hypocrites that Wamena Nassima your Pulu M
and Nabila he will yo will warm our home be moved meaning that among the people are those who say that they believe in Allah and the Last Day but in fact they're not truly believers. Who are they the hypocrites? So Allah the Yun for Kumala Huria and NAS wala you may know Bella Julio will often this is the hypocrite and the hypocrite, what does he do? He wastes his reward because of his insincerity. So Allah subhanaw taala is warning us over here that you don't waste your deed, through mud and other like the hypocrite wastes his deeds with impure intentions. Both are wrong. So stay away from both for methanol who saw his example
Well whose example the example of the moron ie the show off the one who does good in order to be seen by others his example is cometh any soft landing is like that off a soft one soft one is a large smooth stone from the root letters solid firewall and sulfur is when something is pure of any mixtures. Okay, and a software is called a soft one because it is smooth. Okay, it is smooth, it's clean in the sense that there is no bumps or pointy edges it's more than soft okay. So, his example is like that of a smooth stone I lay he to Robin upon which is to rob to rob his dust okay dry earth and here it is a thin layer a fine layer of dust and when dust settles on a stone then over time,
when you look at the surface, it appears like it is just ground okay. So Allah subhanaw taala says for all Saba, who were the loan for Taraka who sold for Asaba who so there reaches it from the root letter saw the while back to reach what reaches those of one a wearable wearable is a a heavy rain while Balamb is the root a heavy rain or rain that is cathedra any a lot of water pouring down okay. So for a samba who Wabun when heavy rain falls on such a stone, then what happens for Taraka who Sunda it leaves it slender, it leaves it bare solid is from solid Lambdin and solid is something that is hard and smooth and tough. I think an appropriate word is solid. Okay solid, solid as in
hard and also smooth and bare. Salt is also used for the side of the forehead, where no hair grows. Okay. And the forehead especially the side of the head can actually be also very solid and hard. And you feel it especially when someone bumps their head on you or something like that. It hurts. Okay. And the solid like I mentioned side of the forehead where no hair grows, no hair grows, it's bare. Okay, so when heavy rain falls on such a stone, all that dust that was settled on it gets washed off, leaving the stone flat, smooth and bare. Okay, now the stone when it's covered with a thin layer of dust than the stone is not visible. Right. And the person does not realize that there is
actually a smooth stone under the dust you would think that it's just Earth is just ground. Right? Because there is no pointy edges there is no jagged surface so the dust sits flat on it. So when heavy rain falls on such a stone it leaves it's bare. It leaves it bare so all that dust gets washed away. So Allah subhanaw taala says Leia could the Runa Allah che emember kissable la Nadia Khurana they have ability, meaning the people who give such charity Allah che in Makkah Cebu on anything that they have earned, meaning they will not have any reward in the Hereafter. This is a very powerful statement. This means two things. First of all, this means that they do not have any power
over Makkah, Cebu Mecca Cebu is their wealth. Okay? Meaning they do not benefit from their wealth at all, not in the world, not in the Hereafter, not in the world. Why? Because they gave their wealth away supposedly in charity, but when they gave it, they followed it up with money and other so they don't get any reward for it in the hereafter. What a waste. That a person does not get to enjoy their wealth themselves, because they gave it in charity. But that charity was useless because they wasted it. And so they don't get any reward for it in the hereafter either. Subhanallah in the world, they have no power over their wealth because it's gone. The 14th The poor person took it and
then layer kurunegala che Maka Sabu maca. Sybil is referring to good deeds, what they earned any the reward
heard that they got by giving charity they will not be able to reap any of that reward because all that reward got washed away. So, their record of deeds in either charity will be washed off from the record of deeds just as dust is washed off from a stone Bahrain Subhan Allah. So in this example, what is the dust? Some orlimar say that in this example the stone is the heart okay the heart of the moral of the show off okay. That it is hard it is any impermeable there is no Eman in it, there is no softness, there is no real faith in it. Okay. And the person who shows off their heart is like that insincere. Okay. Then the dust in this example is the charity and the rain, the heavy downpour,
the rule Am I saying that this is referring to the money and other the reminders of favor and the hurt that they cause. So that washes away the reward of the charity just as rain washes away the dust from the rock.
Okay. So on the Day of Judgment, they will find no benefit for their charity will Allahu La Jolla del Komal carefree and Allah does not guide the people, the cone of caffeine, those who disbelieve and Cofer means two things cover means disbelief, and it also means ingratitude. Okay, so why is this been said that will Lola Dil Komal caffeine, meaning it is a Komal caffeine who waste the reward of a parent good deeds, because they do those good deeds with a bad intention, or they do it in a way that wastes the reward. And this is something that is not befit the believers of Omaha, meaning go and do this. The Believers do their good deeds with sincerity, and they preserve the
reward of their good deeds. Okay, so all believers do not invalidate the reward of your charity with money and other. And if you think about it, the last that is described over here, the washing away of the dust, this is irretrievable loss. All right. If dust is washed away by rain, you can never retrieve that dust back. And likewise, if a person wastes their good deeds like this, they will never be able to retrieve them on the Day of Judgment. And look at the contrast between the two examples right? The first example one seed, one grain bring 700 grains and even more multiplied reward. And what's happening over here opposite that even the soil or rather the dust that is
getting washed away. There is nothing left. Nothing left whatsoever. In salute Ibrahim 18 We learned methyl ladina Cafaro below be him our maloom Corona Dinesh did that be here? Re houfy, Yeoman Asif that the example of those people who disbelieve in their Lord, their deeds on the Day of Judgment will be like ashes, which are blown away by the wind on an extremely stormy day, and what's going to remain of those ashes Subhanallah maybe you've experienced this that you you know, maybe cut the grass or do some, you know, work in the yard, or you see some work being done. And then there is a storm and nothing of that cut up grass remains. It's all blown away and ashes. They're weightless.
Basically, what's going to happen to them on a windy stormy day, nothing is going to remain. So just like that they get no reward for their good deeds including their charities. So all believers you don't act like alcohol caffeine, when you give sadaqa The first rule is that you give it with sincerity. And the second rule is that you give it without Minh and other because it's possible that you give sadaqa with sincerity but then you waste the reward with one another. You know when it comes to Salah, there is mainly two conditions or you can say two types of conditions okay, to get the reward of Salah, the first category of conditions are shut off equals sahaya meeting those
conditions which are related to the correctness of Salah so for example Salah will only be correct
When you have Buddha, when you're in a state of the Hatha, right? When you actually perform Salah properly you face the Qibla. And you you know for example, if it's Fudger you pray to the car, you recite to the Fatiha in both regard, right? If you miss any of these, then what's going to happen? Your Salah is not valid, it will not count. The second category of conditions are those which are related to shut off it will backup because as in you ensure that the reward is preserved. Okay, so for example, if a person is praying properly, they make will do they face the Qibla. They're in a state of Bihar, there is reciting Surah Fatiha. But then during salah, they also start talking to
people, they also start eating and drinking, they started correctly, but they're not ensuring that the reward is complete. So because of their talking because of their moving around, what's going to happen that Salah is going to be invalid. Sadaqa also has two types of conditions for sadaqa, to account for sadaqa to bring the reward. And what are these two conditions the first condition is related to intention, Nia, that it has to be purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala without any idea. And secondly, sadaqa has to be preserved in the sense that you don't follow it up with money and other and men and other men. This is like I mentioned earlier, this is a major sin, and it's
very disgusting. And it really if you are on the receiving end of man, it's a very horrible experience where someone reminds you of the favor that they have done to you. You feel so ashamed. You just want to disappear you instantly feel regret. You wish that you had never accepted that favor. You wish that you weren't there, and especially if they are doing Minh in front of others, they're publicly embarrassing you that you have received a favor from them. This is a horrible, horrible feeling. And this is fit our own Nick behavior by the way, reminding others of the favors that you have done them. This is something that for our own did we learn that for our own set to
Musa alayhis salam that LM Nura pika fee now we're leader? Did we not raise you when you were little while a vis the Phenom in ermotti Cassini and you stayed with us many years of your life and sort of the Sharla verse 18 We learned that for our own reminded Musala cinema the favor that he did him and moosari Salam said to him later on that what Tilka near mutton Timon NUHA and are better Bani Israel. These are favors you are reminding me of them. Why did you have to do them anyway? Because you had enslaved the Bani Israel had you not enslave the Bani Israel? You would not have to raise me. I ended up with you because my mother had to protect me somehow. We also learn Hadith that there
are certain types of people whom Allah subhanaw taala did tests ie Ushna a woman Allah, Allah subhanaw taala does not like them. Allah subhanaw taala hates them. And of these people is Alba Halal manaan Alba Halal my Nan, that first of all, this person is stingy, they don't give. And when they do give, they count the favors that they have done others and they keep reminding them they keep listing them. And some people Subhan Allah, they keep a record of how much money they gave to someone as a gift. When their son got married, when their daughter got married, when their nephew got married. When this happened, when that happened on their birthday, they give them this on that
occasion, they give them this, they keep count of it. Don't make that mistake. When you give something, forget about it. Leave it to Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will ensure that reward you know when you give something, treat it like a seed that you're burying, bury it, forget about it, move on, and focus on doing more. Don't stay stuck in your past. You know, before I got married, my parents did this favor. After I got married. My husband and I did this. And then five years later we did this and then two years later we did that. Stop counting your favors. Don't count your good deeds. You know you want that Allah subhanaw taala should bestow you reward generously. So don't
keep listing the favors that you have done. We also learn in a hadith that there are three types of people from whom Allah subhanaw taala does not accept any of their deeds. Can you imagine any of their deeds of those Pindar does not accept from them. And all of them is who manaan my nan meaning the person who gives nothing without reproaching for it and making account of it and he constantly reminding others of the favors that they have done. In another Hadith we learned that three types of people with whom Allah subhanaw taala will not even speak to on the day of judgment, and of them is el mundo.
No * law you're a cliche and in lemon know who the man the one who reminds others of the favors, who does not give anything except that he reminds of it and he every single time he reminds others of the favors that he has done them. We also learn in a hadith that for such people will be a painful punishment on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not speak to them, Allah will not look at them and Allah will not purify them, they will have a painful punishment. Who are these people have them Alma Nan. We also learn in a hadith liat, hola Jana Manannan, the man will not enter paradise. And when it comes to other, other also we have to refrain from you know, the real Am I say that if you
have done a favor to someone, okay, let's say you gave charity to someone you gave your as a cat to them, you financially help them, and then you come across them somewhere. And if you know that you're saying salaam to them is going to cause them some kind of embarrassment, then don't even say salam to them. Don't say salaam to them. If you feel that it will cause them embarrassment, it will cause them some kind of hurt. Because some people, it's very hard for them to accept favors, very hard, very awkward, very difficult for them. It's very damaging to their self respect. But you know, our circumstances are not in our control. Sometimes people are in need. So if you have helped
someone financially, and that has been very hard for them. And you can sense that every time you see them, they see you you come across each other, there is an awkwardness on their face. You know, they don't like to make eye contact with you. They look embarrassed, they're trying to hide from you, then don't go searching for them. And don't go talking to them. If you know, it hurts them, the MSA to such an extent that don't even say salam, if you know that's going to bother them, protect them from your other, protect them from other. And we should ask Allah subhanaw taala Aloma in the URL to become in one karate o'clock will Armel will or Hua or Allah, I seek protection with you against bad
o'clock, because some people there no shame, no shame whatsoever. They do mon directly, indirectly. And they do mon at the time of doing a favor. And they do mon afterwards as well. You know, embarrassing people before others. Be very careful. Whether you are giving a gift, or charity or the cat, anything, please don't talk about it with others. Don't mention it to others, especially before the recipient and preserve their self respect. You know, sometimes there are people who are in need, and you are quietly helping them. Don't tell others that oh, you know, I give them this. And they take it I give them that and they take it preserve their dignity preserve their honor. So stay away
from Munden other because this completely wastes the reward of your sadaqa. And when it comes to the app, because this example is of the moron he primarily the one who shows off and wastes his reward. The person who doesn't Munden other, they end up wasting the reward in a similar way. When it comes to the showing off. This is also very dangerous. In a hadith we learned that if a person associates with Allah, ne in their intention, they do something for the sake of Allah and also to show people okay, then what happens Allah subhanaw taala does not accept that deed. Allah subhanaw taala only accepts those deeds which are done purely for his sake. So when you give, give with sincerity,
purely for the sake of Allah, and Rhea showing off, this is a form of schicke hidden schicke and there is punishment for this we learn in a hadith that whoever does a good deed in order to show off Allah will expose his intentions on the day of judgment before the people Subhan Allah, ne Allah will expose the reality just as the small the rock, right, that was hidden with dust, what happened to it, the rain washed off that dust. Likewise, on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will reveal the true intentions of a person, the reality of a person on the Day of Judgment. So be sincere, remind yourself, this is Lilla this is only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and
remember the Hadith were on the Day of Judgment, you know a person will be brought and he will be asked what did you do and that person will say that I gave charity for your sake, oh Allah and Allah subhanaw taala will say no, you are lying. You give charity so that you would be called a generous person.
The caller who had Joanne and so you were called Joanne you were called very generous person and you got your reward in the world so there is nothing for you now, nothing. That dust will be washed away. No reward on the Day of Judgment for the show off. So we should pray to Allah Allahumma inni Luca Ilma Nafion what is completely Abba, watermelon water Kabbalah or Allah I ask you for knowledge that is beneficial for sustenance that is pure and for deeds that are accepted your Allah accept my deeds from me. In this example, we learned that the deeds are not accepted, they're wasted