Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-031I Tafsir Al-Baqarah 233
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Now let's move to the next item, which is about child support. So let's talk about child support now. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim well Wally that to your learner I will add the Hoonah how Laney kami lane, mothers will breastfeed their children to complete yours Limon Arada a new team model Daraa for whoever wishes to complete the nursing period. Now over here, Wiley that as you know, well, that means those women who have given birth, Okay, over here, while he that is specifically referring to Mata la cot, okay, meaning those mothers who have been divorced, and also who has taken holer, meaning those women whose marriage has come to an end, all right, because of divorce, or holer. And
they have just given birth or have recently given birth. Okay, now the word over here is Wiley, that not Omaha, that's okay. All Mahat is mothers. And a mother is a mother, whether she gave birth to her child, 20 years ago, or 20 days ago, or 20 minutes ago, the word ohm applies to her. Right? While he that means those who have given birth. So you're talking about a woman who has very recently given birth, and what that means is that now she is nursing her child. Okay, so this idea is specifically talking about the child who is being nursed, what are his rights? All right. But what this shows us is that if these are the rights of mothers who have been divorced, and who are
nursing their children, then what do you think about those nursing mothers who are still married? Any this idea is talking about the rights of who the child who is being nursed? And the mother who was nursing him? All right, so if these are the rights in the case of divorce, in the case of separation, then the same rights even more would apply to those women whose marriage is still intact. All right, so Well, well, he that this is the woman who has been separated from her husband through Fallout, whether it has been a cobra or by Noona, Solara. Or even Hola. Okay, so the waiting period has ended. Allah subhanaw taala says that these mothers will, you'll learn to allow the
Hoonah they will nurse their children, they have the right to nurse their children. It is the child's right to be nursed by the mother. All right, and Allah subhanaw taala makes this clear over here, because Allah is more merciful to people, then people are to themselves or to one another. And it's possible that, you know, someone will say that you're there. Now this is of armor. This is a command that they must, they must nurse their children. All right. So if we take this as would you even is the hubbub that this is mandatory, or at least it's preferable that a mother nurses or child any this shows us that Allah is more merciful to people than even their mothers are? Because in some
cases, it happens that the mother just does not want to nurse her children. All right, or, you know, for whatever reason, there's different circumstances, you know, she does not nurse but Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear over here that it's better to nurse so it's good for the child and not going to go into the medical benefits. All right, it's well known that breast milk is considered like liquid gold for the baby. Right? So it's the child's right. And here it is said hola the Hoonah allowed includes both male and female children. You know, some people think that a male child should be nursed longer than the female child. No, there is no such thing. Oh, lather Hoonah alright, and
even if it's, you know, twins or triplets worn at the same time you even they deserve to be nursed. All right, as much as possible and you will relay that to your learner. Hola, Donna. How long how Lanie kami lane. Now how lane? Two years. These are lunar years. How do we know it's lunar years because in certain Bacara I have 189 Allah subhanaw taala mentions that he has a luna Cardinal a healer they ask about the crescent moons oleum or Peter leanness right they are measurements of time for the people while Hajj. So measurements of time. So we have to measure the time of nursing or two years. So we have to go by the moon. So this is lunar years. Okay? Now, when you say two years, you
know a lot of times you will take two years but the term was actually one year and nine months, okay? Or it was a little over two years, for example, two years and three months and you say about two years. Alright, so kami Lane CAMI Lane complete that clarifies that it is exactly 24
or months, okay, it is exactly 24 months how Lainey CAMI Lane exactly 24 months, not a year and a half, not two years and five months or two years and one month no 24 lunar months starting from the day of the birth. Okay, so how Laney CAMI lane? Lehmann Arada a new Tim Muladhara Okay, Lehman or order a new team Muladhara this is for whoever wishes to complete the nursing period, okay, meaning those divorced couples who want to complete the nursing period for the child, then the mothers will nurse for two complete years. Okay. And what this means is that during this time the father has to provide child support to the mother. Okay, now, what about the one who does not want to complete the
nursing period and wants to wean the child before that the one who does not want to complete the nursing period, we in the child before the end of the two years, the details of that are coming up. Okay. But first of all, what we see from this is that the maximum period of la barra, the maximum period of Rhodora is how long two years there is no minimum, okay, there is no minimum, the maximum is two years. And also remember that when it is said leemon or other anutin marudhara. Okay, for those who wants to complete the nursing period, what this shows is that it is not obligatory to complete the nursing period either. Okay, so those who want to complete the nursing period, the
duration of two years, what does that mean? If a person does not want to complete the two years, that's also fine. So this means that it is not obligatory upon the mother, whether divorced or married to nurse her child for two complete years. All right. So for example, if she nurses her child for one year, for one and a half years, that is fine. She does not have to complete the two years, okay, Sometimes it so happens that a woman becomes pregnant again and she finds it difficult to continue to nurse or she has to take a certain medication because of which she's not able to breastfeed anymore there could be different situations right. So it is not obligatory upon the
mother to continue to nurse for two years nor is it obligatory on the father to provide child support all right, to his now separated wife so she can nurse the child. So Lehman or other annuity model Dar, okay. So, we have established that there is no minimum duration, but the maximum is 24 months. And this is a very important point we should remember because sometimes women are shamed, and they're made to feel guilty for not nursing for the exact 24 months, you know, sometimes a woman does not have that capacity. So she should not be made to feel bad, okay. Now the two years of nursing the whole Lane CAMI lane, is this the maximum duration that a mother can nurse her child any
after two years it is not allowed to nurse the child? Or is it the complete term of nursing for divorced woman in which he receives child support from the child's father. Both opinions are their meaning some orlimar say that what this means is that a child can only be nursed for two years maximum meaning after two years, a woman is not allowed to nurse her child, it is prohibited. Okay, divorced women and also those who are not divorced, we're just talking about nursing, okay, that the maximum duration for nursing is two years. So, basically once a child hits two years, two lunar years which is different from the birthday that you know, so, when your child is born, you should
know On which date they were born in these in the Hijri calendar also, what this means is one opinion is that a child can only be nursed for two years. So basically second birthday, you cannot nurse the day after that it is haram okay, it is forbidden. And other Allama say that no, it is not forbidden. It is permissible because this idea is talking about child support for divorced women. So the duration of that is two lunar years. Okay, Allahu Arnhem. But the second opinion makes sense, because some children and it so happens that you know, it's difficult to wean them because of health conditions, it's necessary for them to continue to be nursed. Okay. And in that case, I've also
heard some orlimar say that a woman can express her breast milk and nurse the child initially should not nurse the child from the breast but she should express it if the child is over two years. So for example, if for some health reasons, you have to continue to give the child breast milk, okay, and the child is almost three years old, then they say it is not correct for the child to be given the breast rather than
The milk should be expressed and that should be given to the child. So here since we're talking about divorce, the period of nursing in which the man has to provide child support, the maximum of that is definitely to lunar years. Okay? Lumen Allah, the AU Tim Muladhara. And the words you Tim Muladhara, whoever wants to complete the nursing period, this shows that nursing, okay is established within the first two years of the child's life. So for example, it's well known that if a child is given the milk of a woman other than his mother, then that woman becomes a maharam to that child. Right. So, for example, if a boy was nursed by his mother's friend, okay, then his
mother's friend is like a mother milk mother, right? A mother through little Daraa. And in Hadees, we learned that what is unlawful by reason of blood is also unlawful by reason of or Olara, meaning just as you cannot marry your sibling, you cannot marry your sibling through a milk Mother, you understand. So for example, if a woman has nursed two children who are not hers, okay, a boy and a girl from different mothers. Okay, can that boy and girl get married? Later on? No, they cannot. Why? Because they have been nursed by the same woman. All right. So this rod Lara is only established when the child is nursed within the first two years of his life because Allah subhanaw
taala says over here you Tim Muladhara. So the completion of Rhodora is when in how lady Cameleon within the first two years. So what this means is that if a person drinks the milk of a woman at any point in their life after the first two years, okay, so for example, let's say a woman had expressed some of her breast milk for her child, and that milk was in a cup, and you know, some person came who was not related to them, and he drank that. So now is that man, her child? Has rodar been established? Nope. The law has not been established. Why? Because it was not within the first two years, that man is 30 years, okay? That he's not a baby, right? And an Irish and we learned about
how a man accidentally drank a woman's milk. And, you know, he went to one of the companions and he asked him that has little Darebin established like what's happening now? And he said, that are you a baby? Honey, you're not a baby. Okay? And in Hadith we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that in the middle of Daraa, to middle Majora Okay, meaning that Adara is established when the milk is the child's only food or the main food. In another Hadith we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the only little dar to be considered is that which gives life to the bones and causes flesh to grow. Okay, In another Hadith, we learned that the only little dar
which makes marriage unlawful is that which is taken from the breast meaning by the baby and enters the bowels, meaning it's the only food for the child, okay, and is taken before the time of weaning. So before the time of weaning, which is two years. So anyway, it's clear now that QRadar is established within the first two years. There is one exception, though, okay, and that exception is the case like that abseiling. radula Mourinho, Samuel de la Mourinho, basically, long story short, he was adopted by one of the companions, okay. And when the laws of adoption were revealed that basically just because you called someone your son, it doesn't mean that they become your son. When
that law was revealed. His mother, his adoptive mother, basically, she went to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. And she told him that, you know, he's my son had basically raised him. And now this means that he cannot come before me. Basically, I have to observe hijab and things like that. And so the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam gave the solution that that Salim should be given some expressed milk, a woman saw that he is now Muharram to his adoptive mother, and that was done. So someone will say that that case was an exception just for the family of Salim. All right, Salim Mola. What are they for? And other animals say that just as it was an exception for them, it is an exception for
any case that is similar to it. So for example, let's say there is a couple who have adopted a child, all right, and then they become Muslim, or they learn about Islam, even if there are so many Muslims who don't know. So later on, they learn and by the time that child is beyond two years, that child is let's say, 10 years old, or 15 years old, or 20 years old. All right, but any he's been raised as a child. So
To establish it Olara now it can be done that some expressed milk of the woman or if she's not able to then some other woman like her sister something you know that should be given to him so that will are can be established but remember that is an exceptional case. Anyway. So here we learn that well why do that to your learner hola the Hoonah back to the topic that because of divorce, children should not be deprived of their rights mothers should not be deprived of their rights. A child has the right to be nursed by the mother and the mother has the right to nurse her child and this will be for two complete yours. Okay, while mono dealer who is spoon no Kiswa to Hoonah Bill Maroof upon
the father is to provide the mother's provision and clothing according to what is acceptable, meaning the father of the child the ex husband, he has to give financial support now for as long as she is nursing their child. Okay, and in through the Talaq is six las pantallas has for in a Barnala confer to Window do Ramona, if they nurse your children for you, okay? Anyone, a woman nurses, her child, she is doing a favor to the father of the child. Okay, so even after divorce, Allah subhanaw taala says For I don't know, dude, I'm gonna give them their wages, and you have to give financial support to the mother. Okay. Earlier, it was established that the maximum duration of this is two
years. So for as long as she is nursing, the baby, the father of the baby has to provide for her. Okay, this can be for one year, if that is how long they decide to nurse the child, it can be for a year and a half. And it could be for six months, or it could be for the two complete ears. But beyond two years, the mother cannot demand financial support from her ex husband. All right, for herself. So our little mo Lu de la who disco who know a kiss with a wound here, the financial support that has been given to the mother, not the children, it's been given to the mothers. Okay, so beyond after two years, she cannot demand any money from him for herself. Now, what if the woman
marry someone else? And that someone else is perfectly fine with her nursing her baby? Okay, let's say six months after the divorce. All right. The baby is now six months old, she's nursing, the ex husband is giving child support. The woman wants to marry someone. All right. And her prospective husband is perfectly fine. He says I'm fine. You can be with your baby, you can continue to nurse your baby, I have no problem whatsoever. So can the father of the child say that I'm not going to give you any child support if you get married? No, he cannot as long as the mother is nursing the child, okay. He has to provide financial support to her for herself. And he has to give what he has
to give his guna Kiswa to Hoonah he has to provide for her sustenance and her clothing. Okay, why does the father have to provide for his ex wives sustenance and clothing? Because it is the father's obligation to provide for his children. But a newborn relies on the mother for food. Right? So the father now has to provide for the source of that food, which is the mother. Now it has not been said that he has to provide that Warland mallu de la who Tara Munna walkie swear to Hoonah Thuram has not been said food has not been said rather the word this has been used over here. Because when a woman is nursing her child, she doesn't just need food. All right. Sometimes she also needs multivitamins,
she needs iron, calcium supplements, she needs perhaps, you know, a nursing pillow. Alright, she needs maybe a breast pump. She needs maybe, you know, some kind of ointment for herself, things like that. So risk, the risk includes all of that everything associated with nursing. All right. And this shows us that we should pay special attention to a mother's diet when she is nursing, especially postpartum. And so many women are neglected in regard to this. You know, when a child is born, everyone is excited about the baby. All the focus is on the baby. And the mother is not getting any sleep. And the first few days people are excited. And then after they have had their parties and
they've had their dinners and people have come and taken cute pictures, etc. Everyone goes away and now the mother is left take care of the baby on her own and she's not able to eat properly. She's not able to take care of herself. So she becomes physically weaker and weaker. What do we learn over here that if after divorce, the father has to provide for the mother
There is risk, including her food, honey, then what about the woman who was still married, her nutrition should not be compromised. And you see in the beginning she needs soup everyday probably, you know maybe she needs a lot of vegetables and things like that, you know clean good food that will give her good nutrition it can get expensive, but it is worth it. And I was reading recently that you know certain micronutrient deficiencies, micronutrient deficiencies in the body contribute to the development of PPD postpartum depression. Imagine if a woman's diet is not proper, then it can have you know, so many negative effects on her. So, while mono de la who this poem Nova Kiswa
Tahuna. Now, there is a question why clothing? It is Glocal we understand, okay it is does not include accommodation, okay? Because the she is not his wife anymore. The he only has to provide for the things that are related to nursing. Okay, that sustenance which is related to nursing anyway, why clothing? You can give the answer in the chat. I'm looking at the chat now. Why does the man have to provide for the clothing of his ex wife while she is nursing his child? Why? Okay, sometimes she needs nursing friendly clothes. All right, now that her body has changed after giving birth, her previous clothes don't fit her. Yes, babies spit up a lot. So your clothes wear out faster, right?
Very valid points, while kullfi Come and you know diapers leak, and things like that. So a woman needs clothing. And any when you read this, your heart is filled with love for Allah subhanaw taala any, how compassionate Allah is to his slaves. We're talking about after divorce the father has to provide for her clothing. Subhanallah and you see, when a woman sees all the clothes that don't fit her anymore, because she just gave birth, there is a sense of guilt and shame that I have all these clothes, they don't fit me. Right and then birthing, giving birth leaves the body completely changed, sometimes for her confidence for her well being. And for her convenience, it is necessary
she has access to new clothing, right? And subhanAllah typically what happens when a baby is born, people focus on baby clothes, because they're cute, they look so adorable. And those clothes the baby grows out of them so quickly. So many gifts are given to the child. What about the mother? Remember, the child's well being depends on the mother's well being. The child's well being depends on the mother's well being. And you cannot just tell a mother to have somebody and sugar you have to provide for her what she needs, whether it is food or water or clothing and they should be given to her. You know some people say take the money. Go Go get it yourself. How is she supposed to go
shopping in a condition where she's barely finding time to brush her hair Subhan Allah, any Warlow mono de la hoody Spagnola Kiswa to Hoonah. And you know, sometimes not men but women are guilty of this way they don't support the women in their family in this regard. You know, for example, a mother or even a sister, sometimes the inlaws, they will not take care of the woman who has just given birth the entire focus is on the child Subhanallah and you know, if the focus is on the mother, the mother can recover quickly, she will feel better and the child will also do well. You know, a friend of mine asked me when I was about to give birth she asked me that Do you want
anything for your baby? And she makes really good food. And her husband is very hard worker Mashallah. They have Halal income, they're generous people. And I remember hearing from a scholar that Allah puts healing in the food of the person who is generous. Maybe they said this on the basis of experience, Allah who are known but anyway, so she asked me Do you want something for the baby I said, I want lasagna because she makes really good lasagna. And it was the best gift. She sent multiple trays of lasagna that were in the freezer and Subhanallah it was so easy for me. So you know sometimes even when a child is born and we want to give gifts, it's good any it's nice that you
give clothes for the baby or you give a whole set of you know, cute toys or things like that, but look at what Allah subhanaw taala is drawing our attention to that is for Hoonah work Kiswa to Hoonah Alright, give to the person with the need, that will help them get better. So while Malou de la who dispo Noah kieswetter Hoonah All right. Now how much is the father required to give to the mother? How much Allah subhanaw taala this has been my roof in the recognised way. Meaning a woman will be given what she is in need of according to the living standard that she is accustomed to. So for example,
With the man says, you know, I just gave you money a month ago to buy codes and now you want more codes? Yes because that is the living standard that I'm used to right. So, people of different backgrounds, different cultures, you know, their needs will vary. And secondly Bill maruf also means that a man will give what he can afford, okay? So for example, if a man you know does not have much money and the woman is demanding a whole lot of money from him for food, or for her, you know needs so for example, she can get a nursing pillow for $30 but she finds one for $150 And the guy is struggling with money already. That is not correct. So Bill my roof into the Talaq is seven Allah's
pantalla says Leon Phil clue Sara Tim insanity, that the person who has means should spend from his means woman put it already he does full value and fifth mama tell hooba And the one whose sustenance is restricted than he should spend from what Allah has given him, meaning he still has to give and he has to give from whatever that Allah has given him. Allah Subhana Allah says Allah to colorful nipson Illa was our her No person is charged with more than his capacity. So the woman should not be charged with more than her capacity that she is told to make do with very little, or the father should not be charged with more than his capacity that he is asked for more money than he can
afford. led to Laura Wellington Villa de *, well, Mo Lulu who will be one of the no mother should be harmed through her child and no father through his child. All right, or no mother should cause harm through her child and no father should cause harm through his child. Basically, the child should not be used as a weapon of revenge. Okay, in this situation, how does that happen? It happens in many different ways. Sometimes, the mother is not given any financial support or she's not given enough support. So she is burdened with poverty which is not in her capacity, right with hunger, which is not in her capacity, which she's not accustomed to. Sometimes a lot is demanded from the
Father more than what he can afford to give. Sometimes the mother takes advantage of this time, and gets all the designer clothes that she's ever dreamed off, where she gets a new wardrobe, right, she gets more than what she needs for nursing. So that is wrong, or she gets money for her clothes, but instead of buying her clothes, she starts buying the codes of you know, her sister and her brother and things like that, that is wrong. So lad to borrow a little Tommy oualidia Well, Mo Lulu will be quality. And you see if the focus is the welfare of the child, then the Father will spend willingly and the mother will also nurse willingly. So, how beautiful is this law wirelend Waititi myth Lu
Dalek and upon the air is a duty like that. So, this is a situation where the father has died, okay. So, for example, a man divorced his wife, okay, the wife was pregnant and the waiting period came to an end meaning she gave birth there was no Doer Okay. And now she is separated from her husband. Now she is nursing the baby. Now what happens the man dies okay. So now, who is going to provide for the mother so, she can continue to nourish the child while where is the heir whose heirs the heirs of the Father. Now, they are supposed to provide for the child's mother. All right, these heirs are for example, and depending on who is there, it could be his father. It could be his brothers. Okay. So
basically, his heirs has also been a solar alumna have said that the word is over here is the child itself, okay? Because when a man dies, leaving behind a child, for example, that child will inherit from his deceased father, okay. Now, technically, the mother does not inherit from that man, because she's not his wife anymore. She was not his wife when he died, right he had divorced her. So she does NOT inherit from him, but the child inherits from him. So now the mother will take whatever she needs from the property of her orphan child for her food and clothing. Remember, earlier we learned about the property of the orphans, right? So this is connected to that the mother will take from the
property of her orphaned child where did the orphaned child get that property from from the estate of his deceased father, so she will take from it for her food and clothing and things like that. Now, there is another case where sometimes a father just disappears, okay. So for example, a man divorced his wife, she is nursing their child and he disappears. He goes to a different country or something changes his phone number. She is not able to track him down. She's not able to find him.
Now, how is she supposed to provide for herself? All right? Or sometimes what happens is that he is not able to provide any support, because he doesn't have any money. And he doesn't even have any ability to make money because let's say he got injured at work, and he is unable to work. Now he doesn't have a source of income, he just does not have any money. How is he supposed to provide for his child's mother? So who is the air then the air is the child's air? Why do you feel pollute? Okay, so those people who can legally inherit from him among his relatives, so perhaps his uncle, perhaps the child's grandmother, all right, they will now provide for the mother, these errors can
be male or female, that does not matter, the fact that they're related to the child by blood, all right, there is a relationship. And that relationship means that the child inherits from them or they inherit from the child. So now at this time, they have to step up and provide for the mother so that the mother can continue to nurse the child, and the child gets the proper nourishment that he needs. And this shows us that you need a village to raise a child, not just a stay at home mom, some people think that all you need to raise a child is a stay at home mother, and that is literally on the mother great injustice on the mother, she's not able to do everything herself, she should not be
burdened with that, if she's nursing the child, she's not able to do everything else. So, somebody needs to step up the father has to in the absence of the father, she will take from the money of the child or in the absence of any money or like the scenarios I gave you, the family, the relatives of the child have to provide for the mother. Okay, another opinion is that if for example, the father dies, and there is no family, or the family does not step up, okay? Then the mother will make spending on her food and clothing a priority. So, this can be from what she owns What she earns, or what she can receive even as charity as a welfare check whatever it is, but the mother will not feel
guilty about receiving help for her sustenance, and her clothing while she is nursing her child. Okay, and so many mothers neglect themselves, their food, their clothing, while they're taking care of their young children. So we are being given the opposite message over here. Okay, and while wearing the mythical Dalek myth, medallic means financial support, and also no harm any lead to dollar value that we want to do. Allama Lulu who we want to do any harm should not be caused than it is set for in order for Salena and throw them in Houma with a shout in for legenda Harley Hema. And if they both desire weaning through mutual consent from both of them and consultation, there is no
blame upon either of them. So this means that the child can be weaned before two years, sometimes that is a necessity or just so happens. But the main thing is that the weaning should happen with mutual consent. Now this verse, as you know, is talking about with a lockout. So for example, if a woman decides when the child turns one, that she's going to wean the child, okay? She cannot just when the child herself, she is going to consult the child's father, okay? She's going to tell him that I am not able to nurse anymore, or I don't want to because of such and such reason or reasons that I don't want to tell you. I don't want to nurse. Are you cool with that? Are you okay with
that? And if the father agrees, then yes, she can win the child. Now when she means the child, what does that mean? That means that now the father does not have to provide her any money for her food, or sustenance or clothing. Okay, but does he have to provide for the child? Yes, he has to even if the child is with the mother, yes, he has to suffer in order facade. And on top all the men who may want to shower, there are the means that both parties are willing, okay? Now sometimes what happens is that the Father will say to the mother, that I don't want to provide any more money to you, this is my money, you're no longer my wife. I don't want to give you anything. So stop nursing the child,
she can say no, I will nurse the child because the child needs it. It's my right to nurse the child. And in that case, he has to continue to give her money. Okay, so thoroughly means both parties should agree and the shower means that they both have to consult this means that after divorce, the man and woman must continue to consult with each other for the welfare of their children. And subhanAllah you don't see this, especially in Muslim cultures, where children are suffering constantly. Why? Because the father and the mother are so angry, so hateful that they can't even have you know a proper discussion. So the shower, there should be discussion. Fella generally human
there is no blame on either.
them which means that there is no sin on the father now in discontinuing the support the financial support for the mother and there is no sin on the mother in discontinuing nursing the child. As long as this decision was taken with approval of both parties and consultation. We're in a lot Domantas 30 Rue ola.com For legend AHA Aleikum EDA Salam toma Tatum Bill Maher roof, and if you wish to have your children nursed by a substitute, okay, for whatever reason. So for example, the mother wants to get married somewhere else, and she does not think it's a good idea for her to take her to continue to nurse her baby. All right, she decides that or she wants to go and study she wants to work,
things like that. And she realizes that it's not possible for her to nurse the child. So basically, the child has to be nursed by someone else. Okay. Again, this decision is made with mutual consultation and agreement on the side of both parties. So Fallout, you know, highly come there is no harm in that. Okay. So this shows us that there is no sin in having someone else nurse the child. And these days, there is no sin in giving the child formula. Okay? Because sometimes the mother is not able to nurse so giving formula to the child is not haram. Okay, you're not a bad mother, you're not any less of a mother. Okay, because some women are not able to nurse so there is no sin, as long
as that decision was made with consultation. So for now, generally can either send them to a date on Bill Maher roof, as long as you give payment according to what is acceptable? So one question now, if the child is given formula, who's going to pay for it? The father will exactly and if, in this aisle, we see that some woman other than the mother is asked to nurse the child, then she has to be paid, okay? And that payment has to be given. Like it's a lump sum completely hand over. And that payment has to be been my roof, right it will be given by the Father and in a way that is acceptable, any that amount has to be appropriate fitting, what the Kola Hawara Lumo and Allah
Habima Dharma Luna bus lead and fear Allah and know that Allah is Seeing of what you do. And it's possible that the mother does not nurse the child she's weaned Him and the Father has no clue. Allah knows. It's possible that the father says I don't have any money I can't give you whereas he has a whole lot of money. Allah knows. While Mo and Allah Bhima Dharma Luna proceed in Surah Talaaq is six of us power and powerlessness for in adorn Allah confer to woonona Adora, Hana if you're divorced wife, nurses, the child your child, give her her wages what Demirel bein a combi maruf and consult among yourselves. We're in Tara Sultan Fussa told the ruler who okra but if you are in this court,
sometimes it happens that no matter how much they try to come to an agreement, they just can't. So in that case, someone else may Breastfeed the child. And in that case, the father has to pay that woman. So how beautiful is our religion where the rights of the children are preserved? The rights of the Mother, the rights of the Father Subhanallah every one's rights are preserved. And this shows us that the breaking of a family Yes, it is painful, but it doesn't have to be horrible. Okay, divorce does not have to be ugly. It can be done in a just and fair way, in a way that children are not neglected and everyone is given their rights. You know, every time I read the CYA, I'm amazed at
Allah's justice. Exactly. And you want to say it will lead to Billa Hiraga I am happy with Allah as my Rob will be Islami Deena. I'm happy with Islam as my Deen will be Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gonna be unhappy with the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is My Prophet. Allahu Akbar. May Allah subhanaw taala give us that realization that this deen is a blessing and hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah All right, Inshallah, we will conclude over here Subhanak Allah whom will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta esta Furukawa Tobu Lake, more verses are coming up regarding divorce. Okay, and regarding separation, and I hope that the questions that you've been asking will be
resolved. That will be answered in the upcoming verses in sha Allah. Vertical Lo Fi calm, a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh