Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-034K Tafsir Al-Baqarah 260

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of "ariger" in various context, including belief in the creator's
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AI: Transcript ©
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Now let's look at the next example. Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the next idea what is called Ibrahima Rob be Adeney K for to heal Mota, and mentioned when Ibrahim alayhis salam said that my Lord, show me how you will give life to the dead. Now who is asking this question? Ibrahim alayhis salam, okay, this is not just any random person. Okay, okay, the previous Saya, who was that man? We don't know irrelevant. What was the level of his faith? Was he a prophet or not? We don't know. Allah subhanaw taala does not mention that to us. But here Allah's parents aren't mentioned that this was actually Ibrahim Arneson, who asked that, Oh my Lord, show me how you will give life to the

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dead. So you could be a nobody. Or you could be someone who has a man, someone who has a lot of knowledge, but because you are human, you will wonder, you will ask you will be curious. If Ibrahim Rouhani said I'm asked if Ibrahim Ali said I'm wondered, then we too will wonder. Now here the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is told, What is Allah Ibrahim? And mentioned when Ibrahim said recall when Ibrahim said the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam did not witness this incident himself. But he was informed about it from Allah and when Allah informs us of something than it is how what did Ibrahim and his sin I'm saying, he said, Rob, be my Lord. Eddie neat, show me K for to heal

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Imelda how you will bring life to the dead ones. Ibrahim, I listen, I was asking a question over here. He's making a request over here. But how does he begin? He says Rob, be my Rob. Look at the humility. Now again, it's okay to ask questions. It's okay to make requests. We should make dua to Allah we should ask Allah for knowledge for Eman for clarity. But we should remember our place and we should remember the position of the one whom we are asking. Always ask from a place of faith and submission. Come as a seeker, not as an arrogant interrogator. Ask Allah Rob be Europe, my Arab Europe. I want to know I want clarity guide me or be come as a seeker and rugby, Myra Heaney, some

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people when they have questions about Islam, you know about earthly that, as Muslims, even the way in which they talk about Allah is very disrespectful, as if they are interrogators. And this is very wrong. lejos Anwar Maya for a loop, when when we use alone, Allah is not to be questioned about what he does, they will be asked. So we must always observe proper Adam. Before we make Dora, we praise and glorify Allah. And before we ask Allah, any questions or ask questions about Allah, then again, we should come from a place of faith and humility, submission, and then Allah subhanaw taala will guide. So Ibrahim really said I'm asked that Eddie need cave I do here Malta, show me how you will

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resurrect the dead. Any give me the ability to see it happen with my own eyes, I want to see it. Now this request was not from a place of doubt. Because he was not asking, Oh Allah, are you able to give life to the dead? No, he was asking, how will you give life to the dead? Meaning what is the manner? What is the cavia? What is the nature of resurrection? How exactly will it happen? So basically, he wanted more conviction, and he wanted more clarity. And remember that there are levels of conviction. The first level of conviction is Emilie Akin, where you have, you know, knowledge of conviction, meaning you are convinced of something because you have knowledge about it. How do you

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have knowledge about it? Because someone truthful and someone reliable informed you about it, even though you did not witness it yourself? You did not experience it yourself. So for example, you know, for a fact that these days, there is injustice has been committed against Muslims in Palestine, you know that, and you know that for a fact. Why? Because people whom you trust people who are reliable, who are truthful, they have informed you about it, even though the mainstream media will never show it. Right. They will never admit it, they will never use language that will be clear that there are in justices human right. You know, in justices offenses, atrocities being

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committed over there, they will never accept that they will never mentioned that. But you know, for a fact you have any money, you're keen because there are people whom you trust, or who are truthful, who have been there who have witnessed it, and who are there and who tell you so

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So you have no money or pain. Now, there is another level of pain, a higher level of your pain, which is originally a pain, where you are convinced of the truth of something because you have observed it yourself, you have seen it with your own eyes. So for example, one is that you hear from people that things are very unfair in Palestine. And then what happens when you go to Masjidul OXA yourself, you see the injustice is with your own eyes, you see how things are very unfair. So when you see it yourself, you have a greater level of conviction, okay, this is our indo European, you see it with your eyes, and then there is helpful you attain any conviction of absolute truth you are

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convinced of something because you have experienced its reality. Okay, you have experienced its reality. So for example, you have heard that, for instance, there is Nigerian food, fulfil. Okay, I have heard about it, that it's really good with curries. All right. And I have seen pictures of it. And I have watched people on the internet, prepare it, okay, in a traditional way, and I have heard people talking about it, but I have not experienced it yet. Myself, I have not eaten it myself. So I know that it's good. I've seen that it's good. But in sha Allah wait for the day when I will get to experience it. So when you get to experience something yourself, then there is a much greater level

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of conviction. Right? So Ibrahim are a synonym, of course he had originally a clean, he knew because Allah subhanaw taala himself has informed that there is resurrection. All right, now he wanted to have a greater level of conviction by seeing resurrection. Okay, so this is where his question was coming from. All right. And of course, he had the opinion that he believed in resurrection, which is why he was able to respond to the king. And he was able to say that my Lord gives life and He gives death. He had no doubt in this matter. This is why Ibrahim Reddy Sinha is our Imam we follow him, but he wanted to experience a higher state like Musa alayhis salam said Rob be at any angle like Oh

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my Lord, show me I want to see you did he doubt the existence of Allah? Of course not. He wanted to see Allah because he wanted more. And this is how Eman is it is delicious, that you want more and more of it. This is our element is it is so satisfying. You want more and more of it. So he said any k for to heal Mota. Allah subhanaw taala said Carla, he said, our lamb took me, don't you believe? Now again? This is a question a notch of a stiff ham that tell me do you believe or not? No. This is a question of the creed. This is a rhetorical question that of course you believe so how come you want to see it? Ibrahim are in his salaam, Karla. He said Bella, of course I believe well actually

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ultimate in Nickleby. So that my heart is satisfied. Meaning I want more conviction. I believe already, I want more conviction. Now the ultimate inner yet my inner is from the root letters la meme noon. And in some dictionaries, you will find Tamim Hamza noon intimate Nan is stillness. Okay, your tweet Nan is a state of rest a state of quiet and calm after a lot of movement or a lot of turmoil, et cetera. So for example, the Nina insula, it's a major part of Salah something that we have to observe. And what is the like Nina insula, that when you move, for example, from standing position into the core, then in ReCore, you have Nina before you move again, meaning you become

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completely still before you get up from the core again, okay, not a rolling stop, a complete stop, complete stop means you become still. And then you say you're the kicker, you're da, you're the spear. And then you get up this is it maintenance. Now, the thing about the heart is that any it wanders, it wanders and it wanders high. It's not stagnant. It's not still, there's always thoughts that are passing through your heart through your mind. You have questions, you'll wonder, sometimes you have doubts. Sometimes you don't have doubts. You're just more curious. And that curiosity. Also, any curiosity is something that demands satisfaction. It demands answers. So Ibrahim Ali

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Salam, he asked to see how Allah will resurrect the dead

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In order to have intimate Nan in the heart, okay, he was not in doubt but he just wanted more satisfaction and that satisfaction you have when you have witnessed something yourself when you have experienced it yourself. And this shows us that again it is permissible for a believer to seek evidence. Okay to seek clarification in order to have toma Nina. Okay. This is how we learned in sort of going about ADA I 113 that the disciples of reciting Suriname, they asked for a tablespoon of food that almost pathetic send it down from the heavens to them so that they can eat it. And if there is an answer to them that fear Allah, what kind of demand are you making? Don't you already

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believe, they said, We just want the tables for the food so that we can eat from it. We want food, heavenly food, without putting any effort on our part. We just want food that we can enjoy and when we have it dealt with in Nakuru buena our hearts will be reassured. And we already believe in you. And we believe in everything that you have said. But our hearts will have greater confidence. You know, for example, you believe that the Quran is the word of Allah, of course you believe you believe that it is true. But when you for example, find out about a scientific miracle, okay, something in the Quran, that modern day science proves or something about human psychology, you

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know, that is mentioned in the Quran. And something that you know, studies are showing today, for instance, then what happens, these evidences, strengthen your faith. And even if they don't strengthen your faith, any Allah has already granted you your pain and strength and faith. They definitely bring you reassurance you feel happier, you feel more content, you feel more satisfied. Right. So you say Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, for the blessing of Eman. So in the same spirit, remember, it is permissible that you ask questions you seek clarification, you seek more realism and more evidences, because your faith becomes stronger like this. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said that we have more right to be in doubt than Ibrahim alayhis salam when he said My Lord show me how you give life to the dead. Meaning Ibrahim Hassan did not have Schuck okay, just as you would not think about yourself that you have shuck, you have doubt Ibrahim Al Islam did not have doubt. All right. So Ibrahim Hassan did not ask this out of doubt, any if he did, then we have a greater right to have doubt. And we don't doubt so if we don't doubt Ibrahim on his sunnah he did not doubt at all. So he asked this purely for greater satisfaction and you're allowed to seek greater satisfaction. So he said any kafer to his motor that how will this happen when the bodies

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have decomposed when there is no life that remains in them? So he wanted greater your pain? And remember that he attained it when was Rhodiola Mourinho he said that Alia Keno al Imana Kulu. Your cane is faith in it. It is all a faith. Your cane is all about Eman without your cane Eman, Hassan Eman

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okay. Any you can just say about something that oh yeah, I believe in it when you're not convinced of it. Eman is with conviction. And in Hadees, we learned that Lacell Hebrew Cal Marina, that seeing something is not the same as hearing it any one is that you are informed of something and the other is that you witness it yourself. When you witness it yourself. You have greater conviction and we learn that your pain is one of the biggest blessings that people can have in this world. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that in the NASA Lemuria COVID Dunya Hiram Inelia peeny will more affect that people have not been given anything better in this world, then conviction and well being

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safety. So ask Allah subhanaw taala for both of them. Ask Allah for your clean and ask Allah for safety. And this Swafford safety can be in your deen it can be in your body it can be in your circumstances, and when a person has Yaqeen then what will happen Allah subhanaw taala will forgive them. We learned in a hadith that there is no person who dies, while bearing witness that there is no God worthy of worship of Allah and that Muhammad Sallallahu or Islam is the messenger of Allah and this person believes with the team. Any he goes to Allah with Colby moping, except that Allah Subhana Allah will forgive him. And it is because of your pain that a person will be admitted into

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paradise. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Excellent, excellent is the state of the person who has five things when they meet Allah and one of them is that he

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He believes with conviction. So conviction, your pain is a necessity and to have your clean if you have to ask questions, ask if you need to read more read. If you need more clarity, seek that clarity. Pray for it, make Dora and also seeker in through which you can have greater your pain. So Ibrahim Hassan was told that caller Allah's parent said to him that for hood on Bharata Mina played so take for birds first saw hood, take what is from Aqua Hamza Ha, dang. So take our Barton, four minute plate of birds. So take four birds, and then for sort of Hoonah II Laker then commit them to yourself. And this is a very interesting word for Sedona. First Sol sol, sol is from the root

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letters saw Dwapara. Okay, that's the route and salah, your sole role is to incline or lean to something, so to eladia shape is that I inclined something towards me. Okay, meaning I inclined it towards me. So for example, when it's used for an animal, I trained it, I trained it, so it listens to me. So for example, if there's any random cat outside, and you call it, it's not going to come to you, but your own cat, you want to call your cat, you know how to talk, you know what words to use, you know what pitch to talk in, right? What your style should be. And your cat recognizes that this is the sound of dinner, this is the sound of, you know, some pets. So this is for sort of Hoonah

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ileka That train them, train them, so they listen to you train them, so they come to you train them, so they inclined to you. All right. So for someone that you like, and this shows us that you can actually train birds also. All right, and you will see Subhanallah birds, you can train them very easily to not only talk, but also do things that you instruct them to do. So for sort of Hoonah Lake and if someone has an interest like this where they want to, you know, train their bird or train their cat or something, there's nothing wrong in doing that. So for sort of Hoonah alayka, then what happened? Allah's parents had told him that summer then Ijarah you make or you put Isla, upon

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Cooley, javelin, every mountain men who know from them just a portion. This implies that he was told to now slaughter the birds, and then take pieces of those birds and put them on different mountains. Imagine not just scattered them in a field. No, Ibrahim already said I was told to put the different pieces of the birds on different mountains any miles apart. Subhanallah and then he was told that summer then all the ruhuna call them the line well call them and what will happen yet, Tina Khazaria, they will come to you rushing, and sorry, is to rush. And each thing has its own type of story. So the story of birds would be to come flying. So they will come to you flying. Now what

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happened over here, Ibrahim artisan I was told to first train the birds that they come to him and then he was told cut them up, put their pieces in different mountains and then call them call them when call them while their pieces are scattered. Okay? What will happen when you call them, Allah will bring them to life and they will come to you rushing. Okay, or Allah will bring them back to life, then you call them and they will come rushing. So when exactly did this happen? Allah brought the birds to life. It could be before Ibrahim and I said I'm called right after he called them. Okay, so what's happening over here, Ibrahim RONIS I was being told that when Allah will resurrect

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people, regardless of where their bodies are, okay, intact in one place, or cut into pieces and decomposed and scattered. All right, Allah subhanaw taala is able to bring them all back together. Because sometimes you wonder, you know, that if there is a person who has died in their bodies buried in the earth, and the Earth has eaten up their body, and there is no remains no signs left at all, especially if someone died like 1000s of years ago. And now those bits that have the body that turned into soil. Now that soil became nutrition for a plant, the plant or the tree grew out of it. And then you know, something else ate of that plant or that tree and that thing died and then that

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thing decomposed. So where is that organic material basically? Right? Where is that any, it's scattered all over the earth, it's all mixed in one thing is connected with the other, which is connected to the other SubhanAllah. So you wonder how will this exact same body be brought back to life. So this is proof that if people died hundreds of years ago, 1000s of years ago, and their bodies have decomposed, or they have been scattered all over the earth, Allah subhanaw taala is able to bring them back together. You see Ibrahim harness and I'm trained the birds to listen to him. Right? Now, each creature belongs to Allah. And Allah has put in everybody, the recognition of its

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creator. So each body will go to Allah when it is called, when the Trumpet will be blown, then all of those bodies that are buried in the earth will come out to either Bora Bora Theodoret, right. So wherever the remains are, no matter what condition they're in, every creature will be brought back to life. And now look at how the ayah ends warlingham and Allaha Aziz and Hakeem and you should know that Allah is our Aziz Hakeem, He is Exalted in Might, and he is ever wise. Now Allah is our Aziz, what is Riza Riza is one of the interpretations of Aziz is that he is the result meaning nothing is impossible for him. Yes, it means that he is one of honor and might, but what kind of might such

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might, that nothing is hard for him, alone or as as is in a land that is very tough. So nothing is tough for Allah, nothing is difficult for Allah, nothing is impossible for him. He is able to do what he intends. And Allah is Hakeem. He is wise in his words, and his decrees and his actions. And Hakeem also means that whatever Allah decides he's able to implement that he's able to carry out his decrees. And now look at the combination Allah Azza Aziz and her team, nothing is impossible for him, and his decree prevails. So when Allah wants to resurrect the dead, He can do that, and it is not hard for him. And this combination of absolute is an absolute hikma is only with Allah, any,

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sometimes we see people, they're wise, but they're not powerful. And then there are others who are very powerful, but they're not wise at all. SubhanAllah. And even the most powerful of people, their hands are tied somewhere or the other. They have limited power, limited control. This is the reality of the creation. Eliza Aziz and Hakeem able to do all things, nothing is hard for him, and he is hacking, all wise. He does things with wisdom, and his will prevails. Now we see Nimrod denied the second person, he had some kind of doubt. And Ibrahima is Sinan was certain in faith, three different levels, isn't it? The first level is of Nimrod that king who denied Allah the cover the

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second person, he wondered Anwar, how he had doubt. And then Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, he believed he had your clean and yet Ibrahim Arsenal wondered. So we see that different people wonder, but not every person who wonders is coming from a right place. Okay, Ibrahim, Redis, and unwanted ultimate none because the heart seeks assurance. This is similar to how you know your spouse loves you. You know, your children love you. You know your parents love you. But you still need to hear from their mouth that they love you. You need to if they don't say it, if they don't show it, right, then you wonder what's happening. So the heart seeks assurance. All right? And so Ibrahima is I'm wanting

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assurance and Allah subhanaw taala granted that to him. So in conclusion, what we learned from these verses is that it's okay to wonder it's okay to ask to seek clarity, but always come from a place of faith and humility. And ask Allah for guidance. And Allah will guide those who seek guidance. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses again. Oh go let him

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All right Subhanak Allahumma we have a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta Astok Federica Tobu lake was salam. Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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