Kamil Ahmad – Mjales Ramadan #2

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses a weekly session on the topic of the month of December, covering topics related to the month, including recitation of the Quran, de la clarity, and the importance of understanding and implementation of the concept. The speaker emphasizes the use of the Quran as a guidance for the world and the importance of practicing it in order to achieve reward for actions of Islam. The importance of reciting the Quran is emphasized, and individuals are encouraged to practice it in a safe and safe way.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah, who are early he was so happy he married my back

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in this weekly session, we have been going through

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the book by Chef immunoassay mean Majelis Shaha Ramadan Majelis Shaha Ramadan,

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which is a book compiled by the chef, in which he addresses various topics related to the month of Ramadan.

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And he divides these topics into 3030 chapters or 30 different topics. And as we mentioned previously,

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what is meant by that is to allow the Imams of massage to go through these topics daily with the people daily.

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However, we're going through this weekly, so we'll only have four sessions to go through these topics. And so what we're going to do is we're going to go through

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the topics that resemble one another

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in each session. Last week, we went through the topics related to the month of Ramadan, and fasting in the month of Ramadan,

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the virtues of the month of Ramadan, and the virtues of fasting, the virtues of fasting in general and the virtues of fasting in the month of Ramadan in particular.

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Today what we're going to do is we're going to go through

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the topics related to the Quran

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the topics are related to the Quran, and the recitation of the Quran in the month of Ramadan.

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And so first of all, the chef mentions that

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there are two kinds of

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tilava of the Quran.

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There are two kinds of tilava of the Quran, two kinds of recitations of the Quran.

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The first is what is known as de la HK media, Tila hook media. And what that basically means is

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legal recitation,

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legal recitation.

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And basically what he means by that is

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to believe in the meanings of the Quran and then to implement that in our lives to act by the legislations of the Quran.

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The second kind of Tilawat is a Tilawat Hola, familia,

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Attila Thilawa love Leah, which is basically

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the verbal recitation of the Quran, the verbal recitation of the Quran. And so, the show will go through both of these

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in quite some detail. And then after that,

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he will talk about he will talk about the adab pertaining to recitation of the Quran, the adab pertaining to the recitation of the Quran

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and so,

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the first kind of recitation is that which is related to

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what we gather from the meanings of the Quran, what we gather from the meanings of the Quran, and so the Quran was revealed.

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For this purpose, the Quran Allah subhana wa Tada revealed it for this very purpose

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so that it acts as a guide for us.

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And so more important than just reciting the Quran verbally is

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to understand its meanings and then to implement those meanings in our lives.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that this is why he revealed the Quran Kitab When Angela who Elijah Maga rockin Lea de baru, it will yet occur Google Al Bab.

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That this book the Quran was revealed we revealed it

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as a review as a blessing book, so that people

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will ponder over its meanings over its ayat. And it serves as a reminder for the people of understanding.

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And so this is the greatest objective. This is in fact the objective behind why Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed the Quran in the first place.

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And the whole reason why we're talking about this subject is because

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Ramadan is the month of the Quran, shahada, Ramadan and lady on Zilla V Hill Quran. The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. Then what does Allah say? Who deadliness a guidance for mankind. And so that is what the Quran was revealed for, to act as a guide for mankind.

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And this is how the Sahaba and those who came after them, this is how they treated the Quran.

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This is how they treated the Quran. They didn't simply take the Quran as something to recite verbally, without understanding its meanings, or without implementing its meanings. Rather, they took both the knowledge and they combined it with action. And that's why

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Abdul Rahman a salami, one of the tabby when he says that

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those who used to recite to us the Quran.

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From the Sahaba such as Earth man had been our fan, Abdullah ignoramus, rude and others,

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these great companions. These are the ones who passed on the Quran to the tabby when

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he says when they used to recite the Quran to us, they used to tell us

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that they would learn from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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10 ayat

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they will learn 10 AR from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And then they would not go beyond that.

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They will just take those 10 ayat, they wouldn't ask for more, they will just take those 10 ayat.

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And then

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they will learn them.

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They would learn what they contain of meanings of knowledge, and then they would act upon those, those 10 ayat, so they wouldn't go past those 10 ayat until, until they have learned the knowledge in them and acted by them, until they had learned their meanings, and until they had acted according to those meanings. And so he says that we combined the Quran,

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its knowledge and its action, its knowledge, and its action.

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And the shift goes on to mention that

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this aspect of the Quran

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to understand its meanings to implement its meanings.

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It is this that

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an individual's entire life

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surrounds whether it be a life of happiness, or a life of misery.

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And so if you want happiness in your life, and happiness in the next life,

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then read the Quran. Read its meanings. act upon it, implement it in your life. And that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala says in this regard. So in your dn Nico mini who then from Manitoba who die of Allah yo Lulu when I Ashkar Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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that if any guidance comes to you from me from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.

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So whoever follows that guidance, whoever follows My Guidance for Allah will do well, I assure he will never be misguided, nor will he ever be sad, he will never be miserable. And then Allah subhanahu wa Tada says, right after that woman on hold on victory for Inilah Houma you Schatten Blanca

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as for the one

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who turns his back on my remembrance, meaning the Quran, as for the one who abandons the Quran, doesn't read it doesn't try to understand its meanings. Doesn't take it as a guide for him in his

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for inner Lahoma Are you shut down banca for him will be a miserable life, a life of misery when a shooter who young Malkia Matsuyama and we will raise him we will resurrect him on the day of judgment in what state

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and so he will say, Allah Robbie Lima hasher attorney Anna wakad contou basura he will say My Lord, why have you resurrected me on this day? Blind I cannot see.

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While in the dunya I used to see

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on akademika Atka Aya T Fennessy Taha cada lika a tadka is tuna Fennessy to her work at early Cal Yama tonsa.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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in this way,

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Our Ayat used to come to you, meaning in the dunya

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the ayat were recited, the Quran was recited. The Quran reached you the guidance reached you Fennessy data,

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but you forgot it,

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you neglected it. You were heedless of our yard work at early Cal Yoma tunes.

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And in this way,

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in the same way, today on this day, on the Day of Judgment, you are forgotten, you are neglected.

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No one is paying attention to you.

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And so, whoever wants happiness in this life and the next then let him take from the guidance of the Quran. This is the month of Ramadan the month of the Quran. And so more important than just reciting the Quran is to take the guidance of the Quran the meanings, what is it that we are reciting? And what is it that is required of us

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of the commandment of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his prohibitions

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and there are many I act like this in the Quran where Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions, those who the guidance reaches, reaches them the guidance of the Quran the IATA recited, but they don't pay any heed. They forget. And they are neglectful of the Quran and what is recited of the Quran. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us the state of these people, that they are the worst of people, and that they are even worse than animals. And that these people in their ears, there is heaviness, such that they can't hear what is being recited And upon their hearts or locks, such that they cannot comprehend anything that is recited. And so even though they hear the ayat

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even though they hear the ayat, it doesn't

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impact their hearts. And this is where Allah subhanho wa Taala says FLIR to the Bruno Quran, do they not reflect and ponder over the Quran what is being recited? Do they not? Do they not ponder over these ayat, Allah Hi Naka, Lubin Aqua Aloha, or

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are there upon the hearts locks. So these people the reality is

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that their hearts are hardened.

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Their hearts are hardened their hearts, there are locks upon them. And so no matter how much Quran is recited to them, no matter how much Quran is recited to them, they cannot comprehend any of it. It goes through one ear and comes out through the other, and it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever.

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And this is the case whether a person is a Muslim or a caphyon. This is the case whether a person is a Muslim or a cafe. So we shouldn't think that this is only for the kuffaar who don't pay heed to the Quran, it doesn't affect them know, even many Muslims unfortunately, the Quran does not play any crucial role in their lives. And so even though they hear the Quran being recited, you see them opposing what the Quran says, opposing the commandments and falling into what Allah has forbidden. And so even if they understand the Quran, they're not acting by it. They're not implementing what is in the Quran, and so it doesn't affect them.

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Whereas the kuffaar that is explain

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You love them. But even though kuffaar, even the kuffaar, some of them

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who are still upon the fitrah, if you were to recite some of the verses of the Quran,

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it affects their hearts,

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those who are upon the fitrah it affects their hearts.

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And they ask what is this?

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And there are many stories of converts, who tell you that it was just a few ayat of the Quran that were recited, that had an impact on their hearts that led them to investigate what is this book and what is Islam

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the Shia who mentions

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a hadith with regards to those who abandon the Quran,

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those who abandon the Quran.

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And this is a very long Hadith that has been mentioned in Sahil Buhari,

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where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned a dream to his companions.

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And in this dream, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw many things, he was taken by two angels.

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And these two angels took him to see the punishments

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of various people in the era.

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And so

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he saw many different people being punished. But he was not told the reason until the end of the Hadith as we're going to come to, but we're going to only take one punishment, as this is a very long Hadith. And so

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told his companions

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that these two angels, they took him

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to a person lying down.

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And so there was a man lying down on his back.

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And there was another individual

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that his head with a large rock.

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And so he would take this rock

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and throw it onto his head, and shatter his head into pieces.

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He would destroy his head,

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and then the rock would roll away.

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And so

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that man would go after the rock,

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to pick it up. And when he came back to the man lying down, he would find

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that his head was back together again.

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His head was back in its normal state.

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And so he would throw the rock once again onto his head, and shatter into pieces. And so this would continue.

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As a cycle,

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he will throw the head, he will throw the rock at his head,

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destroying his head, and then going after the rock and then coming back to find his head back in place, and then doing that again and again.

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It's all the prophets, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he asks these two angels, who is this?

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Who is this man? And so they told him to continue until they will show him, other people being punished until at the very end,

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until at the very end,

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the angels, they told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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who each of these people were,

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and why they were being punished. And so as for this man, who was lying down the angels, they told him

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that this man who was being tortured in this way, he was the one who took the Quran.

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He took the Quran, meaning he received it, and he had it with him. But he rejected it.

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He took the Quran, but he rejected it, meaning

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that he rejected the Quran from his life.

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He may be reciting it, but he doesn't care about

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any of its meanings. He doesn't care about what Allah has commanded him within the Quran, nor what Allah has forbidden him from and he was the one who used to sleep

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and wouldn't wake up for Salah.

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He was the one who would sleep and would not pray. A sauna he was sleeping from praying one of the five daily sauna what whether it be Fajr whether it be also whether it be Elijah

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At any one of the Salawat

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and so this shows us the great danger of taking the Quran

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and even reciting it,

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but not caring about what Allah subhanho wa Taala is addressing us with in the Quran

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also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that the Quran is either a hot jar for us or a Hoja against us. The Quran is either a proof for us or a proof against us what that means is that the Quran on the Day of Judgment will either testify on our behalf

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or testify against us. Either it will testify for us before Allah subhanho wa Taala and say,

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and say to Allah, that this person

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read the Quran and implemented and acted by the Quran or it will testify against that and say that this person abandoned the Quran abandoned its teachings.

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And so

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the greatest aspect of the Quran is this aspect, to try to understand its meanings to implement it in our lives, more important than simply reciting it. And that brings us now to the recitation of the Quran.

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And that is the second kind of recitation. That is the second kind of recitation, which is the verbal recitation of the Quran

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and so,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us with regards to those who recite the Quran

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in Alladhina, yet Luna Kitab Allah he

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will call them salata

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will infer Kumi Melrose, hakuna homeseer, Rwanda Ania, your Runa T jar rotten lentil book

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that those who are saying the book of Allah subhanahu wa Tada and establish their salah, they pray and they give from what We have provided them with

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secretly, privately as well as in public.

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While they are those who hope for or they hope for the profit of a transaction,

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that a person will never lose it.

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Allah subhanahu wa Tada says Liwa fear home modular home YZ the home and family they are those who Allah subhanahu wa Tada will give them their reward in full and increase them in his bounty.

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And so the recitation of the Quran

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is an act of worship.

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The recitation of the Quran reciting it verbally in the Arabic language is an act of worship. We do it, seeking nearness to Allah subhanho wa taala. And so that's the definition of a label

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of worship in Islam. There it is anything that you do, trying to seek nearness to Allah subhanahu wa taala seeking the pleasure of Allah, seeking the reward of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And there are many many virtues of reciting the Quran

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mentioned by the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam.

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Some of these virtues are related to relate to the Quran in general, reciting the Quran in general, while other virtues are specific for certain ayat and certain Sutras of the Quran.

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As for the general virtues of those who recite the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, how you recommend to ILM Al Quran, Allah Allah.

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He said the best or the best of you are those who learn the Quran

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and those who teach it to others. The best of you are those who learn the Quran and they teach it to others. And so the best study is a study of the Quran

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And this comprises both

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learning the Quran learning its meanings

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as well as learning how to recite it, learning how to recite it. And so these are the best people, the best people to walk the face of this earth are those who learn the Quran, and then they teach it to others.

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Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Allah he will build Qurani merciful rattle ki Rommel Bharara

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that the one who recites the Quran, proficiently.

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he recites the Quran without any difficulty.

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He has perfected his recitation of the Quran, and it's on his tongue flowing like water.

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For such a person, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that he will be with the honorable angels

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that he will be with the honorable angels.

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When lady Accra al Khurana

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V Wahoo ally shock now who are drawn

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as for the one who recites the Quran

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while it's difficult for him,

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he is struggling to recite the Quran because the Arabic language it's not his late it's not his native tongue.

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He's struggling,

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finding it difficult.

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But he doesn't give up he continues. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said for him is

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for him is to rewards

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he will get a double reward.

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And so the one who recites it fluidly he gets his reward, he will be with the angels the honorable angels. As for the one who finds it difficult, then he will get a double reward, one reward for reciting and the other reward for the difficulty that he faces in it. And so this should encourage each and every single one of us

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to approach the Quran, especially in this month of Ramadan. And so if you have not been reciting the Quran until now, then now is the time to pick up the Quran

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and recite it

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even if you find it difficult even if

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you have never read the Quran before, even if you did not grow up reciting the Quran, and so you find it difficult. Now's the time to recite the Quran. But it doesn't mean that you stay upon your current state of

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not being able to recite the Quran proficiently and you continue to do that no, enroll in a class that will help you to perfect your recitation of the Quran.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us the example of the one who recites the Quran versus the one who does not.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says methadone minion lady ocra Al Quran, methyl

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Reed who helped you win wartime will help to you.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that the example of the believer He gives us two examples of two believers. The first is the example of the believer who recites

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the example of the believer who recites He says his example is an example of a Troja which is a kind of fruit.

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It's a kind of fruit that does not really exist in this part of the world.

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And it's similar to a lemon. It's known in English as a citron.

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And this fruit it's not as acidic as a lemon

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but it's tasty is a bit more sweeter.

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Not only that, but it's Peel has a nice smell to it.

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Its outer peel, has a nice fragrance a nice smell to it.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says Rio How are you born wartime will help I use

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this example of the believer who recites the Quran is like this fruit, whose smell

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is beautiful and it's taste is also beautiful.

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It smell its fragrance is beautiful, and it also tastes nice. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Well methanol Minella de la Quran Quran cometary Tamra

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said as for the believer

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who does not recite the Quran

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and so he's a believer, but he doesn't recite the Quran. His example is an example of

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a date. His example is an example of the dates that we eat.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says Laurie Hara watamu Halfhill.

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It doesn't have any smell to it. Not good nor bad, but it tastes sweet.

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It tastes sweet.

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And then the Prophet also went on to describe the example of the hypocrite and the example of the caffeine with similar examples. But the point is that the believer who recite the Quran is not like the believer who abandons the recitation of the Quran.

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Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a Quran Khurana for inner who yet to Malkia Anna tishie Shafi I'm the asabi.

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Among the virtues of reciting the Quran is the Prophet SAW Selim says reciting the Quran

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encouraging us to recite the Quran, he says, it will come the Quran will come on the Day of Judgment, interceding on behalf of those who used to recite it. And so on the day of judgment

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on that difficult day, when we're going to be in need of our good deeds. And not only that, but even that's not going to be enough. We're going to need

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people or things to intercede on our behalf.

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So the Quran will be one of those things that will come on the Day of Judgment, to intercede on behalf of those who used to recite it.

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Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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much terminal comun fee bait him in boo Utila here to Luna keytab Allah He were Tada rasuna who they know it learners Allah Tala who was Sakina was actually a tumor Rama will have to marry Mala Iike with Akira whom Allah Who fimian

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us in this hadith,

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the rural the reward the great reward of those who recite the Quran, and come together

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as a group, to recite the Quran and study the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, that no group of people come together in one of the houses of Allah in one of the masajid

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to recite the Quran, and study it among themselves, except that four things happen.

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tranquility descends upon them. peace, serenity and tranquility descends upon these people. Secondly,

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Allah showers His mercy upon them. They are encompassed in the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. Thirdly,

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the angel surrounded

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the angels surround them. And fourthly, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions them

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to his counsel, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions them mentions these people, to those who are closest to him, the angels.

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And so this is the great reward

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of those who get together to recite the Quran and to study it among themselves. Among the virtues of the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us a reward of those who recite the Quran.

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He said Mankato whorfin Makita Billahi fellow who be he has

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that whoever recites one letter of the Quran 100.

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For that one letter, he will get one Hudson.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said will have to be actually Undaria.

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He said that the Hazara one Hazara is equal

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is equal

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to 10 Hassan

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and this is as Allah has mentioned in the Quran.

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that one good deed that you do. You are rewarded for it by 10 times.

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And so on the day of judgment for one deed, you won't see one Hazara, but you'll see 10 has said

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and this the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us with regards to reciting the Quran

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with regards to reciting one word, one sentence, no, one letter of the Quran and then he explains it. He says, la Kulu Alif Lam in health, we're lacking elephant health, while I'm on health will mean one health so that no one

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is misunderstood.

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Thinking that

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what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam means is one word.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, I don't say that Elif Lam meme is one hot.

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I don't say that. Elif la meme is one letter. But rather Elif is one letter. meme is one letter. And Elif is one letter. And lamb is one letter and meme is one letter. And so for each one of those,

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for each one of those is its own reward. And so if you only receive Elif la meme, how much reward have you gained?

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3030 has an act. So imagine reciting

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many words of the Quran.

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Imagine reciting many sorrows of the Quran, how many has an ad are there for you in that?

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And so these are the virtues of reciting the Quran in general. After that the sheikh goes on to mention

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that there are virtues for particular parts of the Quran if we were to recite them. And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us

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regarding spiritual Fatiha that it is the greatest Surah of the Quran.

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It is the greatest Surah of the Quran.

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And he also told us that

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no Salah is accepted without Surah Fatiha. No Salah is accepted without reciting Surah Fatiha in it. And so what this basically means is that we need to perfect our recitation of Surah Al Fatiha

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and so, if we are making mistakes in our recitation of Surah Fatiha

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it is feared that our Salah is not accepted.

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And that is because we need to recite Surah to fat her in in our Salah in order for it to be accepted. That's why a new Muslim the first thing that we teach them from the Quran is

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Is it is it suited to a class called hula hoop ahead.

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Is it suited to NAS? Is it one of the short sutras? No, it is Surah Fatiha, because without it a person Salah is invalid. And so we need to perfect our recitation of Surah Fatiha we should not be making major mistakes in it. There are some mistakes that are overlooked. But there are certain mistakes that if they change the meaning

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of what we are reciting, then this invalid this invalidates our recitation. So if for example,

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you are saying into Fatiha

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WireMock lubi, I lay him well, a Valvoline. And you're not pronouncing the baud, but rather you're making it a law. You're changing the letter.

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In the Arabic language there is the letter board. And then there is the letter, ova.

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If you change it that the meaning changes the meaning it completely changes. And so if you're making such a mistake, you need to perfect your SUTA to Fatiha and make sure you're reciting it properly. In order for your Salah to be valid. Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us the virtue of AYATUL kursi and so I atone currency is a greatest ayah in the Quran. It is a protection for those who recite it. Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us regarding Surah Al Baqarah it is a protection from shaitan any house in which Surah to Bukhara is recited no shaitan enters it. Also suited to a class

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equals a third of the Quran.

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In terms of its reward, also the poor

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prophets Allahu alayhi wa sallam told us regarding the last ayat of surah Baqarah, That whoever recites them before going to sleep, they act as a protection for him. Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us regarding Kulu Bureau Bill falak, and the Bureau of bananas, that no one

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who wants to seek protection from evil or from an enemy, no one who recites these two sources can have a better protection. And so these are some of the virtues of reciting certain ayat and certain Sutras of the Quran. But in general, we need to turn to the Quran and turn to it, reciting

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the Quran, especially in this month of Ramadan. For this is the month in which it was revealed. And this is the month in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Gibreel Alayhis Salam would come to him in the month of Ramadan, and revise, revise the Quran with him every single Ramadan.

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Until the last year before he passed away.

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Gibreel came to him and revised it with him twice, revised it with him twice.

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And so from this we understand the importance

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of journeying to the Quran

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in recitation in the month of Ramadan, and that's why we find that the self of our own

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the predecessors from among the Sahaba, the Companions, the tabby own the Tabata, the rune, these who pay attention to reciting the Quran, especially in the month of Ramadan, more than any other time. And so Imam Malik Rahim Allah

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He was known for being a scholar of Hadith and narrating Hadith. And so when the month of Ramadan would come, he would close the books of Hadith, he would stop narrating Hadith, and he will no longer teach the people Hadith, he would turn to the Quran and recite it from the Masaf. And this is how we find others from among the self. They used to turn to the Quran reciting it in the month of Ramadan. And so the month of Ramadan is the month of the Quran, we need to turn to it, understanding its meanings, implementing it in our lives and reciting it throughout this month. We move on after that

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to the adab of reciting the Quran.

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And so the Quran being the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Quran being the words of ALLAH SubhanA who were to Hannah, they are not like anyone else's words. This Quran is not like any created book.

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It is the speech of Allah, the words of Allah subhanho wa taala. And so, it needs to be venerated, it needs to be respected, like no other book. And so there are certain adept

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there are certain Addabbo certain etiquette that we need to keep in mind when reciting Nakara. So the sheer he lists these add up, we'll go through them quickly in sha Allah who

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the first among the adverb of reciting the Quran is having

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the correct intention

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that you are reciting the Quran. To seek nearness to Allah, to seek the pleasure of Allah and to seek the reward of Allah subhanho wa taala. And so reciting the Quran is an act of worship, and for any act of worship to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa taala, two conditions must be fulfilled. If one of these two conditions are lacking, then you are a bad is not valid. The first condition is a philosopher Nia, having this sincere intention. You're doing this for Allah, you're not doing it for anybody else. You're doing it for Allah. And there is no shirk involved. There is no no one else involved in your intention behind why you're reciting.

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The second condition for any act of worship to be accepted is that it must be according to how Allah has legislated.

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This act of worship that you're doing it must be something legislated by Allah and His messenger. In other words, it has to be according to the Sunnah. It should not be an innovation.

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And so these are the two conditions for any act of worship to be accepted by Allah subhana What's that?

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So this shows us the importance of

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reciting the Quran

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with the correct intention, and so make sure that you're reciting the Quran for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala not for the sake of anyone else, nor for any worldly, nor for any worldly reason. And so you're not reciting the Quran in order for people to praise you. You're not reciting the Quran in order for people to, you know, give you good comments. You're not reciting the Quran for your parents

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that they told you to recite. And now I'm going to recite know you're reciting the Quran in order to get near to Allah subhanho wa taala. And in order to get the reward of Allah subhanahu wa taala.

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Among the ADEPT of reciting the Quran, is that a person,

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he pays attention to what he's reciting.

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He's focused,

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he knows what he's reciting.

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His mind is not wandering off.

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And so this is understandable for those who they understand what they're reciting. As for those who don't, Arabic is not their native tongue, then what is advisable is that you recite the Quran, along with having the meanings beside it.

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So that you go over the meanings of what you're reciting. You don't have to really study in depth, what you're reciting, but just go over it quickly, in order to have a general understanding of what you are reciting. And that's why

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the double pondering over the recitation of the Quran. This is one of the objectives one of the main objectives behind why Allah has revealed the Quran, as Allah says Lea wrt, so that they ponder over its ayat. And so pondering over and reflecting over what a person is reciting is very, very important, because that is the main objective behind the Quran, as we already mentioned, to understand its meanings, so that we implement an act over what we are reciting.

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However, some may be wondering that in the month of Ramadan, specifically,

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is it advisable to recite the Quran quickly so that I could finish the entire Quran in the month of Ramadan

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reciting the entire Quran from the beginning to the end?

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Or is it advisable to go through it slowly, trying to understand its meanings. We say here that

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pondering over the Quran is of two kinds. One is getting a general understanding of the general meanings of the Quran and the other is to go deep into the Quran to take each verse and ponder over it, to sit with it. And to understand what is Allah trying to tell me here and then to link it with what comes before it to link it to what comes after it to link it with the theme of the surah going into the gems of the Quran. The wisdoms behind the words of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, this is something else. And so we say that in the month of Ramadan.

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In the month of Ramadan,

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what you should do is get a general understanding of what you're reciting as for delving deep into the meanings, this can be done at any other time outside of the month of Ramadan. And that is because as we mentioned, it is advisable to recite the Quran as much as we can in the month of Ramadan. As Jabril Ali Salam would come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, every single Ramadan, revising the entire Quran. And

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in the year before he passed away, he revised it with him twice. Among the dab of reciting the Quran is that a person should be upon the Hara. He should be in a state of although

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and he should be

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in a state of both minor and major purity and so

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a person should not be reciting the Quran, if he is upon major impurity, if he is upon major impurity, whether it be a man or a woman

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As for reading the Quran from the most half, then a person should not be touching the most half and reading from it unless he is upon

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the Hora upon the widow.

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And if he is not, then he should not be touching the Quran. But

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if he wants to still recite from the Quran he should, he should use a piece of cloth or a glove. He should not be touching it directly. And that is because Allah subhanahu wa taala tells us law Yama, su Il Mata Haroon that no one touches it except those who are pure.

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However, what do we do in the case of the most health that we have in our phones? Are we allowed to

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read from it without being in a state of whether or not

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what is the answer to that?

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So we have both answers, yes or no.

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Basically, the most health that exists in our phones or tablets or on the computer, this does not take the same ruling as the most health

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that we have the has pages and that we hold in our hands. It doesn't take the same ruling. It doesn't take the same ruling. That's because it is inside of something else and it's digital. And so if you were to throw it, it's not like throwing the most half. It's not like taking the most half into the washroom. You can take your phone into the washroom.

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Among the adverb of reciting the Quran is that we do not recite it in dirty places, or in places where there is much noise in places where there's destruction in marketplaces in places where there is noise in places where there is music, etc. The Quran needs to be respected, and so it should be recited in a place where a person is not being distracted. The same goes with playing the Quran. We should not be playing the Quran while people are talking while people are making noise and that's because ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada said, but either way either Cudi Al Quran who, for STEMI ruler who actually Tula who La La Quinta Ramon, when the Quran is recited, listen to pay attention to it.

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Listen to it, pay attention to it, and do not make any noise.

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Among the adverb of reciting the Quran is that before you begin reciting the Quran

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what should you say?

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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Is that all you say?

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We will do bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. And that is because Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah has commanded us to do so, for either correct Al Quran ephestia is bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Allah says

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and whenever you decide to read the Quran, recite the Quran, then seek protection from shaitan seek refuge in Allah from a shape on and that is because shaytaan will come to us and whisper to us, distract us, whisper to us, making us distracted from our recitation. And so, a person should start by seeing who do bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim.

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And this is the case whether you are starting from the beginning of the Surah or if you are starting from the middle of a surah.

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But if you are going to start from the beginning of a surah you have to say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. However, when you start from the middle of the Surah, you only say I was a biller. You do not say the best mela

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and this is with regards to all the suitors of the Quran except

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Except Surah Surah to tilbyr which is not preceded by the best mela

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among the adab of reciting the Quran is that a person recited with 13

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Going through the Quran, with a moderate pace, not going through it quickly rushing through it. And that's because Allah subhanho wa Taala says what arterial Khurana Tila recite the Quran with 13 a moderate pace, not going through it rushing it and going through it quickly. And that is because if you do so, you lose out on the meanings of the Quran. You You cannot pay attention to what is being recited. Also many, many of its letters will be eaten up

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So we should recite it with 13. Among the adab of reciting the Quran is that we recite it with a beautiful voice that we recited with a beautiful voice, and that is because our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to do so.

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Among the adab of reciting the Quran is that when we come across an eye of such that where a sujood is mentioned, it is advisable to make such that whether we are in salah or outside of Salah and the Quran, in the most half, it is marked every place where there is a sedge requiring us to make sudo. However, what should be understood is that it is not compulsory. It is highly recommendable, but if you do not do it, there is no sin upon you, but you should do it. It is encouraged to do it.

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And so these are among the adab of reciting the Quran. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us to be among those who not only faster month of Ramadan, not only those who pray Torah we have Korea, but also those who take the Quran and make it a part of their lives during this month of Ramadan, trying to understand its meanings, implementing its teachings and reciting it throughout this month. Subhanak Allama. Hambrick ash had to Allah Allah Allah and Estelle Furukawa Tobu Lake wa sallahu wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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Sakal must have

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