Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-027A Translation and Word Analysis Al-Baqarah 197-203
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Are with a bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah al Karim rubbish Rahim Saudi were silly Emery verhalen raka melissani of Kahu Kohli Allahumma Nickleby was sadly Cerney was slowed schemata Calbee menial, banal Amin lesson number 27 Solothurn Bacara verses 197 to 203. We will do the translation and word analysis for the section and then inshallah we will begin to proceed inshallah. Translation ahead Jew the pilgrimage, the major pilgrimage asuran is in months MaryLu Matten ones that are known for months, so whoever ferrata he makes obligatory fi Hiner in them alhaja the major pilgrimage fell out off further than they should
be no sexual advances at all, while Alpha Suka and no defiant disobedience at all, while edgy dalla and no argumentation at all. fee in and Hedgy the Hajj, the major pilgrimage wama and whatever the for our Lu you all do men of hiding good era Allahu Allah, Allah knows it. What does a will do and he will take provisions for ena So indeed, Kira, best Azadi of the provisions of Taqwa is the consciousness of Allah. What the Kony and you all be conscious of me. Yeah. Ollie Owens who possess Al Bab the intellects laser there is not our lay come upon you all Juna Hoon any blame on that? Who who you will seek for learn favor men from Rob become your Rob for either than when? A fall? Don't
you all have departed in crowds? Men from Allah 13 are on offer. furred Kuru then you all remember Allahu Allah in the near Unmesh or haram, the sacred landmark with Kuru who and you will remember him comer just as or because her.com He guided you all were in and indeed quantum you all were men cobbly He before it, lemon surely among a law lien those who have gone astray, so Medan afield, do you all depart in crowds, men from heighth or wherever FL bluntness, the people depart in crowds was still futile and you will seek forgiveness from Allah Allah in that indeed Allah Allah Allah fuhren is ever forgiving or Haman is ever Merciful. For either than when polite whom you all have completed
my Nastika comb your rituals of worship, fed Kuru then you will remember Allah Allah Cathy currycomb Like your remembrance of Abba comb your forefathers, oh or a shudder, more intense the craw in remembrance FURMAN So among a Nursey the people man is who your colo he says Robina Our Rob attina You give us fee in a dunya the world warmer and not low for him fee in an AF era the hereafter men holla pin will be any share at all. Woman home and among them man is who you're cool he says Robina Our Rob attina You give us fi in a dunya The world hasn't eaten good Wi Fi and in a laugh era. The hereafter hasn't gotten good Joaquina and you save us from or the ABA punishment and natty of the
fire hola e kandos la home for them no seabone will be affixed share mimma from what Casa boo they earned will Allah Who and Allah city rule is ever swift al hisab in the accounting world Kuru and you will remember Allah Allah fie in a Yemen days Mara do that in numbered ones from and then whoever third Gela he hastens to leave fi in yo mania today's Fela is murder no sin at all our lay he is upon him, woman and whoever the ACARA he stays back fella is the no sin at all our lay he is upon him Lehmann for whoever is the DA he adopted consciousness of Allah what the goal and you all be conscious of Allah Allah Allah who are Allah more and you all should know unknown that indeed you
all la he to him the Scharoun you all will be gathered. All right. Let's go for the word analysis quickly and then inshallah we will proceed to Smilla Rahmanir Rahim al hijo Assura MaryLu MMORTS el hijo the Hajj, the major pilgrimage asuran is months MaryLu Matten ones that are known, meaning how
is in known months. Hajj is not at any random time of the year, but rather it is in months that are known or understood that the time of Hajj is a shuttle Marlowe month it is in nine months. Now the word Hajj as you know is from her Jeep Jeep, and had Jeff is to intend to a certain target. So Hajj is not just a random journey, a person intends to go to a certain place at a certain time of the year to perform certain rituals and all of this is for the sake of Allah. So this is during a shoot Omar Lumet ashore is the plural of the word sharp and sharp as you can see from the root letters sheen her rock and shell is a month this is of course referring to lunar month and this can be
either 29 days or 30 days depending on when the moon is sighted. So, I showed Marlo Matt Maluma is the plural of the word Mar Luma and Maluma is from rain Lam Meem, rain, Earl meaning knowledge so Mar Luma is one that is known, okay. So Hajj is during known months, meaning months that are fixed that are specified, and these months are basically shall while the karda and the hedgerow Okay, so three months shall while the Ricarda and the ledger and of course, it's not the entire month of the ledger, it is only the beginning of the month of the ledger. So I'll head to asuran MaryLu, Matt, Furman. So whoever Faraja he makes obligatory for raw blood. Fourth, fourth is to make something
incumbent on someone willing to make something mandatory on someone to impose a law. So whoever ferrata fee hymnal hedger, meaning whoever makes Hajj obligatory upon himself, how do you make Hajj obligatory upon yourself, what is meant is that a person enters the State of Iran. So he begins the Hajj by making the intention and they enter the State of Iran. So for manfaat Allah fie Hiner in them, them is referring to the Assura Marlowe met the nine months, okay, so this shows us that the intention of Hajj and the beginning of Hajj meaning a person must only enter Iran during the months of hajj, you cannot do it before shall Well, all right. So it has to be within this duration fee
hinda. So, whoever makes obligatory in them alhaja the major pilgrimage, then what are the rules of Iran? And what are some rules that a person has to keep in mind observe while they are performing the hedge? Three things are mentioned over here. Follow Rafa wala for Sukkot wala G dalla Phil hedge. So Phil hedge meaning during the entire time of hedge for as long as a person is in the State of Iran. These three things a person cannot do and notice how it has not been said that for letter Fuzu right. That do not do Ruffus and do not do forsook and do not do do that. Rather it has been said loud Rafa, no Rafa at all laugh was so quiet no forsook at all laddy dalla there is no detail
at all any there is zero tolerance for any of these during Hajj. So, what are these things The first is follow Rafa there is no roof at all, no roof F is from the root letters Rafa okay. And Allah fifth is to engage in the satisfaction of sexual desire. Okay, so it doesn't just refer to sexual * but also sexual advances. Like for example, even fondling or you know, the kind of holding hands that might lead to kissing and things like that between husband and wife. So none of this is permissible during Hutch. Secondly, what if Asuka and no defined disobedience at all for Sue is from fair scene off first scene called fists and fists. Remember the word facet peen earlier in
solitary Bacara literally is to cross the boundary to go beyond the proper limit. So what is meant is to commit a sin. So love for so called there should be no defiant disobedience at all. And fist is you know to knowingly transgress a limit any Allah subhanaw taala has given us certain rules to observe during Hajj different rituals that we have to observe. So for
So, could be what that a person transgresses them person does not care about them. So Laffel suka no disobedience at all, whether it is in the form of you know committing a sin like lying or backbiting or it is in the form of you know not caring about the proper rituals not performing them properly, all types of Murase all types of sins are included in this. So, when alpha Suka and for So, if you remember this definition fullsuit is horloge only a thorough okay. So, it is to exit obedience, any to be in a state where a person is not being obedient to Allah. This could be in one's speech, it could be in one's actions, it could be in one's behavior and the kind of things they're doing. So,
love for soccer, right? No define disobedience at all. Well, ergy dalla and no argumentation at all. Dahlias from Jeem than lamb Jeem their love and doodle is to argue to quarrel with people. Basically the word jendela is to twist firmly. So for example, you string and you twist it in order to make a rope. So this is the concept now G dal, what's happening in the dial is that each person is trying to overcome the other. Okay, now think about the different strands that are used to make a rope or something like that. Each strand is firmly going on top of the other. Right so this is what's happening in a doodle in an argument that each person is trying to defeat the other overcome the
other one person says something the other brings another statement in return. Right? So largely Diala no argumentation at all fill hedge during the hutch meaning for as long as a person is in the State of Iran these three things a person must stay away from and then it is said warmer and whatever tough Are you you all do min Clayton have good stuff our Lu is from for rain lamb. So any good you do any good deed you do? Your Allahu Allah Allah knows it. You're a lamb who for mine, lamb me, what does a widow and you all take provisions? This is from the word Zed. Okay, ze Well, that is the route, okay. Basically, that is the provision the supplies, the traveler takes along with them
on a journey. So you may have, for example, heard of the book of YBNL claim Zadran mods Zagal mod, meaning the provisions that a person needs for the hereafter what kind of good deeds a person needs, you know, with them in order to prepare for the journey of the hereafter. So that is the things that you take along with you the supplies, in order to take care of yourself in order to fulfill your needs throughout the journey. This can be in the form of food, it can be the form of clothing or money, medication, whatever a person is in need of. So what does a widow, the widow is that you should take your Zed, okay. And this is an imperative, a command that all of you and this is plural,
you all take provisions. And when you go for Hajj, you pack you sharp you prepare everything. So it is set for inner heroes Zadie Taqwa. So indeed, Kayla Zed best of the provisions, meaning out of all the things that you definitely need to take with you on your journey of Hajj is what it is a Dupois it is the consciousness of Allah, Allahu Akbar. Any you know, sometimes before you're going somewhere, and you know, someone else has been there before you you ask them that what is something that you advise me to take with me? What is a must have? You know, for example, if a person has to even go to the hospital for surgery, and they find out somebody else has been for the same surgery,
they ask them that, you know, what are the essentials? What are some things that I must take with me, right? And then sometimes people advise you to take things that you never even thought about, because you never thought that you would need that. So here Allah subhanaw taala is telling us himself about what is the most essential thing to take with us on the journey of Hajj and you know how sometimes on a journey or anywhere you go, even if it's just you know, a visit somewhere a short trip somewhere a day trip, you know, you forget things right or you are not able to take them along with you, for whatever reason, but you survive, right? There are things that you can survive
without, but Dukkha is something that you must have with you when
When you go for Hajj if you want your hedge to be beneficial, you want to make sure you do Hajj properly. This is the number one the most important thing that you need with you. So for in a hydra Hydra is best, okay meaning out of all the things that you can take with you. The best provision Azad is from the same route as a while there. It is a Taqwa what Taccone and you all be conscious of me, this is a command and the knee at the end means me. Meaning all of you be conscious of Allah. Yeah, Ali Al Bab or possessors of Al Bab of the intellects plural of the word loop from the root letters lamb that bow, and I've mentioned this to you earlier that loop is the core that the middle
part of something and it is essentially the main part of something, right? What makes that object you know, worthy. So low is the intellect of a person. So all people have intellect, any if you really have the Oracle, if you are really people off intelligence, then fear Allah be conscious of Allah in Hajj and also outside of Hutch. Then it is said lay sourly come do now one, meaning there is no junella on you all there is no blame on you all. You are not sinful. You are not guilty. You are not doing anything wrong. And Tabitha, who that you all seek FOD la mera become favor from your club, meeting on the journey of hudge. If you seek the favor of your Lord, you're not doing anything
wrong. There is no sin on you. Okay. And do not honus from Jeem known her. We have done this word earlier. Tabitha who is from bear lane, yep. If the law to seek and follow is favor, right. And follow is basically, it's more than what a person deserves. It's to give someone more than what they are. Deserving of. That's why it's translated as favor and hear what is meant by funnel off your rub is sustenance. Okay, sustenance, like for example, money, or things that you can buy. So there is no sin on you. If in the journey of Hajj you go shopping, can you buy things that you need, you buy things that you want, or that you engage in some work some business and you make a profit, you make
money, okay? So for example, you make, you know, pouches, for example, handmade, you know, things, and you take them along with you and each item, you sell it for $5. And you're there for hedge for like three weeks, and the different items that you sell, you managed to make, let's say $1,000 Okay, so you made money. And you made sure that you took those things along with you so that you could make money because you're coming across so many people. So it's an excellent opportunity to make money, right. So you seek favor from Europe, and then Tableau faultline any this also seeking favor also includes, for example, making daraz for worldly sustenance, a there's nothing wrong with that.
When you do that during Hajj, as long as it's not the main reason why you go for Hajj, the main intention and as long as it does not distract you from the rituals of Hajj themselves. So there is no sin on you if you seek favor from Europe. Now there is a question why is sustenance called favor Fadil? Because it is favor from Allah. There are people who work so hard, but they're not able to make enough money. So the money that you make the things of this world that you receive, first of all, they're not guaranteed, they're not directly correlated to the effort that you put in. You only make money when Allah subhanaw taala enabled and Allah subhanaw taala puts Baraka in your effort and
grant them success. You know, for example, you could take a whole bunch of items to sell, but it's possible that you are not able to sell anything, right? So remember that any form of sustenance that you have, it is fuddle it is a favor of Allah subhanaw taala upon us, it's not our own effort. Okay? It's not you know, people say things like self made millionaire, there's nothing self made. Any there are so many people who strive to launch a business to, you know, somehow make money through their business, but it doesn't work. So there's no self made. This concept doesn't exist in our Aqeedah sustenance is a favor from Allah. And secondly, it's also called favor because it's not our
right. Any, you can't take any blessing for granted. You can't take any form of sustenance
for granted thinking that, you know, this is my right I deserve this. No, you don't deserve it. It's purely Allah's favor on you. So there is no sin upon you, there is no blame on you. If you seek favor from Europe, meaning during Hajj for either then when a failed tomb, you all departed in crowds mineral fat in from out of fat. So when you have departed from normal fats, then what should you do then fed kulula in the machine in Haram, then stop and remember Allah near and mush. I didn't. Hello. So two places are mentioned over here. The first place is artifact. And the second place is a machete haram. Okay, which is basically was deliver. Now the word of thought tomb is from
the root letters file. Yeah, but Okay, fine. Yeah, God, and failed, failed. One is the overflowing of water. So think about how you have a container you pour water into it. But when the container is full, and you keep pouring water into it, what's going to happen that water is going to overflow. And as it overflows, it doesn't go everywhere, right? It's a forms a stream, and it goes in a certain direction. Right, wherever the gravity is pulling it basically. So if falda is to move out to overflow with force, okay, and what it's used for people. And you can imagine how it hedge there are crowds of people. This is when crowds of people are going to work a certain place. Okay. So
think about hedge how crowds of people depart together from the huddle, they go to Mina. And then in particular, you see how for Mina when people go to Rama, fats, and then from auto fats, they all leave to go to Muslimah. And basically, you leave from auto fat after maghrib right and you don't pray Maghrib at alpha, you pray Maghrib and Isha together at most deliver. So that is really a time when you see crowds and crowds of people departing towards a certain destination. So for either a photon mineral fat, so when you depart from Allah fats, now, what's understood is that you went to Mina for Mina, you went to alpha and now from Alpha, you are departing, okay? Which means that you
have to go to alpha, going to alpha is a part of Hajj. Right. So when you leave our alpha, now our alpha inshallah we'll talk about what kind of place it is, and what the ritual of alpha is. But basically, or alpha is also called artifacts. And it's also called Alpha.
Both yo model for the day of alpha is the day on which people go to alpha. And the alpha is basically a plane that is outside of the home. It is outside of the vicinity of the home. And there is a mountain over there, which is called Jebel Rama, right or double alpha. And sometimes the word alpha is used to refer to that mountain or it is used to refer to the entire area around it and this place is about 12 miles east from Makkah. Okay. And just so that you have an idea, you can make some connections if you're familiar. Masjid Namira is also within the plane of alpha. Okay, so for either of auto Minara fatin when you depart from auto fat, five kulula Then you will remember ALLAH, that
calf ra Vicus make vicar of Allah were in the Masjid Al haram near elvish or in Haram. Now Unmesh idol haram what is Masha? Masha Allah is from the root letters sheen arain Ra, okay, and this is from the word share, you don't remember the word SHA, SHA it Allah in the sofa, well, Murata min SHA it Allah symbols right signs. So Mushara is the place or means of shrewd meaning it is the place or the means through which you can recognize that okay, this is what it is and Masha al haram, this is the mashallah of haram meaning the place that marks the boundary of the Haram Okay, the place that marks the boundary of the halal these days what you see is basically you know, road signs that tell
you that this is where the Haram begins. All right, depending on which direction you're coming in from this is most deliver this is Arafa right. So my channel haram you can understand this in two ways. It is the boundary of haram. Okay, and
And it's also called mush added harm because it is the place where you're supposed to do a certain ritual okay. And basically unmarshalling haram refers to the plane of must deliver okay plane of must deliver and must deliver is within the home. So Rafa is outside of the home and was delivered is within the home okay and was delivered is called Al Masjid Al haram because now you are in the sacred place. Okay you are in the sacred area you are within the vicinity of the huddle and you have to do a certain ritual. Okay, so when you return from Rafa then don't go straight to Mina. No, you have to stop at Al Masjid Al haram, you have to stop at was deliver. And what do you do at was
deliver with Kuru whoa, whoa. And you all remember him come at her Daquan as Allah has guided you, so you have to stop over there and you have to remember Allah, how do you remember Allah? The way that Allah has guided you? Not your own made up way? Okay? Not the way that you think is best that you enjoy, that people have come up with no, you have to remember Allah, karma had come just as He guided you. And Allah has given guidance as to how we should remember Allah and karma also means because so you remember ALLAH, why? Because Allah is the One who has guided you. So don't remember and you know talk about other things at that time at that place. This is the time of remembering
Allah azza wa jal what income term and indeed you all were men probably here before it meaning before Allah guided you let me know blindly you will surely from those who were a straight Allah lien is the plural of the word along from the root letters Lord lamb lamb Bala misguidance, meaning Allah subhanaw taala has bestowed a huge favor on you by guiding you as to how to remember him how to worship him. Some might feel though some might then some with this word does is first of all it shows you sequence of events and then secondly, it also shows delay in time or difference in rank. Okay, here it's showing us the sequence of events. That when you return from auto phi you stop at
most deliver a field home in Hazel FL doneness make sure that you depart in crowds from the place that the people depart in crowds from meaning everyone has to go to alpha, and then everyone has to return from Alpha back to Mina. Okay, so my field woman, Hazel a fallenness from where the people depart, meaning the rituals of hajj are the same for everyone. Okay, some people just because of who they are, they don't leave out certain rituals of Hajj know some field woman Hazel availableness and inshallah we'll talk about what this is specifically referring to intercede and a field who have filed law same route for Yeah, but was still federal law and you will seek forgiveness from Allah,
meaning while you are at autofair and then you stop at admission in Haram. What should you do during this time, especially seek forgiveness from Allah in the love of a photo Rahim? Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, was still futile lane for Rob for either called later Manasa confer either than when Colyton you all have completed cough, but yet Allah Allah is to complete conclude something carried out fully. So when you have fully carried out completed all of your monastic meaning all of the rituals of Hajj monastic is the plural of the word, man sec, okay, or even Mansik with a Casella both are correct. So, what is Mensa a ritual and what is Mansik place of ritual or
time of ritual, same thing rituals, you know, they are supposed to be performed at certain times at certain places and certain manners. So, when you have completed all of the rituals of Hajj and this includes for example, the Ramy the stoning, okay. Then likewise, this includes the the laugh, this includes sorry, this includes offering of the sacrifice. This includes even trimming the hair or shaving the head. So when you have carried out all of your rituals, then what should you do? First quote Allah then you all should remember Allah. How can victory come? Like your remembrance care? means like, Vickers remembrance calm yours, okay? Meaning like the way that you remember about a
comb your forefathers because think about it at how
Lunch crowds of people have come from so many different places before Islam what people would do is that when they would gather for Hajj after performing their rituals, they would, you know, sit together talk amongst themselves and boast about, you know their tribal greatness, and especially about their forefathers their elders. So now it is said that after you have completed your rituals, then remember ALLAH, this is not time for chitchat and you know, boasting and showing off and establishing your greatness over others no, this is the time of remembering Allah. So, how should you remember Allah the way that you remember your forefathers and the Arabs would do this a lot.
Remember their forefathers a lot? So basically now replace that with the remembrance of Allah. So remember Allah a lot, okay? Oh, I shared the recall, or more intense in remembrance meaning be more intense than that in remembering Allah. So remember ALLAH, even more than you remember your forefathers remember Allah with more reverence with more love than you remember your forefathers. And a shudder is from the root letters sheen that that shredded intense famine. So among a NASCI the people meeting among the people is my Apolo, who says, meaning during this time when he's remembering Allah, what does he do? He says Robina attina for dunya our Lord Our Rob, and there's a
year implied over here. Okay. So all our Rob attina You give us it is from Hamza TA. Yeah, okay that Tina you give us fit dunya in the world, meaning some people only pray for things in the world give us help give us well give us worldly success, etcetera. Woman Who and not for him for who for the person who says this Phil aphylla in the hereafter min koala will be any share at all okay follow up is from her lamb puff okay. And HELOC is a major share of something okay some say that HELOC is a portion of good fortune, okay, or a share of goodness by virtue of a person's good o'clock. Okay. So, in the Hereafter, this person will have no share of goodness. Okay. Why? Because they only
prayed for the world. One main home and among them, meaning the people who go for Hajj is Mei Apolo who says Robina attina with dunya Hassan our Lord you give us in the world hasn't gotten good. Her seen noon give us good things in this world will fill our field and in the hereafter hasn't gotten good. Yet Allah also give us good in the hereafter give us good here and give us good in the next life Joaquina either banal and save us from the punishment of the fire. Now what key now? What is this word? What means and Okay, now means us. So what is left key? Literally one letter, okay? With a certain Hulka casa. Now, d. This is a feral amor. It's an imperative. Okay, it's a command. And
here what is meant is Dora. Okay. Now what's the root? What's the root of this word? P? This is from the root letters. Wow. Cough. Yeah, same root as the word Dukkha Okay, and what is the coil mean? To safeguard oneself? Okay, we call you is to take a shield, okay. So P means you save, you safeguard you protect. All right. And you save us from what are the banal punishment of the fire? Now the question is in this word working out where did the well when the algal Where did the disappear? Remember I mentioned this to earlier about how there are certain hodl certain letters in the Arabic language that are called Halluf ALA. And these are well, yeah, and Elif. Okay, sometimes they
interchange. So in a word you will see instead of well, uh, yeah. Okay, even though the root has well in it, and sometimes they will completely disappear. They won't be there. So this is an example of how the hula have completely disappeared, you don't see them. So what Kena and you save us from or that banal punishment of the fire, who like adores meaning those who pray for the dunya and the hereafter level nicelabel Mecca Cebu
for them those are the ones who for them will be in asleep is share and nosleep is from the root letters known slotback okay known slotback and NASA is to fix something
for either for of the fund sub, when you have become free then fix yourself meaning stand in prayer, okay? Because when you're standing in Salah you don't walk around, you don't take any steps back and forth right and left do you stand in one place. So now sleep is a fixed share, okay. Meaning that is definite that is guaranteed. So, for such people who pray for dunya and Afla they will have a fixed share maca, Cebu. And that share will be determined by what they have earned. Okay, meaning the kind of actions they have done calf seen but well low city are in ASAP and Allah is Severe, ever swift seen all arraign to do something quickly, quickly, not in the sense that you do it hastily, that you
rush through it and you compromise and you overlook and you ignore certain things. And you don't do a good job, no severe Saudara is to do something quickly in the sense that you don't take too long.
Okay? You do it properly, perfectly at the right time, but you don't take too long. So Allah is cerebral hisab. Allah is Swift in the accounting, meaning when Allah subhanaw taala will hold people accountable, he will not take long to do that. You know, for example, when you have to hold someone accountable, you're asking them first of all, you ask them, okay, so what did you do what happened? You take their version, and then you find out from someone else, a different version, and then you document everything and then you discuss with someone and then if there's things that you don't even know off, there's mistakes you make in your judgment. And you take really long we see how sometimes
there's court cases, you know, that get resolved over months, sometimes not even months, years, decades go by, and still there is no final verdict. Right? After multiple decades, people are cleared off, you know, a crime that they were accused of, right or finally their guilt is established. So our problem is we take too long, Allah azza wa jal is ever swift in the accounting because his knowledge is perfect. What could allah and You all remember Allah fie a yam and MA do that in days, which days that are numbered ones, there are not too many, and a yam is floral of the word Yom and my do that, as you know as part of the word Mark Duda, you will write in the same way,
but you will just add a timer Botha instead of an airlifter. So remember, Allah in the numbered days, and this is referring to the few the specific days which are a yam with the shriek, if you can write that down right now, and shall see it will be easy for you to understand. These are a yam with the Shinya
and a Yamato shriek are the 11th 12th and 13th of the hedger. So remember Allah during these days, for a month Arjuna then whoever hastens meaning leaves quickly, leaves early and arraign Jeem. Lamb is the root or doula This is to do something before it's time is over, or before it's time is due. So for Mantar, Gela fee, yo main whoever hastens to leave meaning Mina, and this means within two days. Okay, so basically on the 12th All right, on the 12th the person leaves Mina, Fela is marmalade and there is no sin on him, meaning that's completely permissible, right? And humane is the dual of the word Yom Yom means day yo main two days a yam days. So you can see singular, dual
and plural. So if someone leaves within two days, that means you're leaving early before the exam with the sheet clock over, then there's no sin on him, woman to ahora and whoever delays as in stays back until the end of a Yamata shriek so basically, they're leaving on the 13th then for that it's March 8, and there is no sin on him meaning both are permissible options to a Hara is from Hamza Hall a lot a hora you feed is to defer something so defer meaning beyond the two days so until the end of a Yamato Sheikh, but there is no sin on who which person. This is Luminita call for whoever adopts the core of Allah, meaning if with the consciousness of Allah, with the fear of Allah a
some leaves after two days, no sin, after three days, no sin. But if a person leaves, that's after three days after a young with a shriek with a lot of arrogance in their heart, then there is sin on them. And if a person leaves after two days, meaning on the 12 with this feeling that oh I can't wait to get out of here, I'm so exhausted and tired, just want to get over this, you know, with that feeling of anger and frustration, then that means there's no taco in the heart, then that means they are leaving with sin. So, no sin on who the person who leaves with the consciousness of Allah, what duckula And you all fear Allah who are Allah more and you all should know an accumulator Sharon that
indeed all of you are going to be gathered to Him meaning before Him there is no escape from Allah you all have to return to Allah Hi Shiva is the root all right let's listen to the recitation of these verses and then we will be interested
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